E A. SHERWIN PRKIDENT A. Me ALLEN J. K. VAN 8ANT CASHIER VICE-PRESIDENT Political Movements KILLED I i I COLLISSION. Silver Lake Holocaust Ulilmer HL Poky $ Go., Portland Telegram.] Ex-Countv Judge W. S. Crowell will -peak in Ashland tomorrow (Friday) J. H. Rayburn, Traveling Ped­ Through Freight and Light Engine—Read Silver Lake is an eastern Oregon town •vening on the subject of the countv ' whose people have not celebrated Christ- , Watch Wrong. debt and the railroad tax question. The Prescription Druggists dler Killed Trying to Save mas for seven years, according to Z. M. . speech is also a reply to the epeech that A serious headend collision occurred at Brown, a Crook county stockman, who | and Stationers OF ASHLAND, OREGON. NO. 5747. is bemg made by County Clerk Gus His D}g—at Gold Hill Last 11:20 a. m. yesterday 200 yards south of has just returned from that part of Lake f Newbury throughout the county on the Tunnel 9, in Cow creek canyon. county debt reduction claim. Mr. New­ The south bound through freight in county. Evening. An expensive monument, standing in | bury speaks in Ashland on the following charge of Engineer Thos. Thomas and the village cemetery, he says, tells how I W e earnestly end- avor to please < very union t r. We solicit your account and will give your business J. H. Rayburn was killed instantly yes ­ day, Saturday Both are loaded on the Fireman F. G. Denny and a helper residents of Silver Lake met a horrible prompl, accurate and eontüleraU attention. subject and juicy speeches are expected. terday evening at 6 o’clock at a point be­ engine in charge of Engineer Simpson 42 tween Gold Hill and the gravel pit near and Fireman Gant and Conductor Speck, death bv tire through the upsetting of a J. E. Pelton has returned from a cattle 25 Cfs. UJcrtb ci Gocds Free with Every $2.50 Purchased town by being struck by a moving and fireman J. B. Pataick and G. R. coal oil lamp at a Christmas-tree 'estival DIRECTORS purchasing expedition in Lane, Linn, that seven vears ago. That number of per­ train. Allen were on the train. Marion and Polk counties. He pot »iff sons taken out of a small community Rayburn was a peddler of paperweights Engineer B. ". Riggs and Fireman leaves vacancies in the homes that 'will JOHN S. SHOOK, J. K. VAN SANT, L. L. MULIT, 499 head at Gold Hill and 490 head in mantle piece ornaments, notions, etc., W. M. POLEY, Hobinson in a light engine were going Ashland. Mr. Pelton says they talk a filled in this generation. Silver \ Plaza, .Ishl-and, Or» don. was in Ashland a few days ago. C. H. VAUPEL, E. A. SHERWIN. from Grants Pass ta• West Fork when the not-be great deal of politics in that courtry and and E. A. SHERWIN Like will not permit a saloon license to He was camped at- the point named engine ran into the through freight. The that the people he came in contact with and issued since that event so it is the be had his horse staked out feeding on Phone 293. stood four for Chamberlain to one for the grass alongside the railroad track. three engines were badly wrecked and one absolutely “dry” town in the state. Cor. Oak and Main Sts. will be sent to the car shops for repairs. Furnish. He says this estimate is put­ A drunken man overturned the lamp the train came thudering along he Engineer Riggs had his face scratched ting it mildly. ’ Since returning from As Christinas eve, 1895, that resulted in a crossed the track to secure his dog and this trip Mr. Pelton thinks Chamberlain was jumping back when the cow-catcher and Patrick sprained his ankle jumping, tragedy which caused a thrill of horror ! while Allen’s knee was sprained, he to pass' over the entire northwest and will win. caught him. He failed to judge the being knocked off. the county of Lake into deepest Under Sheriff Herbert McCarthy is speed of the train and death came to The cause of the accident was through cast gloom. ___________ spending the week in Ashland and is him instantly. Engineer Riggs reading his watch wrong already an adept with his flipper—like a -Coroner E. B. Pickel is holding an in­ one hour He has a fine record as an FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. quest over the remains today. politician. engineer and was a perfect gentleman Tuesday. highly esteemed. Supt. P. H. Daily is doing Ashland During ihe discussion of the Philip- GEER ANO ILRNISH. Assistant Master Mechanic Geo. A. this week—the schools first and politics Knoblauch immediately went to the pine bill in the senate Bacon of Georgia on the side. There are many indications that Gov­ with a wrecking crew- and had the attacked ths policy of concentration, J. F. Goeller and Mrs. F. E Boyd ernor Geer and his intimate friends in scene track cleared at 7 o’clock last evening. likening it to the reconceutrado camps passed through the first of the week en Marion county and other parts of the established by General Weyler iu Cuba. route home to Klamath Falls from the state are doing the utmost that can be ’ Phone No., Main 376. 4th Street, near Depot. OIL MAGNATE I O. O. F. grand lodge. Mr Goeller done, without positive open and avowed Hoar of Massachusetts spoke briefly iu « heard scoresand scores of republicans effort, to defeat Furnish and to elect the same line, while Foraker of Ohio on John M. Keith’s Visit to Ashland. say they were going to vote for Cham­ Chamberlain. — Editorial in Oregonian defended the action of the military Main St , Judge’so Call d sta d berlain for governor. May 27 John M Keith and wife of Ixis Ange­ authorities. The people of Oregon are seeing Mr. les arrived yesterday and today Mr Hon. J. K. Weatherford of Albany, Iu the house a resolution offered by ? democratic candidate for congressman, Furnish on the platform every night. Keith and his local representative, J. C. Hitt, chairman of the foreign affairs Special attention to Commercial men. Rates reasonable IN THE PHILIPPINES. shook hands with Ashland friends Fri­ They have heard T T Geer s voice for Hill of Barron left for their immense committee, felicitating Cuba on her in­ day. He spoke at Medford and Jackson- 20 vears or more. The mental and moral tract of oil lands up the valley. dependence was passed unanimously. Mr. Keith is a prominent member of The house instructed conferees not to General Chaffee Disapproves Finding- sonville last week. Mr. Weatherford is difference between the two men xniglit of Court Martial. one of Oregon’s best and most reliable be compared to the eagle and the serpent. Guggenheim-Mack-Treadwell firm of agree to the senate’s amendments to iu- The official findings of the court mar­ citizens and ie well known among many Bo h may.be able to reach the top ot the California oil magnates and own the pyramid of public life—but there is a Ashland Oil < o. They have immense crease the money for army posts. tial that tried Major L. W. T. Wallei For G ver o» — Southern Oregon people. great difference in the methods employed. holdings here and it is believed that Mr. Wednesday. WILI I am J FUKNI'H....o Um .till« and Lieutenant John A. Day of the Secretary of State Frank I. Dunbar Who could blame the dignified, courtly Keith’s visit means the long expected The senate adopted a resolution con­ Marine corps for putting natives tc I and State Treasurer Chas. S. Moore and brainy Geer and his friends getting forward movement. He will remain F<»t Sup-erne Jud *— Ashland, Oregon gratulating the republic of Cuba on its death on the island of Samar without came out from Sa'em yesterday on a sick at heart after -eeing himself suc­ three days. R. S. BE a N........................... of Lane entry into the family of independent trial have been made public. Tho re­ quiet campaign of southern Oregon. ceeded in the republican convention by For Seer ta vof State — nations. When the Pnilippine bill was viewing authoritv, General Chaffee, hat i C. E. S. Wood, democratic nominee such a spectacle as Mr. Furnish. brought up Welliugtou of Maryland and expressed his disapproval of the court's F. I DU5B\R. of Clatsop TO BE REBUILT. A Limited Amount of Stock will be offered for 10 cents for United States senator, was on Tues­ Miss Bessie Huiley came up from Bacon of Georgia deuounced the policy findings in both cases. “Giving heed tc day’s train en route to San Francisco Anderson creek today to pay a visit to Fo< T ressurer— from New York where he has been on her friend, Miss Elda Far ow. The S. P. D. & Lumber Co. and Williams of the government iu the archipelago. the meutal attitude of Major Waller,” C. « MOoRh........................ of Klama'h i for a short time, The omuibus publio buildings bill was says General Chaffee, “as much of the I legal business for four months. Bros. Proceed to Do the Phoenix Act. Fo» Attor ev-General— Brakeman W. 0. Fox and wife moved passed. findings of the court as are to the effect Orme, Alford, W A. Carter, and other hack to Ashlaud from Roseburg today. A. M Ct AW FORD........... of Douglas Grants Pass, May 27. — The mills, fac ­ The house took up the immigration that, Major Waller is not guilty of mur­ republican candidates, were here this Walter Fru an will also move back to tories and lumber yards of the Sugar bill under a special rule giving it the F r Sapt. of Public In-traction— week. but will be advanced or withdrawn from the market Pine Door & Lumber Company, the plan­ right of way. Shattuc of Ohio con­ der are approved. Eut the reviewing Ashland. authority is at. a loss to understand why •I. H ACKERMAN......... of Maltnouiah Don’t allow your friends to forget to ing mills and factory of Williams Bros., demned the manner in which immi­ Miss Lillie Arnold of Gold Hill, went and the court did not find against Major vote for the initiative and referendum six residences, homes of the em ­ For S'ate Printer — without notice. amendment to the constitution of Oregon. to Klamath Fa Is yesterday. ployes of the mi Is of this city, are a heap grants are shipped through Canada by Waller in the minor offense. With the J R whitney....................... of Linn Mark a cross between the figures and the of smoldering ruins this morning repre­ Canadian railway aud steamship com­ exception noted, the acquittal, as it ap­ Pete Applegate is in town. For Unite»! States Senator— word yes. Mrs. B. H. Hatch went to Klamathon senting a loss of $100,000, with only *30,- panies. An educational test of immi­ pears in the record of the proceedings, grants was opposed by Kleberg of Texas T T. GEER............................... of Marion 000 insurance. Aside from the destruc ­ is disapproved.” Lieutenant Day is q.. democratic candidates-01 well, today to live with her daughter. tion wrought nearly 2i»i> men are put out. and Grosvenor of Ohio. blamed by General Chaffee for not dis- n n" Rader, Jones, Miller. Amos Nininger is developing into a of emp oyment. One man, J. A. Turner, Cantrail Orm, ’k Thev Thursday. obeviug the orders of Major Waller. District Ticket. Crawford—were here i»».~ -p| • liaseball manager and has organized the was seriously injured and may die. Iu the senate Hoar of Massachusetts “Above and beyond all personal consid­ “Tlmrnhi lers” baseball team who will feel very hopeful of the outlooK. Last evening at 5 o’clock a pile of For Con r--s—1M l»i triet — ■ *,“xt Sundav with the Medford burning sawdust in the yards of the made a notable speech on the govern­ eration,” says General Chaffee, “officers convention that nominated them was for ‘-«nnville grounds. The Sugar Pine Mills set fire to the lumber ment’s Philippine pol cy. He urged that must guard «he name and honor of the Till)'. H TqXi.UE.......... of Hill-boro once in the history of the party free from ‘■ontesi,... at the Jac..— «-Hows: Lewis and the west wind that was blowing a the Uuited States should withdraw from country. Had Lieutenant Diy been For Joint Reiire«^»dative—Jackson factional turmoil and the greediness for nine Ashland line up isas m.. .¡»«her- office. This spectacle does not happen Stanley, catcher; Fred R”bley> V*- and Douglas Counties, ’ gale fanned the flames until they were the Philippines aud permit the people actuated by such considerations he prob­ but once in a cycle of time and allowed A. C. Nininger, first base;D. W Sackett, beyond control and swept them toward there to erect their own government, as ably would have prevented one of the J M H a NSBROÜGH....... of Ro»-eburg the delegates to put forward its best second base; Bert Mattern, short stop, the mills. The fire department and em­ had been done in Cuba. He sharply most regrettable incidents in the annuls men. This gives them a good fighting J N. Webb, third base; Bob ployes of the mills turned out promptly arraigned General Funston, and inti­ of the military service of the Uuited chance for success and they have reason eft field; Jack williams, right field; and fought Ijej-nicallv, but. to no purpose. mated strongly that had the senate been Jackson County Republican States. ” to feel that victory will be theirs. .John attern, cenier field; Clint Chis- The greatest excitement prevailed. The aware of the facts connected with the Tioket« li.»lm, L. E Cooper, A. B. Geegnx, Clyde ■ try pine lumber burned like powder, so CRIMES ANO ACC.DcNTS. The republican and democratic candi­ Payne and Joe Powell will g" down as- that’ wi<|iip 29 minutes time the mills capture of Aguinaldo, Funstou might F»»r St te Se aio — dates for county commissioner have level substitutes. and surrounding buildings were a muss 11'»t have been confirmed in his recent An explosion, due to dust, occurred E V Ct KT R of A lilao I promotion. Applause swept over the heads and one feaiure of the campaign flames, many were forced to flee from in the Crow’s N^st Coal «ompany’s If you are going to visit the old home— of seuate and the galleries at the conclu­ property at F rme, B. O., ami 150 ineu shows that they are endowed with the vour their home without saving anything, F«*r Rep-e-e ta ives — childhood’s home, write A. D.Cliari- requisite horse sense to see a point, and while the contents of mills, including sion of the speech. lost their lives. Miuy b »dies havo been ' . \. ( AKTER................... of Gold Hill y take in a situation. As so»»n as Joshua ton A G. P. A , No. 255 Morrison street, *18,090 worth of manufactured boxes, In the discussion of the immigration recovered from the uiam shafts. Some t'L'51 E. STEW A KT.......... of MeUhrd Portland, Oregon, ffir low excursion Patterson learned who the democratic aside from the machinery; 1,00 ',0'0 feet bill the hou«e adopted an amendment, nominee was he wrote Henry Taylor rates named by the Norther» Pacific to of fine sugar pine lumber and a vast offered by Underwood of Alabama, re­ were killed by rocks aud some by tire, F»»r Sheriff— all points East. proposing that neither one go out and quantity of factory products were con­ quiring an educational test for immi­ and others by after-damp aud gas. ALI-X ORME... of Foots Creek Many of the bodies are badly scarred. make a canvas of the county, but remain Becauee of the unreliability of its po­ sumed grants to this country. For Cleik — at home and al ow the people to decide. litical news the Portland Oregonian has Train No 2, the east-bound Southern In the Williams Bros.’ mill were sev­ Mr. Taylor was preparing to write Mr >ecured the reputation of being the po­ eral thousand dollars worth of door and Friday. of M- diord Pacific flyer, was bad»y wrecked at the M I . ALFORD. Patterson the same proposal and prompt­ litical yellow dog of Oregon journalism. 'window glass, just received. This, with In the senate Dubois of Idaho opposed west end of the Reno (Nev.) yards. Tue For Rt-cor 'er — ly accepted and neither lost a moments The country press of Oregon eseejs this - ’the machinery and contents, was com­ the Pnilippine bill, and said it would be The Republican Candidates for Legislative and time. This is truly sensible campaign­ big paper in lta reports of the political pletely destroyed. In the face of the a disadvantage to the people of this baggage, mail aud buffet cars were de­ I TER At l'LE<»ATE. of Cei»t»al Point railed aud the locomotive was turned ing and it is t»» be hoped that it will be­ happenings and in the fairness and re- fierce wi» d that was blowing the firemen F r ' re . mi e» — County offices, accompanied by country, from a commercial and indus­ come the fashion for al candidates liabi ity thereof. could not check the flames in the least, trial point of view, to retain the islands over. The train was running about 3J 9 AX ML LL1 R............ .of Jacksonville miles an hoar at ihe time of the acci­ The method« of campaigning as c»>m The Deltne Powder works, situated and had the wind not changed its course Beveridge of Iudiana combated the views dent. None of the passengers sustained For A hi * emr— inonly practiced takes up a lot of time nli of north Grants Pass would have been ior good men as well as makes a large near Delta, a towu ou the S u hern Pa­ doomed It was the fiercest, fire in the of Dubais, aud maintained that it wonld injuries beyond a few slight braises. K. G BRO N............. ..of Eagle Point draft on the personal exchequer of the cific railroad, 20 miles uorcli ot Red­ history of Grants Pass though it was only be of benefit to this country to retain The engineer, Ch tries Brown, aud tue For Coi'imis-ione' — respective candidates. The whole sillv ding, Cal., were completely destroy»’ of two hours’ duration the islands. The senate adjourned uu- fireman, A. F. Walker, jumped. 1. PATTI-Rr Coroner— other fel ow” ¡9 doing it. In the long ler, aud Mrs. Miller aud her babe, 6 northbound overland passenger train the body of Charles Sciiarsch, who was Jackson county on tlie Issues of the Day at the pensiou bills aud to a few other minor OR. M. F. SHAW........ ........ of Ashland run the taxpayers foot the bilL anyhow months old, were instantly killed. Two through the flames on its northward measures. Loud of California criticised killed ou Bear creek by ins brother-in- following places and times : law, Joseph Kueny, returned a verdict For Snrvevor— journey. Ex-County Judge J. R. Neil spoke at other children of the Millers, a boy 6 The loss of the Sugar Pine Company is the special pension legislation as a dis­ that the killing wasdoue ui seif-defense, GAEL T. JONES......... . ........ of Medford P ID p tn RUCH.................... .May 21, 1 WIMER.................... May 19. 1 years old aud a girl 4 years old, were so city hall Tuesday evening his theme be­ <* 24. 7:30 it *75,000 with *30,000 insurance " il- grace, and drew emphatic response WOODVILLE ... »• 19. 7:30 p nt JACKSONVILLE ing county finances, ending tip with a badly injured that i hey will die. George liams Bros.’ oss is »10,000, with no in­ from Sulloway of New H impshire, Sul says a Redding (Cal.) dispatch. It ap­ G, Chairman. .Gold Hill iujurv. Mi. er is nearly crazed at the up as the monumental debt builder of it ll which was destroyed by fire yesterday. shire offered a resolution providing thn 23 1 ROXY...................... Jackson county. He thought, however, loss of his w te and children. The loss R. A. Booth arrived from Eugene on the the judiciary committee of the senan that iu the hand that Sciiarsch Kept iu ’. D. “ AG X ER, Secretary......... Ashland his pocket he had au open knife, wuich that Jackson county had something to ou the plant *s *20,090, not insured. MEDFORD............... ll 23, 7:30 morning train to attend the meeting. All should make au investigation into th» he still clasped iu death. show for administration, pointing with Ashland Precinct Officers. Mrs. E. Montgomery, charged with of the members of the board were pres­ subject of lynchings in the Uniteo pride to the many bridges that had been coloring green olives with copperas to ent. Abe Witherup, the white murderer of States, with the view to ascertaining u For Justice of the Peace— built. He also called attention to the William Grow, who was killed last Nearly all of the employes of the mills costly criminal tria'sand general expense imitate ripe fruit, pleaded guilty before were set to work this afternoon clearing there is any remedy for them. Durinj. month, was taaen from the Pans (Mo.) ll.ToN BiRRY.... . . of Ashland of the circuit court at that time on ac­ Justice Austin at Los Augeies, an 1 was iway the ruins and making room for the the last ten years, he said, 2,658 lynch­ jail at 2 o’clock in the moruiug, marched For Constable— Is Extended to All, Regardless of Politics, to hear County Finances ably discussed count of the laws then prevailing partic­ fined *25 with *20 costs. Iu mitigation new buildings They will in time erect ings had occurred in the United States. to the bridge ou the north edge of the of Ashland •OHN REAL. ularizing the Hamlin seduction case of her offense Mrs Montgomery pro­ a larger factory than was the old one. He said that the whole wretched busi­ wherein four trials and a change of ven­ duced a lette from Professor Hilgard of ness was a disgrace to American man­ towu aud hauged by a mob of more ue was had costing *10,009 and the de­ the university of California iu auswer Prof. W. T. Van Scoy and wife came hood The resolution, after some dis­ than 100 men. Before his death With­ REPUBLICAN COUNTY OFFICIALS Ashland &. Klamath Falls fendant was cleared. He said the coun­ to a query from her asking him if he up today. He delivers memorial oration cussion, went over. The Philippine bill erup made a full confession. The kill­ ty court could not control the expense of could recommend a harmless recipe for to-day See program on 4th page. ing was the result ot a quarrel over a was then taken up. the circuit court. Reg rding the state­ coloring olives black. The professor, piece of laud. • t In the house the conference report on ment that the republicans had reduce»! In the old days of heavy te mi ng the the agricultural bill was agreed to. without recommending the ase of cop ­ the county debt $41,0»K), he pointed out Come Out and Hear About It. strongest and best team on the road OBITUARY. errors in the statement and gave plausi­ peras, told how copperas wonld do the carried the broom. The “North Coast work. Mr. Hilgard, when told at Ber ­ ble reasons for a reduction—the new law ThoroUk»(»b K»sto«-ke»l aiul WASHINGTON NOTES. Limited ’ on the Northern Pacific carries Lord Pauncefote, the British embas­ F.»'tir-lv N*-u MsiiHvenictit. regulating collecting of taxes, a raise of keley of Mrs Montgomery having been the broom among railway trains. It is sador to the United States, is dead at REPUBLICAN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE, about $l,0o0,O0U in valuation and a good flui d, said that he has been aud now is the only electric lighted train operated Blind Chaplain Milburn of the senate GARRETT stiff evy of 15 mills for county purposes unalterably opposed to the practice of in the Northwest and you can travel to was struck by a runaway horse at­ the embassy in Washington. He was ROBFRT M. F. D. WAGNER, Sec., A. E. KELLOGG, ( hairman. upon this amount. The countv court ' coloring olives ior the market, aud said the east on it as cheaply as any other | tached to a buggy as he was leaving the born in Munich, Bavaria, 74 years ago, Superintendent. and was the issue of one of the most could, by raising the levy, entirely w ipe that in answering the inquiries of olive train. Capitol. The large toe of one foot was ancient British families. The remains 3est and out the debt in one year, though the tax­ A. D Charlton, assistant general pass­ payers would foot the bills just the same. growers on the subject he recommended enger agent of the Northern Pacific, at ent off and sev» ral of the other toes will be sent to England on a warship. Quickest Route to the addition of a p.ece of copperas about badly injured. The accident would have Ex-Mayor R. P. Neil, candidate for 255 orrison street, corner of Third, will I been far more serious but for Mr. Mu- Edwin Lawrence Godkiu, editor emer­ the size of a pea to a gallon of water. state senator, made a few brief remarks be glad to give you full information re-1 itus of the New York Evening Post, concerning his candidacy, saying he did Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes: garding rates, routes, etc., either iu per­ burn’s daughter, who pulled him from a died recently in Bnxham, South Devon­ • • not desire the nomination, that it came A shland , O k ., Thursday, May 29, 1902 position immediately iu front of the ruu- ‘ He was troubled with kindey disease son or by letter. JJR. S. T. 8ONLER unsolicited, and he would do the best he ’ about three vears. Had to get- up sever- Goes bv Barron, ....o.r, Blake, away horse as It was about to dash upon shire, Euglaud. Tho immediate cause could for the interests of the mass of the ' al times during the night but three bot­ of death was hemorrhage of the braiu. Soda Springe, Parkers and her lather. Peace Proapeets In South Africa. common people. He was in favor of the tles of Foley’s Kidney ' ure effected a Mr. Godkin was boru in Ireland 71 years Kerin; also bear t-ort.et-t¡one F or A ssessor —- Recent dispatches from South Africa Physician and Surgeon. President Roosevelt joined with the ago. At the time of receiving the de­ fellow servant bill, flat official salaries, complete cure He feels better than he wit stage lines tr<»oi Klam­ contain uotuiug definite as to the pros ­ 4pd other reforms named iu democratic ever did and recommends it to his friends. official representatives ot the French re­ gree of D.O.L. from Oxford, in 1897, a ath Fal e tn B okmozm . Blv WILBUR A. J0XE8, state »¡»tiofl». pects of peace as the result of the con­ public iu uuvehug the statue of Marshal leading English writer declared him to and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath I T. K. Bolton. Chairman ty. jf. Eggleston introduced of Pooh Bah. and I» (imn Agency, Novelty Bloc a , Opp. Hutsi Oregon ference of Boer delegates. Numerons de Rochamoeau, the compatriot of be perhaps the most distinguished of Five million dollars is to be invested communioations are passing between Washington aud the commander-in the speakers. I'aseengere. Baggage, Express 4 Freight e.ther in Los Angeles or San Francisco Lords Kitchener and Miluer in South chief of the Frenoh forces in America living journalists. OR 11105 Must be Way billed. A8HLAND Democratic Nominee. Portland Evening Journal, Republican.] in the establishing of a wire plant, says James F. Caldwell, the veteran race­ Africa and London. It is said that in I during the revolutionary war, It was Before each election in Oregon the ' a Los Angele* dispatch. The coucern au event combining many demonstra­ horse starter, is dead of apoplexy at great republican leaders at « ashington | is to be one of the largest iu $be conu- the negotiatious au obstinate Boer min­ tions of international good will and witu Saratoga, N. Y. He was a native ol M. BKOWER, M. 1). ority is holding out for better terms. ' are tilled with concern for Oregon’s wel­ ■ try aud fully 40J meu will be employed. F or R epresentative — Danville, Ky., and was 65 years old. The consensus of opinion is that the re- oratory aud music expressive of Frauco- fare. Then, until two years later, they The location has not yet been His reputation as a starter was very Americau lrieudauip. The tnuguiflceuc — Mi oeg^otimiuua proved Lord forget our very existence. Thjs histor­ The heaviest stockholders are Henry E- MILES CANTRALL, Physician and Surgeon, high, as at one time he was paid *2aO a bronze statue, the gift of France, stands Kitchener to be a great diplomatist as ical fact is repeating itself at the present of Applegale. Buckman Sorensen in Lulayette park, opposite the White day for his services. A8HLANÛ — — —’ OREGON time. “Sitme old story—nothing new.” Huutingtou of Los Angeles and D. O. well as a ¡treat soldier. Mills of New York, and every share in Forty-six Boers, with their wagons House, aud was unveiled by the Countess Political proscription not belong The government aud control of the : the wire company’s stock has already and cattle, surrendered receuily at Bal­ de Rochambeau. Piopiietors. or vic a: Democratic Nominee. to this day, There is. nu difference in is.aud of Cuba, iu compliance with in­ At Residence, itm-rte-etiop ot Mecnauic. bee»J subscribed. moral, Tran» vaal. social standing, business worth or an_\ structions received, was formally trans­ Laurel and Mam Street*. FOREIGN ITEMS. personal attributes arising out of differ­ A scow, containing » yaluable cargo A S treet N ear 4 th . ferred by General Wood to the presi­ ences in political conviction A man Mrs. Jose Gomez seriously in­ F or R epresentative — of heavy artillery equipment trelbiigi-n* !(Mrs. Bush’s old stand.) The French squadron escorting Presi­ dent aud congress of the republic of may be legitimately opposed in a polit­ to the government, was wrecked in San A HINMAN, D. D. 8. bull on the Gomez | Cuba. President Palma, in accepting ical election on account of his politics, Francisco bay, off Point Bonita, on jured by au mi CLINT E. STEWART, dent Loubet, wno has oeeu ranch, near Salinas, Oaf. Mrs. Gomez but nowhere else. Therefore it is nar­ April 6 last, and 230 pieces of mortar of Pooh Bah. forgot to remove a red apron she was I czar, left Kronstadt for France. Previ­ the respousiuiiities in MCUM iaa 04 11AU row to urge that a democrat, because he Dentist. battery cars, weighing all the way from wearing when she went into the oorrtl ous to the departure of the squadron the island, thanked the republic of the is a democrat, should not be permitted Uuited States and its officials for all Throughly Renovated a few pounds to 14 tons, went to the to participate officially in that great to milk the cows, aud a bull, rushing czar and czarina were entertained at Republican Nominee. business enterprise of 19o5—the Lewis bottom. The services of Tom Oleeu, a upon her, tossed her several times in luncheon by President Loubet ou board that has been done for Cuba aud for the In the Pioneer Block, up stai re, i e i and Clark Fair. Republican gentlemen diver, were engaged, and under his di­ rhe air before assistance arrived.' Her the French armored cruiser Montcalm. fulfillment of promises made. Amid Everything Neat and Clean. and republican business men do not rection the 209 pieces that made up the injuries, however, are not believed to be Toasts were exchanged, in which refer­ thr- booming of guns the Stars aud City Hall. l c illiams carrv politics that far. The plea is an largo have been recovered. ence was made to the stedfast alliance Stripes came down from the staff of a tai. insult to republicans for it implies an il­ the palace and Morro castle. A moment between Russia aud France. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, liberal and peity spirit which they do How's Tlii»? later Cuba’s flag rose to the peak on BEST MEAL IN TCWN JJ A SHERWIN, London architects were startled by fort aud palace, a great wave of cüeers BliAiN-FOOD NO5SEXSE. not possess. George Chamberlain maj- offer One Hundred Dollars Reward the contract made by F. B. Kisler, au swept through the streets of the city, get the votes of all his republican for We Ashland, - — Oregon. not Another ridiculous food fad has been any case of Catarrh that cannot be friends, but none of them will vote cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. 25 Cents. bra ded by the most competent authori- American financier, who has completed aud a new member had been added to against him on that ground. Reliable F. J. CHENEY’ & CO., Toledo, O 'ies They have dii-|M-lled the si.lv no- all arrangements to build a sky-scraper the sisterho >d of nations. An hour Albany Democrat: Every paper in We, the undersigned have known F. •ion that one kind of food is needed f r office building in the Strand. A syndi­ later the cruiser Brooklyn was hull Will practice in State ami Federal coarti. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­ brain, another for mneclet., and sti I cate will take possession of the property down ou the horizon, bearing Governor Umatilla county but one, the'Tri bone, is Insurance, IW“ Office. Reeser hl’k, over Western supporting Geo. E. Chamberlain for gov­ lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi­ another for ' ones A correct diet will on Aug. 1 with a 99-year lease at au Wood home to the Uuited States. Union telegraph office. Lunches Put Up for Travelers ernor regardless of politics, a pointer as ness transactions and financially able to not only nourish a particular part of th»- annual ground reutal of £50.00J. It is From recent dispatches it is learned ASHLAND, . to how Mr Furnish stands at home. carry out any obligations made by their l.idv, hut it will suMain everv otb r estimated that the cost of the structure OREGON I i> rt. Yet, however good vour food mat will be £2,000,000. Trains stop 30 minutes. that Mont Peiee, ou tue island of Mar­ The long and short of it is he is no good. firm. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES W est & T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, To­ tie. i p nutriment is destroyed by indi­ tinique, again belched fortn a torrent of gestion or dyspepsia You mnst pre ledo, O. EX' UHSIOX R ite « EAST W. A PATRICK KLM KB PATRICK Newport Beach, Orange county, Cal., lava aud mud, which rushed down the w. n. c. W alding , K innan A M arvin , Wholesale i>a e for their apjiearance or prevent northern slope of the mountain and I A. McCALI heir co ing by taking tegular doees of the foremost seaside resort of that sec­ Have you been delaying a trip to your Druggists, Toledo, O. snasainr rklikf corp ? ko . 24 swept away what was left of the town •I J • jy A. PATRICK à SON, i Meet-in tion, has passed from the hands of the Green's August Flower, the -avo»i'e old home in the east until you could se ­ I 'all’s atarrli ure is taken internally O»1d Fellow« hall 2 o'clock p of Basse Pointe. St. Pierre is now s on h»- -recoud and fourth Saiurdavs of cure a low rate— you need wait no longer. acting directly upon the b ood and imi- medicine of the healthy millions A few Newport Wharf and Lumber company completely covered with lava. La Sou- ¡vil Engineer and Write to the Burlington Route Ticket C1108 surfaces of the system. Testiiwni doses aide digest! n, stimulates the live» to a syndicate of Los Angeles, San Fran­ each montn. friere, on the island of Sc. Vincent, is to healthv a»-tion, purities the blood, and Agent for full particulars of the low rate Msr. J. D f'ROCXXR. Pres. als sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold A bstracts , R eal E state , cisco, New York and Riverside capital­ Mineral Surveyor. Lava is streaming M*«. M J. Spenc-r. Sec v. makes you feei buoyant ami vigoron- ists, who wnl expend large sums in its still very active. they are now naming to all points east by all druggists I nsurance , C onveyancing Yon ran get Pr G G Green’s reliable further development. and return Choice of routes, quickest into the sea, while clouds of smphurous Hall’s family pills are the best. KNIGHT* OF PYTHIAS. time, best service, through dailv trains remedies at T. K B olton ’ s smoke extending for mi.es, onscure the notary public . —Notary Public— laud. Tue laborers in the sagar dis­ GKANITF LODGE NO. 23. Knight*«f and everything that goes to make up a Geo. C Hitchcock, Curtiss, Wis., says: HOHN. thoroughly enjoyable and pleasant trip i Pythias Ashland. Oregon, meets »verj *urvey« for P-ten'« and Minine Ixw* Foley’s Kidney Cure has been tested and tricts have killed their horses for >ood, Upstairs, Room 2, Pi. neer Block. V that everyone speaks 90 highly of that M<.nBß. Chancellor Com. May 15, 1902, to Mr. aud Mrs. W, E « - . W Ticket Agent, AIRLAND. one that ever helped him.” T. K. Bel- OREGON T. V. Ksaaaav, tí.. R.0. Bostwick, a son. C ot . 8rd A Stark Sta., Purtlaud, Ora. Subscribe for llut R eto «»« offio« »I reMütact« ttouib Kam ötrw 99«* FIRST NATIONAL BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. HARNESS MITCHELL BROS. & MOIST, LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. New Barn, New Rigs, < Fresh Horses. Spec al Sale in Farm Harn ss, also Cheap Sad les, to Close Out. Full Line of Harness Goods to Choose From. H. W. ANDREWS REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Southern Oregon Oil Company Southern Oregon Oil Company The County Debt Reduced In One Year $41,851.40 Gr US Newbury A GENERAL INVITATION < < Have Reduced the County Debt < < Professional Cards VALLEY KE('OKl) J) STAGE ■? LINE KLllIJH FAI.U New Restaurant . M W ,