B|A. SHERWIN J. K. VAN SANT ASHLAND, OREGON. NO. 5747. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We solicit your account and will give your business prompt, accurate and contideraU attention. DIRECTORS: JOHN S. SHOOK, J. K. VAN SANT, L. L. MULIT, C. H. VAUPEL, E. A. SHERWIN. Cor. Oak and .Vain Sts. Phone 293. MITCHELL BROS. & REAVIS, Thos. V. Cater la a Reno Wedding. Thoe. V. Gator, the able campaigner, who is well-known in Jackson county, having finished up the successful cam­ paigns of the people’s party in the years 1894 and 1896, was married Saturday at Reno, Nev., to Mrs. Grace Reid of Mor­ gan Hill, Cal., the ceremony being per­ formed by Rev. Mr. Driver. Mr. Gator was divorced from his sec­ ond wife last January, after a marriage of 12 years. His new bride was also di­ vorced from her husband, F. 0. Reid, in the same month. Lowe’s Madison Square Theatre Co. will open a week’s engagement at the opera house commencing Monday, April 21st, with “A Mountain Waif”. A new play each night. Admission 10, 2i) and 30 cents. Reserved seats now on sale at opera house. The company is well spokeu of. ’Phone No., Main 376. New Barn, < New Rigs, < N RAILROAD CIRCLES. Fresh Horses Special attention to Commercial men. Rates reasonable Southern Oregon Oil Company Fireman Roy Driscoll and bride _ re­ turned from Portland Saturday morning. Ex-Conductor W. F. Farrier has a po­ sition as brakeman on the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R- construc­ tion train running out of Los Angeles. Engineer Chas. Silsby brought over his daughter, Esther, Friday to visit Ashland relatives. Ashland, Oregon A Limited Amount of Stock will be offered for 15 cents for a short time, but will be advanced or withdrawn from the market without notice. Southern Oregon Oil Company VALLEY RECORD- People’s The Paper. ASHLAND. O b .. Thursday. April 17. 1902 Two 80-pound turtles were captured In Ban Francisoo bay, opposite Fort Mason, by Steve Vecini, an Olympic dub oarsman, and a companion, who Ka4 much difficulty in getting the rep-: tUoe into their boat. Andrew B. MoCreery, a wealthy resi­ dent of San Francisco, has notified Mayor Schmitz of that city that $25,000 has been deposited with a trust company to be used for the establishin of a branch of the Free Publio Library, the location to bo celeoted by the mayor, supervisors and trustees of the library. Professional Cards J)R. 8. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Bloca, Opp. Hotel Oregon — ASHLAND — — OREGON p M. BROWER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, — ASHLAND — — OREGON OFFICK : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Streets. HINMAN, D. D. S, Dentist. In the Pioneer Block, up stairs, near City Hall. -g A. SHERWIN, Reliable Insurance, OREGON ASHLAND, U L. McWILLIAMS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oregon. Ashland, Will practice in State and Federal courts KW“ Ofice, Reeser bl’k, over Western Union telegraph office. W. a. F4TBICK ELMZK PATRICK A. PATRICK & SON, A bstracts , R eal E state , I nsurance , C onveyancing —Notary Public— Upstairs, Room 2, Pioneer Block. ’Phene No. 241. OREGON ASHLAND. J A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor. NOTABT PUBLIC. Surveys for Paten»» and Mining Loes Address Ashland, Or. lions a specialty. Office at residence. South Main 8 tree society directories W. R. ©, ltraxmn* bblibf conn ■•. 24 Meet« tn Odd Fellow« bail si 2 o’cu-ck p K on the second and fourth Katurdsva of each month. M bs . J. D. < " bocksb , Pre». Mas. M I. B pence r, Sec'v. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRAN ITR LODGE. NO. 23, Knights of 5'thia*, Ashland. Oregon, meets every onday evening. Visiting Knights in rood etanding are cordially invited to attend. L. E. BENDER, Cbsnoehor Com. T. F. KsasBaw, K. K. S. The Qty at Lost Begins the Work. Socialists CECIL RHODES AT RE8T. Funeral Service Held Amid Plotareeuae Su- roundings. ABnid an immense throng of soldiers, »▼mans and natives the body of Cecil Rhodas was committed to its rooky tomb in the Matoppo hills, says a Bula­ wayo (Matabeleland) dispatch. The coffin was shrouded in a union jack, and the wreath sent by Queen Alexandra was laid upon it as it was lowered Into the grave. Twelve oxen hauled the coffin to the almost inaooessible summit of the kopje, where the Chiefs Shembli, Faku and Um gala and 2,000 natives as­ sembled to see the Christian interment rites, which they afterward supple­ mented in their own fashion by the sacrifice of 15 oxen to the shade of the great chief. The bishop of Mashona- land, who conducted the service, said: "I consecrate this place forever. Here he thought, here he lived and died for the empire." After the bishop of Mashonaland had read impressively the poem written for Paymaster Anthony was on Sunday's passenger with the railroad north bound passengei company’s golden chai riot. It paid out here today. Conductor Louis Hilty is at Tuscan Springs, near lied Bluff, giving nature a chance to extract the rheumatism from his system. Conductor L. L. Riley has taken charge of the steam shovel near Edge­ wood and Conductor Omar W. Long is again working out of Ashland. Brakemon E. H. Wallace leaves to­ night for the railroad hospital at Port­ land for treatment. Brakeman Tom Searles of Ashland has exchanged rights with Switchman J. A. Guindon of Dunsmuir and the transfer takes place this week. Frank O’Neil, the Northern Pacific traveling passenger agent, was doing business in Ashland yesterday. Manager Kohler, Supt L. R. Fields and Master Mechanic T. W. Younger were out this week on the monthly in­ spection of the road. Mrs. G. E. Blew, accompanied by her husband, Conductor Ed. Blew, departed for Portland this morning Mrs. Blew’s recent illness has changed for the worse and she will enter the St. Vincent hos­ pital for further medical treatment.— Monday’s Roseburg Review. Mrs. Blew underwent an operation Tuesday. Brakeman V. D. Rice is visiting rela­ tives in the east. Roadmaster Burkhalter was here yes­ terday. NORMAL ITEMS. The fourth term began April 14. Sev­ eral new classes have been formed and all work is progressing nicely. Miss Eva Tuttle, recently from Wis­ consin, left Tuesday to take charge of a six months school at Trail. She expect« to return in September and complete the normal course. Prof. Guthrie, a member of the Ash­ land council, visited the normal Monday morning ana gave an interesting talk. The Excelsior and the Bellview liter- arv societies will give their regular pro­ gram on Friday afternoon of this week. The elocution class held a preliminary contest in the chapel last Saturday. Those selected to contest fq^the gold medal were: Miss Lou GruBb; Donna Bell, Mayme McWilliams, Lucy George and Messrs. Clyde Briggs and Walter Me Intire. G. W. Jones of the Oregon Teachers’ Monthly, visited the normal .Tuesday. Expect Orators Wilson The socialist party, which has a county and state ticket out in Oregon this vear, expects to do some campaigning in Jack- son county, aiming to cast considerable of a vote on their legislative ticket. They expect two speakers of National rep­ utation who are now on the Pacific coast. One is Rev. J. Stitt Wilson, whom we learn has been arranged with, and there is correspondence being had with Prof Walter Thomas Mills, whois now in San Francisco. Both are brilliant speakers and will be able to enlighten tneir hearers from the socialist stand­ point. It is reported that Darwin H. Hawk­ ins, prohibition party candidate for state senator, has taken offence at some mat­ ters relative, to his support by some of the prohibitionists of Ashland and rather than go into the campaign handicapped The Long-Expected Forward Movement has tendered his resignation to the coun­ ty central committee. Began Monday. Chas. A. Fitch now of Chehalis, Wash., H. 8. Sanford, resident manager of the and fusion populist candidate for state Shorty-Hope Mining Co., has received printer in 1898, passed through Friday orders from the New York stockholders for Lakeview to edit the Rustler during and directors to proceed with the devel­ the campaign. Dr. Bernard Daly is run­ opment of the property and on Monday ning for county judge on the democratic put a force of five men at work under ticket. the foremanship of T. W. Hill. For two The more the people study the consti­ weeks they will be engaged in cleaning out the ditch, repairing storm damages, tutional initiative and referendum amendment the more they are impressed and repairing tunnels, etc. After this work is completed work will with its wisdom. It simply places in begin driving a 750 foot drift tunnel in their hands the power to initiate or to on ledge, which will give them 110 feet veto legislation that they desire to op of stoping ground and de water the mine. pose. The power may not be used once This work is to begin on the Northwest­ in five years but the possession of it will ern Extension of the property, on en­ be a check upon legislators. tirely new ground 750 fee« north of the John E. Lathrop, one of the bright Shorty shaft and driven toward the newspaper men of the East Oregonian Shorty It is predicted that they will staff, has been appointed press age t of the democratic state central committee strike the pay chute in 20 feet. The Shorty-Hope has been a great pro­ and will formulate the campaign docu­ ducer and realized the owners a hand­ ments and give out the news to reporters. some return on the investment. The MACCABEES ENTERTAIN. owners for some reason have delayed the matter of doing more extensive de­ The L. O T. M. gave a box social last velopment work and the property ha8 been idle for two years. The present evening that produced $51 from sale of forward movement has been expected all boxes The program consisted of a pi­ this time and Mr. Sanford thinks from ano solo by Miss Hargrove and Mrs. A. the orders he is receiving that the prop­ Hinman, a vocal solo by Miss Mavmie erty will now be worked as it should be. McWilliams, a farce by Mesdames Julia There is a 10-stamp mill and other Evans. Mrs M. J Coolidge, H. L. White, equipment on the property, and every­ Frank Nelson, Wm Fox, mandolin, thing is favorable for its active operation guitar and ba1 jo selections by Shroeder, Jordan and McCall. Dancing continued The mine is three miles from Ashland. until two o’clock. DIED TO 8XVE BIS DOG. Often are stories heard of dogs who have sacrificed life for their masters but less often does the master make such a sacrifice for his dog. Yet this is the story of the death of Thomas Holloway who was buried at Chico on Sunday by the lodge of Masons to which he belonged. Holloway was a young man who has been employed by the railroad at con­ struction work. A week ago Sunday he was walking across a trestle just below Dunsmuir with his dog when he saw an engine approaching swiftly. Holloway stepped out on the end of a cross piece m safety Then he saw his dog remaining on the track and knew he would be killed. Holloway bravely sprang back upon the track, seized the dog and leaped for his jlace of refuge. The brave fellow missed lie footing and fell headlong to the rockj' creek bed twenty-five feet below His skull was crushed. He was carried to the Sacramento hospital but he never re­ gained consciousness and died on Satur­ day None of his relatives could be lo­ cated. LOCAL NEWS. OIL POM PAW Mb ETING. é Eadies’ Furnishings, Dry Goods, Gents’ furtusi mgs, Retiens, etc. On Main Street NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, Ashland House Block Come and see •«. ire will pleaiie, and you can tell -rerybody ; SKINNER & SON v If you wish to buy or have anything to sell I want to see you, fifty - seventh mio, Gold Hill, Or J . , I C. F. LOOMIS, at Record Office. Monday. The Chinese exclusion bill was passed by the house by a viva voce voce. Thu bill practically re-enacts the existing ex­ clusion laws and incorporates with them the existing treaty regulations. It ex­ tends these exclusion laws to the Phil ippines and the other possessions of the United States, aud forbids Chinese labor in our colonial possessions ooming into this country. It is also provided that no vessel under Amerioan register shall employ Chinese crews in voyages terminating at an American port. YOU WANT HARNESS Saddlery Goods, Carriage trimmings, NEW LINE OF SINGl E HARNESS, in fact.anything in Harnese, Saddlery or Fuintehing, M.lns..j^..Xond H. W. ANDREWS Tuesday. A vigorous protest was made in the < senate by Cullom of Illinois, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, ♦ against the passage of the Chinese ex- • « • elusion bill in its present form, as being ' in contravention of our treaty oblig»- ■ tious with China. Patterson of Colo- ' radoand Perkins of California supported • the pending bill. The exclusion bill, as ' passed by the house, was referred to the 1 committee on immigration. t----------------entire Rew Stock—Eate»t styles------------------- In the house the bill to protect game < • < » and fish in Alaska was passed. The i * WALKOVER, ) Leading Brands ( MOTTER WELT, < • house then weut'iuto oommittee of the j t MONITOR, t Car ied ? RO'ENTHAL, FEEDER & dt CO. C£. whole for the consideration of the J GOODYEAR WELT, ) In Block: ( BUCKINGHAM & HECHT. « • Cuban reciprocity bill. Payne, in order + «• to tide Cuba over the present orisis, | 4th St., near Depot, Ashland, Or. King* Proprietor ■ • > • favored a 20 per cent reduction on sugar. 14- 4' i 'I1 'I I-1 I- 4- A4-4^-H-H-4-4~F4~H-4-4-4-F4- ' • Newlauds of Nevada spoke against ths measure. I Queen Shoe Store... | BOOTS and SHOES Wednesday. In the senate Senator Gallinger of New Hampshire attacked the Chinese exclusion bill, aud said it was "narrow, bigoted and indefensible." Dillingham of Vermont also opposed the bill, while Turner of Washington supported it. In the house William A. Smith of Michigan aud Morris of Minnesota, both Republicans, spoke agaiust the Cuban reciprocity bill, as did Ball (D.) of Texas aud Sparkmau (D.) of Florida. Mondell of Wyoming advocated its passage. In the senate, duriug the discussion of Depew’s amendment to the resolution to provide for the eleot on of senators by the people, Depew was severe iu his comments upon the methods practiced iu Mississippi and other southern states, resulting in the disfranchisemeut of in­ telligent uegroes, while ignorant whites are permitted to vote. The remarks of Depew resulted in a lively interchange of personalities between him and several southern senators. The exolusion bill was then considered. The house, iu committee of the whole, resumed consideration of the Cuban reciprocity bill. J.JS. McNair attended the opening of The remains of Bel'a Fitzgerald passed thé Southern Oregon Presbytery at Med- through Ashland Monday en route for' tord yesterday. Vancouver, "ash., where the father, Washington, April 15.—Senator Mitch­ Peter Fitzgerald, and sister, Miss Clara J ell today introduced a bill to create the accompanied the remains for burial along­ Crater Lake National Park, the same bill side her mother in the Catholic cemetery introduced by Congressman Tongue and Tuesday afternoon. She was to have taken this same train with her sister for favorably reported in the house. • a visit at their former home in Portland the occasion by Rudyard Kipling, So- Take your prescriptions to McNair and Vancouver. The young lady wss 18 kombo, the great iuduna and orator of Bros. They have a large stock of drugs years old and had returned the same af­ the Matabele, made a speech, in which and chemicals and can supply your wants ternoon (Friday) to Dunsmuir from SaD he said: "Both Cecil Rhodes and Um- at a reasonable price. Francisco where she had been attending siligazi, the founder of the Matabele school and studying the profession of Roseburg Review: Mr. and Mrs W. nation, are buried on the Motoppo hills, O. viarks, of Ashla' d are visiting with pharmacy. and the Matabele now consider the The Dunsmuir News gives this account relatives and friends. Before leavn g for Saturday. spirit of Umsiligazi is with that of Cecil home the former will bid adieu to his of her return home and sad death: In the senate, during the discussion of Soon after readhih'g the station yester­ Rhodes.” father, A. C. Marks, who departs on a second journey to Alaska about the 20th day she immediately sought her father the Chines exclusion bill, the speeches OBITUARY. and sister, whom she found at George made were in tavor of the measure, of this month.. Engwicht’s Then she and Clara met a with modifications of some of the more If you want the best photos and latest few friends and went home. The Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, the drastic provisious. styles that can be made in Ashland go to Afternoon they went to Upper Soda noted Presbyterian minister, died re- The house passed the bill granting a Camps ’ studio. Springs, and on returning Miss Fitzger­ cently at his residence in Washington. pension to the widow of President Mc­ Wanted — The acquaintance of a fair ald noticed the old log which had lain Mrs. J. 8. McNair returns from the He was the youngest of-1$ children, and Kinley of $5,000 a year. It had previ­ N. J., Jaa. and neat looking girl of the petite tvpe, Portland hospital next week. Her sis­ across the Sacramento for years and said ously passed the senate, and now goes to was bsrn at Bound Brook, ~ blond or dark, of good moral character ter Mrs. Gov. Brady of Alaska, accom­ we will walk over it. Clara begged her 7, 1832.' sister not to attempt it. However, Belle the president for signature. Object, matrimony. I am of middle age, panies her to Ashland. A Columbia (S. C.) dispatch an- good character, jolly disposition, sober, started across, and on reaching midway Garden and spray hose all prices. W. her foot elipped and she fell into the Bounces the death of General Wade other hab ts moderate, fair financial WASHINGTON NOTES- N. Grubb & Co. raging cold water, which carried her Hampton, aged 84. He died from valv- standing and a man of good profession. No housekeeping, etc. Must be willing Mrs. Geo. W. Trefren and children quickly down stream, over boulders and The senate has confirmed Indian ular disease of the heart. to reside later on permanently m San are home again from southern Califor­ other obstructions. Mrs. Oley Trammel, Agents Albert M. Anderson of the Col­ Rev. Dr. Horatio Stebbins, one of the Francisco. Photo in first letter neces­ nia. who lives just below from where the un­ ville agency, Washington, and Herman foremost Unitarians in Amenoa, and for sary. References as to my habits and fortunate girl fell into the water noticed G. Nickerson of the Shoshone agency. W. H. McNair of Sitka, Alaska, arrives more than 35 years pastor of the First character furnished. All correspondence tomorrow. He is en route to Versailles, Clara running along the banks perfectly Wyoming. Unitarian church of San Francisoo, died secret. Address, Editor alley Record, Mo. frantic, and soon learned the cause. She Robert J. Wayne, the Washington noticed three men near the « ater and as reoently at his home in Cambridge, A. B. No. 12, Ashland Oregon. Wall paper, mattings, lacecurtains and the body floated past, implored them— correspondent of the New York Press, Mass., at the age of 79. Mining has proved itself the most portiers at Gurnea’s 4th street dry goods offering money if they would rescue her; was offered and has accepted the office but, alas! they were untouched, unmoved. of first assistant postmaster-general. He legitimate of industries. All the money store. Rest Way To Cure Backache that the world possesses has come from Chas. Rhodes, the slayer of Chas. As the victim was carried down by the has been in Washington more than a Backaches are caused by disorder in the mines. Hence, as a western writer Sears at Henley over the favors of a lewd cruel current, Mr. Laruche, who is stop­ the kidneys. Foley’s Kidney Cure will points out, no work is more honorable woman, was in Ashland this week, hav­ ping at the Mt. Shasta hate), though quarter of a century. He was born in make the kidneys right. Take no sub­ or legitimate than mining. The dollar ing been discharged at the preliminary having but one leg, did all he could to New York city in 1851. stitute.—T. K. Bolton. The secretary of war has directed the that the mi> er wrenches from the stub­ examination before Justice Francis at secure assistance to recover the young born rock is a new creation. It belonged Klamathon for want of evidence. He woman, soon had Fred, a section hand sale of the transports Egoert and Rose Here is your chance, 36 stamp photos to no other man; it does not lessen the lias agreed to leave that section, it is said. who was going along the track, to give crane, now at San Francisco, to th« for 25 cents, at Camps’ photo studio. his aid, which he quickly did, and suc­ value of property that any man possesses. Bert Barnes, the jeweler, has moved ceeded in snatching the almost lifeless highest bidder, in order to reduce trans It commands recognition everywhere; L P. Orr drug store on 4th body from the iey waters of the Sacra­ portation expenses. its value is universally apparent It from the to the clothing store of A. 8. mento river. Resuscitation measures sleeps in its matrix of darkness and street Barnes on Main street where all work proved unavailing. FOREIGN ITEMS. silence until the miner blasts down the that has been left in bis hands will be doors that lead to its chamber, and when found. Please call at Barnes’ clothing Serious riots, of a distinctly socialistic awakened it begins to assume its share of store In the Harlem police court at New origin, have occurred in Brussels. The the white as well as the b'ack man s Yreka Journal: Eighteen carloads of York Francisco Gorgia, an aged Italian gendarmes and rioters have had fre­ burden, and carries it on forevei .—Silver rails for the Klamath Lake R. R. up Kla­ organ grinder, was fined $5 for beggiug. quent collisions, and many casualties City (N. M.) Independent. math river to the Oregon line, have been He pulled out a grimy old bag, and have resulted. The cause of the trouble Gold Hill, Or. President Roosevelt, since he became unloaded at Klamathon, also an immense from it, iu small change, took the is a demand on the part of the socialists chief executive of the nation, has be- lot of ties. The company has also hired amount of his fine. Then he paid $5, for universal suffrage. Mostly Furnished. oome one of the most heavily insured the Yreka R. R. locomotive No. 8.for also in small change, to his lawyer. A Canton dispatch says the imperial construction work, on the 15 miles al­ meu iu the United States. The presi­ ready graded, with the grading work To the astonishment of the court at­ troops are powerless against the rebels Enquire of dent has taken out a policy for $50,000 progressing still further as rapidly as taches and others he produced a pack­ in Nau-Niug, a city in the province of age containing $150 in bills and a bank in one of the big New York life insur­ possible. Kwang-Si. Trade is at a standstill, and book on the Bank of Rome, Italy, show­ ance companies, besides contiuuiug pol­ the m.ssionaries have been ordered to icies for smaller amounts which he had . The Saxman property, east side if for ing that he had $12,000 oadeposit there. leave the districts held by the rebels. A rent or for sale. Inquire at' McNair’s Gorgia, who is 60 years of age, says he taken out long before he was elected drug store. later dispatch from Hongkong states Will retire from “business." He thinks governor of New York. Roosevelt’s that the rebels have captured several Horace Mann, democratic nominee for a man should retire at 69. The beggar policies, it is understood, exceed by joint representative for Jackson and also volunteered the information that towns and made prisoners of the local F or J oint R epresentative — $15,000 or $20,000 those held by Mc­ Douglas counties, was in town Tuesday. mandarins. he recently gave his daughter $2,000 as Kinley at the tune of the latter’s osassi- DR. D. M. BROWER, My stock of spring goods in ladies and a wedding present. nation. Mrs. McKinley was paid about Iu the federal court at Spokane, of Ashland. $60,000 on policies on her husband’s life. gents fine foot ware lias arrived a» d is A cable to the New York World from Wash., Captain J. de Vries of the tramp now in stock. Ladies slippers in white, Alberto Santos-Dumont, builder and at low prices. Gents shoes in all latest Wantage, England, says that Richard steamer Wilhelmina entered a plea of Socialist Nominee. navigator of air ships, who is at present styles and makes. All up-to-date goods. Croker has become lord of the manor of nolle contendere to the charge of having Wantage by purchase for $75,000. Norn- i smuggled three Chinese into this coun­ For Industrial Freedom vs. Corporato in this oouutry, during an interview at Queen Shoe Store. W. King. New York, said: "I hope to see New Slavery. The editor of the Fordville, Ky., Mis­ inally, though not actually, he enjoys try at Port Townsend. Judge Hanford York the prmcip.il airport of the world cellaneous, writes as a postscript to a certain feudal privileges and rights for­ fined him the highest amount allowed before I pass away. I have uo doubt business letter: “I was cured of kidney merly coming direct from the crown. by law, $590 for each of the three Chi­ F or A ssessor — that in my time, perhaps ten years, if I trouble by taking Foley’s Kidney Cure.’’ However, the possession of this position nese, but did not add a prison sentenoe. makes him quite a personage, coming get the proper encouragement and help, Take nothing else.—T. K. Bolton The police raided the rooms of the WILBUR A. JONES, aerial navigation will be an accom­ Mrs. Shepsrd R. Bucey, wife of the next after Lord Wantage in local im­ Royal Social olub, in the rear of the portance. "Bertie ” Croker, accompa- of Pooh Bah. plished fact. I have no doubt that I will assistant cashier of the American Na­ Cafe Royal at Fourth and Market live to see passengers transported by tional baukat Everett, Wash., murdered ni d by his father's secretary, Mr. streets, San Francisco, and sent 118 Usher, has gone to Ireland to s udy I airship« across the Atlanuo from New her husband without a word of warn­ Democratic Nominee. prisoners in patrol wagons to the Hall York to Paris.” ing, and as he fell to the floor with two Irish creameries, with a view to work­ of Justice, The proprietors and the ing one at Let combe. Irish creameries wounds in the back of his head, she F or R epresentative — others were charged with violating the $IOO Reward. $1OO turned the revolver upon her httle son ore modeled on the Danish, which are anti-gambling ordinance, and were re­ the best in the world. The readers of this paper will be Eugene, aged 4 years, and blew out MILES CANTRALL, leased on bail. pleased to know that there is at least one his brains. The desperate woman then of Applegate. Miss Selma Kingsbury, who up til) BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. dreaded disease that science has been shot herself in the head and shortly able to cure in all its stages and that is Another ridiculous food fad has been recently had been employed as night ter ward d.ed. When Elizabeth Mc­ Catarrh Hall’s < atarrh Cure is the only bra ded by the most competent authori­ operator in a San Francisco telephone Democratic Nominee. positive cure now known to the medical Nulty, the servant girl, rushed into the ties. They have dispelled the sidy no­ office, was committed to the state in­ fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­ room the entire family save the little tion that one kind of food is needed f r sane asylum at Steilacoom, Wash. She F or R epresentative — tional disease, requires constitutional baby, only 11 months old, lay in * heap brain, another for muscle«, and sti I is not more than 23 years of age, and treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken on the floor The woman’s mind, prior another for t-onee A correct diet will in her delusion came to Seattle to CLINT E. STEWART, internally, acting directly upon the blood to the trageiy, was known to be af­ riot only nourish a particular part of th*- and mucuo9 surfaces of the system, fected. Mrs. Bucey, who was 25 years body, but it will sustain every other escape friends who were trying to mur­ of Pooh Bah. thereby destroying the foundation of the of age, was formerly Miss Millie Hale D.rt. Yet, however good vour food ma» der her. It was stated that the con­ disease, and giving the patient strength of Vancouver, B. O. Buoey was a native be. i'S nutrimeut is destroyed by indi­ dition of the girl’s mind was entirely Republican Nominee. by building up the constitution and as­ gestion or dyspepsia You must pre due to nervousness brought on by night sisting nature in doing its work. The of Wi soon sin His father is a minister 4>a-e for their appearance or prevent work, in which she had been engaged proprietors have so much faith in its at Madison, in that state. heir co r.ing by taking regular dooes of for the last three years, and that it was F or R epresentative —, curative powers, that they offer one B. Presson, Pressonville, Kan., writes: Green’s August Flower, the favorirt- likely that in a few months, with care­ Hundred Dollars for any case that it "Nothing like Foley’s Honev and Tar" medicine of the healthy millions. A few ful treatment, she would recover. ohn d olwell fails to cura. Send for list of testimoni­ is the universal verdict of all" who have doses aids digeeti n, stimulates the liver als Address, V. B. Conklin, Bowersville, 0., says: used it. Especially has this been true of to healthy action, purifies the blood, and of Central Point. F. J CHENEY A Co., Toledo, 0. ________ more _____ benefit _______ from _____ Foley _____ ’ _ s coughs accompanying la grippe. Not a makes ton feel bu-rvaut and vigorous. “1 received Sold by druggists, 75c. Kidney than from months of treat- single bottle failed to give relief.—T. K. You can get Dr. G. G. Green’s reliable F" .... Cure ■ ' ' Hall’s Family Pills are ths best. Democratic Nomiamo. BM.nl by physicians.’’—T. K. Bolton. remedies at T. K. B olton ’ s . The Valley Hotel ~ The Bargain Store congress . Friday. FOR RENT... ‘ iKVRl OfiUnT^ni That I have some Fine City Residences, Orchards, Timber 11 I PIIK IT■ I Lan<^’ Farms, Building l ots, Suburban Tracts, Etc. for Sale. * 1 UllUJjl Stock of Groceries, Stock of Boots and Shoes. Houses to Rent To the stockholders of the Southern Oregon Oil Company. You are hereby notified that there will be a stock holders meeting on the 1st day of May, 1902, at 2 o’clock p. m , at the city hall, for the purpose of discussing ways and means to continue work on the iiresent well which is now down 1830 eet and at present in a first class oil for­ Thursday. mation of white pebble sand stone. Three speeches were made in the sen­ The directors have information that strongly induces them to endeavor to go ate agaiust the Chinese exolusion bill in its present form, D*lliugham of Ver- down to a depth of 3000 feet. mout, Stewart of Nevada and Hoar of By order of Board of Directors. Massachusetts stating their objections FE\1 HEK«»T«»NK FOUND GUILTY . to the bill. State vs. Thos. Featherstone, charged Iu the house Grosvenor of Michigan with burglarizing J. Nunan’s store at spoke in favor of the Cuban reciprocity Jacksonville, was tried Tuesday, consum­ bill, while Weeks of Michigan opposed ing just one day The jury without hesi­ the measure. Lawrence of Massachu­ tation found him guilty. Featherstone and his pal, Mike Reed, broke jail some setts supported the bill on the ground time ago and Featherstone was recapt­ that the United States owed a moral ured and brought back from Eureka, Cal. obligation to graut this relief to Cuba. DROWNING OF BELLA F1TZGEK- A1J>. The Bargain Store SKINNER & SON and Mills In Jackson County Councilman W. P. Powell was at city hall this morning puttiig the city at­ torney in action m the matter of collect ing the money from the proceedings had in the supreme court decisions against the several violations of Anti-Saloon or­ dinances. The fines and court costs are $233.48 against Houck & Dame, $183.48 against H. Salomon; about $100 against. W m. Sonnickson and about $125 against V. C. Lewis. The majority of the council will likely proceed and collect the amounts in a business like manner and brush aside SEWER MEETING. the obstructions in their path. They have been given until 4 o’clock There will be a meeting of the citizens at city hall at 8 o’clock Saturday even­ this afternoon to pay up or suffer the ing to discuss the proposed sewer'system. penalty. Everybody invited. SHORTY HOPE STARS UP NADISON SQUARE THEATRE CO. LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. 4th Street, near Depot. HAWKINS TO WITHDRAW TO COLLECT FINES, ETC cashixr FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DIVORCED AND MARRIED. A. McCALLEN vicn-ramiDKNT pmudkxt IN THE PHILIPPINES. SCHOOL FIJM> APPORTIONMENT. Supt P. H. Daily lias made the April Major Lyttleton W. T. Waller of the apportionment of school fui ds, which Marine corps has been acquitted of the amounts $3 per amounts to to $3 per capita. capita. There — aro charges against him, says a Manila dis- 5,H4 school children in Jackson county patch. By a vote of 11 to 2 the oourt niaki'g ‘ --------- to be a total aniou* t of * $15,342 martial, composed of army and Marine apportioned to the different schools of corps officers, held that in killing 11 the county. Owing to a change in the school law, natives of Samar last January without trial he was acting in accordance with the school funds of the county are ap­ the rules ot war. the orders of his supe- : portioned twice a year, April and Octo- l>er. The $50 bonus is apportioned in rior and the military necessities of the October and applied to the fund for the situation. It is expected that General coming school year. Jacob H. Smith, who commanded the Below is given the number of the dis­ department, will be brought to trial for trict, the number of children and the giving the orders under which Major amount apportioned to each district. Waller acted. General Smith was re­ DIST PUP. AMT AP. DIST PUP. AMT AP. o 323 $ 969 1««4 1 312 cently transferred from the Philippines 1 43 129 174 4 522 to the command of the department of 3 1011 3033 741 247 6 Texas at San Antonio. . 5 7 66 198 42 8 126 The total number of cholera cases in 9 81 243 10 35 105 Manila up to April 18 was 245, while 11 36 108 12 39 117 26 78 61 14 183 there have been 192 death from the dis- 13 57 171 165 16 55 rase. Iu the provinces there have been 15 17 51 153 38 18 114 418 cases aud 318 deaths. 40 120 20 19 57 J9 The merchants of Lagoncy, in South 21 33 291 11 22 97 Oamarines province, Luzon, have sent a 23 63 9 27 24 21 cable message to General Chaffee, pray­ 25 46 26 32 96 138 29 87 28 14 42 ing that the American troops be not 27 33 99 30 16 48 withdrawn from Lagoncy. The mer­ 29 19 57 32 31 93 chants declare they are unanimously of 31 19 57 34 25 75 the opinion that if they are deprived of 33 30 35 36 90 ' 246 82 the protection of the military they will 37 16 48 29 87 38 become victims of the lawless element 39 39 117 147 40 49 at the cost of their lives aud property. .41 33 11 42 102 34 44 ,43 51 153 42 126 54 46 45 45 18 15 CRIMES AND ACCIDENTS. 129 36 1U8 48 43 1 47 In a battle between a sheriff’s posse 49 7Í.9 2217 50 19 57 81 52 and outlaws in Scott county, Va., five 51 x2 36 27 27 54 24 72 9 men, all members of the sheriff’s posse, :53 69 56 75 225 23 were killed, two other posse men were 55 405 18 135 58 54 wounded, and Jim Wright, an escaped 57 60 165 22 66 55 Hancock county (Tenn.) murderer, was 59 96 32 62 41 123 61 wounded and captured. All the other 63 30 64 10 27 9 ontlaws escaped. 84 39 28 67 13 166 69 32 96 41 123 Thomas A. Sutton, a prospector and 68 7 21 22 66 71 sngineer of Redding, Cal., was thrown 70 52 156 73 75 215 from a Pittsburg and Western railroad 72 36 75 23 12 (9 train while walking from a day ooach 74 17 51 77 76 9 27 to the smoking oar. His bo iy was 78 33 11 79 21 63 pulled out from a small creek near Pitts­ 81 14 42 82 28 84 burg. His skull was fractured, and 83 14 42 death must have been instantaneous. Miss Carrie M. Jeunett, 22 years of age, who would have become a mother in a few mouths, was brutally mur­ dered on Thirteenth street, Detroit, about midnight, while on her way home Buckman & Sorensen from a meeting she had been attending. Professor J. M. Miller, aged 47, a music Proprietor!. teacher, and a married man with a family, was arrested on suspicion of A S treet N ear 4 th . having murdered the girl, and afterward confessed to the crime. He was Miss (Mra. Bush’s old stand.) Jenuett’s music teacher, and was re­ sponsible for her condition He was arraigned in the recorder’s oourt, pladed guilty to the charge of murdering Miss Jenuett with a hatchet, and 72 hours Thoroughly Renovated. after he committed the crime he was in Jackson prison, sentenced to spend the Everything Neal and Clean. rest of his life there at hard labor. New Restaurant The Frank Tanniug company of Red­ wood City, Cal., in order to avoid a strike of its hite workmen, discharged ts Filipino employees. For some time previously the Filipinos had been taking the places of white men. An old Mexican woman, the wife of Gabriel Snares, was run over and kil ed by a Santa Fe passenger train, says a Hanford (Or .) dispatch. Mrs. Snares was at one time the wife of Joaquin Marietta, th noted desperado who in­ fested the San Joaquin valley some years ago. Nineteen Chinese, in charge of Charles F. Sturm, United States marshal for the western district of New York, and three deputy marshals, arrived in San Francisco, where the Chinese, by reason of their being illegally in the country, were put on board the Gaelio and de­ ported to China. Many Chinese are, on dark nigb rs, smuggled across the St. Lawrenoe ri er from Canadian to Amer­ ican soil, where a ciose watch is kept for them. W. Mohawk, an Indian "medicine man," was acquitted by a jury at San Jose, Cal., of the charge of illegally practicing hh> profession. Although the defendant was not authorized by the state board of medical examiners to prescribe for the sick, yet he was able to show, to the satisfaction of the jury, that tho treaty existing between the people of the United States and the In­ dian tribes, allowing the Indians to sell medicines prepared by them on their premises, ex inpted him from liability under the state law. Thousands of eastern people will take advantage of the cheap rates to the north­ west in effect every day in March and April. If you have any friends who might be induced to come west, send me their names, and I will have our representa-- lives look them up, furnish them with advertising matter, reserve their berths and see that they have a quick and com- fortable trip. ' A. c. S heldon , General Agent, Burlington Route. Portland, Ore. BEST MEAL IN TOWN 25 Cents. Lunches Put Up for Travelers Trains stop 30 minutes. C. P. KISO, Contractor and Builder REPAIRS of all kinds . Shop and residence at Lull placef Main St., Ashland. Ashland & Klamath Falls STAGE <■ LINE Thorough!? Restocked and Entirely New Managenient. ROBERT M. GARRETT Superintendent. - Bpst and Quickest Route to • • KLAMATH FALLS Goes by Barron, Shake, Soda Springs, Parkers and Keno;also beat connections wit stage lines from Klam­ ath Fahe to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian Agency. Hats! Yes, we have them, for men and boys in all colors and shades and < latest designs, at very low prices. Vau- 1’aaaeugera, Baggage, Express & Freight Moat be Way billed.