Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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    . q,jM UMDIP
H D itimeli
Published Every Thursday.
E. J. KAISER, Proprietor.
S ubscription R ates :
One Year ......................................... (1 75
Six Months...................................... 1 00
Three Months................................
50 j
Advertising Rates Given on Application. I
Commencing this date we will close our Entire Stoc' of
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods,
In short, any and everything in our s ock except Shoe, will be
closed at Co.t for the purpor-e o makinz r.»o_. for extensive Shoe
purchases si read in de. ...
Our Hew Stock ot Shoes g
Are Partially in,
Giving Us a Complete and Up=to=Datc
Line in JVU Styles, which will be sold
at Eowest Cash Prices,
PIONEER BLOCK. Plaza and Main Street, Ashland, Or.
Th« Former
More About the New Train.
J ick on « mint, <"»rtice Redding Searchlight.]
Seek r and haouu.ol <;••!» on Th k-
Ji. miller J
Him. Yeo $ Co.
Portland Oregonian, April 11.]
John A. Jeffrey won out in the contest
for the nomination for the joint senator­
ship between Marion and Linn counties.
Tile fight was a warm one while it lasted,
but when the vote was taken the minor­
ity quietly acquiesced in the choice of
the majority. The Linn county delega­
tion settled'the matter after the Marion
county people had failed to agree. The
fight was really one between the two op­
posing factions of the democratic party
tn Marion cotintv. W. H. Holmes was
the candidate of one faction and J. A.
Jeffrey of the other It was decided that
the candidate should c>»me from Marion
county, and the delegates from Linn
agreed to stand by any man who might
be agreed upon by 12 of the 16 delegates
from M irion. But 12 men of one opinion
Could not be found, and at the last mo­
ment the Linn county delegates stepped
in and cast 17 votes for Jeffrey. This
was a victory for P. H. D’Arcy, D. J. Fry
and John Gray, who were not delegates,
but who came to the state convention
working for Jeffrey’s nomination.
A report cornea from San Francisco
from wh it is considered quite a reli ible
source that there is to tie a radical change
in the train service of the Southern Pa­
cific of this division
The change will give Redding three
trains daily, one of them being the
“local” train that was formerly run into
this city. According to the report as it
reaches Redding, the Southern Pacific
Company intends to put on a ’’flyer” be­
tween San Francisco and Portland on
the first of June, when all the rumored
changes are to take place. The “flyer”
will cut down the time between the me­
tropolises of Oregon and California to
thirty hours.
The only stops that will be made by
this train as far north as Ashland will tie
at Sacramento, Marysville, Chico, Red
Bluff, Redding, Dunsmuir and Ashland.
The “flyer” will displace one of the ex­
presses now in service.
A second express will run through,
making all the stops as now made. The
third train will run over the “west side”
by way of Woodland and Willows and
stop at Redding.
Workmen extending the tunnel in
»touring <» mln—Fine Ore in 11 II
the Old Steamboat mine have struck a
slate dyke similar to the ones fr»«n
which over $159,090 in gold has been
Mr Mendenhall, who recently pur­
taken out in the past. IL C. Shearer,
one of the owners, believes that a .other chased the Roaring Gimlet mine from
Messrs Sutton and Reese, brought in 20
pocket is at hand.
avoirdupois pounds of gold to ship to the
mint at San Francisco the beginning of
this week. This is the third time that
Mr. Mendenhall has brought in the pro­
duct of his mine and considering that he
bought t his property one month ago fur a
very small amount lie is correspondingly
or. Mendenhall, on taking
clrnrge of the Roaring Gimlet, did not
the ore left in sight by Messrs. Sut­
No use to hunt tigers with touch
ton and Reese, but pushed ahead in an
drift run from the bottom of
bird shot. It doesn’t hurt the aliandoned
the 70-foot shaft, and after driving four
tiger any and it's awfully risky feet run into the richest body of ore ever
uncovered in Southern Oregon. He has
for you.
taken out. more t han $20,000 in one month
more ore is now in sight than ever.
Consumption is a tiger
The Bill Nve Mining company has
among diseases. It is stealthy made another rich strike on their prop­
on Gall’s creek, four miles from
—but once started it rapidly erty
Gold Hill at a depth of 10 feet, in an en­
new place from the rich body of
eats up the flesh and destroys tirely
"re found some months ago. Major An-
the life. No use to go hunting lrtis, the superintendent of the proper-
v, opened up t wo feet of quartz runni g
it with ordinary food and med­ rom
$150 to *200 per ton. The new
is now down 50 feet and the whole
icine. That’s only bird-shot. shaft
bottom of it is in ore g"ing better than
It still advances. Good heavy • 1 11 per ton. More than $29,0>*0 has
bee already taken out of the Bill Nye
charges of Scott’s Emulsion and this new strike promises well for tiie
future ot mining in this vicinity.
For Tiger,
will stop the advance. The
disease feels that.
Scott’s Emulsion makes the
body strong to, resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
and sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT i BOW ME, Chemists 400 Pearl S*. N.Y
50c and #ia>< all druggist*.
Hltil. li I ’S
The largFHt suiti vver p id for a pre
S -riprion, changed li 'lui- in San Frali
circo, Alia 30. 1901. The tmusfer iti-
volved in coin and rti.-k $112,500 00 and
wai» paid bv « perir <>f lui-i' v-»B me f<>r
a »pecitie for B.igl.t- Di-ea«e a d Pi li< •
ter, hilh- rto inenrab e disearea
TliOy commeneed thè serìoU-*
gition of thè rpecitìe 'ov 15. 190"
Thev interviewiil m-mo“ of thè i-ured ai»
trini il out on ita mer ta v pu timi ove»
three dozen <• oli 'he irea'me t au
watching thein Thev a so gnt phyrici
ans to nani- chronic, iticnr-bl- ra-ea
and adminhtered it witli thè phvaiciaii»
fo judgec L’p to tu.' 25. e» hty-aev i<
cper e >t of thè tir» <•»>•■ s were ritt e»
well or progressi g favorab v.
Thrre being bnt »• ine n per cent of
Lililiea, thè partiva we»e well satiafi»-»4
and closeil thè transaction. The prò
Ce diliga <>f thè investigati g commiltre
and thr ci nic 1 rvport- of »he »est caa- >■
weie p.ublisheil ami » il) Eie m iled fr
on application Addresa I ohn J E ultos
C ompànt , 420 Montgomery St Sau Fran-
ciaco, Cai.
91 .»,y
a Tim
Don’t neglect coughs and colds even if
it is spring. Such cases often result ser­
iously at this season just because people
are careless.
A dose of One Minute
Cough Cure will remove all danger. Ab­
solutely safe. Acts -t once Sure cure
for coughs, colds, croup grip, bronchitis,
and other throat and lung troubles. “I
have used One Minute Cough Cure sev­
eral years,” says Postmaster C. O. Daw­
son, Barr, III. “It is the very best cough
medicine on the market. It has saved
me many a severe spell of sickness and 1
warmly recommend it.” lhe children’s
Itl-’. AL
E V Carter to Laura A Potter; «.] of lot
4, blk 20, Chitwood tract, Ashland, $450.
Martha W Hargadine to Elizabeth E
Ayers; A acre on 1 largadine street, Ash­
land, $500.
Annie E Smith to E D Coolev; lots 15,
16. 17, 12, blk Y, R Radd, Ashland, $190.
John Arnold to » aggie P I'ruiuhill;
lots 1, 12, blk 32, Medford, $125.
Jacob t'oberlv to Maggie P Drumhill;
lots 2, 10, 11, blk 32, Medford, $500.
John 11 Gibso to Belle DSonger; swj
of sw| of sw|, sec 7, tp 39, 1 e, $65.
Mary Kikore to Martha W Hargadine;
A acre, Hargadine tract, \shland, $1.
Geo H Andrews to Mrs Mary J More-
lock; lot 18, blk 25, Go d Hill, $50.
J S Oden to P W Bush; mining claims
on Evans creek, $140.
Jas Braden to Geo Lyman; real estate,
secs 1, 2, tp 36, r 3 w $1.
Geo Lyman to Andrew Hooten, se]
and sej of s* J, sec 2, and nJ of swj, and
lots 2, 3, sec 1, tp36, r 3 w, $1.
Peter W Bush to W W Cristie; placer
claim, south Link of Evans creek, $1.
Brnce Buck three quartz claims, Wat­
kins mining district, April 5, 1902.
Hugh C Stevens water right, Pleasant
Creek, April 3, 1902
Medford, Oregon.
“Father” Clem has returned from Cal­
Miss Ada Ketchum returned home to
Gold Hill Sunday.
E. V. Carter returned Sunday from a
brief trip to Portland.
12,000 rolls of Wall Paper at5ctsper
roll and up at H. S. Evans.
Miss Stella Smith was on Sunday’s
train from Medford to Dunsmuir
Miss Leia O’Hara, the normal student,
spent Saturday with her folks at Tolo.
W. M. Knight of Ft. Klamath was reg­
istered at the Ashland House Monday.
J. B. Dungan of Sams Valley, went to
San Jose, Cal., Sunday on a business trip.
Ernest Brown of Phoenix went to Sis­
son Sunday to work during the summer.
J. D. Williams <>f Emigrant Creek was
in Ashland Saturday on a business trip.
Geo. Growe returned to Soda Springs
Saturday from a business trip to Med­
Hon. Eugene A. Sherwin returned Sat­
urday from the democratic state conven­
Mrs Elliott Harris went to Medford
Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. F. A.
Miss Maud Prim returned to Jackson­
ville Friday from a visit with Ashland
N. E. Britt, land agent of the Southern
Pacific, was on Sunday’s train for San
Mike Hanley, the Butte creek stock-
man, spent Saturday in Ashland on a
busi ess trip
Thos. E. Stanley arrived from Bly,
Klamath county, Sunday on a business
trip to this valley
Mrs. Geo. Richards returned to Med­
ford Monday from a visit with .Mrs. M.
V. Crocker in Ashland.
Hon. E. M Brattain of Lakeview was
here -aturday en route home from re­
publican state convention.
Misses Pearl Weeden and Flora Miller
went to Central Point Sunday to visit
W. J. Gregory and family.
M. L. A ford, republican candidate for
county clerk, was here Saturday and
Sunday shaking hands with friends
A. J. Picard, the Eugene stockraiser,
was in Ashland during tlie past week and
visited his sister, Mrs Tom Brown.
Dr. Darrin and wife were on Sunday’s
train for Salem from a six months trip in
the east, south, Cuba and Los Angeles.
Mrs. Cal. Owen and children returned
to Central Point Monday from a visit
with Thos. Weedon’s family in this city
f Al. White, the train news agent, is
again running into Ashland from San
Franc:sco after an absence of several
Robert Lucas is at Tonopah, Nev.,
where his son-in-law, A. J. Froehlich,
is extensively interested in a big mining
The two Eddies—Duffy and Flynn—
were out from Portland Saturday and
were extending the glad hand just like
S. M. Calkins and Ara t Froshaug of
Twi>. Valley, Minn., are in Ashia d
ookingat the country a d visiting Court
Reporter F. M. Calkins.
Col. Henri Watterson, the famous ed­
itor of the Louisville Courier-Journal,
has been engaged to speak at the South­
ern Oregon Chatauqua Assembly in Ash­
land in July.
Manager C. E. Dorn elly of the West­
er U ion, is taking a 30 days lay off
account of being under the weather. I
company with Mrs. D. he is enjoying the
seabreezes of San Francisco. Geo. G.
Enba' ks is manager and Geo. J. Wilson
of San Francisco is in charge at night.
C. G. Swope of Hornick, Iowa, ar­
rived in Ashland Su day O" an inspec­
tion tour of the west. Mr. Swope is an
old near neighbor and friend of Messrs.
Gibson Bros., the grocerymen, a- d in­
tends to look the field over for prospec­
tive investments.
AV. S. Conkling, a native of New York,
aged 84 years, died April loth, at the
family residence in West Medford. The
fu eral services were held Saturday af -
t.ernoon from the residence. Rev. Mr.
Darbv officiated, interment being made
in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery.
Poultry and veal calves wanted by
the Ashland Meat Company.
Judge G. W. Smith of. Phoenix, Ari­
zona, is in Klamath countyon a business
visit after which he returns to Phoenix.
He bus leased for five years his 2000
acre ranch at Altamont t • Mitchell Bros.,
the stockmen, wlmalsoown a large ranch
adjoi i g it. Judge Smith will put a
pumping plant on his two large ranches
in Arizona.
It won’t pay yon to send away for a
sewing machine. We have them at al­
most any price yon wish to pay, and we
are always to be found at the old stand
ready to make all guarantees good. J.
P Dodge.
W. P. Hillis of P easant creek precinct,
who lias been suffering with gangrene,
had one of his legs amputated at a Port­
land hospital The operation was suc­
cessful. Chas. F. Taylor, his sou-in-law,
brought him home Friday.
Medford Lodge No. 83. I. O. 0. F , has
elected the following delegates to attend
the nieeti g of the grand lodge, which
convenes in Newport, Mav 20th: J R.
Wilson, H. G. Nicholson,”1. A. Webb.
The delegates for the Olive Rebekah
lodge are Miss Myrtle Nicholson and
Mrs. A. T. Drisko.
Supt. Berriam of the Rogue river and
Elk creek hatcheries last week shipped
10, 00 salmon eggs to < imarron, « ol„
and the same number to Neosho, Mo.
The Hope Presbyterian church of
Woodville nas been incorporated; capita)
stock $300; incorporators, E. Stevens,
Mrs. J. H. Whipple, S. C. Swagerty, A.
Stamp photos 36 for 25 cents at Camps
Stumbles in His Schemes
to Land Into the State Printer?—Sher­
win Deprived
of the Honor of Being
Portland Telegram.]
It was for secretary of state that the
first opportunity came for taking a bal-
l"t. Thomas O’Day, of Multnomah,
nominated D. W. Sears, of Polk, saying
that Sears would run well with Cham­
“We are not here to nominate one
man,” said O’Day, “but an entire ticket,
a ticket which shall be elected in June.”
William Smith, of Baker, seconded
Sears’ nomination, and a motion was
made to give Sears the»unanimous nomi­
R. G. Smith, of Josephine, demanded
a point of order, and declared that it was
repugnant to cU*n»<»en* principles to
close nominations before it was known
whether any others were to be nomina­
ted. His point of order was sustained.
Smith, in a fiery, spread-eagle speech,
referred to the fact that he was a convert
from republicanism, and in a glowing
nomination address he placed the name
of E. A. Sherwin, of Jackson, for secre­
tary ot state. He asked for the nomi­
nation of Sherwin on behalf of southern
On behalf of Lane county, Lark Bil­
yeu seconded Sherwin’s nomination.
K amath county and Yamhill also sec­
onded Sherwin’s nomination
Welch, of Multnomah, wanted half an
hour recess to discuss nominees, as the
office was next in importance to that of
governor, but he was voted down.
There being no further nominations,
chairman Stillman declared that the
nominations were closed, and instructed
the counties to prepare their ballots, as
the vote would be taken by counties and
not individually. A roll call of counties
followed, which had this result:
There were 262 votes cast, 132 being
necessary to choice. Sears won the
nomination by 60 votes.
Sherwin, of Jackson, as soon as the
vote was announced, moved that the
nomination of Sears be made unanimous,
at which there was applause.
Mr. Sears responded to cries of “speech”
saying: “It cannnot be said now that
there was not a contest in this conven­
Sears disti"guished himself by sitting
down without attempting a protracted
rep y. But he was hoarse.
eut full
the world
Nominee for Governor Hopes
to Perform—Democratic State Ticket.
G over-, or—George E. Chamberlain
Supreme Judge—B. F. Bonham, of
Secretary of State—D. VV. Sears, of
P<> k.
State Treasurer—Henry Blackman, of
Attorney General—J. H. Raley, of
State Printer—J. E. Godfrey, of Mar­
Superintendent.of Pub ic Instruction—
•' . A. Wa n, of Lane.
For United Suites Senator—C. E. S.
Wood, of Multnomah.
congressmen :
First District—J. K. Weatherford, of
Li nn.
Seco> d District—AV. F. Butcher, of
Aprils, 1902, John C. Wiseman, of Fos­
toria, Ohio, and Miss '»abel Kinney,
of Grants ¡‘ass, Rev. Cha9. W. Hays
HELEN—At Woodville, April, 8, 1902,
T. M. U uUa, aged 37 y ears.
A dispatch from this city to the 8an
Francisco Chronicle under date of March
9th, says: “AV. J. Gosslin and W. H.
Hammond, brother of A. B. Hammond
owner of the Arance Redwood < 'ompany,
and other large interests in this county,
liave about Completed all arrangements
for the proposed consolidation of all the
redwood interests and combining of all
the railroad companies centering on
Humboldt hay. It is believed that just
as soon as the railroad companies consol­
idate A B. Hammond and nis party will
complete the construction of the gap of
about 100 miles between Scotia, this
county, and Ukiah, Mendocina county,
which would give a railroad outlet from
this city to San Francisco.”—Eureka
You can get more wear out of Eevl
Strauss & Co’s copper riveted
overalls than any other brand
Cannot be better spent than by subecrib-
ing to the VALLEY RECORD for •
year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all
the news for a year. Try it I
Better in Cban
a Bank ! !
All of the remedies bei-g prescribed just now. Thev are all fresh and of
full strength. AVe have gone over our entire stock carefully
and removed all of those remedies which our stock mark
showed to be too old. The missing oues were also noted. As
a result, we are happy to say that at present our stock is verv
complete with ail the Standard Drufls and Cbcmicais
as well as with the newer Synthetic Remedies, and we
iDMt-e you to let us till your prescriptions for uiedici e being
used during this present spell of sickness. Our prices are al-
ways reasonable.
Ten acre fruit tract«
Two acre tracts
Railroad lots
For Sale at a Bargain !
6. 7« Billinas*
Real Estate and Insurance.
McNair Bros., Dr“8s^ Stationers.
F or C lerk —
of Jacksonville.
Blue Front
Dyspepsia Cure
Will cure the worst cases
of stomaeh trouble.
Kentucky Jack
R ufu s !
For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises,
or other wounds DeAVitt’s AVitch Hazel
Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield
to it at once. Never fails in cases of
piles. Cooling and healing. None gen­
uine but DeAVitt’s. Beware of counter­
feits. “I suffered for many years from a
sore caused by a gun shot wound in mv
’ left leg,” says A. 8. Fuller, English, Ind.
“It would not heal and gave me much
■ trouble. I used all kinds of remedies to
I no purpose until I tried DeAVitt’« Witch
Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely
cured me.”
Shirt waists in almost endless variety
in latest designs and popular colors and
shades. Prices suit everybody. Vaupel
Norria & Drake.
----- and Sliarpen them——
Estate of Henry Ammerman; order ap­
Ail Out ISorlc Guarantoed
pointing E V Carter administrator. The
bonds of the administrator were placed
You will save money
_________ e
at $250,0 O, which were supplied by the
by getting our prices.
U. 8. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. of Balti­
AVe have a Full Line of
Regular Democratic Nominee more through G F Billings their local
Estate of Simeon Rose-thal; order to
pav 50 per cent o»> claims filed.
F or S heriff —
Estate of i aria U Hartwell; order for
sale of persona] property
Give us a call
Estate of Giles Wells; semi-annual ac­
and be convinced.
of Eagle Point.
count of administrator ordered recorded.
Estate of Patrick I)u» n; semi-annual
of administrator ordered record­
Regular Democratic Nominee. account
bicycle ”] man
Ashland is to have a cigar manufact­
In Second Hand Store, Aeliland, Or.
Estate of Eliza J AA’rislev; order ap-
ory. Last week Bader Carl moved into
pointi- g A\7 AV Willits administrator and
the building formerly occupied by the F or S heriff —
EdPotteiger, J J »Gregory and Dr
Eastman Drug Co., corner of Main and
J G Stephenson appraisers.
Granite streets and opened up a stock of
Estate of Henry Bleecher; ordered that
Of Foots Creek.
strictly first class cigars—his own manu­
the final account be accepted and admr
facture It is his i» tention to manufact­
ure the better class of goods, so that lov­ Present Incumbent and regu­
Estate of Geo AV Dorwin; ordered that
ers of the weed can know what they get
admr pay all preferred claims, and estate
and can see it made
appraised at $676.27.
Guardianship of Lloyd M Cox; estate
appraised at $343.75.
F or A ssessor —
Estate of AA tn K Reeves;order appoint­
Aliss Etta Hollingsworth, the dress­
ing S F Morine admr, and H 8 Emery,
maker of Medford who has been living
Jno E Pelton a d E J Farlow appraisers
Euncb Counter
in Portland fo-sometime, was married
Of Eagle Point.
Estate appraised at $1489.25.
in that city several weeks ago to Chester
Coffee and Cake
Estate of J B Wait; semi-annual ac­
White, a musician and employe in a
count of administrator ordered placed on
music store.
Probate journal
Estate of Eliza J AVrisley; estate ap­
To the Officers and Neighbors of Ma­
praised at $72) and order settii g apart
hogany Camp No. 6565, Modern AVood- F or C ounty ' T reasurer —
property exempt from execution; order J Best Hleals in
man of America, I desire herewith to ex­
to sell personal property.
tend to you my heartfelt thanks for your (
Estate of Henry I I'unbar; semi-annual I
25 Cents
neighborly assistance during the illness
Of Jacksonville.
account ordered recorded.
and burial of my husband and for the
Estate of John A Boyer; order for sale I
prompt payment of the $2000 benefit
Present inenmbent and Regular Republi­ of personal property.
which I received March 27, 1902.
Estate of Joseph J \Tan Hardenburg;
can Nominee.
L izzie L ovesee .
order appointing Jacob Olsen, AVm Lewis
?resb Bread and Pastry
and Gus AVilliams appraisers.
Your mother makes
Guardianship and estate of minor heirs
F or S tate S enator —
of H J Hicks; estate appraised at $9144 76. i
Of late several persons have clianged
Guardianship of minor heirs of Geo i
their place of abode in our neighborhood
Schumpf, deceased; confirmation of sale
E. F. Raimey has moved from the G. AV
of Ashland.
of real estate.
mr$s J. JL McDade
Stacey ranch to the Thos. Baily house.
C. B. Hayes has moved from the G. W.
Job work at this office.
Regular Democratic Nominee.
Smith place to C. F. Case’s property and
Jno. Nelson lias moved onto the place va­
cated by Mr. Hayes.
F or C lerk —
J. 0. WHIPP.
Miss Clara Richardson who has been
attending the academy at Medford came
home last week for a' two months vaca­
of Medford.
Regular Republican Nominee.
John and Eli Amick started for Sisson,
Cal., last AVednesday where they have
employment in a sawmill for the summer.
Ashland, Oregon, Corner Second and Main.
Jas. Amick is visiting his parents at F or T reasurer —
this place. He has been working on the
Butte creek ditch the past four months.
of Medford.
Miss Gertrude Richardson of this p'ace
is teaching school in the Dry creek dis­
trict with ten scholars in attendance.
Regular Democratic Nominee.
Mias Myrtle Porter of Table Rock be­
gan a tnree months term of school in the F or S tate S enator —
Mountain district last Monday.
A letter from David F. Fox, Ashland,
For five y. ars I suffered from stomach
t oilble, having ill tile meKiitiine Hied
many renieilie for its alleviation, bin
without effect. I meta friend who loki
me <<t Natl - Dyepepsia Cure, ami how it
made a healthy woman of his wife, who
bad mffeie i for tiltee" year- from et ni-
acli trouble and from which cause she
had been given up t ■ die 1 without de­
lay sent for your rnedi- ine. Af er taking
three bottles of the CURE, found me a
well man. Knowing its great efficacy
from not on y my own «xperi — ce, but
If elected governor, I will do whatever from the exper ence of other«, I never
is necessary to correct abuses in the way overh ok an opportunity to reeommend
of official extravagance which are recog­ this remedy to any m e whom I know to
be suffering from stomach trouble.
nized as existing.
1 have no hesitation in saying that
whatever may be the political complex­
For site by McNair Bros., or druggists
ion of the legislature, my first aim will
be to scrutinize every act that comes to generally.
the executive for his approval, and if
FRANK NAU, Portland, Ore.,
vicious or extravagant, I will have no or 2<i3 Broadway, New York.
hesitation of p acing upon it the seal of
Price. $1.0); o l>otiles $5.00, express
my veto.
I believe that the officers of the state prepaid.
should be placed upon salaries, and the
constant and repeated violations of the
Constitution with reference to increase of The Well-Known-----
salary by the creation of useless commis­
sions with salary attachments ought, to
be abolished, and I will do all in my
power locking to the accomplishment of
this result.
I promise, if elected, a business admin­
istration in every sense of the word, and
a saving to the taxpayer for the state an
amount as large in proportion as I have
been enabled to save the taxpayers of
Multnomah county in the administration
of the affairs of the office which I now
Will make the season of 1902, begin­
hold, and I appeal to my record in that ning April 1st, at the
respect as a guaranty of my good faith.
AVith reference to the management of Union, Livery
the public lands of the state and the com­
mon school fund, and other matters con­
nected with the fiscal affairs of the state, where he will be two days, and the bal­
they will each and all receive my undi­ ance of the time at the
vided and careful attention.
- ■—
Portia1 d Oregonian: The desire of
harles Nickell, of Jackson county, to be
nominated for state printer smashed the
democratic slate in two places yesterday,
when the delegates reconvened to finish
their work yesterday. In order t-• side­
track J E. Godfrey, of Salem, who was
a warm favorite for the nomination,
Nickell set Lark Bilyeu out of the race
for supreme judge, and brought about the
nomii ation of B. F. Bonham, of Salem.
One Marion county man on the ticket,
he believed, would put the finishing
touches on Mr. Godfrey’s fate. But it
didn’t. The nomination of Judge Bon­
ham set all kinds of machinery to work­
ing, and it worked with a whlrtr. F A.
Sherwin, also of Jackson, had been slat­
ed for secretary of state, and following
the same reasoning he applied to the
Marion com ty matter, Mr. Nickell lent
his support to Mr Sherwin’s opponent,
D. W. Sears, of Polk The Sherwin
people came back by pulling for Godfrey,
.and as a result Mr. Nickell was third man
in the race when, after a second ballot,
the nomii ation of Godfrey was made.
In other respects the ticket went through
as slated, as will be shown by the list of
nominees printed above. Sherwin and
Sears made a lively fight for the nomi­
nation of secretary of state, but the Jack-
son county man was not favored by the
41 stanch democrats from Multnomah,
It is announced that N. S. Holcroft of
and went down by a vote of 101 to 161. Portland will preach at Antioch school
of Ashland.
L A. Lung, ef the Hillsboro Argus, was house Sunday, April 27.
the only formidable opponent of Godfrey
J. M. Rogers was trading with Medford
for state printer, and he didn’t count, to
Regular Republican Nominee.
any appreciable extent, after the first merchants Tuesday.
The V alley R ecord , $1.75 per year
F or R epresentative —
What the
C> C. Ragsdale Place,
AVE IN STOCK 2000 Newtown Pip­
pi sa d Spitseaher.s. O.» Ilu - WINTER—In Ashla» d April 14, 1902, to
Mr. and Mrs. O Winter, a son.
dre 1 Cou Doyuue du Cuuiic<- winter
m X mm i)
< oueb Syrup. T*»ie* Good. Use ___
In lima. Sold by drueul’i».
? (
The democratic candidates were in
Ashland Saturday after"oon and met
with M. F. Eggleston, chairman of the
late county convention, for the purpose
of selecting and appoi' ting a campaign
committee. The candidates were unan­
imous in agreeing upon the following
J. A. Whitman, Medford.
Dan Chapman, Barron. •
Henry D. Reed, Gold Hill.
J. Nunan, Jacksonville.
M F. Eggleston. Ashland.
Clarence L Kearnes, Jacksonville.
This committee and the candidates
will meet again again next Saturday for
the purpose of agreeing upon and levying
a campaign fund from which to meet the
expenses of the coming campaign and
discuss plans for the same.
Stable m
State Ticket.
Shot >n His Left
Full Line of .Yursery Stock-
all Oregon Grown.
I -- - ■
two miles north of Central Point, return­
ing every ninth dav.
blooded Kentucky Jack, solid black in
color, 15 hands high, weighs 1200 pounds
when in condition, and oi good form and
action. He is a sure foal-getter, and his
colts speak for themselves.
ITER MS—Single Leap $5, payable at
time of service; $8 and $10, payable when
the mare is known to be in foal or clian-
ges owners. Grain or young stock will
be taken at market price
Good pasture will be furnished mares
from a distance at $1 per month. All
care taken to prevent accidents, but no
responsibility assumed.
W. N. WRIGHT, Owner.
J. C. S lagle , Manager,
Central Point, Oregon.
of Gold Hill,
Solita Drop Mortilo Company
Carpets, Draperies.
Everything usually found in an “Up-to-Date” Furniture Store
and at right prices.
Regular Republican Nominee
The Oregonian in an able editorial on
the proposed constitutional-amendme t
to be voted on in June, sums up as fol­
The referendum is an obstacle to too
mucli legislation; to surreptitious legis­
lation; to legislation in particular inter­
ests; to partisa machi e legislation, and
to boss rule. The dread of innovation,
received as a first impression whe • the
change to this system is proposed, will
pass away upon examination of it. It
has been found, to the confusion of,
radical leaders, that the measures they
most prized have been negatived by the
electorate. Of course, there would re­
main a vast variety of legislative meas­
ures which it would not be deemed
necessary to submit to a direct popular
vote. All plain and simple acts, or most
of them, short, direct and easily under­
stood, would pass from the legislature
directly to the statute book; nut the
referendum would be ordered in all cases 1
where there was serious opposition or
doubt; that is to say, in those very cases
which ought to receive widest examina­
tion and be subjected to most searching
discussion. Impo tant legislation would
thus be lifted above the schemes of in- (
terested perso's, above the dominion of
party or partisan leaders; legislative jobs
would be mi- imized and a check nearly
absolute would be put upon profligate
legis ation.
These are some of the advantages
The disadvantages are such, mainly, as
would be urged by those who habitually
seek benefits through the present legis­
lative system, and who object to relin­
quishment of existing opportunities.
The Oregonian believes that upon study
of the subject by the people this amend­
ment will prevail; but it must be re­
membered that in this, as in all similar
cases, a majority of the electors voting at
the particular election in which an
amendment is submitted, must be re­
corded for it, in order to carry it.
by our new invention.
Only those born deaf are incurable.
.- — Being entirely cure<l of deafne«*, thank* toBvo Jr
now give vcm
• full history of my case, to be used at your discretion.
About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and thi* kcut on Bcttinx
nndl I laM
tny hearing m this ear entirely
underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three mouths, without any success, consultod a dunu
her ot physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that
oDly an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the bead ncJa**» would
then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever.
7oiir ildXeFtlscmcnt accidentally in a Kew York paper, and ordered your Usat-
F^Tt* After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noiasa oeaaod and
to-day after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear hat been entirely restored. I thank ye«
heartily and beg to remain
Very truly youra.
A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, 1X4*
Our treatinent does not interfere with your usual occupation.
I *
............................. .... 1--------
Worth of 80 Pound Steel Rails, 50 New Locomotives
and 55 New Coaches, Chair Cars, Dining and Cafe
Cars is the record of tho
Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is
the order of a woman’s preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great­
est of all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the strenuous efforts t0 mak- or eave
during the past year, making it the most modern and up-to-date
the monev to purchase them. If «
railroad in the c untry. Trav-1 over it and enjoy the finest equip-
woman will risk her health to get a
ment on earth. C S • RANE. Gen. Paes. Agt., St. Louis, Mo, BOSS
coveted gem. then let her fortify herself
CLINE, Pac. Coast Pass. Agt., Loe Angeles, Cal.
against the insidnous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
th- regular use of Dr Roschee’s German -W^4-4-v4-4-4-4-?4- ! l lH-»-4-l--î-i"4-4-H 4-4'4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4'44 » I't
Syrap. It will promptly arrest consump­
tion in its early stages and heal the af
fected lungs and bronchia) tubes and
drive the dread disease from the eystetn
It is not a cnre-al‘, bnt it is a certain
cure for conghs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. Yon can vet Dr. G. G Green’s
reliable remedies at T K. B olton ’ s .
Get Green’s Special Almanac.
Wabash Railroad
Job Printing at RECORD Office
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