> 5 •a « -* .JL All druggists will refund your money if vou are not satisfied after rising Cham­ -iheumatianr berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. “During the winter of 1898 I was so They cure disorders of the stomach, bili­ lame iu my joints, in fact all over my ousness, constipation and headache. The People’s Paper. body, that I could hardly hobble around, Price, 25 cents. Samples free. when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's ASHLAND. O k ., Thursday, Feb. 27. 1902 Pain Balm. From the first application I Louis Morley, an aged teamster resid­ began to get well, and was cured and ing at 574 Forty-fifth street. Oakland, have worked steadily all the year.—R. Cal., was gored to death by an angry Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale bull that he was attempting to tether by all druggists. out in a vacant lot on Lusk street. Anti-Asiatic riots occurred at Chand­ Though he was killed some time during ler coal mines, in Fremont counry, Colo., the night it was not known until the when 100 Japanese miners were ordered morning, when his body was found iu to quit the camp. They had been there I the lot. The bull’s horn had penetrated only one day and were imported Trom Morley’s heart. The animal had been Wyoming to supersede Italian laborers raised by Morley, who regarded it as who objected to the discharge of one of perfectly docile. their number. The Japanese were not At the conclusion of the trial of the allowed time to remove their goods. ease of Benjamin Hart against Martin Pullman Edward Creamor Macfarlane died on Hofstad, Judge Sweeny, in the superior Sleeping Cars his wedding tour at the Auditorium ho­ court at Redding, Cal., said that al- Elegant tel, Chicago, leaving his wife of a week | though quartz locations had preference Dining Cars a widow at 22 years of age. His death i over placer claims in case of contest, was the result of an attack of pleuro­ the quartz claimant must show that a Tourist pneumonia. The body will be sent to a ledge of quartz that would pay for Sleeping Cars Honolulu, where he, jointly with his working exists on the disputed claim if brother George, was the proprietor of he would hope to be successful in a con­ ST. PAUL the Hawaiian hotel and had an exten­ test. Hofstad filed a quartz notice on MINNEAPOLIS sive liquor business. Mr. Macfarlane Hart’s rich placer claim in old diggings DULUTH_____ and Miss Florence Ballinger of San aud a suit to quiet title was brought. Francisco were married in that city, Although a decision was not rendered FARGO and were on their way to Europe. Mrs. Judge Sweeny said that the quartz GRAND FORKS TO Macfarlane goes back to a home crowded claimant had failed entirely to make a CROOKSTON with wedding presents, which have not showing iu regard to a ledge that he considers the law makes necessary. even been acknowledged. WINNIPEG HELENA and • BUfTE and continued until I had taken twelve bottles. Now I do not look like nor feel like the same man as I was a year ago. People were astonished and said they TO did not think that I could live. I can Which Did Not End With CHICAGO thankfully say that I am entirely cured of a disease from which, had it not been WASHINGTON Wedding Chimes. for your wonderful ‘Discovery,’ I would PHILADELPHIA have died.” NEW YORK What Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical This is a modern love story, only pos- BOSTON AND ALL lible in these times of broad education Discovery did for Mr. Reed it has done and high ideals. A young woman was for thousands of men and women who POINTS EAST and SOUTH left alone iu the world by the death of suffered as he did. There are strong Through tickets to Jcpan and China, via her parents, both of whom were victims men to-day who were once weak, emaci­ Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship of consumption. She was amiable, beau­ ated, with scarce any hold on life. They Co. tiful and had many suitors, one of whom were made strong by " Golden Medical For information, time cards, map and was the man she would have chosen Discovery.” There are glad wives and t'ckets, call on or write above all others as her husband. But happy mothers to - day, radiant with A, D. CHARLTON, she brooded over the thought that she health, who were once coughing their Assistant General Passenger Agent, probably inherited from her parents the lives away and were incapable of any PORTLAND. CRKGON. fatal disease—consumption. If she mar­ enjoyment in life. They were cured by ried she would, she reasoned, be perpet­ the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical uating this disease in the children who Discovery. might be given her, and so she resolved " I want to say a word in favor of your never to marry, turned away from the grand medicine,” writes Mrs. Priscilla man she loved and disappeared from Smail, of Leecliburg, Armstrong Co., society to give herself up to nursing Pa. "About three years ago I was taken with a bad cough ; had night-sweats; would take coughing spells and have to sit up in bed at night for an hour at a time. When I would walk up hill I could hardly breathe; would get all stopped up in my throat. I saw the advertisement of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discover}’ and decided to try it. I took three bottles, which cured me. Whenever people tell me they are sick I say to them, ‘ Why don’t you get Dr. Shortest and Quickest Line Pierce’s medicine ? It cured me and will cure TO others. ’ ” ST. RAUL, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACO VALLEY BECORD. Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His II ORTHERN PACIFIC À LOVE STORY THROUGH TICKETS POINTS EAST MAKE A TRIAL. AND ALL POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME ; SERVICE AND ktnong the poor until such time as the SCENERY UNEQUALED. dread disease should claim her. For Rates. Folders, and Full inturma- tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad­ dress II. DICKSON, Citv Ticket agt.. Portland, Or. J. W. PH ALON. T. P, A., 122 Third 8’reet, Portland, Or. A^SUj. DENNISTON, G. W. P. A. SPLENDID BUT NOT SCIENTIFIC. The sacrifice was splendid, but the theory which prompted it was unscien­ tific. Never, in the history of the dis­ ease has consumption been so carefully studied as to-day. Scientists in every country are directing their efforts to the 612 First Avenue Seattle, Wn. eradication of the disease. In many minor things these scientists disagree, but they are unanimous on the one point— consumption is never inherited. That one ghost which has frightened so many people is laid forever. Before the disease consumption can grow in the body the germ seed must be planted there. These consumption germs are everywhere. It is doubtful if every­ one does not receive them at some time or another. But in the great number of cases they are thrown off. Where they regon lodge and develop disease it is because hortline they find tissues prepared for them by weakness. There is the danger to the children of consumptive parents; they have a tendency to weakness of the aaa UNION PACIFIC lungs and other organs of respiration, and need to be doubly careful to avoid T ime S ch « dules . D z PABT 1 »COM colds aud coughs or any other cause of A bkivb I PORTLAND, OR. | irritation of the tissues of the throat or lungs. More than this it should be the Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. 4:30 p. nt constant effort of every person predis­ Portland posed to lung trouble to bring the lungs Worth.Omaha. Kan­ Special sas City, St Louis, up to the highest standard of health. S 9 a. tn. O Chicago aud East. IT CAN BE DONE. Weak lungs can be made strong. Ob­ stinate deep-seated coughs can be cured, and the clouds of consumption which darken many a life can be scattered. " I feel it my duty to give my testi­ monial in behalf of your great medicine,” writes Mr. John T. Reed, of Jefferson, Jef­ ferson Co., Ark. "When I commenced taking Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ covery I was v cry low with a cough, aud would at times spit up blood. I was not able to do any work at all, and my head was dizzy. The first bottle I took did uie so much good that I had O’ith in it Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. 8:10 a. m. Express Worth, Omaha, Kan­ 8;f0 p m sas City. St Louis, Via Hun­ Chicago and East. tington St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewis­ 7 a. m. Fast Mail ton, h'pokane, Min­ 6:15 pm neapolis, St. Paul. Via Duluth, Milwaukee. Spo tane Chicago and East. If your lungs are weak, if you are suffering from bronchitis, obstinate cough, bleeding lungs, night-sweats or emacia­ tion, give Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov­ ery a fair trial. It always helps. It almost always cures. It took twelve bottles to cure Mr. Reed, but note how he got faith in the possibility of a cure by the use of " Golden Medical Discovery.” " The first bottle I took did me so much good that I had faith in it, and continued until I had taken twelve bot­ tles.” That’s generally the way. One or two bottles of "Golden Medical Dis­ covery” give an appreciable gain in health so that the sick person is encour­ aged to persevere until a perfect and per­ manent cure is accomplished. Of course, some are slower than others in respond­ ing to the remedy. It must be expected that the smaller the spark of vitality the longer it will take to fan it into a flame. But for the comfort of everyone suffering from weak lungs or other diseases of the organs of respiration, it may be stated that no matter how bad the disease the record shows that in ninety-eight cases out of every hundred Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has effected a perfect and permanent cure. Give it a fair and faithful trial and it will cure you, too, unless you are one of those two in every hundred who can only be helped and not completely cured. Keep the bowels healthy by the timely use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. Don’t be fooled in trading a substance for a shadow. Any substitute offered as "just as good ” as " Golden Medical Dis­ covery ” is a shadow of that medicine. There are cures behind every claim made for the "Discovery,” which no "just as good ” medicine can show. FREE DIAMOND3 might have a more attractive sound, but they would not have a greater value than Dr/ Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser. This great work, containing more than a thousand large pages and over seven hundred illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or ji stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Portland to Chicago 72 Hours NO CHANGE OF CARS MANHOOD RESTOREDSS Ocean ana River Schedule from Portland. 8 p. iu tion ot a famous French pbyslcúu, will quickly cure you of all nor- veas or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, Insomnia, l’tiaaIn the Bech,Seminal Emissions. Nervons Debility, Pimnlea, Unfitness to Marry, Exlmnsting Drains, Varicocele ana Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick- cess of discharge, which if not checked leads to Spermatorrhma and r.!l the horrors of Impotcncy. CTTPIDEXE cleanses the liver, tire BEFORE aho AFTER ___ ____________________________ _______ kiilners and the urinary organs of all impurities CXPIDENE strenxtbensaud izsCores small weak organs. Tbe reason suiTprers are not cured bv Doc’ors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CUPIDHNEIs thecn'.v tnur-n remedy to cure without uzi operation. 5000 test imoni- r.lv A written mzarantee firm and mnaey returned it eix boxes does not eilect a permanent cure. $l.jCabox.slxtorI5.W.by mall. Bend for fih : b circular and testimonials. Address DAVO1* MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box STS, Ban Francisco, CaL For Sale Sf All sailing dates sub­ ject to change 4:30 pm For San Francisco — Sail every 5 days Daily Coi.VMBtt R ivbr 4 p. tn Ex Suu- S teamkbs Ex. bun. *ay. 8 p n, Satur slay 10 p To Astoria and Wav- IU. Landings. Go East Through SMJ at'McNxin Bin's.’ Drug Store, Ashland, Or. Portladd DON’T QUESS gV^Tickets via this route on sale at ö. P. depot. A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or, I PIONEER WHITE LEAD Is Absolutely Pure, and will Outwear ull other Lcuds. If your dealer does not carrv it write to u. bi d »e will see that you a«t it. W. P. Fuller & CO., the Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via the Illinois Central trom Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don’t fail to write us about your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over w hicli is operated some of the finest trains in the world. Fvr ^articulare rcgarditg frcight or paseenger rales and Service cali ou or address, PORTLAND. OREGON. J. C. LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBULL, T, F. A P. A. Coml Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Oregon. The La-t Heard Of It, “My little boy took the croup one night and soon grew so bad you could bearjrim breathe all over the house,” says f. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, O. ‘ We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure quickly reliev­ ed him and he went to sleep. That’s the last we heard of the croup. N ot isn’t a cough cure like that valuabie'.^^One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it,” says Justice,6f the Peace J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. “My wife could not get her breath and was reliev­ ed by t he first dose. It has been a bene­ fit to all my family.” Singular Case of Blood-Poisoning. The death of Charles Octo ar Tacom? is said by doctors to have been caused primarily by a scratch ou his scalp, re­ ceived some weeks ago in a barber shop. At that time a wire bristle of a hair­ brush pierced his skiu aud blood-poisoa- ing resulted. A large gathering formed and was removed subsequently by au operation. From that time Otto’s health declined. He lost his appetite and be­ came melancholy. Finally his mental and physical condition brought on heart disease. He quit work aud resolved to rest until ho felt better. Oue moruiug recently he was attacked by heart trouble aud died in great agony on the floor of his room. Mudhens Frozen to Death. Thousands of mudhens were frozen to death during the recent cold spell in Okanogan county, Wash. Four miles above Loomis is a large mountain lake, which is the haunt of mudhens and other water lowl during the greater part of the year. This winter the mudhens were the last to leave for warmer climes further south. The cold weather was accompanied by a heavy gale, which rolled up whitecaps on Loomis lake. As the mudhens flew along its surface, striking the water with their wings, ice formed upon them so rapidly that they lost the power of locomotion. By the hundreds they were caught in the rap­ idly forming ice and held until frozen to death. The Okanogan Indians have been gathering the birds in numbers for food. Dr. Rider Powell, who is 76 years of age, aud well known iu Contra Costa county, Cal., is a prisoner at the county jail, where he is being held for the kill ing of Albert Crandall. While Powell was at work fixing a gate to close a road leading into property which he claims near Mount Diablo, and which is in liti­ gation, Albert Crandall endeavored to remove him from the property. Powell refused to go, aud, picking up a sack iu which was his pistol, he fired at Cran­ dall through the sack, killing him. The schooner Occidental, from San Pedro to Eureka, wont on the rocks at Point Gorda during a violent storm ano is a total wreck. Captain Luberg and crew, after great difficulty, reached the shore and proceeded to Petrolia. The Occidental was a three-masted schooner, and was built by H. D Bendixsen, at Fairhaven, Wash., in 1884, and was en­ gaged in the lumber trade. The steamer Chehalis, Captain Albert Thompson, which arrived at San Pedro, had a fierce encounter with a hurricane off the Oregon coast. The seas were coming from several directions, and Gus Bent and another seaman named Anthony, who were trying to secure lines on the deck, were swept overboard The opposing wave brought Bent back aboard, where he managed to cling Anthony was caught iu the foresheei and helplessly entangled, in which con­ dition he was dragged a considerable distance beneath the surface before he was rescued. H. R. Hall and the woman who, un­ der the name of Bessie Hall, has passed as his sister, but whose true name is Belle Grosh, the wife of D. E. Grosh, an engineer on the Texas branch of the Santa Fe, were sentenced at San Diego to ten years in the state penitentiaries, the man at Folsom aud the woman at San Quentin. Hall was the night oper­ ator aud agent at the Santa Fe depot, and the particular charge was that, they had taken, some §2,009 worth of dia­ monds belonging to Mrs. W. H. H. Stowell of New York. The diamonds were in a trunk that had been left at the depot for a day or two. Thomas Snyder of Harrington, Wash., laid a loaded shotgun on a table in his cabin, when the gun went off, the charge from one barrel passing through his coat. The concussion knocked the gun to the floor, discharging the other barrel. This second charge completely shattered the bones of one of his feet. Iu endeavoring to reach his nearest neighbor, two and »half miles away, by crawling over the frozen ground, he be­ came exhausted aud would have bled or frozen to death had not W. J. Green, who happened to be passing that way, found him. His foot must be amputated. LINGERING LA GRIPPE COUGH. G. Vaclier, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, says: “My wife had a very severe case of la grippe, and it left her with a bad cough. She tried a bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar and it- gave immediate relief. A 50 cent bottle cured her cough entirely. ’ Take' no substitute.—T. K. Bolton. _______________ The report of army officers, headed by General Miles, recommends the estab­ « lishing of a new post for a regiment of infantry in tae vicinity of Los Angeles; oue for a regiment of cavalry ou the camp site on the Nacimieuto ranch, in Monterey and San Louis Obispo couu- £ ties, and one fora regiment of infantry in the vicinity of Albuquerque, N. M. Jerry McCarthy, a baseball player, was sentenced at Glendive, Mont., to five years in the state penitentiary for the theft of nearly §15,000 worth of dia­ monds from the trunks ot C. B. Claus­ sen, a trave.iug salesman for a Minne­ apolis jewelry house. A committee of Northern Pacific di­ rectors has eported favorably on the construction of a §2,000,000 steel bridge across the- Columoia at Vancouver, Wash. Favorable action by congress is expected this session, in which event construction work will begin next sum­ mer. As soon as the bridge can be built- the Northern Pacific will build a new line into Portland, abandoning its pres­ ent road on the Oregon shore cf the I? Columbia river. I But if you are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offered by A Remarkable Woman. The death of Mrs Elizabeth Lundy, a most remarkable woman in mauy ways, occurred at the home of her son David, on Lundy’s lane, near Berry- essa, Cal. Mrs. Lundy was the mother of 12 children; her descendants number nearly 200, aud next June she would have been 99 years old. She was born in North„Carolina iu J803 and married at 20 -years of age Azariah Lundy. Iu 1852 their sou David came to California, and later another son, Richard—both purchasing property ou the road which was named after them. Iu 1870 the father aud mother came and bought a heme adjoiniug. The husband died in 1875._______________ Job Printing of all kinds at reasonable rates pronrfftly executed at V allet R bcvbp v ® v ©» CHAhiGES MADE. The county commissioners’ court held a session Feb Mith to hear objections to j I the appointment of judges and clerks of election made at the January term. The boards in these precincts are now consti­ tuted as follows: Rock Pojnt—Judges. Wm. Flippen, P. \V. Blackert, J. T. Miller; clerks, R. L. Duzenbury, John B Dunkin, C. E. Mil­ ler. Mound—Judges, D Cingcade, W. W Gregory, W . V. Gibbons; clerks; W. H. Norcross, C. Owens, Forrest Moore. Gold Hill—Judges, Dan Richards, Geo. Hammersly, U alter Stickle; clerks. A. E. Kellogg, J. H. Beeman, E. C. Wells. -> Blow Springs—Judges, Ralph Dean’ J. W. Ingram, G. Perkins; clerks, R. Ashworth, W. H. Penninger, Win. N. Wright. T.alent—Judges, J. Patterson, V. A. Dunlap, E. K. Anderson; clerks, E. Foss, Geo. Alford, W. Beeson. Ea’-t Medford —W. S. Crowell, F. Hubbard, D. T. Lawton; clerks, L. L. Jacobs, M. Purdin, H. G. Nicholson. Pleasant Creek—Judges, M. S. Wake­ field, Josh. Neathammer, James Owens; clerks, A. C. Manning, J. C. Williams, Chas Owens. ’ Central Point—Judges, W. J. Freeman, John 01 well, I. C. Robnett; clerks, W. M. Holmes, A. O. Freel, John E. Ross. TO CURE A COUGH stop coughing, as it irritates the lungs and gives them no chance to heal. Fo­ ley’s Honey and Tar cures without caus­ ing a strain in throwing off the phlegm like common cough expectorants.—T. K. B olton . Thomas Moran, for his part in tlio nurder of George W. Rice, at Sau Frau- :isco, on Oct. 11, was found guilty of ¡nurder in the first degree and sentenced to life imprisonment in San Quentin. H. D Bendixsen, one of the best known shipbuilders on the coast, died of jaundice, complicated with heart trouble, at Eureka, Cal., while visiting there. Mr. Bendixsen was born in 1842 in Thisted, Denmark, where his body will be taken for interment, Harold M. Cole, assistant superin­ tendent at the East Helena (Mont.) smelter, is dead and Olivia Mayne Cole, his wife, is at her home mortally wounded as the result of shots fired by her husband. The theory is that the husband found some correspondence belonging to his wife, and that there was a quarrel and then the tragedy. In the Columbia lodging-house on Broadway, south of Sixth street, Los Angeles, D. C. Kent shot Mrs. Harriet L. Wiley, then turned the revolver on himself aud afterward slashed his throat with a razor. The woman will probably die; the man may recover. They were partners in the lodging­ house, and it is said that the tragedy is due to Mrs. Wiley’s refusal to marry Kent. Some one broke through the trap-door of the Porter building at San Jose aud stole two valuable self-registering ther­ mometers, the property of the govern­ ment, but left the rain gauge. The weather observer, Percy E. Llewellyn, will thus be unable to take the temper­ atures till new instruments can be pro­ cured. Mrs. Lucy S. Black was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary at Boze­ man, Mont., for the murder of her hus­ band, John S. Black by poisoning, last October. Black left an estate valued at several hundred thousand dollars, and an interesting contest is promised over his wealth, as Mrs. Black will make a fight for it. When you want a physic that is mild und gentle, easy to take" and pleasant in effect, use Cliamberlain’s Stomach anp Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Sam­ ples free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Paderewski’s opera, “Manru,” had its first American presentation at the Met­ ropolitan .Opera House, New York, and scored a decided success. Japanese officers are taking the places of German officers in the task of reor­ ganizing the Chinese army. The reason for the change is that the German offi­ cers are more expensive than the Jap­ anese. Canada has reduced the duty on news print from 25 per cent ad valorem to 15 per cent, which will allow American paper mills to compete with the smaller ones of Canada. Eggs were so scarce in Pittsburg that they were sold for 75 cents a dozen. The Roman Catholic priests say work­ ingmen ljavc been granted temporary indulgences to eat meat during Lent. William H. West, known to theatre­ goers for the last quarter of a century as “Billy” West, the minstrel, is dead at Chicago, of cancer, aged 45. His estate is estimated at 8500,000. Because City Judge Bennett of Mount Vernon, New York, refused to pay a gas bill of $1.65, which, he contended, he had not contracted, the gas company turned of his supply three years ago. He brought suit and the gas company carried the case to the appellate divi­ sion of the supreme court, which has handed down a decision affirming judg­ ment for $4,300 in favor of Judge Ben­ nett for the inconvenience to which he had been put. The damages were as­ sessed at the rate of $5 per day. Saved Him from Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning make life intolerable, No posi- tion is comfortable, The torture is un­ ceasing. DeWitt’s "Witch ___ _ Hazel ______ Salve cures piles at once.i For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is unequalled. J. 8. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says: “From 1865 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until I used De­ witt’s 'Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me.” Beware of coun­ terfeits. TOURIST EXCURSIONS TO THE EAST. The traveling public will be interested to learn of the system of personally con­ duced excursion cars operated over the Rio Grande System, popularly known as “The Scenic Line of the World.” Thev are the regular Pullman tourist or “or­ dinary” sleepers, provided with com­ fortable berths bedding and linen of the Pullman standard They have separate lavatories, are all well lighted and heat­ ed and, in fai-t, are a most successful sub­ stitute for the more expensive “standard” sleepers, the difference arising from the character of upholsterin-j furnished. A colored porter is in attendance with every car and besides him an excursion conductor, whose sole duty it is to look after the pleasure and comfort of passen­ gers in bis cha ge. These cats are run through to Kansas Citv. Omaha, St. Louis and Chicago, in-king close connections for Boston, New York and all eastern points. Thia feature of travel has become ao popular that there >e now established a regular service of nine cars each week, fieri ng a variety of routes and ached tiles so arranged that stop-overs may be made, if desired, at Salt Lake City, Den­ ver, or any point between. No extra charge is made beyond regu­ lar tourist rates. Trietl Five Doctors. To those interested will be glad to Mrs. Frances L. Sales of Missouri Val­ ! I quote the lowest fares and furnish full iev, la., writes: ‘‘I had severe kidney information about the scenic beauties of trouble for years, liad written five doc­ the Rio Grande Route and its superior tors without benefit, but three bottles of accommodations. J. D. M ansh ^ d , Gen’l, Ag’t., loley’s Cure cijreU uro,’’•!. & Ibixti A^ritlaud, Vrwgvn, Dr. Humphreys* Charles Howell of Visalia, Cal., while | tarrying feed to a Holstein bull, was at- I tacked in the corral by the animal and I badly gored, having been tossed over a , Specifics cure by acting directly upon fence. The bull was soon roped aud • the disease, without exciting disorder in dehorned, but it had worked itself into any other part of the system. CVRES. nUCL£. such a rage that as soon as turned loose I so. 1— Fevers, Congestioz s. TaflamiuaHons. .25 it dropped dead. 2— Worms. Worm Fe •. Worm Colle... .25 Annie Andersou, a servant girl in the | 3— Teething. Colle, CrTtng.Wakeruluess .25 employ of E. L. Snell, 224 Ashbury 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults......... .25 street, San Francisco, was returning 7— Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis...................... .25 8— A'eurnlgia, Toothache, Facoache........ .25 from church about 9:39 in the evening, 9— Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 and had just left the car at Ashbury 10— Dyspepsia, IndlgcatJon,WeakSti>:i-aeh.25 street when a masked man took hold of 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods. .. .«5 her and shot her, then ran away. 12— Whites, Too Prof use Periods................ .25 Physicians say she will die. Miss An­ 13 — Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness......... .25 derson came from Sweden last October. 14— Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 Burglars entered the residence of 15— Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains.......... .25 Fritz Habenicht, 1321 Pine street, Sau IS—Malaria, Chills,Fever and Ague .... .25 Francisco, duriug the temporary ab­ 1»—Catarrh. Influenza. Cold In the Head .25 sence of the family in the evening and 20— Whooping-Cough............................................ 25 — Kidney Diseases..................................... 25 carried awey money and jewelry valued 27 28— Nervous Debility.,.............................. 1.00 at fully $500. 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed...........23 Governor McBride of Washington has 77—Grip, Hay Fever...................................................25 Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases M your announced that he will dismiss any state Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold l>y druggists, or sent on receipt of price, employee or appointee who travels about numphreys ’ Med. Oct, Cor. William « John St», the state on railroad passes. Personally New York. the governor has always declined to travel on a pass. “THE—— “I have used Cliamberlain’s Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup 1 have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this Remedy.—M rs . J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by all druggists. For rates, pamphlets or other info* tuition, address, ^HUMPHREYS’ VETERINARY SPECinCS A. A. (FEVERS. Congestions. Inflamuta- cckxs i lions. Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. B. ¡^PRAIA'S. Lameness. Injuries. Cftussi Rheumatism. C. < . 1 SORE THROAT, Quinsy. EpizooUe. curbs j Distemper. cubes I WORMS. Dots, Grubs. MILWAUKEE” ♦ ♦ • ♦ • A familiar name lor the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the “PIONEER LIMITED' Trains every day and night between ' St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.’’ Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any point in the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. J W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt., E. E.tCOl GHS Colds. Inilurnza. Inflamed J Lungs, Pleuro-Pnz-uinoiiia. F. F. 1 COLIC, Bz-llyache, Mind-Blown. curbs i Diarrhea. Dysentery. G. G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. cu J j I s |RIDXEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. P ortland , O b ARE YOU GÓTNG EAST ? Be aure ami see that your Ticket reads via I. I. DISEASES. Mange. Eruptions. cubjcs } Livers. Grease. Farcy. J. K. ? BAD COAD1TIOX, Staring Coat. cures $ Indigestion, Steinach Staguers. 60c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7 At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys’ Medicine Co., Cor. William & %u.. New York. V eterinabv M anual S ent General Agt., S eattle , W ash . curbs Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 13.—President Burt of the Union Pacific, spent several hours in Cheyenne, and in ail interview stated that the company will build a three-storv club house for employes. The building will cost between £60,000 and $109ftK)0, and will be fitted with reading and club rooms and a gymnasium. Work on it will be commenced in the summer. C. J. EDDY, The.... Northwestern Line! ----- THE----- RIGHT OF WAY. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS arid OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thia is the GREAT SHORT The men who control the movements of Burlington trains are cool, careful and ca­ pable. They are picked men—every one of them. The 35,000 employes of the Burlington constitute a force of men thoroughly disci­ plined and all pulling the same way. Therefore, if you go east via the Burling­ ton you may know your trip will be safe, speedy and satisfactory. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis, EVERYWHERE east. LINE Between DULUTH - ST. I’AUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. Tbeir Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- tibuled Dining aud Sleeping Car Trains and Motto; “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputa­ tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents bave tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F. & P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. A. C. SHELDON, General Agent, Great Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Rockisland Portland, Ore, noted ad vér­ ité pamphlets, tising matter, folders, booklets, etc., are tastefully got- ten up and are valuable for what they contain. Here is a partial list of what Good Literature \ a'ciong he rail h,e n rn ays For Almost Nothing MR. CHAS, S. FEE, General Passenger Agent St. Paul, Minn., will send out, carefully mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combination can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland, 1901— An annual publication.beautifully illustrated in color and half-tone This number rreats particularly of the history Bond of the Northern Pacihe’s Trademark, the Custer Battle­ Six^Cents field in Montona. and the Ye lowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland— A neat and dainty publication containing a complete his­ tory of the Northern Paoific Trad-mark The artistic cov­ Send ers ot the Wonderland 19til are u-ed in mmiature. Four Cent». Is the only line operating a weekly Per­ sonally Conducted Tourist Excursion Car between Portland and Chicago with­ out change via the World’s Greatest Scenic Line—making close connection at Chicago in Union Depot for all points East Dailv standard sleeping car between Salt Lake City and Chicago and Buffalo. Library smoking cars between Pueblo, Denver and Chicago. Tlte best and most reasonable dining car service between Pueblo and Chicago. If you are going to Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, Chiccgo or any plaee east, you should enquire about the Great Rock Island Route before purchasing your ticket. Ask your nearest ticket agent about it, or write for folders and any information deeired. A. E. C ooper , Gen. Ag’t 250 Alder St., Portland, Ore. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone— A book of pressed wild Bowers from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A daintv Send and beautiful souvenir—ten specimens of flowets and six Fifty Cent«. full page illustrations af Park scenery. 1 visit DR. JORDAN’S great MUSEUM OF ANATOMY Yellowstone- National Park— 1051 1AM ET ST., 811FR15CISC0, C1L. ' A new 112 page book in strong flexible covers, good paper, Send plain t> pe. illustrated pocket size A compendium, and Twenty-five descriptive of the World’s Wonderland. Ceuta. The Largest Anatomical Museum in the . World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease positively cure«! by the oldest bpeciali^t on the Coast Est. 36 years. ( DR. JORDAN—DISIASES OF MEN1 SY PHI LIS thoroughly eradirated , from system without the use of ■erenrj Trasses fitted by an Expert. ■ esl rare for Rupture, a quick and radical cure for kPiles, Fissure «nd Fistula*, by Dr. Jordan's special pain­ less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per­ sonally or by letter. A Positive Cura in every case undertaken. Write for BxA FH1LOMIPHY ef MkKHIAC.li. MAILLD FRLU. (A valuable book for men.) Call or write Climbing Mount Ranier— An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pages, in strong flexible Send covers, printed ou heavy paper.descriptive <‘f an as< ent of Twenty-five the highest peak in the United States—outside of Alaska— Centa, ot a glacial nature. DR JORDAN & CO.. 1051 Market St . S. F. odol tast Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, ltgivesinstant relief and never fails tocure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomaehs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom­ ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only b;, E.C. D e W itt it Co. Chicago TbetL bottle contains 2 H times the 50c tlçn, $5-00 per Annum. [. Monthly Edition, SI .50' per Annum. ÎPEC1MEN COPY . FREE. C THE BÏST AND MOST INFLUENTIAI MIMING PAPFR IN THE W0RL0 ' F» B au B t àm Swwsm» i . A ^0 w EXPERIENCE I I a u h ■■ J g k ■ j TRADE MARKS D esigns C opyrights A c . Anyone tending a .ketch and deecrlntion may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communiea- tlotia strictly oonddentlal. Handbook on Patent, •ent free. Oldost .yency for aecuring patents. Patents taker, through Munn A Co. receive iprciof notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lareeat cir­ culation of any scientific Journal. Term«. te a year; four month«. IL Sold byall newjdasl.r».