PERSONAL AND SOCIAL OUR SPRING STOCK OF GOODS Chas. Gay is up from Central Point. Van Dunlap was up from Talent Tues­ SALOMON FAILS TO SETTLE Leaves the State Without FROM OTHER TOWNS Satisfying the City or His Bondsmen. day. GOLD HILL. D. R. MILLS, P resident . F. II. CARTER, V ice -P besioent . DEATH OF JAMES SCOBIE Wed-Known Hon. J. J. Houck went to Jacksonville on business last week. C. F. Shepherd and David Fox of Ash­ land were in Gold Hill last week. Mrs. Dekum and her daughter, Miss L. Humasonr are visiting in Medford this week. Miss Edith Dungey was one of the successful applicants at the recent teach­ ers examination. Ivan Humason, who recently moved from this place to Medford, was in town Saturday evening. E. C. Wells, wife and child, went to J rants Pass Saturday evening, returning >n Suniiay morning’s train. Chris. Thiele, freight agent at the S. P. depot, has returned from a month's va­ cation spent at various points in Califor­ E. V. CARTER, C asiiieb . H. C. GALEY, A ssistant C-isniu. Masonry Contractor Passes BANK OF ASHLAND. Away. Herman Saloman, late proprietor of the Col. James Scobie, who recently re­ Sam Tryer is visiting Medford this Ashland House hotel, took Iiis departure turned from a trip to Scotland, where he from Ashland last Friday. He did not week. had gone in search of health, died in ESTABLISHED 1884 pay either his two fines of $75 each for San Francisco Sunday morning. Col. Gurnea has a fine lot of children’s selling liquor without license, as decided shoes. Scobie is well-known in Ashland, having against him in the recorder’s court of first become interested hereby construct­ 8. W. Moore is in from Klamath Falls Ashland, and affirmed in the state circuit ing the culverts for the railroad from court anti in the supreme court respect ­ this week. Redding, Cal., to Ashland. Becoming en­ ively. Salomon also foiled to reimburse Camps’ photos are high grade, not his bondsmen, covering the appeal from raptured with the beauty and climate of high priced. this section he purchased the farm the recorder’s court. When asked about known as the Ross place at Clawson, A. J. McDonnel came over from Klam­ the matter by his bondsmen Salomon four miles south of Ashland, and has gave them a card containing what- pur­ ath river yesterday. spent many summers hereabouts. Mr. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : ported to be his address in California J. Becket, the carpenter, returned to and Scobie’s sister was the late- Mrs Isabelle informing them that in case they Portland yesterday. Scobie Ross, wife of John C. Ross were bothered by the city authorities to He was 66 years of age, and had re­ HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT- inform him. His bondsmen could not J. R Reames of Phoenix was an Ash­ sided in this country since early man­ see wherein it was their duty to get into land visitor Monday. hood, beginning his career as a miner at legal complications with the city authori­ LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. the Cariboo mines, British Columbia. Mrs. Maud Ingram came up from ties over a matter that had been adjudi­ Grants Pass Saturday. Later he followed tlie trade of a stone cated against Salomon in all the courts of nia. mason and afterward became a conti act­ John P. Jones, traveling agent of the the state. Toreign and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold. A social dancing party was given in or for stone masonry work, principally They served the following notice upon P., was here Monday. Mayor D. B. Grant, through their attor­ e L O. O. F. ball Friday evening by for the Southern Pacific Company. Miss Mattoon came up from Medford ney, E. D. Briggs: Smith. All who attended enjoyed Through contracting and successful in­ A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Tuesday to visit friends. vestments in real estate in San Francis­ nt evening. To the Hon. Mayor of the City of Ash­ co Scobie accumulated a large fortune. Mrs. D. B. Hanks was a passenger for land, Oregon: oberta Rippey of Central Point He was a prominent member of the Ma­ Give Us a Call in Our Klamath Falls Monday. You will hereby take notice that H was teaching in our school last week as a sonic order, of the Scottish societies, and Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in Ash­ Salomon, who was defendant and appel­ «ubstitute for J. Percy Wells, who was more particularly of the St. Andrew’s New Enlarged Store lant in action and prosecution on the in Jacksonville assisting in the teacher ’ s land March 13, 14 and 15. Society. He was prominently identified part of the city of Ashland in the matter examination. with various churches and was known AU work warranted by Bert Barnes, of the unlawful sale of intoxicating liq­ for his liberality toward religion and E. C. Wells vras somewhat surprised the jeweler, at Orr drug store. uor has sold his propertv and is prepar­ last Saturday wiien a U. 8. marshall charity. J. E. Pelton lias returned from a trip ing to leave the state of Oregon. He has served Mr. Ross left for San Francisco Mon­ a subpoena upon him. demanding an abundance of property here out of his presence to lane and Douglas counties. • $ day to attend the funeral. in Boston March 18th, to which the judgment against him can be give testimony in the Federal Courts in T. H. Moore, of Ft. Klamath registered realized if vigorous action be taken. The case of counterfeiting Mr. Wells will at the Ashland House Monday. FRIJir GROWERS’ MEETING. undersigned are his bondsmen on hie ap­ a leave for Boston in a week or two, an«i peal. We demand of you in justness Rube Catchings came in from Pokega- The annual meeting of the stockhold­ and fairness to us to proceed at onee th will also make it the occasion of a visit ers of the Ashland Fruit Association will ma logging camp Sunday on a visit. to other Eastern points. the collection of said judgment off him I be held at city hall Saturday evening, Jesse Helms came in from Klamath or forever remain silent as to collecting March 1st, for the election of officers for county Sunday on a visit to relatives. MEDFORD. anything off these bondsmen. ensuing year. A full attendance is de­ Misses Janet and Martha Wilson came Respectfully, C. N. Smith of Hotel Layton, Grants sired. All fruit growers are invited to Gl-X). W. STEPHENSON, up from Medford yesterday on a visit. be present, whether members of the As­ Pass, visited Medford Tuesday. And Everything kept in a first-class Hardware Store. D. B. PROVOST. sociation or not. Bv order of J. S. Cooper, a prominent citizen of Mrs. R. T. Burnett rerurned to Ashland Having rented the shop to H. Boivin, the well known Plumber Dated at Ashland, Or , Feb. 21, 1902. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. McMinnville, was here Monday on busi­ after a week’s visit with friends. and Tinner, who will be pleased to give you close figures on fire* eins Mayor Grant has been absent at the ness. work. liemember, all work guaranteed. ’Phone No. 245. Grandma Merriman left for Butte, Mon­ PROBATE COURT. KKI.IGIOl’S ITEMS, Call at Vaupel, Norris and Drake’s en- | 1 mill considerable of the time this week tana, Monday, to visit relations, after l and we were unable to see him for an ex­ Father W. Bitter says mass in Holy larged store and secure your spring dress planation of the matter. Chairman of which she will go to California for an In matter of estate of Susan M Wilkin­ Rosary Catholic church in Ashland the goods. son; order appointing C E Wilkinson ad­ the Council Thos. H. Simpson eaysthe. extended visit. ministrator and order appointing Benj C. E. Hoyt, the Ft Klamath stockman, bandsmen are good for both the amount ASHLAND, O r . Tbursuav Feb. 27. 1M2 second Sunday in each month at 10 a. in Mrs. Lou Gay, nee Mamie Linn, re­ Edmundson, L Caster and Isaac Bradley Christian Science services at 11 a. in. was registered at the Ashland House of the fine and the costs, and that the turned to Portland Wednesday after a appraisers. Estate valued at $500. city will not lose a cent. in Masonic hall every Sunday. Wednes­ Tuesday. several week’s visit at Jacksonville. About 800 feet of the ditches of both day evening meeting at 7:30 in reading A. F Hunt returned from Portland to­ E. A. Sherwin, and A. McCallen, presi­ MARRIED. ENDEAVOR RALLY She Sweepstakes and La Grange Mining room in Hotel Oregon. Reading room day where he delivered a carload of dent and cashier of The First National open from 10 a m. to 12 m. and from 2 beef cattle. companies, near Weaverville, Cal., were Bank and E. V. Carter, cashier of Bank 5 p in Literature for sale and also VINCENT—CAVANAUGH —In Yreka, swept away by the recent storm. The to Louis Pankey came in from Bly yes­ The Prelude to the Great Convention of of Ashland, H. L. Gilkey, cashier of a for free circulation. Feb. 23, 1902, by W. M. Thomas, J. P., damage will amount to about $75,000 bank at Grants Pass, were here Saturday terday en route to Gold Hill, his parents the Oregon Christian Endeavor—Na­ Geo. A. Vincent and Miss Cora Cav­ Quarterly meeting at the M. E. church on matters pertaining to banking busi ­ Police Ju Ige Mogan of San Fraucisco Sunday. The pastor will preach at 11 being very ill. anaugh, both of Gazelle. PRIVATE HOSPITAL and Sanitarium for the suc­ tional Secretary Will Address the Meet­ ness. imposed the record-breaking sentence o'clock Subject: “The Books Opened.” Attorney Chas. A. Moore and wife Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Patrick of Ashland, ing. of $200 fine upon Ah Jiug, who con­ At 7:30 p. in. the presiding elder will came up from Jacksonville Tuesday for a BORN. cessful treatment of medical and surgical cases by the spent Thursday and Friday at the county ducted a 1 .ttery place at 607 Dupont preach and administer the sacrament of stay in Ashland. The Christian Endeavor people of seat doing abstract work. street. Ah Jiug filed an appeal, but the Lord’s Supper. All invited. The Our spring stock of carpets and lace southern Oregon will have a grand rally in SHONE—In Yreka, Feb. 18, 1902, to most advanced and approved methodsand procedures of mod­ quarterly love feast will be held this curtains have arrived. Call and see Ashland next Wednesday aiternoon and Was held iu $1,000 bonds. Prof. C. F. Shepherd, dealer in musi­ Mr. and Mrs Joseph Shone, a son. at 7:30. The Quarterly confer­ evening as a forerunner of the State Con- cal instruments, was here Saturday do­ By a powder explosion Archie Maither evening ern practice, both medical and operative. ence will be held at 9 a. m. Monday. J. them.—J. P. Dodge. ing missionary work. 1 vention which meets in Ashland in was iustautly killed at Butcher raueb, T. Abbett, pastor. Henry E. Ankeny left for Klamath I XpriL John Willis Baer, national sec- L. B. Brown last week bought the feed 4-4-H-5-+ F++4"F+<-+++++-i>++++<-++ 12 miles east of Auburn, Cal. He was Saturday to look after his busi­ : retary, will speak here Wednesday. On U e kindly invite the public to attend county store of H. D. Austin & Son and on Tues­ engaged in thawing out giaut powder ness interests there. : noon of that day the local Endeavorers day purchased the J. C. Ferguson grocery ♦ worship in the Baptist church on Sunday sticks by means of boiliug water and 30 as The senior class of the Ashland High : and the visiting delegates will be served stock and will consolidate the two stocks. ♦ follows: Sundtn school at 9:45 a. in., Everything new, clean and commodious. All chronic ❖ ♦ sticks were exploded. Maither was preaching at II, B Y P. U. at 6:30, School will give tlieir annual social Fri­ with lunch at Presbyterian church at i blown into fragments by the forco of preaching at 7:30.—A. M. Russell, pastor. day evening, Feb. 28. ■ 12:30. The balance of the program is as Dr. J. M Keene spent several days at Portland last week. I follows: X diseses solicited; diseases of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, the concussion, and the blacksmith shop The Progressive Spiritual Society and F. B. Johnson, who has been stopping t in which he was workiug is a total Institute of Science will hold a confer­ with his uncle, T. L. Gleun, went to Medford, Feb. 2fi, 1902, bladder, etc.; diseases of women ; alcohol, opium, cocaine, and Wreck. ence meeting in Pioneer hall Sunday at Klamathon yesterday. •Dealer in---- - BEAGLE. The committee having charge of a 2:30 p m. Subject continued from last drug habits; diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Con­ Wanted, at once—Lady to travel, publio masquerade given at Alturas, meeting, “Do Spirits Return and Com­ Fine proposition. Salary or commission. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Glass were trading municate? ” Free. Come. Cal., for the benefit of the Alturas with Medford merchants the first of the Address A. A. Association. finement cases can be accommodated. week. Next Sunday the usual services will be baud, permitted several of the maskers Miss Gurnea teaches piano, guitar, to caricature Superior Jndgo Harriug* held at the Christian church. In the mandolin and banjo Studio over Gur- Miss Gertrude Richardson returned ~ ton and the gentlemen connected with morning the pastor will speak on “The nea’s new store near depot. home last Saturday after paying relatives + the prosecution of James W. Brown in Growth of the Evangelistic Idea in the of Medford an extended visit. Apostolic Church. ” and at 7:30 in the Miss Miss Gertrude McDonald visited the Lookout lynching case. The imper­ evening “Jonah and the Whale Story.” Lizzie High this wreek being en route E D. . Wilhite and C. F. Case were sonation of Judge Harrington was par­ The attending and consulting physicians have had a wide transacting business at the county seat from Sacramento to Coburg. The pastor and members of the Con ­ ticularly offensive, and the action of last Friday and Saturday. church heartily invite you to Geo Hall went to Grants Pass yester­ the committee in sanctioning the ap­ gregational and successful experience in the whole domain of practical Frank Brown returned from Los An- attend services at their house of worship after a visit with an Ashland friend. pearance of the masker on the floor in Sunday morning and evening. G. W. day ;eles, Cal., last Friday accompanied by He leaves for Seattle Sunday. such costume is condemned. medicine and surgery, All charges (payable in advance) ai e iis mother and brother. Nelson, pastor. E. L. Bashford, thq- Roseburg miller, School will begin in Antiock District The usual services will be held in the who is spending a weejc in Jackson coun­ reasonable for the accommodations given and work performed. No. 18 next Monday, March 3, with Miss I Presbyterian church next Sabbath. The ty, visited Ashland Tuesday. McIntire of Medford as teacher. new carpet is being put down and the Come to the HighSchool building Fri­ SILVERWARE:— new pews will soon be in. / G. R. Myers, it is rumored, is thinking day evening, Feb. 28th,’ and enjoy a good For particulars, address, of making his future home ip Idaho Standard and reliable ' ■ The W C. T. U. will meet at the liome program and excellent refreshments. «5- We are very sorry ta lose him from our Mrs. F G. Strange next Friday after­ makes. Rogers 1847 of Miss Maud Baldwin, who has been midst as he has proven to be a very use­ noon at 3 o’clock. J ohn W illis B aer , Boston, employed in Camps’ photo gallery for and Wallace 1835. ful man to the neighborhood. General Secretary of the World’s Christian The Oregon W. C. T. U. has secured several months, returned to Klamath Our Prices are right. Mr. and Mrs..John Rodgers were vis­ Endeavor Union. the services of Mrs. Mary E. Teats; na­ Falls yesterday. UR Line of Air Tight Heaters, •5* iting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carter of The tional purity evangelist, who begins her 2:00 p. m. — Devotional Exercises led by W. W.Umbarger, Mike Hanley, the Lake creek stock- Oil Heaters, Box and Steel Meadows the first of the weejr, work in the state at Ashland February Watches:— Mo., writes: “J has sold 460 head of stock cattle to Mrs. J. K. Kidder. Cook Stove and Ranges is superb 28th. She will speak in the Christian man, 2:15—“Christian Endeavor Enthusi­ J. G. Martin of this place has announ­ is the best cough cure on the market to Louis Huseman to be delivered at Med­ and cannot be surpassed in asm”—Miss Nellie Crocker. From 31.00 for the I church Friday evening and will hold ford March 15th. ced that he will ask the Republican con­ day. 1 have used most all kinds and am | meetings at 3 o’clock on Sunday 2:25—“Some Things Essential for a vention for the nomination for the office Southern Oregon. sure that there is no other so good for “I'ankce,’’ up to the afternoon and Monday iu the Baptist church. Mrs. Mrs. G. H. Palethorpc and daughter Successful _ ~~__ DEALER IN Convention ” - — Mrs. T. A. of county commissioner. both young and old, and especially for best SI j‘Wcl move­ i Teats conies highly recommended. All Mabel, left yesterday for Rockford, Kent Reavis, PIONEER BLOCK, children. We are never without it in are cordially invited to attend this series county, Mich., on a visit of some length — —Vocal Solo—Miss Amy Caldwell. ments made. 2:35 the house.”—T. K. B olton . KLAMATH FALLS. A shland , - - O regon of meetings' at their old home. ' i 2:40—Address—Rev. Mr. Jones. The Tule Lake farmers, who contem- ' A broad-gauge railroad is iu contem­ 3:10—“What Is Our Duty Toward a Mrs. McConnell and daughter, Miss Repairing:— HOTEL VENDOME CHANGES. plation between Sau Fraucisco and Lof Convention”—Rev. Jesse plate taking water from Klamath river Winnie, returned to Yreka yesterday af- Successful for irrigating purposes, have, after a pre­ Angeles, where it can make connection a few months stay at Roseburg and a Hunter. ~ 10 years of experience. Mrs. J. W. Heiss Succeeds Mrs. C. Noo- ter liminary survey, abandoned that idea and 3:40 — “ Spiritual Side of Conventions ” visit with Ashland relatives. ' “ with Senator Clarke’s line from Salt concluded to tap the Upper Klamath We do neatly finished —Theodore Putnam Cramer. Lake. The line will run down the nan. Mr and Mrs. R. Beswick and children, lake, where they will have an unlimited jewelry work of all 4:00—Reception to John Willis Baer westerly side of the San Joaquin, mak­ supply of water and plenty of fall. Mrs. J. W. Ileiss, an experienced after a stay in California since the holi-i World’s'sec'y aV/union* kinds and repair and ing connection with Fresno by mean* Monday. ‘ Evening in Chautauqua: boarding house keeper of Siskiyou, has day excursion, returned 1 home .Monday. Geo. Cliastain and wife, Robt. Goss and regulate your watch as purchased the furniture, fixtures and five Mr. Beswick’s health is much of a branch road, thence continuing i improved.! 7;3Q—Quartette—Misses Elsie Patter­ wife and Claud Cliastain will start this fi£y“Order up your goods through US southerly to Bakersfield and Los An­ A fine Dairy and Stock ranch, at it should be done. year lease of the Hotel Vendome, at cor­ Casii Savings Co. are able to offer car­ son, Mae Tiffany, Fannie Fox and Mrs. week for Billings, Montana, to look for a gsiTirom the great trade centers, a bargain. ner of Main and Third streets, and will pets at half price, kitchen furniture at T. F. Kershaw. location. Og^cash ami department storee, geles. It is said that tlie Sau Fraucisco H. L. WHITED, take possession March 1st. Mrs. C. Portland prices. See their samples. passenger station will be on Market Scripture reading—Rev. Mr Nelson. «^FREIGHT PREPAID. Fine house and lots on Iowa St. .$1100 00 A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. anil daughters will move to Up­ Prices on every thing cut in two. See Baritone Solo—Theodore Cramer. street, which will be approached by «saasB^Ieweler. ■ Noonan We keep their samples and catalogues in stock. A. T. Langell of Bonanza, Wednesday ton, where Mr. Nixman is in charge of tlieir add. Prayer—Rev. Mr. Strange. means of tunnels. It is estimated that Honee and lots on “B” St......... 550 00 Call or write for then. the 19th. the McCloud river railroad section. Contralto Solo—Miss Esther Silsby. the new railroad will cost $11,500,000. House and lot on Union St....... 600 00 An interesting literary and musical We are a cut-rate mail order and cash lecture—John Willis Baer. There will be a double wedding near program will be given by the senior class bargain office on al) lines of goods. Daniel T. Howe, whose home was in NOTICE. 25 acres fine land with bouse, Dairy in the near future. Particulars at the High School building, Friday Samples of kitchen furniture, groc-riea, Eugene, Or., died at Sau Fraucisco EDISON CONCERTOGRAPH. later. barn, water for irrigation, ! To whom it may concern: evening, Feb. 28th. Admission 15 cents. ladies' and children’s dress i/o.ods now in recently. Wishing to have the remains Monroe & Grousbeck have been occu­ H. E. Smith’s baby of about a year old, stock, with othei l ues to follow. Notice is hereby given that C T. Payne Refreshments free. etc., close to city.................. 1500 00 interred at Eugene, where his mother pying a room in the Nininger building died at their residence in Merrill last ASK ANYBODY ! of Jackson county, Oregon, lias disposed We also have bargains in wood, house­ resides, his brother, James T. Howe ol J. H. Irwin and Jas. M. Hatton of the past week with the Edison Concert ­ I of all his real and personal property and Farmington, Wash., who have been night. •• hold and personal effects. San Francisco, accompanied the re­ | consequently is not responsible for any i- ° 7 . , 7. « i i j i ograph, which wiiiuii uas has hcpv kept a a uvuuiaauvlio continuous an- au- WHO DRIVES CASH SAVINGS CO. I Attorney d, AV. Hamaker returned from spending the winter m Ashland left yes- , d T en £ e ’ entertaine d with its varied stock debts he may contract, neither will I be Office on Main in front of Granite St., mains. While qu the train the brother terday the former en route homeward , of music. Besides the Cqnoertograph a trip io Portland. responsible for them. contrftctt«! pneumouia and «lied noa» Insurance of all kinds, Life, Ashland, Oregon. latter for Los and the Angeles and El they have innumerable changing pict­ if It is not a fact that Chas. Horton is in town today. E lizabeth P ayne , Grant’s Pass, Or., just as he wa* near­ Paso, we turn out the best -=■ ures of the various wars of the past sev­ Wife of C. T. Payne. ing his former home. Loth bodies N Klamath Falls, Feb. 24, 1902. Fire and Accident, pays. and most stylish look­ Ashland, Or., Feb. <18, 1902. E. F. Ogden and O. A. Atwood re­ eral years, prize fights, etc. They will I reached Eugene together, and the aged I ing rigs in town. turned from Phoenix, Arizona, last remain another week SAMPSON. mother, heartbroken, had both sous We have good r \ e - - - 3 A sad death was that of Mrs. Frank week. Mr. Atwood started again for burie«l in one grave. The fuueral was E. A. Hildreth, Jr, Washington ’ s birtl^y passed quietlv horses and new vehi­ J. P. Bayle Talmadge at Dunsmuir Monday morning. that place Sunday where he will take here. ••vn..-.,, ,• .-< t • . cles. one of the saddest ever seen at Eugene. charge of one of Judge G. W. Smith ’ s H The mother of three children, and in a Transient stock A dispatch to the Butte (Mont.) yi condition where she was about to bring farms. Tom Taylor and his sister, Mrs. Lilian properly fed and well CONTRACTOR Miner from Havre says that the frozen a fourth human being into the world, Burns, started toi Sisson, Cal., where the The Portuguese patient who died of lep­ cared for in our large latter lives, this oldest daughter of S. A. J. Eckles of rosy a few days ago in an isolated build­ body of Bear- Afraid-of-the- Wolf, a noted AND livery stable. sS| i this city was in one of the six houses ing near the county hospital, was quar­ It Sioux chief, with two dead horses, was John Taylor went over to the stone tiiat were overturned in the recent flood antined during his illness, and after his fouud iu the Bear Paw mountains, the quarry the other day. BUILDER !! at the railroad town in Siskiyou county. death the house was burned.—Yreka £Uan, redskin having committed suicide. He ASHLAND, OREGON. Bad colds are going the rounds. M The shock to the prospective mother re- Journal. had been jilted by a Orow maiden aud Ashland, Ore. Fresh, $ suited in the death of the unborn child, A plow of a new model is being intro­ Mrs. T. H. Simpson and son of Ash- had almost blown the top of his head FREIGHT AND and as a consequence-Mrs. Talmadge was ' land, are visiting this week with Mr. duced in this valley. Opposite Bridge, center of town. First=C1ass off with a shotgun. The Indians great reaper, Death.— and Mrs. Silsby. Mr. Simpson has lately A taken in by the gi OZRZEG-OJST » J!ain> Bain. BAGGAGE TRANSFER Redding Searchlign throughout the Bear Paw mountains at. purchased the hardware establishment ' agasasSfe sssgasagesEse —In— are greatly excited over the affair, med­ The ereeks here have been at quite a , of D. B. Grant, in Ashland.—Grants icine men claiming it is a forerunuer oi depth during the recent storm. Wood For Sale. Pass Observer. Plans, Specifications I the return of their lauds by the Great J. Carlson and Mr. Christenson, who Julius Hart came over from Shake The dead chief was a desceud- Ice Delivered Daily in Season Tuesday. have been experimenting with a new : and Estimates on All Kinds ’ Father. aut of White Bear, after whom White cyanide concentrator at the Oregon & ¿C main and Church Streets Frostbite« and Chilblain« Bear lake, uear St. Paul, was named. of Carpenter Work. Montreal Mines Co ’stailingsin Ashland,' quickly cured by Banner Salve, the have been successful and left Monday for His squaw was a granddaughter of Sit­ Hs bland Provisions» O ffice —At Hicks lumber yard most healing remedy in the world.—T. tlie north to try it in a new field. ting Bull. K. B olton . pppostte Ashland Steam Laundry. fruits» Thin your blood with McNair’s Sarsa­ Commissioner Hermann of the general Cinware, Enamelware» STEAM parilla. land office at Washington has given his Canned Goods» notions» glassware» E. E. Winchester, traveling for a decisiou in the cases of 462 irrigators in LAUNDRY Coffees» Spices, wholesale drug house, was in Ashland Stationery» Woodenware, Los Angeles county against the Electric F. HEBERLIE yesterday and today. Mr Winchester Ccbaccos, Power company and Electric Water Etc. Etc» Buy a Cot Build a Bardware, Prop’r. was formerly in the drug business in i Cigars» Etc» «xjmpauy of Los Angeles. The commis­ Ashland, leaving here some nine ••■years -------------- Celebrated maber 4 Brosh Cutlery------------ - sioner is at the opinion that the carry­ WATER Street, ago, and was cordially greeted by old We will endeavor to quote you puces and show you goods that will NEAR MAIN ing of the water of a drainage system friends. His family reside at Los Ange ­ please you. New additions will be continually arriving. All goods IN THE CAMBERS TRACT away from the natural channels for Orders by mail or les. marked in plain figures, and only One Price tO Jill. Jin elegant Cine of Band loug distances by means of impervious express receive Unique wall paper, up-to-date designs Painted Chinaware given One Block From Business Center of Jtshland couduits would have a detrimental prompt attention. from 8 cents up at Stock’s. as Prizes to Our Patrons effect upon the forest reservation. T kbmb C ash , at There will be a local Institute held in G. A. WOODS, Pres, and Gt-n. Mgr. M. L. HAWLEY, Sec. and Treas. SITUATION IDEAL The applications to lay ditches and con­ reasonable ratea. the Central Point public school building DRAINAGE PERFECT duits are therefore rejected, subject tc March 8, 1902. Superintendent J. H the usual right of appeal within the Ackerman will be present during the ses­ sion and deliver a lecture in ifie evening Size of Cote and Prices to Suit Purchaser. period of 60 day«._________ at 7:80 in the M. E. church. A cordial Low Batea for Settlers. (Formerly Ashland Planing Mill.] invitation is extended to all to attend the At the Fish Market. Payne. Jlsbland, Oregon* day session and the lecture. The com­ During the months of March and April Manufacturers and SEASONED SUGAR PINE plete program will appear In next week’s the Canadian Pacific Railway and Soo Dea!ers in fjr LUMB£R.................. issue. line will make the following low rates to (at Moderate Prices) try the North Pacific coast points: From St. Paul, Attention of -pU|jjic ¡s j|ie $25; from Chicago, $33, and correspond­ Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Store Fronts and Fixtures. add in this issue of the Ashland House. Ovllvl in a BankH ingly low rates from all points in the east. This place is now in the hands of D. T. Tltia route is tlie pioneer line in emnii- Irwin, who has thoroughly renovate«! : Main St., Ashland, Or. ...Furniture made to Order... gration to the Pacific coast. If you liave and cleaned up the premises from top to friends in the east who are contemplating bottom That he is a hotel man and un ­ . Ten acre fruit tracts Moulding in < ndless variety at right prices. We manu­ coming west aud will furnibh me with derstands bis business an examination their names and addresses we w ill be V" Two acre tracts facture Boxes of all kinds and sizes. of his hotel register will amply demon­ COMBS BROS. & GRUBB. pleased to liitvt our eastern representa­ strate, showing the increase in business Railroad lets tives gives them full information regard ­ Everything neat and clean. First-class in»*als. Leave orders at W. N. Grubb 6t Co’s store When in need of anything in the building line give us a call since he took charge. Rates $1.00 per ing the resources of Oregon and assist day and up. Frst class treatment and Good clean beds. Courteous treatment. them in arranging for their trip. service. For time tables, rates and other infor­ Ashland, Or. mation call on or address, F. R. Johnson, “I have always used Foley’s Honey : Rates $1.00 Per Day and Up. 'Phone 23 THE HOME BUILDERS. and Tar cough medicnie, and’ think it is F. & P. A., C. P. K, 142 Third street, G« 7« Billings, Portland, Oregon. the best in the world,” says < has. Ben­ We make a Specially of Dry Sugar Pine Lumber. der, a newsdealer of Erie, Pa. Xo^hina ARE ARRIVING And We Have Opened a Fine Line of Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 DRESS GOODS W. N. GRUBB & CO Hardware Dealers McCall-Milis Block. VAUPE , NORRIS & DRAKE Dry Goods and Clothing Store Stoves, Tinware, Steif Hardware, Racycles, VALLEÏ RECORD. THE POOLE HOSPITAL YREKA, CAL. HARDWARE + * * Stoves, Tinware, Agricultural Implements DR. W, E. POOLE, Manger. O W. TBEFBEN Í * $ REAL ESTATE PA QU SAVINGS UMOn COMPANY. HAS FOR SALE I $ 0 9I........ -..................... J. H. DUTTON, Fox & Good, ASHLAND, HT Daniel's Uariety Store... Groceries 1001 Useful Articles >:■ Cheap Union Mill and Lumber Co. The Old Reliable. Wise 4 Cozer Good Rich Milk ASHLAND HOUSE, Blue Bell Creamery Company. Under New Management M. L. HAWLEY & CO., Fr* 1 ... .......... 1 ■ Fai' Sale at a Bargain, ! Beal Estate and Insuraow. subscribe V a U“ ord {Oven. Vili Wight. > B I I III IIP D. T. IRWIN. Job Nrvrk m H im office. [VALLEY RECORD