-• V. K E. A. SHERWIN PRESIDENT J. K. VAN SANT VICE-PRESIDENT A. McCALLEN CASHIER SOCIALIST EECTLRE P. C. A. OF T. A. JUDGE EWING’S MEETING. Christian Science had a hearing be­ Prof. Walter Thomas Mills Will Taik In fore the Ashland public Friday evening Ashland To-Morrow Evening. it Chautauqua Tabernacle, when the be- I OLR GliESTS. lievers of those ideas kindly favored a | IN CONVENTION good audience w th an opportunity of Prof. Walter Thomas M ills, of the In ­ FROM PORTLAND: OF ASHLAND, OREGON. NO. 574-7. hearing one of their star exponents and A E C ooper , general agent, passenger de­ ternational School of Soeial Economy, authorized lecturers—Judge Wm G. Ew­ Saddlery Goods, Carriage trimmings, Transact Their Business and i partment, C, R 1 & Ry. DOES A BANKING will speak on Socialism at Chautauqua ing of Chicago. The speaker was intro­ J iv C asey , traveling freight and passen­ tabernacle, tomorrow (Friday) evening duced by Ex-District Attorney C. B. NEW LINE OF 8INGI E HARNESS, in fact anything We solicit your account and will give your business Have Regular Prince Henry ger agent, C, M & St. P Rp. Watson. Mr. Watson disclaimed being in Harness, Saddlery or Furnishing. an endorser of Christian Science ideas, E B D uffy , traveling freight and passen- at 8 o’clock. prompt, accurate and considerate attention. Time as not being a believer in any one of | ger agent, Rio Grandes. He is reputed to be one of the star ora­ and Call on the many theological creeds which he . . ' H D ickson , citv ticket agent G N Rv. DIRECTORS: Main St., Judge’so d stai d Ashland put on an unusual holiday air . p E llery , continental freight agent, Wis- tors of the United States and is a recog­ has studied. He touched on the hidden in nature and man’s increas­ Central. JOHN S. SHOOK, J. K. VAN SANT, L. L. MULIT, Saturday, occasioned by the second E consin nized exponent of the Socialist or Co-Op­ mysteries ing search for light with which to solve J F lyxn , traveling freight agent, Mis­ gathering of the Pacific Coast Association C. H. V AU PEL, E. A. SHERWIN. erative theory of industrial emancipation. them. The introductory remarks were souri Pacific railway. and appropriate to the occasion. W VV H arder , traveling passenger agent, of Traffic Agents, in their second conven ­ The people are hearing a great deal of beautiful Cor. Oak and Main Sts. Phone 293. Judge Ewing is a very scholarly man Canadian Pacific railway. tion and banquet. H E L ovxsbiry , traveling freight agent, Socialism these days and many people and his remarks were made in chaste and Southern Pacific railway. The association was organized in Ash­ | have somewhat of an impression of the pleasing language and expression. No one left the audience and the Judge had J C L ixdsey , traveling freight and passen­ land just one year ago and has grown theory—ranging all the way from a the undivided attention of his listeners. ger agent, Illinois Central. rapidly, embracing practically that entire W H M eade , general agent. C, St. P, M dreamy situation of no work and all Before having photos taken get Camps’ & O. class of workers on the Pacific coast. _______________ I A M ac C orquodale , traveling freight and pleasure to that of a nightmare concep- prices. passenger agent, O R & N. The Portland contingent arrived on tion of heaving bombs at fancied oppres- FiFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. O’N eill , traveling passenger agent, the noon train in their special car and J H sors of the people. O R & N Co. '' Monday. ------------------- Entire new Stock—Eatest Styles------------------- were driven about the city and suburbs. J W P halon , traveling passenger agent, Every good citizen who really feels an The senate disposed of the treaty with G N Ry. The 4 o’clock train brought the delega­ WALKOVER, ) Leading Biande i MOTTER WELT, M J R oche , traveling passenger agent, interest in the commonwealth in which Denmark ceding to the United States, tion from California points in two special V Carnet À RO*ENTHAL. FEEDER & CO. Rio Grandes. he lives should aim to provide himself for the sum of $5,000,000, the islands ot t MONITOR, In Stock: ( BUCKINGHAM & HECHT. cars. Business was begun immediately, C harles W. S inger , ticket agent, South­ with at least the easiest and cheapest St. Tnornas, St. John aud St. Croix, ♦ GOODYEAR WELT, ) ’Phone No., 96. 4th Street, near Depot. ern Pacific railway. kuowu as the Danish West Indies. e and at 9 o’clock there was a short recess G eorge D S chalk , passenger agent, O R . means of information at command on any Alter some debate the bill establishing 4th St., near Depot, Ashland, Or. UI« King, Proprietor. & N Co. \ to allow the welcome by the City of Ash­ ' subject that a considerable number of his a permanent census bureau was passed. T W C S eachrist , North Pacific Coast In the house the bill to repeal the war F4-4-4-4.4-i-4->-5-4-i-S-3-4’4-4-4~r-t-{.4-i-i-4-4-M-4"«-4"5”i--H"{-4"M--i-4-4-+4-+4-4~»-!-M-4- land. A large crowd of citizens were fellow beings may believe would bring agent, Vanderbilt lines. revenue taxes was passed unanimously, present and President M. J. Roche pre­ H H T rumbull , commercial agent, Illi­ about an improved better order or state Special attention to Commercial men. Rates reasonable without a word of debate. nois Central. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. sided and first introduced H. L. McWill­ H J O N eill , traveling passenger agent, , of affairs. The source of securin^such SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. Tuesday. Wni Taylor, respondent, vs estate of iams, chairman of the reception commit­ O R & N Co. Iu the senate the Philippine tariff bill Forty Men of tlie Scot« Grays Captured Robert . • information is from two avenues only on Taylor deceased, Louisa E Taylor W H W yman , manager California saw wak under discussion, during whi b by the Boers. tee of the Ashland Board of Trade, who, executrix, appellant; appeal from county the mind through the ear in hearing or Wellington of Maryland condemned tli< workg. A detachment ot National Scou’s, court. Ordered that appellant’s cross in a few appropriate words, presented the W illiam H earne , manager Postal Tele­ through the eye in reading. The proper Philippine policy of the government under Colonel Park, surprised a Boer motion be disallowed and respondent graph Co. members with souvenir badges on behalf way to secure a reasonably fair idea of Stewart of Nevada supported the ad­ laager at Nooitgedacht, Trausvaal Col­ have judgement for costs and disburse­ FROM SAN FRANCISCO: ministration's Philippine policy. of the city and Board of Trade. Mayor ony, and captured 164 prisoners, among ments. what any doctrine or theory teaches is Charles R Ray vs J R Mitchell; ordered G tv A rbuckle , agent Judson Alton ex ­ In the house Burleson of Texas, them being Field Cornets Joubert and D. B. Grant, in a felicitous speech, form­ to hear it expounded by those who speakingou trusts, said President Roose­ Viljoen. Acting Pres.dent Schalk-Bur- that plaintiff is the owner of 8 83 100 cursions. acres sec 13, tp 36 s, r 3 w, and recover ally welcomed the association to the free­ J ay W A dams , Pacific Coast agent N Y make it a study and are prepared to shed velt was now controlled by the forces in ger and other members of the Boer from defendant his costs and disburse­ C & St. L. | dom of the city. the Republican party which had in th< government were in the laager, but suc­ ments; that the sum of $24.68 tendered A M B arnum , Pacific Coast Passenger some light upon it. past protected trusts. Gillett (R ) ot ceeded in escaping capture. the plaintiff, in the possession of the President Roche responded in some agent Peidmont Air Line. Therefore it is well to hear Prof. Massachusetts condemned a recent county clerk, for the purchase price of G eorge J B radley , commercial agent Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch from pleasing remarks and then introduced Walter Thomas Mills tomorrow even­ speech of Wheeler of Kentucky, who, Pretoria, says a detachment of the Scots property belongs to plaintiff for purchase Southern Railway. Col. Geo. J. Bradley, a gifted son of the E A B lair , general agent, Great Northern ing on the subject of socialism. referring to the administration’s prepar­ Grays (Second Dragoons), forming pari price of property herein, subject to de* Railway. ations for the visit of Prince Henry and of General Hamilton’s coiumu, while lendant’s judgment for costa. Sunny South who regaled his hearers P F Swayne vs K Boaz, order of dis­ J L B uell , traveling freight and passen­ THIS WEEK ’ S STORM. the coronation of King Edward, said moving on Nigel engaged a force of with a burst of wit and feeling that has missal and plaintiff taxed with costs. ger agent, Southern Pacific, San Jose. Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ that Secretary of State Hay wa9 a “piti­ Boers at Klipdam. The Scots Grays Mary Hanley vs E J Kubli et al; order not been felt in Ashland since the lec­ T racy C ummings , passenger and freight fornia are again in a huge rain storm this able flunkey, who should be booted out ol became detached, were surrounded and sustaining demurrer and granting plain­ agent. Illinois Central. ture of Bob Taylor, the celebrated hum Ross C C line , Pacific Coast Passenger week, the thickest being in the upper the state department.” Several Demo­ cut off. Major O. W. M. Feildeu and tiff ten days in which to further plead. crats disclaimed all responsibility for Captain C. Ussher received severe Court adjourned sine die. Sacramento district. agent Wabash railway, Los Angeles. oriat and ex-governor of Tennessee. In the Mt. Shasta section the storm Wheeler’s statements. C W C olby , Pacific Coast freight agent, wounds, two men were killed, six were On motion of Vice-President Jay W. was accompanied by a heavy gale and at Clerk’s Wise Hug«;ei»ti<>n. Wednesday. Erie Despatch wounded and 46 captured. General 7 o ’ clock Tuesday morning the wind Adams resolutions were epread upon the L M F letcher , Pacific Coast agent Mis­ The senate continued the considera­ Hamilton was unable to dislodge the “I have latelj' been much troubled blew off the roof of a Lake Shore and souri Pacific. tion of the Philippine tariff bill. Boers from their position, so he con- with dyspepsia, belching and sour stom­ minutes of the meeting warmly and cor­ T F F itzgerald , Texas & Pacific rail­ Michigan box car loaded with merchan­ The general debate in the house ou tinned his march toward Nigel. The ach,” writes M.S. Mead, leading pharm­ dise It was on Conductor W. C. Bev­ dially thanking the citizens and Board Ashland, Oregon way, Los Angeles. the Indian appropriation bill was de­ Boers released the Scots Grays who acist of Attleboro, Mass. “I could eat ington ’ s south bound freight which was of Trade of Ashland for their reception. P hil K G ordon , citv passenger agent, going at the customary speed. The crew voted to extraneous topics, criticism of were made prisoners. hardly anything without suffering sev­ Southern Pacific railway. eral hours. My clerk suggested I try The speeches were punctuated with L A H agy , solicting passenger agent, were in the caboose wondering when the the recent speech of Wheeler of Ken­ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which I did with A Limited Amount of Stock will be offered for 15 cents train would go off the track. tucky being the feature of the session. Pennsylvania Company. FOREIGN ITEMS. music by the Ashland Cornet Band. most happv results. I have no more The south end of Tunnel 9, this side of K G arrison , city ticket agent, C M Corliss of Michigan spoke in favor of trouble and when one can go to eating At 10 o’clock the visitors repaired to E railway. Delta, caved in and caught part of a a government cable to the Philippines. At a new year’s audience granted by mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after the spacious dining room of the New De­ J ohn A G ill , Pacific coast freight agent, freight train. This seriously delayed Newlands of Nevada gave his reasons the dowager empress and emperor of such a time, their digestion must be traffic the most of Tuesday. The Mt. for a short time, S M S. for opposing the Hill bill to authorize China to the diplomatic corps their pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dyspepsia pot Hotel which Landlord A. H. Pracht 0 L C H ilton , traveling passenger agent, Shasta wind storm broke the telegraph the redemption of silver dollars in gold. majesties were subjected to cameras, Cure heartily.” You don’t have to diet. line in 200 places between Dunsmuir and had most gorgeously decorated with the Erie railway. which the Chinese consider undignified. Eat all the good food you want but don’t Thursday. . VV B H inchman , chief clerk, A, T & S F. Sisson and the one mile between Cog­ overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia national colors and evergreens, the ban ­ gins and Weeds was entirely down on but will be advanced or withdrawn from the market In the senate, during the discussion A Yokohama dispatch says that oourts Cure digests your food. F O N atch , general agent, C, G W, San Tuesday. Trains began moving Tuesday quet tables being set with sumptuous ! of the Philippine tariff bill, Patterson martial have been ordered iu the case of Francisco. night. ’ ________ of Colorado, one of the minority mem­ a number of Japanese officers who are taste and effect. The following is the . H enry H uggins ,- traveling passenger agent, G N railway, Los Angeles. bers of the Philippine committee, vigor­ accused of looting during the campaign L. A. RICHARDSON The precipitation in Ashland for the without notice. W. N BROTHERTON bill of fare: M alone J oyce , traveling passenger agent 24 hours preceeding 8 a. in. today was ously attacked the authority of the in China against the Boxers. C VI railway. Fresh Eastern Oysters. .59 and for the past four days was 1.5 in­ commission to enact and enforce the King Victor Emmanuel, at the open­ P J K elly , ticket igent, S P railway. Cold Slaw. ches The average precipitation for the sedition laws. Nelson of Minnesota .1 D M edeau , city freight agent, M C Ry. Salads and Relishes: month of February during the past 20 and McCumber of North Dakota sup­ ing of parliament, dwelt on the neces­ Potato. Schrimp. W m . D M c K ellar , city freight agent, L years in Ashland is 2 30. This has been sity of legislation as regards the working ported the administration’s policy in S & M S railway Lettuce en Mayonaise. people. "To honor labor,” said the nearly doubled already during the pres­ the islands. Green Olives. ’ Chow Chow. J O’G ara , ticket agent, S P railway. ent month. king, "to fairly recompense and protect Friday. W J S hattuck , commercial agent, A, T& Mixed Pickles. Celery. ISnccetsors to O. W. Hare] There are three and one half feet of In the senate Bate (D.) of Tennessee it; to improve the lot of those disin- S F, Sacramento. Cold Boiled: snow at Siskiyou. uerited by fortune, are the Aims of the J T S kelton , traveling freight and pas­ Smoked Beef Tongue. spoke in opposition to the pending Phil­ senger agent,Rio Grandes; Sacramento. Sugar Cured Cobb Ham. ftiATING DOWN KLAMATH RIVER. ippine tariff bill. Spooner (R.) of Wis­ newer civilization.” The People’s Paper. F H S tocker , Pacific coast agent, Traders Cold Roast. consin made a brilliant defense of the pR. 8. T. SONGER Despatch. Prime Rib of Beef. MISS STONE AT LAST FREE. Republican attitude toward the Philip­ The Yreka Journal Says the Jail-Breakers and ASHLAND. O r ., Thursday, Feb. 27. 1902 Spring Chicken (Aspice). C E S toles , Pacific coast agent, Thomas pine islands, and concluded with an ap ­ Missionary, Along With Mme. Tsilka, Physician and Surgeon Were Last Seen floating on a Raft. Cook <& Son. ' . Domestic Duck (Compote). peal to congress to stand by the policies LUNCH COUNTER Released Without Warning. G S S trait , ticket agent, A, T & S F, Young Oregon Turkey. Cranberrys. The two jail birds who broke out of the of McKinley and Roosevelt. Tillman A fire at Portland destroyed every Sacramento. Pastry: A Constantinople dispatch says that Open at All Hours, opposite Plaza. building except two on the block bound­ Green Apple. Lemon Merringue. C A T hurston , traveling passenger agCnt, coop at Jacksonville, Oregon, overa week (D.) of S^uth Carolina had not con­ Miss E.len M. Stoue, the American Novelty Blocx, Opp. Hotel Oregon ago, sneaked into this county as far as cluded an arraignment of the adminis­ Give ua a call. C N vv railway. Vanilla Custard. ed by Front, Main and Madison streets C D T aylor , general agent Pacific coast, Klamathon where they took a boat and tration in the Philippines when the missionary who, with Mme. Tsilka, was ASHLAND — — OREGON and the Willamette river. The aggre­ Chocolate de Frenchonett. sailed down Klamath river, passing captured by brigands in the district of International Navigation Co. Assorted Fancy Cakes. senate adjourned. gate loss will amount to about $70,000, M G T onini , Pacific coast agent, NY, 0 Hamburg bar Tuesday last. This is a Macedoine of Fruit. The house, after passing the Indian Salonica Sept. 30 last, has been released me st of which is on the flouring mills desperate undertaking and, if they suc ­ VV railway. J) M. BROWER, M. D. Cheese and Crackers. Coffee and Tea. b. 11, adjourned until Mon­ and arrived at Strumitza, Macedonia. owned by Albers & Schneider. E W T hompson , general agent, Rio ceed in getting down to the coast, ft will appropriation Wine List: I day. Nobody was at Strumitza to meet Miss be the first succesful trip on record. The Advices received at Tacoma from Mumni’s Extra Dry. Red Top Monopole. Grandes. Physician and Surgeon, Saturday, Stone, as the brigands had given no A W W aters , ticket agent, Pacific Coast trouble lies in getting swamped or upset Ruinart Pere and Fils. Dawson state that a single dealer has Washington’s birthday was signalized indication where they proposed to re? at the numerous dangerous eddies. Others ASHLAND — — — OREGON obtained a "corner” on the oats supply Steamship Co. Roeder Clicquot. have tried the trip and were drowned or in the senate by a fist fight. Tillman of lease the prisoners. Mme. Tsilka and E J W augh , traveling passenger agent, of the upper Yukon, and recently ad­ Cyrus Noble. Old Kentuckey Home Club. weakened in the undertaking. It is pos­ South Carolina, in the course of a speech her baby were also released at the same office : Next to Vendome Hotel, Ashland. Missouri Pacific railway. Monticello Pure Rye. At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, vanced oats to 9 cents a pound, or $180 P A Z eigenfuss , traveling passenger sible the escapes took the land route on the Philippine tariff bill, made reflec­ time. They are all well. Miss Stone Old Castle. Martinez* < ocktails. a ton. The number of horses in Dawson after getting beyond telephone communi ­ Laurel and Main Streets. Siskiyou Mineral Water. agent, C. R I & P. tions upon the honor of his colleague, immediately made herself known to the and vicinity is much larger than ever Columbia Beer. J W M c C lvmonds , agent Armour Car cation and will make for the coast, to McLaurin, who afterwards character­ authorities. get away in a sailing vessel to San Fran­ before, and oats form their principal Lines, Sacramento. Cigars: ized a statement made by Tillman as a Cabling from Constantinople, the cor­ Wood'Delivered to any part of HINMAN, D. D. S. food. Henry the Fourth. Soncliez y Hoya. H K G regory , assistant general passen­ cisco or probably some foreign port.— “willful, malicious and deliberate lie.” Yreka Journal, Feb. 24th. respondent of the London daily Chroni­ ger agent, A, T & S F railway. Stanford. LaiMia. Montez. George D. Bliss, the millionaire cat­ The two senators were soon in a rough- cle says he understands that, owing to the City on Short Notice. Principia De Gales. Dentist. tle king, who for nearly half a century Max M. Shillock, one of the bestr.ews- somettiina That Will Do You Good, and-tumble fight, and were separated the necessity of protecting the innocent , was connected with the stock-raising The following toasts were responded paper men in the profession on the Pa-; We know ot no way in which we can by Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Layton. persons who assisted them, the Ameri­ interests of California, died of pneumo­ to and some brilliant and breezy cific Coast, was here with the Pacific Coast Association of Traffic Agents, be of more service to our readers than to The seuate adopted a resolution declar­ can delegates will never divulge where In the Pioneer Block, up] stairs, near nia at his residence, 1581 Pacific avenue, He represented the Evening Telegram of tell them of something that will be of ing both senators in contempt. They and how the ransom money for the Suu Francisco. He was born in Albany, speeches wese heard: City Hall. Portland 1 real good to them, ror this reason we apologized to the senate, but will not be release of Miss Stone was paid. The The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, N. Y., 74 years ago, and came to Cali­ “Our Association” ... M. J. Roche _______________ i want to acquaint them with what we allowed to take part in the proceedings correspondent learns, however, that the Has Purchased....................... “Our Meeting Day' ”....G. W. Arbuckle fornia in 1850. uorj-ac m ocor__________ 1 consider one of the very best remedies until the order of contempt is vacated. ruse of filling the money bag with lead IffiGblWblLBtRI. I on thft niarket for coug h 8) colds, and “ The Pacific North ---------------- orthwest”.. J. H. O’Neill Jg A. SHERWIN, Two great log booms, the property of The W. 0. Johnson’s Shop after the ransom had been paid, with a Southern Slope”.. ..Ph. K. Gordon S ai . em , Feb. 25.—Henry E. Huggins,' that alarming complaint, croup. We re- the Humptulips Boom company, and “The National Association” WASHINGTON NOTES- view to making it appear that the mis­ traveling passenger agent for the Great fer to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy located on the upper Humptulips above And ie now prepared to serve T. F. Fitzgerald Northern Railway Company, with head- We have ,usgd it with such good results The house committee on territories sion to pay the ransom had failed, was Reliable Hoquiam, Wash., were destroyed by “The Passenger Agent” .H. K. Gregory quarters in San Francisco, warmarried in our family so long that it ” L__ ______ unanimously voted to report bills foi completely successful. It is practically hie old customers and the pub­ has ' become the use of dynamite, set off with mal­ “The Freight Agent”.. .L. M. Fletcher to Miss Kathryn G. Gilbert, daughter of a household necessity. By its prompt certain that the ransom money goes to lic generally at the old stand Insurance, icious intent. Not less than 15,000,000 “Our Guests”.............. . .W, H. Wyman Banker A. T. Gilbert. The happy couple use we haven’t any doubt but that it the admission as states of the territories the Macedonian committee. Miss Stone, J,~ time ‘ and * J again prevented croup of New Mexico, Arizona and Okla­ continues the correspondent, is certainly M ain S t .. O pp . O pera H ouse B lock feet were lost. Two sacks containing “The Ladies”................ ..G. J. Bradley left for their honeymoon on last night’s ’ hits “The Irish Contingent” . Malone Joyce overland, going to Los Angeles, where The testimony is given upon our own homa- more than 200 sticks of dynamite that OREGON innocent of any knowledge of the plot General Blacksmithing ef all kinds a 8HLAND, Attorney-General Knox, after inquiry to kidnap her, but strong suspicions are failed to explode were found iu the After an eminently successful event they will reside Mr. Huggins was form­ experience, and we suggest that our Horseshoeing a Soecialty. erly a resident of Portland. readers, especially those who have small into the charges of incompetency aud entertained about some Bulgarians who river. the California delegation took their de­ children, always keep it in their homes corruption against Arthur H. Noyes, Burt Alvord and Bravo John, two parture Sunday noon and the Portland accompanied her party or remained L. M c W illiams , as a èüfesuard against croup.—Camden IN RAILROAD CIRCLES. noted Arizona outlaws, have been ar­ (8. C.) Messenger, For sale by alldrug- judge of the second division of the behind. Ashland & Klamath Falls district court of Alaska, recommends rested in Sonora, Mexico, by the Mexi­ delegation on the 4 o’clock p. m. train. ' __________ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Spencer Eddy, first secretary of the G. F Mills, formerly day operator at gists. his removal from office. This will be can rurales, and the two prisoners will Secretary B. H. Trumbull pronounced Medford, is now at Maricopa, Arizona, United States legation at Constantino­ KLAMATH COUNTY. acted upon forthwith by President ple, who is now in this couutry, says it Oregon. be at once extradited and brought tc the reception by the people of Ashland employed as station agent. Ashland, Roosevelt. Tombstone for trial on the charge ol is entirely a political matter, and all Engineer Charley Miller, ex-traveling Klamath Falls Exclianges, Feb. 20.] and the efforts of Landlord Pracht as an fireman, train robbery. President Roosevelt has made public the people in Macedonia are in sym­ is making a protracted visit in W. P. Whitney, N. S. Merrill and W Will practice in State and Federal courts Fire partly destroyed the Puget Sound unqualified success and says the Associ­ Ashland, being on the sick list. D. Ball arrived in town Tuesday and yes- his decision in the Schley case, and pathy with the kidnaping, for they Thoroughly Restocked and , Office. Reeser bl'k, over Western Bridge and Dredge company’s dredger ation will hold their third annual con Entirely New Management. Mrs. Geo. Engwicht and Leta Stone terday, accompanied by E. B Henry, the holds that so far as the battle of Santi­ believe it is a step toward freeing Mace­ Union telegraph office. San Diego, anchored in Elliott bay. vention in Ashland Feb. 21, 1903, on moved to their new home at Dunsmuir surveyor, made a preliminary survey for ago is concerned neither Rear-Admiral donia from Turkish rule, the same as yesterday where Mr Engwicht is now a ditch from the Upper Klamath Lake Sampson nor Schley actually exercised Bulgaria has been, and the money they ROBERT M. GARRETT When the flames burst through the through tlie hill north of town. The in­ any command. Technically Sampson demanded ($109,000) was intended lor which occasion they will bring their trainmaster for the Southern Pacific.. W. A. PATRICK ELMER PATRICK the deck the crew were forced to ruu tention is to carry the water from the Superintendent. for their lives and escape iu small boats ladies with them. Mrs. E. L Fisher, after a visit with lake to the Tule Lake Valley, if the ex­ commanded the fleet aud Schley tlje the Macedonian cause. western division. It was, however, a A. PATRICK & SON, anchored alongside. The loss is esti­ Ashland people are always pleased to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pre^on. pense does not prove too great. There is mated at from $15,000 to $20,000. Thousands of eastern people will take Best and went to Portland today. Her husljand between 209,000 and 250,000 square yards captains’ fight. have gatherings meet in this city, and is 8. P. fireman running out of that eity. of advantage of the cheap rates to the north Quickest Route to earth to be removed in the first mile James Powers, working iu a wood Attorney-General Knox is preparing west in effect every day in March and — Eugene Guard. there are none more welcome than the and a half and then the difficult and ex ­ A bstracts , R eal E state , camp near Iron Mountain, deliberately a bill iu equity to test the validity of pensive part of the work is over. The the merger represented in the Northern April. Mrs. L. Z. Hendricks, adininistnftrix cut off one of his little toes with a Pacific Coast Association of Traffic I nsurance , C onveyancing If you have any friends who might be • • of the estate of Samuel Hendricks? de­ people of Tule Lake Valley propose to Securities company. The whole ques­ induced chisel, says a Keswick (Cal.) dispatch. Agents. to come west, send me their ________________ bond their ranches at $4 per acre to raise ceased, has filed a suit against the South ­ He was greatly bothered by a corn, and tion will be tested by the department of names, and I will have our representa ­ —Notary Public— Goes by Barron, Shake, the necessary money. $12,000 was sub­ J. A. Lambert of Rachel, N. C., writes: ern Pacific Company for $5000 and costs. scribed in one afternoon. amputated the toe to insure relief. He justice, acting under direct orders from tives look them up, furnish them with Soda Springs, Parkers and Her feon, Samuel Hendricks, was killed Upstairs, Room 2, Picneer Block. advertising matter, reserve their berths is now surprised to find that he must “I heartily endorse Foley’s Kidney Cure. in a head-end collision just south of the president. w— Keno;alao best cor reel ions J. 51. Davidson of the firm of Leland, ’Fhona No. 241. and see that they have a quick and com­ lie iu bed a week or two before he will It does what you claim it will do, and Rosebu-g, November 8, while in the em­ Davidson wit stage lines from Klam­ Captain Philip H. Oooper was ap­ fortable trip. & Bliss of Nome, Alaska, last there is nothing equal to it, and I tliank ath Fal>s to Bonanza, Bly ASHLAND. OREGON be able to walk. you for the good it has done me.” Ac- ploy of the company as engineer. She week bought 40 head of 1200 lb. horses of pointed rear-admiral by the president. A. C. S heldon , and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath alleges that her son’s death was due to J. F. Adams, to be delivered at Ashland Captain Cooper was graduated from the A miner at Randsburg, Cal., was ar­ cept no substitute.—T. K. B olton . General Agent, and Indian Agency. the negligence of the company. in May. They will be shipped from naval academy in 1863, and served with rested for haviug broken into the pest- Burlington Route. Portland, Ore. Passengers. Baggage. Express & Freight THE SHASTA ROUTE. A. McCALL there to Nome to be used on ditch con­ house and slept during the night with Lakeview Examiner: Southern Pacif­ distinction through the civil war. Mu«t be Waybilled. Beet job printing at R ecord office. smallpox patients. He had been dis­ In going over the famous “Shasta ic Conductor George Engwicht, one of struction work. They also have an op­ tion from Mr. Adanis on 16 head of charged from the pesthouse some days Route” of the Southern IVurific company the best known apd most popular rail­ IN THE PHILIPPINES. horses, ranging from 1350 to 1600 Civil Engineer and previously and returned to work in the the traveler ever finds something new to road men on the coast, has been promot­ .heavier lbs. ed to the position of Southern Pacific He returned, however, to the excite his admiration and interest. Start­ Important Surrender of Insurgent« lu Mineral Surveyor. mines. ing at Portland one traverses the whole trainmaster, with headquarters at Dans- Henry Parrish and C. E. Closser ar­ place where he slept, and the next night Willamette UatangM, Valley, the gem of the North ­ innir, Cal. Many people in Lake ooirnty rived from Ashland Monday. They will WOT AB Y PUBLIC. took up quarters with a frieud. He was west. Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson and will remember Conductor Engwicht remain a few days while Mr. Parrish Major Ainoranto, two captains, six Surveys for Patents and Mining Loca- fined and given a short sentence in jail, the Three Sisters and other snow-capped whose run for a long time has been past does eonie work on his ranch south of lieutenants and 93 Filipino soldiers lionsa specialty. Address Ashland, Or. although there appears to be uo law peaks are kept in sight for hours. The Ager,and will be glad to learn of his pro­ town. Mr. Closser came from Michigan gave themselves up, and also surren­ governing his case. beautiful valleys of the Umpqua and motion. last fall and has a timber claim near Buck dered 500 revolvers, 66 rifles and 8,000 -------------- :-------- Offiè* at restatile*. Fout li Mam Strae Rogue rivers, with their orchards of Lake. rounds of ammunition to Lieutenant PIPE CONTRACT 1,ET. prunes, peaches, apples and other fruits Dealuca* Cannot Be Cured Charles N. Rhodes of the Sixth cavalry F. L. Wright of Ashlaud is here repre ­ are a delight in themselves. The cross­ The city council Tuesday evening senting the Southern Oregon Marble Co., at Bauan, Batangas province. Rhodes by local applications, as they cannot 8OCIETY DIRECTORIES. ing of the great mountain barrier between reach the diseased portions of the ear. Oregon and Calfornia reveals the grand­ opened sealed bids for 2000 feet of pipe of which he is a member. The company had been hunting the insurgents from ALL CASES There is only one way to cure deafness, est mountain scenery intheUnited States. for the city water works. There were deals in all kinds of cemetery work and place to place and continually destroying and that is by constitutional remidies. The wonderful turnings, twistings and three local bidders and D. B. Provost’s guarantees satisfaction. ^F. It. C. the.r supplies. They were virtually 1 »eafness is caused by an inflamed con­ doublings of the railroad brings "into being the lowest he wasawarded the con­ starved into surrendering. •DBXSIDB BKLIKF CORTS KO. 24 BKA IN-FOOD NONSENSE. dition of the mucous lining of the Eus­ view a grand array of towering mount­ tract for the pipe. The figures were $427.00 for 700 feet of 4-inch converse A force of native constabulary at Meets in Odd Fellows tinll at 2 o’c’oek r tachian Tube. When this tube gels in­ Another ridiculous food fad haB been la on the second and fourth Saturdays of , flamed you have a rumbling sound or ains and profound gorges into which we and 1350 feet of 2 inch black. Santa Cruz, province of Laguna, cap­ by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. brai ded by the most competent authori­ gaze from dizzy heights, forest-clad each month. tured Cortez, second in command of the imperfect hearing, and when it is en­ mountain slopes stretching up to the line ties. They have dispelled the silly no ­ Mas. J. D. C bocku , Pres. ELECTED CAPTAIN CO. B. tirely closed deafness is the result, and of perpetual snow, and the foaming tion that one kind of food is needed for insurgent General Malvar, and turned M bs . M. J. 8peuc*r, See v. unless the inflatnation can be taken out mountain streams dashing fierclv down Sergeant Wm. Gowland was elected brain, another for muscles, and still h:m over to the military authorities. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: and this tube restored to its normal con­ deep canyons, now and then stopping for captain of Co. B., Saturday, being the another for t ones. A correct diet will Cortez was in fancied security and w;.s B altimore , Md., March 30, W. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. - ye»tlemen : — Being entirely deafness, thanks iu to JOUI your ui-aimcm, treatment, A I W will now Kl»c give you you dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; a short rest in some quiet pool. After a only candidate. _ 27 ¿ . '- ‘““'-•J cured of Utaiuti». 444 UVW not only nourish a particular part of the raising funds for the insurrection. a fBHblstonr of my case, to be used at your discretion. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23. Knights of niuo cases out of ten are caused by ca­ day’s enjoyment of old Mt. Shasta, the body, but it will sustain every othsr retting worse, wor6e, until I lost five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets evert tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed Attorney Geo. W. Trefren started for A Manila dispatch states that the my About hearing Ift ifi this ffiis ear entirely ■ F • • ' finest peak on the continent, we drop the Hungary creek copper mine yester­ iurt. Yet, however good your food may Monday evening. Visiting Knigbis In gore condition of the mucous surfaces. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num­ United States Philippine commission rapidly down the canyon of the Sacra­ day with two men who wanted to see it. be, i’s nutriment ¡9 destroyed by indi­ Standing areeerdiallyinvited to attend. ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that We will give One Hundred Dollars for mento to the broad plains of the Sacra­ gestion or dyspepsia You must pre- unanimously favors a modification of only 1.. K. BRN1 K, Chancellor Com. an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) mento Valley in California, and thence When they reached Cole’s it was learned i.a e for their appearance or prevent the present order prohibiting Chinese then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would tie lost forever. T. F. K idb » v , K. R.s. that the snow was then past two feet at I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat- that can not be cured by Hair's Catarrh through vineyards and orchards to San the summit and would be four feet by heir co l ing by taking regular doses of ir .ni entering the Philippines. ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and Cure. Send for circulars, free. Francisco. Grwn ’ » August Flower, the favorite to-day after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you the time they got there. They returned F. J. CHENEY n, stimulates 'he liver Hall’s Family l’ills are the best- See this office for Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation, Owing to the many wrecks near Hugo, to healthy action, put ities the blood, and testify to the merit of Banner ‘Salve in General Passenger Agent, 8. P. Co., Portland, Oregon Josephine county, the Southern Pacific , makes you feel buoyant and vigorous curing piles. It immediately relieves and You can have photos at Camps’ studio, SfflX.“ AT company has put on an extra ioroe of You can get Dr. G. G Green’a rebabie auickly cures. No otter MkhY IO teti» »6 ebwp as any piacs in Ashland, NEAT C9MXEBGUL PKUi Ki BflWWt ’T’ ■ wwqq uk and W m kvreWrerai HtHMantMM mirhyuwiyns j FIRST NATIONAL BANK GENERAL YOU WANT HARNESS BUSINESS. H. W. ANDREWS i Queen Shoe Stere... BOOTS and SHOES MITCHELL BROS. & REAVIS, LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. I ! .1 New Barn, « New Rigs, « Fresh Horses Southern Oregon Oil Company RICHARDSON 5 BROTHERTON Southern Oregon Oil Company Professional Cards VALLEÏ RECORD Blue Front Bakery Restaurant Thos. Currie WOOD YARD A E. C. SHERMAN STAGE ó LINE yy. KLAMATH FALLS J ARE ANY DEAF? NOISES? DEAFNESS OR HARD .«EARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. VUIVM ’■’ J0B PRINTING e * f I r*’ 4» • ’ - * ’ v & kbusm 4 YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF HOME-