VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY ....... ASHLAND OREGON Published Every Thursday. E. J. K.1ISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R ates : One Year ................ . ............... ..fl "5 Six Months.............................. .. 1 00 Three Months......................... .. 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLEY RECOBD RECORD ASHLAND, OREGON I $1.75 Cannot be better spent than bv subscrib­ ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it! ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1902. VOL. XIV PERSONAL AND SOCIAL JACKSON CO. APPLES AT DAWSON. FIGHT WITH HUGE PANTHER The following interesting history of a box of Oregon apples is furnished by Rev. J. J. Walter, who has just returned from a four weeks trip in southern Ore­ , gon. The box was packed by Miss Delia Williams, September 10, 1901. Into it 1 she placed the following note: “Medford, Or., Sept. 10, 1901.—This box of apples was packed by Mis6 Delia Williams, of Central Point, Or. Will the person purchasing this box please write me, stating price paid for the box and 1 condition of the apples, and where pur chased?” The original letter was return , ed to Miss Williams, and she received ifr on the 5th of this month, stating that the apples were purchased in Dawson ( City, January 17, 1902; condition first class cost $8. The writer also in­ J closed and a dollar bill to the young lady.— ( Oregonian. Woodburn Nursery Jt Sian A Coal Prospector Lays Out A Cat As It G A. Gurnea was up from Medford Sunday. Was Leaping on Him—The Meadows often conveys a warning. Warnings are Dick Parker returned Monday from Items. frequently neglect«d, but whenever dis- San Francisco. reg aided, those who make the mistake From The Meadows Correspondent.) The Meneley Concert Co. will be here pay the penalty of the error. When No bob cats this time, but a genuine on March 1st. J. H. Settlemeier & Son, your system is run down, there’s seme- panther that measured nine feet from ihifg wrong, and the wrong must be Hiliarv Gregory has returned to his tip to up. It was killed by Peter Bush righted immediately. The blood is the Proprietors. home in Canada. Commencing this date we will close our Entire Stock of of Salt Creek, who with another man by river of life, and the whole system is de- tbe na.ine of Place were prospecting for Eastern shoes for men and boys at raised while it’s out if order Ther. ’s coaL on Evans creek. When his dog Dry Goods, Clothing, Mickleson’s shop. nothing belter than McN AIR'S SARSAPA­ started the huge beast it was coming di­ RILLA to restore the system to its normal Miss Anna Towne of Phoenix visited rectly toward him. He was armed with condition. “Blood tells nowhete so Gent's Furnishing Goods, Ashland friends Monday. an old rusty Winchester rifle which fail­ much as in the health. You are what ed to fire. One cartridge after auother Mrs. Fred M. Carter went to Portland your blood is Make vour bloixl ri Jit by HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, E tc ., at COST. apples ; pears , was thrown into the gun until the sixth Friday to visit her parents. taking McN-lIR’S SARSAPARILLA. one was tried before one fired. Being PEACHES, PLUMS, Misses Anna and Ida Hargrove return- excited and his aim not true, with the ed from San Francisco Sunday. In short, any and everything in <>ur s ock except Shoe-« will be panther only forty feet away, he only PRUNES, APRICOTS crippled it, which enraged and brought closed at Cost for the purpose M inakiug room for extensive Shoe Hon. VV. I. Vawter was up from Med­ unearthly screams from the monster. PURSE HOLDERS TO ORGANIZE. ford Monday on a business trip. purchases already made. VERYTHING guaranteed true to It then bounded toward Mr. Bush, short­ Druggists and Stationers, Ashland, Or. Mrs. Stidham of Central Point was here Organization is the order of the day ening the distance to about ten feet, then name. One of the o’dest-estab- Saturday to secure a location for a home, j and waste of energy is becoming as unin- made its last leap directly for him and lisbed and best known nurseries as shiftlcssness. The latest class he- fired the fatal shot, the panther drop- on the Pacific coast. Mrs. J. W. Hrtss of Siskiyou listened durable ' to Judge Ewing's lecture Friday evening. to ’ get together in this valley are the ing within three feet of him. Mr. Bnsb- bankers who held an informal meeting at it ia the largest head of its kind that James S. Bailey was over from Shake Medford on Washington’s Birthday to says IRt IT MEN IN SESSION. he has ever seen. He is an old hunter MEDFORD RAISING REVENUES Are Partially Hl, the first of the week on timber land bus- , discuss more uniform business methods but admits this is the worst scare he has 5" j, I Oregon fruit meu have deliberated in iness. for the transaction of banking in this val­ ever had. Taxes A Long List of Occupations and Corvallis, during the past two days. G -X A-G-ETSTT. ley. There were present representing Miss Helen Colvig is visiting Ashland Their presence and their -discussions Asa Love had quite an exciting time Raises Saloon Licenses. Giving Us a Complete and ilp=to=Date friends the guest of Miss Gertrude Mc- the several banks as follows: H. L. Gil­ one day last week with a dehorned steer I bring to mind the assured future that Medford, Oregon. key, cashier Frst National Bank of Grants Callen. The Medford city council is kept busy i horticultural industry is to have in Ore- he had lasooed and was leading down the Pass; L. L. Jewell, cashier Grants Pass Cine in Jill Styles, which will be sold § .Tames Briner came over Saturday from Banking & Trust Co.;TV. I. Vawter, pres- mountain on horse back when the steer these days levying on all the sources pos­ : gon. Oregon apples have sold at a price to secure revenues to run the city : in London that netted the Oregon grow­ the Espey mines near Cole’s on a busi- dent ' of the Jackson County Bank of Med­ made a charge on him striking the horse sible and meet its interest charges on outstand­ er $2.25 at his orchard The strawberry at Lowest Cash Prices« in the haunches and sending both in a ness trip. ford; J. E. Enyart, cashier of the Med­ down the grade with the steer re­ ing indebtedness. The city is greatly in ! crop of the Hood river district last sea- J. H. Chambers of the Ashland Manu­ ford Bank; E. V. t arter, cashier Bank of hurry peating its butting at short intervals un­ debt considering the small amount it has • son sold for $80,000. Oregon fruits led Ashland; F. H. Carter, vice-president facturing Co., has gone to his home at til they came to a short bend in the road to show for the amount of outstanding j all others and captured all the desirable Bank of Ashland; E. A. Sherwin, presi­ Herman, Neb. when the steer made a vicious charge obligations. A few months ago the coun­ I prizes at Buffalo. Europeis turning to dent, and A. McCallen, cashier of the and butted horse and rider clear off the ci I taxed the Sunset telephone company Oregon and begging that Oregon apples Thad McHatton, R. T. Burnett, Fred PIONEER BLOCK, Plaza and Main Street, Ashland, Or. First National Bank of Ashland. grade, the horse going under a tree and $100per year license which case is now be shipped there. From all over the Parson and C. C. Wood attended the K. a limb striking Love in the face badly in the U. 8. district court on a tempora­ United States inquiries are pouring in on P. ball at Medford Friday. PROSPECTING ABOUT GOLD HILL. scratching and bruising the most prom­ ry injunction restraining the city from the Oregon State Board of Horticulture, Grandma Parker arrived Monday from inent part—his nose. When he got the disturbing their lines, poles, etc. Re­ and in these inquiries, people are seek­ Stovt-R, ranges, graniteware and tin­ a visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. H. From the News.) steer lotted he looked like the little boy cently the council raised saloon licenses ing for locations where they can grerrr 1 ware, furniture, bedroom suites, bed­ Wilson, in San Francisco. Gold Hill Mining, Power and Develop­ that had been playing in the mud and from $400 to $600 per year and added Oregon fruits. steads, spring mattresses, carpet«, and GRANITE FOR CfllCKEN GRIT. All these facts have a meaning. They more stringent regulations to their bur­ PARTY CONVENTION TIME HERE Mrs. G. W. Dunn returned Saturday ment Company, Gold Hill; $100,000; J. the calves run over him. den. The council had another busy day mean that whether Oregonians do it or matting. Agent for John Deere buggies, from a protracted visit at Alameda, Cal., J. Honck, T. J Kenney, J. Nunan, A E. Rogue River valley’s decomposed Poor man ’ s party at Mr. Love ’ s and Reames, incorporators, have filed articles last week and reached its arms around not, the horticultural resources of Ore­ wagons and implements. granite has been discovered to be The Republican, Democratic and Socialist with her sister Mrs. Chas. Culver. poverty was represented to perfection. the following appended industries and gon are going to be developed, and that of incorporation with the secretary of useful for another purpose aside from Everything, Both New and Mrs. B. H. Hatch has returned from a state. Ed. Welch represented a M. E. preacher caused them, also, to produce revenue: before many years the industry will Organizations Getting Ready to Put that of furnishing material for road­ visit at Spokane, Wash., and Mrs Levi with numerous patches and a stove pipe Circus, day time........................... $ 50 00 bring untold millions of wealth and beds. Several carloads of the granite Second-Hand. Thurston & White are building a quartz hat. The crowd failed to get yellow leg­ Out Tickets. Eagan is over from Klamathon on a visit. “ night time....................... 50 00 many new jnliabiiants into the state.— have been shipped Trom Josephine coun­ mill on Applegate to run on the Black- ged chickens but mush and milk instead. Corvallis Times. The Democratic county central com ­ “ day and night ................ 00 75 Mr and Mrs. Crit. Tolman returned well mine on Humbug creek. Main Street, Ashland. Oregon ty to the Seattle Produce Company, who mittee is called to meet at Medford on The prize, which was a cake, was won by Circus and menagerie combined will dispose of it as chicken grit. This next Wednesday, March 5th, at2 o’clock from San Francisco Monday where the Mattie Carter and Elmer Chapman, but Tom Dungey and Frank Lawrence have each exhibition.................... 100 00 WOMEN AND JEWELS decomposed granite is becoming popular p. m., for the purpose of issuing call for latter has been in a hospital for treatment. made a strike on Galls creek in which unfortunately was flavored with cayenne Circus and menagerie, two exhi­ as walk and roadway material all over county convention, etc. It is signed by Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is Go to Guinea’s for good overalls. pepper. the ore runs about thirty dollars. ols S n « bitions, day and night......... 150 00 the state, the Southern Pacific Company Horace Mann as chairman and M F. 1 the order of a woman’s preferences. AND H EALlNGWr'1 Side show, each exhibition, day Walter King, the Fourth street shoe Charles Mier is preparing to make a Mr. Welch went to Medford on the using it at all Oregon depot platforms. Eggleston as secretary. E. J. Farlow CURE FOR Jewels form a magnet of mighty power or night, each tent................ 15 00 man was out on a prospecting trip in the test , run on the Orme & Mel: attire mine to bring home his wife, who went The granite sells in Portland for 70 cents to the average woman. Even that great* J. D. 01 well are members of the ex­ vicinity of Gold Hill last week, return-, .on Forest creek, The mine s is looking I 22nd Side show, two exhibitions, day a 100 pounds’ Whole mountains are and to that place for medical attendance. est of all jewels, health, is often ruined ecutive committee. The following is the and night .............................. 25 00 ing Monday. well. composed of it in Southern Oregon. in the strenuous efforts to make or save — is — Mr Pomeroy is going to Central Point to Menagerie, each exhibition, day central committee: Applegate, Geo Hoff­ the money to purchase them. If a Misses Gladys and Lillian Julian came man; North Ashland. J C Neil; West James Hayes and Henry Ray have bring his family home on account of the ELY ’S or night....... ........................ 50 00 woman will risk her health to get a Ashland, M F Eggleston; South Ashland, over from Yreka Monday to visit their made a very flattering strike down the smallpox scare in that town. Menagerie, two exhibitions, day Cream Balm Jas lliley; Big Butte, W W Parker; Cen­ relatives, Louis C. Bolle and Mrs. Bolle ] river a few miles. and night.............................. 75 00 I coveted gem, then let her fortify herself W. Carter had a surprise party at his against the insiluous consequences of Easy and pleasant to tral Point, Thos Beall; Eagle Point, John for a few days. All other shows not in a building, Al. Cowgill lias has a drift in about two place on the 14th. All report having ghs, colds and bronchial affections bv use. Contains no Ashpole; Prospect, O F Goodlow; Talent, each exhibition................... •>n nn I cou Chas. Hocum, E. A. Hildreth, Sr , and hundred ] feet and has about three feet of had a fine time. * the regular use of Dr. Boschee’s German injurious drug. A Alford; Phoenix, E D Foudray; Ster­ John Johnson were at Jacksonville Mon- fine ore. Opera, theatrical, or concert Syrup. It will promptly ar rest consump­ Il is quickly absorb- ling, J .M Cantrall; Union, A Thockmor- day where the former made final proof Joe Mayfield and sister and Jim Musty troupe, or other exhibition or tion in its early stages and heal the af­ Dr. Ray is still buying good legitimate and sister called on Mr. Greninger ’ s ton; Watkins, Ezra Arnold; Gold Hill, on his homestead. 50 performance ........................... 7 , properties and is paying his usual high “1” “COLD fected lunge and bronchial tubes and J H Beeman; ( limax, A E Moore; last Sunday. Lecturers who charge admission 3 00 drive It Opens and Cleanses t lie Nasal Passages, Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Bolle came over ■ the dread disease from the system. prices. North Jacksonville, Frank Bybee; Allays Inflammation, lleals and Protects L C. Bolle of Wellen was here on the Companies or troops selling pat­ It is not a cure-aP, but it is a certain tlie ___ , Friday from their Antelope stock ranch It is a sad thing to see fine South Jacksonville, John S Orth; ent medicines, each exhibi­ Membrane Restores the Senses of Higgins & Dunlap are having about 17th branding cattle and looking after cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial to hear Judge Ewing ’ s lecture and visit Pooh Bah, J A Whitman; East Medford, tion ......................................... 25 00 troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green’s Taste and Smell. Large Size, 50 cents at twenty-tons of rich ore hauled from the his ranch. fruit trees spoiled by the blight. H Mann; West Medford, F W Wait; relatives and friends. Traveling physicians, each day.. 5 00 reliable remedies at T. K. B olton ’ s . Druggists or by mail; Trial Size. 10 cents old Applegate mine to Houck’s mill. by mail. ELY BROTHERS. Roxy, Otto Caster; Lake Creek, Gus AV. P. Counts of Tolo had two men in 2 00 “ dentists “ “... Mrs. Ed. Grisez visited Miss Mina Get Green’s Special Almanac. 56 Warren Street, N. Y. Obenchain & Penniger are piping on a The Meadows gathering up cattle on the You can always tell them from Nichols; Sams Valley, M Perry; Steam­ Stoops Saturday and Sunday en route very “ photographers, each rich body of gravel on Sardine creek 15th. boat, A W Shearer;’ Table Rock, M A home to Little Shasta from a visit with week....................................... 5 00 just* below the Van Mulkey mine. the rest. They never do well Huston; Pleasant Creek, Joshua Neat­ her folks at Phoenix. Traveling occulists or opticians, ! M . Caton paid Medford a business vis ­ hammer; Rock Point, J E Coffey; Foots per day.................................... 2 50 Smith Bros, are still sinking on a rich it on the 16th. Paul Costel writes from Sheridan, Wy­ afterwards but stay small and Creek, J A Cook; Trail, J J Briscoe; oming Street hawker or vendor, per chute of ore in the E. Ray mine. They that it has been 32 below zero ' W ilkcr is cutting shingle bolts Woodville, John Woods; Dunn, J True; 5 00 day.......................................... expect to have their gasoline plant set up 1 for George there. It is too cold for him and he may Mr. Wiiuon. Meadows, J H Gardner; Willow Springs, sickly. Foot peddlers of paient medi­ in mi.ling .order within the next two, come back to Oregon. ) Wm Peningcr; Mound, D E l’bipps • cines or other goods, wares, weeks. I Peter AVilson had a house raising on It is worse to see a blight County Chairman II. D. Kubli has Louis Huseman, who is extensively en­ Major Andrews is working three men the 16th. 3 00 or merchandise, per day..... in the live stock business in Big Peddlers of any of above named called the republican county central com­ gaged on the Nye mine and is extracting very Walker is slowly improving strike children. Good health mittee to meet at Jacksonville Saturday Shasta valley, arrived in Jackson county fine ore. This mine has produced a great in Grandma 5 00 goods, per day....................... Ashland, Oregon, Corner Second and Main. health. Drays, one horse, per quarter.... 3 00 of this week at 10 o’clock a. m. for the Monday to look at some cattle. many thousand dollars and has every in ­ is the natural right of children. purpose of fixing a date for the county Rev. B. B. Burton, aW Evangelist, will dication of a steady producer. “ two “ “ “ .... 5 00 Awful muddy, no bottom to the roads. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK Express, or delivery one horse, convent ion and making an apportionment begin a revival in the Christian church But some of them don’t get therefor. The following is the committee: at corner of Spring and Second streets Leeston Smith is faithfully working on The Illinois river, Josephine county, per quarter.............................. 1 50 MARBLE, GRANITE, IRON FENCING and the Uncle Sam mine. The rock is won­ was higher during the late freshet than Express or delivery, two horse, E B Barron; Dunn, Geo WDunn; the second week in March. 9 00 their rights. While the rest Barron, derfully hard and drilling slow’ but lie is it has been since the flood of ’01. A per quarter............................ West Ashland, F D Wagner; East Ash­ GENERAL CONTRACTING in STONE WORK Robinson, Dr. De Barr and W. confident of success. pool or pigeon hole tables J 1’ Dodge; Talent, Emmett Beeson; M. Wm. number of families residing opposite Ker­ Billiard, < ’ olvig of Jacksonville and J. E. En ­ grow big and strong one stays land, 5 00 each per quarter .................. Phoenix, W R Coleman; Sterling, II E Good reports come from the placers of by were rescued from drowning by rafts. 5 00 Ankeny; Union, Wm Cameron; Watkins, yart of Medford were here Saturday Foot3 creek, every mine is being worked A horse swam across the river carrying a Bowling alley, per quarter........... night on Knight Templar business. small and weak. per quarter............ 10 Oil W E Finney; Applegate, 11 D Kubli; to the utmost, every one trying to make line, and by this means the unfortunates Auctioneers, 2 00 “ “ day ............. JU Whin; East Medford, Nice line of mattings at Gurnea’s, up for the long wait, caused by the lack were towed to safety. Six families were Scott’s Emulsion can stop Jacksonville, 10 00 Pawnbrokers, per quarter ............ I L Hamilton; West Medford, A M Wood­ Fourth street, near depot. of rain. rescued in this way.—Observer. Skating rinks, per quarter........... 15 00 Pooh Bah, W H Gore; Central Point, J. M. Bridges, wife and babies were on that blight. There is no J ford; One more week ’ s work with Houck & Bill, sign and advertising poster W Merritt; Roxy, CC Taylor; Climax, Sunday’s train en route from Redding to Haff’s steam drill has been done at the 3 00 per quarter............................ N M Charley; Mound, AV ’ II Norcross; reason why such a child should Fjigle Point, Geo Brown; Like Creek, L make their home at Roseburg. They Bowden, a few feet in depth is gained Fire, life or accident insurance X. day. The ledge matter remains agents, per annum .............. 20 00 stay small. Scott s Emulsion C Charley; Big Butte, W II Derby; Sams are visiting Applegate relatives this week. every Real estate agents, each per an- Before having photos taken get Camps’ about the usual width of three feet, the Valley, C A Dickison; Trail, Sam Geary; Wanted. ore holding to its value, about thirty dol­ is a medicine with lots of FlounceRock, SS Aiken; Willow Springs, prices. - num......................................... 20 00 lars per ton. The country rock is still Traveling sign painters, per day 5 00 S ] ... F Hathaway; Gold Hill, R L Hammers- County Assessor Chas. Crow and Miss hard granite, but not so liard as during !_x , H T T~. T ■- . ~ . strength in it—the kind of ley; Rock l. Point, Traveling paper hangers and D Jones; Foots Creek, Agnes were up from Josephine the pinch. The indications are good and 2 50 painters, per day.................... Thos Carr; ’ Woodville, J M Whipple; county George strength that makes things Pleasant Creek, from Friday to Sunday celebrat­ if no unforseen accident happens these Everything usually found in an “Up-to-Date” Furniture Store Miles S Wakeman; ing George ’s birthday with friends and men will prove the Bowden to be a mine Favorite Nearly Everywhere. < Meadows, E C Pomeroy. grow. and at right prices. relatives. Constipation means dulness, depression S. U’Ren was in the city today. Scptt’s Emulsion makes He W. says Wall paper of the very latest designs OPERA HOUSE ROGUE RIVER EXPLORED he will support Brownell for headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers stimulate children grow, makes them eat, Senator. Mr. U’Ren was for years a at Stock’s. Prof Walter Thomas Mills, of the In­ Populist leader.—Salem Journal. the liver, open the bowels and relieve a makes them sleep, makes them A county Socialist mass convention ternational School of Social Economy, Discloses Some Weird and Wonderful Judge M. D. Thompson, of Roseburg this condition. Safe, speedy and thor­ will speak on Socialism at Chautauqua ough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. Scenery—forty Miles of the Unknown OregoD, ears: play. Give the? weak child a will be held at Medford Saturday, March Tabernacle tomorrow (Friday)evening. Sth, to send delegates to the state con­ Wonderland. / I “Heard of your cure through David ■ V« LïllIlVj Main St. Opp. 1.0.0. F. Hall, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. chance. Scott’s Emulsion will vention and discuss the question of put­ Free. Come. For the first time in its history Rogue F- Fox. I suffered for 12 years with ting out a county ticket. Judge C. C. Brower, a prominent E K Anderson to city of Ashland; water make it catch up member of the Clatsop county bar, is in river has been surveyed and explored Stomach Trouble but found no cure until right out of Ashland creek, $1. 1PJLUSTT8, JP-A.IU n T'TJSJE ò S’ TOOLS. M L Hicks to Ashland Manufacturing the city for a few days renewing old le­ from source to mouth,‘and as a result of [ need Nau’s Dyspepsia Cure. Have ASHLAND-LAKEVIEW ROUTE, with the rest. t h and nll haye Co; 320 acres sec 12, tp 40 s, r 1 e; $4800 gal acquaintances and incidentally look­ this exploration many new and wonder- ¡ d(1^ oth WALL PAPER, Q-L2LSS. ETCL This picture represents ful things in regard to this remarkable . _ , ... W E Finney to J D and A AV Shearer; ing over the field. river have been brought to light. W. F. received good results. the-Trade Mark of Scott’s The Yreka Journal Does Not Take Kindly B uildiho P afkbb , WaAPriNa P apxbs and T win xs . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS 1 int of water ditch Carberry fork, $100. Vaupel, Norris and Drake are receiving Hunter, a southern Oregon civil engineer to the Discontinuance of Ager Route. Emulsion and is on the ------------ Iunker Bros et al to Mrs Kate Medley; their spring stock of goods and an excel­ and draughtsman, was detailed last fall to wrapperof every bottle- p , b Mcyair Brog or drn iatB lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, blk 2, Ashland, $1. Jud Ager has received the contract for For sale make a correct map of Rogue river from o<* by 3 McNair Bros., ’ or druggists B,s U S to J C Tolman; 120 acres sec 35, tp carrying the mail seven times a week lent line it is. Give them a call. Send for free temple. H. T Mitchell, the livery man had the end to end. Mr. Hunter, with an assist- generally. from Ager to Picard, in Butte creek val­ 38 s, r 2 e. SCOTT & BOWNFv FRANK NAU, Portland, Ore., Alex Orme to W I Vawter; sheriff’s ley, for $1,898, a distance of 37 miles, misfortune Saturday to suffer a severe ant, started out in a small boat, and after sprain of one of his ankles, necessitating many days of hard work and after pas- O r 203 Broadway, New York, deed on foreclosure 35.45 acres sec 18, tp leaving the Ager and Klamath Falls 409 Pearl St., N*ew*York. o .... at Topsv, in Oregon, near the state the attendance of a physician. The mis­ sing safely through many dangers, the 50c and $1. all druggists. road Price $1.00; 6 bottles $5.00, exprers o’& C R R and U T Co to H J Hicks; line. This leaves a gap of 12 miles be­ hap will confine him to the house for entire trip was made. Mr. Hunter has the distinction of being the first man to prepaid. sw } of ne J sec 1, tp 40 s, r 1 e, $100. tween Picard, Cal., and Keno, Or., for some time. ■ the entire length of the Rogue. -------------------------------------------------- O & C R R and U T Co to D B Grant; connection with the daily mail between J. H. Huffer, who has the distinction traverse Through the work of Mr. Hunter Ore- rjrv mat MIRQ THIR s $ of se } sec 13, tp 39 s, r 1 w, $190. Ashland and Klamath Falls, which will of being one of the very few old pioneer l’v* ¡»HOU 1 mo Geo W Trefren to E D Briggs; lot 6, blk no doubt be established later on, as tlve republicans of Jacksonville that were so gon mapmakers are given new data for L a Á 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. /-x r*>r*>/**xO*T*1 T people all along the California and Ore­ few and far between in those days that future publications, so far as the Rogue 9, Ashland, $1600. UrrUn 1 U INI 1 Y « Thos II Simpson to J H Chambers; lots gon boundary, south of Keno have no you could almost count the delegates to a river and its immediate territory is con- 5 and 6, blk 14, Ashland, $3700. mail communication except by the Cape republican county convention on the cerned. It has been found tliat the only I Medford, Oregon Job R Tozer to D B Grant; lots on Laur­ Horn route via Ashland requiring the fingers of your hands, was an Ashland perpendicular falls on the river are near I EYES TESTDD FREE. Mount Reuben, northern Josephine coun­ el street, Ashland, $350. loss of an entire day, with same result visitor Friday. Importers and Dealers in ty. At this point the water makes a per­ Jasper C Pendleton to Wm R Byrum, for all places south of Ashland in Oregon AVE IN STOCK 2000 Newtown Pip­ and California. By somebody’s trick You can have photos at Camps’ studio pendicular fall of 12 feet. The narrowest 60 acres d 1 c 42, tp 36 s, r 2 w, $2400. pins and Spitzenbergs. One Hun­ the route to California was cut off to pre­ as cheap as any place in Ashland. place in the river is 10 miles above the C W Kahler to Wm F Burch; 160 acres junction of the river with Mule creek, or dred Cou Doynne du Comice winter vent business crossing the line into Cali- sec 32, tp 34 s, r 1 w, $400. near the dividing line between Josephine pears. Rufus Cox to Frank E Payne; portion fornia, but such effort will prove futile, BORN. and Curry counties, where the stream And all errors of refraction cdrrected of d 1 c 42, tp 37 s, r 1 w, $500. as letters will be sent to Picard, and narrows down between perpendicular Jane Hibbard to Emqia May Rose; blk stage connection afforded even if govern­ through glasses by Full Line of .Xursery Stock- ment fails to provide such mail connec­ FLIPPIN—Near Rock Point, Feb 19, walls until its width is only 15 feet. At 8, Park add, Medford, $1. 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flippin, a Horseshoe Bend, which does not show J H Stewart to A H Chessmore; 2 acres tion. No one objects to a daily mail via all Oregon Grown. on any previous map, the river makes a d 1 ç 42, tp.87 s, r 1 w, $472.20. Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric Houss Ashland, but there should lie a daily son. geo W Trefren to Marv F Trefren; 1 mail also for connection at Picard from MILLER—At Sardine creek, Feb. 8, loop, which, though a mile around by way of the river, is only a stone’s throw The Renowned Refractionist, of San acre see a, tp 39 s, r 1 e, $400. Keno in supplying southern residents a BRIGHT'S D1SRASE. Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-PlHCS Fur 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miller, a across. | Francisco, who has visited the town Geo W Trefren to J G Shively; lot 8, day quicker. At present all mail from The largest sum ever paid for a pre­ daughter. The greatest wonder of the river, and many times before, is now here and ie blk D, R R add, Ashland, $100. scription, changed hands dn San Fran­ Lakeview, Klamath Falls and eastern Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. it is doubtful if in this particular feature stopping at the Hotel Oregon, where be Ashland Building and Loan Association niture. cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in­ i Oregon goes to Ashland, where it re- DEED. it can be surpassed bv any other river in will remain an indefinite time. to E D Briggs; blks 28, 29, 30 and 31, volved In coin and stock $112,500 00 and ; mains over night, thence bv rail to rail- world, is the deep canyon of the Dr. Levinson has graduated from the Woolen’s add, Ashland, $300. was paid by a party of business n:e for i road stations in this countv, and again EACHUS—Near Medford, Feb 20, 1902, the Devil’s Stairs. Here the river narrows leading colleges in Europe and the Unit- Geo W Stoops to Mervin Perkins, lo.t 1 a specidc for Blights Disease and Diabc* by stage to within a few ’miles of the t J. D. Eachus, aged 82 years. to about 30 feet and passes between per­ -d Stairs, and comes very highly re­ in Woolen’s add Ashland, $300. Ashland star route at head of Klamath tea. hitherto iucurab:» diseases. pendicular walls of stone 3000 feet in C A Simons to Mervin Perkins; 5 acres commended as an expert in Optics. They commenced the serious investi­ river. There ought also to be mail con­ WILLEY—In Ashland, Feb. 21, 1902, Amelia Anna Willey, aged 59 years, 10 height. So dark and deep is this narrow L»«scs Especially (¡round 1# Suit the Most secs 9, 10,15 and lti, tp 39 s, r 1 e, $700. gation of the specific Nov 15, 1900. nection in Butte creek vallev between passage that a person in a boat and on I H L Whited to S O Furry; lot 6, R K months, and 11 days. They interviewer! scores of the cured and Mount Hebron and Picard, ’to afford a Difficult Cases. . the water can by looking to the sky see adI4 t ,raru«.M,.---- 1 ------- -——— living at Ashland, but duw reeideu» on him, or leave word at the hotel fur dubewibv for tba B bwbo . M b nil it /VQJ I Jot work at this office. 9 e à a e e à e s Fruii Trees. Shrubbery meßair Bros. E Our Hew Stock of Shoes f L. E. HOOVER, © 9 $e e Wm. Yeo $ Co. C. fl. miller 2 9®®©®®®®®®®®@®®®®®®s S. 0. FURREY EVERYTHING FOR THE HOUSE. catarrh CATARRH Stop the Blight Se. Old Cases of Stomach Trouble NAU’S . DYSPEPSIA CURE ’ “' 'AHEAD FURNITURE, Carpets, Draperies. 2L2Ä.J. P. DODGE Will Cure/ O H CVAMQ ASHLAND, OR PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. ITHE JOHN BARRETT CO IE' Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. H Dr. B..Levinson Job Printing at RECORD Office t