PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NO STREET RAILWAY. DEATH OFJH. N. WALLACE. D. R. MILLS, P resident . E. V. CARTER, C ashier . F. H. CARTER, V ice -F resh ent . H. C. GALEY, A ssistamt C ashier Cold frosty weather still continues, which is doing mu< iupt. Walter Fitzgerald. Much interest is being taken and the attendance is good. ESTABLISHED 1884. Chas. Dickinson of Table Rock made a business trip to this vicinity last Sunday. J. B. Williams is preparing to put out about 1000 fruit trees on his ranch near •loonville: They will consist mostly of the Newton, Pippin and Spitzenburg va­ riety. D. W. Beebe of Central Point was over BOARD OF DIRECTORS: this way last week looking after Kune rattle which he lias running on the range here. HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT­ Mrs. 8. H. Glass and son Elbert attend­ ed church at Central Point last Sunday. LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. John Amick came up from Visalia, Calif., last week and will remain the rest of the winter with his parents at this -------foreign and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold.------- place. G. A. Hollenbeak, who lias carried the mail between Sams Valley and Pros­ A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED pect for the last 6 or 7 years, will quit that business and follow other pursuits after July 1st. It is reported that Harvey Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Richardson of Trail Creek will carry the mail after that date. Miss McIntire of Medford lias been en­ gaged to teach the spring term of school at Antioch. She comes well recommend­ ed and will no doubt give satisfaction. BEAGLE. H. N. Wallace died yesterday morn­ ing at his home on Granite street, aged Council Couto Not Grant 50-Year Fran­ Valentines at Gurnea’s. D. T. Lawton of Medford was here vee- 1 68 years and 19 days, from liver com­ chise Under the Charter—■Reward for plaint and a complication of other ail­ terday. Liquor Violations. ments. The funeral takes place this Gurnea has a fine lot of children’s , afternoon from the First Presbyterian The mayor brought up the matter of shoes. i church of which he was a member, Rev. petition of M. L. Hawley and G. A. F. G. Strange officiating Burnside Post John D. Stewart visited Medford yes­ No. 23, G. A. R., will assist in the serv­ Wood, of the Union Mill and Lumber terday. Co., for a 50-vear street railway franchise. ices. Mr. Wallace leavee a wife and three Mr. Wood was present and submitted a A. G. Prouty, of Sisson, was here Monday. " i children. Mrs. Frank Clute, Miss Bessie few minor changes in the route. The Wallace and Hermann Wallace. He mayor called altention that the charter C. D. Taylor was up from Roxy Ann came to Ashland with his family from does not allow the city council to grant yesterday. Idaho over ten years ago and has resided franchises for more than ten years. Mr. Wood said he could not finance the enter­ Spring dress goods at Vaupel, Norris here continuously ever since. prize on a cliarter for such a short term A Drake’s. of years. The council therefore refused CENTRAL POINT. J. H. Downing came up from Central the charter for an electric street railway Point today. Death of Geo. Fuller. franchise for fifty years for the reason Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sheffield left to­ The revival meetings at the M. E. stated. It will be one year before the day for Florida. church are well attended. It is hoped legislature meets that can change the charter, hence there is no immediate Mrs. Anna Cartwright left Tuesday for much good will result therefrom. prospect of street cars in Ashland. Gettysburg, 8. D. A large number of the Methodist peo­ ordinance was presented amending Charley Anderson came over from ple of Medford attended church in this the An ordinance heretofore in force prohib­ place Tuesday evening. Klamathon Monday. iting the sale of intoxicating liquor with­ J. W. Merritt has been at Gold Hill out a license. The amendment provides Tom Beall left Central Point today for for some time looking after his mercan­ that any person who sliall by giving in­ San Francisco to locate. tile business in that place, taking stock, formation and procuring testimony that Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb of Medford etc. sliall result in the conviction of any per­ left today for Los Angeles. Give Us a Call in Ovr Frank Amy has sold to hie partner, son for the violation of any provision of Game Warden W. G. Kropke went W. J. Freeman, his interest in the 20 said ordinance, shall be entitled to re­ down the valley Tuesday. acres of land they bought of John Ram­ receive from the city of Ashland—one New Enlarged Store lialf of the fine collected. On motion of Noah Coleman came over from Horn­ sey some time ago. A. C. Guthrie seconded by W. A. Cor­ brook yesterday on a visit. At a town meeting held last Monday dell the council adopted the ordinance. Postal Inspector C. H. Ball left yes­ evening, J. H. Gay, J. M. Gibson and A petition was presented and read ask­ H. H Rippey were appointed judges of terday for Klamath county. town election; W. J. Freeman and J. ing the council to put in a fire hydrant KLAMATH FALLS. J. R Reames and Joseph Cummings the on Granite street near the residence of E. Ross clerks. were up from Phoenix today. We had zero weather two or three Walter Messenger. The matter was re ­ < entral Point town election for the ferred to the fire and water committee mornings last week. The infant chi'd of Mr. and Mrs. Scott purpose of electing new officers will be and water superintendent Davis died at Medford yesterday. Tom Fowler, who came here from held March llitlx. A petition was presented asking for the from Missouri two years ago, will start Ex-Judge Lionel R. lVebster was on location of a street from Iowa street to J. F. Williams of this place is the pre ­ yesterday’s train for San Francisco. home on a visit the latter part of this ferred bidder on. three mail contracts: the Boulevard between the properties of John R. Wade, of Callahan^, was regis­ From Central Point to Big Butte by way ¿A- Potter and I. C. Dodge. The mat- week. And Everything kept in a first claea Hardware Store. Mrs. Henrietta Sc hillock and daugh­ tered at tbe Hotel Oregon Saturday. of Eagle Point, six times a week; from iPtrvas referred to the street committee. ter, Miss Floy, started to Portland on a Having rented the shop to H." Botvin, the well known Plumber A deed dedicating a new street 40 feet from Eagle Point to Leeds twice a week; Cash Savings Co. wants good cash bar­ and Tinner, who will be pleased to give veu close figures on first ciaa from Eagle Point to Climax, thrice a wide through the Guthrie tract from Mon­ visit to Portland last week to be gone gains of all kinds. tana Ave. to Ashland street signed by A. about three months. work. Itemember, all work guaranteed. ’Phone No. 245. week. Mrs. H. K. Hanna went to San Fran­ and wife was presented and ac­ Samuel Wilson and wife of Merrill Died in Tolo last Sunday, Feb. 20th, C. Guthrie RELIGIOUS ITEMS. cisco Tuesday to visit her children. by the council. have been in town several days for 1902, George H. Fuller, of enlargement cepted Four petitions for electric street lights medical treatment for Mrs. VV. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home Oh my! You should see McNair Bros.’ of tonsil glands (choked to death.) De­ were presented, viz: one at intersection of Mrs. E. C. Galey next Tuesday after­ display of valentines. ceased was about 18 years old, a nice of Fred Mel base- returned yesterday from Gresliam, Vista and Allison streets: noon at 3 o’clock. All invited. steady young man. He was the only Mrs. Geo. E. Nichols went to Portland California, where lie visited San Fran­ ASHLAND, O b .. Thursday, Feb. 6. 1902 one on Ashland Creek street near Ashland Judge W. Ewing of Chicago authorized yesterday to purchase a millinery stock. child of Mrs. Stockam of Tolo, and a Creamery; one at corner of Morton street cisco, San Jose, Humbolt county and lecturer on Christian Science will speak frandson of Father Perkins of this place. Miss Margaret Randle arrived from ’uneral services held in M. E church and Pennsylvania Ave.; one at junction several other places. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. at Chautauqua Tabernacle Friday, Feb. Iowa, Gresham and Union streets. Lebanon today to visit the Misses Hare. Rev. Jesse Kirk, Indian, is in town to­ 21st. Admission free. All invited. Tuesday, Feb. 4th. Burial in Central of The petitions were referred to the street night with two Indian girls and six boys J. F. Cole vs. Isabelle Cole, suit for di­ Point cemetary. Oats for sale — oats from Willamette Rev. S. H. Jones will preach in the committee. vorce. Plaintiff granted divorce and cus­ from the Klamath reservation, whom he Born, Jan. 31,1902, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Presbvterian church next Sunday, both valley for sale at Depot livery stables. tody of minor child. City officers reports for January filed. is taking to Phoenix, Arizona, to school. Misses Ida and Anna Hargrove are in Mann of this place, a daughter. The lit­ Bond of Wm. Patterson as water super­ Charlotte Pelton vs. J. E. Pelton, suit morning and evening in exchange with U. S. Indian Agent O. C. Applegate San Francisco studying the spring milli­ tle infant only lived a few hours and intendent in sum of $1000 with S. M. PRIVATE HOSPITAL and Sanitarium for the suc­ for divorce. Plaintiff’s evidence being Mr. Strange. and Mrs. Applegate have been in town passed to the great beyond. nery. insufficient case was dismissed. Rhodes and J. R. Tozer as sureties; ap ­ You are heartily invited to attend ser­ several days lately. Rev. N. 8. Hollcroft, the Evangelist of proved. cessful treatment of medical and surgical cases by the vices at the Congregational church Sun­ Mrs. H. Williams is visiting her Bond of A. E. Graliam, street com­ G. G. Anderson and Geo. F. Vaughn day morning and evening. There will daughters at Jacksonville and Medford Portland sent to Southern Oregon by the Mission Board to do Evangelic work, missioner, on sum of $500, with Wm. of Daisy, are in town to-day. be preaching at both services by the pas­ this week. most advanced and approved methods and procedures of mod­ closed his meetings in this place last Fox and D. D. Good as sureties; ap- tor, G. W. Nelson. Circuit court adjourned until next Mrs. Alice M. Whyte was over from week, and commenced revival services i proved. May. ern practice, both medical and operative. The Anti-Saloon League will meet at Laird’s from Saturday to Monday visit­ in Talent last Sunday. Reverend gen­ Resolution adopted changing grade of February 3, 1902. the Christian church next Sunday at 3 ing friends. Helman street from Main to Factory to tleman is a fluent speaker and a very p. m. Rev. G. W. Nelson will give an Red Bluff News.] C. L. Chenowith, wife and child of able man, holding the attention of his i conform to connection with Main. address on “Municipal Government and from start to finish. His Electric lights for January ......... $136 Butler’s gang of graders are at work ! 90 the Danger of Large Cities.” Every­ Oakland, Douglas county, are stopping audience preaching and advice to the young is ap­ Southern Or. Oil Co,water pipe.. 425 58 excavating for another large oil tank to Everything new, clean and commodious. All chronic body is invited by order of League presi­ in Ashland. Special Sales for preciated by all who heard him. be constructed by the Southern Pacific Geo. Scroggins, engineering for dent, D. M. Brower, M. D. Notice the advertisement of the Ash­ sewerage................................... 152 60 Company, Ground is being leveled on diseses solicited; diseases of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, Preaching at the M. E. church Sunday land Mercantile Co’s, special sale for Sat­ the site of the company’s old woodshed SAMPSON. J. A. McCall, engineeripg for sew­ on Madison street just north of Union. at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. by the pastor. urday and Monday. 173 25 erage .......................................... Feb. 8th and 10tli. Sylvester Grow returned from Horn­ William Patterson, salary.......... 75 00 The tank will have the same capacity as bladder, etc.; diseases of women ; alcohol, opium, cocaine, and Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Devotional Bert Griffin and Henry Boyd, who meeting of the Epworth league at 6:30 p have been visiting Grants Pass, returned brook last Friday. Walter his brother G W.Dodge, salary part of month 18 65 the one just completed and will be placed We are offering inducements that went over to Pokegama logging camp; G.W.Smith, salary part of month 26 75 within six feet of it. The capacity of drug habits; diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. m. A cordial invitation is extended t< to Etna, Cal., today. Con­ cannot be duplicated even in Port­ also Wm. H. Grow and Riley Kennedy Milton Berry, recorder’s fees.... 26 35 the two monster tanks will be 60,000 bar­ all. J. T. Abbett, pastor. land or San Francisco Remem­ Grant Crary left Sunday for southern went to the same place to work. ber we guarantee every ar icle we finement cases can be accommodated. J. W. Hatcher, street com’r....... 8 00 rels or 2,500,000 gallons. The regular monthly meeting of the California on pleasure as well as busi­ In order that our readers may have an J. L. Yaden w’ent out over the stage M. N. Long, night watch............ sell—your money back if not as 5 00 W. F. M. 8., of the M. E. church will be ness for Pelican Bay lodge. F. W. Taylor, labor water works. 19 87 idea as to how much oil these two tanks represented. S pot C ash . line one day last week. held Friday at 2:30 p. m., at the house Miss Gurnea teaches piano, guitar, 77 will hold, just imagine a train of 240 tank of Mrs. George Churchman, on Wimer Grant Bilderback came over from Neil Ashland M’f’g. Co., lumber......... 17 45 cars, each holding 6000 gallons or twenty- mandolin and banjo Studio over Gur ­ E. C. Sherman, blacksmith work 7 street. All ladies interested in mission ­ Snowflake flour, Reg. 95c, Special 85c ek Creek saw mill the other day. one trains of twenty of these tank cay® m nea ’ s new store near depot. 80 Emil Peil, blacksmith work ... 9 (This is tbe choicest product of the Port­ ary work are invited. Mrs. Britsan went to Johnson Prairie Geo. Fendall, labor water works. 11 25 each. This is the number of eat loads of Cash Savings Co. save you money on The attending and consulting physicians have had a wide land Flouring Mills. Every s.cX guaran­ Rev. J. T. Cotton of the M. E. church L. Norton, labor streets.............. 5 55 oil that will be required to fill the big i place Monday. teed ) South, will preach at tbe Adventist anything you want to buy. O. Van Natta, hauling............. 4 00 tanks. Wheat, Reg. $1.60, Special $1.30 per cwt church next Sunday morning at 11 Geo. P. Grow went to his place Mon- G. and successful experience in the whole domain of practical Jake Strobeck, the Hornbrook butch­ Gregory & Co., hauling................ 2 00 o’clock. Hams, best Eastern sugar cured, Reg. er, came over yesterday to visit Engi­ day to do repairing. E. Roach, labor on streets............ A few cases of smallpox or Manilla 8 0Ó 18c........................................ Special, 14c Rained slightly Tuesday, T. J. Downing, hay..................... 2 00 itch have appeared in town during the medicine and surgery, All charges (payable in advance) ai8 Services will be held at the Christian neer Walter Everton and wife. (Every one of our bams guaranteed) church next Sunday, both morning and J. P Kimball left Thursday for Forest Tues- G. F. .Overturf, labor waterworks 1 50 last few days, says a Roseburg corres­ V. Chapman came over the hill 101b boxes beat soda crackers, Reg 75c J. M. Fowlks, labor on streets ... evening. The preaching will be led by 75 pondent. The cases have been isolated reasonable for the accommodations given and work performed. Minnesota, to reside. He will visit day. per box .................... Special, 55c box the new pastor, Rev. Jesse M. Hunter. City, and the houses have been quarantined, his son near Colfax, while en route. Get your valentines ready. so nothing serious is apprehended con- C offee , best Java and Mocha, Reg. 40c Morning theme, 11 o’clock, “Before the Go to Gurnea ’ s for good overalls. | , .. IN RAILROAD CIRCLES. For particulars, acfclress, .p^rning the matter. Business is carried per lb...................... Special, 3 lbs $1 00 Revival, What?” Evening subject at7:30, ♦ Feb. 5, 1902. _____________ ____________ I Jo (Our Java and Mocha is tbe best that “The Bitter Cup of Gethsemane—hat on as usual, and the public schools have John W. Coleman returned Saturday .pairing done Oliver Dews was at Jacksonville this not closed on account of the scare, as money can buy.) All repairing done, promptly and! and Did Jesus See In It?” All will be cordi­ from his trip to San Francisco and Cali­ watchmaker **- * and J ^week on business. little danger of the contagion spreading Gunpowder Tea, best quality, Reg 60c ally welcomed to these services. fornia points. Mrs. C, is still visiting neatly by r Bert Barnes, . — jeweler, at Orr’s drug store. ner Jb.............................. Spacial. 40u lb there. Mrs. Frank Gregory and children went is feared. There will be services at the Bapt^t .¿Portland Friday on a visit. Rice, Imperial Japan, Reg. 10c per on Sunday as follows: Preach­ Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williams, of Boul­ •lb.............................. Special, 4 lbe 25c church BORN. ing at 11—Text: “Preach the Gospel.” der, Colorodo, who have been stopping Mrs. Fanny Ellis left for San Francis­ While intoxicated, A. Frazer, a sec­ Flaked Hominy, Regular, 10c per co today to finish her vacation. The B. Y. P. U. will meet at 6:30 p. m. in Ashland, left yesterday for a visit in tion hand on the Northern Pacific, says! | lb............................... Special, 4 lbs 25c Topic: “The Pathway of Peace.” California. ; E. Lewis of Hornbrook is temporary .THROPPE—In Ashland, Jan. 30, 1902, a Seattle dispatch, became wedged in a 1776 Washing Powder, Reg. 5e, Spec­ Preaching at 7:30. Subject: “A Call to to the wife of E. E. Throppe, a daugh­ cattle guard near Leary and met with a . might operator for the 8. P. at Medford. Ralph Stackpole, who has been attend­ ial............................. 3 pkge 10c the Unconverted.” Preaching on Mon­ ter. ing the Art Institute at San Francisco re ­ terrible death. The cow-catcher passed Mrs. E. H. Wallace went to Horn­ day evening at 7:30. All are cordially DEALER IN Monkey Soap, Reg. 10c bar, Special, turned to Grants Pass Saturday to spend over him, but a bolt near one of the brook Monday to visit her mother. invited — A. M. Russell, pastor. .......................................... 6 bare for 25c a vacation. small wheels caught his coat and Clean» Misses Emma Smith and Mae Fisher, Salmon, full lib cans, Reg. 15c, Spec­ Father W. Bitter says mass in Holy dragged him seven miles over the snow Miss Fornia Holt came up from Red ­ ial................................................ 10c can Rosary Catholic church in Ashland the Roseburg young ladies, are making Ash­ Fresh, which covered the ties. The arms and land friends a visit. second Sunday in each month at 10 a. m. ding Tuesday on a brief visit with her New England Maple Syrup, Reg. $1.35 folks before taking her departure for legs were torn off, and were subse­ First-lass per gal............................ Special, $1 gal Traveling Engineer E. F. Ingles has Christian Science services at 11 a. m. Sacramento. quently discovered by a track-walker. conducted the examination of Firemen Elastic Starch, Reg. 15c pkge, Special, in Masonic hall every Sunday. Wednes­ —In— McNair Bros, have a beautiful display F. Lambert, a prisoner on ................................................... 10c pkge day evening meeting at 7:30 in reading F. McMeeken, S. K. Willett, J. A. Mer­ ♦ the Norman of valentines. riman, and C. A. Miller who were suc­ receiving ship Independence await­ room in Hotel Oregon. The above prices are for the cessful aud will be promoted to engineers. ing frial on :■ charge of desertion from a Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Garner arrived •Dealer in----- two days only, and must be Mr.Miller was formerly traveling fireman. Tuesday from San Francisco on a visit to ship on the Asiatic station, jumped over­ NORMAL NOTES. SPOT CASH. her relatives, Mrs. Dunlap and family, board and struck out for the shore, says A fine Dairy and Stock ranch, at Mrs. Frank Flook leaves this evening Don’t miss the entertainment on the and old friends. for Ashland to join her husband, who a Vallejo (C tl.) dispatch. All trace of X a bargain. Jisbland mercantile Co. 14th. The best of the kind ever given. Albert Pankey was at Medford several has a freight run out of that city, which the fugitive was lost, he having escaped ? they will make their future home. — Fri ­ Provisions, Students are busy with their final ex­ times this week visiting his sister, Mrs. Ashland, Oregon. in the darkness or sunk. Lambert is Fine house and lots on Iowa St. .$1100 00 day’s Roseburg Review. aminations this week. Lawrence Cardwell, who underwent a the man who, when on trial for murder House and lots on “B” St...... 550 00 Traits, Chas. Van Buskirk, stenographer for in Indiana, could prove his innocence New term begins Monday next. New delicate surgical operation Friday. Canned Goods, Chief Train Dispatcher G. C. Morris, has students should be on hand and register only by establishing the fact that he House and lot on Union St....... 600 00 F or sale —Lot on Boulevard close in, resigned and goes to Portland today. the first day. Coffees, Spices, for $125 $50 cash down, balance $12.50 was serving on a warship at the time 25 acres fine land with bouse, His successor here, a young man named the murder was committed. In proving Classes will be formed next week to per month. Address, Box 69, city. ASK ANYBODY Cobaccos, barn, [water for irrigation, Chas. G. Whitcomb, arrived from Port­ begin Book-keeping, English Literature, this he was also proven to be a deserter. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Griffith came in land yesterday. Cigars, etc. etc., close to city.................. 1500 00 Civil Government, History of Education, from The Poplars on Pelican bay Mon­ Homesickness and a desire to see his WHO DRIVES Supt L. R. Fields was on Monday ’ s ■ Botany, Zoology and Ancient History. day en route to Sumpter. B. B. and A. wife and children caused him to desert. train for San Francisco on official busi- ‘ He was within a few miles of his home Prof. Vining and Miss Helm have the C. Griffith came in with them as far as ness. He reports that the new 55,000 , if it is not a fact that An Elegant Eine of fiand children well drilled for the entertain­ Ashland. when arrested for murder. barrel oil tank for Ashland will be erect­ we turn out the best Painted Chinaware riven ment to be given on the 14th. It prom­ Before having photos taken get Camps’ Two prisoners made a desperate at­ Insurance of all kinds, Life, ed on the right hand side of the track and most stylish look­ as Prizes to Our Patrons ises to be one of the best performances prices. looking southward, and opposite the tempt to break jail at Redlauds, Cal., ing rigs in town. of the kind ever given in Ashland. present water tank. We have good Fire and Accident, pays, Deputy U. 8. Marshall W. H. McNair after having been arrested on suspicion Miss Silsby will give a musical recital of Juneau, Alaska, arrived yesterday on horses and netf vehi­ of being implicated in a burglary at Engineer Walter Everton of the Ash ­ Friday night at the Normal. cles. a visit to his brothers, J. S. and James ’ Riverside. During the night they filed land-Hornbrook run, and Miss Roberta Transient stock The Y. W. C. A. will give a social at McNair. He starts for home Saturday through several bars, but lost their file E. A. Hildreth, Jr, Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. properly fed and well the normal tomorrow evening. There morning. Potter of Henley, were united in mar ­ before completing the job. They then cared for in our large UR Line of Air Tight Heaters, £ set fire to the building, expecting to will be a program consisting of music riage at the home of Mat. Potter on Oak Chas. A. Iunker, a prominent hard­ livery stable. Ashland, Oregon. and recitals. Light refreshments will be ware merchant and native of that place, street in this citv Saturday evening, Rev. Oil Heaters, Box and Steel * burn a hole large enough through which served. Admission 10 cents. Every­ was over from Yreka today on a business , A M. Russell officiating, in the presence Cook Stove and Ranges is superb to escape. The fire got beyond their body invited. _ of immediate relatives, including the + trip He owns several lots at corner of and canDOt be surpassed in J control, and wheu the officers entered parents of the bride and the groom’s Main and Fourth streets. Ashland, Ore. Southern Oregon. f the cell the prisoners were found unoon- G. P. Jester, railroad agent at Grants mother, Mrs. Durkee of Grants Pass. Our spring stock of men’s clothing will ASHLAND, OREGON. scious, having been suffocated by the Pass, has gone to Tacoma and Puget The happy couple are making their home Opposite Bridge, center of town. soon be here.—Vaupel, Norris & Drake. 1 PIONEER BLOCK, I smoke. They regained consciousness Sound points on business. on South "Main street. ♦ when carried into the street and endeav­ FREIGHT AND Dr. Goble will be at the Hotel Oregon A. B. C. Denniston, General Western A shland , - - O regon Valentines at McNair Bros. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I ored to make off during the confusion. I Passenger Agent of the Great Northern 4 Ten acre fruit tracts Railway, was on Friday’s train en route V W“ a 9. • •*-**-,ft. ,8. ,*■-*_ February 17,18 and 19. Those wishing BAGGAGE TRANSFER I > 4 * Lyman McCord, who was raised in shelter near their gardens in the vioinity BUILDER tion he was hauled out of the box, but Ashland, is here from Prineville after an ♦ ♦♦ of Van Asselt, six miles south of Seattle; the police had. no record against him. absence of fourteen years, visiting rela-1 when the door suddenly opened and it In the box Prouse was supplied with lives, Adin Spencer and family of Ash ­ • • rushed six or seven meu, all armed. provisions, water aud blankets, and he land, and his sister, Mrs. A. L. Hazel­ + RII Kinds of I The Chinese were securely tied with <• had arranged that a friend in Chicago • > ton, of Eagle Point. OBZEQ-OJST ropes to near-by objects aud the thieve: should be in waiting to receive the All work warranted by Bert Barnes, COMBS BROS. & GRUBB. proceeded to “go through them.” Tht “household goods. ” Owing to his good the jeweler, at Orr drug store. thieves managed to get about $63 it army"record, the police will secure him Leave orders at W. N. Grubb & Co’« «tore | Ray, Grain and Feed ««• Clarence, aged 9 years, youngest son Plans, Specifications transportation to Chicago at a low rate. Next to Vendome Hotel, Ashland. cash, together with a watoh. The Chi­ v of Mr. Chas. Casad formerly of Talent, + several Carloads of Grain nese were found in thetBorning tied t< and Estimates on All Kinds but now living at Grants Pass, died in Frostbites and Chilblains the walls of the house. J Hay that is Hay, Good Hay, at REASONABLE PRICE. that city last Sunday. The remains of Carpenter Work. < • quickly cured by Banner Salve, the were interred in the Dunkard cemetery < > Onr spring stock of carpets and lace Of . > at Tk ent Monday afternoon. Elder C. Qj— _ ——J——J ««/I tWLA FFood Delttwred to any part most healing remedy in the world.—T. O fficz — At old Hicks lumber yard or. curtains have arrived. Oall and see E. N.niager preached the funeral ser- IL B vlton . ~~ • - oppjdtv Ashland Swajp Laundry. P. W tta City on «tori ¿Votive» 8M&' • • I ♦ -• OUR SPRING STOCK BANK OF ASHLAND. OF GOODS Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 ARE ARRIVING And We Have Opened a Fine Line of W. N. GRUBB & CO., McCall=Miils Block. Hardware Dealers VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE Stoves, T inware, Shelf Hardware, Racycies, Dry Goods and Clothing Store VALLEY RECORD. THE POOLE HOSPITAL YREKA, CAL. ASHLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY Saturday and Monday, DR. W. E. POOLE, Manager T GEO. W. TBEFBEN everything groceries í lì R Prnvíisl | I HARDWARE i REAL ESTATE HAS FOR SALE Stoves, Tinwate, The Old Reliable. Wise $ Cozer Fox & Good, I Í Agricultural iI Implements I♦ I O Better Mill and Lumber Co. For Sale at a Bargain Cash Savings Co. Saves You Money, RICHARDSON X BROTHERTON M. L. HAWLEY & CO., Blue Front and Restaurant J. H. DUTTON, Good Rich Milk | Downing's Dew Grocery ♦ * GROCERIES and + + •• + PROVISIONS Baled Alfalfa and I May T. J. DOWNING, Prop. Thos. Currie ASHLAND, WOOD ï ARD $3^° Blue Bell Creamery Company.