E. A. 8HERWIN PRKSIDKNT J. K. VAN SANT VICB-PBBSIDBNT A. McCALLEN CABHIXB IN RAILROAD CIRCLES. PORTIA’S FATHER TALKS. THACKER INTERVIEWED McKENZIE-PLIJMMER. A pretty wedding occurred Wednesday These are busy days on the railroad. evening, _ ____ rening, Jan. 22, , on Spring street _____ when Says Ager Robber and Black Bart are Col. Knight Returns From London and ! Roadmaster M. H. Burckhalter was Mr. Smith McKenzie and Miss Mabel I here Monday. Out of the Country. Talks of the Duke. Florence Plummer were united in holy I Manufacturer and Dealer in matrimony by Rev. G. W. Nelson, of the Fireman C. E. Logus is home from a J. N. Thacker, the veteran Wells-Far­ Congregational church. Only a few rel­ New York, Jan. 21.—Colonel Knight, Portland visit. the father of Portia, arrived yesterday | go detective, was on Tuesday’s train for atives and intimate friends were present. Roadmaster G. W. Donnell was in Ash­ afternoon on the Mesaba, en route for the north. He says that the report that At the close of the ceremony a delicious ASHLAND, OREGON. and Chas. Rhodes, who mortally wounded supper was served and some excellent- Salem, Or. In an interview he said: land this week. “The Duke of Manchester married Miss Chas. Sears at Henley, was the robber of guitar music was rendered by Miss Ella Mrs. Walter Frulan and son moved to Zimmerman == REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS "" JI General Banking Business transacted Roseburg because he was bankrupt the Ager-Klamath Falls stage last Sum­ Gurnea. The groom and bride are both this week. and needed the money. To my daughter, mer near Ager was untrue. Mr. Thack­ well and favorably known. Mr. McKen­ First-Class Workmen «««« First-Class Work Mrs. J. C. Zent went to Hornbrook who was playing on 'the London stage, er says that the robber was traced back to zie is a car inspector and repairer in the DIRECTORS: yesterday to visit her brother. he paid ardent attention; and when she the railroad and immediately left the employ of the 8. P. Co. Miss Plummer ------Main Street, Ashland, Or.------ Mrs. Helen Silsby of this city has been came to the conclusion that he was mere­ country. He worked at Klamathon and arrived in Ashland with her father and F. M. DRAKE, C. H. VAUPEL, ly triffling with her, she went to France near the scene of the robbery and was brother about four montlis ago from JUDGE'S OLD STAND granted an $8 per month pension. E. A. SHERWIN, J. K. VAN SANT, heartbroken, and entered a convent. He known. Minnesota. The young couple will make Jack Webb has returned from San wrote her many letters and in nearly The Sunday Oregonian published a Ashland their home and will reside on JOHN S. SHOOK, A. McCALLEN, J. A. GRObS Francisco and is now braking on freight every one of them he asserted that if she page of pictures and stories concerning Spring street where they have already a ++++ +++4 HHIIIHH f.IH t < .1 .1 * I .H I ♦♦< trains. did not return he would kill himself. the career of Black Bart, famous as a home neatly furnished for housekeeping. Mrs. D. L. Rice returned Tuesday She believed him and returned. He re­ stage robber and doggerel poet who used May happiness and prosperity be theirs. night from her visit in Portland and newed his suit, and his conduct was alto­ to hold up stages on Siskiyou mountain. < * gether exemplary until he went to Paris The storv claimed that Black Bart was Tom Fuson is recovering and will be Eugene. « • and met Miss Zimmerman. There her doing the stage robbing done in the able to leave the hospital in ten days. I Fireman Nate Young returned last aunt arranged a marriage. It was a case southeast the past year. Mr. Thacker < » All work warranted by Bert Barnes, night from a visit with San Francisco of urgent need of dollars on the part of says the whole yarn was a fake story. i • the jeweler, at Orr drug store. relatives. the scion of the nobility, and thev were He informs us that Black Bart, after serv­ ing his term in the California penitent­ Engineer J. H. McBride returned Mon­ married.” IN THS PHILIPPINES. < » Colonel Knight heaved a sigh of mighty iary robbed a stage in Sierra county, Cal., day from a visit to his old home in Penn- < > ------------------- entire new Stock — Latest styles ------------------ sorrow. He was about to turn away and then left for Seattle where he took a « » I sylvania. The war department is advised of the from the sympathetic knot of reporters steamer for Japan and has never been surrender of 365 insurgents to Brigdier- • • WALKOVER, ) Leading Brands ( MOTTER WELT, I Miss Helen Silsby is up from Palo Alto, to whom he confided his narration. But back to this country since. • • General James F. Wade at Cebu, Jan. MONITOR, L Carried ; ROSENTHAL, FEEDER A CO. I Cal., on a visit to her father, Engineer J. he turned hack and clinched the case GOODYEAR WELT, ) In Stock: ( BUCKINGHAM A HECHT. 14. Ou Jan. 15 they took the oath at 18. Silsby. TWO BARGAIN SALES EVERY WEEK. against the absent Duke with the follow­ ’Phone No., 96. Tagbilaran, Bohol. « > ing accusation: 4th Street, near Depot. Traveling Freight Agent H. E. Louns- The Ashland Mercantile Co. have taken 4th St., near Depot, Ashland, Or. UJ, King* Proprietor. « • > > The forces of Colonel Marislgan sur­ I bury passed through to Siskiyou county “Prior to this |ime.” said Colonel a new departure, as will be seen by their Knight, “the Duke wrote to my daughter < > rendered recently to General Bell, whe I yesterday. palpitating, passionate heartbreaking let­ ad. in another column, and are offering is conducting the campaign against the I Brakeman Lewis Smith is improving ters. j two “ bargain days ” a week to the people ” “No,” he added, regretfully, “I |and his son Walter returned from Port- have j none of these letters with me. They • of this city and vicinity. This old-reli- insurgents in Batangas province. The The kennel of St. Bernard dogs, val­ land this morning. . AFTER THE SENATORSHIP. are in the hands of my daughter’s solic­ . able firm never “bite off more than they Filipinos who surrendered included Special attention to Commercial men. Rates reasonable can chew” and fulfill all promises. three colonels, one major, five captains ued at <60,000, and owned by Frank J. They are damning.” Clay Cole is still confined to his moth- itors. i Baker City, Or., Jan. 15—“Yes I am . open candidate for the election to the and 12 lieutenants. They gave up 218 Gould, at Lyndhurst, the country seat an er’B home in Ashland, having been now SMALLPOX. rifles and one cannon. All the insur­ of Helen Gould, at Irvington-on-Hud- United States senate, to succeed Mr. disabled for two months with rheuma­ RHODES-SEARS SHOOTING. I tism. ” said Hon. C. W. Fulton, of As­ Will Smith, who came down from Sis­ gents who surrendered did so uncondi­ son, is to be disposed of by Feb. 15, Simon, kiyou and broke out with the mild form tionally. General Bell ordered the men when the building will be transformed I toria this evening, who has been spends , D. L. Rice, who was the pioneer bi­ a few d:iye in Baker City. “I ana W cycle enthusiast of Ashland, contem- 1 Coroner Holds Inquest Over Sears- of smallpox, is recovering at his home in released. General Bell taya the anr- into a cooking school for the free use of ing Interest«, and in my own Interest*, the depot section of town. There are render pacifies for the time being all poor girls, says a New York dispatch. here solely in plates investing in an automobile this Rhodes Comes To. no other cases in town. The kennel, which is a large Colonial have nothing to sav on the gubernatorial spring. the eastern part of Batangas. or congressional questions. All the can­ Watkins, in the Applegate country, lias A recent Manila dispatch says that a cottage, finished in hard wood, is to be ' didates are my friends and I have all I A. H. Hart was convicted of man­ Chas. G. Sears, who was shot in Andy Sutphan ’ s saloon at Henley, Jan. 11th at enlarged and improved. There will be a case of smallpox and the district school report has been received that a dugout slaughter for the killing of a Japanese want to do to take care of my own bat­ has been closed. One of the directors, canoe, in which 11 men of Company 1 a big range and plain tables, and Miss tle.” section laborer at Wilbur, Douglas coun­ 6 o’clock a. m., died at 6:25 Jan. 16th. Coroner John A. Fairchild of Siskiyou Ezra Arnold, has the mild form of small­ Gould will employ experts to teach. ty, about a month ago. county, held an inquest over the remains pox prevalent in the country. A yonng of the Second infantry were traveling, Carpets, art squares, rugs, portiers, A large and choice stock to select from. Miss Rose Jeanne Regensbnrg and Brakeman P. A. Nelson is now with and the jury returned a verdict that “de­ man relative brought it in from the out­ is missing and probably lost. It is be­ —Prices the Lowest Brady’s crew on 15 and 16 between here ceased came to his death from a gun shot side and recovered from it himself. lieved the men either perished or were Kano Oshima, a Japanese, were married ace curtains. Large stock. J. P. D odge , in New York, and Oshima, by going and Dunsmuir, suceeding O. R. Bush, wound inflicted bv one Chas. Rhodes” There are reports of other isolated cases captured. a who moved to Portland. • not entering into the justice of the cause in that section, but none are confirmed. 35 Years in the Business. Fine Hearse and Surrey free at An important capture was made in contrary to the wishes of his father in at all. not marrying a high-caste Japanese girl Office, Main Street. Res. Telephone, 103. all funerals. The railroad ladies of Dunsmuir have There are a number of cases of small" Laguna province, Luzon, when eight Sears’ deposition was taken before he organized an auxiliary to'the B. of R. T. pox at Summer lake, Lake county, and men of the Eighth infantry captured n selected for him, relinquishes his right Several Ashland ladies will be initiated. died. It was substantially as reported in the quarantine station has been re-estab­ woman insurgent named Aqueda K. ha to 1,000,000 yen. His father wrote to They will give a grand ball on the 6th of last week’s R ecord . The testimony of lished with JohnB. Blair in charge. The bagen. She recently commanded an in­ him that property which had been in Sutphan’s barkeeper at coroner’s inquest 1 March. was to the effect that both men had taken disease came from Bly. surgent force of 800 men, 800 of whom the family for centuries would not be FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Miss Maggie Barker of Albany, who has their coats and vests off to fight and tliat Redding lias two cases of smallpox. carried rifles, while 500 were armed allowed to fall into the hands of those been visiting the family of her brother, Sears dropped a whiskey glass on the with bolos. For six years past she has in whose veins there was other than Monday. Conductor Ben Barker, returned to floor and stooped to pick it up; while The McQuigg family who recently been leading insurgent bands against Japanese blood. The bride, a pretty In the senate Nelson of Minnesota Albany Sunday accompanied by the stooping the first shot was fired; the moved from Coos county to Junction, brunette of 24, is the daughter of Mrs. called up the bill providing for a de­ Barker children. The People’s Paper. Is Absolutely Pure, and will light went out and he saw nothing of the Lane county, have the small pox at lat­ Spaniards and Americans. Marie Regensburg-Ressler. partment of commerce. Hale and others ter place. Outwear all other Leads. Wm Bateman and Miss Bertha Nichols scuffle. A squad of policemen guarded the FOREIGN ITEMS. ASHLAND. O b ., Thursday, Jan. 23, 1902 said they required time for further con­ were married at the residence of J. M. Rhodes has been lying in a stupor at The reports current upon our streets j Chamber of Commerce at Minneapolis 11 your dealer does not carry it write sideration and the matter went over. Nichols at Junction Jan. 18th. Mr Bate­ the county hospital at Yreka ever since during the last few days remind one of to us and we will see that you get it, while a force of medical inspectors Steed, The Norwegian bark Arab The senate then went into executive man is an S. P. locomotive engineer and the affair,’ but yesterday morning became the Irishman when he remarked: “I Stella Bruzis, a bride 17 years old, session for an hour and a half. they will make their home in Ashland. conscious of everything and Dr. McNulty don’t believe more than one-half the lies which left London Dec. 9 for Christi­ armed with vaccine points proceeded to & CO., who endeavored to poison her husband at noon that it was the first indica­ they tell about the Irish are true.” Co­ ania, has sunk in the North sea, and 22 vaccinate 800 bulls and bears. In a i The house spent the day in general Brakeman Ed. Long, lately with a said PORTLAND, OREGON. twinkling all the doors were barred. with carbolic acid on the morning after discussion of the pension appropriation Portland wholesale house, lias again en­ tion of any improvement at all. He quille has some 16 or 18 cases of what is persons were drowned. There was a stampede, but the brokers their marriage several months ago, was bill. The debate took a wide range, in tered the railroad service and is on 15 thinks if no serious complications inter­ termed a mild form of smallpox. There A violent hurricane struok Vienna have been no deaths from it in or near and distriot, and there were more than found that the fire-escapes were guarded arraigned and placed in jail at Tacoma. which Bell of Colorado denounced the and 16 between here and Roseburg. Mrs. vene he lias a good chance to recover. Coquille. One death, a Mr. Lawhorn is 100 accidents requiring the use of ambu­ by police, and they ultimately sub­ The charge against her is attempted practices of the “pension sharks,” who Long and infant joined him this week to reported from North Fork, but that per­ mitted to the point. This action was murder. Her husband, Vincent Bruzis, were importuning soldiers of the Span­ make their home in Ashland. TOM KENT KILLED. son had been injured by being thrown lances. considered necessary, as it was discov­ recently secured a divorce, and Stella, ish war and those who had since served Ben J. Barker, jr., infant son of Con­ Lord Kitchener has confirmed the ered recently that one of the members Thos. Kent, son of Ex-District Attor­ from a horse a week previous and had thinking the trouble had blown over, re­ in the Philippines to apply for pensions. ductor and Mrs. B. J. Barker, died early other complications. At Coquille those turned to Wilkeson, whence she had Rixey of Virginia submitted an argu­ yesterday morning of lepto mengitis at ney Thos. B. Kent, formerly of this coun­ who have come in contact with the dis­ death sentence passed upon the Boer had smallpox. ty, was killed Dec. 13th last while assist ­ To any one who will men^n fled on the day that she poisoned her ment in favor of a bill to admit Con­ the family home on Third street. The ing on an O. R. & N. Co. pile driver in ease claim that it is not as dangerous as commandant Scheepers. Following hn As the result of a conference between husband. It came out later that Stella federate veterans to national soldiers’ parents accompanied the remains to Al­ operation 12 miles down the Pomeroy measles. These are the facts as nearly as capture he was accused of the murde. President Joseph F. Smith, head of the The Valley Record lov*d another man and had married homes, and to put on an equality the bany on yesterday afternoon’s train branch from Stat buck, Wash. The ma­ we have been able to sift the true from of five natives, who were alleged to Mormon church, and the manager of have been shot by the commandant ’ s where the burial will take place in the and send us 25 cents we will for­ Bruzis only to please her father. chine was working on the bridge where the false, nevertheless all sorts of rumors the Deseret News, the official organ of state Confederate homes in the south family plat. ward immediately the pattern of an men were sawing off an upright section get afloat on our streets, which, when orders. the church in Salt Lake, an edict has with the national soldiers’ homes. The run down have no foundation except fab­ advance Paris style for a Spriug About a mile of track has been graded of a pile. The section was 18 feet long The Chinese imperial decree of last gone forth that all the male employees house adjourned early out of respect to on the Pokegama Sugar Pine Lumber Jacket Address 14 inches square. Tne section thus rication to start from.—Bandon Coos month appoints Sir Robert Hart, in­ of The News who are not married on the late Representative Stokes of South Company’s railroad up Klamath river and cut fell over on the bridge striking Kent County Recorder. spector-general of the Chinese imperial or before June 30 next will be asked for The Morse-Broughton Co Carolina. from Lairds. There are about 40 white on the head and killing him instantly. customs, to the brevet rank of junior their resignations. It is estimated that Tuenlay. j men employed and 80 Chinamen. Wa In the morning young Kent was dancing ON THE JIDLSON EXTENSION. ' Publishers of L’Art de la Mode guardian of the heir apparent, in recog the order will affect about 25 employees For the first time this session the Chung, < the labor contractor of Ashland, merrily, telling the boys how happy he F. SHAW, Over the Siskiyous a rich ore chute of ( dition of the valuable assistance and of the paper, and those who are not 3 East 19 St. New York Philippine question wa* touched on in furnishes I the Chinese and is slow in se­ was because at Christmas he would wed fair size was opened some time ago in the j given by him during the peace matrimonially inclined are in sore dis­ the men who do not like the job his fiancee at Hood River and by even­ Wabana, a large property being exploited | advice the senate. The discussion was leading curing 1 Single copies of L’Art de la Mode 1 35 cents. to an opening of the whole Philippine in winter months. He will soon increase ing he was a corpse. Another feature by H. Mattern of Ashland. Two inclines I negotiations. tress. P hysician and S urgeon , 1 was the heroism of a nameless youth and about 150 feet apart have been run in on question, when it wa* agreed that a his force, however. Earthquake shocks in Chilpaucingo, Office in Sherwin A VanSant Block. resolution ou the subject introduced by J. E. Barrett arrived from Bakersfield, co-laborer. This lad was knocked down, the formation and thence connected by a L the capital of the state of Guerrero beneath the pile and painfully drift at a depth of 50 feet. At 25 feet be­ Hours. 9 to 11 a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Hoar go over until Wednesday.. Cal., where he ie employed in the train pinned Mexico, have destroyed many houses, injured. As the men went to release p. it Residence on Second St. The house, during the debate on the service of the S. P. He was formerly him he gasped out: “Save poor Tom first; low the inclines a 140-foot tunnel was and hundreds of families are ruined. Office’phone 325, residence ’phone 314 pension* appropriation bill, devoted employed 1 ere and later conductor in I am afraid he is badly hurt.” Young driven and thence the ledge was four d 1 Great fissures run across the streets a cross-cut. The ledge matter is a much time to Rixey’s proposition to the Yreka-Montague branch railroad. Kent was 19 years old and after the cor­ by black slate, some 300 feet in width, with The inhabitants, who were panic- His family are at Bakersfield. Mr. Bar ­ The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, open the doors of the soldiers’ homes to rett’s health became seriously impaired oner’s inquest at Pomeroy the remains a diabase country. The exploration of Btricksn, camped out in the fields. pR. S. T. SONGER Has Purchased....................... ex-Confederate veterans. Gardner of in the Bakersfield district, being afflict­ were shipped to his home at Hood Riv­ the property has been rather difficult on About a dozen persons were killed and er, Or., for burial. Michigan. (R.) and De Armond of Mis­ ed with yellow jaundice. He has made Physician and Surgeon account of the irregular and dispersed several injured. W. 0. Johnson’s Shop souri (D.) made notable[speeches in sup­ application for work on this division. character of the vein deposits having val­ A BAD ACCIDENT. ue, but where pay lias been found it is port of the proposition. Edward, alias “Old Man” Harvey, Never thought of such a The railroad boys are having a run at And ie now prepared to serve usually of very high grade. Interest at­ who was taken to Boston from Los An­ Wednesday. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon the blessed job of securing partners for A frightful accident befell Fireman taches especially because it is an adjoin­ hie old customers and the pub* In the senate a spirited discussion was life and every week records one or more sign for a medicine did you ? ASHLAND — — — OREGON precipitated by Hale of Maine by some matrimonial alliances. One of interest Joseph Stafford in the pit of the tender ing property to the Jillson, which has | geles recently to be tried for having lie generally at the old stand on the engine that hauls the day passen­ yielded a great sum of money, reported taken a watch from the pocket of Police remarks he made on bills he introduced occurred Sunday afternoon at the home ger train from Grants Pass to Roseburg. as high as a million dollars. The forma­ Captain Warren in 1899, was sentenced Well, it’s a good sign for M ain S t ., O pp . O pera H ouse B lock relating to the formation of a naval re­ of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roach, when their It was on Saturday night and while the tion is the same, and it is due to the cliar- to four and a half years in state prison. p M. BROWER, M. D. serve, his comments being coustrued by charming daughter, Miss Dora, a native passenger train was laying in the station acteristics indicated that the pay has been Few pickpockets are better known Scott’s Emulsion. The body General Blacksmithing ef all kinds this city, was joined in the holy at Grants Pass. Fireman Stafford was in lost in the Jillson, and the mine has Horseshoeing a Suecialty. some of the senators into a reflection of than Harvey throughout tho country. Physician and Surgeon, las to be repaired like other bonds with George Singleton, a locomo­ upon volunteer soldiers and land militia. tive fireman and popular young man of the pit of the tender that carries the ceased to be a producer. A small crew’ Lester Hanover was fined 11,000 by wood building up a tier of wood to pre­ is kept in the mine in prospecting work. ASHLAND — — — OREGON Hale did not think that in time of war this section of the state. The nuptial vent the incoming supply falling over in­ Some 5000 feet of excavation has been Judge Pollard at St. Louis on a charge .hings and Scott’s Emulsion is Ashland & Klamath Falls tho militia would be of much assistance. knot was tied by Rev. A. M. Russell of to the cap. Brakeman A. T. Morian OFFICE : done on the Wabana. There is much of disturbing the peace of Mary Insti­ the medicine that does it. Mason, Teller, Hoaraud Bacon defended the Baptist church in the presence of came along in the dark and asked if At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, work being done on neighboring proper­ tute school girls. He was fined $500 on the militia forces. After a short execu­ the relatives and a few intimate friends. everything was safe and thinking all was ties of the district, the Ash creek district each of two counts brought against Laurel and Main Streets. These poor bodies wear out They left for Grants Pass Monday which tive session a bill was passed appropriat­ well touched the trigger tliat started the being very active. him. This is the maximum penalty. ing $250,000 for enlarging the public will be their home for a time, taking elevated car from the woods’aeuT lead it. He had accosted the girls several times from worry, from over-work, the best wishes of all their friends. HINMAN, D. D. S. out over the tender and chopped one building at Portland, Or. NEW TAX COLLECTING LAW. at the corner of Beaumont and Locust Thoroughly Restocked and The house passed the peusion appro­ Fireman Rupert Jones, who was so cord of wood weighing 2800 las. on top of Salem, Jan. 17th—The law enacted by streets. Hanover’s attorney gave notice from disease. They get thin the unfortunate fireman. Tl.e escaping Entirely New Management. priation bill and then adjourned until badly hurt in the wreck at Myrtle Creek Dentist. the last legislature relative to the pay ­ recently, is reported to be rapidly recov­ steam prevented Stafford from hearing ment of taxes has some features of in­ of appeal. Saturday. and weak. Some of the new ROBERT M. GARRETT ering from his severe shaking up. His Morian’s w arning and the crash of wood terest to heavy property-holders that The double crime of robbery and Thursd ay. mangled him up frightfully. His right arm ie healing nicely and he was at the The senate had under consideration may not be generally understood, and arson was committed, about noon, at ones are not well made—and ¡Superintendent. In the Pioneer Block, up] stairs, near the bill creating a department of com­ Union depot in Portland recently greet­ arm was broken in two places, his teeth that will save a nice little percentage to the residence of Mrs. L. Koppel, 54 were knocked out, deep gashesjvi ere cut ing some of his friends. Engineer F. J. City Hall. North Fifth street, San Jose, when $100 all of the old ones are racked ' Best and merce. Serious objection* were raised Connolly was able to walk up town this in his scalp and face and his ent*» ------------- ent*je body those who have ready money. The law provides that if the taxes are in coin and a necklace valued at $100 to the transfer to the proposed depart­ morning, but he is still quite sore from badly bruised. LZ_ __ taken !____ to the __ He was Quickest Route to ment of several important bureaus now bruises received in the recent railway Portland hospital .1 on Sunday ’ s ^ early paid on or before the 15th day of March, were stolen. The fire is supposed tc from long usage. a rebate of 3 per cent shall be allowed, A. SHERWIN, have been set to cover up the evidence morning train. Brakeman Morian is a a part of other departments of the gov­ accident.—Roseburg Review, 22d. Scott’s Emulsion fixes all very tender-hearted man and was deeply while on the other hand, the results of of theft. Damage to the amount of $40C ernment. After Platt of Connecticut The Red Bluff News has the following affected by the accident whereby he delinquency come earlier and are much was done by the flames. No trace has had criticised the bill and urged that nc concerning the work on the 30,000 barrel kinds. It does the work both Reliable the unfortunate young man such a more severe than heretofore. Taxes been found of the miscreants. action be taken at this time the measure railroad oil tank at that place: The sec­ caused will now become delinquent by the op­ ■BLGoes by Barron, Shake, misfortune. went over. The senate then went intc ond row of plates have been hoisted into Four buildings, each four stories high, inside and out. It makes soft Soda Springs, Parkers and Insurance, If Stafford had been at the bottom of eration of this law on the first Tuesday executive session, and when the door« position in the construction of the South­ the tender, he would certainly have been in April, if not sooner settled, and there­ located in the heart of the wholesalt Keno; also heft connections ern Pacific Company’s big tank, and are killed, but he was standing on a tier of after, besides the penalty, there will be district of Detroit, collapsed without any bones hard, thin blood red, were opened adjourned till Monday. with stage lines from Klam­ being riveted together. Three-quarter- wood well up on the side toward the wood interest charged at the rate of 12 per cent apparent cause, and all that now re- OREGON ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly A8HLAND, Friday. weak lungs strong, hollow per annum from the date of delinquency. incli rivets will be used. The upper rows and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath I mains is a smouldering heap ot ruins The house was in session less than an of plates, four in number, are of lighter track. The falling wood struck him, But the taxpayer mav avoid this by and Indian Agency. hour and only routine business wa» iron and one-half-inch rivets will be knocking him down into the tender, the payment of one-half the the taxes The buildings were occupied by fiv. places full. Only the best ma­ against the opposite tier of wood and jj L. M c W illiams , transacted. Kahn of California intro­ used. The bottom of the tank has covering him up almost completely. levied against him on or before the first concerns. Their stocks are a total loss terials are used in the patching Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight Muit be Waybilled. duced the Chinese exclusion bill, which 1 been calked and the tank lias been low- Stafford was able to call for help and for­ Monday in April, and then he will have which is estimated at $152,000, exclusiv ATTORNÏY-AT-LAW, and the patches don ’ t show until the first Monday of October to pay of the buildings, which amounts t was referred to the foreign affairs com­ ■ ered from the supporting horses to the tunately was heard. Otherwise he mittee. The senate amendments to the 1 ground where it will rest. might have been buried up past all possi­ the rest, but if he does not pay them by $50,400. There was no loss of life, a; through the new glow of health. Oregon. Ashland, bouse bill appropriating $90,000 for a 1 Redding Searchlight:—Stanley Shearer, bility of rescue. He was quickly taken that time then they shall become delin­ the wreck occurred on Sunday night, and shall bear interest from April when there were no employees in the PICTURES! government exhibit and floor space at 1 a railroad employee, stood in the center out and given immediate surgical atten­ quent No one has to wait his turn. at 12 per cent. PICTURE FRAMES! buildings. the Charleston exposition were agreed of the track near Dunsmuir, Saturday dance. These provisions of the law will doubt­ Will practice in State and Federal courts You can do it yourself—you Stafford is well-known in Ashland, hav­ morning, after a storage of numerous to and the bill passed. A desperate battle 400 feet under­ less bring in a large portion of the taxes ing run out of here a great deal. high balls, and attempted to flag the pay AW Office. Reeser bl’k, over Western during the month of March; and will ground between ore thieves and officer» MOLDINGS and the bottle. Union telegraph office. train. The amateur sort of distillery make that a busy month in the sheriff’s and trusted employees occurred in the WASHINGTON NOTE3- CABINET WORK thought he should be paid first. He was Jim May*, a negro charged with as­ office, because taxpayers, especially great Independence mine on Battle This picture represents UPHOLSTERING The isthmian canal commission has struck bv the locomotive. Those who saulting a white girl near Simmstown, heavy ones, wait as long as they possibly mountain, says a Victor (Colo.) dis­ W. A. PATRICK KLMKR PATRICK GENERAL REPAIRING the Trade Mark of Scott’s witnessed the incident say it was ex ­ can without loosing money and make a patch. From 50 to 75 shots were ex­ reported in favor of the Panama route, Ky., was taken from jail by a mob and OF FURNITURE Emulsion and is on the laughable, although tragic. For grand rush at the last moment to escape a atrick & son «nd recommended the acceptance of the a tremely ohanged between the opposing parties. wrapper of every bottle. minute Shearer was thrown to one side hanged to a tree in the high school yard. penalties. $40,000,000 offer of the Panama Canal and the witnesses expeeted to pick him AT THE * As Charles Straussburger of Chicago, One of the company’s force was shew Send for free sampfe- ASHLAND company. up dead, but found him uninjured. They »[student for the priesthood, entered the twice, but not seriously injured. The Colonel Knight, father of Portia Knight UNDERTAKING PARLORS. A bstracts , R eal E state , SCOTT & BOWNE, The *um of $40,000 has been appro­ say the collision was enough to have kill­ door of the Burlington (Ills.) depot a the Salem girl who is suing the Duke of pirates finally gained the upper hand I nsurance , C onveyancing priated for the contingent expenses oi ed’ six ordinary men. rna.ii stepped in front of him and dashed Manchester for breach of promise, takes and forced the company men to retreat 409 Pearl St,. New Yoik. Granite St., near Main the stace department in connection with Mrs. Jennie Smithson, the young lady a vial of acid in his face. The fluid the public into his tearful confidence toward the big «haft, enabling the 50c. and $1. all druggists. ’ —Notary Public— the entertainment of Prince Henry. He who had both legs cut off by a Southern missed nis eyes, but the right cheek and with the statement that the “Juke” thieves to escape The ore stolen from js expected to arrive in Washington on Pacific train at Springfield several years nose were badly burned. The thrower broke faith with his daughter because he the mine has amounted to many thou­ Upstairs, Room 2, Pioneer Block. ago and who recovered $10,000 damages took a second look at his victim and “needed the money” of the Cincinnati sands of dollars a month. the morning of Feb. 24. girl whom he married. Well, that is no ’Phone No. 241. from the company, will start a new Secretary Root, in talking of his plau grocery store at Springfield in a few days. cried out, “Oh, God, I’ve got the wrong new thing in the matrimonial market OREGON to abaudop the government transport It will be located in the Walker black­ man,” and fled. There is no clew tc line! It is happening every day with ASHLAND. The daring daylight burglar who has < i the identity of the thrower. men who are not dukes.—Eugene Guard. been operating in the Mission, San servioe, said there was not the slightest smith building.—Eugene Guard. danger that he transports would make Losses estimated to exceed $100,000 You should know that Foley’s Honey The Examiner understands that New’ Francisco, was arrested and identified J A. McCALL Seattle or auy other port than S.m Fran­ and Tar is absolutely the best for all dis- have been sustain«^ by cattlemen of Pine Creek will have a bank in the as Edward Edminister, alias Morgan, easesjof the throat and lungs. Dealers southeastern Washington and eastern spring. A wealthy gentleman named alias Stevens, alias Clifton, an ex-con­ cisco their terminus. are authorized to guarantee it to give sat­ Oregon. The only explanation i9 that Moore, a friend of Messrs. Converse and vict, who was convicted of burglary in yh* agitation reported to have sprung Civil Engineer and isfaction.—T. K. Bolton. the depredations of cattle rustlers have Wheeler, who have bought ranches near Oakland and sentenced to one year’s *p in Denmark in opposition to the Mineral Surveyor. transfer of the Panish West Indies tc been much greater than was known. the state line, signifies nis intention of imprisonment in San Quentin. About out from Minnesota to engage in BORN. The cattle have been shipped to the coming MOT AB Y PUBLIC. the United States has pdmibistered, in that business. New Pine Creek is com­ a score of burglaries committed in the Mission district during the last three Chicago and Omaha markets, while the Survey* for Patents and Mining Loca­ the opinion of the officials at Washing­ FRIZELL—In Ashland, Jan. 16, 1902, ing to the fore as a live business town. months have been traced to him. horse* that were stolen in most cases tion«* specialty. Addraea Ashland, Or. to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frizell, a son. ton, a check to the proposition whip); NORMAL NOTES. have been sold to purchasers for the The Mission Transportation and Re­ will operate indefinitely. British army. Office at residence. South Main Stree BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. Fine weather and a good bicycle track finery company filed a trust deed at Los A winter trip to Southern California by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable. Another ridicuions food fad has been King Edward opened parliament with enable many students to take out-door Angeles to secure a bond issue of and Arizona via the famous Shasta Route branded by the most competent authori­ great pomp and ceremony, and along exercise. $1,000,000. The purpose of this issue Is SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. ie one never to be forgotten. Renewed ties. They have dispelled the silly no­ the route of the procession the king and Two members of Prof. Vining’s read­ to construct a fleet of vessels for the acquaintance with thia section will ever tion that ODe kind of food is needed for queen, looking remarkably well, were ing classes entertained the school after transportation of oil to San Francisco F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: develop fresh points of interest and bd- brain, another for mnsclee, and still chapel exercises the other morning. and the Hawaiian islands. The Union B altimore , Md., March 30, 1901. W • R. c. ded sources of enjoyment under its sun­ another for bones. A correct diet will greeted enthusiastically. In his speech The readers were Fred Smith and Har­ Oil Gentlemen .- — Being entirely cured of deafness thanks to your treatment, I will now give you company is interested in the new King Edward said Great Britain ’ s rela ­ a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. ny skies, in the variety of Interests and not only nourish a particular part of the BCBKSIDB *«uyv CORM KO. 24 rison Howell. Both of the young men corporation. A large refinery is being About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost Meet«tn Odd Fellow» h»jll at 2 o’clock p added industries, in its prolific vegeta­ body, but it will sustain every other tions with other powers continued to be received merited applause. my hearing in this ear entirely. built at Bakersfield by the transporta ­ tion and among its numberless resorts of most friendly, but regretted that the a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num­ part. Yet, however goo<| yonr food may c on th* second ind fourth Saturday* of The young men liave begun actual tion company. Contracts for three ber I of underwent physicians, among others,* the most eminent ear specialist of thia city, who told me that mountain, shore, valley and plain. each month, be, its nutriment ie destroyed by indi­ jvar in South Africa is not yet con­ work on the track and in the gymnasium ships have been let and others will be only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would Two trains leave Portland daily, morn­ gestion or dyspepsia. You mast pre-' cluded. .“I have concluded,” said his M b «. J. D. C bockk *. Pyes. then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. M m . M. J. Spencer. Sec y. ing and evening for California. These pare for their appearance or prevent majesty, “with the president of the fitted up in the basement, and a baseball built. The feed is signed by W. F. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat­ team has been organized with Henry ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and trains are equipped with the most im­ their coining by taking regular doees of Botsford, president, and W. A. Carney, United States a treaty, the provisions of Garter as captain. There are some prom­ to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you proved pattern 1 of standard and tourist Green’s August Flower, the favorite KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. secretary. sleeping cars, r~/ 1------- - ----- place medicine of the healthy millions. .A few which will facilitate the coustructiofi of ising young athletes among the Normal anj tbe low rates F. A. W'ERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. boys, and they are taking an interest in GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of the trip in reach of all. an interooeanic canal under guarantees Cut this out and take it to your drug doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. J Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every the work- store and get a free sample of Chamber­ For illustrated guides of California gad to healthy action, purifies the blood, and that its neutrality will be maintained, Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good and that it will be open to the commerce lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, the makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. Arison* winter resorts, address YOU CAN CURE AT HOME- —SX** Standing arecordiallvinvited to attend. VALLEY REC0RD£ l ïï 1L$L75 best physic. Thev also cure disorders of Yod can ge> Dr- G. G. Green’a reliable and shipping of all nations.” R. B. Mrr r.cn, L. E. BENDER, Chanoellor Com. ’ INTtlUUTIONAl AURAL CinilO,5B*lA 1ALU AVLCHlUUfUK I headache. I. F. K xbshaw , K.B.M. Bat mia artici, Largut circutttion. tbviUBMMhj biU9ua«M G m . P*saMg«r A|Mt, Portland, Or. rwnadiM at Z K» Fred Week» wm here Tuesday. H. W. ANDREWS, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Harness Queen Shoe Store ♦♦♦ MITCHELL BROS. & REAVIS, BOOTS and SHOES LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. New Barn, « New Rigs, Saddlery Goods Fresh Horses. J. L. DOWNING, ........ City Undertaker PIONEER WHITE LEAD VALLEY BECORD. W. P. Fuller Stylish Spr%ket Professional Cards Repairing Neatly E. C. SHERMAN Done STAGE <- LINE A • • KLAHATH . P FALLS , ANY HEAD NOISES? ARE YOU DEAF? DEAFNESS OR HARD .«EARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. X YOURSELF