Th« b««t waterpreaf («ratiu in th« world. Made from the beet materials md warranted waterpraat. Made to stand the roagbest work ana weather Lawk for the trade nark. If your dealer does not hare them, write for catalogue to I. I. Bettisg tad Pukiag Ce., A^ti., Baa Fraacisce. or ■. M. *AW YER A: M»N. Sale Mfrs. Eaet CaatkHdce, Maas. QO EAST VIA TOUGHS AND COLDS IN CHILDREN RARE STAMP OF CIVIiyWAR. Ab««>«« a Domestic Tonis. The man’s holiday—apart from that of the family—should be done in his own fashion, without “incum­ brances.” For the time being he can feel like a boy let out of school, and enjoy his special sport« or pastimes without restraint, says a London periodical. Married people, who live together 12 months in the year, would be all the better for these temporary separations—they kelp to sweeten domestic life. If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your m-a's take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ lets. They correct disorders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels Price, 25 cents. Samples free, at all druggists. The People’s Recommendation of a Well Known Chicago Physician. Chieagro Maa Po««««««« a Valaabl« On« That la of Internet to AU PlUlateUata. Paper. ASHLAND. OU, Thursday, Dec. 5. 1901 While there are undouKedly hun­ dred« of specimens of stamp« in the possession of Chicago philatel­ AN OSCULATORY MISTAKE. ists, Robert Moeller, of 400 Austin Utter Stranger Enjoy« a Very Ptoss*. avenue, thinks he has in his posses­ sion one of the rarest of all, says lag Reception Intended tor the Chicago Inter Ooean. Mr. Moel­ •Tncle Fred." ler’s curiosity is a United States The Lindsborg News, which, by ths stamp of the issue of 1862 and its w-ay, is edited by a charming wom­ especial value conelste in the fact an, prints a story “on” the pretty that it went through the war of the 18-year-old daughter of a McPherson rebellion. county farmer, says the Kansas City The poet office facilities were not Journal. The story opens with the always of the beet with the armies rather astonishing statement tl^t, in the field at that time, as many a though Kansas born, the girl “Is very Chicago man and woman can very sedate and had never been kissed." clearly recall. When letters were However, the editress probably mailed .from the front in those times knows what sha is talking about, and It often happened that the only can­ without comment we give her story celing apparatus at band for the —AND— as follows: stamp was a pen and ink. That was “Now it happened that the farmei the way the stamp in Mr. Moeller’s GRANT HELMAN, Prop. expected a visit from hie brother, possession was canceled. Aoross its whom he had not seen for ten years, face is written “T. A. P., 23 Dec., AT ATHLETIC GROUNDS, ONE-HALF The letters stand for “The MILK NORTH OF PLAZA and the two girls of the family were 1863.” jubilant-. One morning, while the old Army of the Potomae.” ASHLAND. OREGON. gentleman was out in the field, a Mr. Moeller thinks that his stamp SWIMMING RINK. — oarriage stopped at the farmhouse is very valuable, and in view of the door and a fine-looking young gen­ prices that have prevailed for cer­ Solid stone rink and walks. Rink, 30x80 feet. Tbirtv Dreeing 1 ooms attached. tleman alighted. The little girl saw tain stamps in late years it probably Equipped with Rings, Swings, Spring him, and, running out to meet him, j is. Some of the English one and two Boards, etc. cried: ‘Uncle Fred, hbw glad I am cent stamps are now selling for as Reception Room, Lunch Counter, Cigars' to have you come!’ Th^. young man much as $100 and $200 apiece, and picked her up and kissed her. She American stamps used by the army Unfurnished Cottages to rent. led the way into the parlor, where in Porto Rico and Cuba during the Swimming Rink Opens abont May 1st. she introduced ‘Uncle Fred’ to her big recent Spanish war are being sold e* sister, who promptly puckered up her 25 cent* each. lips and gave her ‘uncle’ a hearty AN IDEAL TELEPHONE. kiss of welcome. Half an hour later the old gentleman arrived on the scene, and as ha entered the parlor ‘LTncle Fred’ arose, handed him his card, and introduced himself as Mr. So and So, of St. Paul, representing It would be difficult to say whether the Milwaukee Harvesting Machine Stockholm or Budapest possesses the company. The girls made their es­ cape from the room, and when their telephone system, but it is quit, uncle arrived next day they waited sertain that these two towns are th. for their father to give them an in­ best served in the world. Stockholm possesses an installation troduction.” • of about 40,000 telephones. In other words, nearly every shop and private «PLEASE TOUCH.” THE CHRONICLE ranks with th. «tsstssl house possesses an instrument, and M«i;.p«ri 1. th. United Stats*. An Inscription That AM B mbm the system is so extensive that conver­ THE CHRONICLE has no squal on th. Paclfla Statues in the Muarau sation is not only possible, but easy, C oma It leads aU tn ability, enterprise end new. THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports «ye Should Dea«. over a radius of about 60 miles around the latest and moot reliable, its Local Nows th. the city, fullest and sploleat, and Its Editorials from the If the experiments recently tried Budapest, in addition to being reg­ ablest pens In the country. THE CHRONICLE has always boon, and always abroad are to be regarded as oonohi- ularly served with ordinary telephones, will bo, the friend and champion of the people as sive, and there is every reason to sup­ possesses a unique system, the Telefon against combinations, cliques, corporations, ot oppressions of any kind. It will b. lnd«pend0Bl pose that they may, the tickets to be Hirmondo, which practically performs la everything neutral in nothing. placed against the bronze statues in the function of a newspaper. News is our museums will bear the words: received at all hours of the day in the “Please touch!” Those experiments central office, and, after being edited show that haudling preserves them, and condensed, is repeated over the says the Cincinnati Enquirer. wires to some 7,000 subscribers, who It was observed in Berlin that those can listen to H in their own sitting parts of bronze figures that had been rooms at stated intervals during the surreptitiously handled by visitors day. The system has proved not only were brighter and looked in a better a public convenience, but also a great state of preservation than the other commercial success. portions. Inquiries of antiquarians and experts revealed the fact that ONE OF WOMAN’S WAYS. the Greeks made a practice of polish­ ing their bronze by rubbing with the •K* bare hand from time to time, and that the oil exuded from the human hand was good for the metal. •‘Most women hate to spend new An experiment was tried with four bronzes for a certain period; one was money,” says an observant sales­ polished with oil occasionally, an­ man, according to the Philadelphia “I haven't, the faintest other was rubbed by hand, a third Record. was wiped with a mixture of oil and idea why this should be so, but a chemical preparation, and the I’ve noticed it often right here in the store. A woman will make a pur­ fourth was left untouched. The last ' suffered most, while the bronze Pol­ chase and pull out her purse to pay the ished with oil took first place, and bill, but if she happens to have to part with a elean, crisp note in making up the hand-rubbed one came second. •the amount she looks greatly annoyed. I’ve seen women with wads of bright An F-vanffehst’s Story. brand-new bills flustered when they “I suffered for years with a bronchia! or lung trouble and tried various reme­ came to pay for purchases, because dies but did not obtain permanent rel'e ■they hadn’t sufficient old money until I commenced using One Minute meet the charges. They would dig1 out Cough Cure,” writes Rev. James Kirk­ the contents of their purses and stow Th. Chronicle Building. man, evangelist of Belle River, Ill. the crisp notes to one side, and, if they “I have no hesitation in recommend­ couldn’t scrape up the sum in a few ing it to all sufferers from maladies ot cases I’ve known them to go without this kind ” One Minute Cough Cure buying. Others will give utterance to By Mall, Postage Paid. affords immediate relief for coughs, colds little feminine exclamations of dismay, and all kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is unequaled. Absolutely and will hasten to pay for the articles safe. Very pleasant to take, never fails selected in the new money. Then they and is really a favorie with the children. will march off with quite a show of in­ dignation, just as if they had been in­ They like it.—All druggists. veigled into spending the money. I know one man who always takes his Lena Crime in Ireland. A gratifying decrease in crin e in salary home in beautiful, clean certifi­ Ireland is shown in the report of cates. He has caught on to this pe­ the general prisons board for the culiarity of the sex, and he says it year 1900. During the year 32,924 saves him all kinds of money." criminal prisoners were committed, TO STOP A COLD. showing a reduction of 3,198 on the number of committals in 1899. The After exposure or when you feel a (Including postage) to any part ot the United decrease in the number of convicts cold coming on, take a dose of Foley’s State«. Canada and Mexico. Honey and Tar It never fails to stop a THK WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brightest during the half century has been and moat complete Weekly Newspaper in the very remarkable. In 1855 the total cold if taken in time.—T. K. Bitoon. world, prlnu regularly 84 columns, or twelve was 3,427, and last year the number pagM.of News. Literature and General Informa­ RUSH TO WEIGHING MACHINES tion; also a magalflcent Agricultural Department was only 329. The decrease is due, SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. says the report, not only to the fewer number of sentences and penal EIv.rybodr Immediately After Vaca­ Q ---------- tion I. Anxiou. Abont Gain or imposed, but also to the do you want the servitude Loa. In Weight. smaller average length of such sen­ tence. CHRONICLE ‘‘Our company makes more money A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party, off the penny-in-the-slot weighing but was afraid to do eo on account of machines in September and Octobei pains in his stomach, which he feared than in all the other months put to would grow worse. He says, “I was gether,” said the collector to a New telling my troubles to a lady friend, who York Sun reporter. SHOWING “Everybody said: ‘Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera wants to get weighed at this time oi and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in The United States, Dominion of condition for the party.’ I bought a bot­ the year. The desire to keep postec Canada and Northern Mexioo tle and take pleasure in stating that two on the number of pounds they have ON ONE SIDE, doles cured me and enabled me to have to carry around with them takes hole And the a good time at the party.” Mr. Snell is of them just like an epidemic oi a resident < f Summer Hill, N. Y. This measles or scarlet fever. remedy is for sale by all druggists. “The reason for the early fall be­ Judge C A. Sehlbrede, commissioner ing the favorite weighing seasor ON THE OTHER SIDE. Bend $2 and Get the Map and at Skagway, resigned his position No­ seems to be that it is the ambitior Weekly Chronicle for One Tear, vember 14 and will return to his home of the majority of the mountain oi seaside visiting folks to come hotnt postage prepaid on Map and Paper. in Oregon. with more flesh than they took away Avoid,cough or la grippecan be ‘ ‘ nipped ADDRESS in the bud”, with a dose or two of Foley’s with them, Or, if they don’t want I. de YOUNG, Honey and Tar. Beware of eustitutes.— more, they want less. No sooner de »roprislor & F. Chroalel«, they come home and resume their JlAff FAAHCIMft CAK. T. K. Bolton. daily trips about town than they become anxious to see how their plus or minus condition is holding out. Hence the patronage of the weighing machines. “I know people who get weigiíé J regularly every morning for the first four weeks after their return, and not until they fall back to their nor­ to write for our rates before you mal weight do they give up the jot purchase a ticket to any point in the EAST. of coaxing their adipose tissue tc etay on or off. All this anxiety as to Through Tourist Cars from the Pacific Coast to avoirdupois redounds to our benefit, Chicago and Cincinnati, connecting with through and from now on to the middle oi trains for all points in the far EAST, SOUTH or October we will gather in a bushel oi pennies every day.” SOUTHEAST. Fast and handsomely equipped, White Sulphur Springs SWIMMING RINK Private Tub Baths. Shortest and Quickest Line TO IT. PAUL,.DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Through Palace ana Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cara. DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIMS J SERVICE AND 8CENERÁ UNEQÜALED. Tickets to points East via Portland ths GREAT NORTHERN RY . on sale a Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office 122', Third Street, PORTLAND. For Rates. Folders, and Full iuiurma- tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad­ dress A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agt. Portland, Or NORTHERN PACIFIC Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars TO T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH_____ FARGO________ GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUITE THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BORTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Thmngh tickets to Jt-oan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Oo, Zorinformation, time cards, map and iok.ta, call on or writa A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain­ able so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the W is ­ consin C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated ■o as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction pointe. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Care on through trains. Dining Oar service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket OV6T , e • e e • The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call on anv ticket agent, or correspond with JAR. C. POND, General Pass. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin , 246 stark Street, P ortland . O regon . C anadian P acific The World’s Scenic Route The Best Summer Route, and a better Winter Route than a Summer Route. It will pay you to investigate this. Tourist C ats and First-Class Sleepers Daily. Tbs time is arranged to pass the greatest scenic features of the line daring daylight. Pamphlets furnished free on application E. J. COYLE, V. R. JOHNSON. Asst. Gen. Pass. AgL, F. A P. A., Vancouver. B. C. Portland. Ore LIPPINCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE' A F amily L ibrary The Best in Current Literature 12 C omplete N ovels Y early MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 pen year ; 25 cts . a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES'' EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF CHRONICLE IE DAILY Only $6.70 a Year. $1.50 a fa Reversible Map? Map of the World Ti olili Pay you steam-heated trains—Dining Cars, Buffet Library Cars, Sleeping Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars throughout the following states: The Winter Route to the East. For particulars regarditg freight or passenger rates and service call on or address, J C. LINDSEY, T, F. & P. A. B. H. TRUMBULL Com’l Agent. 142 Third St, Portland, Oregon. Job Printing of all kinds at reasonable rates § I I Ê People in Norway are now planning to construct in the northerly district of their country an immense national park in which animals from the polar regions are to be plaoed. Herr Mohn, a scientist of Christiania, iff the originator of this plan, report« a Lon­ don paper. He points out that there are some polar animals which cannot live in the ordinary zoological gardens of Europe, as the climatic conditions do not suit them, and he claims that the north of Norway is the only part of Europe in which a suitable home can be arranged for such animals. He admits that some animals from the polar regions, such as bears, foxes, hares, seals, reindeers, Eskimo dogs and various species of birds, seem to thrive well enough in the zoological gardens in the north of Europe, but he claims that they would be much happier if allowed to rove over a large domain in the north of Norway, and, furthermore, he points out that all attempts which have yet been made to acclimate the musk ox in zoological gardens have failed, and that only by placing sev­ eral specimens of this interesting animal in a national park in Norway oan all danger of its possible exter­ mination be guarded against. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought Promote s Digestion,Cheerful­ ness andBest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Bears the Signature A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee à St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the “PIONEER LIMITED’ Trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, aesuring to passengers the best service known Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any point in the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. N ot N abcotic . For rates, pamphlets or other infa­ tuation, address, J W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt., / Firrcr. S kattlr . U Aperfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour Slomach.Diarrhbea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ash , Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via Tac Simile Signature cf The.... Northwestern Linei NEW YORK. ----- THE------ EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. —......... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOUS and omaha railways . Thi« is the ■ B GREAT SHORT “ Cb« Chicago *’ typewriter. DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And All Points East and South. PRICE, $35— GUARANTEED TO EQUAL ANY $100 MACHINE Their Magnificent Track, Peerlewt Ve.- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: GOLD MEDAL AWARDED IN AN OPEN COMPETITION THUMB SIGNALS. WITH ALL TYPEWRITERS AT That Member Tell« When On« >• Like­ ly to Be Affected by Paralyai« or Inaanlty, Specialists in nerve diseases by an examination of the thumb can tell if the patient is affected or likely to be affected by paralysis, as the thumb signals this trouble long before it is in any other part .of the body. If the dan­ ger symptoms are evidenced there an operation is performed on what is known as the “thumb center” of the brain, and the disorder is often re­ moved. The success of the operation can be told, too, by the changed condi­ tion of the thumb. No matter how carefully the individ­ ual may attempt to conceal incipient insanity, the thumb will reveal it in­ fallibly. It is the one sure test. If the patient in his daily work permits the thumb to stand at a right angle to the other fingers, or to fail ¡i.-t’ess into the palm, taking no part in his writing, his handling of things, his multiform du­ ties, but standing isolated and sulky, it is. an unanswerable confession of mental disease. Dr. Humphreys’ Specifics cure by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in any other part of the system. CURES. LINE Between A poor complection is usuallv the re­ sult of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. Unless nature’s refuse is carried off it will surely Cause impure blood. Pimples boils and other erup lions fellow. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action <>f the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. NO. C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ortland , O b ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Healiti and Beauty. PARIS UNIVERSAL EX­ POSITION 1900. E. L. King, ^HUMPHREYS’ ^VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A. I FEVERS. Congestions, Inflanuna. curbs Dions, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. H- B. I SPRAINS, Lameness, Injuries, cures S Rheumatism. I SORE THROAT, Quinsy, Epizootic, cures > Distemper, cures | WORMS. Bo tn. Grubs. E. E. I COUGHS. Colds, Influenza. Inflamed curbs J Lungs, Pleuro-Pneumonia. F. F. ICOLIC, Bellyache, Wind-Blown, CURBS j Diarrhea, Dysentery. G. G. Prevent« MISCARRIAGE. “ | KIDNEY <& BLADDER DISORDERS. I. I. fSKIV DISEASES, Mange, Eruptions, cures ) Lleers, Grease, Farcy. J. K.IBAD CONDITION, Staring Coat. cures 5 Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. 60c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics. Book, &c., $7. of price, m & Jotaa ent Ft*** Cast RIO (JltANhE WESTERN AND DENVER&RI0 GRANDE 124 Third Street, Portland, Ore. “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given thie road a national reputa­ tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., iW. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F. & P. Agent, Portland. Oregon. Pacific Coast General Agent 21S Sansome St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Che Chicago Writing machine Company i “CUPIDENE” MANHOOD RESTORED_ _ _ _ _ This great Vegetable Vitalizer.the prescrip- tlon of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner­ vous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, InsomnULPaius In the Back,Seminal .Emissions, Nervous Debility, Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick­ ness of discharge, which If not checked leads to SpermatorrhtEa and all the horrors of Impotency. CVPIDE3E cleanses the liver, the kidneysand the urinary organsof all impurities. CUPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. Tbe reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CUPIDENE Is the only knowr remedy tocuro without an operation. 6000 testimoni­ als A written guarantee given and money retarned if six boxes does not effect a permanent cure. $1.00 a box, six for $5.00, by mall. Send for raxE circular and testimonials. Address J* AVOli MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 2076, Ban Francisco, Cai. Jbr Eale bs Sold at M c N air 'B ros .’ Drug Store, Ashland, Or. —... . * Good Literature For Almost PRICES. 1— Fevers, Congestlors, Inflammations. .25 2— Worms. Worm Fei Worm Colic... .25 3— Teething, Colic, C -ylng.Wakefulness .25 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults........... 25 7— Cough«, Colds, Bronchitis.....................25 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache......... 25 9— Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10— Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.25 11— Suppressed or Painful Period».... .25 12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods............. .25 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness....... .25 14— Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .25 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains........ .25 16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25 19— Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .25 20— Whooping-Cough.................................... 25 27— Kidney Diseases..................................... 25 28— Nervous Debility................................. 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 25 77—Grip, Hay Fever........................................ 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of aU Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys’ Med. Co, Cor. William £ John R|J - i New York. Heintz, Aset General Passenger Agent,*L MANSFIELD, Salt Lake City. ] General Agent, Job priatiog at reatoaabl« ratea. A\ ege table Pre p aralion for As - sifflilíiling títcFoodandRegula- ting the Stomachs andBowels of Norwar I« Preparing for an Immen«« P««««rv« Under th. Ar.tio Cdr.1., The greatest percentage of Pacific Coast travel passes through Shit Lake I Only transcontinental line City by way of the Rio Grande Lines. passing directly through The fall and winter climate in Utah and Colorado is.ideal; the sun-lit' days being Salt Lake City, as proverbial in winter as in summer. Leadville, I This fact, together with the magnificent , scenery and the splendid train service Pueblo, tend to make the Rio Grande Lines via Colorado Springs . Denver and Salt Lake, the most popular route in the country. Three fast trains and Denver. daily between all points in West and the Three splendidly equipped trains daily East. Close connection at Ogden with to all points East. trains of Sunt hern Pacific and Oregon Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and >hnrt Line. Pullman Palace and Ordin­ Free Reclining Chair Cars. ary Sleepers without change to Denver, The most magnificent scenery in Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi­ America by daylight. cano. Perfect Dining Car service. Per­ I Stop overs allowed on all classes of sonally conducted excursions. For time tickets. tables, rates and d scriptlve matter in- For cheapest rates and descriptive lit- MA s. promptly executed at V aller R ecord office ' - For Infants and Children PLAN POLAR ANIMAL PARK. Railroad.. Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Tennessee, Louis­ iana, Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi. MILWAUKEE” I use and prescribe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for almost all obs'inate, constricted coughs, with direct results I prescribe it to children of alt anee Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seekn g relief from coughs and colds and bronchial affec'ions It is nonnarcoiic and safe in the hands of the most un­ professional. A universal panacea for all ma. kiud.—M rs . .M ary R M elendy , M D-, Ph. D , C icago, Ill. This rem­ edy is for sate by all druggists. The Northern Pacific is noted among railways for its ad ver- tieing matter. Its pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are tastefully got- ten up and are valuable for what they contain. Here is a partial list of what Nothing MR. CHAS, S. FEE, General Passenger Agent St. Paul, Minn., will send out, carefully mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combination can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland, 1901— An annual publication. beautifully illustrated in color and half-tone This number rreats particularly of the history Send of the Northern Pacific's Trademark, the Custer Battle­ Six Cents field in Montona, and the Yeilowstoue Park. Miniature Wonderland— A neat and dainty publication containing a complete his­ tory of ihe Northern Paoific Trad-mark The artistic cov­ Send Four Cents. ers ot the Wonderland 1991 are used in miniature. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone— A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty Send and beautiful souvenir—ten specimens of tioweis and six Fifty Cents. full page illustrations af Park scenery. Is the only line operating a weekly Per­ sonally Conducted Tourist Excursion Car be'weeu Portland and Chicago with­ out change via the World’s G reatest Scenic Line—making close connection at Chicago in Union Depot fc-f!T»u t«»¡uyi Dailv standard sleeping car between Salt Lake City and Chicano and Buffalo. Library smoking cars between Pueblo, Denver and Chicago. The best and moBt reasonable dining car service between Pueblo and Chicago. If you are going to Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, Chiccgo or any place east, you should enquire about the Great Rock Island Route before purchasing your ticket. Ask your nearest ticket agent about it, or write for folders and any information desired. A. E. C ooper , Gen. Ag’t., Portland, Ore. 250 Alder St., VISIT DR. JORDAN’S great MUSEUM OF ANATUMY 10.111KKET ST., Ill FIHCISCT, CH The Largest Anatomical Museum in the . World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease positively cored by the oldest Speaalibt on the Coast E sl 36 years. I DR. dOROAN-DISEASES OF MEN' SYPHILIS thoroughly eradicated { from system without the use of Mercery. Tresses fitted by an Expert. Medi­ cal cure for »uptere. A quick and radical cure for Piles« Fissure and Flstalr. by Dr. Jordan’s special pain­ less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Tr«atment par- aonally or by letter. A Powries Cur« in every ca»e undertaken. Write for Rok. rsit osorsy .r MiHHiaCE. MAtLBD FKBS. (A Mluable book for men.) Call or write DR. JORDAN A CO., 1081 Market SL. S. F. Yellowstone National Park— A new 112 page book in strong flexible covers, good paper, Send plain type, illustrated, pocket size A compendium, and Twenty-live Cents. descriptive of the World’s Wonderland. Climbing Mount Ranier— An illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pages, in strong flexible Send covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty-five tbe highest peak in the United States—outside of Alaska— Cents, ot a glacial nature. william mckinley HIS LIFE AND WORK, | A FREE PATTERN ■ 5 (your own selection) to every sub- i J. scriber. Only 50 cents a year. S PATENTS Qulekly ««cured. 0UB FES DUI WHEN FATSMT OBTAINED. S«ad modtl, «k«tcb «r phoU. wiU> description for free report MSo psUatatillty. ♦••FAO* HAXD-B00X FBEE. Contain! nfanneM «nd Ml infonnition. WBJTE FOB COFT OF 0UB SFB0IAL 0FFZB. It Is th« moM Uberai proposition erar made I r a patent attorney, and EVEBT IKVENT0B SHOULD BEAD IT before applyins for patent. Addrees : H.B.WILLSON&CO. PATENT LAWYERS, UDroHBid«, By Gen. Chas. H. Grosvenor President’s life long Friend, Comrade in war and Colleague in Congress. Was near his side with other great men when his eyes closed in death. Followed the bier to tbe National Capitol and to Canton. The Gen­ eral require - a share of the proceeds of his book to be devoted to a McKinley Monu­ ment Fund Thus every subscriber be­ comes a contributor to this fund. Millions of copies will be sold Everybody will buv it. Onlers for the asking. Nobody will re­ fuse. Elecant Photogravure Portrait of President McKinley’s last picture taken at the White House You can easily and quickly clear $1000 taking orders. Order outfit quick Chance to prove success, se­ cure yearlv contract and become Manager. Send 12 2ct stamps to pav expense of wrap­ ping, packing and mailing elegant pros­ pectus. Taking 10 to 50 orders daily. 50.000 copies will be sold in this vicinity, Address. THE CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY. Odd Fellow’s Building, Sacramento, Cal. Notice of Intention to With draw Insurance Deposit. N ACCORDANCE with the require­ ments of the laws of the State of Ore­ gon relative to insurance companies, notice is hereby given that The Lanca­ shire Insurance Company, of Manches­ ter, England,desiring tocease doing bus­ iness within the State of Oregon, intends I to withdraw its deposit with the Treas­ urer of said State, and will, if no claim shall be filed with the Insurance Com­ missioner within six months from the 22nd day of July 1901, withdraw its de­ posit from the State Treasurer. T he L ancashire I nsurance C ompany . By M ann & W ilson , Managers for the Pacific Coast. Dated at San Francisco, this 15th day of July 1901. I Best job printing at B scobd offices A LADIES’ MAGAZINE. A wm; beautiful colored plates; latest fasnions ; dressmaking economies ; fancy work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub­ scribe to-day, or, send ¿c. for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. WASHINGTON. D. C. Edison, Bell, Howe, Singer, W McCormick, and Pother millionaire inventors began life poor. □ OESj IT PAY ? j I ortunes await ether inventors. Can you dsviss Im­ provements on articlss in common use? While you delay, others nay patent your ideas. We guarantee against loss of fees i>aid us for services. Fees moderate and payable by instalments, “inventor's Bssistant ’* sent free on request (No~Seam>A!lowaDce Patterns.) Only io and 15 cts. each—none higher. Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE McCALL co ., <38-146 West 14th St.. New York. iWttmWVMWP.W.WWWW.*» 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE I A ¿aiiusE ta « oe m » rks D esigns T C opyrights A c . Anyone «ending a sketch and detcrlntlon may aaickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents •ent free. 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