PERSONAL» AND SOCIAL». Grand Clearance Sale TO MAKE READY FOR ♦♦♦ Hew Goods ♦♦♦ Having purchased the stock of D. R, & E. V. Mills we have instituted a clearance sale. Here is an idea of a few features Woolen Dress Goods, former priefe 25 and 35c, for ll << " ” ll " •• 1 * << << 35 aud 40c, for. ....... ll ll ll ll ll 1 50, 60 and 75c, for....... It l< ' 8, 10 and 15c, for....... Lot of Laces, ll ll ll ll 4 and 5c, for.............. ll ll ll 1 ll 3c, for.......................... ll ll ' $1.00and $1.50, for... Kid Gloves, Button, ll 1 ll $1.50 and $1.00, for... Lot of Corsets, 15 and 20c 25c 35c 5c 2c lc 50c 50c SUMMER DRESS GOODS ««««««« CUT IN TWO. <«««««« Balt Price Shtef Waists BaWPric« Lots of Gingham, former price 7c, for.................................................. 5c Crash for Skirts, former price 15c, for ................................................ 10c Eancy Silke, former price 75c and $1 00, now .................... 50, 60 and 75c 36 in. Percale, former price J2>£c, now................................................ 20 Per Cent Discount on all Regular Cines of Shoes (except Douglas) during month of Jfugust Va tí peí, Norris &. Drake VALLEY RECORD. SIMS VAIHiEY The public schools open Sept. 9th. I Will Mitchell returned Tuesday from Pelican bay. Mrs. Dick Bland returned to Grants Pass Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cavan of Cole’s were in Ashland this week. J. J. Cambers went to Portland Tues­ day on fruit business. Rev. F. G. Strange returned Tuesday from his outing in Coos county. John D. Olwell, the Central Point fruit raiser, was here yesterday. Mrs. Marion Trver came up from Med­ ford yesterday to visit relatives. Mrs. J. J. O’Neil and son went to Portland and the sea coast Tuesday. Landlord W. E. Corner returned yes­ terday from a trip to San Francisco. Ed. Derring left Tuesday for Dixon, Ill., with the intention of remaining. Jacob Isler the timber land cruiser went to Roseburg Tuesday on a business trip. M. F. Eggleston and I. O. Miller have gone into the Siskiyous toward the coast. * Prof. T. A. Hayes is in Josephine county in the interest of the Normal school. B. R. Stevens and children came in from Klamath county Tuesday to re­ main. Mrs. Frank Dickey and Mrs. Archie Miller left Tuesday for an outing at Glendale. L. L. Love is up from The Meadows this week looking after property interests. I. W. Berry has returned to Rosalyn, Wash., from a visit with his folks at Jacksonville. George Jones, a sheepraiser of Lake county, was in Ashland this week on a business trip. Geo. Lowe, Arthur Abbott, Mr. Clark and wife and Mrs. Moore left yesterday for Pelican bay. Fred Roper, Harry McIntosh, Chas. Roper and Walter Hash, left yesterday for Pelican bay. The ladies of the Baptist church will five a 5 o’clock Tea at Granite Hall on ‘riday, 30th inst. Mrs. A. D. Cottrell and infant went to Roseburg Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Will Storms. Mrs. Jack Lambert came up from Sac­ ramento yesterday on a visit. She is a sister of J. H. Real. W. F. Isaacs, who is convalescing from an indisposition, came up from Medford yesterday on a visit. Mrs. L. H. Stone is expected today from Willows, Cal., on a visit to Rev. A. M. Russell’s family. Frank Arant came in from Klamath county yesterday en route to Douglas county to visit relatives. Mrs. B. H. Joesink of Dunsmuir and Mrs. C. L. Demming of Rocklin, arrived yesterday to visit friends. Mayor R. P. Neil has appointed Geo. W. Dodge chief-of-police and he assumed the duties of his office Monday. The ladies of Trinity Guild and the Sunday school enjoyed a picnic at Kingsbury’s springs yesterday. Farewell Party. I COLESTIN. D. R. MILLS, P rksidknt . E. V. CARTER, C ashikb . A party was given Friday evening on Hon. W. I. Vawter, wife and children F. H. CARTER, Vic»-P resident . H. 0. GALEY, A ssistant C ashiu . the lawn of the residence of W. A. Pat- came up from Medford Saturday. Mr. rick by Misses Irma and Orra Patrick in A awter returned Sunday and the family PLACED WITHIN THE REACH honor of Miss Metz and Miss Josephine will remain some time. Palmer,who have been visiting Ashland. -.r p xr_„ t >. • , OF ALL. A pleosam lime yas enjoyed by lhe lol- vf a LP&amel Plwer. SSef0“8 r'“rned Dr. Darrin, the Celebrated Physician ESTABLISHED 1884 Louise, Ida and Alice Ganiere, Mae Mil- . . Tor the Cure of all Chronic, Nervous sap. Mabel Simpson, Mabel and Mary H- Boivin and little daughter Rogers, Pearl Parker, Nellie McIntosh, ^ho have been stopping at the spnngB and Private Diseases, Returns to Laura and Kate Garrett, Emma Brittson, for some time, returned home to Asn- Ria Head Office in Portland Sep­ Nellie Ewan, Mayme and Frances Me- Saturday. tember First. illiams. 1 Mrs. E. C. Galev joined her daughters Misses Metz and Palmer left the next here Saturday, and all returned to Ash- Dr. Darrin, the celebrated physician, day for their home in Nebraska. land Monday-. who makes the eye, ear, catarrh, deaf­ Miss Nellie Towne came up from ness, tbioat, bronchial tube!*, lungs, Successful Applicants. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : ¡Phoenix Sunday and Miss Anna and kidney, Btomach and liver a specialty, as Of the twenty-six applicants taking Geo. Towne well as all private diseases, will return to the same day. the examination for teacher’s certificates Their parents returned are spending a vacation Portland September 1st, where he can be HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT the following fourteen were successful. here. consulted free by letter for the treatment First grade: Carrie Sackett, Lizzie Fer­ and cure of the afflicted in Southern guson. A first Grade certificate was is­ Mrs. Hull and children arrived from Oregon, who cannot afford to take a LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. sued to Lelia Addérson from her ex­ Medford Sunday to remain awhile. journey to large cities to consult special­ amination taken before the state board. Miss Bernice Cameron, the teacher, ists. Dr. Darrin’s reputation is so well Second grade: Elsie Taylor, Ethlyn came up Tuesday from her home on Ap­ known that the afflicted throughout this Torcia« and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold. Hurley, Ella Parks, William Morton, plegate to visit with her sister, Mrs. L. part of the country should not hesitate Ethel Florey. Third grade: Tillie L. Jacobs. to avail themselves of his phenominal Hooks, Effie Weiss, Flossie Briscoe, Floy skill. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Miss Minnie Cox arrived Monday to McNeil, Mamie Rippey. Primary Dr. Darrin makes a specialty of all skin establish headquarters for her father, diseases of a chronic and obstinate char­ grade: May Tiffany, Hattie Gleason. Rufus Cox, who arrived from Central acter that have for years, or a life time, Point Tuesday. Mr. Cox had been down resisted the ordinary modes of practice, Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Saloon Keeper Shoots a Boy. weeks with pneumonia fever and and are the classes of maladies in the A young man named Ed. Eustis, of several treatment of which he 1 as be. otne pre­ Montague, was shot in the back just they will remain some time. Mrs. A. H. Russell and Mrs. P. Dunn eminent throughout the American conti­ above the hip, last Sunday evening about 8 o’clock, by Nat. Lawrence, proprietor arrived Tuesday to remain awhile. Miss nent, and especially on the Pacific coast, of the California Saloon, on Main street, Nellie Russell returned to Ashland the and by his success has achieved for him­ self a very enviable reputation. in self defence. Lawrence claims that same day. Forthem who cannot possibly place a number of young men from Montague Mrs. Chas. Prim and son arrived from themselves under office treatment he has came into his saloon in an intoxicated Jacksonville Wednesday on a vacation. formulated a methxl of “Home Treat condition, and that Eustis struck him Miss Laura Bennett of Medford and meut,” whereby the suffering may be with his fist while he was waiting on HARDWARE DEALERS customers, obliging him to use his pis­ her friend, Miss Waneta Day of Minne­ favored with his latest modes of cure, in­ cluding batteries and beTs, when nec sota, were here from Saturday to Mon ­ tol. Eustis is in Yreka attended ,by Dr. eseary, which in many case* give instan­ Stoves, tinware, Shelf Bardware. Kacydes Dwinnell, and the bullet has been ex­ day. taneous relief and soon effect a perman­ tracted. City Marshal M. L. Carrick Mrs. J. C. Poore and Miss Fannie And Everything kept in a first-class Hardware Store. and Deputy "Sheriff W. B. Shearer, ar­ Beeson returned to Ashland Monday. ent restoration to health—which in­ cludes building up and reorganizing the rested the parties. Lawrence was Having rented the al op to H. Boivin, the well known Plamber Mrs. M. H. Burckholter and daughter the whole constitution Consultation in placed under $500 bonds to appear when an I Tinner, who wi.l he pleased to give vou cloee figures on first class and Mrs. Cusic and daughter arrived all cases is confidential and free Those called on.—Yreka Journal. work. Bememder, all work guaranteed. ’Phone No. 245. unable to visit the doctor can write for from Hornbrook Saturday for a stay. Religions Items. question blank and circular and get his Mrs. Mary Miller and son Harry vis­ ----------- " I “The Source and Power of Christian ited the Dr. Robinson family Saturday. opinion on such cases. H' me treatment will be sent to any address at the rate of Hope,” is the subject of the sermon at Rev. A H Burkholder and wife and $10 a month, or in that proportion of the M. E church Sunday at 11 a. m< by the pastor. At 8 p. m. a Union meeting Miss Anna Hargrove were up from Ash­ time as the < ase may require. Address Portland, Or , care of Portland Hotel. will be held. Sermon by G. W. Nelson. land Monday. Would be patien s should preserve this Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., Epworth The Grants Pass Courier correspond­ League meeting at 7 p. m. To all these ent wrote home as follows: Mrs. H. E. notice where it will be available when services the public is cordially invited. Perkins, Mrs. J. W. Coffman, Misses wishing treatment of Dr. Darrin. Any commencing treatment, before Sep J. T. Abbett, pastor. Minnie and Myrtle Ireland came up Sat­ case temberlst will be treated at $10 amon'h The pastor of the Presbyterian church urday and were soon camped in a pleas­ ant spot. The ladies received a mid ­ lat rmatlun Want-d, is back and will preach next Sabbath morning in his own pulpit and in the night visitor on.e night and the little ani­ A large light gray mare, about 1500 lbs. PRIVATE HOSPITAL and Sanitarium for the suc­ evening at the Union service at the Con­ mal took up his position under the bed and 17 hands hirii. Branded J. T. (the and all that was left for the ladies to do gregational church Sermon subjects: old. Jack Temple brand) on left hip. cessful treatment of medical and surgical cases by the “A Bible Allegory” and “Universal was to keep quiet until their visitor de­ Has with her a four-year-old dark gray parted. Some ladies might have thrown Brotherhood.” sticks at the animal but the ladies knew colt, same brand. A reward of $20 is of­ most advanced and approved methods and procedures of mod­ fered on the mare and $10 on the oolt. It is said that the Evangelical church, better. Address, LEANDER POOLE, of Florence, is to furnish a gasoline Aug. 22, 1901. Yreka, Cal. ern practice, both medical and operative. launch for the use of their minister in TRAIN BLOWN TO ATOMS. making his journeys up and down the Subscribe for the R ecord . river. Ttjo Itoseburg Version of the Dyna­ A HOME TREATMENT BANK OF ASHLAND Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, $15,000 W. N. GRUBB & C0 The weather is somewhat cooler the past few days the thermometer register­ in.' at about 95 yesterday and today, the ASHLAND, O b .. Thursday, Aug. 22, 1901 18th and 19th, yet for the week previous to those dates the thermometer registered from 100 to 106. REAL ESTATE. Oscar Rodgers and Charles Carter of Nettie Martin to Minnie Obeuchain, q c d to property on 4th St., Jacksonville, Beagle was among us Sunday. $10. Wm. Fitzgerald and wife who recent­ Sarah Murray to 8. O. Furry, D II. ly returned from Kansas and who have Jackson, aud Mabie Carter, 38.02 acres been visiting their son Arthur (our in sec 12. tp39, 1 e., $100. clever postmaster and eroceryman) went C. C Marlow to Mary M. Childers, to Medford today where they will re­ property in Medford, $350. main until about Oct. 1st, when they Jas C Tolman to Crit, Tolman, Hattie will agiin return to their home in Blouut, Ida Tolman and Emma Helman, Kansas. Tolman Springs and other property in We are pleased to know that onr old Oregon and Washington, $1. Lizzie Norris to Florence Denny, lots friend J. R P. Rowe who has been ail­ 28, 29 and 30, blk II, R. R. add to Ash­ ing so long is steadily improving. land, $275. Mrs. J. A. Pankey is suffering con­ mited Train Wreck in Cow Creek The public is kindly invited to attend J. K. Reader to Willard Scullen prop­ siderable pain from a fractured rib DORN. the following services on Sunday at the Canyon. erty in Ashland, $1125. caused by a fall. Everything new, clean and commodious. All chronic Baptist church: Sunday school at 9:45 G. H. Andrews to Jos Poiriera, lots 28 j PATRICK—In Roseburg, Aug. 21, 1001, a. m., preaching at 11. Subject, The Ark Roseburg Review, Aug. 19.] J. N. Smith and Arthur Fitzgerald and 29, blk F, R R ap- away we are unable to sav. guilty to the charge of burglary and yes- Zimmerman. The train was in charge dence of the bride’s parents in Jack­ erty in Ashland, $700 Frank E. Ankeny and wife took Mon- I ^erday received his sentence of 15 years i oi Conductor L. J. Speck and Brakes- Sams Valley, August 20, 1901. The attending and consulting physicians have had a wide Theodosia Shattuck to A E Shepherd sonville, Saturday, August 17, 1901, day s stage for Klamath Falls¡returning in th^ penitentiary. He will receive men ----- - Chas. *" Patrick and Gordon Allen. W. R. Stansell and Miss Susie Apple ­ et ux, I acre in AshUnd, $400. CENTRAD POINT. from a visit at the Sterling mine. $50,000 from the Selby people for con- That all escaped without serious injury Melvina Conklin to Th os D Conklin, gate; by the Rev. N. M. Hanson. and successful experience in the whole domain of practical W. J. Virgin, mill man of Ashland, is almost miraculous, as every car in the Miss Maud Fuson who has been living fessing and returning the monev. 16 acres in sec 19, tp 37, 1 w, $20. Mr. Stansell is the manager of tl)o in Oakland, Cal., returned home to Ash- The Jacksonviile public opens train was more or less injured and sev- Rogue River Mining and Lqmbep Co. Silas J Day, guardian of C Morrison,to w’as seen on our streets Tuesday. medicine and surgery, All charges (payable in advance) are war» literally blown to fragments. Monday with E. E. Washburn ^s prin- eral . Peter Wilson, 40 acres in eec 29, tp 35, Mrs. Little and party have returned land Tuesday to remain some time. which is preparing tqureo» à large saw One wheel and axles were found several 2 w,$100. from their visit to Mrs Little’s brother, J. E. Pelton, L. A. Neil and W. W. cipal, assist^ by Misses Fnraces Birnes, hundred yards away and others were . mill across Rogue river near Woodville. reasonable for the accommodations given and work performed. Carter Land Co to L E Reader, prop­ Wijl Grieve, on Rogue river. Miller left today for Klamath Marsh Ollie Huffer and Belle Potter, The bride is the daughter of County missing altogether. erty in Ashland, $500. Elder s M Eby bag sold 200 acres of Nick Besse and his party to Crater where the former have a lot of cattle. The cause of the explosion is not Recorder Peter Applegate. Chas. W. Coggins qf Igernia stopped the old Mingus place in Heber grove to known to a certainty, but it is believed a For particulars, address, lake have returned. The party cousist- Question Answered. off in Ashland Tuesday en route home A. J. Stewart for $11,000. The latter coupling broke, setting the air brakes ed of Mrs I. F. Williams and two Yes, August flower atili has the largest daughters and Oscar Williams and wife from a business trip to Spokaqe, Wasfi. will turn it into an orchard. suddenly, and the shock caused the dy­ eale Of anv medbnne in the civilized of Oregon City. Geo. Beers of Pleasant creek and his C. B. Winn of Albany, late census namite to ignite. The powder cars were world. Your mothers and gnjndmotb- the middle qf the train. Tqnnel Married, in Central Point August 20, wife have been at Coles, Cal., visiting supervisor of Western Oregon, was mar- near erq pever thought of using anything else No. 7 is .very short (three ' qe four car /pr indigestion or biliousness. Doctors 1901, at the house of I. M. Gibson 'fath­ Mrs. II. F. Cole, a sister of the former, ried in Wooster, Ohio, last week to Miss lengths) and most of the train had pass­ . , . _ , ,, . Cloe DevdnaJFpnck. ware scarce, and thev seldom heard o. er of the bride), Fred. W. Wright of A box of fine eatable Klamath county ■, ed thrqugh,it, but the caboose |had not Fred Miller, a well-dressed middle- LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Great Falls, Montana, and Mrs Luella turtles arrived on the stage * qon- A. R. Bass of Morgantown, Ina., had yet entered and the prqtectiaq of the age tqdqy çon- aged man, on his arrival at Sau Fran­ Heart failure, etc. They used August Whittle, Rev. J. C. Gregory officiating. signed to the cook of the I Oregon llotel. Hotel. I to UP ton or twelve times in the rockey point is no doubt what saved the ------- OF------- Flower to clean out the system and stop The contracting parties took the 5 o’clock cisco on the overland train from the , «, e i w.r ▼ night and had severe backache and lives of the trainmen. As it was, they Thos. Cort and wife of Newark, N. J., pa’ng in tbe kidneys. Was cured by were prostrated by the shock, all the fermentation of undigested food, regulate train fortheir future home at Great Falls. east was met by two men, one of whom |be action of the liver, stiiuntate the pretended to know him. He accom- Wedding bells will continue to ring in are visiting her sister, Mrs. D. McCarthy. Alley's Kidney Cure. It’s guaranteed. doors and windows of the caboose were neryqpa and organic action of the system Central Point for a few days, when He is a manufacturer of highgrade shoes, j E B olton . I panied them to a restaurant, and after blown in by the concussion, and all the and that is all they took when feeling there will be a few more couples made For sale—The Ganiard peach orchard I ----------------------- “ men were more or less cut by flying -------- o I sitting down at a table oue of the men dull and bad with a headache ami other happy. on Boulevard. Either the crop or or- | JACK IIAItBIN 8 FINE REMITTED pieces of glass. struck him QU the head with a bluut Call and get my list of properties for sale achee. You onlv need a few doa“S of Address call box 131, Ashland, Another theory of the explosion is instrument and then robbed him of $240 ' which includes all classes and kinds, and The O’Malley dancing girls wil| give a chard. Green’a Augrtst Flower, in liquid form, Or., for further particulars. The Reasons that Caused Executive that it was caused by gas from muriatic at aud a gold watch. 1 prices to satisfy anyone. to make you satisfied there is nothing performance in that art next Tuesday, acid, of which a carload was carried in Clemcnejr in an Illegal Liquor Sell ­ Aug 27th, in Rostel hall. Negio show Miss Lena Magoqn, a Sacramento belle, My loan department is well equipped and ■erious the matter with voq. Get Green’s An immense meteor fell recently I can the train. The acid was carried in car­ handle money for parties wishing to |n same ha|l on Aug. 31st. arrived yesterday. She came properly ing Ca^e. Prixe Almanac T. K. B olton . almost due west of Phoeuix, A. T., I invest, to their advantage. boys in an open car apd the heat' may heralded and is tne guest of Mrs. Geo. Central Point, Aug, ?1,1901. have generated sufficient gas to cause an coming down, it is believed, somewhere 4. Knoblauch. ~ ISalem Statesman, Aug 19.] I represent some of the l>est Fire Insur­ Billy Sonnickson is over from Klama- SAMPSON. Com pan ies in the country and would , iu Harqua Hala desert. Before reach- ance 1 thon. Miss Maud Jacobs went tq Portland Governor Geer yesterday 8™nted the explosion. The shock shattered all the glass on ♦ be pleased to write your property. You I lug the earth the mass exploded, scat- , cannot Itaac Lewis, who recently arrived Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Dora petition of J. H. Harbin for the remission the engine, including the headlight, and afford to carry the risk yourself. here from Arkansas, prefers this climate De Vere, after which she joins her of a fine which was immised upon him tering iu a fine pyrotechnical display, although the big machine and the cars EVERY MAN ❖ 1,1 the circuit court for Klamath county to that of the former state. He says the mother at Idaho Falls, Idaho. lighting up the eutire western borisou. ’ under a conviction for selling liquor attached which were not wholly de­ Should Carry Accident Insurance, fignre registered there by the thermom­ : The temperature at Pfieenix immediately W. J. McClunie and wife of Oakland, without a license. The remission was stroyed did not leave the track, they eter was 110, and no breeze. On the 2211.1 of Iasi March, J). H. Hawk­ + ASK ANYBODY dropped tq the lowest poiut siuce May, Cal., are paying a two weeks visit to asked for by Hon. H. L. Benson, senten- seemed to almost fly for about 150 yards. ins, of this city, took out an accident policy pnd the local astronomical observer in the h.niployers’ l iability Assurance Cor- Henry Ellis, eon of Eli Ellis, and a Max Pracht’s family. He is a brother of cjng judge; L. F. Willits, countv judge; The engine was not damaged in its work­ companion passed here going to the log­ the late John McClunie of this place. attributes the chauge to the meteor’s I strut ion and on the 4th of April met with WHO DRIVES h . T. Anderson and Fred C. Melhase, ing parts and was sent out again yester­ ♦ of getting» ging camp over the mountain Monday an accident which disabled him for over action. Grand clearance sale at Vaupel, Nor- county commissioners, constituting the day on a regular run. A hobo who had ❖ nine weeks, been passing wood was knocked off the morning. ria & Drake. Notice some of the cuts county court of Klamath, and by A. E Î A Tucson, A. T., dispatch says: A I he proof of disability in this case was if it is not a fact that top of the tank and his hei)4 was bruised A party from here attended the picnic in prices in this issue of the Record- Reames, district attorney. The latter in We (.urn out the best of but two weeks, Maria Yaleu« forwarded to the Company on June 10th . * 5 -■ joining in the reQommendatiqn to the and his ankle badly sprained. Two + bride 1901. and on June 2lst a check was received at Neil creek last Sunday. and most stylish look­ cia, the beautiful wife of Jose Valencia, paying others who had crawled into a car were ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grubb and daugh- Governor, said: in full hia claim for >12.00 per week. ing rigs in town. Grant Bilderback «nd wife were here ter Miss Mary, of Liberty Ill., whb have met a horrible dea|h at the uands of her “j do not much appreciate having to not much hurt. We have good from Neil creek saw mill last week. The scene of the explosion presents a been visiting W. N. Grubb, the hard- ask for the remission of the fine, as the J husband. Three deep gashes wore made Insurance o/ all Hndt, Life, Fire and horses and new vehi­ ware merchant, and his family, left Tues- defendant was guilty and stubbornly remarkable sight. The track was torn with a large knife iu her back and one W H. Shepherd, John Taylor and two Accident, Pay». cles. stood two trials, but as he is a cripple, up for several rail lengths and new mate­ sons went to the mountains Tuesday to day on their way home. iu her ueck, aud death was almost in­ Transient stock Main St., near Bridge. ¡I make posts. .Mr. and Mrs. F. Poper of Bakersfield and would have to serve the whole time rial had to be brought to replace it, and stantaneous. They had just returned pvopat'ly fed and well it was nine o ’ clock Sunday morning be ­ ASHLAND, ORB. Sampson, Aug. 21, 1901. are visiting their daughters in San Fran- out in the county jail, and the county from a dance, and her husband, insanely cared for tn pur large Hardware Merchant fore trains could pass over whqtc the ac­ cisco and ar6 expected in Ashland in would thereby lose upon account of his livery stable. jealous,* accused his bride of flirting The laws of health requires that the about two weeks ' ' board a considerable sum, anqas his plea cident occurred. The surroundings were ; with some of the youug i^eu at the ball. E. A. Hildreth, Jr, bowels move once each day and oue of ‘ . , , I of guilty was accepted by my deputy up- swept and blackened by the explosion : II the penalties for violating this law is ■ She was but ywrt Qi age, aud her Misses Delia and Dollie McNair left bn jbe implied understanding that the and the creek was tilled with debris of piles. Keep your bowels regular by yesterday for their home at 5 ersailles, fine WOU1J cars and their contents. There were six ■*•+++ <-+++-!•++++++++++•F 4">4-4-4”5- beauty wfts the talk of the people of remitted, I herewith join I ^shfand. Ore. taking a dose of Chambe>Iain’s Stomach Mo. Sam McNair accompanied them as 1 wijb tbe county court and the circuit , cars containing green fruit and water­ Thatcher, where site was raised. and Liver Tablets when neeeesary and far as Portland en route to Alaska where 1 judge in asking the remission of the melons, one car containing general mer­ Opposite fcrifia«, Qf town. Street- sprinkling Contractor A. P. you will never have that severe pun he has a position. James McNair re- fine. - ” chandise, two cars containing powder, Cross of Los Angeles, who runs a board­ I ish input inflicted upon you. Price, 25 mains in Ashland. one car containing salt, and one cqniaiiv The facts recited in the letter of Wr. ing-house for his employees, pleaded | cents. For sale by all druggists. ing acid, making a total o£ (Jevep cars A8HLAND, OREGON. Reames indicate the reasons recognized Vaupel, Norris & Drake having pur ­ rtw—^X3M—WMM—Rye—* oqt of fexïètencè excepting a few guilty of supplying his tables with oleq- chased p. R. & E. V. Mills’ stock\of by Governor Geer in granting the nar- blown margarine aud was sentenced (Q pay a FREIGHT AND ?dods are tunhing a general clearance sale don, with the further fact that Harbin trucks that were found in the wreck. CONTRACTOR 1 flue of $50. This is the flysf conviction or the purpose of cleaning up and get­ has since taken out a license and is com­ Fruit and melons were scattered pro­ BAGGAGE TRANSFER ting ready for their fall stock of goods. plying with the law, also that it is miscuously, and hats and other merchan­ under the ueuf pure-food law. AND This is tlie time to make your purcliases. thought he would be a charge on the dise were picked up several hundred Mias Clara Kelley, aged 90 years, for yards away. Across the creek the cabin county if the judgment had stood. Wood For Sale. C. C. Taylor and family, W. W. Taylor and old pump station for the Victory BUILPER seme time a resident of the town of and family of Medford, and Mrs. M. N. mines Were swept away, leaving scarcely KLAMATH FALI.S. Kelsey, and Miss Louise Stroup, aged ping of Ashland left Tuesday for an out­ anything to show where they stood. At 14, whose parents live in Placerville, Ice Delivered Daily in Season Edward Schoff, son of Capt. Schoff ol ing at Pelican bay, the mines, half a mile away, all the glaw Washington and prunnn Sts., San Francisco, Cal. Cal., were drowned iu a reservoir at the the bteamer Aflqa, qrrived from Wen­ was shattered and other damage done by You will find H. Boivin at Grubb & atchee, Wash., last Tuesday, Dalmatis mine, U »ilea from Placer­ the héavÿ shock. Even the trees on Co. ’s hardware store. ville, could uot swim, aBd, get­ Miss Edna Wells of Ashland, came the adjoining hillside were swept away. OREGON. H. V. .Mitchell has sold his interesfin down from Pelican Bay on the steamer Not a recognizable vestige remained of ting iuto deeper water than they ex­ he Ashland Meat Co., to J. C. Mitchell last Tuesday. pected, each grappled with the other, the two cars containing tne explosive— of Gazelle H. V. left yesterday for not even the wheels could be found. aud in this way both perished. Frank Findlav, a piano tuner from Eight or nine more cars were wholly de­ Edgewood and will be engaged buying Plans, Specifications Major-General Arthur MacArthur, Ashland, arrived last Thursday. cattle for Grayson, Owen & Co. molished and nearly al{ tîlR aihera’ had FOR THE SALE GF-? late commando^ of the department of and taps shattered or blown For plumbing anfl tjnware go to W. N. I i G. W. Bradley was called to tl)§ bc4: JOSEPH ZURCHER, Prop. l side ui his wife who is In 81sklyoii conn« in by the concussion, the impact of which and Estimates on All Kinds the Philippines, arrived at Sau Fran- Grubb &, the hardware dealere, tusca'a passenger on the transport Sheri­ ty visiting relatives, and was reported was something terrific. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kincaid of Neil dangerously sick the first of last week. oer open for the accommodation of dan. Since leaving Manila, which he Late last evening all the cars which of Carpenter Work creek were at the depot Monday even­ Mr. Bradley returned Friday and re­ could be moved were brought in here did on July 4, immediately after the in­ |!i pqbliu. Good ca»npir»K priviltgee—50 ing visiting an old Iowa friend, Mrs. ported her much improved. '■«nis n* ★ ♦ ★ ¥***♦* t t D. B, Provost Pioneer Block. Fox & Good, I $ J, H. DUTTON, ASHLAND, Merchants Carter Creek Soda Springs Oregon and California Green and Dried Fruits, Potateos, Poultry, Etc. Southern Oregon Oil Company. Southern Oregon Company, Oil Ashland Mercantile Co. Ashland