Ashland. William Steffen of Moscow, Ida., after shooting and instantly killing Dr. W. From the Hand-Book issued by the Field Marshal Lord Roberts has, by a W. Watkins, shooting George Creigh­ State Normal Y. W. C. A.] resolution in the British house of com­ ton through the arm and Deputy Sheriff A BOUT twenty miles north oi the Cali- mons, been granted £100,000 for his Cool through the shoulder and thigh, The People’s Paper. “tornia state line, on the northern slope services in Africa. wa; pursued by a sheriff’s posse to his of the Siskiyou mountains, overlooking ASHLAND. O r ., Thursday. Aug. 15. 1901 Several hanks in Germany are in dif­ own house and killed by a bullet through the fertile Bear creek valley, lies the ficulties, and it is said that one of the his heart. beautiful little mountain city of Ashland. F t — later Bread The climate is equable and healthful. Advices from Washington state that leading American insurance companies Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ■ the secretary of the navy has ordered in Berlin has, since the present crisis Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide The great rainfall of the northern valleys that hereafter the naval establishment began, paid policies aggregating 250,000 reputation for its cures. It never fails is avoided while we also escape the ex­ heat of the regions farther south. at Bremerton, Wash., shall be known marks on bankers who have committed and is pleasant and safe to take. For cessive It almost realizes Bead’s little line : as the Bremerton navy yard instead of suicide. sale by all druggists. “Wheresummer singsand never dies.” by the name of Bremerton naval station. A dispatch from Caracas, Venezuela, The water supply is direct from the The Colfax and Forest Hill stage was The Indians of Unimak island, Al­ August 4, says that the Venezuelan gov­ help up by a lone highwayman at a melting snow of Ashland Butte. The aska, ambusbed four prospectors aud ernment announces that a force of in­ point four rniies below Colfax, on the water is cool, clear and sparkling, shot three of them down with their own vaders under General Garbiras, includ­ road to Forest Hill There were five j “Brewed in‘the cooling shades of the guns, which they had left in a boat. ing 25 battalions of the Colombian army, passengers, whom the highwayman had everlasting hills.” There are many mineral springs in and The victims of the Indians’ treachery was repulsed by the government troops lined up and ordered Driver Powell to I about Ashland, which are highly prized are: Con Sullivan of Butte, Mont.; and compelled to fall back across the pass the hat. Three of the passengers for their medicinal qualities. Florence Sullivan of Butte and P. J. frontier after 28 hours’ fighting July 28 were not molested, as the robber said he Ashland creek canyon is a favorite re­ Rooney of Seattle. The sole survivor of and 29. It is officially asserted that the would not take a workingman’s money. sort for camping and picnic parties. It the party, D. Jackson of Idaho, almost invaders lost 900 men, the gbvernment Tho other two, whom the robber took takes its “devious winding way” through starved and his naked feet torn by con­ losing 300. The government has sent for capitalists, but were drummers, con­ lofty hills past towering cliffs, on into the “forest primeval,” the whole form­ tact with the rocks, reached Unimak re-enforcements to the frontier. tributed about $20. ing an ever changing scene of picturesque pass June 23d, and was found in a H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, Ia,. writes: beauty seldom equaled. helpless condition by Edward William­ A large warehouse belonging to the “I A. was troubled with kidney complaint Fruits of all kinds are raised in great son, who nursed him back to strength. broom corn trust and filled with broom for about two years, but two one dollar abundance. corn, was destroyed by fire at Evans­ bottles of Foley’B Kidney Cure effected Ashland is pre-eminently a city of ville, entailing a loss of $150,000. The a permanent cure. T. K. B olton . churches and schools. The annual Rescue Mission, adjoining the ware­ A story of death and starvation conies Chautauqua assembly is a means of cre­ house, was also destroyed, with a loss of from Nome. After 43 days of great ating and maintaining a high standard c in the city. Educational spirit is active S. S. S. is a combination of roots $10,000. hardship in the Agipuk mining district, and students have the good will and and herbs of great curative powers, The grand jury specially impaneled George Dean, miner, is dead, aud his and when taken Into the circulation to investigate the murder of young two oompanions, Jack Houston and hearty co-operation of the citizens. searches out and removes all manner Harry Blochman at Santa Maria, Cal., Joseph C. Thiery, are at death’s door. I The rehearsal of the lurid melodrama, of poisons from the blood, without on July 3d, returned an indictment Houston will probably recover, but there | .«The Arizona Female Bandit," at Oma- Shortest and Quickest Line the least shock or harm to the system. charging William Kelso with the crime is little hope that Thiery’s life will be ^a, suddenly became realistic, and real TO On the contrary, the general health “Why not spend the vacation at saved-. Houston and Thiery severed the wrongs were resented with actual pow- ST.PAUL, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACO begins to improve from the first dose, Yaquina Bay, where can be bad excel­ thigh of their dead companion from his der alld ball ^rs Millie Lighthawk, for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, lent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe body and were cooking it when help | ijnowll cheap theatrical circles as AND ALL POINTS EAST. but an excellent tonic, and strength­ bathing, alluring rides and rambles- arrived and saved them from canni­ Millie Allen, was shot at the climax of Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers ens and builds up the constitution Tbe courses and exercises at the Sum­ balism. _________ the play by Thad Brookie, who after- while purging the blood of impuri­ mer School, of 1901, at Newport, will Dining and Buffet Smoking P. T. Thomas, Ala., “I was suffering ward committed ____________ 1 _ suicide, ‘ . Brookie was ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a afford great variety of instructions, from dyspepsia when I commenced tak­ jealous of Bert Adams, whose lines gave luibrary Cara. blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, diversion and entertainment. ing Kodol Dyspepsia cure. I took sev­ an opportunity to show affection for Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and No other resort offers equal attractions eral bottles and can digest anything.” him DAILY TRAINS, VAST TIME; SERVICE Mrs. Lighthawk, the leading woman. i and advantages.” Kodol Dyspepsia cure is the only prep ­ Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt AND SCEKERA UNEQUALED. I _ aration containing all the natural digest­ Mrs. Lighthawk died the same night. Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, James Earl Russell, dean of the ive fluids. It gives weak stomachs en-1 To Heal A Hart. Tickets to points East via Portland on and is an infallible cure and the only teachers’ college and professor of the ths GREAT NORTHERN KY . on sale a antidote for that most horrible disease, history of education at Columbia uni­ tire rest, restoring their natural condi­ Use Banner Salve, the great healer. tion. — M c N air B ros . Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or Contagious Blood Poison. versity, in a lecture at the university of It’s guaranteed for cuts, wounds, sores, GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office President Shaffer of the Amalgamated A record of nearly fifty years of California, said that teachers are the piles and all skin diseases. Use no sub­ 122 Third Street, successful cures is a record to be proud most narrow and bigoted set of people Association of Iron, Steel and Tin stitute. T. K. B olton . PORTLAND. of. S. S. S. is more popular today on earth, and were pusillanimous and Workers, upon his return from the Margraf & Suter, Chicago commis­ For Rates, Folders, and Full inturma- than ever. It numbers its friends by cringing. He accused them of being as fruitless conference with J. Pierpont tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad the thousands. Our medical corres­ a class totally unfit for the work they Morgan aud others in New York, said sion merchants, received from the coun­ dress pondence is larger than ever in the were pretending to do. The teacher is that it is now a fight to a finish between try several cases of eggs, which arrived A. B. C. DENNISTON, the great billion dollar steel trust aud late Saturday afternoon, aud were history of the medicine. Many write City Pass, and Ticket Agt. Portlaud, Or to thank us for the great good S. S. S. always looking down, “living all alone, organized labor. stored writh the “fresh” stock in the day after day, on the hill or plain, has done them, while others are seek­ meeting only little children, becoming “1 am indebted to One Minute Cough basement. On Monday morning when ing advice about their cases. All narrower and narrower.” He lacks '’urefor my present good health and my the cases of eggs—including those re­ I was treated in vain by doctors ceived on Saturday—were opened, 91 letters receive prompt and careful that constant interfihocking with his life. lungtrouble following la erippe. I took live chickens were found. The theory attention. Our physicians have made equals that lawyers and» other business for >ne Min ute Cough Cure and recovered my a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis­ men encounter. “In no other profes- health.” Mr. E H. Wise, Madison, Ga.— is that the intense heat that has pre­ vailed in the east and the great humid­ eases, and better understand such cases sion," said Professor Russell, “is such M c N air B ros . ity did better than the best incubator than the ordinary practitioner who abject submission displayed, A new union has been formed in We makes a specialty oi no one disease. cringe before the ward politician, We Butte, Mout., called the Women’s Pro­ extant. tective union. Every boarding-house, -¿ate- We are doin£ Sreat good to suffering submit because we are narrow.” hotel and restaurant in Butte will be Vagabond Cree Indians, wards of the brought into the fold if possible, aud as humanity through our consulting de- British government, have spread small­ these institutions are supported by partment, and invite pox through several Montana Indian union men the employers will have to Pullman you to write us if you have any blood reservations and for years have been an come to time. All union men have or skin trouble. We make no charge annoyance to the settlers and the state been requested to see if the girl who Sleeping Cars authorities. Inspector McLaughlin re­ waits on them wears the badge, a neat whatever for this service. Elegant cently recommended that the govern­ one designed for the union. Each mem­ THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA ment deport tho Indians, as was done ber is also given a working card, and all Dining Cars several years ago, but the commissioner employers of female help have been re­ Tourist of Indian affairs,. whose recommenda­ quested to demand her card from every Sleeping Cars tion has been adopted by the secretary girl applying for a job. of the interior, says the government ST. PAUL cannot assist the state authorities. MINNEAPOLIS In all its stages Au announcement appears in the The charred remains of Mrs. Flora Loudon Gazette to the effect that King there should b e DULUTH____ Faust were found in the ruins of a barn Edward has accepted the resignation of cleanliness. FARGO________ on the Faust ranch at Petaluma, Cal. Major Karri Davies of the Companion­ Ely’s The investigation by the corouer tended ship of the Bath, “that officer having TO GRAND FORKS Cream Balm to prove that the woman had probably expressed the wish that he might be CROOKSTON___ cleanses, soothes aud shot herself before the flames reached permitted to serve his majesty without heals the diseased her, she having set the barn on fire. any reward.” Major Davies received WINNIPEG The woman’s husband testified that she the decoration for conspicuous services SXbr.!,a ”s:£ I HELENA and away a cold in*the head quickly. had been in poor health, and many times in South Africa, especially in connec­ BUTTE Cream Balm is placed into the nos- threatened to kill herself. tion with the relief of Mafekiug. Such If the woman at work should make tuls, spreads over the membrane and is ab­ sorbed. Relief is immediate and a cure Reservations to Open. retrocession of a decoration ia unprece­ answer to the other woman, she might, follows. It is not drying—does not pro­ perhaps, say : " You never had to scrub The Kiowa and Camanche country in ducesneezing. ' arge size. 50 cents at drug­ Indian Territory will be opened for settle­ dented. TO and clean when your back ached so that gists or bv mail ¡'Trial Size. lOcts hy mail. William Maher, a feeble old man of ment this summer. It is a grand country, CHICAGO ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. N. Y. and reached only via the Great Rock Island 70, who lived near Nanticoke, Md., tried it seemed that every movement would break it in two.” It’s bad enough for a WASHINGTON Rou Distemper. quarto-centennial celebration at Colo­ tion and ulceration and cures female who has never been beaten in a race. For information, time cards, map and V v ’ b S.; I WORMs. Bota. Grubs. rado Springs was an address by Theo­ weakness. tioketB, oall on or write Each delegate from the chamber of "I have been ailing some time now, being E. E. I COUGHS, Cold«. Influenza, Inflamed dore Rooaevelt, vice-president of the A. D. CHARLTON, commerce of New York to the recent United States, on “The Growth of the troubled with female weakness,” writes Mrs. cuBgs j Lungs, Pleuro-Pneumonia. H. Johnson, of Avondale, Chester Co., Pa. F. F. I COLIC. Bellyache. Wind-Blown, Assistant General Passenger Agent. London dinner contributed $1,000 to the West During the Last Quarter of a " Win. curbs 5 Diarrhea. Dyaentery. Every month I would have to lie on my back. PORTLAND. OREGON. Victoria memorial fund. I tried many different medicines and nothing G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. Century.” “More and more as the me relief until I began Dr. Pierce's medi­ An association has been formed for years go by,” said Mr. Roosevelt in the gave cuus I KIDNEY A BLADDER DISORDERS. cines, tltyig two bottles of ■ Favorite Prescrip­ the protection of the picturesque forest course of his address, “this republic tion’ aneitwo of ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ I. I. (SKIN DISEASES. Mange, Ernptiona. These medicines have cured me. When I began cuus) Ulcers, Grease. Farcy. lands of Marin county, Cal., aud also will find its guidance in the thought your treatment I was not able to do very much, J K, | BAD CONDITION, Staring Coat. with the view to the developing of and action of the west, because the con­ but now I do the work for my family of nine, cures S Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. and feel better to-day than I have for a year.” 60c. each; Stable Case. Ten Specifics, Book, &c., Mount Tamalpais into a public park. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. ditions and development in the west Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets ctye bil­ Humphreys’ Medicine Co., Cor. William & Joha A Ukiah (Cal.) dispatch says that the have steadily tended to accentuate the iousness and sick headache. They do Sts.. New York. V eterinary M anual . S ent F r ^ north-bound Potter valley stage was held peculiarly American characteristics of not create the pill habit. When people are contemplating a trip, up near Fort Brown by a lone highway­ its people.” whether on business or pleasure, they man. The travelers had eviden|)y been naturally want the best service obtain­ One of the most helpful books on nerve prepared for just such an affair, and all A Cure for Cholera Infantum. able bo far aa apeed, comfort and safety weakness ever issued is that entitled the robber got was about $5. “Last May,” says Mrs. Curtis Baker, ia concerned. Employees of the W is ­ “Nerve Waste,” bv Dr. Sawyer of San consin C entral L ines are paid to serve Francisco, now in its fifth thousand. Helpless and high out of the water, of Bookwaiter, Ohio, “an infant child of the public and our trains are operated This work of an experienced and repu­ the transport Lennox reached San Fran­ our neighbor’s was suffering from chol­ Specifics cure by acting directly upon so aa to make close connection with table physician is in agreeable contrast cisco, having been picked up at sea by era infantum. The doctor had given up the disease, without exciting disorder in diverging lines at all junction points. to tbe vast sum of false teaching which the steam schooner Iaqua a few miles all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara prevails on this interesting subject. It off Sau Luis Obispo bay. The Iaqua, of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and any other part of the system. Diarrhoea Remedy to the house, tellinu NO. CUBES. PRICES. abounds in carefully considered and on through trains. 1—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .85 Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals practical advice, and has the two great owned by A. W. Beadle & Co. of San them I felt sure it would do good if used 8—Worm». Worm Fet Worm Colic... .35 Francisco, aud commanded by Captain according to directions. In two days’ merits of wisdom and sincerity. aerved a la Carte. 3— Teething, Colic, Crying,Wakefulness .85 In order to obtain thia firat-clase service, It is indorsed bv both the religious Gunderson, will receive probably $15,000 time the child had fully recovered, and 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults...........85 ask tbe ticket agent to sell you a ticket and secular press. The Chieago Advance for bringing the Lennox to port, a task is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, 7— Coughs, Cold», Bronchitis..................... 35 says: “A perusal of the book and the that occupied less than 36 hours. Of healthy girl. I have recommended this over ............ 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.......... 85 application of its principles will put this amount Captain Gunderson will Remedy frequently and have never 9— Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .85 The Wisconsin Central Lines health, hope and heart into thousands of get several thousand dollars, and each known it to fail in any single instance.” 10— Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Weak Stomach.25 For Bale by all druggists. lives that are now suffering through and you will make direct connections member of the crew will receive several 11— Suppressed or Painful Period».... .85 at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and nervous impairment.” hundred dollars, if the usual rules are On an appeal from Union county the 18— Whites, Too Prof use Periods............ .85 The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid. all points East. supreme court held that under the Ore­ 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness....... .85 One of tbe most, interesting chapters— observed. For any further information call oil anv gon statutes a loser in a gambling game 14— Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .85 chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve ticket agent, or correspond with may recover judgement for twice the 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains........ .85 Tonics — has been printed separately as a JAS. O. POND, I amount lost. The decision was made by 16— Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague...... .85 sample chapter, and will ba sent to any General Pass. Agent, 19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head I .85 address for stamp by the publishers, What is the use of telling the rheumatic Chief Justice Bean. or J AS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , BO— Whooping-Cough........ ....................... .85 T he P acific P ub . C o ., Box 2658, San that he feels as if his joints were being dis­ General Agent, W isconsin . Exposure to a sudden climatic change 37—Kidney Diseases................................. .85 f Francisco, in plain sealed envelope. 246 Stark Street, located ? produces cold in the head and catarrh is 88— Nervous Debility............................... j 1.00 P ortland , O regon . He knows that his sufferings are very apt to follow. Provided with Ely’s 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.... . .85 Crtam Balm you are armed against nasal 77—Grip, Hay Fever..................................... . .85 much like the tortures of the rack. Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of aU Diseases at your What he wants to know is what will per­ catarrh. Price 50 cents at Druggists, or Druggists or Mailed Free. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. manently cure his disease. York, will mail it. The Balm cures Humphreys’ Med. Co- Cor. William £ John Bte. That, according to thousands of grateful without pain, does not irritate or cause • New York. are now in effect to testimonials, is sneezing. It spreads itself over an irri­ surface, relieving immediately the Hood^s Sarsaparilla tated painful inflammation, cleanses and cures. Do yon expect to attend the It corrects the acidity of the blood on which Cream Balm quickly cures the cold. the disease depends, strengthens the stom­ PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION ? ach, liver and kidneys, and builds up the Last week Fred Reese had milled at If so, do not buy vour tickets whole system. Try Hood’s. Houck’s custom mill at Gold Hill nine until you have investigated «••• tons of second-grade ore from the Roar­ the service of the ing Gimlet mine, which netted him 22 ■ irvAin nnvruM ii it it OPPOSITE PLAZA. ounces of gold, worth $352. eep Out the Wet VALLEÏ FOREIGN ITEMS. RECORD. MILWAUKEE” A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known ail over the Union as the Great Railway running the SAWYER’S CLOTHING The Oldest and Best PIONEER LIMITED' GENUINE CASTORIA COLD H EAD THROUGH TICKETZ ¡'HUMPHREYS’ « A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... “Nerve Waste” Dr. Humphreys’ Rheumatism H REDUCED anadian P acific RATES Buffalo, U. “Imperial Limited” DAYS ACROSS THE CONTINENT The Direct Route to the Pan-American Exposi­ tion. Tourist C ats and Firet-Claee Sleepers Daily. Tbe time is arranged to pass the greatest scenic features of tbe line during daylight. Pamphlets furnished free on application to any C. P. R. Agent or to E. J. COYLE, •‘ F. R. JOHNSON, Aast. Gen. Pasa. Agt-, Vancouver. B. C. « • F. A P. A., Portland. Ore / YEARLY to $900 Christian man or woman to look after our growing « • « • businass in this and adjoining Coun­ ties, to act as Manager and Corres­ pondent; work can be done at your noo>e. Enclose self-addressed envel­ ope for particulars to A. H. SHER­ MAN, GiytKAL M amaobb , Corcoran ' Building, opposite United States ' Treasury, Washington, D. C. Restaurant and Chop House s Royal Restaurant Our accommodations are the best that M rs . A. VANDERKARR, P rop . can be had, our trains are always on time, and employes courteous and ac­ Beaeb Block, over the Bridge. commodating. Through tourist cars from Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. If you will send fifteen cents in stamps F irst -C lass M eals S erved to the address given below, we will for­ ward you by return mails large wall map of the United States, Cuba and Short Orders at' all hours. Porto Rico, 34x40 inches. Any information regarding rates, ac­ Give’the new restaurant a commodations, service, time, connec­ tions, stop-overs, etc., will be cheerfully trial. furnished by B. H. T ri mbvll , 142 Third Street, Com’l Ag’t, I --------------------------------------- Portland, Ore. Guaranteed $900 YEARLY, Men and women of good address to rep- resent us. some to travel appointing agents, others for local work looking after our in­ terests. $900 salary guaranteed yearly ; extra commissions and expenses, rapid ad­ vancement, old established house. * Grand chance for earnest man or woman to se­ cure pleasant, permanent position, liberal i income and future. New. brilliant lines. Write at once. STAFFORD PRESS, 23 VRurcli St., New Haves, C om , I PICTURES! 3 PICTURE FRAMES! MOLDINGS CABINET WORK UPHOLSTERING GENERAL REPAIRING OF FURNITURE! AT THE ASHLAND UNDERTAKING PARLORS. J. W. COX, Proprietor, A Pleasant Way to Travel. The most delightful route of travel to the East is by way of Salt Lake City—the City of the Saints—and the Rio Grande West­ A First-Class ..Meal For ern Railway, tn conjunction with either the Denver & Rio Grande or Colorado Mid­ Anything you want cooked land Railroads. This route not only car­ to order with promptness ries tbe passenger through the Heart of the and dispatch. All Hours. Rocky Mountains and in view of the most magnificent scenery on tbe continent, but it also provides for stop-over on railroad and Pullman tickets at quaint and pictures­ que Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Manitou, Denver, etc. Through Pullman Palace and Ordinary Sleepers, Free Reclin­ ing Chair Cars and a Perfect Dining Car Service via this route to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago Per­ Th sonally conducted weekly tourist excurs­ ions. For printed matter, rates, etc., in­ quire of J, D. Mansfield, General Agent, 122 A. Third St., Portland, Or., or Geo. W. Heintz. General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. 25-Cents. — The news of the opening of American shoe stores in Vienna has caused great uneasiness among the master shoe­ makers in that city. In the middle of September a monster meeting will be held, and 6,000 shoemakers have already announced their determination to be there and to prevent by force the open­ ing of these depots. The Americans, it is said, can sell 30 per cent cheaper than the local makers. Give Me a Call F or S alb B t A ll D ruggists . J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agt., S eattle , W ash . P ortland , O b ALWAYS The Light Of the World ----- O R - Our Saviour in Art RIDER AGENTS WANTED cost nearly 1100.000 to publish. Nearly 100 superb engravings of Christ and His Moth­ er by the great painters. Child’s stories for each picture, bo beautiful it ¡sells itself. Presses ruuning day and night to fill or­ ders. 12 carloads of paper for last edition. Mrs. Waite, in MassHcbusetts.has sold over $5000 worth of books.—First experience. Mrs. Hackett of New York has sold over $2000 worth of books.—First (experience. Mr. Holwell took 14 orders first two daya. Mrs. Lemwell took 31 orders first week. Christian man or woman can make $1000 in this county quick. Territory is going rap­ idly. Write quick for terms. Wanted.—State Manager to have charge of correspondence and all tbe agents, Address THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO. CORCORAN B u ILDIHG, W ashingtom , D. C. in each town to ride aud exhibit a sample 1901 model bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE $10 TO $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Be aure and see that your Ticket reada via 1901 Models Guaranteed $10 to $18 ’00 &'99 Models »X $7 to $12 The.... Northwestern 500 Secend Hand Wheels«* ee »Pu IV taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores, many good as new.... ............................. . We ship any bicycle ON APPROVAL to anyone williout a cent deposit in advance and ellor Line! ----- THE----- 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. ST. PAUL, absolute!; CHICAGO, MINNEAPOLIS and no risk in ordering from us, as you do not need to pav OMAHA RAILWAYS. a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. This is the nil NAT DilV a wheel until you have written for cm UU HUI DU I FACTORY PRICES and FREE TRIAL 0EFE2. This liberal offer has never been equaled and is a guarantee cf the quality of our wheels. reliable person in each town to distribute catalogues for us iu cycle. Write today for free catalogue and our special offer. « Chieago. ■9 I “CUPIDENE" MANHOOD RESTORED_ _ _ _ _ This great Vegetable Vi tali ter,the prescrlp- tion of a famous French physician, will Quickly cure you of all ner­ vous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, Insomnia, Pains the Back,Seminal .Emissions, Nervous Debility, Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele ana Constipation. 11 stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick- — — nessol discharge, which If not checked leads to Spermatorrhasa and nrrnor arrr& all tho horrors of Impotency. CTPIbEME cleanses the liver, tbe otruKt «HOAfltn. kidneysand the urinary organs of all Impurities. . CUPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. Tbe reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CUPIDENEIs tho only known remedy to cure without an operation. 6000 testimoni­ als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent cure. $1.00 a box, six for $5.00, by malL - Bend for rase circular and testimonials. Address DAVOL JHEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, Cal Jbr £ale by Sold at M c N air B ros .’ Drug Store, Ashland, Or. White Sulphur Springs'¡ south Private Tub Baths. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vea- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight sod travel over thia famous line. All agepta have tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. Traveling F.& P. Agent, Portland, Oregon. Rocky Mountain Limited Is the name of the new and luxurious ROCK ISLAND TRAIN SHASTA ROUTE MILE NORTH OF PLAZA RINK. — LINE Between DULUTH - 8T. PAUL - CHICAGO And All PoiDte East and South. Company GRANT HELMAN, Prop. AT ATHLETIC GB0UND8, ONE-HALF — SWIMMING GREAT SHORT Southern Pacific —AMO— ASHLAND, OREGN. and east —VIA- SWIMMING RINK I Trains Leave Ashland for Portland and Way Stations at 3:55 A. M. and 4:25 P. M. Solid atoDe rink and walks. Rink, 30x80 feet. Thirty Dressing Booms attached. Leave Portland 8:30 a. m., and 8:30 p. m. Which runs between Colorado Springe Equipped with Rings, Swings, Spring and Denver, and Chicago, leaving Col­ Leave Ashland 12:55 a. m., and 12:5 p . m orado Springe every day at 1:30 p. m., Boards, etc. arriving at Chicago at 7 p. m. tbe next Reception Room, Lunch Counter, Cigars. day—only one night out—making close Arrive— Unfurnished Cottages to rent. Ashland... .12:55 a. m. and 12:35 P- m connection with evening trnins from Swimming Rink Opens about May 1st. Sacramento 5:10 p. in. and 5:00 a. ni Chicago for all points east; also connect­ San Fran... 7 ;45 p. ra. and 8:45 a. n: ing at Omaha with morning trains for Minneapolis and St. Paul. Go 'r East Over —THE— DENVER & RIO GRANDE Ogden., r.. Denver.... Kansas Cy Chicago.... 4:55 9:30 7:25 7:42 a. a. a. a. L'a Angeles 2:00 p. El Paso... 6:00 p. Ft. Worth. 6:30 a, Cty Mexico 11:30 a. Houston ... 7:00 a. N’wOrleans 6:30 Washington 6:42 a New York..12:10 p. m. in. in. m. Weekly excursions in Personally Con­ and 7:00 a. aa and 9:15 P- m ducted Tourist Sleeping Cars via the and 7:25 a. m Great Scenic Line; from Pacific Coast and 8 30 P- m points to Chicago without change. m. and m. and n>, and m. and m. and ai. and m. and m. and Ask your Ticket Agent to make your a. m ticket read via tbe p- m Great Rock Island Route a. m a. in Write for particulars a. m A. E. C ooper , Gen. Ag’t., P- in 250 Alder St., Portlsnd, Ore. a. m P- m SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD visit -VIA- Salt Lake City and Denver. Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. The most interesting and enjovable trip on this continent is over this Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and KI popular railroad. Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, Bt. Choice of two routes through the Rocky Louis, New Orleans. Washington. Mountains and four routes east of Denver and Pueblo. Connecting at San Francisoo with several Stop overs allowed at Salt Lake City or anywhere between Ogden sheamship lines for aud Denver. HONOLULU, THROUGH CAR SERVICE. JAPAN, CHINA, MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. PHILLIPINES, CENTRAL and Perfect Dining Car Service. SOUTH AMERICA DR. JORDAN’S great MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 105111REET ST., Ill F11ICI8W, C1L. The Largest Anatomical Museum tn the World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease positively cared by tbe oldest Specialist on the Coast. Est j6 years. DR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN ■ YPHILII thorotarhly eradicated from system without the use of Mercory Trnisea fitted by an Expert. Modi« C«1 core (or Huptasre. A quick and radical cure for Pile*« Fissure and Fist aloe, by Dr. Jordan's special pain­ less methods. Consultation free and strictly private Treatment per­ sonally or by letter. A Orra in every case undertaken. Writs for Book. FB1LOMQFBY MSRNIAGE. MA1LKD FREE. (A valuable book for men.) Call or write Pontiv DR. JORDAN a CO., 1051 Market St. S. F. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE MEALS A LA CARTE. Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets See ▲gent at Ashland station, or ad- via the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, dress Scenic Line of the World. Descriptive matter mailed upon applica­ 0. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A., tion. Portland, Ore E. B. DUFFY, R.C. NICHOL, Traveling Agent, General Agent, 124 Third St,, Portland, Or. The Portraits of our Presidents Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat ail the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation or gas on the stom­ ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good in time. Sold by druggists. For rates, pamphlets or other infci- tuition, address, Bears the Signature of CATARRH I I Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “The Milwaukee” when going to any point in the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. “You Are So Slow CATARRH Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, What is CASTORIA N orthern PACIFIC Nasal Trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains In the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuriug to passengers the best service known. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­ periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Prepared only by E.C. D e W itt A Co., Chicago The |L bottle contains 3K tlmep the Me. sMi McNAlR BEOS. With Biographical Sketches ----- BY----- General Charles H. Grosvenor T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights A c . Anyone sending a sketch and description ma quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether ai Is probably patentable. Commanto»- invention is Communi tlons strictly tir oonnaentlal. confident!-:. T~. Handbook -- on Patente * — lenta. sent free. Oldest agency icy for securing “ pateui Patents taken through 7h Munn h Co. reo receive special notice, without charge, te, in the Scientific American. Member of Congress fornearly 20 years. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any sclent >0< Journal. Terms. M a ONTAINS twenty-four large Photo­ ¿ear; four months. fl. Bold by all newsdealer» gravure Etchings from tbe paintings ^MiBroBdw.,. New York indorsed by the families aud near relative)- It Washington D O. of the Presidents. Printed on heavy plate paper, embossed. A very large book; title page designed bv Tiffany. Biographical sketches printed in large, open type in two colors. The greatest workof tbe 20th Cent­ ury. 8o beautiful that when President McKinley saw it be subscribed immedi­ ately. One agent selling 600 copies in small territory in Pennsylvania. A million cop Quickly raouwl. OUR FEB DUX WHEN RATXFT les will be sold quick. Fortunes will be OBTAINED. Stud model, tltUh or photo, with made this Inaugural year. High class roar description for free report at to patentability. 48-FAO" HAND-BOOK FREE Contains referonooa and (tail or woman ot good social standing can tnaki information. WHITE FOR OOPT OF OUR BFICIAL a little fortune in this terntorv. Territory OFFER. It it the most liberal proposition over made by is going rapidly Presses running day anti a patent attorney, and EVERT INVENTOR SHOULD READ XT before applying for patent. Addreta: night to fill orders. Wanted.—State Manager to look after correspondence and agents. Address today PATENT LA Al VERB. THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, L.nroltBidi , WASHINGTON. D C. C PATENTS H.B.WILLSON&CO. Corcoran Building, - Washington, D,O.