lafsl B: m VALLEÏ RECORD. Published Every Thursday. ■> S ubscription R atxs : One Year........................................... $1 75 Six Months........................................ 1 00 Three Months............ ....................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 1901. VOL. XIV. RECORD] VALLEY RECORD ........ ASHLAND, OREGON E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. «■>•*9 a SHL/ND, O regon $1.75 NO 2. Cannot be better spent than by subscribe ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Justthink! $1. 75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I MM 9 THE DISTRICT FAIR. PRESSED BRICKS. Throat Troubles Woodburn Some of the Features that will In­ Miss Clara Ray was up from Medford Sunday. terest rhe People Sepr, 17-21. “Bardwell, Ky., where I live, is in the ex­ Joe Boswell of Central Point has gone If indications are not misleading, the treme western part of the State and only a to Redding. few miles from Cairo, coming fair at Ashland will be the most Ill., where the Ohio successful ever held in the countv. Dr. James Braden was up from Gold empties into the Mis­ The premium list in the stock depart­ Hill Friday. WILLIAMS* STONE BUILDING sissippi River. It may ment has been more than quadrupled in J. H. Settlmeier & Son, Special Patterns, all Colors L. C Coleman is in the valley from be that throat troubles the number of premiums to be awarded, Proprietors. San Francisco. are common here be­ and the list of pavilion exhibits has been We ask you to only come in and see 50 cents up cause of loca- and Shadçp..................... carefully pruned and revised to meet the Miss Belle Soule returned to Little tion, but, new textile fabrics and new handiwork our goods to convince vou that we Shasta Monday. whatever the constantly appearing in the social and have BIG BARGAINS in all lines Mrs. A. H. Maegley, of Portland, is reason, I find commercial world The beautiful Chau­ Fine Line of Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear, visiting Jacksonville relatives. it wise to con­ tauqua grounds have been secured upon It is simply impossible for advertising to do justice stantly keep a which to hold the fair, and t-he comuio- Mrs. A. M. Lull and children have re ­ various shades, colors and prices. supply of APPLES; PEARS, dius tabernacle placed at the disposal of turned from a Coos county visit. to our Bargains. Other merchants may say ♦ Acker’s Eng­ the Society for a pavilion. The Society we cut prioes, but we simply sell on a Walter Freeland and wife are visiting PEACHES, PLUMS, lish Remedy has also secured coutrol of the bail Los Angeles and California points. Very Close Profit. for Consump ­ grounds during the fair, and in addition Crause & Brandegee’s celebrated Men’s Clothing PRUNES, APRICOTS to the features of amusement already tion on hand. T. J. O’Harra and family of Tolo have Bright Polish Crumb Trays, each......... ... . 13c gone to Crater lake and Pelican bay. made public, there will be a Spanish It is thrf best Handsome Little Toothpick Holders, each.. . 08c tournament which will consist of equestri­ thing I ever . 06c Mosquito Netting, per yard........................... 20th Century boys’ and youths’ clothing Miss Beulah Warner of Medford is VERYTHING guaranteed true to came across an drills, mock encounters, tilts and Mens’ Heavy Work Shirts (Black) each....... . 25c visiting Miss Susie Homes this week. name. One of the oldest-estab­ jousts, such as are commonly practiced for coughs, colds and throat troubles, and . 10c Infants’ fine black hose (fast colors) per pair lished and best known nurseries Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Denney of Siski­ by the military horsemen of Spain. I have used it in my family for years. No . 15c Ladies’ fancy polka dot hose, per pair......... on the Pacific coast. you visited Ashland relatives Sunday. There will be literary, musical and other druggist here can be depended upon to have . 05c Men's ban. bndkfs, size 22x22, each............ entertainments on the grounds every it always, so I am writing this letter to W. . 98c Bed epreads, large size, 10J^, each.............. . Miss Lottie Reed, the Portland teach­ evening during the fair. And to add to H. Hooker & Co., 220 Broadway, N. Y., to Fine German China Sauce Dishes, per set. . . 65c Mrs. 8. J. Bailey, of Phoenix, is agent er, is visiting relatives at Jacksonville. these, it is understood that W. J I’ly male order a dozen bottles at a time. My wife is tor the Woodburn Nursery in Ashland . 05c Porpoise shoe laces, 2 pr for.......................... M. -s. F. D. Eisman of Grants Pass is preparing a paper, embracingthe more bothered lately with sore throat and difficult and vicinity. Give he.r your orders for Nininger Block, near Depot, Ashland, Or. 11 00 Ladies’ white skirts, fine cambric, each....... Jjihed her husband in Ashland Sunday. important historical events of Southern breathing, but just as soon as the dozen bot­ fruit trees and ornamental shrubbery. Oregon from the first discovery of gold tles jet here, I will give her a few doses, and Isn’t 25 per cent, 15 per cent—even 10 per cent, worth saving ? R. W. Gray was up from Medford on Rich Gulch to some years after the she will certainly be well again. I expect to Isn’t it as good in your pocket as in some other fellow’s ? Then it Monday and made this office a pleasnt organization of the county and the estab­ write another letter in a short time saying will pay you to buy for Spot Cash and where you can get goods call. lishment of the judiciary. The paper my wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it Notice of Intention to With the cheapest. Our store is full of Bargains that you wil pay more Wm. Childers and family have re­ will be narrative in form, and embrace is what she needs." (Signed) T. A. W hitx . for at other stores. draw Insurance Deposit A Jewel Presentation. Mrs. J. A. Wilson and children of turned to Gold Hill from a trip to the many details of interest Among the Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout Ellensburg, Wash., arrived Tuesday to coast. many noted events considered will be a the United States and Canada ; and in Eng­ The proceedings at the last meeting of N ACCORDANCE with thereonire- description of the massacre of a train of land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not the Ashland Alpha Chapter O. E. S. j make their future home in Ashland. W. J. Plymale, secretary of the dis­ inents of the laws of the State of Ore­ satisfied after buying, return the bottle to immigrants at “ Bloody Point, ” Tule were marked by a pleasing incident of Miss Myrtle Flood returned to Mc­ trict fair, was up from Jacksonville gon relative to insurance companies, Lake, in 1852. The paper will be read by your druggist, and get your money back. particular interest to the members of j Cloud Tuesday after a visit with Med­ Sunday. notice is hereby given that The Lanca­ We authorize the above guarantee. a good reader some evening during the that order. This was the formal pre-! ford relatives, the Kent family. Hon. S. C. Beach was out from Port­ shire Insurance Company, of Manches­ W. H. H00K&R & CO., Proprietor,, b'ew Vari. fair. It ought to prove of much interest sentation to Ex-Grand Matrons Mary; Miss Mamie McBride of Saltsburg, land Sunday and Monday visiting his ter, England, desiring to cease doing bus­ to all old settlers. E. McCall and Josephine D. Crocker of | Sold by McNair Bros. mother. Penn., who is paying a visit to her iness within the State of Oregon, intends The cereal, fruits and crops this year Grand matron’s jewels from the grand' to withdraw its deposit with the Treas­ make it possible to have the finest ex ­ Dr. W. P. Chisholm of Gold Hill will chapter of the state. The gifts were brother, Engineer McBride, went to Williams’ Stone Building, Ashland, Oregon An unknown Chinaman died on Tues- urer of said State, and will, if no claim hibit ever placed before the people of the day designed as testimonials of the impor­ Siskiyou Tuesday for a two weeks visit locate at Klamath Falls to practice his ’s south bound passenger tiain shall be filed with the Insurance Com­ district. And since it is known that a south tant service rendered the Eastern Star while he is located there. profession. of this city. The remains were missioner within six months from the County exhibit will be made at the State Order by these ladies since its birth in Gold Hill News: Sam McClendon of buried at. Medford by the countv, no in­ 22nd day of July 1901, withdraw its de­ Clyde Payne took Monday ’ s train for fair, which will come in competition with quest being Oregon. Mrs. Ella B. Mills, Worthy Central Point was a visitor in this city to enter the California state held. His certiflea e read posit from the State Treasurer. a large number of exhibits from other Matron, made the presentation in a Sunday. He will soon become a per­ Berkley Mah Joeny, of San Francisco He was 24 T he L ancashire I nsurance C ompany . counties, it is necessary that every effort years short and appropriate address pointing manent resident of this thriving town. university. old and well dreiscd. lie was By M ann & W ilson , Managers for the should be put forth to make the best equipped out how worthily these jewels had been ' Mrs. T. M. Witten, son and daughter, Miss Margaret Krause has returned to CARR’S FENCES NOT DOWN. The Heateil Beason in Kiamatb, with opium and $4 15 in mon­ Pacific Coast. display possible. earned. Mrs. 5fills was the delegate to | who have been visiting her folks, Mrs. Jacksonville from a visit in the Willam­ Dated at San Francisco, this 15th day Klamath Falls Republican.] Both displays will be witnessed by ey, besides many letters. the last grand Chapter convention at Mike Hartery Comes B ack at Cair’s B. Standard And family left Monday ette valley. of July 1901. Subscribe for the V alley R ecord . many strangers, and an estimate of the Portland and was commissioned to bear J. It is reported by Justice of the Peace Newberg where Mr. Witten has pur­ Attorney Frank A. Huffer of Tacoma, Attorney with Some More Informa­ O’Brien of Dairy that Charles Liskey of possibilities of the county based upon the presents here and formally present for Wash , has been visiting his folks at chased a drug store. them. Mrs. Mary E. McCall, an es­ tion About the Fencing of Govern­ Swan Lake was arrested July 30th, for the showing made. It will therefore be teemed pioneer lady who has witnessed I Dr. Hall left Sunday morning on a Jacksonville. assault and battery on old Mr. Miers, seen how necessary it is that such gen­ ment Bands, Riley Hammersley, the Gold Hill the growth of Ashland from the meagre two weeks visit to his mother and sister and plead guilty as charged, and was eral interest be taken as will make the exhibition a creditable one. settlement in which she taught the first at Myrtle Creek, Douglas county. He mining man, was here Sunday on a Portland Telegram, Aug, 7.] fined $50 and costs. Every permanent citizen in the county school, enjoying the distinction of hav­ expects to return by Crater lake in com­ business trip. The letter received by United States On Monday morning Recorder Kee­ is interested in the fair, and should lend ing been the first grand matron of the pany with his sister, who is one of the Tom Roberts was out from Roseburg Attorney Hall not only tells that see, acting as justice ot the peace, after Grand Chapter O. E. S. of Oregon, an teachers for the Lakeview school for the Sunday where he is conducting a saloon District Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, the fences are as they were before the a preliminar}’ hearing, bound over R. B. his aid to make it a success. office to which she was elected at Rose­ ensuing term.—Lakeview Examiner. near the depot. court made any decree, but gives some Hatton on a charge of assault with a New Music for the Popular Music burg in 1889. Mrs. Crocker was elected Continental Household Paint, and CEMENTICO. A party of California teachers who Ex-Judge Lionel R. Webster was on i of the history of the case. It is as fol- dangerous weapon on Joe Koesal, bail grand secretary at the same time. Both were doing Crater lake taking photo- Lover. being fixed at $250. Sunday’s train from Portland to Win- l°wa: these ladies were present at the Grand with a fine camera and outfit met nemucca, Nevada. I [ “Klamath Falls, Aug. 4, 1901. Max S. Witt, whose “First Violin” Chapter at that time and assisted in the Shs Ohio Mill Men on Rogue River. a great disappointment. In taking I “U.S. District Attorney Hall, Port- waltzes, dedicated to Richard Mansfield, ^"“^FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK organization. Mrs. McCall also served their last view of Crater lake the ground Mrs. John Sulloway and Mrs Geo. ] Or. Grant’s Pass, Aug. 10.—A new enter­ had such unprecedented success, has just a term as grand treasurer. Mrs. Crock­ underneath the camera gave way and Thornton of Grants Pass went to Sisson lend, “Dear Sir: Enclosed find clippings prise , known as the Rogue River Milling written a new waltz in Spanish rytlini er having served four years as grand the machine went lielterskelter down Saturday on a visit. j from the Valley Record, copied from and I Lumber Company, composed of men called, “The Belle of Granada.” Itisal- secretary was elected to the office of the mountain with the slide and pro­ Portland Evening Telegram, in re­ lately from Ohio, and who have $100,000 readya favorite with) orchestra leaders. C. E. Stewart of Medford and F. H. tbe 1 Grand Matron and has since served on bably into the lake. The party never ply to which I wish to say that none of | invested, has been inaugurated and will “Don’t Wear Your Heart On Your Page of Portland visited the Ashland 1 some of the most important standing looked back for the machine or their the fence enclosing Government land on i Sleeve ” is the significant title of a new orcliardists Friday. 1 do business on an extensive scale in the committees of the grand chapter. Mrs. lost pictures but hurried away from the J 1 the Oregon side has ever been torn down, Foots Creek mining and lumbering dis­ ballad by the authors of “The Little Lost McCall is affectionately referred to by scene. Dr. John A. Reuter and Miss Lizzie ( as per Judge Bellinger’s order. Two of trict,east of Grants Pass. This company Child.” It is a song which appeals to her junior sisters as “the mother of the Reuter have returned to Jacksonville the grates have been opened, but that is lias bought up and acquired several thous­ everyone’s sympathies. The strike in San Francisco and the order in Oregon.” from a stay in Portland. ( all that has been done toward opening and . “Mazie, My Dusky Daisy,” is the latest acres of fir and pine timber along consequent suspension of shipments of Would Have Cost Him His Lire Mrs. Will Crane who has been visit- 1 the land. If something is not done to Foot’s Creek. A mill will be erected up craze in Coon Songs. It lias a little touch supplies to coast points has had the effect force this matter it will be but a repeti­ •»< >ts Creek Canyon some four and of Spanish melody and rytlini in it and a Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: sending a number of Gold Hill parties ing her folks, the Van Riper family, left I tion of the proceedings of 12 years ago, the , one-lialf miles from the Southern Pacific. chorus that everyone catches on to its “I have been using Foley’s Kidney Cure back from outing on the coast. At Cres­ Sunday for her home at Sacramento. that is, the gates will be thrown open A branch road will be built from the melody. and take great pleasure in stating it cent City the daily bill of fare is said to Walter Brown, wife and two daughters until , things become quiet and the mat­ “The Bugville Brigade” isan odd char­ gave me permanent cure of kidney dis­ comprise little else than fish.—Gold of Canyon City who have been stopping ( ter forgotten by the public. Then they mill connecting with the main line near acteristic piece for piano by Nick Brown. Has arrived, comprising Cheap, Largest Stock Woodville, seven miles from Grants ease which certainly would have. Cost Hill News. in Ashland left Monday for Redding. will close the gates once more, and Mr. Pass. VI |5 Everyone- likes this odd kind of solo Medium^nd^lig^Grade goods and Beet Variety me my life.” Take none but Foley’s. Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney, who has been piece, which while easy of performance, Mrs. Lizzie Kingsbury returned to I Carr will still have enclosed the 80,000 in Southern Oregon T. K. B olton . here visiting with her grand-daughters, San Francisco Saturday after a two acres For Wnooping Cough, Ao heavy Oil Ooaque Cloth of different widths, from whici7 we'make of Govermenr land. is at once effective and easy. i “In regard to tbe letter from the United Williams & Walker have got really a Odd Size and Wide 8haonemiller and wife 80 acres at $1100. honors upon him than did Wasco by Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent In addition he purchased a lot at Fort electing him governor of the state.— physician, of Panama. Columbia, in a took out $220 in a few hours in Altliouse state of your health as well, impure blood district. makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow Klamath, price $200.—Klamath Falls Gold Hill News. recent letter states: "Last March I had comDlexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-PlaCO Fur­ Republican. Does It Pay To Buy Cbcap. From Ashland to Buffalo as a patient a young lady sixteen years If yon are feeling weak aud worn out and Each package of Putnam Fadeless What most people want is something Dye colors more goods than any^ other of age, who had a very bad attack of A cheap remedy for coughs an ! colds do not bave a healthy appearance, you niture. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. mild and gentle, when in need of a Everything I prescribed for is all right, but you want something that should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures Account Pan-American Expo physic. Chamberlain’s 8tomach and dve and colors them better too. Sold by dysentery. her proved ineffectual and she was grow­ will n-leive and cure the tn ire severe all olood diseases where cheap Sarsaparilla* so called purifiers fail; knowing this, Liver Tablets fill tbe bill to a dot. They M c N air B ros . ing worse every hour. Her parents weie and dangerous reeults of throat and lung and sition. A pleasant gathering of young people sell every bottle on a positive guaiantee. are easy to take and pleasant in effect. sure she would die. She had become so troubles. What shall you d->? Go to a we took place Friday evening at the home weak that she could not turn over in warmer atd more regular climate? Yes M c N air B ros , druggists. oing and returning over For sale by all druggists. of Conductor Chas. W. Barber. The bed. What to do at this critical mom­ if possible; if not possible for you, then sbaata Route through California, W. D. George and Wm. Butler struck PROBATE COURT. following were present: Misses Isabelle ent was a study for me, but j thought in either case take the only remedy that $99.50. Going limit, 10 days. Re- a pocket on Fall Creek, one day last i and Jim Ross, Laura and Anna Thomp- Estate of Phoebe Bendure. Petition turnitnr limit, 60 days. Tickets can be of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and has been introduced io all civil.zed coun­ week, taking out between 80 and 100 I son, Lulu Dame, Alice Barber. Messrs, purchased on the following dates onlv: of Geo M Love for discharge as guardian Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort tries With success in severe throat and pounds of ore which Mr. George in­ July 16tb, August 6tb sad 20th, Septem­ of said minor granted, to take effect upon i Clvde Payne, Walter Thompson, Jack prescribed it. The most wonderful re­ lung troubles, “Boseltee’s German formed your correspondent would ave­ acceptance of final report as such,etc. C ! Webb, E. E. Poley and O. Thompson. sult was effected. Within eight hours Syrup.” It not only heals and stimu­ rage from $10 to $12 per lb. The dredger ber 3d and 17tb. P Snell appointed as guardian, to act she was teeling much better; inside of lates the tissues to destroy the germ dis­ near Waldo, is again running with a Also for same ticket going over Shasta after said resignation takes effect. three days she was upon her feet and at ease, hut allays inflammation, causes full force of men.—Waldo Correspond­ Estate of Josie Cox. Inventory of Route through California and returning the end of one week was entirely well.” easy expectoration, gives a good night’s ent. over a northern line through Portland, or appraisment, showing property to the For sale by all druggists rest, and cures the patient. Try one A' kkr a E fuhsh R emkuy will stop a amount of $550, approved. yice versa, $98.50. Ticket will be limited bottle. Recorii'ftie'nded many years by CQPUH nt **»»v lÜK». «'xi wi I cure tbe worst Estate of Elizabeth M Leever. Sale of to continuous trip going and a 30 day Three Oregon text books are among all druggists in’Yhe world. Get Greeu’a cold >u I- a he ti-'ur»,or ui»:>«*y refunded. real estate confirmed. 25 cts. and 50 ets. limit returning. those adopted by the commission. They Prise Almanac. T. K. B olton . Estate of H Amy. Final report of are Mrs. Emery Dye ’ s “ Stories of Ore ­ Silas J Day, administrator, approved gon,” Wm. Lord’s book on ornithology TO CORK A COUD IN ONE DAY SPECIAL and order for discharge made. and Fannie Hardy Eckstrom’s “Bird Take_______ Laxative _______ Bromo Qaiirne Tablets. , Estate of Eliza Anderson. Order for Book.” AJI druggists refund the money it it fails to sale of real estate made. Tbe Old-Reliable Blacksmith, cure. K. “ W. ~ Grove's signature *- is on each *- Estate of E W Hammond. Final bow or Appetite box. 25c. Has Purchased....................... statement of J B Hillis, administrator, Is commonly gradual; one dish after approved and order lor hia discharge TO CÖLESTIN CASTORIA. another is set aside till few remain. W C. Johnsen’s Shop made. These are not eaten with much relish, Be-ii the FROM ASHLAND The Kind You Haw Always Bought Estate of Jos Goldsworthy. Order and are often so light as not to afford Signalera made for distribution of assets to heirs, And is now prepared to serve » much nourishment. n S aturday and S unday going Estate of Caroline Hoffman. First u1 •f hia old customers and the pub­ Loss of appetite is one of the first in­ semi-annual report approved. an 1 g tod to reinrn on Monday, hal lic generally at the old stand dications that the system is running Estate of H V Helms. Administra­ ara, round trip, »0 cents. down, and there is nothing else so good M ain S t .. O rf . O rcra Houit B lock tor given authority to sell real property. for it as Hood’s Sarsaparilla—the best of Guardianship of Elizabeth Wooley, 80 Day T.cket, $1.10. D, L. RICE, ail tonics. General Blackamitbing of all kinds. an Incompetent person. Thos E. A^ent S, Pi Bi B. Co. j Acwjft do mtaituft tn Nkboli »Fjwinwd pardma. H ovm U nv I bi a SPwlaicy. Ladies' Shirt Waists ••• The 20th Century Store Nursery J ft Fruit Trees, Shrubbery Í s E WM. YEO & CO., Yours for Bargains, I The 20th Century Store Geo« €♦ Dicbols, Prop’r. e T R. N. NASON ’S PAINT! ROBBINS’ PLANING MILL, Window Shades J. P. Dodge, fe ASHLAND MILLS “Our Patent Flour W. J. VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S O H CASTOR IA CV/ANR ASHLAND, OR PAINTING. S. 0, FURREY PAPERING. ETC. THE JOHN BARRETT CO. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOUSE Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. Reduced Rates G fflSTMM' E. C. SHERMAN OVERALLS Excursion - Rates 0