i Edgar aud Harley Dalrymple were i drowned in the Bear river, four miles j south of Montpelier, Idaho. The young men were battling, when Harley, aged | The People’s Paper. 17, got into deep water. His brother ; went to bis assistance, and in the strag ASHLAND. OK.. Thursday. Aug. 8. 1901 gle that followed both lost their lives. A long-standing rivalry between El- FOREIGN ITEMS. ward Koners and Harry Davis for the , favor of a 17-year-old Mexican girl re- ! A severe thunderstorm raged in Lon suited in a shooting affair at Daggett, San Bernardino county, CaL, in which | don, turning the streets into rivers The Davis was seriously injured and is not , underground railway was flooded and trains were stopped. The storm flooded expected to recover. “I am indebted to One Minute Cough Mrs. Langiry’s new theater, the Im Cure for my present good health and my perial. Several public buildings were life. I was treated in vain by doctors ' damaged. for lungtrouble following la grippe. I took An Englishman and two ladies, to One Min Ute Cough Cure and recovered iny health,” Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga.— gether with their guide, plunged over a M c N air B ros . precipice while ascending the Matter At the office of the Robert Garrett horn, iu Switzerland. One lady escaped Lumber company in Leavenworth, Kan., without serious injury. A dispatch from Michael Kelly, an insane man, shot six Aosta, Italy, says that three English people, killing one and more or less I men and three guides, while climbing seriously wounding four others. He Mount Cervino, fell down a chasm and was himself finally killed by officers all were killed. who tried to overpower him. A high Russian police official called upon George Kennan, the Amerioan author and lecturer, at his hotel in St. Petersburg, and informed him that he must leave the country by 10 o’olock the following evening. Mr. Kennan I was not allowed to leave his room, but The skin is the seat of an almost end he was courteously treated. This action less variety of diseases. They are known by the Russian authorities is taken uu- by various names, but are all due to the der the law giving the minister of the same cause, acid and other poisons in interior authority to expel undesirable the blood that irritate and interfere with foreigners. the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft 6kin, free from “Why cot spend the vacation at all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of Yaauina Bay, where can be bad excel arsenic and potash and the large number lent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe of face powders and lotions generally bathing, alluring rides aDd rambles. The courses and exercises at the Sum used in this class of diseases cover up for a short time, but cannot remove per mer School, of 1901, at Newport, will manently the ugly blotches and the red, afford great variety of instructions, disfiguring pimples. j diversion and entertainment. No other resort offers equal attractions EAornal vigilanoo is the price J and advantages.” of a beautiful complexion j The United States of America has when such remedies are relied on. Mr. H. T. Bhobe, »704 Lucas Avenue, St. Louis, ' begun suit in the United States court at Mo , say»: “ Mv daughter was afflicted for years Honolulu to condemn 828 acres of laud with a dbfigunng eruption on her face, which adjoining Pearl harbor, which is re resisted all treatment. She was taken to two celebrated health »prlngs, but received no bene quired by the navy department for the fit. Many medicines were preacribed, but with- ( naval station there, authorized and ap cut result, until we decided to try S. S. S., and by the time the fir»t bottle was finished the eruption propriated for by the last congress. !VALLEY RECORD. ^Sawyer’s EXCELSIOR BRANO Clothing for fifty yean ha» been the beet In the world. Double throughout. Warranted waterproof, soft and smooth. Will not crack, peel off or become Kicky. Catalogue free. I. T. B«tUa< rMkieg Ce., A<u., Sas Vr s art»—, a. ■. atwTik a aoa. K il m i rt 1 AT rHERN I TO BT. PAUL, DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACO AND ALL POINTS EA8T. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS, FA8T TIME ; SERVICE AND SCENERA UNEQUALED. Tickets to points East via Portland on ths GREAT NORTHERN RY . on sale a Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office 122 Third Street, PORTLAND. For Rates. Folders, and Full iiiiurma- tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad dress A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agt. Portland, Or J^ORTHERN PACIFIC CASTORIA Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Ä\ege table Prep aralion for As - simüating theïood and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH____ FARGO_______ GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE « cold ' n head THROUGH TICKETZ TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON__ PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Through tickets to J tpan aud China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Co. /or information, time cards, map and tickets, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aesistant General Passenger Agent. PORTLAND. CRKGON. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain able ao far as speed, comfort and safety ia concerned. Employees of the W is consin C entral L inks are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara on through trains. Dining Car aervice unexcelled. Meals aerved a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over............... The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information cal! on anv ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, General Pass. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin . 246 Stark Street, P ortland , O regon . “Nerve Waste” Dr. Humphreys’ REDUCED RATES anadian P acific Buffalo, N.Y. p, “Imperial Limited” Service for 1901 Commencing 3une 10, 1901 Four Days Across the Continent This is the fastest and best equipped train crossing the continent. If you are going East there are some facts regarding this service, and the scenery a'ong the Canadi an Pacific lljr. which you should know The time is arranged to pass the greatest scenic features of tbe line during daylight. Pamphlets furnished free on application to any C P. R. Agent or to K. J. COYLE. H. II. ABBOTT. Ag t Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 142 Third St . Vancouver. B. C, Portland, Ore +++++++++++++++++-Ì-+++++++-4- <000 to $900 •P7W Christian man or woman to look after our growing yearly business in this and adjoining Coun- ties.'loact as Manager and Corres- pondent; work can be done at your home. Enclose self-addressed envel- ope for particulars to A. H.SHER- M AN, G eneral M akagxr , Corcoran ' ,, Building, opposite United Blates ' a > Treasury, Washington, D. C. < ♦♦♦II1 IH II III ►+♦»♦♦♦♦»♦ t Hood’s Sarsaparilla ILLINOIS CENTR 4L ILR. Royal Restaurant Restaurant and Chop House 25-Cents. Guaranteed $900 The Kind You Have Always Bought I nfants /C hildren Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . A familiar name for tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa th«' Great Railway running tbe Bears the Signature “PIONEER LIMITED' Trains every day and nigbt between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in the world.” Understand: Connections are made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers tbe beet service known. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via “Tbs Milwaukee” when going to any point in the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. • j^evetroidlPSAMVIlEatBSa. PctncUt Sallt ~ ^ru'x Seaf * Prnncrrnmt - . I I I 7 PhrmSuA- 1 ) PumfJan eCv. Jenna * The t For rates, pamphlets or other infci« mition, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agt., S eattle , W ash . P ortland , O b A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP- The Light Of the World - - OK ■■ • Our Saviour in Art Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. y Atb mònilu» old : OSES-3JC1 NTS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. RIDER AGENTS WANTED one in each town to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE $10 TO $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. cost nearly 1100,000 to publish. Nearly 100 superu engravings of Christ and His Moth er by the great painters. Child’s stories for each picture. So beautiful it ¡sells itself. Presses running day and night to fill or ders. 12 carloads of paper for last edition. Mrs. Waite, in Massachusetts .has sold over $5000 worth of books.—First experience. Mrs. Sackett of New York has sold over 12000 worth of books.—First |experience. Mr. Holweil took 14 orders first two days. Mrs. Lemwell took 31 orders first week. Christian man or woman can mase 11000 in this county quick. Territory is going rap idly. Write quick for terms. Wanted.—State Manager to have charge of correspondence and all tbe agents, Address THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO. C orcoran B uilding , W ashington , D. C. ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Be eure and see that your Ticket reads via 1901 Models Guaranteed $10 to $18 The.... ’00 & ’99 Models S$7 fo $12 Northwestern 500 Second Hand Wheels«« ». <tc «Dd Line I We ship any bicycle ON APPROVAL tc taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores, anyone without a cent deposit in advance and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. absolutely no risk in ordering from us, as you do not need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. nil BlflT DIIV a wheel until you have written for our UU HUI DU I FACTORY PRICES and FREE TRIAL OFFER. This liberal offer has never been equaled and is a guarantee of the quality of our wheels. reliable person in each town to distribute catalogues for us in exchange for a bicycle. Write today for free catalogue aud our special offer. • CATARRH Tourist . . . MILWAUKEE” For Infants and Children. Risking Life Pullman :: <> ' ’ ,, <> « > • • ■’ ‘‘THE BAD COMPLEXION. Shortest and Quickest Line TO PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. Francisco Norano, a Mexican who had been to San Jose, Cal., to collect <80, Toni 1st and Family Excursions to was riding along a narrow trail on his the East. way to his cabin in the mountains, On six days of every week the Rio Grande when a choc was fired from behind t Western Bailwav, in connection with tbe tree, and Norano fell, his head being Denver & Rio Grande or Colorado Mid nearly blown off with a load of shot. land, operates a personally conducted ex to Denver, <'mafia. Chicago, St. Alberto Cornado was arrested by Sheriff cursion Louis and Boston. Tbe route includes a Langford and charged with the crime, glimpse of quaint and picturesque Salt and he is now in the county jail at San Lake City—the city of the Saints—Glen wood Springs, Leadville, Colorado Springs Jose. and Denver and carries the passenger A Japanese fisherman, who had been through the most magnificent scenery in marooned on a small uninhabited island the Rocky Mountains. Cool and interest ride. Each excursion is in charge of a between Vancouver, B. C., aud Nanai ing competent, uniformed guide whose busi mo, was bruglit to Vancouver by an ness it is to look after the comfort of his Indian fisherman. The Japanese was guests. No more pleasant and inexpen insane when found, bruised by a beat sive means of crossing the continent can be found than is provided by these excur ing and emaciated from absolute starva sions. For additional details, bookings, tion for five days. White fisheimen etc . inquire of J. D. Mansfield, General who were out on strike had sunk his Agent. 122 A. Third St., Portland, or Geo. Heintz, General Passenger Agent. Salt boat and his net and oars had been cut W. Lake City. was up and thrown overboard, He CRIMES AND ACCIDENTS. then put on the island where he was found. John L. Collins, son of the late Rear- Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide Admiral Napoleon Collins of the United reputation for its cures. It never fails States navy, accidentally fell from the and is pleasant and safe to take. For fourteenta floor of the Masonic Temple sale by all druggists. at Chicago to the bottom of the elevator Peter Tillbury, an ironworker, called shaft and was instantly killed. He was on Mrs. Mary Torrey at Muncie, Ind., 52 years old, and employed as cashier by and threw the contents of a small bottle a firm in the Masonic Temple. of carbolic acid into her face. The acid Fire laid waste an area of sawmill burned out the woman’s eyes and and residence property at Davenport, burned her neck, breast aud arms fright la., equal to 20 ordinary city blocks and fully. Tillbury had voinly pleaded with caused a loss of $700,000. Fifty homes the woman to marry him. were burned, some of them tenements, A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la,, writes: and 100 families were rendered home “I was troubled with kidney complaint less. for about two vears, but two one dollar What Not to Say. bottles of Foley’s Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure. T. K. B olton . Do not sav, “I can’t eat.” Take At a largely attended meeting at Hood’s Sarsaparilla and say, “I am hun Vienna of Viennese shoemakers a pro gry all the time and food never hurts test was lodged against the proposed me.” say to your friends that you are establishing of American shoe housei as Never tired in the morning as at night. If in Vienna, and the meeting resolved to they happen to be sharp they will tell Send a deputation to the minister of you Hood’e Sersaparilla cures that tired commerce and to the provincial gover feeling. nor, begging them to interdict Ameri Do not say, "My face is full of pim can houses from embarking in the shoe ples.” You are quite likely to be told by someone, “There’s no need of that, for business in Austria. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures pimples.” It is improper and unnecessary to sav, A Core for Cholera Infantum. “My health is poor and my blood is bad.” “Last May,” says Mrs. Curtis Baker, Hood’s Sarsaparilla will give you good begun to disappear. A dozen bottles cured her of Bookwaiter, Ohio, “an infant child of blood, and good health will follow as a completely ana left her skin perfectly smooth. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED. our neighbor’s wae suffering from chol natural consequence. Sbe u now seventeen years old, and not a sign of era infantum. The doctor had given up tbe embarrassing disease has ever returned.” At Panama, Columbia, by Chamber all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for Stella Emslie of Bowling Green, O., lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and tlie worst forms of skin troubles. It is wants $5,000 from a young farmer ol Remedy. DiarrhneU Remedy to the house, telling the same place. Miss Emslie avers thal the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent them I felt sure it would do good if used the young man promised to wed her eight only one guaranteed purely vegetable. physician, of Panama, Columbia, in a according to directions. In two days’ Bad blood makes bad complexions, purifies and invigo recent letter states: “Last March I had time the child had fully recovered, and years ago; has backed out of his prom rates the old and as a patient a young lady sixteen years is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, ise, and should be assessed heavy dam makes new, rich blood of age, who had a very bad attack of healthy girl. I have recommended this ages, In his answer to the bill th« that nourishes the dysentery. Everything 1 prescribed for Remedy frequently and have never young man says he courted Stella when w body and keeps the her proved ineffectual and she was grow known it to fail in any single instance.” she was a cute armful, weighing 12f •kin Active and healthy and in propet ing worse every hour, Her parents were For sale by all druggists. pounds. She now tips the scale at 31£ condition to perform its part towards sure she would die. She had become so pounds. carrying off the impurities from the body. weak that she could not turn over in The first fatal accident ever known ou If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt bed. What to do at this critical mom Spanaway lake, 11 miles south of Ta ent was a study for me, but J thought Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough »ml pimply, send for our book on Blood of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and coma, occurred Sunday afternoon, when and Skin Diseases and write our physi Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort Susan Evans, aged 14; Jennie Cole, cians about your case. No charge what prescribed it. The most wonderful re aged 14, and Carl Jenkins, aged 16, wert sult was effected. Within eight hours drowned. The two girls lived at Puyal To make a living! And we stand and ever for this service. stare up at the man in the clouds, won SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, GA. she was feeling much better; inside of lup and Jenkins in Seattle. dering that any man can be so fool three days she was upon her feet and at Cyril Jeffcoat, a civil and mechanical hardy. But what of the end of one week was entirely well.” LOCAL the business man, engineer, in the employ of the Joshua For sale by all druggists AND who has barely time Hendy Machine works of San Francisco, CLIMATIC to snatch a hasty At the Holy Name cathedral, Chi while out hunting with a companion a meal, and gulps cago, the Rev. J. Muldoon was conse Lake Tahoe, was killed by the acci Nothing but a local down a lunch of pie remedy or change of crated as titular bishop of Tamassenis dental discharge of his gun. He was 25 and milk in a few ÿÎWw?f$,col;2 climate will cure and auxiliary to the Most Rev. P. A. years of age, and was a graduate ol minutes? He too, is CATARRH Feelian, archbishop of Chicago. Bishop Rugby and Cambridge, England. risking his life to The specific is Muldoon’s vestments, including the make a living. Life According to a bulletin issued by the ELY’S CREAM BALM is sustained by food gold-plated aud jewel-decked crozier, census bureau there are 5,809 farms iu properly digested and Lt is quickly absorb were presented to him by organizations Arizona, wi> ii a total acreage of 1,935,- ed. Gives relief at - assimilated. The re of priests of which he was a amember, 327 acres, of vhich 254,521 are improveu once. Opens and sult of hasty eating and cost $10,000. They were of the cleanses the Nasal Of these fai us 1,769 are owned by In and irregular meals finest silk and linen, edged with pearls is "weak” stomach, and bedecked with amethysts and dia dians. In 1890 there were only 104,129 and a "weak” stom Hea's and protects the Membrane Kestores monds. A small company of artisans acres of imp oved land in the territory. ach means a weak the Senses of Taste and Smell. No Mercu In 1890 the average size of farms was man. When the ry. No injurious drug Regular size, 50 worked for months in Lyons, France, 910 acres, aud in 1900 469 acres. The stomach is " weak ” cents; Family size, $1.00 at Druggists or by preparing them. total value o the farm land, with im mail. the food eaten is not The laws of health requires that the provements, implements and live stock, ELY BROTHERS, properly digested bowels move once each day and one of is placed at $29,960,875. The increase 56 Warren Street. New York. and cannot be pel the penalties for violating this law is fectly assimilated, s piles. Keep your bowels regular by in farm wealth for the decade amounted that there is a daily loss of nutrition, to 162 per cent. taking a dose of Chamberlain ’ s Stomach ^HUMPHREYS’ and Liver Tablets when necessary and An unusual thing happened in the •which in time will result in physical ^r'VETERIMARYSPECIFICS you will never have that severe pun town of Goshen, Tulare county, CaL, at collapse. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery ishment inflicted upon you. Price, 25 a school bone eleotion. Only five votes cures A. A. I FEVERS. Coneeitiona. Inflamma- diseases of the stomach and other cents. For sale by all druggists. ccaxs f tiuux. Lung Fever, Miik Fever. were polled. The judges of the eleotion organs of digestion aud nutrition. It H. B. 18PRA1NH, I.ameneaa. Injuries. Jacob Greenawald of Philadelphia declared the proposition oarried. The enables the assimilation of all the nutri cvRgs > Rheuiuatlani. I SORE THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic, gave a dinner to a party of friends at a bond issue is for $450. There are about tive values of the food eaten, and so cuius i Distemper. builds up the body into sound health restaurant in New York, covers being 350 votes in the district. S tb E b I w ORMS. Dot«, Grubs. and strength. laid for 12. A $20 gold piece was placed The original bank-note plates used by E. E.) COVGfftS. Colds, Influenza, Inflamed Mr. Ned Nelson, the celebrated Irish Come in each wine-glass, the gold to be re cures > Lunari. Pleuro-Pneuinonia. the State Bank of New Brunswick, dian and Mimic, of 577 Royden Street, Camden, F. F. (COLIC. Bellyache, Wind-Blown, N. J , writes : "We fulfilled an engagement of tained as a souvenir of the dinner. N. J., which went out of existence some cures > Diarrhea, Dysentery. weeks and the constant traveling gave Greenawald, who is a millionaire, be time in the ’50’s, were supposed to have twelve G. G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. me a bad touch of that dreaded disease called fore sailing for Europe took this means been destroyed, but it appears that these dyspepsia. I had tried everything possible to Xnusil KIDNEY dk BLADDER DISORDERS. it till last week, while playing at B. F. of providing a surprise for a fetv friends. plates have fallen into the hands of cure I. I. 1SKIN DISEASES. Mange. Eruption», Keith’s Bijou Theater, Philadelphia, in the cvRss S Vlcer», Grea»e, Farcy. The dinner, including the gold coins, parties who have printed from them Nelson Trio, a professional friend of mine ad J. It. BAD t-ONDITION. Staring Coat. vised me to try Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis CUBES i ln<lige»liun. Stomach Siaggera. I cost $50 a plate. large quantities of notes, which have covery. I tried it, and, thank God, with good Ole. each; Stable Case, Ten Specific», Book, Ac., $7. ” been put into circulation from New results. Reservations to Open. At druggtst» or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Humphreys’ Medicine Co., Cor. William & John The Kiowa and Camanche country in York to San Francisco. The notes read Sts.. New York. V eterlsarv M anual S e . nt F r «** in paper covers, is sent free on Indian Territory will be opened for settle ily pass along the Canadian frontier, as Adviser, ment this summer. It is a grand country, the takers think they are the notes of receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. and reached only via the Great Kock Island Rou e. If you are interested, write for the Canadian province of New Bruns R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. One of the most helpful books on nerve booklet ‘‘The Oklahoma Opportunity.” It wick, “New Jersey” being printed in weakness ever issued is that entitled tells yon all about Oklahoma and the coun small letters. Possibly $2,000,000 of A, E. C ooper , G. A. “Nerve Waste,” bv Dr. Sawyer of San try to pe opened. 250 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. these notes are in circulation. Francisco, now in its fifth thousand. Dr. David Starr Jordan has returned This work of an experienced and repu table physician is in agreeable contrast Miss Annie Rippey and Henry C. Best from his trip to the Hawaiian islands. to the vast sum of false teaching which of San Francisco were married where Fifty species of fish new to science have Specifics cure by acting directly upon prevails on this interesting subject. It the waters crash on the rocks beneath been collected and classified by him the disease, without exciting disorder in abounds in carefully considered and the towering cliffs of the Bridal Veil during his trip. any other part of the system. practical advice, and has the two great waterfall in the Yosemite valley. The »0. CURES. PRICES. merits of wisdom and sincerity. P. T. Thomas, Ala., “I was suffering 1— Fevers, Congestlors, Inflammations. .25 It is indorsed bv both the religions Bohemian String Orchestra was in from dyspepsia when I commenced tak 2— Worms, Worm Fe< Worm Colic... .25 and secular press. The Chieago Advance attendance and rendered exquisite mel ing Kodol Dyspepsia cure. I took sev 3— Teething, Colic, Crylng.Wakefulneas .25 ody from a natural choir loft on a says: “A perusal of the book and tbe eral bottles and can digest anything.” 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults........... 25 application of its principles will put gigantic rock. The ceremony was per Kodol Dyspepsia cure is the only prep 7— Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis..................... 25 health, hope and heart into thousands of formed, before a large company, by the aration containing all the Datural digest 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache......... 25 lives that are now suffering through Rev. Luther Freeman of Portland, Me., ive fluids. It gives weak stomachs en 9— Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 nervous impairment.” who is a guest at the hotel in the valley. tire rest, restoring their natural condi 10— Dyspepsia, Indlgestlon.WeakStomach.25 The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid. tion. — M c N air B ros . 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods ... .35 One of the most, interesting chapters— Henry C. Best is a well-known artist, San Francisco Typographical Union 12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods............ .25 chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve and was formerly employed on news No. 21, at its last meeting, passed a 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness....... .25 Tonics—has been printed separately as a papers in San Francisco. — Balt Rheum, Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .25 series of resolutions condemning the 14 sample chapter, and will be sent to anyM 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains........ address for stamp by tbe publishers, “arrogant and vicious attitude” of the 16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25 .25 T he P acific P ub . C o ., B ox 2658, San Employers’ association in declaring IS—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 Francisco, in plain sealed envelope. How it reddens the skin, itches, oozes, itself inimical to all labor organizations, 20— Whooping-Cough....................................25 dries and scales 1 thereby seriously complicating the en 27— Kidney Diseases ..................................... 25 Some people call it tetter, milk crust or deavors to settle the existing disputes. 28— Nervous Debility................................. 1.00 salt rheum. A protest is made against any recogni 30—Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed........ 25 The suffering from it is sometimes in —Grip, Hay Fever......................................... 25 tion whatsoever by the mayor or mu 77 Dr. • • • tense; local applications are resorted to— Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases at your nicipal authorities of the Employers’ Druggists or Mailed Free. they mitigate, but cannot cure. by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. It proceeds from humors inherited or ac association in pending or future labor _Sold are now in effect to Humphreys’ Med. Co., Cor. William & John Sts- quired and persists until these have been difficulties. New York. removed. Judge E. O. Hart of Sacramento sen Do you expect to attend the tenced Frank Enright and Ray Fahey positively removes them, has radically to San Quentin for life for robbery. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION? and permanently cured the worst cases, and If so, do not buy vour tickets is without an equal for all cutaneous Ever since Judge Hart took office in 1896 until you have investigated eruptions. he has been carrying out the idea he the service of the H ood ' s 1' ili . s are the best cathartic. Price 25 ceuu then expressed, to deal out severe pun • ••• I ishment to criminals of the footpad OPPOSITE PLAZA. class. The Sacramento police say that Our accommodations are the best that Judge Hart is worth a score of police in can be had, our trains are alwavs on J. W. COX, Proprietor. the town. Mrs. A. VANDERKARR, P rop . time, and employes courteous and ac Wm. Finn of Lima, O., obtained ex commodating. Through tourist ears from Pacific Coast Beaeb Block, over the Bridge. cellent result from the use of Foley’s A First-Class .. Meal For Kidney Cure. It relieved my backache to Boston via Buffalo. and severe pain over the hips. It toned If you will send fifteen eer.ts in stamps Anvtbing you want cooked to the address given below, we will lor- F irst -C lass M eals S erved my system and gave me new vim and to order with promptness energy. It is an honest and reliable war-.l you by return mail a large wall and dispatch. All Hours. remedy, a sure cure for all kidney dis map of the United States, Cuba and Porto Rico, 34x40 inches. —- Give Me a Call Short Orders at all hours. eases.” T. K. B olton . Any information regarding rates, ac Professor Koch of Berlin read a papei commodations, service, time, connec Give_the new restaurant a before the British Congress of Tubercu tions, stop-overs, etc., will be cheerfully losis in London, in which he said that furnished by B. H. T rumbull , trial. his experiments had satisfied him that 142 Third Street, Cotn’l Ag’t, human tuberculosis and bovine tubercu Portland, Ore. losis are radically different diseases, and cattle, he said, could not be infected PICI UR ES! with human tuberculosis. He also said f’ICTURE FRAMES! he was personally satisfied that human beings are not liable to infection from YEARLY, bovine tuberculosis. He therefore does MOLDINGS Men and women of good address to rep not believe that human beings can be CABINET WORK resent ns, some to travel appointing agents, infected through dairy products, and UPHOLSTERING others for local work looking after our in F ob S alb B t A ll D ruggists . that heredity is also an unimportant GENERAL REPAIRING terests. $900 salary guaranteed vearlj ; extra commissions and expenses, rap d ad OF furniture ; factor in the transmission of tubercu vancement. old established house. ' Grand losis. The chief dauger of contagion, chance for earnest man or woman to se said Dr. Koch, lies in the sputum ol cure pleasant, permanent nosition, liberal consumptive patients. He said the ulti income and future. New. brilliant lines. AT THE L ELSE FAIL Write at once. ASHLAND mate stamping out of tuberculosis is n in time. MM by druggists. STAFFORD PRESS. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. possible. Dr. Koch’s theory created great surprise among medical men. 23 Ch ar ch 8t,( Naw Havas, Coan. J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO Chicago. ---- THE---- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thia is tbe GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO And AU Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- tibuled Dining and Sleeping Oar Trains and Motto: MANHOOD RESTOREDSS tion of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner vous or diseases of tbe generative orcaxis, such as Lost Manhood. Insomnia-Palms in the Back, Seminal .Emissions, Nervous Debility, Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick- ness of discharge, which if notchecked leads to Spermatorrhoea and Krrnnr ..»«rrm all the horrors of Impotency. (TPIDEXE cleanses tbe liver, the atrunz ano sr 1 lh kidneysand thourinaryorgansof all impurities. CUPIDEYE strengthens and restores small weak organs. The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CUPIDENE Is theonly known remedy to cure without un operation. S000 testimoni als. A written guarantee given and money returned It six boxes does not effect a permanent core. $1.00 a box, six for $5.00, by mall. Send for raze circular and testimonials. Address DA VOL MEDICINE CO., F. O. Box 1.776, San Francisco, CaL fbr Sale bf Sold at M c N air B ros .’ Drug Store, Ashland, Or. “ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, General Agent, 243 Washington St., W. O. S avage , Portland, Oregon Traveling F.& P. Agent, Portland. Oregon. Rocky Mountain Limited White Sulphur Springs SOUTH AND EAST Is tbe name of the new and luxurious SWIMMING RINK —VIZ — ROCK ISLAND TRAIN —ANL— Private Tub Baths. Southern Pacific Company GRANT HELMAN, Prop. AT ATHLETIC grounds , one - half MILE NORTH OF PLAZA ASHLAND, OR EG N. — SWIMMING RINK. — SHASTA ROUTE Trains Leave Ashland for Portland and Way Stations at 3:55 A. M. and 4:25 P. M. Solid stone rink and walks. Rink, 30x80 Which runs between Colorado Springs feet. Thirtv Dressing Rooms attached. Leave Portland 8:30 a. m., and 8:30 p. m. and Denver, and Chicago, leaving Col Equipped with Rings, Swings, Spring Leave Ashland 12:55 a. m., and 12:5 p. m orado SpringB every day at 1:30 p. m., Boards, etc. arriving at Chicago at 7 p. m. tbe next day—only one night out—making close Reception Room, Lunch Counter, Cigars. connection with evening trnins from Arrive— Unfurnished Cottages to rent. Ashland... .12:55 a. m. and 12:35 P- m Chicago for all points east; also connect Swimming Rink Opens about May kt. Sacramento 5:10 p. m. and 5:00 a. m ing at Omaha with morning trains for San Fran... 7;45 p. m. and 8:45 a. m Minneapolis and St. Paul. Weekly excursions in Personally Con Ogden...... 4:55 a. m. and 7:00 a. m ducted Tourist Sleeping Care via tbe Denver.... 9:30 a. m. and 9:15 P- m Great Scenic Line; from Pacific Coast Kansas Cy 7:25 a. m. and 7:25 a. ni points to Chicago without change. Chicago.... 7:42 a. no. and 8 30 P- m Ask your Ticket Agent to make your ticket read via the -THE- L’s Angeles 2:00 p. m. and 8:05 a. m Great Rock Island Route El Paso.... 6:00 p. m. and 6:00 p- ■ Ft. Worth. 6:30 a, m. and 6:30 a. m Write for particulars Cty Mexico 11:30 a. m. and 11:30 a. m A. E. C ooper , Gen. Ag’t., Houston ... 7 ;00 a. m. and 7:00 a. m 250 Alder St., Portland, Ore, N'wOrleans 6:30 u. ai . and 6:30 P- m Washington 6:42 a m. and 6:42 a. m New York..12:10 p. m. and 12:10 P- in Go East Over DEN VER & RIO GRANDE Railroad SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD -VIA— Salt Lake City and Denver. visit Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. The most interesting and enjovable trip on this continent is over this Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and KI popular railroad. Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Choice of two routes through the Rocky I<ouis, New Orleans, Washington. Mountains and four routes east of Denver and Pueblo. Stop overs allowed at Salt Lake City or Connecting at San Francisco with several anywhere between Ogden sheamship lines for and Denyer. HONOLULU, THROUGH CAR 8ERVICE. JAPAN, CHINA, MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. PH1LLIPINES, CENTRAL and Perfect Dining Car Service. SOOTH AMERICA MEALS A LA CARTE. Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets See Agent at Ashland station, or via the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, dress Scenic Line of the World. Descriptive matter mailed upon applica C. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A., tion. Portland, Oie E. B. DUFFY, R.C. NICHOL, Traveling Agent, General Agent, 124 Third St., Portland, Or. T'ne Portraits of our Presidents Kodol With Biographical Sketches ---- BY---- General Charles H. Grosvenor DR. JORDAN'S great MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 10dl 11REET ST., All FBUCISCO, C1L The Largest Anatomical Museum in the World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease positively cared by the oldest Specialist on tbe Coast. Est. 36 years. OR. JORDAN—DISEASES OF ME» SYPHILIS thoroughly eradicated from system without the use of Stere-wry. Traktei fitted by an Expert. R »41- eal cure for Rupture. A quick and radical cure for Pile«« PlMiare and Fistulan, by Dr. Jordan's special pain less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per sonally or by letter. A Potitive Cure in every case undertaken. Write for Book. PHI1.ONOPH Yf ef MARRIAGE. M a I LAD FREIi. (A valuable book for mexL ) Call or write DR. JORDAN & CO., 1051 Market St. S. F. 60 YEAR8’ EXPERIENCE n MM wB M J J X L J 1 ■ k ■ / A ■ ■ j . ■ 1 TRADE MARKS D esigns * "v” C opyrights A c . Anyone sending a «ketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa tnTention is probably patentable. Communioa. lions strictly oonfldentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & to. recetvs special notice, without charge, tn tbe Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lanrast cir culation of any scientiflc journal. Terms. S3 « year: four months, SL Bold by al) newsdealers. Member of Congress for nearly 20 years. ONTAINS tweniy-fonr large Photo gravure Etchings from the paintings indorsed by tbe families and near relatives of tbe Presidents. Printed on heavy plate paper, embossed. A very large book; title page designed by Tiffany. Biographical sketches printed in large, open type in two colors. The greatest work of the 20th Cent ury. So beautiful that when President McKinlev saw it he subscribed immedi ately. One agent selling GOO copies in small territory io Pennsylvania. A million cop Quieklr Mcarvd. OUR FEE DUE WHIM PATXKT les will be sold quick. Fortunes will be OST AIMED. Send model, sketch or phots with dMeription for free report M to p*te»tebibty. M-PAfiT. made this Inangnral vear. High class man HAND BOOK PBXX Coataiu reforenoee end t»U or woman ot good social standing can make Information. WRITE POX COPT OF OUR fiPBOXAL a little fortune in this territory. Territory OFFER. Itiethe met liberal propoeitton orer mndo by a petent attorney, and EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD is going rapidly Presses running day and »ran IT before applying for patent. Addnw: night to fill orders. Wanted —State Manager to look after correspondence and agents. Address today ’ ~ PATENT LAWYER«, THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, unnuaug., WASHINGTON. D. C. Corcoraa JUaUdiDKi ~ Washington, D, C. Dyspepsia Cure C Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives i nstant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. D e W itt 4 Co., Chicago Tbe Si. boule co&ULaaBM UmeathB Mc. McÄAlM BtfUbi PATENTS H.B.WILLSONÄCO.