E. A. 8HERWIN A LOCAL SCORCHER. A. McCALLEN J. K. VAN SANT DEATH OF W. A. MANN COLESTI N. TO STRIKE TO-NIGHT. J. S. D. Herndon, nernuuii, rare. w. Harg- narg- . Mrs. M. W. CASHIER PRESIDENT VICE-PRKSIDENT Southern Oregon In a Week of Warm ( Causes Investigation to be Instituted After Another interruption the Big dine and a number of children visit«! Friday. j Prill Will Drop Again. . here 1 Weather—Sunday Reached the Top aa to the Treatment Rendered The operations at the Southern Oregon . Mesdames Dunn, Russell, Gillette, I Notch In SO Years History. by Dr. Shearer. Oil Company’s derrick were again inter­ Hill, Van Sant Rice snd Caldwell were A week of warm summer weather rupted the past week by the unexpected ' up ’ from Ashland for several days. culminated Sunday in the government Strangulated Hernia was the Malady striking of a quicksand formation. This i H. Boivin, the Ashland plumber, came thermometer registered 105 which is the required another reaming out of work I up with his wife and little girl Friday, ASHLAND, OREGON. That T ook Him Off. i highest ever reached in Ashland, but the placing of new casing the latter to remain several weeks to The death of Wm. A. Mann which done ' which and not quite break the record having is about completed today and the fl General Banking Business transacted does reached that point once in August, 1895. took place at Central Point on Tuesdav drill will begin dropping again tonight escape the warm weather. The next highest record is 104. Last lias created considerable talk, and will and no further interruptions are expect­ Mrs. J. R. Casev, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. DIRECTORS: Sunday was an unusual day in t hat- there quite likely lead to Dr. J. E. Shearer of 1 ed, as the next change of formation will 3jg, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Everton, was little breeze and for once the night Medford being arraigned in the Septem­ be clay in which rapid work is expected. isses Louisa Whitney, Lena Casey and F M. DRAKE, C. H. VAUPEL, was so warm that many people could ber term of circuit court on a charge of Carrie Washbum were here over Sun­ The Bakersfield crew say the early E. A. SHERWIN, J. K. VAN SANT, not sleep, an extraordinary occurrence manslaughter if current reports are meeting of the quicksand formation is a day. They took a side excursion to that Medford Mail.] I Mr. Darnell's Experience with Dr this climat?. Thunder showers near anyway reliable. famous old land mark, Pilot Rock. JOHN S. SHOOK, A. McCALLEN, J. A. GROSS. in Mann is well known in this county, very favorable indication. by turned the weather cooler and on Married people sustaining the mono- Darrin. Mrs. K. K. Kubli and Misses Josie gamk relations, make a great mistake in Tuesday night and Wednesday a half having been foreman of a number of Garrick & Griggaby Attached. Orth and Josie Donegan were here from To the Editor. —For two yean prior to large farms in the past several years. allowing themselves to sleep together. inch rain fell. Carrick & Griggsby, hardware mer­ Jacksonville the first of the week. going under Dr. Darrn’e electrical and He was aged 52 years and two days, and This practice in a measure, leads to un- 1 At Medford the thermometer was re- leaves a wife. chants of Klamath Falls, are in financial Dr. J. W. Robinson and Rev. S. ,H. congeniality. From five to eight hours medical treatment I was afflicted with ¥arted at 111 and at Gold Hill at 113. The particulars as near as we can learn trouble. The Thompson Diggs Co. of Jones arrived Tuesday. Mrs. R. and bodily contact every 24 with one person heart trouble, sour stomach, dyspepsia, • hese are not official themometers. them are about as follows: Mann was Sacramento have attached their store and daughter are expected up this week. net only causes an equilization of those bloating and pains. Dr. Darrin has cured me. Refer anyone to me at] my Jacksonville experienced the hottest in charge of a scraper gang at work on stock of goods for <2000. Frank Bybee came up from Jackson­ magnetic elements which, when diverse home in Medford, or by letter to post- weather in its history Sunday. Peter the Medford-Fish lake water ditch en­ I in quantity and quality, produce physi-. Wm. Powell, the veteran depot ven­ ville Tuesday to visit friends. Britt has kept the weather record for terprise near Lake creek, about 20 miles cal attraction and passional love, but it I office box 226. I most earnestly com­ der, lias installed a fine new cider mill physician. that town for 30 years and finds that from Central Point. As the crew were Misses Iva Purdin, Virgie Woodford promotes permanent uncongeniality by | mend Dr. Darrin as a skillful J. K. D arnell . Sunday’s record of 106 was one degree starting for their work from the noon­ at an expense of <700. This is by far the and Edith Cranfill came up from Med­ making tbe married pair grow alike phy­ cider mill brought into this country hotter than anything yet recorded. day meal at their tent, Tom Andrus in­ best Friday for a two weeks stay. Mrs. sically. The interchange of individual More Curea by Dr. Darrin. and Mr. Powell is prepared to take care ford vited Mann to ride one of his horses, H. C. TELFORD, PROPRIETOR. E. Brown and Mis&Mav Phipps arrived electricities and the absorption of each The warm spell at Klamath Falls was of those desiring moistened refresh ­ Chief of Police Brisbo’e wife, of the Mann did for a considerable dis­ Tuesday to cliaperone them. other’s exhalations lead to temperamen­ Indian reservation, followed by a rain Tuesday evening and which ments in a dry town. At the well-known Mineral Springs in Siskiyou Mountains. Pendleton, Or., al- tance when he dismounted and soon tal inadaption, and to this cause may . on Wednesday it poured down very hard thereafter became very sick at the stoin- Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bliton and Mr. and ! most total blindness ; cured. Chris Bred- This week about finishes up the ship ­ doubtless be ascribed one of the chiefI : Camping Prlvillges For Rent. (g Geo. Merriman were over Sunday nearly all day. ’s eon, Pendleton, Or., eye trouble I acli, believing himself ill with cramp ment of Hale’s peaches of which there ! Mrs. reasons why a husband and wife mani­ ing for years; restored. R. M. Patton’s At Yreka the thermometer reached 1021 C0ji and never ne*ver suspicioning sus] Board and Lodging at reasonable rates. P. O- address, .{] ” ’C) , and the real was a full crop. They sold at 40 and 45 visitors. fest such a tendency to grow alike after I J. E. Peterson joined his wife for a many years of companionship. There is daughter, discharging ears; cured two on Sunday and was followed by COLESTIN, OREGON. . a thun­ | cause of his illness. Dr. Hinkle and cents per box on board cars in Ashland. ago. der shower. TIL __ 1' the _ ’ hottest ' day ’ . | Mpg. Mann were sent for from Central The Early Crawford’s will begin coming ; long stay. This was nothing that will so derange the nervous years L. M. Commons, Russell street, in the year at that place. Point. Dr. Hinkle treated him for bil­ in next week. The blackberry crop sold L Mrs. P. W. dwell and two daughters system of a person who is eliminative in iousness but the remedy soon demon­ ■ for 60 cents per crate right through the came up from Central Point Wednesday nervous force. The world is overrun Albina, Or., sciatic rheumatism and July, 1901, Weather Summary. I lumbago; cured. strated that it was strangulated hernia. season. with afflicted people from the effects of for a stay. B. F. Pope, Houlton, Or., diabetes Following is a summary of weather ob­ Dr. Hinkle tried to get the intestines nervous exhaustion and physical decay. N. B. S. Coleman of Dixon, Cal., has servations at Ashland during month of back into place but was unsuccessful. J. R Williams, a teacher in the Port­ To such Dr. Darrin invites them to try and catarrh of the bladder, restored. July, reported by F. H, Carter, local ob­ Dr. J. E. Shearer of Medford was sum­ purchased the stock of the Ashland Mer- land ] business college, was here Wednes­ bis electrical treatment, so successfully | W. H. Bettis, agent Mutual Life In­ server for the Oregon State Weather Service: moned and sometime during Augjst 2d cantile Company and E. E. Phipps has ( day arranging for the arrival of his par­ applied to thousands of our citizens who , surance Company, 338tark street,Port- g arrived on the scene and without tne purchased tne stock of A. B. Miller in ( ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Williams of have languished in tbe throes of disease I I land, deafness; cured. K , Thomas Madison, Farmington, Or., Ö Point. help of any other physician applied ^an the same company. These with A. H. Central and now enjoy the blessings of health scrofulous 82 0 Brown, the original organizer, now form swelling under the ear, Caus­ anaesthetic and made an incision and at ­ •=B s and happiness. Mrs. A. E Voorhees and infant ar ­ ® r* Bl the company and make a very strong ing total deafness ; cured. •o o? ?*O tempted to get the bowel back-into place. rived from Grants Piss Monday and the Electricity is a force resulting from the A. E. Miller, photographer,227 Knott D About six o’clock in the evening Mann team of reliable rustlers. B head of the house arrived Wednesday. vibrations of ether waves. Owing to I street, Albina, Or., stricture many years, was started to his home in Central Point Dr. R. P. Kendall, wife and daughter 73 1...... the fact that life force is also vibratory in a wagon, arriving about four o’clock Miss Abbie Kendall, arrived Tuesday Miss Kate Emery and Geo. T. Watson 1 ether, the effect of electricity on the hu­ so life was despaired of; cured. 63 2 .... I Hundreds of other cures might be men- in the morning of the 3d. He continued from San Jose and are visiting the did the springs Sunday and Monday. 67 3...... man body is very pronounced. If, from II tioned were it not from the fact that 83 4.. .. very ill and kept on vomiting, nothing Poley’s. Miss Kendall has graduated any cause, the vibratory rate of the ether­ many dislike to see their names in print. T. J. Reed is here from Gold Hill. 92 5 .... remaining on his stomach. Dr. Shearer from the San Jose conservatory of music ’Phone No., 96. ical life waves in the human body is Patients desiring to see Dr. Darrin 4th Street, near Depot. 93 6 ...... visited him several times after he was and the family will again take up their A Boys Cornet Band. lowered, vitality is weakened and sick­ should not delay. 86 7.. .. brought home to Central Point, his last residence in Medford. 80 8___ Prof. 8wideneky is willing to teach the ness is the result. An application of I visit being Sunday night, holding out the 79 9.. . G. W. Dodge and Mrs. Applegate ar­ boye of Ashland from about 10 years old electricity by a skillful physician who Dr. Darrin’s Place of Business. hope of a change for the better and early 84 10___ rived here from Ashland Inday. The and upward how to play band music and understands the laws governing its action recovery. 82 11 ... Dr. Darrin, at Hotel Nash, Medford, the most powerful healing force that 77 On the morning of the 5th the family latter left next day for Willow Ranch to organize them into a band. All those is 12.. .. gives free examination to all, and when can be applied. It raises the vibratory where she has property and Mr. Dodge Special attention to Commercial men. Rates reasonable 80 feeling an interest in the subject should 13.. .. sent for Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford and rate to its normal condition and health is necessary gives medicines in connection 83 14.. .. Dr. G. B. Cole of Central Point, who returned to Ashland Sunday. It will be call on him for particulars. with electricity. The poor treated free remembered that Mr. Dodge married 85 15.. .. The enterprise should be encouraged. restored. pronounced him beyoud hopes of recov­ Miss Lula Applegate formerly of this from 10 to 11 daily, except medicines. 80 16.. .. Unseen forces are more powerful than Constant work and instruction amoung ery when they arrived. After life had Those willing to pay, 10 to 5; evenings, 86 17.. .. passed away they opened the incision place, and their home is in Ashland.— the younger generation will always keep seen ones. Electricity performs cures 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 8 p m. 84 18.. .. Lakeview Examiner. up tbe supply for band material in the silently but surely. To this many thous­ and found tliat the intestine had not 85 19.. .. Deafness, catarrh, eye, nose and throat, ands that have been cured can testify I heart, 90 been put back into its proper place. 20 ... Six Sisters of the Holy Names, who town. liver, stomach, lung troubles, er­ Many who know nothing of it oppose it ; 89 21.. .. District Attorney A. E. Reames was will comprise the faculty of St. Mary’s rors of youth, blood taints, gleet, impot- 90 but truth always meet6 with fierce oppo ­ 22.... THE TROUBLE IN CHINA. informed of the state of affairs and or- Academy. Jacksonville, duringthe coining varicocele, hydrocele, tumors and 90 22.... sition,which in tbe end only hastens the ency, dered the holding of a post mortem ex­ year, arrived in Jacksonville Saturday. stricture a specialty. Surgical opera­ ç4.... . 87 Russia is displaying renewed aotivity victory. We do not profess to under­ tions performed when necessary. All amination which was conducted by Dr. They were Sisters Guardian Angel, (the 87 23.. .. stand this unseen power, but joyfully Pickel, coroner of Jackson county, on new superior) Mary Pulcheria, Inez of in Manchuria and is strengthening her male and female and private dis­ 87 26.. .. accept tbe great boon of health, feeling chronic Tuesday, the physicians taking part be­ Jesus, Mary Seraphia, Rose of Lima, grip on Newchwang. 86 27.. . eases treated at half bis former prices, that Dr. Darrin is ahead of the age, and ing Dr. Pickel, Dr. Cole, Dr. E. Kirch- and Mary Henry. 99 28.. .. A dispatch from Peking dated Ang. 4 is ‘showing to the world this new method for home treatment,or in that proportion 93 29.. .. gessner of Medford and Dr. J. S. Parson time, as the case may require. No Mrs. Geo. E. Nichols left for San Fran ­ says that American and European resi­ of cure. As an example, we append i of 51 M 30.. . of Ashland. Their testimony was taken cases published except by permission of ----- : ASHLAND, OREGON. :---- cisco Tuesday to study the styles and 65 85 31.. .. Mrs. Dewey ’ s card : dents assert that the demeanor of the down by a stenographer. I)r. Shearer the patient. All business relations with a stock of milliuery for the Twen­ Peking populace is constantly becoming The Carr Fences, was not present at the examinaiion. It order To the Public: I was a patient under Dr. Darrin strictly confidential. Let­ tieth Century store. Her sister, Miss ’ is reported that the tendency of the tes- more unfriendly, and that as the allied Dr. Darrin’s cure eight years ago, and ters of inquiry answered. Circulars and TRONG ACADEMIC COURSE. Professional training of the highest excel­ Portland Telegram, August 7.J timonv of the physicians was to the ef- Ella Johnson, a Corvallis miliner, was troops depart the Chinese resume their wish to relate my experience, that others queetion blanks eent free. Patients un­ on the same train and on the same lence. First-class Training Department. Well equipped laboratories. De­ Advice which have reached United fect that the surgical work of Dr Shearer mission. old habits of jostling and cursing for­ may benefit by it. For many long years able to see Dr. Darrin during the week mand for trained teachers far exceeds the supply. Graduates easily secure States Dist. Attorney John Hall from was poorly done and they also ent- I have been afflicted with diseases pecul­ can do so on Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 8 John P. Jones, traveling passenger eigners in the streets good positions. Soutbern Oregon indicate that the Jesse lc*ze bim for not calling in some other iar to my eex, accompanied with pain Ip. m. Tlie doctor will remain until Governor Yuan of Shantung has agent of the Southern Pacific has been D. Carr Land & Livestock Company's physwian for consultation. in my chest, heart and stomach. I had September let. Seldom more than one Beautiful location and delightful climate. Fall Term begins September 9th. • fences, • not tearing down its as had been i Dr. Shearer is of the Eclectic school making his headquarters in Ashland issued a remarkable proclamation, in­ lost flesh until my weight was 105 pounds. I vieit ie necessary—after that the patient reported. Acting upon this information, and was appointed county physician of the past fortnight giving the excursion­ structing Chinese magistrates not to After a few months electrical and medi I can take home treatment. Patients de- Write for catalogue.’ county by County Judge Dist. Attorney proposes to eend a • Jackson „ . , - Chas. TT ists a glad hand to let them know that allow the missionaries to exercise the cal treatment by Dr. Darrin, I recovered I siring to see the doctor should not de- .......................... He the Lines in Oregon were at tlieir ser­ same influence as heretofore in local my health and gained 40 pounds,and am I lay. He will furnish batteries and elec­ W. M. CLAYTON, President. the United States Marshal to the ranch to £nm at the beginning of his term. term tric belts for any patient requiring them, see that the instructions of the court are ^e®.no,t ^lon? J.° the So^®rn °regOn vice. affairs or in any other than religious now enjoying good health. obeyed. Medical Association, not being en rap- aud will give full directions for their use. E. E. D ewey , Misses Delia and Dollie McNair and matters in the future. The governor A telegram received this morning from port with the organization. 386 Davis Street, Portland. Eyes tested free and glasses fitted. May Tiffany and Fred Parson and J. S. states that he has reoeived many re­ Marshal Shine, of the Northern Cal - „ A large audience was m waiting m the McNair started last evening to ascend ifornia District, states that Jesse D. Baptist church at Central Pomtland after Ashland Butte. They will camp in the ports from Chinese officials that “un­ worthy members of the church were Carr’s motion for an appeal has been the P0^ mortem examination the body- canyon going and coming. CRIMES AND ACCIDENTS. OREGON allowed bv Judge Morrow, of the United ^as taken to the church where Rev. J. practicing their religion simply for the The People's Paper. J. J. Montague, who edits the bright protection it afforded them, and were A. SHERWIN, States Circuit Court for California. p- preg°ry> Pastor of the M. E. church, At Logansport, Ind., John Rush held The telegram from Marshal Shine is ^°,k c,harge °f the funeral services at 4 and tyitty “Note and Comment” and setting aside the law of the land and his 6-year-old boy to the upper window ASHLAND. O b ., Thursday, Aug. 8, 1901 also news, as it was not known that | 0 cl°ck Tuesday afternoon, ,,, “Slings and Arrows” in the,, Oregonian Reliable took today’s stage for Pelican Bay lodge seeking occasions for quarrel, and that of a tiger’s cage in Robinson’s circus the appeal would be taken from that such affairs were daily increasing in that a better view might be obtained Dr. C. R. Ray, tbe Gold Hill mining for an outing with his friend Grant number.” state, although it is perfectly legal. The . ^.. Insurance, Senator W. A. Clark refused to grant appeal before the sideboards were let down. Crary. will be from Judge Bellinger’s man, has gone east, the miners at the United Verde copper OREGON A Canton dispatch of August 1 Bays The boy’s faoe had hardly appeared at ASHLAND, C. B. Heggins and wife returned but unless the Judge makes MrfJ Hattie Moore of Portland is visit mine in Arizona an eight-hour day, and decision, an order preventing the execution of the her f lk j Jacksonville. from Portland today. A passenger had violent antl-foreign placards emanating fne barred window before the angry about 1,500 men struck in consequence. decree, the work of removing the fences I • i- left ar purse containing <100 or more on from the Boxers have been posted in tiger, with a roar, reached up and Clarence Reames is studying law in the the train. It was found by Mr. Heggins the vicinity of Christian chapels. The viciously wiped his paw, with claws pROF. J. B. SWIDENSKY, Woodmen of the World, Pacific juris­ will be carried out. ------------------------ I office of his brother, District Attorney and turned over to the conductor. diction, initiated 1,468 candidates at a placards protest against the paying of protruding, over the lad’s head and Reames. IN THE PHILIPPINES. Instructor in Violin. meeting held at Mount Tabor, Oregon. Mr«. A. J. Hubsch of Dunsmuir, is the indemnity by means of the house face, leaving the flesh mangled and towns of Calapan, Nujan and I. The ntt,e s.°“of ,G®r.d,on F”.zelle was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Beving­ tax, and urges the making of war on torn. The boy may die. E. J. Godfrey and Clark Taber, own­ — The OREGON ASHLAND, , .. . 2 * .1 • , j dangerously ill last Friday with cramps ton. . Great Agricultural the foreigners as the best way of exer­ The Chicago and Baltimore passen­ ers of the Red Boy mine, were held up •^ ’ « “ thenortheastcoast of therslM^ Lnd^ ; and wa8 atytended by D,. ----- o----- Albert-Walker, one of ; Bl| ’ s largest and cising the carefully studied military ger train from the east was held up by while on their way from the mine to Mindoro, were occupied by a bat- Wart all that night.-Yreka Journal, Lea ve word at D. B. Grant’s haid- Sumpter, Or., by three masked men, of ranchers will cut about 900 tons of hay arts. “Should the house tax be col­ five masked men about 80 miles from talion of the Thirteenth infantry and _ „ Industrial Fair. scouts after a slight resist- p ?epr®8.®”.tlve A;.^‘ Black, of Myrtle this season, which is 300 tons more than lected,” say the placards, “we will de­ Chicago, and one of the mail cars, ware store. who, it is said, secured about <20,000, Macabebe ml . . a-n Point, filed a petition in bankruptcy in he cut last year. molish the chapels and drive out the which contained no money, was dyna­ ance. The insurgents, numbermg 2o0, the n’nited court in Porth£drre. part of the month’s clean-up. Misses Bathurst, Stevens and Baker, Christians. If the emperor is unable to mited and wrecked. The failure of the fled into the intenor. Their com- cent i y . H ie liabilities amount to $19.- A Spokane dispatch says that Joseph L. M c W illiams ,* who have been visiting Ashland friends, pay, we Boxers have an excellent plan robbers to make a rich haul was due to H. Boyd, a stockholder in jhe Kettle mander, Howard, who is a deserter, is 443.31, and his assets are <27,795.50. returned to Etna, Cal., today. to gain a victory over the foreigners. the fact that the express car, which con­ in the mountains, and the Ameri- _ . „ „ . „ Falls Land and Improvement company, hiding ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, cans are in nnrsnit C°Urt Hall> frOm Gold H111> Bpent 8 Unless this policy is adopted a great re­ tained the train’s treasure, was in an Mrs J. F. Thompson of Eureka, Cal., cans a e pn t. f ew d& y 8 p arenta) and jn r8 has brought suit to have a receiver is visiting Mrs. D. R. Mills. unusual place, being the third car in Good - Racing - in - the bellion is certain.” named for the company and the incor ­ Captain Stafford, at Santa Cruz, in I Jno. Hall, last week. He was accompa Oregon. Ashland, the train. The men escaped in the ... Afternoons ... Walter Drennan, who was so badly poration dissolved, charging many ir­ Laguna province, reports the reoovery nied by his Bon.—Myrtle Creek Cor- It was announced in the British torn up in a wreck near Roseburg several house of commons that the official date darkness, their only booty being the regularities in the management. Some of the stolen pay chest, with the con- | respondent, ago, arrived today to visit old fixed for the evacuation of Peking by gold watch of the engineer. Will practice in State and Federal courts importance is added to the suit by the tents apparently untouched. Thirty- Wm. H. Flanagan, of Grante Pass, months Latest Attractions in New Auditorium friends. prominence of the three trustees, who the British troops is August 15 th, sub­ A dispatch faom Manti, Utah, says four insurgents, a majority of them I has eecured a patent on a typewriting fy Office, Reeser bl’k, over Western Bnilding Every Evening, With shot that Rasmus Anderson, aged 27, T. B. Walker has now on record about ject to a few days’ extension, if neces­ Union telegraph office. are made defendants—Senator George armed with rifles, were captured by the machine, and Edward E. Redfield, also Good Music. Grants Paes, has patented an engine. 300,000 acres of fine timber land in Siski* sary. The evacuation of the other plaoea Miss Emily Campbell, aged about 22, Turner, Colonel W. D. Turner and First cavalry in Batangas province. you, Modoc, Sha6ta and Lassen counties, Colonel I. N. Peyton. HINMAN, D. D. S, Adjutant-General Corbin and his Rev. Robt. McLean who has been Cal., and Klamath county, Or., all pur­ in China will depend upon circum­ and P. O. Christensen, and then com­ Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special mitted suicide. Miss Campbell was Ont in the Straits of San Juan de party arrived at Jolo, and spent the day spending a week in the Bogue Biver chased from settlers and the railroad stances. Rates on Campers’ Tickets. Come in the stage toward her home at there. The sultan and his court re- i / , ® nds ^ d / 8 ^ g ’ i, 3 ? Fuca, after having clung to an upturned A dispatoh reeeived at Berlin from driving company. The principal portion of the and Bring your Families. Dentist. Mayfield, and was met by Anderson, a sailboat for 13 hours, John E. Lee, a ceived the visitors with a guard of honor L^an informK8 our reporter that Mre. land is in Siskiyou county, around tbe Peking says the foreign ministers have traveling salesman and a resident of of 100 men, armed with Manser nfles. Mc£ean is at present vieiting relatives Mount SbaBta section and McCloud sanctioned the marching in of a divi­ discarded sweetheart, who immediately began shooting. He fired four shots, Reduced Rates on All Railroads river. Tbe railroad is expected to be Victoria, was rescued by the crew of In ths Pioneer Block, up stairs, near the Seattle steamer Rosalie. A com­ The latter remained outside the walled ¡n Illinois being called there by the sick- extended shortly from McCloud into sion of 8,000 Chinese regular troops to two of which entered the young wom­ city. The sultan, who is fighting the ness of her mother. Western Modoc, by which lumber can be a place situated a few li from Peking an’s body and one penetrated her arm, For Further Particulars Address City Hall. panion was probably drowned. rebellious Dates, reports that he expects Dr Q R Ray of Qold Hm and hig hauled to the main line of the S. P. Co. about August 8, preparatory to the the fourth shattering the arm of Chris­ Constable Nevins of Weiser, Ida., their early subjugation. This will close as90Ciates, who are talking of building at Upton this county. Walker expects evacuation of the Chinese capital by the tensen, the stage driver. Anderson M. D. WISDOM, Seo., - Portland J)R. S. T. SONGER went to a ranch six miles from town to the war in which only 40 men have a ditch of good-sized proportions between to buy 10,000 more acres of the White allied troops on August 13. then turned the rifle on himself and arrest W. T. Green. As soon as the been killed during two months’ "fight- Rogue river falls and Gold Hill, via Horse Co. in Modoc. There are several blew out his brains. Physician and Surgeon other large owners of timber land in Sis ­ constable put in an appearance Green ing.” The trouble doesnot concern the Eagle Point and Tolo, have a surveying SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. Three negroes—Betsy McCray, with opened fire, but missed. Nevins then Americans at all, being entirely con- party, headed by J. S. Howard, in the kiyou, to make an extensive freighting her son, Belfield McCray, and daughter, business for tbe lailroad company. — Commandant Haermanus Steyn, shot Green in the head and killed him. fined to the Moros, over whom the sul- field. .. cousin of President Steyn, was killed Ida McCray—implicated in the murders Novelty Blocs, Opp. Hotel Oregon tan will soon regain control. Adjutant- Sheriff Orme returned last week from Yreka Journal. Karl Kruger of 979 Winneinac av­ on August 1st while fighting at Ficks- of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Taliaferro, were Corbin presented a handsome Arizona where he had gone with tbe To Flay Grants Pass. ASHLAND — — — OREGON enue, Chicago, whose stomach was re­ General pair of binoculars to the sultan, who necessary requisition papers for the re- JACKSONVILLE, Ashland will play baeeball with Grants burg. Boers and rebels are re-entering taken from the jail by a mob at Carroll­ moved several mouths ago by surgeons, immnrtiataly rAt.nrnto his camp. The turn of Francis Fitch, an attorney for- Pass next Sunday afternoon in that the Barkly West district of Oape Col­ ton, Miss., and hanged. Another negro, named Will Price, who worked for OREGON. is now able to eat three good meals a adjutant-general left Manila for Shang- merly of Medford. Fitch had been town. 0. E. Ellis will be in the box ony. M. BROWER, M. D. Taliaferro, was, a few days later, found located at Tucson, but escaped tbe of- for the Ashland nine and the Igerna day and is gaining steadily in weight. hal Anffnst 4 Natives who are outside of the gar­ 1 ‘ ficial proceedings by disappearing from catcher will take the absent Jacobs’ on the road with a rope round his neck Boarding School for Girls. At the time of the operation he weighed ““ risoned towns will be concentrated into Courts martial are to be held in Manila view. He is charged with larceny by Physician and Surgeon, place. Otherwise the line up will be FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS 96 pounds; the other day he tipped tbe camps, and their kraals and mealies will and riddled with bullets. A8HLAND — — — OREGON scale at 160, aud is still putting on flesh. on Lieutenant Preston Brown and Cap- embezzlement of <160 from Mrs. Bessie about as heretofore. A boy named Lemoyne Jayne, of SISTERS OP THE HOLY NAMES Francis P. Freemont, Sesond in- Plymale now of Ashland. Last Sunday- Jacksonville was de­ be destroyed, so aa to shut off from the Little Rock, Ark., after being present Kruger’s stomach was taken out on tain Boers this source of food. fantry. The lieutenant is accused of I E xperience is T he B est T eacher . Use Jacksonville, Oregon. feated 17 to 1 by the Grants Pass nine OFFICE : April 20th last. Previous to that he At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, was starving to death as a result of can­ killing a native who refused to reoover I Acker’s English Remedy in any case of in the latter place. A dispatch from Durban (Natal) sayk at the hanging of a negro named Jim the body of a soldier from the river. colds or croup. Should it fail to Laurel and Main Streets. after an all-day fight near Nquita, July Anderson, constructed a miniature uwy v ” *“ ’ g1Te immediate relief money refunded cer of the stomach. Within three Slope the Cough Ashland & Klamath Falls The charges against Captain Freemont 25cts. and 50cts. E ugene a . S herwin . 28, between the Boers and a British scaffold and invited one of his play­ months after the operation he was able mates to take the place of the con­ and works off the Cold. are not yet known. | p ort Orfo rd Tribune: Mr. Hnnt column, the British narrowly escaped to go to work, aud he now thinks noth ­ of A. McCALL Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a the loss of a gun of the Sixty-seventh demned man. Failing in this, he ad­ ing of taking a two or three mile walk. Ashland, Or., has been purchasing mut- cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. WASHINGTON NOTES- ton eheeJ, alo’Dg the coaSt, and hai . se- Price 25 cents. field battery. Four hundred Boers re­ justed the noose round his own neck, It is asserted that in all medical history peatedly rushed the British position, stepped on the trap and the drop fell. a oa cured about 2,000, which he expects to Civil Engineer and it is the only case of its kind that has A Washington disnatch of July » ship to the dty from Port Orford, per Captain R. S. Offley of the Seventh killing Major Edwards and Gunner His neck was not broken, but the doc­ Mineral Surveyor. succeeded. says: The stock of gold in the treasury 8;eamer Arcata. He arrived yeeterdav infantry, who was reported lost in an Carpenter. The gun was limbered up tors give no hope of his recovery. Thoroughly Restocked and The British torpedo-boat destroyer is the largest in the history of the gov- with 300 head for shipment, but as Har- arctic' blizzard last winter while in and taken at a gallop for three miles Gee Chung, a young Chinese’ em­ NOTARY PUBLIC. Entirely New Management. Viper, first of the class to be fitted with ernmeut and is accumulating at the vey Smith bad already contracted to charge of a party building the govern­ under a heavy fire. Five British werf ployed in a restaurant at 644 Com­ Survey« for Patents and Mining Loca­ Parsons’ turbine engines, has been rate of <4,500,000 to <5,000,000 a month, ehip sheep by this week’s steamer, Mr. ment telegraph line, arrived at Seattle. killed. tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. mercial street, San Francisco, was shot ROBERT M. GARRETT totally wrecked on the rocks off Alder­ Today’s figures are <504,354,297, of Hunt will be compelled to hold his He says that 185 miles of line have been and instantly killed while entering a General Kitchener, after a long chase which <248,658,698 is free gold, but in- eheep over for one trip. Mr. Smith will Superintendent ney island, in the English chanueL No completed from St. Michael up the Office at residence. South Main Strçe gambling house in Chinatown. A lives were lost. The Viper s.ruck Re- eluding <150,000,000 gold reserve. Since ship 1,500 mutton sheep, and perhaps Yukon river. The work was prose­ of Viljoen’s commando, caught up with crowd of unknown Chinese opened fire Best and it and a sharp fight ensued. A pom­ nonquet rock during a fog which set in July 1, 1900, the stock of gold on hand more’ dunn8 th® reason. cuted during the winter when the tem­ pom, 22 wagons and 23 prisoners were upon him from across the street, nine Quickest Route to while she was chasing the destroyers of has increased about <81,000,000. Don’t be satisfied with temporary re- perature ranged between 50 and 60 de­ 8OCIETY DIRECTORIES. captured. The British had five wounded. shots being fired in all, seven of thorn the opposing maneuver fleet. The Viper grees below zero. He says also that taking effect. No clew has been ob­ Tb.wisultOTU.part»lent^i.„. I W. II. c. was the only vessel in the British navy Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch dated tained as to the murderers. an exhaustive report on truck farming move8 thig complaint. It relieves per- the work cannot be successfully prose­ fitted with turbine engines. During her and • • ■UBN8IDB IU1W CORPS KO. 24 the transportation of fruits and | manently because it allows tbe tired cuted during the summer owing to the Pretoria August 1, says: “French re­ ports that he has received a letter from Meets in Odd Fellow« hall at 2 o’clock p speed trials in May and June she at­ vegetables in the United States. The 1 stomach perfect rest. Dieting won’t rest water-soaked condition of the tundra. Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., Goes by Barron, Shake, m on the second and fourth Saturdays of tained 30 knots and was pronounced report covers the following points: the stomach. Nature receives supplies Kritzinger, a Boer commander, an­ says: “Our little girl almost strangled to Soda Springs, Parkers and The navy department has signed a each month. capable of doing 31 knots. At that time First, a description of the .transporta- from the food we eat. The sensible way Keno;also best connections M bs . J. D. C rock kb . Pres. contract with the Atlantic, Pacific & nouncing his idtention to shoot all death with croup. The doctors said she she was handled by on inexperienced tion of fruitsand vegetables from eouth- 11° help^the stomach^is to use^Kodol Dye Gulf company which provides for the natives in British employ, whether couldn’t live but she was instantly re­ with stage lines from Klam­ M aa. M J. Spencer. Sec ■ v. crew and her builders believed she ern truck farms to northern markets; P«Paia Cure which diK58t8 what you eat armed or unarmed. Many cases of cold­ lieved by One Minute Cough Cure.”—M c ­ ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly erection of a mammoth stone dry dock wouuld yet attain 34 knots. and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath blooded murder of natives in Cape N air B ros . second, a description of the California and can’t help but do you good.—Me at Mare Island, Cal. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. and Indian Agency. Warren Lewis, the well-known sport­ fruit industry and the movement of N air B ros . Colony have recently occurred. The The jury returned a verdict of murder GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of Benjamin L. McKinley of San Fran­ British government has telegraphed in the first degree, with the death pen­ Passengers, Baggage, Express 4 Freight _______________ The following is the complete list of fruits to interior points aud Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every ing man, jumped from the steamer California Must be Way billed. Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good Rhode Island on her trip from New York Atlantic seabord cities; third, freight | excursionists who went to Portland on cisco, cousin of President McKinley, has Lord Kitchener to inform the Boer alty, against Juan Gonzales and Joaa been appointed third assistant United leaders that such acts are contrary to Cota, charged with ’the murder of An­ standing arecordiallyinvited to attend, to Providence and was drowned. A boat rates aud refrigerator charges on perish- | L, E, BENDER. Chancellor Com. tickets was send out, but after half an hour It able products in all important sections World festivities. Their -- *. *- are States attorney for the northern district civilized usage, and that guilty persons tonio Ruiz April 24, near Hollister, Cal. T. H. 8 imkok .K. R. 8. good until Friday: of California, at a salary of <2,000 per of this class, if captured, will be tried returned from a fruitless search. of the country. The report says: "Such The case lasted two weeks and was bit­ annum. The appointee is the son of by court martial and sentenced to death. terly contested. This is the first death Mr and Mrs Luke McGinnis, W F a thing as a particular season for any Wooden, Viola Wooden, Mre O Ganiard, Assistant Postmaster Benjamin McKin­ kind of vegetable in our principal mar­ Mrs In the house of commons, Lord Stan­ sentence since the county was formed. Lottie Pelton, Mabel Pelton, Mre G kets is at this time practically unknown, H Palethorpe, Mrs H C Stock, Edna ley of San Francisco, uncle of the presi­ ley, financial secretary of the war office, As a result of the water-front strike 253 BROADWAY NEW YOfik and it is now possible to draw upon the and Lola Bryant, Bessie Stanley, Mary dent. said the cost of the war in South Africa in San Francisco the two railroad com­ FOR Located on Rogue river, suitable Weekly E-dition. different sections of the oountry and Rogers, Cora McCully, Mre M L Stanley, Wireless telegraphic communication from April 1st to July 31st was £35,750, panies at Fresno refused transportition SALE for grain and fruit culture or stock $5-00 per Annum. receive at any season of the year nearly Mre E A Hildreth, jr, Mrs E A Lees ton between Chicago and Milwaukee is 000, partly chargeable against the deficit for 20 carloads of melons, and the fruit raising; has ample buildings and fencing. Monthly Edition, all the standard varieties of vegetables." Smith, Mannie Smith. Mr and Mrs JB promised in the near future. The of last year. The actual cost in July was selling at 60 cents a wagonload, or In summer can be prevented ae SI.50 per Annum Gaulette, Mr and Mrs C B Heggins, Mrs Chicago-Milwaukee line, when estab ­ was £1,250,000 weekly. even given away to clear the cars. The High living, intemperance, exposure by taking M Brower, M Fahenetock and family. lished, will be the first in operation in SPECIMEN COPY and many other things bring on Bright’s D loss will amount to many thousands of with pipe and giant; also some quartz prop- R T Rose, H Brandon, M McGuggen, W Jas. White, Briantsville, Ind., says IREE. disease. Folev’s Kidney Cure will pre­ W Kentnor, J D Prater, S N King, Dr the United States for commercial pur­ dollars. ertiea. DeWitt ’ s Witch Hazel Salve healed run ­ vent Bright’s disease and all other kid­ Herndon. poses. O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I was I ning sores on both legs. He had suffered I will sell for cash or take in part pay­ ney or bladder disorders if taken in troubled with constipation till I bought The battleship Maine, designed to be 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. Get Its as beneficial in summer as time. Be sure to take Foley’s. T. K. ment property in or adjacent to Ashland. If the action of your bowels are not bigger, stronger and faster than her DeWitt’s. Accept no imitations.—Me- DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. 8ince then In winter. If you are weak or B oltox . Terms, one-half down, balance in easy pay­ easy and regular serious complications have been entirely cured of my old com­ run down, it will build you up. The suspension of all timber land en­ must be the final result. DeWitt’s Little namesake that now Ilonin the harbor of N aib B ros . ments at 6 per cent. Call on or address plaint. 1 recommend them,—M c N air Send for free sample. Havana, was successfully launched from Hood River strawberry growers real­ B ros . tries for 1901 bv the general land, office Early Risers will remove the danger. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, H. L. WHITE, 409-415 Pearl Street. New York. means the wholesale swiping of the pub­ Safe, pleasant and effective.—M c N air the Cramps’ yard at Philadelphia in 4he ized- <85,000 for this year’s crop. They VALLEY REC0RD^J«j.$l.75 Read the R scord , 50c. and (1.00; all druggists. •hipped about 50 car loads, LockBox 36, Ashland, Oregon. presence of a large crowd. B ros . lic lands is thoroughly exposed. I jolts Mrs. . SLEEPING APART. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A Great Mistake Made by Mar ried People. g® ... COLESTIN... Hotel and Summer Resort MITCHELL BROS LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. New Barn, « New Rigs, « Fresh Horses. Southern Oregon State Normal School S Professional Cards VALLEY RECORD. -g ¡ STATE FAIR SALEM, September 23-28, 1901 II BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW A ST, MARY’S ACADEMY. p J STAGE <- LINE KLAMATH FALLS A FARM OF 720 ACRES A PLACER MINE WS FLESH f F I 1 y Scott’s Emulsion I T he E'10"J i ES j '’ urnal