•••••••••••••••• American and Danish capitalists pro pose to start a direct steamship line from Christiania and Copenhagen to . Chicago. The Minnesota state pardon board ap proved the parole of Cole and James Younger, who have been in the Still- j water penitentiary for the past 25 years , for complicity in the robbery and mnr- Per at the time of the raid on tlie North field bjnk. -I am indebted io One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health and my life I was treated in va>n by doctors for lune trouble folloainela grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my hea th.” Mr. E H. Wise, Madison, Ga.— M c .N aib B ros . About 50,000 Epworth Leaguers ar- jved in San Francisco, where great preparations for their reception had xien in progress for some time. E. H. Conger, United States minister x> China, left San Francisco Wednes- iay, July 17, on the Nippon Maruon his ivay back to Peking, to resume his dip- Dmatic labors. VALLEY R ECO BP. In tbe Jacksonville Jail. “THE Colouel R. J. Northam has sold his Mesa ranch at Bolsa Chico, Orange county. Cal., consisting of 1,600 acres, the Western Coast Laud kud Water EXCELSIOR BRAND _ The People’s Paper company for a consideration of $100,000. Under the contract a cash payment of ASHLAND. O b ., Thursday. July 25, 1901 A familiar name for the Chicago, $10,000 is required, which has already Milwaukee St. Paul Railway, been made, the balance to be paid $5,000 Oil Consumption and Output. known all over tbe Union as tbe each year, with interest at 4 per cent. for fifty years has been D rops I tbe beet in tbe world. Great Railway running the A statement of the probable consump If Colonel Northam's death should occur Double throughout. For Infants and Children. Warranted waterproof, tion and output of oil for the following at any time prior to the completion of ■oft and smooth. Will not year lise been made. The consumption the payment of $100,000, the sum then crack, peel off or become of cil in California for the following year Kicky. Catalogue free. paid shall be deemed full settlement for Trains every day and night between I. V. BelUag “« Varttag U-, is made a« f.-llows: Southern Pacific 4«u., Haa rraaehea. the ranch, and a clear deed passed ac railroad, . o.S$4,200 barrels; Santa Fe, a. a. fuwTia a boi . St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and cordingly. The property has a beach 1.250,000; Salt Lake, Pacific Coast and Chicago, “Tbe only perfect trains in the Played Out. frontage of three miles, and one of the North Pacific Coast roads 1,260,000 bar world. ” Understand: Connections are Dull Headache. Pains in various p.rts of first steps of the present owners will be rels ; various refineries, 2,000,000 barrels; ÄV’egetable Preparatioufor As made with'AU Transcontinental Lines, factories, pumping plants, street rail the body, Sinking at the pit of thestomach. to lay out a townsite for a pleasure re Loss of appetite. Feverishness, Pimples or similating the Tood and Regula ways in Southern California, 1,000,000 Sores assuring to passengers tbe best service all positive evidences of impure sort on the Smeltzer branch of the ting the Stomachs andBowels of barrels. Three of tbe San Francisco blood. are No known. matter how it becameso.it Southern Pacific. street rail ways, two San Francisco ship must be purified in order to obtain good You can never cure dyspepsia oy dieting yards, one hundred small San Francisco health. Acker’s Blood Elixer has never Luxurious Coaches, Wbat your body needs is plenty of goo . ferryboats, four ocean steamers, fifteen failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poi food properly digested, Then it your stom sons or any other blood diseases, It is Electric Lights, river boats and the oil used at the mines ach will not digest it, Kodal Dyspepsia Promotes Digestion,Cheerful are estimated to get away with 1,270,200 certainly a wonderful remedy, and we sell Cure will. It contains all of the natural Steam Heat, every bottle on a positive guarantee. M c barrels. This makes a total of 12,000,000 N air B ros . digestants hence must digest every class of ness andRest.Contains neither Of a verity equaled by no other line. food and so prepare it that nature can use barrels. The present outlook for next Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. it ii> nourishing tbe body and replacing the See that your ticket reads via “The year is: From the Coalinga district, For Defamation of Character. K ot N arcotic wasted tissues, thus giving life health, 750,000 barrels; from Kern river dis Milwaukee” when going to any point Hillsboro, July 20.—Mrs. Julia God strength ambition, pure blood and good trict, 5,000,000 barrels, and from various in tbe United States or Canada. All healthy appetite. — M c N air B ros . districts enough to make a total of frey, who conducts a lodging-house at ticket agents sell them. Cornelius, a villiage three miles from At the Eastern Wyoming Wool- 10,250,000._______________ here on the line of the Southern Pacific Growers’ association convention, held For rateB, pamphlets or other infci* The Best Liniment for Strains. Railroad, has sued J. W. Corey; a sa at Douglass, Wyo., President Springer motion, address, loon-keeper of that place, for defamation Mr F. H. Welle, the merchant at said that the association would urge the of character, and asks for a verdict of Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y., says: J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, passage of a bill at the next session of are among the best known “I always recommend Chamberlain’s $10,000. The complaint alleges that the congress compelling manufacturers to Geneial Agt., Trav. Pass. Agt., defendant recently made untrue and of the many dangerous Pain Balm as the best liniment for slanderous statements about her and a tag all clothing so as to show the per wild plants and shrubs. P ortland , O r S eattle . W ash . strains. I used it last winter for a sev farmer residing near the town, Con- centage of shoddy material. To touch or handle them ere lameness in tbe side, resulting from Shortest and Quickest Line A perfect Remedy for Constipa quickly produces swelling a strain, and was greatly pleased with gressman Tongue is her attorney. -Those famous little pills. DeWitt’s Little tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea TO and inflammation with in the quick relief and cure it effected.” Early Risers compel vour liver and bowels Worms .Convulsions ,Feveri sh- New Power Enterprise, IT. PAHL, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICA co tense itching and burning For sale by all Druggists. to do their duty, thus' giving you pure, rich p La __ " of the skin. The eruption blood to recuperate your body- Are easy ness and Loss OF SLEEP. AND ALL POINTS EAST. The incorporation of the Klamath Riv soon disappears, the suf A London dispatch says: 'William S. to take Never gripe. — M c N air B ros . er Irrigation and Power Co., mentioned ferer hopes forever; but Facsimile Signature of Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers almost as soon as the little blisters and Wedge, an American, who, with -his elsewhere in this iseue, indicates the The body of Lee Wing, who had 16 bride, an 18-year-old London girl, was cost nearly $100.060 to publish. Nearly 100 construction of the most important en Dining and Buffet Smoking 3hots fired into him by the murderous pustules appeared the poison had reached | spending his honeymoon at Stratford- supero engravings of Christ and His Moth terprise evercontemplated in this coun Library Cars. highbinders in March last, was boiled the blood, and will break out at regular er by the great painters. Child's stories for NEW YORK. on-Avon, went boating on the river. ty. The capital required necessary to in an iron caldron in the Chinese ceme each picture. So beautiful it ¡sells itself. intervals and each time in a more aggra- j Atb months. ol_<l Presses running day and night to fill or vated form. This poison will loiter in the [ Mrs. Wedge stood up to change her commence operations is about $50,000 of tery at San Jose. This process was DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME; SERVICE ders. 12 carloads of paper for last edition. position, when she lost her balance and which $15,000 is already guaranteed and necessary to make possible the oniple- system for years, and every atom of it I AND SCENERA UNEQUALED. Mrs. Waite, in Massachusetts.has sold over must be forced out of the blood before you j fell overboard. Wedge dived repeatedly negotiations pending for »he balance. tiou of the autopsy ordered by the court. $5000 worth of books.—First experience. At the start the company will put in an can expect a perfect, permanent cure. after her, but could not find her. He Mrs. Sackett of New York has sold over Tickets to points East via Portland on power plant below Keno, suffici Fourteen large buckshot and one 44- was found later on the bank prostrated electric $2000 worih of books.—First.fexperience. thsGREAT NORTHERN RY..on sales EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. caliber bullet were found. This latter ent to generate 1500 horee power, which Mr. Holwell took 11 orders first two days. Nsture’s Antidote with'grief and exhaustion. His wife’s will be conveyed by wires on a three line missile is the evidence sought, for the Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or Mrs. Lemwell took 31 orders first week. GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office body was found three hours afterward. system, to all points in this valley, and bullet Lee Look—whose first trial re Christian man or woman can make $1000 in 122 Third Street, this county quick. Territory tangoing rap “I wish to truthfully state to you and the sold for the purpose of being reconverted sulted in a disagreement of the jury— Nature's Poisons, idly. Write quick for terms. readers of these few lines that your Kodol into mechanical power to be used in sent into the prostrate body of Lee W ing, PORTLAND. Wanted.—State Manager to have charge is tlie only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Dyspepsia Cure is without question, tbe pumping water for irrigation or any oth For Rates. Folders, and Full iuivrma- Ivy, and all noxious plants. It is com best as the officers approached, was from a of correspondence and all the agents, and only cure for dyspepsia that I er purpose requiring power. The com tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now have ever come in contact with and I have Address THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO. pany will furnish electric lights any pistol of that caliber. dress C orcoran B uildimg , used many other preparations. John Beam, is the time to get tlie poison out of your where in the valley and heat will be sup A. B. C. DENNISTON, W ashington , D. C. West Middlesex, Pa. No preparation plied for warming houses, for cooking, system, as delay makes your condition City Pass, and Ticket Agt. Portland, Or worse. Don’t experiment longer with I equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure as it contains "The pitcher that goes often to the the natural digestants. It will digest all etc., at, it is claimed, less cost than well is broken at last.” There’s a world salves, washes and soaps—they never cure. all one in each town to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model ARE YOU GOING EAST ? kinds of food and can’t help but do you where wood at $3 a cord is used. If the of wisdom in that familiar proverb, and Mr. S. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta good—M c N air B ros . bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE $10 TO negotiations for capital now pending re (Ga.) Gas Light Co., was poisoned with Poison Be sure and see that yohr $50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. suit successfully construction work will a sound application of it to disease, Oak He took Sulphur, Arsenic and various County Clerk Driscoll and family are be under way very soon.—Klamath Falls especially to such familiar forms of dis Ticket reads via other drugs, and applied externally numerous ease as coughs and colds. Singularly lotions and salves with no benefit At )intcs the visiting relatives in the Sprague river Express. Guaranteed swelling and inflammation was go »evere he was country and will be gone a couple of enough the very thing that ought to almost blind. For eight years the poison would cause alarm is given as excuse for a feel Judge weeks. During their absence break out every »eason. His condition was much By the arrival at Santa Barbara, Cal., ing of safety. "It’s nothing;, only e improve 1 after taking one bottle of S. S. S , and Hatton is attending to tbe affairs of the a few bottles cleared hi» blood of the poison, and county clerk’s office.—Klamath Falls of two sealing schooners, the Eden and cough. I’ve had it all evideuces of the disease disappeared. the Santa Cruz, it was learned that before.” The fact Express. taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores, up? People are often poisoned without Captain Andy Krutzeu and Severin that a cough re- many good as new....................................................... The Same Old Story. knowing whan or how. Explain your case Philipsen of the Santa Cruz were c u r s periodically We ship any bicycle ON APPROVAL t- fully to our physicians, and they will J. A. Kelly relates an experience simi drowned by the upsetting of a boat should be warning anyone zcil/iout a cent deposit in advance and allov. ---- THE---- cheerfully give such information and ad lar to that which has happened in almost while attempting to come ashore ou Sau enough to take it CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, vice as you require, without charge, and every neighborhood in the United States Miguel island. Phil Andersen, the in time, for the absolutely MINNEAPOLIS and Pullman we will send at the same time an interest and has been told and re-told by thous most serious and other member of the crew, clung to the disastrous of all no risk in ordering from us, as you do not need to pa_ OMAHA RAILWAYS. ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. 1 ands ol others. He says: Last summer Sleeping Gars a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. I bad an attack of dvsenterv end pur bottom of the boat, and after drifting maladies begins THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. This is tbe WfiT QIIV a wheel until you have written for ou Elegant chased a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, several miles was cast ashore near Pin with a cough. ElU I DU I FACTORY PUCES and FREE TRIAL OFFER. GREAT SHORT THE LINE Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which nacle rock, where he lived for two days The use of Dr. This liberal offer has never been equaled and is a guarantee c' Dining Cars CLEANSING the quality of our wheels. I used according to directions and with on raw abalone. He ultimately found Pierce’s Golden Between reliable person in each town to distribute catalogues for us it Tourist AND HEALIN-G entirely satisfactory results. The trouble his way to a camp of Chinese, and was Medical Discovery cycle. Write today for free catalogue and our special offer. $ DULUTH. - ST, PAUL - CHICAGO CURE FOR was controlled much quicker than former not only stops th« Sleeping Cars afterward taken to his schooner, which attacks when I used other remedies.” was anchored in a cove, by Captain Curl cough but cures And All Points East and South. ST. PAUL_____ Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of the cause. It cures of the Ellen. Both schooners are from HendersoD, N. C. For sale by all Drug obstinate, d e e p - MINNEAPOLIS Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- San Diego. — is— gists. seated coughs, tibuled Dining and Sleeping Oar DULUTH bronchitis, weak ELY’S IRE HI BALM The National Educational association, » lungs, hemor Trains and Motto: First Sweet Young Thing—“What Easy and pleasant to FARGO on earth are you going to marry Fred at its meeting at Detroit, passed a reso rhages, diseases use.' Contains no “ ALWAYS ON TIME ” lution in favor of establishing a'national which if neglected or unskilfully treated TO GRAND FORKS injurious drug. for, dear? He has no money; he university at Washington, to be sup find a fatal termination in consumption. tion ot a famout French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner It is quickly absorb Have given this road a national reputa isn’t good-looking; he can’t talk or CROOKSTON vous or diseases of tbe generative organ«, such as Lost Manhood, Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ed. Gixes Relief at ported by the government. tion. All classes of passengers carried Insomnia, Pains in the Back,Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility, dance, or drive or bike, and he ’ s never once. ical Discovery.” There is no other med Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and I WINNIPEG on tbe veetibuled trains without extra Charles S. Young of Ypsilanti, Midi., icine "just as good ” for weak lungs. Second Sweet Constipation. 11 stops all losses by day or night Prevents quick It Opens and Cleanses the Nasal Passages. done anything—” charge. Ship your freight and travel ness of discharge, which if notchecked leads to Spermatorrbaa and HELENA and has succeeded in getting Judge Kinne Allays Inflammation. Heals aud Protects Young Thing—“Yes, I know, dear; «1 was very sick indeed,” writes Mfs. Mollie trrnnr ..... «rrrn all tbehorrors< tImpotency. CUI-IDENEcleansestbeliver, the over this famous line. All agents have o t r um t ano Ar 1 t H kidneys nnd tbe urinary organs of all Impurities. BÜrTE tbe Membrane Restores the Senses of but he is so fond of dear Fido, and the to issue a novel injunction. It perpetu Jacobs, of Felton, Kent Co.. Delaware, "and our tickets. W. H. MEAD, CITPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organs. Taste and Smell. Large Size, 50 cents at dear dog is just as fond of him.”— ally restrains Foster Kilpatrick from family doctor said I had consumption. I thought The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with I must die soon for I felt so bad. Had a bad General AgeDt, 243 Washington St., Druggists or by mail; Trial Size. 10 cents Proatstltla. CUPIDENEIs the only known remedy to cure without an operation. 8000 testimoni visiting Mrs. Young or from speaking cough, spit blood, was very short of breath, in Ally Sloper. by mail. ELY BROTHERS. W. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent cure. fact could hardly get my breath at all some fl.OCa box, six for $5.00, by malt Send for free circular and testimonials. to her, or writing to her or in any way, times. 56 Warren Street, N.Y. Traveling F. & P. Agent, In the dance I trod upon my be- I had pains Tn my chest and right lung, TO Address PA VOL MEDICINE CO.. P.O. Box 2076, Ban Francisco, Cut For Bolt bp had dyspepsia. Before I took your * Golden Portland. Oregon. loved’s toes. “Stupid!” she hissed, directly or indirectly, corresponding also OHICAGO Medical Discovery ’ and ' Pleasant Pellets ’ I wa* Sold at M c N air B ros ? Drug Store, ABbland, Or. with her through the aid of a third per I “Alas!” quoth I, profoundly shocked so weak I could not sweep a room, and now W ANHINGTON I can do a small washing. I worked iu the this display of temper, “Are then son. He says iu his application that canning factory this fall, and I feel like a new PHILADELPHIA VETERINARY SPECIFICS at my idol’s feet of clay?” “Well, they’re Kilpatrick induced Mrs. Young to start person. I believe that the Lord and your medi have saved my life. I was sic’: over two NEW YORK A. A.? FEVERS. Congestions. Inflamma- Is tbe name of the new not cast iron, I tell you those!” ex divorce proceedings at one time, but the cine years. I took thirteen bottles of the ‘ Golden cuRESHioii«, L uiik Fever, Milk Fever. BOSTON AND ALL and luxurious claimed the beautiful girl, with heat case was discontinued. Kilpatrick has Medical Discovery,’ and four vials of Dr. Pierce's B. B.) SPRAINS. Lameness, Injuries, cures 5 Rheumatism. POINTS EAST and SOUTH in her voice. I tried to laugh, but appeared ou the scene again, and Young Pellets.” —VIA— V. CJSORE THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic. ROCK ISLAND TRAIN there was a chill at my heart.—De says his wife is growing discontented 1 Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Through tickets to J i.pan and China, via cures s Distemper» Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on once more. | WORMS. Bota, Grub». Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship troit. Journal. —AND— receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay Co. The prediction that because of infe E. E. | COUGHS, Cold», Influenza, Inflamed “ That confounded life insurance expense of mailing only. Address Dr. For information, time cards, map and cures ) Lungs, Pleuro-Pneunionia. company refused my application for a riority the negro as a race would die R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. F. F. } COLIC, Bellyache, Wind-Blown, tickets, call on or write cures ) Diarrhea, Dysentery. policy,” said Hunker. “Why, I should out in the United States finds no sup A. D. CHARLTON, G. G. Prevents »MISCARRIAGE. think you were a fine risk,” replied port iu the census returns of 1900. It GE ANT HELMAN, Prop. Assistant General Passenger Agent, "■■¿L 5 KIDNEY dt BLADDER DISORDERS. Spatts. “What made them refuse your is estimated that the negro constitute AT ATHLETIC GHOUNPS, ONE-HALF PORTLAND. OREGON. I. I. ISK1X DISEASES. Mange, Eruption», SHASTA ROUTE application?” “Well, they found out 11.8 per cent of the total population of CURBS) Ulcers, Grease, Farcy. MILE NORTH OF PLAZA J. K JH\D COMHTIOV. Staring Coat. in some way that- 1 am in the- habit the country as against 11.9 a decade i cures ) ludigestion, Stomach Stag^ei'N. ASHLAND. OREGN. Trains Leave Ashland for Portland ami of eating mushrooms that I gather ago, the apparent loss being due to tlie Specifics cure by acting 'directly upon GUc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Hook, &c.. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. greater growth of the northern states Way Stations at 3:55 A. M. myself. ” — Detroit Free Press. the disease, without exciting disorder in Humphreys* Medicine Co., Cor. William & Johw and not to any less proportion of negroes any other part of the system. «ts.. New York. V eterinary M anual S ent and 4:25 P. M. — SWIMMING RINK. — A Pleasant Way to Travel. in the south. KO. CUBES. PRICES. Solid stone rink and walks. Rink, 30x80 The most delightful route of travel to the Which runs between Colorado Springs 1— Fever», Congestions, Inflammations. .25 feet. Tbirtv Dressing Rooms attached. Heartburn. East is by way of Salt Lake City—the City Leave Portland 8:30 a. m.t and 8:30 p. m and Denver, and Chicago, leaving Col 2— Worm», Worm Fei Worm Colic... .25 Equipped with Rings, Swings, Spring the Saints—and the Rio Grande West One of the most helpful books on nerve of Boards, etc. When the quantity of food taken is too 3— TeethIng,Collc,Crylng,Wakefulness .25 Leave Ashland 12:55 a. m., and 12:35 p. m orado Springs every day at 1:30 p. m., When people are contemplating a trip, weakness ern Railway, tn conjunction with either the ever issued is that entitled arriving at Chicago at 7 p. m. the next •1—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.............. 25 Rio Grande or Colorado Mid large or the quality too rich, heartburn whether on business or ploasure, they “Nerve Waste,” bv Dr. Sawyer of San Denver Reception Room, Lunch Counter, Cigars. day—only one night out—making close 7— Cough», Colds, Bronchitis...........................25 naturally want the best service obtain Francisco, now in its fifth thousand. land Railroads. This route not ouly car is likely to follow, and especially so if Arrive— Unfurnished Cottages to rent. connection with evening trnina from ries tt.e passenger through tbe Heart of the 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.............25 the digestion has been weakened by able so far as Bpeed, comfort and safi ty This work of an experienced and repu Rocky Mountains and in view of the most Ashland.... 12:55 a. m. and 12:35 P. m Chicago for all poiuts east; also connect 9 — Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo. . .25 constipation. Eat 91owlv and not too Swimming Rink Opens about May 1st. is concerned. Employees of the W is Sacramento 5:10 p. m. and 5:00 a. m ing at Omaha with morning trains for magnificent scenery on the continent, but 10— Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Weak Stomach.25 consin C entral L inks are paid to serve table physician is in agreeable contrast it also provides for stop-over on railroad freely of easily digested food. Masticate San Fran... 7;45 p. m. and 8:45 a. m Minneapolis and St. Paul. to the vast sum of false teaching which 11 — Suppressed or Painful Periods ... .25 the public and our trains are operated prevails on this interesting subject. It I and Pullman tickets at quaint and pictures the food thoroughly. Let six hours Weekly excursions in Personally Con 12— White», Too Profuse Periods............... .25 so as to make close connection with que Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, elapse between meales and when yon 4:55 a. m. and 7:00 a. m ducted Tourist Sleeping Cars via tbe Ogden. diverging lines at all junction pointe. abounds in carefully considered and Manitou, Denver, etc. Through Pullman feel a fullness and weight in the regions 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness........ .25 9:15 m m. and 9:30 a. Denver P- Great Scenic Line; from Pacific Coast 14— Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .25 Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Care practical advice, and has the two great Palace and Ordinary Sleepers, Free Reclin of the stomach after eating, indicating Kansas Cy. 7:25 a. m. and 7:25 a. ni points to Chicago without change. merits of wisdom and sincerity. ing Chair Cars and a Perfect Dining Car that you have eaten too much, take one 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains......... .25 •ft 8:30 in on through trains. m. and Chicago.... 7:42 a. P- It is indorsed bv both the religious Service via this route to Denver, Omaha, of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver 16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...,,. .25 Ask your Ticket Agent to make your Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals Kansas City. St. Louis and Chicago. Per Tablets and tbe heartburn may be avoid 19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head I .25 ticket read via the and secular press. The Chieago Advance served a la Carte. a. sonally conducted weekly tourist excurs 8:05 m — THE- L ’ s Angeles 2:00 p. m. and 20— Whooping-Cough.................................... .25 In order to obtain this first-class service, says: “A perusal of the book and the ions. I'or printed matter, rates, etc., in ed. For sale by all druggists. El Paso... «6:00 p. m. and 6:00 !>• m Great Rock Island Route of its principles will put quire of J. D. Mansfield, General Agent, 122 27— Kidnev Diseases...................................... .25 ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket application “ — ‘ 6:30 ---- a. m. _. __J Ft. Worth. and 6:30 a. m Write for particulars health, hope and heart into thousands of A. Third St., Portland, Or., or Geo. W. 28— Nervous Debility...................................... 1 1.00 a. !» m. and 11:30 Cty Mexico 11:30 a. over............... For rent.—The old Salvation Army lives that are now suffering through Heluiz. General Passenger Agent, Salt 30—Vrinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.... . .25 A. E. C ooper , Gen. Ag’t., Houston ... 7:00 a. m. and 7:00 a. ni hall over my brick blacksmith shop 77—Grip, Hay Fever........................................... . .25 cervous impairment. ” Lake City. _ ____________ N’w Orleans 6:30 d , xi. and 6:30 p- 1» The Wisconsin Central Lines The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid. 250 Alder St., Portland, Ore. Emil Peil. Dr. Humphreys’ Manual of all Diseases at your Washington 6:42 a m. and 6:42 a. m A message by wireless telegraph was Druggists or Mailed Free. and you will make direct connections m. and 12:10 m As the San Jose express was approacli- New York. .12:10 p. One of the most, interesting chapters— P- Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve received at Cape Ray, Newfoundland, flg Eighteenth and Harrison streets, Humphreys’ Med. Co., Cor. William £ John Sts» New York. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD all points East. i VISIT DR. JORDAN’S great Tonics—has been printed separately as a from the steamer Lake Champlain, 300 For any further information call on any sample chapter, and will be sent to any miles out at sea. stating that the steamer San Francisco, an unknown man placed ais neck across a rail and was instantly -VIA- ticket agent, or correspond ‘With address for stamp by the publishers, would pass that point the next evening Pullman and Tourist Cars by the locomotive passing JAS. C. POND, T he P acific P ub . C o ., Box 2658, San at 8 o’clock. There was quite a fog at Deheaded INI J1KKLT ST., 811 Fill J vlSC4, CIL. iver it. Salt Lake City and Denver. General Pass. Agent, Francisco, in plain sealed envelope. The Largest Anatomical Museum in the on both trains. the time, but this did not appear to World. Weaknesses or any contracted or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , The piles that annoy you so will be quick disease posiliwely cared by the oldest affect the signals. The most interesting and enjovable trip General Agent, W isconsin , ly and permanently healed if you use De Specialist on the Coast. Est. 36 yeaas. on this continent is over this The steamer Braemerton arrived at Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of 246 Stark Street, OR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El popular railroad. OPPOSITE PLAZA. P ortland , O regon . RYPHILIN thoroughly eradicated Tacoma from the Orient and brings de counterfeits.—M c N air B ros . Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. from system without the use oiBercwry Choice of two routes through the Rocky tails of the loss of 300 lives by a land Six persons were drowned while surf, Trasses fitted by an Expert. B «il Iiouis, New Orleans, Washington. Mountains and four routes east eal care for Rapture. A quick and slide and flood at Lungkeng, in China, bathing at a picnic of the Hebrew radical cure for Pile«» Fisaaare and of Denver and Pueblo. J. W. COX, Proprietor. Flatalan. by Dr. Jordan's special pain iu Juue. The landslide was caused by Gamahl at Daufuskie beach, Savannah, are now in effect to less methods. Connecting at San Francisco with several Stop overs allowed at Salt Lake City or a tremendous earthquake which unset Ga. The current swept them out to sea, Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per sonally or by letter. A PotiGve Cure in every case anywhere between Ogden A First-Class sheamship lines for tled both land and sea. an<l their bodies were, not .recovered. undertaken. Wntc for Book. PHILOSOPHY of and Denyer. ..Meal For HtHRlACE. MAILED FREB. (A valuable book "Why not spend tbe vacation at Do yon expect to attend tbe HONOLULU, for men.) Call or write Ileservations to Open. Yaqnina Bay, where can be bad excel Anything you want cooked THROUGH CAR SERVICE. DR. JORDAN & CO., I OBI Market St.. S. F. JAPAN, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION? The Kiowa and Camanche country in lent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe to order with promptness CHINA, MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. Indian Territory will be opened for settle bathing, alluring rides and rambles. If eo, do not buy vour tickets and dispatch. AU Hours. PH1LL1P1NE8, ment this summer. It is a grand country, until you have investigated The courses and exercises at the Sum SO YEARS* and reached only via the Great Kock Island CENTRAL and Perfect Dining Car Service. mer School, of 1901, at Newport, will the service of the experience Route. If you are interested, write for afford SOUTH AMERICA great variety of instructions, ( booklet “The Oklahoma Opportunity.” It t MEALS A LA CARTE. diversion and entertainment. tells you all about Oklahoma and the coun ' m H ■ J 1 J J 5 L Service for 1401 Eommencina No other resort offers equal attractions try to pe opened. A, E. C ooper , G. A. / À i E j k Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets ad- and advantages. ” See Agent at Ashland station, or 3une 10, 1001 250 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. ^■1 1 ■ ■! k ■ ] via the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, Our accommodations are the best that dress Scenic Line of the World. James Hepworth of Dixon, Cal., got can be had, our trains are always on Clifford Smyth, former United States Descriptive matter mailed upon applica C. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A., time, and employes courteous and ac consul at Cartagena, Colombia, started » warrant for tbe arrest of his wife and " . ' " tion. TRADE MARK* Portland, Ore commodating. i ranch hand known as Pat, who had MNAL NOTICE is hereby given to all E. B. DUFFY, R. C. NICHOL, D esigns Through tourist eais from Pacific Coast Sunday, July 7th, from Brooklyn to sloped with some clothing and $25 be- General Agent, those knowing themselves indebted Traveling Agent, C opyrights A c . walk to San Francisco, which he expects ouging to the husband. The elopers to Boston via Buffalo. Anyone sending a sketch and description may 124 Third St., Portland, Or. quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an 11 you will send fifteen certs in etamps to reach on foot in six months, at the were arrested in a lodging-house at Sac to tbe undersigned that unless they set This is tbe fastest and best equipped train The Portraits of our Presidents Invention is probably patentable. Communie» tle up forthwith, their accounts will be rate of 20 miles a day. Smyth wears a to the address given below, we will for tion» strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents crossing the continent. If you are going ramento and brought to Dixon, where ■ent free. Oldest agency for securing patenta. ward you by return mail a large wail With Biographical Sketches Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive East there are some facts legarduig this map of the United States, Cuba and golf suit and broad-brimmed straw hat :he man was lodged in jail. At the turned over to an attorney for forced ipeeial notice, without charge, in tbe uud carries a knapsack. He has tramped collection. ---- BY----- service, and the soenery a'ong the Canadi Porto Rico, 34x16 inches. conclusion of the trial of the two on a in this manner through great Brirain. You can pay at tbe old stand. an Pae Hie lty. which you should know Any information regarding rates, ac He expects to defray the expenses on jharge of theft, which resulted in au General Charles H. Grosvenor A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir B. F. REESER. I The time is arranged to pass the greatest commodations, service, time, connec the present trip by delivering humor icquittal, the woman left for her home Member of Congress for nearly 20 years. culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. S3 a tions, stop-overs, ote., will be cbeerfuliy * with her husband. year: four months, |L Bold by all newsdealers scenic features of tbe line during daylight. ous lectures iu some of the larger cities furnished by B. H. T rumbull , ONTAINS twenty-four large Photo Thomas Maple, Birkbeck.III., writes: “I gravure Etchings from tbe paintings 142 Third Street, Corn’l Ag’t, ou his experiences in Colombia. Pamphlets furnished free on application had a very bad case of kidnev trouble and indorsed by the families and near relative.1 Branch Offca 62S F RL Washington. D C. my back pained me so 1 could not Portland, Ore. to any C. P. R. Agent or to of tbe Presidents. Printed on heavy plate straighten up. The doctor’s treatment viyvau nruus you vat. E. J. COYLE. H. H. ABBOTT. Ag’t paper,embossed. A very large book; title did me no good. Saw Folev’s Kidney page designed by Tiffany. Biographical Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 142 Third St , Cure advertisied and took one bottle which This preparation contains all of the sketches printed in laree. open type in two cured me and 1 have not been affected Vancouver. B. C. Portland, Ore digestants and digests all kinds of colors. Tbe greatest work of tbe 20th Cent Is a constitutional disease. 1 Rladly recommendBthis r medy.” food. It gives instant relief and never ury. So beautiful that when President e It originates in a scrofulous condition of T.KB olton . +++++++-i-4+<-+h+++4-v’i-+-r+++->+ fails to cure. It allows you to eat all McKinlev saw it be subscribed immedi tbe blood and depends on that condition. The strike of the Newport News Ship the food you want. The most sensitive 1 ately. One agent selling 000 copies in small It often causes headache and dizziness, YEARLY to Men and women of good adiire-s to rep- impairs the taste, smell and hearing, af building company’s machinists was set 6tomachs can take it. By its use many territory in Pennsylvania. A million cop Quickly «ecured. OUR FEE DUE WHEN PATENT Christian man or resent us, some to travel appointing agents, fects the vocal organs and disturbs the tled by the unanimous decision of the thousands of dyspeptics have been ies will'be sold quick. Fortunes will be OBTAINED. Bond model, «ketch or phot«, with others for local work looking after our in stomach. made this Inangnral year. High class roan + woman to look after our growing description for free report a£ to pAtentubility. <8-FAO* cured after everything else failed. It men to return to work at the old scale. ♦ HAND-BOOK FREE. Contains references and full terests. $1»OO salary guaranteed yearly ; or woman ot good social standing can make T business in this and adjoiniug Coun- It is always radically and permanently prevents formation of gas on the stom a little fortune in tliia territory. Territory intimation. WRITE FOR C9FT OF OUR SPECIAL F ob S al « B y A ll D ruggists . extra commissions and expenses, rap d ad cured by the blood-purifying, alterative an I J ties.'to act as Manager and Corres- Governor Herreid of South Dakota OFFER. It is the most liberal proposition ever made by ach, relieving all distress after eating. is going rapidly Presses running day and vancement, old established house. ’ Grand tonic action of 4> pondent ; work can be done at your a patent attornoy, and EVERT INVENTOR SHOULD has appointed A. B. Kittridge of Sioux Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to take. night to fill crder8. chance for earnest man or woman to se READ IT before applying for patent. Address: inome, Enclose self-addressed envel Falls to fill the vacancy caused by the cure plea-ant, permanent oosition, liberal Wanted. — State Manager to look after ope for particulars to A. II. SHER- Moodfs Safsapafil/a death of Senator Kyle. The new sen ro It can’t help income and future. New. briliiant lines. correspondence and agents. J MAN, G kkkkal M axahbb , Corcoran CURES WHEiic ALL ELSE FAILS. This great medicine has wrought the most but do you good Address today Write at once. T Building, opposite United States Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use o ator is a native of New Hampshire, wenderful cures of all diseases depending PATENT LAWYERS. in time. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by E. C. D e W itt A Oo., Chicago 4. Treasury, Washington, D. C. *-1 . STAFFORD PRESS. THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, on scrofula or the scrofulous habit.______ having been born in Cheshire county unwitBU*., WASHINGTON. D. C. Zho IL. bottfh contains 2K times ths 50c. si«* March 26, 186L , -t Hoop's P ills are th« best cathartic. Corcoran tíüildúig, - Washington,D, C. ♦♦♦♦> »M»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦»♦»♦♦ 23 Church St., New Have«, Coaa. McNAIR BBQB.I Sawyer’s Oil Clothing Medford, July 18.—G. H. Willoughby, who was brought here yesterday from Coquille City where he was apprehended il nnoil rbil before hofnra Justice Inatina r\f appeared of fK/i the Paanii Peace James Stewart this morning at 11 o’clock to answer the charge of forgery He waived examination, and hie bo d was placed at $2000,which he failed to furnish. He maintains that he will do so, however, in a few days. He was taken to Jacksonville late this afternoon and locked upin the County Jail. There was only one charge taken up against him, although there is another which has been pending for nearly two years. . . . . MILWAUKEE” l) op The Kind You Have Always "PIOA'EER LIMITED' Bears the Signature Polson oak Polson ivy The Toy Rave Our Saviour in Art RIDER AGENTS WANTED N orthern I90S Models $19 to $18 The.... ’00 &’99 Models S $7 to $S^ Northwestern 500 Second Hand Wheels«« •„ IV «e I PACIFIC 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. catarrh ! M J. L MEAD CYCLE CO CATARRH Ohicago. MANHOOD RESTOREDvSS? I COLD 'N HEAD THROUGH TICKETZ ^HUMPHREYS’ SOUTH AND EAST White Sulphur Springs SWIMMING RINK Private Tub Baths Rocky Mountain Limited Southern Pacific Company Dr. Humphreys’ A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... “Nerve Waste” Go East Over DEN VEH & RIO GRANDE Railroad (MUSEUM OF ANATOMY and Chop House REDUCED RATES.. .. R anadian P acific Búllalo, N.Y. “Imperial Limited” 25-Cents. — ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. Four Days Across the Continent Riga Me a Call Notice to Debtors. 1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure C wj«™ Guaranteed : $900 Scientific American. ¡ÜUNN&Co.36’8^' New York ! Digests what you eat. PATENTS YEARLY, : H.3.WILLSON4CO. Fl