PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. T MOST CORDIALLY Invite the 1 Public to come and inspect the three carloads of new goods, which has just arrived. The most com­ plete stock that was ever brought to Southern Oregon at one time. The new Bain wagons were built at the factory to my order with heavy tires and large spokes, hub and brake. The celebrated Racine spring wagons and buggies, also built to my order for this rough country and bad roads. The Buck­ eye Mower and the Tiger and Hol­ lingsworth-Tiger Rake can’t be beat. The biggest part of the car­ load has already been spoken for, so come early and lay in your or­ der, or you will get left. I can save you money on everything you buy. Yours very truly, MISS LUCY CROWE DEAD. £?• S' Jijy&J**11810“"- F. H. CARTER, V icb -P ucii > knt . E- V- CARTER, C ashixk . H. C. GALEY, A ssistant C abhibb . After a Ten Days Iilnes. With In W. F. Smith is over from Eagle Point. flammation < f Bowels. W. H. Leeds and family arrived today- Miss Lucy Crowe, aged 17 years, died Chas. L. Loomis is ill with malaraial at her home in Edge wood Sunday and fever. was buried Monday. She had been ill Miss Evelyn Wooden has returned to about ten days and the doctors diag­ Eugene. nosed her case as inflamnation of the bowels. Miss Crowe had made her Russell O’Neil was up from Gold Hill ESTABLISHED 1884. home with Conductor and Mrs. Geo. Tuesday. Engwicht in Ashland during the past Mrs. James Thornton is afflicted with two years and is pleasantly remembered erysipelas. by many friends who will be shocked to hear the news of her sudden and un­ Miss Rosa Fleming went to Klama­ timely taking away. thon Tuesday. Geo. L. Haff, the Tolo miner, was KLAMATH FALLS. here yesterday. Klamath Falls, July 22, 1901. Sheriff Orme went to Hornbrook Tues­ BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Attorney J. W. Hamaker returned day after a man. from Portland Sunday. Mrs. Eber Emery of Gold Hill is visit­ C. K. Khun and wife passed through HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT­ ing Ashland relatives. town Sunday on their way from Sprague LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER.. Mrs. Harry Frink returned yesterday river where they have been visiting. from a visit at Albany. Robt. Hill returned from San Francis­ J. P. Dodge returned yesterday from a co last Saturday where he has been for -------Toreian and Domestic Exchange Bought and Sold.------- business trip to Portland. » medical treatment. A. D. Naylor returned Saturday from G. R. Carlock finished a term of school the Jenny creek timber belt. last Friday at Bly and started the same A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED evening for Ashland for a short visit. Prof. T. A. Hayes is keeping books for the Ashland Fruit Association. State Treasurer C. S. Moore, E. P. Mc- Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Cornack, Alex Martin, jr., and Dr. Aikin Mrs. Matt Potter and children went to went to Spring creek the 17th for a few Hornbrook Tuesday on a visit. days outing. Judge J. R. Neil is sojourning at Dick Smith returned the 17th from the. Kingsbury’s springs this week. state university at Eugene where he Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dodge are camping graduated lately with high honors. He at James Bailey’s on Jenny creek. lias been one of the bright stars in ath­ letic sports, also for the last three or four Mrs. James Wiley returned yesterday years at Eugene. from a visit with Medford relatives. There was a fire alarm this Monday Mrs. Win. Luster and adopted daugh­ HARDWARE DEALERS afternoon which brought out the fire ter returned to Hornbrook Tuesday. boys iu a hurry and created some ex­ Miss Myra Abbett returned today Stoves. Cinware, Shelf Bardware, Recycles citement for a little while, but the fire from a four months absence at Eugene. was put out without any serious dam­ ages. It proved to have been started by And Everything kept in a first-class Hardware Store. Conductor J. N. Rhodes and family a “drunk” who was sleeping off a jag in have returned to Ashland from Sisson. Having rented the shop to H. Boivin, the well known Plumber a room over Geo. W. Bradley’s harness an I Tinner, who will be pleased to give you close figures on first class J. E. Pelton and Geo. W. Barron are shop and accidentally set the bed on fire. work. Remember, all work guaranteed. ’Phone No. 245. figuring on a trip to Cinnabar springs. We had a lively runaway one day last Conductor E. H. Bristow returned week. Richard Britzenstein’s team took Tbe Exiled Liquor Dealers, Religious Items. CENTRAL POINT. Tuesday from his trip to San Francisco’ a run from where he had left them The sudden departure of the saloon standing in front of Reames & Jenning’s The Ministerial Association of Ashland Prof. Hanbv was in town last Satur­ Mrs. May Russell of Lakeview was has arranged for two union Sunday even­ men from Ashland Wednesday night of store. They started on a walk but soon day, and attended the school meeting. registered at the Hotel Oregon yesterday. ing services beginning July 28tn and last week has left the Houck & Dame got to running. Richard succeded in Mr. Dav and son, of Medford, are ASHLAND, O r .. Thursday, July 25, 1901 J. L. Yaden, the mail contractor, went continuing through the mont h of August. saloon in the plaza and H. Salomon’s getting into the wagon but could not painting Prank Amy’s new house. to Portland yesterday on a business trip. The churches and ministers are assigned saloon in the Ashland House block as reach the lines and was thrown out. quiet and solemn as the tomb of the sa­ The team ran about half a mile and up- Miss Marv Jacobs has gone to Waldo Chautauqua Officer». Detective G. W. Day was here yester­ as follows: Sunday, Jul v 28—Presbvteriun church, cred dead in a churchyard cemetery. to spend the summer with her aunt, day getting the trail of some counterfeit­ set t ‘ the wagon when they . were stopped. At the annual business meeting the Mrs. G. W. Wimer. Houck & Dame left here for Redding The wagon was broken up > some but no Rev. G. W. Nelson, preacher; Congrega­ ers. following were elected as officers for the tional church, Rev. J. F. Tout, preacher. where they intend going into business, serious damage done. Mrs. Norcross’ mother, of Iowa, is vis­ coming assembly year: President, G. Rev. J. F. Tout has been elected su- Sunday, August 4—Methodist church, but are at present in San Fancisco. iting her daughter at this place. H. N. Whitilene, Rev, F. Billings; vice-president, W. M. Clay­ A. Stock- Wm. Sonnickson went to Klamathon. {>erintendent of the Oregon anti-saloon Rev. F. G. Strange, preacher; Christian ton; secretary, T. A. Hayes; treasurer, W. A. Mann, Booth Lee, Perry Elli­ eague. H. Salomon and V. S. Lewis dropped well and others start to Spring creek church, Rev. A. M. Russell, preacher. F. H. Carter ; vice-presidents, 8. Sher­ ott and several other Central Pointers Sunday, August 11—Baptist church, off at Hornbrook where they took up Tuesday for an outing. C. E. Ellis, the baseball pitcher, left PRIVATE HOSPITAL and Sanitarium for the suc­ man, of Talent; Miss Emma Coleman, are working on the Medford water ditch. Rev. J. T. Abbett, preacher; Congrega­ quarters at Day’s Hotel and retire and City marshal has two boarders in the yesterday for his former home at Geyser­ Phoenix; H. C. Kinney, Grants Pass; R. rise early each ’ day. On Tuesday Salo ­ tional church, Rev. A. M. Russell, townj jail at present, “ drunk and dis ­ Tlios. Riley, county commissioner, ville, Cal. T. Lawton, Medford; Mrs. 8. Whittle, cessful treatment of medical and surgical cases by the mon took a side trip to Shasta Springs. preacher. orderly.” Central Point; L. F. Willits, Klamath was in town Monday. He was looking Miss Fornia Holt left today for Sacra- Sunday, August 18—Presbyterian after the Bear creek bridge. The ap ­ On the first page appears the decision Falls; Miss Lillian Julian, Yreka; W. A. mento to be employed in a tnillinery church; Rev. J. F. Tout, preacher; Chris­ in full rendered by Judge Hanna in the most advanced and approved methods and procedures of mod­ Wanted. Carter, Gold Hill; Dr. E. B. Pickel, proach on the east side is giving way and store until fall. tian church, Rev. J. T. Abbett, preacher. Ashland saloon cases, also other infor­ Money in sums of 1100, $350, Ç1500, to Medford; A. E Ream^s, Jacksonville; will have to be taken out and a new one Sunday, Augutt 25—Methodist church, mation concerning the status of the case place on good security. ern practice, both medical and operative. Deputy Internal Revenue Collector put in. J. Q. Willits, Lakeview. Rev. G. W. Nelson, preacher; Congrega­ up to date. David F. Fox returned Tuesday from G. W. T kefren . General Trustees—E. D. Briggs, W. A. W. J. Freeman is having the house he tional church, Rev. F. G. Strange, Patrick, J. R Norris. D. B. Grant, D. lives in moved on anotner lot and will Douglas county. preacher. Stops the Cough BAMS VALLEY. H.Jackson put up a tine house this summer to take Mrs. A. 8. Hammond returned to The public is invited to these services. Denominational Trustees—Mrs. A. F. the place of the old one. Geo. Dietrich Medford Friday from the Sanitarium anti troika off the Cold. We are having very hot weather at Everything new, clean and commodious. All chronic G. W. N elsox , Sec’y. Eddy, Baptist; R. P. Neil, Presbyterian; of Medford is doing the moving. near Santa Rosa, Cal. present and the poor harvest hands are Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets cure a H. C. Galey, Congregational; Mrs. J. H receiving the full benefit of it. Well, cold in one day. Subscribe for the R ecord . No Cure, no Pay. diseases solicited ; diseases of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, Born—Near Central Point, July 15, Mrs. J. Franzen and children returned Downing, Methodist; Mrs. E. A. Smith, they can’t complain as long as they get Price 25 cents. 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway a Tuesday from a visit with relatives in Episcopal; Mrs W. B. Colton, Advent­ McKinley wages and board. J mt stand the Willamette valley. 4-4--5-+-Î- 4--Í-+ ■;-•$-+4- +++-Í- 4-4-4-4-4--i-4-4-4-4- it, boys, until Mack’s time expires and Mothe tiescues Iler Babe From Eagles. bladder, etc.; diseases of women ; alcohol, opium, cocaine, and ist ; Christian, to be supplied ; Duukard, daughter. Mia. Golding, tue wife of the stage­ Heading is in full blast at this time. Miss Issie McCully returned to Jack­ Dr. D. M, Brower. then we will elect Grover Cleveland and Farmers say that the crop will turn out sonville Tuesday after a visit with Mrs. keeper of Box S, a stage station, had a drug habits; diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Con­ liven things up a little. Woodmen Excursion. much better than expected a few weeks J. S. Parson during Chautauqua. terrific encounter with two eagles on a Wm. Stacey and family left Tuesday $9.75 to Portland and return, Will ago. C. H. Pierce moved up from Medford of last week for Humboldt countv, Cal., mountain between Victor and Rosemine, finement cases can be accommodated. leave Ashland on Friday morning _ Aug. ________ A school meeting held last Saturday yesterday to engage in the cannery where Mr. S. will locate if he finds a about 50 miles north of San Bernardino, 2, 1222, 2 1901, __ at 3:55 a. m. . Returning, leaves voted to have taught in the Central Point business with John W. Coleman. Cal. She was sitting outside tho stage­ suitable location. Portland Friday morning Aug. 9th at i school higher grades than the eighth. Attorney Geo. W. Trefren and Water E. 8:30 a. m. Tickets now on sale at C. George Robertson and wife l.-ft last house by’ a cradle iu which lay her in­ Supt. Win. Patterson returned Sunday Monday for Crescent City, where Mr. R. fant, six months old, when suddenly a Lane’s. TOLMAN SPILINGS. The attending and consulting physicians have had a wide • from the A. O. U. W. grand lodge. large eagle swooped down, and seizing expects to find employment. Jas. <>. Amhertof. Della, O., writes: •I Pleasant days, cool nights. the child in its talons, rose into the air J. H. Briggs, the assayer and mining C. B. Rowe and wife left this (Tues had an obstinate sore on ray face which and successful experience in the whole domain of practical No smoke here to make your head expert, has returned to Ashland from a day) morning for Wood river valley, with it. everything else fail-ti to heal Alter one Mrs. Golding mounted a mule and visit at his old home in Minnesota. application of Banner Salve it began to ache. Klamath county. Mr Rowe intends heal and after three applications it was en­ All charges (payable in advance) are working through hay harvest in Klam­ gave phase for a long distance, when medicine and surgery, Frank R. Neil, who has been studying Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson of Medford who tirely hea ed leaving no scar —T. K H ol ­ ath county, after which he will return to the eagle alighted on its nest high up in law with his father, J. R. Neil, has been lias been here several days has returned 1 ton . Same valley and visit his parents for a the mountains. With great difficulty reasonable for the accommodations given and work performed. admitted to the bar by examination. home. short time, then be will move Lis family she climbed the cliff and rescued the Frank Robbins and B. R. Stevens of Mrs. E. L. Atkinson, Mrs. Susie Allen, Judge Abe Axtell of Grants Pass spent Redding, Cal. child after a terrific fight with two Little Shasta will start an ice plant at one day last week at the Springs’ Miss Sarah Fox and Glenn Payne left Timongst Our C$$ls 4- to Charles For particulars, address, Boardman and wife and Miss eagles, in which one of the birds waa Bobbin’s planing mill soon. + yesterday for an outing at Newport. Done are below a standard which + • Maria Smith, of Medford, visited with killed. Mrs. Golding arrived at the Postmaster W. F. Horn of Grants Pass The family of L. A. Rowse, the heavy was also one of our many visitors • last will compare favorably with that of 4- the families of T. Pankey and J R. Mor­ Stage-house late at night in a pitiable weight barber, arrived Tuesday from week. goods sold at equal prices by any + rison Sunday. Mr. B has resided in state. The infant was uninjured. Minneapolis and are making him happy. 4- Rogue river valley fpr the past fourteen Hon. J. J. Houck of Gold Hill spent other hopse in the trade. Soft 4- years and Sunday was I he first peep he Question Answered, Geo. F. McConnell left Sunday far a few days with his family here last metal tools are useless at auv pripe 4- ever took into Sams valley. It is strange Yes, August flower still bas the largeet Redding, Cal., where l;e has a position 4- « 11 UuU i week. I and we handle none of them. ❖ that a man will lose so much of the be^t sale of anv medicine in the civilized with the McCormack, Saelser & G q . Irene Sears, the 7-year-old child ot LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE + Mrs. Rose Wood of Sawyers Bar, Calif, store. part of hie life when it is within a few world. Your mothers and grandmoth­ Mr. and Mrs. Peary Sears of Phoenix, I ♦ These t'coda are on a par with our 4- arrived Sunday to spend a few weeks hours’ drive of him, ers never thought of using anything else A. T., was bathing in the sea at Long --------OF------- Hardware stock and those who 4- Clay Johnson and wife, Miss Ruby here. 4- for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors Beach, Los Angeles county, when a Mrs. Tom Pankey uses silver knives Johnson and Chas. Dow came over from like really good articles at a nom­ Miss Wanda Wood who has been at­ Etna, Cal., yesterday to visit Mrs. T< ❖ and forks and spoons on her table since were scarce, and they seldom heard of wave carried a large log toward the inal price should buy here. tending school at Astoria, Ore., joined Tom visited the Wizard Oil show at Gold Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or child, knocking her down and crushing PEACHES, APPLES, PEAKS, J. Howell. Heart failure, etc. They used August her mother here and will remain through Hill the other night. -------- o------ We Solicit Your Consignment Mrs. C. J. Tibbets, formerly Mrs. Mary D. B. Provost, : Flower to clean eut the system and stop her frail body to the neck. The next vacation. Well, Tom Pankey and wife and Mart Account sales weekly. We notify wave caused the log to roll the other Rose, who was married recently, ar­ -:• fermentation of undigested food, regulate Call and get my fist of properties for sale 4- results of each shipment same day We are pleased to say that Mr. Os­ rived Tuesday from Coos Bay, coming ♦ . HARDWARE STORE V Perry got back from Fort Klamath all the action of the liver, stimulate the way. She was immediately carried to ' wbich includes all classes and kinds, and received. 906-908 Western Ave., A’-HLAND, obegon . burn of Corvallis, who has been taking out by stage. 4- right, after so long a time. They were nervous and organic action of the system the office of Dr. Woods, but medical at 1 prices to satisfy anyune. 4- a' the Indian and “Boston” celebration treatment for Asthma for the past two My loan department is well equipped and ++++++ 4-+-»”l-t-4-+-i- and they bad a good time, you bet. and that is all they took when feeling aid could not save her, and the child Deston High who has been conducting • SEATTLE, WASH. weeks has improved wonderfully. I can handle money for parlies wishing to dill: and bad with a headache and other died of her iujuries. j a restaurant in his resort over the bridge invest, to their advantage. They gueseed the right place to cele­ aches. You onlv need a few doses of Misses Loelali and Cassie Plymire of quit that service yesterday. He will put A decision in favor of the children of brate, they guessed the right horses to Grn. I,’« August Flower, in liquid form, I represent some of the best Fire Insur­ SPECIAL Medford arrived Sunday and will re­ in a billiard table. Companies in the country and would bet their money on, they guessed every­ to make you satisfied there ia nothing the late James G. Fair was rendered by ance ' main for an indefinite period. be thing right except—well, Tom wasn’t to serious the matter with von. Get Green’s Judge Troutt of San Francisco, and ( pleased to write your property. Yon T. M. Witten has purchased a drug cannot afford to carry tbe risk yourself. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and two store at Newberg, Yamhill county. His blame, (or Yom's wife wore a belt just Prize Almanac. T. K. B olton . about $5,000,000 will be divided among ----- AND EVERY MAN daughters drove out Monday to engage family are visiting Ashland relatives un­ like the or e that Tom getting his the heirs. By stipulation over $2,000,000 a cottage for a month or so. arm around. But the belt Tom was get Should Carry Accident Insurance. til he secures possession of a residence worth of the personal property was re­ TO CÖLESTIN ting bis aim around was around a half­ On tbe 22nd of last March, I). H. Hawk­ Mr. 8. O. Furrey of Ashland came up in Newberg. served on account of Mrs. Nettie Cra ­ breed Indian woman. Tom hadn’t no­ ins, of this city, took out an accident policy Sunday and brought his little son who FROM ASHLAND W. H. Sanford, agent oi the Pacific ven’s plaim that she should be given a in tbe Employers’ Liability Assurance Cor— ticed that, he only noticed the belt, of took a mud bath. The little fellow is States Building and Loan Association, Have purchased F. P. Smith’s course. He didn’t notice bis mistake, This signature is on every box of the genuine Widow’s share ot the estate, and it is to Iteration and on tbe 4th of April ntei with N 8ATURDAY and SUNDAY going unfortunately a victim of rheumatism. spent the past week in Ashland. Mrs. N. Y. Racket Store in I. O. O. but the other fellow did and ju-t as he Laxative Eronio=Quinine 7*»^ be held until that claim has been dis­ an accident which disabled him for over nine weeks. Train Dispatcher G. C. Morris and 8. accompanied him ^nd was the guest F. 11 >ek and wiil keep a good and good to return on Monday, half was taking his foot away from Tom’s he remedy that rnrea g C»M in one posed of finally. Tbe proof of disability in this case was of her friend, Mrs. Chas. Pringle. father-in-law made us a his wife and pants Tom noticed that he noticed it. fare, round trip, 80 cents. in o . ... .................................. forwarded to tbe Company on June 10th The confectionery and cigar store of pleasant call Sunday and being old By the lime Tom gathered himself tip het Mrs. Black and Miss Grace McLaughlan 1901. and on June gist a check was received Sargent & Baker at Corona, Cal., was paying 30 Day T.cket, $1.10. D. L. RICE, acquaintances their visit was much ap- of Kansas City, cousins of Gibson Bros, was across the river and met f>l$ Wife in full hia c'aim for $12.00 per week. nearly wrecked and Lon Baker, one of coming to syrfipatliijje With Iijm, and by Agent 8. P. R. R. Co. predated. of this city,and Ira Kelsey of Sioux City, the firm, severely injured by the ex» Jnewanee of alt kind», Life, Fire and the time slip gp.t through sympathizing Among the others who were here Iowa, visited Ashland this week, being with him he was in the middle of the plodiug of a soda fountain. Baker was Accident, Pay». Sunday we noticed the smiling coun­ on the Epworth League excursion. river. Well, Tom crawled out and went charging the receptacle, while Sargent tenance of Geo. Calhoun, formerly a Main St., near Bridge. Early Tuesday morning as the Grubt)- home after tome dry clothes, but he Grants Pass business man. He was ac- Polev party were leaving for their Crater was lying oq a oouch eight feet away. ASHLAND, ORE. M ie . Soule will continue the didn’t go back any more. He says the i companied by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. . lake trip they encountered a fine deer at Suddenly an explosion occurred that i millinery department cl the next time he celebrates he will celebrate I John R. Norris of Ashland and their the lick in the Jackson field near town. ASK ANYBODY Make the best barbershop drove Sargent five feet from the couch B. A. Hildreth, Jr. business at the same place and alone. children. Chas. Grubb laid him low with his rifle. the wall of the building and Sams Valley, July 23, 1901. |n this city, If you are against will be assisted by Miss Stella WHO DRIVES threw Baker and the fountaiu ten feet Dr. J. 8. Herndon, who is practicing Ex-Countv Judge John C. Summer, Smith as trimmer. not a patron try into an alley, through a wooden door, his profession in Lake county, arrived in DeWitt ’ s Witch Hasel S^alye should be who died at Prineville last week was an if it is not a fact that the tank going ten feet further, striking early pioneer of Rogue river valley and Ashland via Rena and San Francisco last The patronage of the public is solicited. promptly applied Cut», burn« and scalds, we turn out the best it soothes and heals the injured part. another wall and shattering the bricks. was wounded in the famous fight with Saturday and is visiting his family in There are worthh-ss counterfeits, be sure to and most stylish look­ Ashland. He will return to Lake county Baker’s left Jeg was crushed from knee Indians known as the battle of Hungry get DeWitt ’ s. — M c N aie Baog IN THE CENTER OF ASHLAND ing rigs in town. soon. ' ’ ! • to ankle, the leg apparently having been Hill. i » 4 -» • ASHLAND, OREGON. We have go o d \ ■ struck by a piece of metal. Sargent Mrs. D. Hershey and son, Irwin Dr. Poole, of the Hospital at Yreka, horses and new vehi­ FREIGHT AND was called in council to Los Banos, Cal., Hershey, arrived last week from Seattle cles. the last of Mav, and in June was called to make their home. They are the Transient stock BAGGAGE TRANSFER to Portland where he performed opera­ mother and brother of Mrs. E- Laing properly fed and well CONTRACTOR tions for a physician of that city. The and Miss Jessie Hershey, E. B Herr, a cared for in our large two trips involved a travel of over two cousin of Engineer Laing, also from Se­ livery stable. Wood For Sale. AND Manila. It is patterned after the Sau attle, arrived with them to remain. thousand miles. Francisco stock exchange, the rules of Misses Delia and Dollie McNair and Presiding Elder D. T. Summerville re­ BUILDER which will be modified and adapted to Ice Delivered Daily in Season Washington and Drumm Sts., San Francisco, Cal. turned Tuesday from his tour of Klam­ James McNair of Versailles, Missouri, conditions prevailing in Manila. John arrived in Ashland yesterday evening for Ashland, Ore. ath and Lake counties. a visit with their brothers, J. S., W. H. W. Taylor, for many years a member of Opposite Bridge, center of town. Master Mechanic T. W. Younger was and Sam McNair. They came to the the San Francisco «took exohange, ha« in Ashland yesterday looking over the coast on the Epworth League excursion been made nmuagcr and secretary. De­ railroad traffic department. and will remain in Ashland one month. tails of organization are being left to W. H. McNair, office deputy iu the U. OREGON. him. To start with, the Manila ex­ S. marshal’s office at Juneau, Alaska, re­ FOR THE SALE OF— change will have 50 members, who wiU turns to that place Saturday. pay an initiation fee of $50 eaoh and Plans, Specifications ■ Carpets! Carpets I at Vaupel, Norris annual dues of $100, JOSEPH ZURCHER, Prop. & Drake’s, In the Suited States circuit court at and Estimates on All Kinds of the Jesse McCall of Ashland, one ow open for the accommodation of Sau Francisco a petition for a writ of best civil engineers in the state, was in of Carpenter Work. injunction was filed on behalf of Mrs, th public. Good camping piiviligea—50 cents per week, including vapor baths. Jacksonville Sunday. He will immed­ Phebe Hearst and J. B. Haggin tore- Twelve miles from Ashland bv Klamath iately commence the survey of a railroad strain the firm of Kelly dt Doyle from Falls stage road; 1J£ miles from Stein­ RE. from near the head of Foot's creek to the taking ores out of the Noonday and the man R. R. station. main line of the 8. P. for the Rogue Prompt returns euaranteeil. Stencils furnished upon application. M.S. POULTRY O River Mining and Lumber Co., who will North N oqu mines, near Bodie. Mrs. Special rot»» far familiet or large par­ ----- Has just received----- Hearst and Mr. Haggin are the owners ties. Address JOSEPH ZURCHER, use it for the transportation of the large quantity of lumber they will supply the Siskiyou P. O., Oregon of the mines, and the assessment work DeKalb Wire Fenc- Another Large Assortment OFFICE OF THE market with.—Jacksonville Times. I was done on the Noonday fof the bene­ \ V“\ r* is inert« of the best No. 1« jral- of Canned Goods fit of that mine and the North Noon Shirt waists at Vaupel, Norrie & ing rar.ued Nt eel wire, strengthened o for Lawns and A f Drake’s. as well. Kelly * Doyle, alleging that Hs bland by a. cable selvage and a cable And quote a few prices as follows: A__ —7A—4- evciy foot in the height of the x J,, no assessment work had been done on A ( A lence. _W_ 1 lb. can pork and beans, 10c. Yards. It is Mr. and Mre. John Moore of Thorp, the * STEAM the North Noon, entered upon that 1 21b can pork and beans, 20c. S AFERCE, HOTAMETTIMC. Clark county, Wis , are visiting her sis­ 1 31b can pork and beans, 25c. ter, Mrs. A. D. Ferguson and family. Jlsbland, OrcflOtt, June 20» 1001. property and proceeded to extract ore 1 U mu ltitude of hori rental wires strongest and best ■ c > V V " Sives it strength, ntakes it easy ^ tn \ Constable Frank Miles and wife of lib can fancy 6oup, 10c. „ ,, ,, therefrom. They aleo leased the Syndi- LAUNDRY to etect. keeps it in good shape. ' • Boneless chicken tamales, 15c. Montague and Bert Miles of Etna came To our Stockholders ; . mill> in Bodie, of J. Parr, the ^^^50 PER CERT tb Y h VI^ h . fence made. F. HEBERLIE Oyster tomales, 15c. over yesterday to visit their aunt and The directors have determined to advance the price 0/( owner, for the purpoee of working up Prop’r. * It requires but a few posts and Xtra special tomales, 20c. uncle. IS'.-wir»: Jn.'y il, ttip or bottom rait. Only the ore taken from the mine. Turkey tómales, 15c. end Jaij n, i>-f». «Un every roll cqu « WATER Street, Summer dress goods at Vaupe* Norrie Enchilalael, per can, 15c. „ ■ 111.......... tfiiMi the TuiMona If. Al. K stock to 15 cents per share on July 15th. WANTED.—Capable, reliable person in rndv Ala. k. De*criptHe matter FREE. NEAR MAIN & Drake’s. Deviled crab 20c, minced clams 30c. . - .7 • 1 „1. „..7 J I every county to represent large company KALB S'mVCK CO., All stockholders wishing to increase their holdings Should \o( so^d financial reputation; $936 Balary Orders by mail or Minced abalone, 20c, A W. Stillwell, of Wichita, Ksn , gen­ Ill^h street, Dekalb, Illinois. j _ I per year, payable weekly; $3per day ab- New Deviled Ham, 5c. eral freight agent of tLe Santa Fe rail­ receive not delay in sending in their applications, as the advance from lsoiutely sure and ail expenses; straight express Çrompt attention. road ie spending hie vacatjcn tn Ash­ Corned beef, 21b can, 30c. T 7 bona-fide, definite salary, no commission; bums C ash , at Chip beef, l^lb can, 15c. land with hie broth(jr-in law, D. L. 10 Cents to 15 cents ver share Will positively occur on duty |gB]ary paid each Saturday and expense reasonable rstea. Chip beef, jib ean, 25c. Minkler, the merchant. He ie well --------------- money advanced each week. BTANDAKD STAND We back them with a guarantee. Veal Loaf, 15c. pleased with Ashland. Sespectfully mtmUUd.---------------------------------- bouSe HOUSE, ’ 334 D babbo an S t ., C hicago . Potted Tongue, 10c. 15th, 1901. Plumbing Department Is conducted by JF. Aitken. You will find H. Boivin at Giubb & Vienna Sausage, 20c. N«*w Stock, of Plumbing Goods jutt arrived. Bath How De Vos Expect Co.'s hardware store. Oysters, per caD, 10c. Tube, Washbowls, Heaters, and all kioda of fittings Anv ad vert iaed dealer Is autboriied ot to Bell if you don’t advertise? See what guarantee Banner Salve for tetter, eczema, Thia Is a partial list of reduced prices, We vour com pelitele ate doing ia Taa invite you to call, piles, sprains, scalds, burns, ulcers, and any Ricotto. of open old »or«,—T. K. B olton . A.SHLJLIsriD, OEÒEJG-O3ST. ---- WHEAT WANTED— SHOES s >HOES hoes • 1 s ; ÌHOES SHOES a a In Endles >s Variety. All the Latest St yles at Low Prices Yamßl, 1 lorris & Drake, e e Dry Goods and Clothing Stores, Johnson Bloc) - Ashland, Oregon _ P1UITT BANK OF ASHLAND. Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 ♦ PEIL. Exclusive Agent for Baker # Hamilton. 1- VALLEY RECORD. THE POOLE HOSPITAL YREKA, CAL : : DR. W. E. POOLE, Manager. Commission Merchants t t * s. Excursion - Rates GEO. W. TREFREN H. Holt, Mrs. Sotrfe, 0 Sharp Razors, Clean Towels, and Good Work F. C. SIMPSON J. H. DUTTON, I uttlDR DnU 1 llDilo buiili nil 11 ö Fox & Good, ASHLAND, o o o o o # Soda Springs w w w w Oregon and California Green and Dried D. B. GRANT, À A FENCING | Carter Creek Commission Merchants Fruits, Potatoes, Poultry, Etc. Ashland Mercantile Co. Oregon Oil Company. Southern Oregon Oil Company, Southern i ft o ★ Universal -Ö 0- O **