J. K. VAN SANT E. A. SHERWIN A. McCALLEN ‘ THE VENDOME.” COLESTIN. ' ACQUIRED ANOTHER STORE. THE CALIFORNIA COMPANY, Dr. Darrin (Dili Remain Train Dispatcher and Mrs. F. J. Beltz _ .“T PRÄSIDENT Drake Buy Out Guggenheim-Mack-Keith People Per-' The New Fashionable Boarding and Miss Louise Whitney were up from , * auP* • 1 r Ashland Sundav. , D. R. & K. V. Mills, Who Retire feet Their Arrangements ana Will House at Main and Third Leased So in Begin Test mg the Territory. Mrs. F. M. Drake, Mrs. J. T. Rogers, fronl BMtensla Ashland. to Mrs Nellie Potter of Seattle—To Mrs. A. C. Hough and Miss Lyle Watson ' One of the leading events of the sea- The Southern Oregou Oil Company's Be Ready Aug. 15 were up from Ashland Saturday and son in commercial circles occurred this Operations. The new building that E. A. Sherwin Sunday. | week when the firm of Vaupel, Norris ' ASHLAND, OREGON. and J. K. Van Sant are having erected Fred Luy, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Miller, ' & D™ke closed the deal wherebv they The Southern Oregon Oil Company’s at corner of Main and Thiru streets Mrs. Sears, James Stewart, H. B. Nve, ; the store of D. R. & E. . well-boring operations near Ashland JI» General • Banking • Business = transacted promise* to be quite an extensive af­ Joe Beek, and Misses Jessie and Lillie ^1*1 I s adjommg dry goods store. were interrupted a few days this week to fair and will be ready for occupancy Gregory of Medford spent over Sundav iThe deal has been their under way for several I allow for the putting in of some casing. I Medford Maili CATARRH. about the middle ol August. The The new nmnrlPtnr« proprietors h.vA have They struck two streams of water and DIRECTORS ' I j months. "'nnthq Thp the past two months Dr. Dar­ original structure was the South school at the springs. i taken possession and will soon announce the drilling was disturbed some by rocks I rin During has made a great furore among the house and it was remodeled and added Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Nichols of Ash- ' ; to the public their future intentions. F M. DRAKE, C. H. VAUPEL, I falling in. They will start up drilling in afflicted of this vicinity. His offices Symptoms, Effects, Treatments and to at an expense of $3500, the purpose land and Miss Fav Johnson of Corvallis Their purpose is to secure control of ' full blast Saturday. About ten days ago I E. A. SHERWIN, J. K. VAN SANT, being to construct a fashionable board­ were with the Sunday throng 41 the the two buildings to convert them into i two shifts were put on. Mr. Moss ar- have been crowded night and day, and Cure, by Dr. Darrin, tne Electro­ phenomenal cures have been reported. ing and lodging house similar to “ The I Springs. a large store where they can lay off and magnetic Physician. > rived yesterday from the Sunset district JOHN S. SHOOK, A. McCALLEN, J. A. GROSS. Hill” in Portland and to supply the de­ It is to be regretted that his visit in handle their goods in departments. to take charge of the drilling. He is an this city will soon expire as he will Mrs. J. D. Bolton and daughter Miss Among the chief chronic diseases, mand for such a place in that prosperous The rebuilding of the modern fronts experienced man at the business. which affects the human frame, catarrh close his office here September 1. The section of this city. The ground floor Nellie of Ashland spent Sunday here. to each store with the addition of con- opportunity to consult this eminent is the most prevalent, most offensive, space is 38x80, and it reaches three Mrs. Ranse Rouse and son came up tem plated internal improvements will J. C. Hill has returned from San Fran­ physician should not be lost. most productive of discomfort, and a stories high in main part. Among from Medford Tuesday for an extended make the new store the handsomest cisco and informs us that Messrs. Mack, Dr. Darrin has practiced in Paris, variety of distressing aud dangerous com­ other unique features will be an upper stay. Ranse and Miss May Rouse will place in southern Oregon. Guggenheim and Keith, the oil capital- New York and Portland, and plications. Its earliest and most promi­ deck over the kitchen part which will arrive Sunday. Until January they will maintain istsTnave organized and incorporated a London, while abroad discovered certain reme­ nentsymptoms is a discharge from the be a roof garden for dancing and social Mrs. Mary Fielder and daughter Julia their separate clothing'store in the John­ company with $100,000 capital for the dies for many of the most dreaded dis­ head, varying in its uature in different purposes, with covered piazzas running son block. of developing and operating oil eases, and his treatment of them given cases, and even in the same individual round the house. It will be elegantly came up from Central Point Wednesday 1 The firm of Vaupel, Norris & Drake purpose wells in Oregon. They have identified entire satisfaction. at different times. It may be a thin, equipped with all the latest modern ap­ for an extended stay. began business in Ashland during the with their enterprise naming it Numerous testimonials have appeared colorless, acrid fluid, or a glairy, starch- pliances and conveniences and is to be Renas Hamilton and wife, Mrs. Little panic of 1893 and notwithstanding the Ashland the “Ashland Oil Company.” The di­ substance. Geuerally, however, it as swell a place as Ashland’s pressure and daughter, Lottie, Mrs. E. W. Carver, hard times that enveloped the whole rectors of the company are A. J. Mack, in this paper during tbe past few weeks like can stand without shocking the natives Miss Erina Wigle, of Medford arrive country during the ensuing years they J. J. Mack, L. L. Brentner, jr., J. C. from those who thought they owed it to is thick, purulent, or mucopurulent the doctor, as well as hundreds of like ( matter, either ash colored, greenish yel­ Thursday for a long stay. too seriously. built up their business steadily each Hill, J. M. Keith and L. Guggenheim. sufferers, to speak of the good work I low, or of a deep green tint, occasionally Yesterday Attorney H. L. Me William Misses Ella Orth, Anna Keegan and vear ana by faithfully serviug the pub­ A. J. Mack is president, J. J. Mack vice that had been done for them. streaked or flecked with blood. So drew up the papers that leased the Frances Donegan and John Wilkinson lic with skill and ability they nave president, L. Guggenheim manager and Many of these are well known to the copious and offensive is the discharge in management of the place to Mrs. Nellie arrived today from Jacksonville to re­ thoroughly established a splendid name J. M. Keith secretary. J. C. Hill, who editor, having been cured when the many cases, that patients express the be- Potter of Seattle, who has had ten years and reputation and their acquisition of lias managed their affairs here very effi­ doctor was here before,, he having spent ■ lief that their heads are one “mass of experience in conducting first class main two weeks. the old and reliable firm of the Mills’ is superintendent. None of two months in this city at that time, corruption.” Miss Anna Beeson arrived from Talent will place them even in a better way to ciently, lodging houses in that city. She will their stock is on the market, it being when we became favorably impressed “ hawking .” call it “The Vendome” and has ordered today. serve the people. held by the above named parties. • with his good work. $1500 worth of new furniture. There Mrs. A. C. Hough and Mrs. R. M. Eb­ The company will begin operatioin Much of the discharge passes back­ Few doctors have had such a large Gabriel Long is dying. are 20 fine rooms for guests. < immediately and their prospecting rig is practice as this physician, who is visited ward, either dropping in the throat or erly are here from Grants Pass. Rev. Dr. G. W. Gue died suddenly expected in a few days when it will be by scores of people everywhere he stops collecting as a tough, viscid, tenacious The First National Bant Fixtures. Ed. Warner and family of Medford are yesterday of heart disease at Portland. started on Section 9, range 2 east, town­ and it is well to note that the doctor is phlegm, behind and above the soft pal­ here for the summer. The First National Banks’ new fix­ ship 40, which is on the upper end of not out for money alone, as is proved by ate to the passage between the throat Mrs. Joseph McGill returns today from Capt. J. T. Nash, wife and son arrived a visit in California. tures were put in this week and the ■ the Barron place. The machine that numerous cases of poor people he has and the head. Its lodgment emharasses vault was completed over a week ago by Tuesday to remain some time, will be brought on at first will be a rig cured, who are unable to pay for the respiration, and creates a constant and Wm. Reaves. The fixtures were manu­ Frank Wait lias shipped 10 carloads of of their own make from their Kern river restoration of their health. The doctor irresistible desire to relieve the discom­ factured by Weeks Bros, of Phoenix and stone to Salem. Yaqunia Bay Excursion. valley oil fields and is for the purpose of owes his great success partly to the fort by drawing the offensive substance are of oak, ash, maple and pine very testing the territory. The bit will be 5 j mysterious power of electricity, in into the throat, by a loud insufflation Emil Peil returned early in the week G. F. Billings and wife, Homer Bil ­ handsomely finished with plate glass lings and J. H. Pracht and wife leave I from the Epworth League excursion to inches and the drill will go down 600 or which he has become so well versed, through the nose, so as then to be able windows, making a very attractive today for Newport. feet. The purpose of testing the ter­ Electricity is the wonder of the age, to eject it by a disagreeable “hawking.” ! San Francisco. Mr. Peil continues feel­ 700 place of business. ritory is to find out the depth and char­ and the mode of treatment is the acme ing quite feeble. Mr. Bolton returns OFFENSIVE BREATH. Next Monday Elmer Patrick and wife, with ' of the formation. of perfection. It penetrates the secret the excursion tomorrow. They acter Mild Form of Smallpox. Misses Esther and Mary Silsby, Mamie are They will drill 12 holes in the neigh ­ ambush of disease and exterminates it, having a fine time. In the most advanced stages, the dis­ borhood of their present location and root and branch, forever. It removes ’Phone No., 96. Erma Melius is recovering from a mild ahd Maud Barnes, Maud and Elsie Pat- ' 4 th Street, near Depot. charges are geuerallv of an offensive Redding Searchlight, July, 24: Joseph terson, and Mrs. Helen Silsby leave for may then move their prospecting plant the wretched symptoms of loathsome form of smallpox. The quarantine was Dame and wife and Jesse Houck of Ash­ to some of their lands in another section. maladies and averts their dreadful ef­ odor, causing great annoyance to one’s the same place. removed. land, who spent several days here, have They will give their lands a thorough fects. It cures many of the most hope­ friends and to the patient himself, while his sense of smell remains. This an­ The army transport Indiana arrived gone . The Red Bluff papers lament the fact on to San Francisco. The men prospecting. less cases and relieves painB that every that another case of smallpox has broken at San Francisco from Manila, and were well pleased with Redding and re­ These parties are wealthy San Fran­ known remedy failed in, and can be sub­ noyance from the odor becomes almost out in that town. The Cause says “Otto among her passengers were 188 general turn to this city to go into business if a cisco people who have been successful stantiated by the evidence of hundreds beyond endurance, more especially when Special attention to Commercial men. Rates reasonable Shell, a baseball player and moulder prisoners. This is the largest number location can be secured. oil operators of the Kern county, Cal., who have been cured by Dr. Darrin. the disease assumes the form of ozaeua, who came there from Grants Pass about of prisoners ever brought from the Phil­ district. They have had several experts We could say more which we feel is and the delicate bones of the nose be­ Preaching at the M. E. church Sunday 15 days ago” to visit his aunt, broke out ippines. The men, under the charge of and mining engineers look over the due this eminent physician, did space come diseased. at 11 a. in. by the pastor. Epworth with the disease Sunday. He was taken country and have secured several thous­ permit. DEFORMITY OF THE NOSE. to the pest house and the family resi­ Lieutenant E. Kimmel, were handcuffed League meeting at 7 p. m. Tlie8 o’clock and acres of land, some bv purchase and service is omitted on account of the dence was quarantined. Shell is known in pairs on the lower deck. There In cases where the bones of the nose some through a bond. Their operations Deafness Cured. in Ashland, having worked in the foun­ were four murderers among the pris­ union meetings. All are cordially in­ in this district are a material encourage­ become diseased, not only is the offen­ oners, all of whom were sentenced to vited. J. T. Abbett, Pastor. dry here. Mr. Editor:—For years I have heard siveness of the breath greatly increased, ment to the oil boring and developing Mr John Tippis, Colton, O., says: “Fo­ of Dr. Darrin’s “Teo Minute Cures,” but there is a liability to 6enous person­ The Dunsmuir News says: “Accord­ life imprisonment, and were, with the ley’s Honey and Tar cured my little girl of industry. but I confess I had little faith in him or al deformities, among which are flatten­ ing to recent reports of Fourth Vice- other prisoners, taken to Alcatraz a severe cough and inflamed tonsils.”—T. the reported cures until lately, when I ing of the nose. IN THE PHILIPPINES. island. Among the prisoners were K. B olton President Krutschnitt the division from mustered up faith enough to try him Dunsmuir to Ashland stands the highest three commissary sergeants of the army FATAL EFFECTS OF CATARRH. We call attention to ad. of the Poole Agninaldo is irritated at his contin- for almost total deafness. I hal been in percentage in efficiency of making who were Implicated in the frauds at Hospital at Yreka, Cal., which appears aed surveillance by the American au­ bothered with deafness for about six time and handling freight of any on the Manila last March. The swallowing of catarrhal secretions in our columns this week, and commend thorities. Whenever he signs his name years. The past few days I was quite 8. P. Co’s system.” That division is deranges the functions of the stomach, ASHLAND, OREGON. : The Alaska Packers’ association has it to favorable concideration. under direction of L. B. Hendricks, for­ he must add the word “prisoner.” He unable to hear any conversation and causing indigestion and loss of appetite Dr. Poole, the manager, is personally was nearly run over by a team. Dr. purchased the Anacortes (Wash,) Pack ­ and health. Debility, paleness, lassi­ merly of this city, and his friends here known to us as a physician and surgeon has refused the request of his friends to are pardonably proud of the record lie is ing compan; ’s property, consisting of of ability, experience and skill. No one write the insurgent General Malvar, Darrin cured me with electricity so 1 tude, headache, and disturbance of mind TRONG ACADEMIC COURSE. Professional training of the highest excel­ making.—Roseburg Review. the cannery at Anacortes, with fish­ needing careful treatment or hospital still at large in Southern Luzon, advis­ can hear a whisper. I can never thank soon follow. In some instances the lence. First-class Training Department. Well equi ipped laboratories. De­ traps and a number of steam vessels. care can do better than to patronize this ing him to surrender. He consented to Dr. Darrin enough, and most emphatic­ mental affection is one of irritability, the When you waut a modern, up-to-date ally recommend him to all. I have patient being unduly annoyed by all the easily secure inand for trained teachers far exceeds the supply. Graduates ( It is understood that $500,000 was the place. sign a copy of his oath of allegiance physic, try Chamberlain ’ s Stomach and lived in Tolo, Jackson county, Or., little perplexitiee of life. In others the good positions. Liver Tablets. They are easy to take price paid. It is easier to keep well than get cured with the understanding that it be for­ the past three years and will gladly prominent feeling is that of melancholy and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Beautiful location and delightful climate. Fall Term begins September 9th. The body of Samuel Cartson, rancher, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers taken now warded to Malvar with the purpose of answer all inquiries by letter or in per­ or depression of spirits, when the invalid For sale by all druggists. then, will always keep your bowels in influencing his surrender, but under his son. J. P. H arr . can see no hope in the future for him­ residing at the Natural Corral, 20 miles and perfect order. They never gripe but pro­ Write for catalogue. ’ signature to this oath he wrote “ prisoner To the Editor:—For two years I have self or his affaire. Catarrhal deafness is from Cody, Wyo., was found some dis­ mote an easy gentle action.—M c N aib B ros . SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. been troubled with a cough, bronchitis almost sure to follow in a majority of in Malacanan prison.” tance from his cabin with a bullet W. M. CLAYTON, President. Fer pimples, blotches, bad complex­ and sciatic rheumatism. I have been cases. A dispatch from Kroonstadt, dated wound in the shoulder. The face was ion, As fast as the insular constabulary is Hood’s Sireaparilla is the medicine under Dr. Darrin’s treatment one month CONSUMPTION AND DEATH. July 21, says that Major Pine-Coffin crushed and beaten. In his cabin evi­ to take—it has established this fact. organized the American troops will be and teel no effects of cough or bron­ surprised a Boer commando at Honing­ dences o? a struggle were found. A centered in fewer garrisons, and their chitis, and my rheumatism is rapidly Catarrhal affections, unchecked by While negro minstrels were singing a spruit, July 19, capturing Commandant considerable amount of money which number will be decreased. leaving me. Refer any one to me at treatment, are prone to extend by con­ chorus in the “ Old Mill ” scenic tunnel Hatting, two sons of General Prinsloo Cartson was known to possess is miss­ tinuity of surface along the natural air After three months’ trial of a provin­ Gold Hill, Ore. passages to the substance of the lungs, and 24 others. There were 17 killed ing. Cartson had not been seen alive at Coney Island the crowd of pleasure­ cial fosm of government in the islands M. H. R oundtree . The People’s Paper. seekers heard a pistol-shot and the next A. SHERWIN, thus causing consumption and death. and wounded. for two weeks. More Cares By Dr. Darrin. instant the body of a man with a wound of Cebu and Bohol and the province of In this connection it should also be re­ Mrs. Kruger, wife of the former presi-1 The barkefltine Mary Winkleman ar­ in his head passed them in orie of the Batangas, Luzon, control of those dis­ membered that the air which enters the ASHLAND. O b ., Thursday. July 25, 1901 Reliable Senator Geo. Chandler ’ s eon Charles, dent of the late Transvaal republic, who rived at San Francisco, and reports that boats of the mill-stream. The ghastly tricts, owing to their incomplete pacifi­ Baker City, Or., heart trouble and lungs of a catarrhal patient is, every is now in Europe, died on July 20 at on July 14, in latitude 37 degrees 3 min­ j spectacle, coming suddenly into the cation, has been returned to the mili­ general nervous debility, cured and breath of it, poisoned by exhalations Insurance, THE TROUBLE IN CHINA. Pretoria, after a short illness. She was utes north, longitude 127 degrees 57 i glare of the electric lights from the tary authorities. The provincial and gained 30 pounds. from the foul secretions of the diseased OREGON ASHLAND, - J. W. Keeney, Long Creek, Grant surface. By such air the blood can not A dispatch from Tientsin dated July a little younger than her husband, and minutes west, an Indian canoe about 80 darkness of the cavern, caused many civil officials of these designated dis­ be properly purified and made fit to im­ 19 says considerable anxiety is felt there was his second wife, his fi'.st having feet long was spoken. This is the,craft passers-by on the sidewalk to scream tricts will continue their functions, but County, Oregon, kidney complaint and part healthy vigor ii its unending cir­ in which two young men of British pains in the back and down the sciatic died nine months after her marriage. the resumption by the Chi­ wirh fright and rush away in every are now under the authority of General nerves restored. cuit to all and every part of the anin.al pROF. J. B.SWIDENSKY, following Lord Kitchener reports in a dispatch Columbia are going to make a tour of direction. One of the features of the Chaffee, instead of that of Civil Gover- nese of the partial control of the city. Mrs. P. Hayes’ daughter, southwest mechanism. One would suppose that the south seas. They requested the The natives are cutting the telegraph from Elandstontein, dated July 18, that scenic tunnel is a representation of nor-Taft, as heretofore. Several towns corner 20 and Marshall street, Port­ this consideration alone would be suffic­ Instructor in Violin. lines outside of Tientsin, and further Captain Charles Botha, son of Philip | Winkleman to report them well. hades, and when opposite an enormous in Cebu are still besieged by the insur­ land, goitre (large neck) for years, ient to induce every person,thus afflicted, to make early application for relief. The Ukiah* (Cal.) Game Protective Botha, and Field Cornets Humann and violence is feared. figure of Satan, the suicide fired the gents. The insurrection on the island cured with electricity alone. OREGON ASHLAND, associatlon obtained a conviction against of Bohol has been renewed, and insur ­ Ex-Sheriff A. T. 8choeps ’ daughter, Oliver have been killed in the Orange shot. He' had 'ridden four successive The ministers have formally fixed the TREATMENT AND CURE. W. N. Dutton, who was fined $40 for times through the tunuel with other gent sentiment in the province of Ba­ 51}^ Third St., Portland, loss of appetite, £M^Leave word at D. B. Grant’s hard­ amount of indemnity at 450,000,000 River Colony. liver complaint and rheumatic neuralgia tangas is strong. By the medical and electrical system taels, with interest at 4 per cent per In the course of an inquiry conducted killing deer. E. Brown and L. Lenbe passengers in the boat; on the fifth trip ware store. for six months, cured. of treatment, which Dr. Darrin has The Roman Catholic authorities at annum, 'lire formal surrender of Pe­ under oath at Johannesburg various of Mendocino were convicted of simi­ he was the only occupant. The man is D.* J4Graham’s]child, Springfield, Or., adopted and pursued for years with uni­ said to be William Weiderhold of Mur­ Manila say they have no intention of | painfully afflicted with granulated con- king to the Chinese authorities is ex­ non-commissioned officers and men of lar offenses and fined $25 each. form success, a complete and permanent withdrawing the friars from the Phil- ; junctivitus, complicted with ulcere of cure of this repulsive disorder can be ef­ L. M c W illiams , Judge Cook of San Francisco, in the ray Hill, N. J. pected to take place on the 14th of the British army confirmed the state­ Earl Russell, arraigned at the bar of ippine islands When the Filipinos are j the eyeballs for nine months, cured, August. ment that the Boers shot the British case of Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, charged fected. This be lias demonstrated in J. A. Lindsley, news a^ent on the thousands of cases, representing the dis­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, with murder, granted the application the house of lords charged with bigamy, assured that the friars will no longer wounded at Vlakfontein. Disorder and lawlessness have greatly exercise temporal authority, they will N. P. R. R , residence Mt Tabor, Ore ease in every form and all its various The correspondence between Reitz for a writ of error, 60 that the United was sentenced to three mouths’ im- in Peking since the policing welcome them as their spiritual advisers. gon; consumption, bronchitis and ca­ stages of development, llis applications Oregon. increased States supreme court may decide on the ! I prisonment in Holloway prison as a Ashland, of the city was restored to the authorit­ and Steyn that was captured with the cured and gained fifteen pounds. are made to reach the diseased parts in The clericals charge the leaders of ths tarrh, Ernest Rhodes, Pendleton, Or., kid­ the most direct and positive manner, in­ ies. There are nightly burglaries by latter’s baggage, near Lindley, July question of jurisdiction. The question I first-class misdemeanant. Among the has never beiore arisen in the history of witnesses who entered the hall was Federal party, themselves Catholics, ney trouble and diabetes; he had to re Will practice in State and Federal courts large bands of depredators, while Chi­ 11th, has been published. Reitz, under the country, and should the supreme Judge Curler of Nevada, who took a with inciting people against the clergy, lieve his bladder hourly, night and day, stantaneously penetrating every cell and nese in the employ of Europeans are date of Muy 10th, wrote Steyn that a cavity of the head, communicating with Office. Besser bl’k, over Western meeting of the Transvaal government; court decide that the crime is triable seat beside the clergyman who married and say they would be willing to sub­ all hi6 life, cured in seven months by the nostrils, and subjecting every por­ frequently beaten. Union telegraph office. only in Delaware, where her alleged Earl Russell to Mabel Scott, his first stitute American for Spanish friars, ex­ Dr. Darrin. tion of the membrane to the healing “Mongolia is now Russia,” says a dis­ had been held, attended by General victims died, she will be delivered into wife. W. Hays, 490 Commercial street, action of the remedy employed, with the cept for difficulties arising from the Botha and General Viljoen. On ac ­ East Portland, Or., inflammation neck patch to the London Daily Express from A HINMAN, D. D. S, the custody of that state. Eleven thousand English Free Masons Americans’ ignorance of Spanish aud of bladder and sciatic rheumatism; most beneficial result, without causing St. Petersburg. “Urga, a Chinese sta­ count of the many difficulties with the least pain or unpleaeant sensation. the native dialects. - Commissioner Whipple of Unalaska attended the installation in Albert hall, came on crutchee to the doctor—cured, The affected cavities are thoroughly tion on the road to Peking, about 200 which they had to contend, it was de­ Dentist. and left crutches at the doctor’s office cleansed from incrustic morbific matter, miles south of Kikhta, has been fortified cided lo send a message to President got himself into trouble by ordering the London, of the Duke of Connaught as F. D. Henriti, Montavilla, Or , for­ the offensive smell is removed and re­ Joseph Britton, a public-spirited citi­ and garrisoned by Russian troops. Sur­ Kruger, pointing out the terrible condi­ captain of the British steamer Glenora grand master of the united grand lodge, merly St. Helens, Ore., lame back and lief from other troublesome symptoms is in succession to Edward VII. The Duke tions. Mr. Steyn, replying May 20th, to haul down the Union Jack, which zen, and known as the “ father of the veying parties, escorted by troops, have trouble 4 years, cured; also bis almost immediately experienced. The In the Pioneer Block, up stairs, near penetrated as far as the great desert to says Mr. Reitz is weak-hearted, urges a the British steamer was flying, along of Connaught was installed by Earl San Francisco charter,” died at his resi­ kidney wife was cured of discharging ear and discharge soon diminishes, irritation is Amherst, pro grand master, assisted by continuance of the struggle, and asks , with other bunting, in honor of Inde ­ dence, 829 Union street, San Francisco. determine the route of a direct railway City Hall. deafness. allayed, the inflamation subsides, ulcer­ to Peking across the desert and the why they should not still trust in God. pendence day. The captain, after being the Earl of Warwick, deputy grand He was born in Yorkshire, England, in Henson McCoy, Boyd, Oregon, deaf­ ations are made to heal, and finally a master, Lord Milner, the bishop of He expresses his belief that complica ­ told by Whipple that he would be put 1825. point where it will join the Trans- ness and terrible pain in the ear and radical and permanent cure is effected. JJR. S. T. SONGER Siberian railway extension now being tions in Europe will occur whiefi will in jail if he did not take down the flag, Calcutta, and the lord mayor of London John 0. Leasure, an attorney from head for six months, until he was nearly complied, but immediately lodged a were present to receive advancement in Portland, Or., was found dead in his crazy, restlessness and insomnia. Re­ constructed around the south end of secure their good fortune. Dr. Darrin a Place of Buaineae. Physician and Surgeon complaint with Captain Harry Knox of the craft, and honors were conferred on room at 17 Grant avenue, San Francisco, stored to health by electricity after all Lake Baikal.” Dr. Darrin, at Hotel Nash, Medford, other treatment had failed. the United States gunboat Concord, also Lord Kitchener. WASHINGTON NOTES- having taken a quantity of carbolic acid gives free examination to all, and when Mrs. J. Ellis, 325 Clay street, Port ­ in the harbor. The result was that the With the week beginning August 19 some hours previously. Monetary diffi­ FOREIGN ITEMS. giyes medicines in connection Novelty Blocx, Opp. Hotel Oregon A bulletin issued by the census office British flag was soon flying at the Glen- there will be more firemen assembled at culties is said to have been the cause of land Or., deafness and diseases peculiar necessary with electricity. The poor treated free to her sex ; cured. Ida and Edith Yoeland, actresses, 26 shows that there has been a decease of ora’s masthead again, and Captain Knox the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo the suicide. ASHLAND — — — OREGON R C. Cook, Portland, stricture of the from 10 to 11 daily, except medicines. and 21 years old respectively, committed the Chinese population in the United ran np the Union Jack to the fore of than were ever gathered in one spot urethra, cured after five doctors failed Those willing to pay, 10 to 5; evenings, suicide together by taking poison in States since 1890 of 17,665, the number the Concord and fired a national salute. before in the history of this country. 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. MARRIED. to cure him. Deaf nee, catarrh, eye, nose aud throat, their rooms in London. They were now here being 89,600. The Japanese C. A. Vanderford, North Yamhill, J) M. BROWER, M. D. The Crandall fruit-drier at Los Gatos, There will be exempts, volunteers and disappointed at failing to secure an increased during the last ten years from Cal., together with the contents, 480 paid firemen from all prrts of Canada McCLENDON—BETTS—At Gold Hill, Or,, deafness and ringing noises, cured heart, liver, stomach, lung troubles, er­ rors of youth, blood taints, gleet, impo­ 2,039 to 24,300. expected engagement. July 17, 1901, by J. B. R. Morelock, J. in ten minutes. Physician and Surgeon, tons of dried fruit, were destroyed by and tho United States. A firemen’s Chas. B. McCracken, Dalles, Or., con­ tency, varicocele, hydrocele, tumors and P., John H. McClendon and Miss Jes ­ tournament will be held tn the 6tadium During operations with a military Horatio J. Sprague, United States fire. The loss is $20,000 and the insur­ ASHLAND — — — OREGON sumption, catarrh and bronchitis, re­ stricture a specialty. Surgical opera­ sie D. Betts. balloon on an island in the Neva, near consul at Gibraltar since May 13, 1818, ance $12,000. All the fruit belonged to of the exposition on the 22d and 23d of tions performed when Decessary. All stored to health. office : St. Petersburg, the balloon exploded and the oldest consul in the American H. D. Curtis, except 180 tons of dried August, and an extraordinary pro­ Wm. A. Hall, Aetoria, Or., discharg chronic male and female aud private At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, and blazed up. One person was killed service, is dead. His son, Richard I. prunes, the property of the California gramme of events in which firemen are ing ear 20 years, from scarlet fever; diseases treated at half hie former Laurel and Main Streets. prices, for home treatment, or in that aud 20 were injured, several fatally. cuied 10 years ago. Sprague, is the vice and deputy consul Cured Fruit association. The fire is be­ to participate exclusively has been ar­ proportion of time, as the case may re­ Captain Parker, proprietor Parker ranged by the exposition committee of at Gibraltar, and it is announced at the lieved to have been of incendiary xrrigin. The heat in England has been intense The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, quire. No cases published except by Hotel, Aetoria, catarrh for years, cured sports in conjunction with the Buffalo and many cases of sunstroke and suicide state department that he will be ap­ J A. McCALL The steamer Roanoke—the famous permission of the patient. All business Has Purchased......................... eight years ago. pointed to fill the vacancy. The treasure ship of the north—arrived at Volunteer Firemen’s association. havo been reported. relations with Dr. Darrin strictly confi­ E. F. Tice, Summerville, Or., pain in "Count Gabriel Kepezey, a first lieu­ Spragues are a Massachusetts family Seattle with over $1,000,000 in gold on­ Harry Craven, grandson of the late head from Bunstroke, cured and gained dential. Letters of inquiry answered, W. 0. Johnson ’ s Shop Civil Engineer and circulars and question blanks sent free. 10 pounds. tenant in one of the hussar regiments,” and have held the Gibraltar consulate board and 60 passengers. Most of the Rear-Admiral Craven, U. S. N., and a since 1832, when Andrew Jackson ap ­ Patients unable to visit Dr. Darrin dur­ descendant of the wealthy New York Mies Rose Berry, sister of Mrs. Miller Mineral Surveyor. says a dispatch to the Loudon Daily pointed to the same office the father of passengers were from Nome. The family of that name, was committed to And is now prepared to serve postmaster at Hillsdale, Or., tumor in ing the week can do so on Sunday, from treasure was consigned to the North Moil from Buda Pest, “ has been form ­ bis old customers and the pub­ 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. The doctor will NOTARY public . the mouth, removed. ally degraded in Szegedin before the the man who has just died. American Trading aud Transportation the Bloomingdale (N. Y.) insane asy­ lic generally at the old Btand Harveys for Patents and Mining Loca­ Stephen Wylie, Nasel, Pacific Uo., remain until Sept. 1st. Seldom more lum as a hopeless lunatic. Craven is 19 whole regiment. He made a bet that company, and nearly $3,500,000 was tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. Washington, liver complaint and an ag­ than one visit is necessary—after that Schley Accused of Cowardice. I he would cut off the right ear of one of left at St. Michael for future shipment. years old, and it is said that hazing at M ain S t ., O pp . O pera H ouse B lock gravated cose of piles, cured. the patient can take home treatment. Much discussion has been aroused on Anapolis Naval academy is the cause of General Blacksmithing of all kinds. C. D. Kno'te, Mulino, Clackamas Patients desiring to see the doctor should The corner-stone of the Sherman In­ his madness. Offioe at residence. South Main Stree his best friends, Caspar Kanyo, with his account ot severe criticisms passed on He will furnish batteries saber. He then approached the unsus­ county, Oregon, nervous debility and not delay. stitute of the Southern California In­ Horseshoeing a Soecialty. Rear-Admiral Schley in the third vol ­ and electric belts for any patient requir­ Thomas A. Edison has won his case pimples on the face, cured. pecting Kanyo and slashed off the ear, I dustrial Indian school at Riverside was Scores of others might be mentioned ing them, and will give full directions Kanyo shot at Kepezey with his revol­ ume of Maclay’s “History of the Navy.” laid with impressive ceremonies. The against the American Biograph and 8OCIETY DIRECTORIES. if patients would allow their names to for «heir use. Eyes tested free and glass­ ver, but missed him. Then, turning to Among the paragraphs in the chapter of institute is named in honor of Congress­ Mutoscope company, fully sustaining aggearkrgrinL^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ es fl t t«d. Maclay ’ s book which describes the sea the mirror and seeing himself without man Sherman of New York, and the his claims. Edison’s patent is declared W. R. C. (he ear, he turned his revolver against battle of Santiago are these: “Schley, stone was laid by Captain McLachlan, the pioneer, and all his claims to the ■ urniidi uuir corps so. 24 Mrs. A, VANDERKARR, P rop . Ashland & Klamath Falls whole art of taking moving pictures is himself and fell dead. The colonel in on May 28, 1898, sullied the brightest of Meet* in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock y degrading Kepezey warned the officers American mottoes by penning, ‘Much an old schoolmate of Mr. Sherman, as­ sustained. The decision carries with it sisted by Captain A. C. Tonner, assist­ m on the second and fourth Saturday: cf of the regunent against debauchery and to be regretted, cannot obey orders, ’ and I ant commissioner of Indian affairs at an accounting to be made by the Ameri­ Beaeb Block, over the Bridge. each month. turned in caitif flight from the danger can Biograph and aud Mutoscope com­ M bs . J. D. C rockkk , I’res. drunkenness. ” spot toward which duty, honor and the Washington. President McKinley sent M bs . M. J. Spencer. Bec'v. Miss Hettie Chattel, an actress, has whole American people were most ear­ a congratulatory message. The build­ pany, and involves a large amount of F irst -C lass M eals S erved JACKSONVILLE, obtained a verdict for £2,500 in the nestly urging him. ings, which are to be 12 in number, are money. _______________ KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Refrigerators, tents, hammocks, lawn Thoroughly Restocked and OREGON. sheriff's court in London against the “Viewed in whatever light it may be, of the mission type, and are to be com­ and camp chairs. J. P. Dodge, opera GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of London Daily Mail for libel. At the Entirely New Management. pleted by next March. The total cost Short Orders at all hours. block. _______________ Boarding School for Girls. Pythi»», Ashland. Oregon, meets every time of the marriage of Rosie Boote to the foregoing dispatch cannot be char­ will be $150,000. Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good acterized otherwise than as being, with­ ROBERT M. GARRETT There is more Catarrh in this section of FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS the Marquis of Headfort the Daily Mail out exception, the most humiliating, Standingareoordiallyinvited to attend. Give the new restaurant a Ex-Policeman Wilson, who was an­ the country than all other diseases put to- L, E. BENDER. Chancellor Com. asserted .that Miss Chattel was the cowardly and lamentable report ever noyed by the firing of firecrackers by eetber, Superintendent. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES and until the last few years was sup­ trial. T. H. S impson . K. K. 8. mother of Miss Boote. some children on the evening of the posed to be incurable. For a great many penned by an American naval offioer. Jacksonville. Oregon. Best and vears doctors pronounced it a local disease “Schley was perfectly willing to avoid Fourth of July, at San Francisoo, fired and prescribed local remedies, and by con­ Quickest Route to blanketing the Are of the other Ameri­ his pistol among them and killed little stantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable. Science has prov ­ Maggie Hartwell, was ordered held by can warships, even at the risk of a dis­ catarrh to be a constitutional disease, astrous collision with the Texas, so long Judge Conlon to answer, without bail, en FOR Located on Rogue river, sui'ab’e and therefore requires constitutional treat­ • • to the charge of murder before the su ­ as he could escape getting too close to SALE for grain and fruit culture or stock ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured : perior court. The last words had hardly by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the ; danger.” where it is hot all the year round raiaing; has ample build tigs and fencing. Goes by Barron, Shake, Secretary Long considers this lan­ passed the judge’s lips when Mrs. Hart­ only constitutional cure on the market. It Soda Springs, Parkers and is taken internally in doses from 10 drops guage intemperate, and will exclude the well, the mother of the murdered girl, to a teaspoonfull. It acts directly on the . and equipped Keno; also best connections volume from use as a text-book at the cried out, “God bless you, Judge Con- blood and mucous surfaces of the system ; witn stage lines from Klam­ with pipe and giant; also some quarts prop­ sells better than any where else ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly naval academy. Legal proceedings will lan, for thatl” and then fell back in a They offer one hundred dollars for any | erties. in the world. So don’t stop taking and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath swoon. She was soon restored to con­ case it fai Is to cure. Send for circulars and Drobably be taken by Schley. testimonials. I will sell for cash or take m part pay­ it in summer, or you will lose and Indian Agency. sciousness aud left the courtroom with Address, F. J CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Geo. C. Hickock,Curtiss, Wis.,says: “Fo­ ment property in or adjacent to Ashland. what you have gained. her friends. — Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight Ohio ley ’ s Kidney Cure has been tested and Send for a Tree sample. Terms, one-half down, balance in easy pay­ Sold by Druggists, 75 c. Must be Waybilled. found to be all you claim for it. I have SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Try the new remedy for coativeness, ments at 6 per cent. Call on or address Hall’s'Family Pills are the best. riven it to my father and it is the only 40^415 Pearl Street, New York. thing that ever helped him.” T. K, B olton Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ H. L. WHITE, For iron pipe and fittings go to W. N.. lets. Every box guaranteed. Price, 25 VALLEY RECORD rjliX.SI.75 VICB* PRESIDENT CASHIER FIRST NATIONAL BANK In medford at Hotel Hash Until September First- Í Ti MITCHELL BROS. LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLES. New Barn, « New Rigs, « Fresh Horses Southern Oregon State Normal School S Professional Cards VALLEY RECORD E. C. SHERMAN Royal Restaurant ST. MARY’S ACADEMY. A FARM OF 720 ACRES A PLACER MINE LockBox 86, Ashland, Oregon. INCUBA* STAGE <■ LINE KLAMATH FALLS Scott’s Emulsion Bnlflk MtnnKCkn E m U i Oisconlaa. cent«. For sale by all druggist«. Grubb & Co. hardware dealers. ,