A RUSH FOR AUTOS. ! ' A New York dispatch says that the Miss Stulie Schaffer, one of the wait­ • Tammany dragnet system of putting Manufacture and Sales Have In­ resses of the Sentinel hotel at Yosemite, a nearly every one on the tax rolls for CaL, was drowned in the rapids of the creas <1 Over a Hundred Per Cent ” , personal estate for sums ranging from Merced river, near El Capitan bridge, ; ! about rakzxwt' $5,000 AAA to anvwspnl V1A.W YA. The People’s Paper. fiuriug Past Year. several millions has re­ _ I sulted in increasing gross personal as­ Sundav, July 7ch. Miss Schaffer, Miss } Ths year in automobiles has been a Sadie Young and John Van Can-pen A8HLANP. <» r ., Thursday, July 18, 1901 sessments by more than $64,000,000. good one, but even with its increase of went for a row on the river. When I Some of the larger assessments are the about 100 per cent, in the manufacture, they reached the rapids Miss Young Exselal.r BraaS following: Frederick W. Vanderbilt, the business was not entirely gratify­ GOBLINS, GNOMES AND ELVES. landed, the other two remaining in the ■ $2,000,000; George “ — - - ... ing to manufacturers. At the outset W. Vanderbilt, boat. By the accidental losing of an You have read of the fays and fairies, the $2,000.000; William K. Vanderbilt, the makers locked for tremendous Th. boot vrwtarprwwf r*r«e,U 1» thy goblins, gnomes and elves? oar the boat became unmanageable iu $1,000,000; J. D. Rockefeller, $1,000,000; sales, but with the unsettled condi­ world. Ms4. from tho bool mstcrisls and the rapids and upset, resulting in the They dwell here right among you. Why, Ottendorf er estate, $1,000,000; Andrew tion in business, generally due to de­ warraruf waterproat. Made to ataod we are those folks ourselves; the roofboat work and weather drowning of Miss Schaffer. I.aak far the trade mark. If roar dealer The round-faceu pudgy babies here ffiyour Carnegie, $1,000,000; Russell Sage, $600.- clining values, many purchasers held doee not bare them, write for calalorne to “I am indebted to One Minute Cough laps and homes. 000; A. G. Vanderbilt, $500,000; H. H. back. Prices of autos, however, were I. I. Bdtisg ss4 rsckisg Co.. 4gts.. ka Prsscis«. We are the frolicsome fairies, the goblins Cure for my present good health and luy « M. M. BAW YER A r^N, Sole Mfrs. Rogers, $500,000; Joseph Pulitzer, $500,- well held throughout the year, and "n life. I was treated in vain by doctors gay and gnomes. East Cambridge, Maae. for lung trouble following la erippe. I took “Tis strange how people wonder and seals 000; Marie Marshall, $530,000; Adrian some instances advanced. The auto­ One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my both fast and far Iselin, $400,000. Tammany has also in­ mobile is not a novelty, allowing a hea ’h.’’ vlr. E H. Wise, Madison. Ga.— For mysteries by the milUon wMah live creased the valuations on city real estate wide margin of profit to the maker, right where they are. M c N air B ros . as it is essential that all parts of the Epes Randolph, superintuedent of the Good fairies watch o’er mortals, tbetr in­ $138,862,075. “Why not spend the vacation at machinery included in its construction nocent ways and wiles, Southern Pacific company at Tucson, be of equal merit, which prevents in­ A. T., has tendered his resignation in Sow crops of good Intentions you harvest Yacuina Bay, where can be had excel­ ferior productions and keeps prices in sheaves of smiles; lent fare, good fishing, good h™»in e , safe order to accept H. E. Huntington’s They gladden the poorest houses, bring up. bathing, alluring rides and rambles. offer to manage his electric railway in­ hope to the poorest hearts. The courses and exercises at the Sum­ The demand for pleasure vehicles And lend men Inspiration to triumph in terests in Southern Calfornia. mer School, of 1901, at Newport, wi I represented only about 25 per cent, of fields and marts. instructions, the total increase in the output dur­ Don't we these things accomplish, when afford great variety baby's magic touch diversion and entertainment. ing the year, which indicate« their Will brighten the poorest hovel and bless No other resort offers equal attractions growing popularity. The striking its mortals much? and advantages.” growth was in the output of delivery Of course we are full of mischief, *tls a By a decision of Judge Palmer in the and truck autos. One of the features trait of the gleesome elves, district court at Denver liquor may be that developed during the year was the Bat grown folks lean a little to trouble­ THE OFFSPRING sold on Sunday and saloon-keepers may formation of several bus and some ways themselves; truck them alert and watchful, restrain sell liquor to women in winerooms con­ companies for the purpose of OF HEREDITARY We keep hand ­ them from over-sleep. nected with their saloons. Judge Pal­ ling country passengers and farm And sometimes even up matters by making BLOOD TAINT. mer is of the opinion that women have products to and from towns, It has them scold and weep; Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood But we later give full measure of blessing the same right as men to purchase developed that this business is 3 suc­ disguised in noise. liquor, and that the equal suffrage con- Poison and Consumption. The parent their brighter momenta to I stitutional provision swept away the cess, and will eventually expand to who is tainted by cither will see in the Transmuting Shortest and Quickest Line vast proportions. The export demand jubilees packed with joys. child the same disease ! last vestige of inequality between man has also grown materially, and the TO Their work would flag and falter but for and woman under the laws of the state manifesting itself in American make of every description is ST. PAUL, OULUTH< MINNEAPOLIS, CHICI CO the form of swollen babes enshrined at home; We sometimes act as magnets, permitting of Colorado. going to all parts of the world, even glands of the neck and AND ALL POINTS EAST. them not to roam, Rev. L. G. Brooker of the Evangeli­ throat, catarrh, weak We hold their hearts at the fireside when cal church, well known as the “Cowboy to France, where they originated. Through Palace *n