SALOON MEN ARRESTED. big BOARD OF TRADE. The City Administration Begins Ita Tne Wagon Road Business is Pro­ Operations on the Illegal Selling of gressing Right Alons—To Canvass Liquor in Ashland. the Matter of Celebrating tbe 4th of July—Other Matter«, Mayor Neil Baa His Fighting Habits The Ashland Board of Trade met at On and Will Bend Every Nerve to City hall Monday evening In absence Crush the Outlawed Traffic in of President Carter and Vice President J. R. Norris, Secretary H. S. Sanford called This City. oil stock sale . |A M0ST REMARK A BLE CASE Dr. Ellie, * Bakersfield Operator, Mr a, McKinley is Very 111 in San Bays 5000 Shares or 8. O. O, Co. Francis co Today. Stock. Private Secretary Cortelyou in San Deafness and Paralysis Cured After All Other Methods failed, Dr. C. C. Ellis of Bakersfield, Cal., a Francisco yesterday afternoon officially Dr. Darrin Going to Medford. friend of R. M. Foster and an experienced declared the Presidential trip off and To tbe Editor: Since 13 veara old not say enough in praise of ‘ Dr. Darrin’s oil operator, has sent in his sub. for 5000 announced that as soon as Mre. Mc­ (I am now 29,) I have been troubled new mode of caring the sick. My hus­ shares of S. O.O. Co.’s stock together with with deafness. Of late I could scarcely band is employed by John Cherry, who Kinley was able they would start home bear anything from one ear, and the is getting out wood for the Ashland the meeting to order and J. P. Dodge his check for $500. on the most direct route. other was partially deaf. The cause of mine. I will gladly talk to any one in The saloon question which has been was elected temporary president. The Southern Oregon Oil Co. are ex­ All regard to the cure. Address, Ashland, brewing in Ashland for some months Committee on state normal scool bus pecting word any day that their new San Francisco advices today state that the deafaees was discharging ears. known remedies to science failed to Or. past came to a head Tuesday by the reported progress and granted further standard oil well boring plant has left MR8. JONES FATTIG, Mrs. McKinley is in a precarious state cure me, until Dr. Darrin treated me serving upon Deston High and W C time. the factory at Harvey, Ill. One of the Discharging Ears Cured. Sonnichson, and Jesse Houck and Ashland not having celebrated the 4th principal men of tbe Guggenheim-Mack- of health and it is reported that she was with electricity and other remedies. I was perfectly cured of deafness and Joseph Dame, and Hermann Salomon, of July for three years it was the senti­ Keith company is expected this week. Dr. Darrin —Dear Sir: I write to in­ unconscious. ringing noises in my ears. Refer to me form yon that my son David ia cured. warrants of arrests for the illegal sale of ment of the board that we do celebrate. They will soon be boring. at Ballston, Oregon, where I am working I whisky in the city of Ashland. The The executive committee was asked to I received your medicine by letter the The Presidential ball to be given by the on a farm for Mr. Noah Gregg. warrant were served by Chief-of-Police appoint a committee of three to look THE DATE IS SET. 13th of April and commenced treatment Degree of Honor lodge Tuesday eve, May J.S. McALLIBTER. H. J. Mattoon and all parties appeared up the matter offiinancing the enter­ the 14th, and bia ears quit running in a 21, will positively take place. Tickets now before City Recorder Milton Berry and prise. The committee is H. L. Sayles, The High School Graduates to Do on sale at C. Lane’s, Vaupel, Norris & few days and be can hear just as good State of Oregon, County of Multnomah. asked for bail and time in which to secure D. B. Grant and H. S. Evans. Drake’s clothing store, The Novelty. as any child. I shall never forget roar I, J. S. McAllister, first being dulv Business With the Public. attorneys. They were given until Wed­ kindness and benefit to my child. Representative Briggs having sent sworn, depose and say that the forego ­ The following is the program for the First National Ready lor Bueineae. nesday morning to plead, and no bonds word from Salem that the state official W -s-a-irr m TN GTT'CVDTTTVD Tl Please accept my gratitude. Refer to ing statement of tbe treatment and cure were exacted for their appearance, being reception to President McKinley was to commencement exercises of the Ashland The First National Bank of Ashland of deafness set out in the foregoing state­ me at The Dalles Oregon. high school. The names of the gradu ­ out on their recognizance. Later in the be at Salem and not at Ashland, the placed their new burglar and fire proof ment signed by me is true. A. L. NOKER. afternoon C. B. Watson appeared and board was unanimous that Ashland pro­ ates appear on first page. safe into position in their brick building J. S. MoALLISTER. informed the recorder that himself and ceed upon its own motion and give the at the corner of Main and Oak streets on SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 19, According to his custom Dr. Darrin W. M. Colvig were the attorneys for the President a royal welcome. As tne train Subscribed and sworn to before me will give treatment to the worthy poor Tuesday. McNair Bros., who have a M. E. Church, Baccalaureate Address, lease on the building until September, this 27th day of May, 1893. Having received a car load of Pianos and Organs at Ashland, and hiring @ defendants. Mr. Watson and Attorneys stays in Ashland at least fifteen minutes free, except medicines, from 10 till 11 J? been appointed by the Eilers Piano House to take and close out the consigned H. L. McWilliams and W. C. Hale, and as the President is in the habit of Supt. C. A. Hitchcock. C. J. M c D ougall , have been arranged with to vacate the daily. Regular office hours, 10 a. m. to ¿§5 stock of Pianos and Organs of H. M. Cosa, of the Cosa Piano House of Med- FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 24. representing the mayor of the city of A Notary Public for said County and same in three weeks, and until that time shaking hands with tbe people from the ford. Oregon, in the shortest possible time, we have decided to dispose of them 5p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 Ashland, agreed upon next Monday, State. ________ Pioneer Hall, Alumni Meeting. both the First National Bank and the rear platform of his train tbis will enable in tbe next 10 days; and if not »old in that time they will be shipped to other a. m. to 8 p. m. Tbe afflicted sbonld May 20th, as the time for defendants to everybody to hear a few words from him drug store will jointly occupy the place. territory. They MUST be »old, and at prices offered yon cannot offord to not lose the opportunity to consult this THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23, Another Ashland Cure. plead and a trial of the case. The city and shake bis hand. The motion was As soon as possible a fine new vault will - lose this opportunity if you intend to purchase within 18 months. eminent physician while here. All Chautauqua Tabernacle. recorder so fixed the same. To the Editor : — For some time my girl be built into the building, but until then made by C. B. Watson and a committee business relations strictly confidential. After this special sale at Medford, a similar sale will be instituted at Grants Invocation. The complaints are all subscribed and of three was authorized to be appointed has been suffering with partial paralysis, the First National Bank will have the Dr. Darrin can be seen at Hotel Ore* sworn to by Chief*of-Police H. J. Mat­ to take charge. The committee is C. B. Double Duet,............. “Greeting Song,” privilege of using tbe vault in the next extending to her hands, feet and blad­ Pass. We have m stock several very fine KIMBALL Pianos in mahogany. gon, Ashland, until May 26th only. M isses C hurchman , P atrick , toon and the several parties are all der so she could hardly pass urine. ioom owned by G. F. Billings. Cashier Watson, C. A. Hitchcock and D. L. Rice. ¿at, quarter-sawed oak and burl walnut cases, the Wheelock, Lnited Makers, G arrett and S tandard . charged with selling liquor to one K. J. A. McCallen is at the desk attending to Through Dr. Darrin’s electrical and med­ After that date tbe Doctor will visit W* Marshall Pianosand one second-hand Cornish; and about one dozen Kimball T. E. Hill for horticulture and agri- Johnson, by the drink and in half pint riculture committe, reported that Presi­ Salutatory,. ..“The River of the West,” the business. ical treatment she has recovered. I can- Medford until July let, at Hotel Nash. and Burdett Organs in oak and walnut cases; also several second-hand in- C halmers L. S trange . bottles. Houck & Dame and High dent W. H. Wehrung and Secretary W. ktruments. Start« fbr West Point. & Sonnichson are charged with the of­ M. Wisdom of state board of agriculture Reading,...........................“The Women,” X Besides tbe above makes and my regular line of Chickering and Crown A nna C. M orris . fence on the 29th dav of April and Her­ had been in town during the day, having T. W. Hammond who passed the ex­ The old rslUbl«-Tha Wookly Orecwnlan. ¿3? Plan..«, t am now sole agent for the following: Wheelock, Jacob Doll and W mann Salomon on tbe 7th day of May. arrived somewhat sooner than expected VocqLSolo,,.. .“The King’s Highway,” amination for a West Point cadet-ship R. N. Pollock, the absconding presi­ L ewis H. J acks . Stuyyesant Pianos, the Newman Bros, and Crown Organs. Piano and Organ The complaints are alike in general and bad strongly urged upon the people at Vancouyer, Wash., last March leaves ARD form and have tbe appearance of being of Ashland and Jackson county, through ©ratJ^h,... Lf...‘■‘The Man of Destiny,” Sunday for West Point Military Acad­ dent of the Cuyahoga Savings and ¿Skv Instruction Books, Stools and Scarfs for sale. Banking company of Cleveland, ended carefully prepared and will likely be him that they make a strong effort to have It. B laine H ays . emy to get ready for business. He 0 Address or call at Medford Store, or address Ash- O used right along in the complaints a representation at the state fair this Doable Duet,. “Goosey, Goosey Gander,” enters the institution J une 10 and will his life at Seattle by sending a bullet against the illegal sale of intoxicating fall, arrangements having been made Debate: “Reeolved 'That Trusts and then go into camp until the first of Sep­ through his brain. A razor, a two- Have pnscbased Monopolies Should Be Controlled by tember when the school opens. Just ounce box of rough-on-rats and a phial liquors. In order to give the reader the with the railroad that all exhibits would land, Oregon, Box 170. Mas. F. P. S mits ’ s Restrictive Legislation.” wording of the complaints we herewith be carried free, and if notified at once, when the hazing begins is not generally containing 100 tablets of aconite were Affirmative, N ellie C rocker . append one of the same: known here but all of Toms athletic found at hand. All papers belonging to would set aside tbe best space in the Negative, W alter T. A pplegate . friends have been preparing him for the the man had been burned before he pavilion for the exhibit of Ashland and The sealing fleet, so far as reported, Recorder’s Court, City of Ashland, Ore­ Jackson county. Also that tbe reor­ Cornet Solo,... .P rof . J. B. S widensky . exercises by a thorough course of train­ committed the deed. The name of R. gon. ganization of the First District South­ Essay,. .“A Glance at Popular Fiction,” ing and several disciples of General N. Pollock was found sewed on the in­ has made a very poor catch this season. D ora L ong . The City of Ashland, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse ern Oregon Agricultural Society had Tobasco Sauce will be laid out before the side of his coat, placed there by a in I. O. O, F. block and are continuing the E. S. McClindey, in’a fit of insanity, ■ ■ ■ " Houck and Joseph Dame, Defendants. perfected and the place of holding a fair Oration,. .“The Survival of the Fittest,” new candidate is really initiated. business at the old stand. Miss Stella Smith J ames L. W ooden . shot and killed Howard Baker, then Cleveland tailor. I, H. J. Mattoon, do by this complaint, would not be announced until sometime The People’s Paper. remains with them as trimmer. New Brick Near Depot. killed himself, at Boones Ferry, 12 miles accuse Jesse Houck and Joseph Dame of in June; also that Central Point had Double Dnet,...................... “Fair Janet.” The bones of the Dawson brothers, From “Eben Holden,” a violation of an ordinance of the City of offered its grounds to the Society, with­ Reading,... j j (a) A full line of the very latest in up-to-date N. O. Dozier began work today laying who outfitted at San Bernardino in 189S south of Oregon City, Or. (b) ..Paul Revere> Jr ASHLAND. Or., Thursday. May 16. 190 Ashland, said city being an existing the foundation for a new brick block for for a prospecting trip, were found on millinery is their offering to the public. out charge. The San Francisco savings banks F rancis E. J ohnson . City, duly incorporated and organized G. A. Gurnea on 4th street between the desert, 25 miles from Volcano, C&L, The board of trade is pushing the Address,..............................“Salmagundi,” Spring and A street. It is to be 50x75 CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. show an inefease of <500,000 within the under the laws of the State of Oregon, by Walter D. Brown of Los Angeles. past four months. R obert B. H ammond . which said ordinance is entitled, “An Pelican bay road improvement matter feet and two storv high. The first floor B. W. Dean vs. R. F. Dean. The ordinance declaring the illegality of right along and Surveyor C. W. Root, Vocal Solo,..........“Let Me Love Thee,” will be converted into two store rooms There was a third man with the outfit— A Redding (Cal.) dispatch says that cause will be argued during the Septem­ D r . R. T. B urnett . and the upper floor will be built for a cook. His body was found two year« FOR Located on Rogue river, suitable engineers are running lines for a large keeping or maintaining a bar-room, W. W. Peed, W. C. Grubbe and others ber term. shop, drinking saloon, tipling- start out today to do the surveying. The Valedictory,. .“The East and the West,” lodging rooms. Mr. Dozier will build ago, but the fate of the Dawson boyi SALE for grain and frait culture or stock W. E. Finney vs. H. G. Shearer, et al. paper mill that is to be established on drinking G eo . H. B illings . committee up to Tudsday had the foundation and do the brick work remained in doubt. Near the skeleton! raising; has ample buildings and fencing. Receiver directed to pay defendant «11 the McCloud river. There is abundance house, club house or club room, or other soliciting Presentation of Medal. $257 subscribed, with Borders & Hen­ place in which spirituous, vinous, malt and Ed. Goff the carpenter work. of the prospectors were some of their moneys except $1500, and retain that of raw material for pulp-making and or intoxicating liquors are kept, sold, dis­ derson, who have purchased the Kaolin Presentation of Diplomas,.............. belongings, by which the bones were sum till further order of the Court. plenty of water and power. ..................C hairman F. H. C arter . Maccabee Anniversary Picnic. posed of, or given away, and the selling, deposits, yet to hear from. They are identified. Foituna Mining Co. ye. Walter Briggs. ► with pipe and giant; also some quartz prop­ Major Joseph Knowlton, who is disposing of, furnishing or giving away expected to subscribe $100. Granite Tent No. 4 Knights of the New trial granted. Major Edwin Lewis, charged with erties. spirituous, vinous, malt or intoxicating THE CROPS OF OREGON. charged by his brother-in-law, James Charlotte Pelton vs. John E. Pelton. Inspector of Star Routes Barkley took Maccabees, of this city will celebrate tbe forging deeds to valuable property, wat I will sell for cash or take in part pay* Doolittle of the St. Nicholas hotel in liquors, without first having duly pro­ the Klamath Falls stage here yesterday 20th anniversary of the order in the acquitted by a jury in Judge Lawlor’s Suit for divorce. cured a license therefor from the City fbr ment property in or adjacent to Ashland. Chautauqua grove with a picnic on June E. J. Kubli va. Samuel Corkhaff. San Francisco, with being short over Council of the City of Ashland, Oregon,” to take an inspection tour of the mail Government Bureau Report Week Ending May I4tb. Uth. It will be the occasion of a gen­ court at San Franoisoo on April 13 be­ Terms, one-half down, balance in easy pay­ Suit to foreclose mortgage. <23,000 in his accounts with the hotel, which ordinance was passed by the City routes east of here and prepare the re­ was arrested at Watsonville, Cal., while Council of the City of Ashland and ap- port for proposals for bids which will be eral re-union of the tribe in southern cause the testimony satisfied them that ments at 6 per cent. Call on or address The weather daring the week has been Lewis was insane when he committed Dewitt’s Little Early Risers search the on a visit to his sister. He asserted his given out in September. In December firoved by the Mayor of the City of Ash- the bids will be opened and the new con­ warm, with considerable cloudiness. Oregon a fine time is expected. H. L. WHITE, remotest parts of tbe bowels and remove the criminal acts. The insanity com­ innocence, and said he would be able and, March 12, 1901, committed as fol ­ Small showers occured generally through ­ the impurities speedily with no discomfort. Lock Box 36, Ashland, Oregon. tracts will go into effect in July of next A happy surprise was wrought on Mr. missioners examined Lewis on May 9 lows: They are famous for ibeir efficacy. Easy to prove it when the time came. out the northern portion of the State on and year. The department has made several Mrs. E. F. Loomis Tuesday evening and reported that he was sane. Theii to take, never gripe. M c N aib B ros . The said Jesse Houck and Joseph radical changes, one of which will prac­ Wednesday and in the eastern portion If you are sick all over and don’t know by their neighbors and friends. After action necessitated a jury being sum­ E. A. Hildreth, Jr. Walker, tbe Adin, Modoc connty, jnst what ails you, it’s ten to one your Kid­ Dame on the 29th day of April, 1901, tically do away with tbe professional on Saturday. capturing and possessing their game the moned to pass upon the sanity of Lewis, neys are out of order. Foley ’ s Kidney within the limits of the City of Ashland, The maximam temperatures in western Constable, who was shot near that place, contractors taking the contracts at ruin­ party went to Ganiard’s opera house while assisting Sheriff Behrens of Shasta Cure will bring you health and energy. T. Jackson county, Oregon, did then and ous and cut throat prices and then sub­ Oregon ranged between 61 and 80 degrees, where dancing was indulged lged in until and after hearing testimony a verdict there unlawfully sell and deliver to one letting to some weak and inefficient per­ and the minimum temperatures between county, in trying to capture escaped K. B olton . night. Ice cream and cake were was found declaring Lewis insane. It midnight. prisoners from the county jail at Red­ Richard Angus of Vancouver, B. O., K. J. Johnson, one drink of spirituous son. The contractor hereafter must 36 and 56 degrees. In eastern Oregon serví ■ed. Prof. J. B. Swidensky and has been the practice heretofore in such liquor, to wit, whiskey, without having the maximum temperatures ranged be­ ding, has since died from the wounds and a friend were upset in a canoe in carry the mail himself. Johannesen furnished cases to discharge the prisoner, but tween 60 and 80 degrees, and the mini­ Elders Pace and received. the narrows, just at the entrance of the first obtained a license so to do from the A movement is on foot to sprinkle the mum temperatures between 36 and 56 the music. The following were the kid­ Judge Lawlor committed Lewis to City Council of the said City of Ashland, harbor, where the cliff at Prospect point contrary to the ordinances and laws in streets of Ashland, both in the business napping party: Mr. and Mrs.—John W. Napa insane asylum, and will send a ASHLAND, OREGON. Coleman, F. J. Belts, D. W. Stone, R. I letter to the superintendent giving a rises 200 feet out of the water. Angus’s such case made and provided, and portion and the principal residence por­ degrees. Light frosts occured Friday morning companion managed to get toward shore against the peace and dignity of the City tion, with the view of holding down the in some few places, but they were not A. Batch well, C. E. Lane, C. W. Barber, history of the case. FREIGHT AND out of danger, while Angus was carried of Ashland. H. J. M attoon . ’ dust during the summer months. The heavy enough to cause any damage of Mrs. F. L. Nelson, Mrs. A. L. Helman. The contract has been let for the con­ Misses—Alice Barber, Jessie Short, and into the current. When cries for help State of Oregon, County of Jackson, cost is to be met by subscription. The consequence. BAGGAGE TRANSFER Delia Stewart. Messrs.—E. E. Poley, struction at West Berkeley, Oal., of the matter is being developed and will be Fall and spring sown grain have made C. were heard a Newfoundland dog sprang City of Ashland, ss. A. SHERWIN, buildings that are to be occupied by the L. Lounsbury, Carl Wills, O. Thomp ­ presented to the board of trade soon. rapid advancement, and are everywhere I, H. J. Mattoon, being first duly from the top of the cliff into the water Wood For Sale. reported in excellent condition. Fall son, Fred Van Natta, Walter Long, Pacific Coast Lumber and Furniture and swam for Angus, who was aided by sworn on oath, depose and say, that I Reliable Manufacturing company, a new concern Robr. Bybee’s Case. grain is beginning to head in the Co­ Robt, Hume. am Chief of Police of the City of Ash ­ the dog to reach a boat that had been of some magnitude. The plant will be lumbia River valley and in scattered Coos county Bulletin, May 10.] Insurance, launched. It was found, however, that land, Oregon, and the complainant Coquille, FUNERALS OF OLD PEOPLE. on the line of the Southern Pacific rail­ Ice Delivered Daily in Season State of Oregon vs R L Bybee, on the sections of southern Oregon. The hes­ named in the foregoing complaint, and the brave dog’s back was broken, and a that the said complaint is true as I verily charge of burglary. Our readers will re­ sian fly has done some slight damage to road, with a water frontage of nearly a Mrs. Hanna C>. Holton, wife of John OREGON revolver-shot put an end to his sufferings. ASHLAND, member that the defendant was arrested fall grain in a few sections of the Willam­ Holton, died at the family home in the mile. The company owns the mills and believe. H. J. M attoon some time ago at Marshfield for breaking The will of the late President George Subscribed and sworn to before me into Clay Moore’s saloon, and has since ette valley and cutworms have made south part of town Monday at the ripe 6tore at Corbin, Or., and the raw mate­ this 29th day of April, 1901. Q. Cannon, who died in Monterey, Cal., been out on bonds. He entered a plea of their appearance in Washington county. old age of 90 years, 7 months and 1 day. rial will be brought to the factory in B. SWIDENSKY,I Spring seeding is practically finished. The funeral service took place at the res­ M ilton B erry , not guilty, and giving bis evidence to sub­ last month, was filed for probate at Salt Hops are growing nicely, and the vines idence Tuesday at 10 o’clock under the the company’s own vessels. Recorder City of Ashland. stantiate this fact admitted having been Lake. The will disposes of an estate Heavy black mare, 10 years old, Instructor in Violin. Robert McFarlane, who shot and caught in tbe saloon, but that be was there in most yards are now up to the cross auspices of the Southern Oregon Spirit­ approximating in value <1,000,000. All branded “ V ” on thigh. killed J. H. Tucker, keeper of a notori ­ At a special meeting of the city coun­ for the purpose of marking the cards which lines. ual Association. The choir of the so­ OREGON of the 32 children of President Cannon cil Monday evening Mayor Neil was were used for gambling. There was mon­ ASHLAND, Corn and potato planting have pro­ ciety—Mrs. W. J. Virgin, Mrs. Julia ous house at Merced, Feb. 21, was found Chestnut sorrel horse, last brand "V” receive a share of the estate, aud to his formally and officially authorized to em­ ey in tbe house which could have been gressed satisfactorily throughout the Evans, Mrs. W. H. Breese, E. C. Payne, guilty of manslaughter. ------o----- with “ ?” mark on forehead. reached, but it wasn ’ t touched. The case M^Leave word at D. B. Granfa baid- four wives are willed their homes, pro­ ploy attorneys for the prosecution of the went to the jury, who were out but a short week, and corn is up in southern Oregon and H. 8. Evans—sang, “Where the J. Marshall, a section foreman in the Spotted brindle cow, branded “V” OD vision also being made for their main­ liquor cases. The motion was made by time, when they gave the verdict'of not and looks well, but ia beginning to need Roses Ne’er Shall Wither” after which ware atore. employ of the Southern Pacific com ­ each hip; had bell on when left. rain. Mr. Evans delivered an appropriate ad­ tenance. The remainder of the estate, Councilman Simpson and seconded by guilty. The district attorney then entered Clover, alfalfa and pastures are grow­ dress when the choir sang “Meet Us, pany, was killed near Arcade, Sacra­ Also two yearling calves. valued at <800,000, aud consisting of Councilman Hunt. All were present indictments against Bybee and Clay Moore for gambling and they were fined $50 apiece. ing nicely, and Btock is improving. Angels, at the Gate.” The funeral pro­ mento county, Oal. He was on a rail­ Liberal reward offered. farm land and other property, passes except Councilmen Holmes and Powell. L. M c W illiams , Gardens are doing well, and some of cession wended its way to Wagner creek road bicycle, and was run down and As is all ready known, Attorney H. L. into the possession of the George Q. Address, T. M. Witten has sold his drug store the earlier varities of vegetables are now McWilliams has been advising with and where the interment took place at killed by a train. He leaves a wife and Cannon association, of which President actirg as the attorney for Mayor Neil at Jefferson, Marion county, and after in the market. A. VANDERKARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Steam’s cemetery. Mrs. Holton was several children. Cannon’s children’s and his nephew, in all the proceedings, having drawn the visiting Kelly M. Duncan and family in The first strawberries of the season born at Newport, New Hampshire, Oct. Ashland, Ore. Oregon, will move to Ashland. were sihpped from Hood River on the 11,1810, and moved to Illinois in 1836, A ten-story and basement hotel struc­ Oregon. John M. Caunon, are stockholders. This ordinances and amendments to the eastern Ashland, property is to be held in trust until the charter on the subject that are now in Mrs. Witten is a daughter of Mrs. J. B. 6th inst., and the crop promises to be where she was married to John Holton, ture is to be erected at the northwest abundant. In the Willamette valley and April 20, 1848. They crossed the plains corner of Powell and Geary streets, San youngest child is 40 years of age. This the laws of the city of Ashland. Some Standard of this city. weeks ago Mayor Neil also engaged the Will practice in State and Federal courts will not be for 31 years. Robert F. Rose arrived Tuesday from southern Oregon raspberries and straw­ in 1860 and located in southern Oregon Francisco, on the site of the old Cal­ eervicee of Ex-Circuit Judge W. C. Hale Middlefield, Ohio, to spend the summer berries have set well. which has been their home ever since, vary church. The cost, including the K9“ Office, Reeser bl’k, over Western Question Answered. Reports regarding the condition of the residing near Talent and Ashland. Be­ furniture, will approximate <1,500,000. M bs . A. VANDERKARR, P bop . of this district, now practing law at tn Ashland. The young man is a former Union telegraph office. prune crop m western Oregon are con­ sides being a pioneer of this section she Yes, August flower still has the larceet Garnts Pass, who has also gone over the neighbor of D. B. Grant and family. A commission was appointed and flicting. Some correspondents report a was also a pioneer in the faith of spirit­ Beach Block« ever the Bridge« sale of anv medicine in the rivibzed entire net work of the law and tbe prac­ Mrs. C. I. Hutchihson and daughter <50,000 authorized to be expended in general dropping of the young fruit, while tice in the liquor cases. Both Attorneys ualism. world. Your mothers and grandmoth­ HINMAN, D. D. S, Mrs. G. L. Webb returned to Med­ others say that the loss by dropping has two years to ascertain the best sites foi ers never thought of using anything else McWilliams and Hale and Mayor Neil and Mrs. Marietta Fox, wife of Heaton storage reservoirs and the best methode for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors are thoroguhly satisfied as to tbe im­ ford Tuesday from southern California. been small and that a full crop will mature. Dentist. Fox, was born in Missouri Feb. 19,1842, of building them, in the Sait river val­ F irst -C lass M eals S erved were scarce, and they seldom heard of possibility of being tripped up on any Apples are nearly through blooming and departed this life May 11,1901, aged ley, Arizona. Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or details or technicalities of the law and and promise well. 59 years, 2 months and 32 days. Sh« Heart failure, etc. They used August the practice. If the saloons go to the was married to Mr. Fox Oct. 1, 1876, circuit court on a writ of review the Flower to clean «ut the system and stop Private Cumberlidge, while on senti* In the Pioneer Block, np «taire, near fermentation of undigested food, regnlate matter can come before the supreme and leaves a daughter, Mrs. J. Frizell of nel duty at Fort Sheridan, was killed by Short Orders at all hours. All bills due to the Ashland House City Hall. Cal., and two sons, Wilson and Smith Wheeler, a prisoner in the guard- the action of tbe liver, stimulate the court in a prompt and direct manner Because purely vegetable—yet thor­ under the management previous to the Yreka, Give the new restaurant a nervous and organic action of the system without waiting for the slow nrocess of ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory— 27th of April, 1901, are due and payable Hiram Fox, and three step eons, Wil­ house. Wheeler crept up behind Cum­ liam, Ed. and Artley Fox. and that is all they took when feelinn the customary appeals from the circuit trial. to me. Parties knowing themselves in­ J)R. S. T. SONGER The funeral took place Monday after­ berlidge and snatched the sentinel*! dull and bad with a headache and other court. This will give an early decision debted are respectfully requested to rifle. In the scuffle that followed Cum ­ noon from the residence of Wilson Fox as to the validity of the charter and aches. You onlv need a few doses of settle the same with my agent, B. A. Physician and Surgeon at corner of Oak and Spring streets, the berlidge was clubbed to death with the Green’s August Flower, in liquid form, ordinances from tbe highest court that Radcliff. interment being in Ashland cemetery, rifle. Wheeler, who was serving a five- to make you satisfied there is nothing they can get into on any pretext what­ M rs . D. H audbine . and the religious services being conduct­ year sentence, escaped. He deserted serious the matter with yon. Get Green’s ever. They are certain that there will ed by Rev. F. G. Strange, who took tbe be but one result and that a prompt one. Prize Almanac. T. K. B olton . Novelty Bloca, Opp. Hotel Oregon John Metzger of Lakeview yisited here text of his sermon from Corinthians, 2, during the war while in Florida, await­ this week en route home from sponding 5, 6. The deceased was a faithful woman ing transportation to Cuba. Fire broke ont in the Walker building ASHLAND — — — OREGON Ex-Treasurer M. S. Welch was up the winter in the Willamette valley. in all the affairs of life and raised a In First avenue, Seattle, and caused a from Central Point Tuesday. Wm. Petree came in for him. splendid family of children to cherish loss of about <50,000. The flames spread The Pennsylvania Railroad company P M. BROWER, M. D. Mrs. A. M. Harrison and two daugh­ fond memories of her. to the Globe hotel adjoining and to the is back of a scheme to build a bridge ters arrived yesterday from Renssalaer, Leland block, occupied as a saloon and from Hoboken to Manhattan, which The funeral of the late Col. W. H. Ind., to locate. Physician and Surgeon, lodging-house. The loss is nearly cov­ will be the largest in the world. There Silsby took place Friday afternoon from It was reported that W. H. Shepherd had tbe home residence on Third avenue. ASHLAND — — — OREGON ered by insurance. will be 16 tracks for railroad trains, and struck the ledge of his Elkhorn mine on The services at tbe house were conduct­ Enclose It to Me With Bumal Broughton, while returning on tho strength of the structure will be This is the oldest Private Medical Sampson with a 60 foot cross cut tunnel ed by Rev. F. G. Strange and the Pres­ office : Dispensary in tbe City of Portland, the his bicycle from Los Gatos to his home such that they can be run at full speed. and that they struck ore that will go $1200 Ten Dollars At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, in Union, Cal., was dragged from his Above them will be trolley tracks, first Medical Dispensary ever started in per ton. We are without further partic­ byterian choir sang several Appropriate Laurel and Main Streeta. hymns. The pall bearers were E. A. the city. Dr. Kessler, the old. reliable ulars. This mine is located near the cele ­ driveways, bicycle paths and footways. wheel by a highwayman and the muz­ And I will furnish you all complete, specialist has been manager of this in­ Sherwin, D. R. Mills, R. P. Neil, J. K. brated Barron mine. readv for use, mv 1901 Model No. 7 zle of a revolver thrust against his The estimated cost of the bridge, with stitution for over 20 years,during which Van Sant, J. P. Gilmore and A. S. Mrs. Conley, formerly Miss Luella But­ SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT. It is time thousands of cases have been A. McCALL cheek. He went through the young its approaches and the passenger ter­ Barnes, who laid away the remains in ler of this p'ace and Medford, was on Tues­ superior in make, quality and power cured, and do person was ever refused man’s pockets, but finding no money, minal, i> <80,000,000. Ashland Cemetery. day's south bound train. She is traveling to any belt offered by other dealers treatment. The 8t. Louiz Dispensary with the American Novelty Co. and is an the robber became exasperated and tore A Paris dispatch states that the late for which they charge $40. has thousands of dollars in money and Civil Engineer and actress and professional juggler. propertv, and is able financially to Broughton’s necktie. The highwayman, Count St. Ouen de Pierrecourt, whose make its word good. Mrs Chas. Young is up from Gold Mineral Surveyor. who rode a chainless bicycle, then family dates back to William the Con­ Hill attending a reunion of the Ham­ mounted his wheel and departed. queror, has bequeathed to the city of Since Dr. Kessler started the St- NOTARY PUBLIC. Louis Dispensary, over 20 years ago, The greatest skin specialist in America or­ Rouen his fortune of <2,000,000 on the Has no equal for the cure of Nervous and mond family previous to the departure Survey« (or Patent« and Mining Loca­ of Tom Hammond for West Point. hundreds of traveling doctors have iginated tbe formula for Banner Salve. novel condition that the city annually Physical Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Va­ tion« a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. come to Portland, advertised their sure- For all skin diseases, all cute or sores, and give a marriage gift of <20,000 to a ricocele. Premature Decline, Loss of Memo- Jacob Becker was visiting the ostrich cure ability in tbe papers, got what for piles, it’s tbe most healing medicine. ry, Wasting, etc., which has been brought money they could from confiding pa­ couple of giants, in order to regenerate about by early indiscretions or later ex­ farm at Manitou, Colo., when one al Office at residenc«. South Main 8trae Beware of substitutes. T. K. B olton tients, then left town. Dr. Kessler is the human species. The candidates are cesses. the birds, attracted by the flash of hit In the cathedral at Baltimore, Sebas­ the only advertising specialist who can to be medically examined and the big <650 diamond stud, tore it from his give reference to all classes. You may tian Martinelli, titular archbishop o1 SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS AGO. shirt front and gulped it down. Becket ask bankers, merchants, and all kinds Ephesus and cardinal-elect of the Church healthiest couple will be chosen. of business men. Tbev will tell yon Write today for my latest books, “Health cannot idedtify the thief and the ownei After a stormy meeting, the Chicago of Rome, received at the hands of Car­ W. R. C. that Dr. Kessler is O. K. Lots ol peo- T in Nature. ” and ‘ ‘ Strength; Its Use and OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH refuses to sacrifice the flock. pie coming from the country deposit *'• H enri K essler , M. D., dinal Gibbons the red barretta and Federation of Labor expelled Typo­ Abuse by Men.” BUMSIDB BELIBF COBH 80. 24 their money with him. No other spec­ Jerome Fedeli, Italian consul at Kan­ HYPOPHOSPHITES donned tho robes which will hereaftei graphical Union No. 16 by a vote of 6f Meets in Odd Fellow« hall at 2 o’clock p ialist on the Coast can give such ref­ Manager. to 11. The action was taken on the re­ sas City, is quoted as saying that the mark his rank. m on the second and fourth Saturdays of erences as this old doctor. port of a special committee which was labor troubles in Iola, Kan., that re ­ each month. should always be kept in Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. appointed to investigate the complaint Maa. J. D. C bockbb , Pres. sulted in several Italians being driven GOOD DOCTORS. the house for the fol­ M bs . M *J. Bpenesr, Bec'y. One relieves Headache, Backache. of the Pressmen’s union that the prin­ Cor. Fourth and Morrison, from that town, after having been as­ Many doctors in country towns send patients to Dr. Kessler, because they Stomachache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, ters had refused to give their moral lowing reasons: saulted by American workmen, will be P RTLAND, ORE. know be is prepared to treat all kinds of private and chronic diseases. Rheumatic Pains. 25 doses 25 cents. support to the striking pressmen of the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. made an international affair. The PRIVATF Diseases. This doctor guarantees to cure any case of Syphillis. Gon- Newspaper Publishers’ association. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of At all druggists. leaders of the mob were arrested and FIRST— Because, if any member ■ ma. orrhoea, Gleet. Strictures cured, no difference how long standing. Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets «very of the family has a hard cold, it On a farm near Bloomington, Bls., Spermatorrhoea, Loss of ManLood, or Night Emissions, cured permanently. The are held under bond. A Brisbane (Queensland) dispatch Monday svening. Visiting Knights ingood habit of Self-Abuse effectually cured in a short time. will cure it. The German, Austrian, French and says that a search party, which his re­ Merritt Ohism killed his wife. As she Standing are cordially invited to attend. YDliNR MEN Your errors and follies of yon th can be remedied, and this ojd L. E. BENDER. Chancellor Com. British ambassadors promptly sent bach SECOND — Because, if the chil­ turned from New Gninea, discovered was starting to church in a buggy with i uunu mtn doctor wm rive yon wholesome advice and cure you—you T. H. R immom .K. R. 8. the two little daughters of Chism, her the perte ’ s reply to their representation! the half-eateu remains of the Rev. I am prepared to do first-class work in perfectly strong and healthy. You will be amazed at his success in cur'.mr Sper­ dren are delicate and sickly, it will stepdaughters, a quarrel arose. Chism fashionable dressmaking, and invite the on the subject of the Turkish seizure oi matorrhoea, Seminal Losses, Nightly Emission», and other effects. James Chalmers tu.d the Rev. Olivei make them strong and well. ladies of Ashland and yicinitv to give me a the foreign mails owing to the offensive Tompkins of the London Missionary jumped into the buggy and with a knife call. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. allegations that the foreign postoffices THIRD — Because, if the father o* society, and their followers, who were attacked his wife, threw her into the LEORA HUGHES, road, jnmped upon her and stabbed her Painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnariJra| discharges care­ facilitated smuggling. Pending a set ­ mother is losing flesh and becom ­ masacred in April by natives of Fly fully treated and permanently cured. Piles, Rbematism an(j Neuralgia treated The Old-Reliable Blackamitn, river, New Guinea, after a tribal fight. repeatedly. He afterward tried to com­ Opp. Mrs. Ganiard's residence, 1st Ave. tlement of the question, embassy cou­ ing thin and emaciated. It will build by our new remedies, and cures guaranteed. ‘ mit suicide, but was prevented. He Ashland, Ore. H m Purchased......................... riers are taking the European mails tc them up and give them flesh and Patients treated in any part of the country by hi^ horns system. Write full was taken to Bloomington and given and from the Bulgarian frontier. particulars, enclose ten 2c stamps and we will answ.. ¥OU crOmDtlv Hundreds strength. into tho custody of the sheriff. Chism Dissolution of Co-Partnership. treated at home who are unable to come to the ’¿ty, * F F 3 ’ W. 0. Johnson’s Shop The branch appellate court at Chi­ is 49 years oil and one of the wealthiest FOURTH - Because it Is the READ THIS Take a clear bottle at tx_dtimei aU(j urinate in the bottle, set Notice is hereby given that the under­ cago, in a recent decision, denied the farmers of the county. standard remedy in all throat and And la now prepared to serve „ aside, and look at it 1*^ the morning. If it is cloudy or has a signed, doing a dry goodsand clothing busi­ right of striking workmen to “picket” cloudy settling in It, you have some Sidney or bladder disease, and thonld be at­ lung affections. ness at Ashland, Oregon, have this day a shop for the purpose of persuading hie old customer« and the pub­ tended to before you get an incur*.u]e disease, aa hundreds die every year from dissolved partnership by mutual consent, others from entering the works. lic generally at the old stand Bright s disease of the kidneys. W. H. Bartges retiring and Chas. G. Miller No household should be without it. continuing the business, assuming all in Skin afftetions will readiiv disappear bv It can be taken in summer as well Address J. HE»; ri KE88LER, M, D., Portland, Oregon. M ain S t .. O pp . O pera H oubk B lock This signature is on every box of the genuine debtedness and collecting all outstanding using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Look St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary. accounts. C has . A. M iller . in winter. as ont for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt ’ s General Blacksmithing of all kinds. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet« Enclose ten 2c stamps or no answer. 830)4 Yamhill St. W. H. B abtges . Soc. and $i oo, all druggists. you will get good results. It is tbe quick Horaooboeing a Specialty. the remedy that cwo a eoMI tn ome day Ashland, Ore., May 1,1901, SCOTT A BQWNE, CiMBUfts, New Ysfe and positive cut« tor piles. M c N mb Bios. —————— ¡CLOSING • OUT IÄ COSS PIANO HOUSE S MISS HOLT MRS. SOULE Millinery Stock VALLEY RECORD. A FARM OF 720 ACRES A PLACER MINEAR Professional Cards ESTBAY ANIMALS. J Royal Restaurant A Easy to Take Easy to Operate Hood’s Pitts Job Printing at Record Office CUTOUT THIS AD Men, Young and Old, Read This. J Dr. Sanden’s Belt DB. A. T. SANDEN, DRESSMAKING E. C. SHERMAN SCOTT’S EMULSION