PERSONAL» AND SOCIAL. S. 0. Miller of Dillard arrived here Tuesday. Ex-SheriS Wm. Bybee was in Ash­ land Tuesday. Miss Mollie Ober has joined the spring travel to Alaska. M. L. Johnson left Tuesday for Igerna, Cal., to be gone all summer. J. R. Wilson returned to Medford Tuesday from San Francisco. Miss Sadie Dickerson was up from Grants Pass Friday and Saturday. John C. Lewis, the Leland placer miner, spent Tuesday in Ashland. Miss Bertha McPherson came up from Medford yesterday to attend the wedding. Mrs. C. H. Pierce and Mrs. J. A. Whitman were up from Medford Tues­ day. The Spring Of 1901 is Here. So is Our MAMMOTH * STOCK * of I CLOTHING. From Hart, Schaffner & Marx, the I world-renowned clothing manufac­ turers of Chicago. Three Carloads will arrive this week from BANK OF ASHLAND Eastern factories. Celebrated Bain Eight Running Ulagons « « * « « Hdriance Buckeye IDowers and Binders. « « « Took the Grand Prize at Paris World's Exposition for light running and durability. C an ’ t be beat . P. S. Casey returned yesterday from the Gold Standard mine near Jackson­ ville. I You are Assured of the New | est Styles Out. For rent.—The old Salvation Army hall over uiy brick blacksmith shop. Emil Peil. MEDFORD. D. R. MILLS, P eb SIOENT. E. V. CARTER, C ashier . Marion E. Minear died at his home F. H. CARTER, V ice —P resident . H. C. GALEY, A ssistant C achiri , near Jacksonville, May 6th, after a short illness of pneumonia. Mr. Minear came to Jacksonville three years ago from Iowa and has resided on his farm which he purchased of Mrs. A. Elmer. A wife and several small children survive him. IJoyd Helms, son of A. M. Helms, met with a painful accident Sunday ESTABLISHED 1884. evening. He was riding on horseback and the saddle turned aud he fell to the ground; his right arm struck an iron on the railroad track with force, break­ ing a bone near the wrist. A. M. Heims, the saloon man, was married Monday to a Mis. Smith. Mrs. E. M. Rose and daughter, who went to Seattle in October to make their BOARD OF PIRECTORS : home, have returned to Medford to reside. Dr. Warren L. Cameron, who gradu­ G. S. BUT ates this month from the Physicians and HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, Surgeon’s college of Chicago, was mar­ LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. ried April 25, 1901, to Miss Catherine Vail. E. D. Elwood, the jeweler, has the foreign and Domestic Exchange Bought and Sold new brick building about completed and w ill move to his new store in about ten days. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Bollingsworth-Cigtr Rake and Eiger Rakes « « « Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, : $15,000 Miss Jessie Cole, who has been visit­ H. Mattern left yesterday on a mining ing friends at Alameda, Cal., since No­ trip to Amador county and southern vember, returned home Monday morn­ California. The best of goods and the bottom level in Prices ing. Father LeMire of Portland wiil be W. E. McCauley lias opened up his placed in charge of the Catholic church We have a fine line of offerings in Furnishing Goods tamale stand in the building formerly in Ashland. occupied as a shooting gallery one door Rev. F. G. Strange returned Tuesday and Hats, and an Immense Stock of Shoes. east oPMyers’ Crockery store. Wagons, Road Wagons, Surreys, from a vacation spent very pleasantly at A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. San Francisco. Kilham of Poitland, May 2, 1901. Mrs. Buggies. Mrs. J. 8. Wentworth goes to Duns­ Kilham was formerly Miee Louise Kubli muir Sunday to visit while Jesse is on of Jacksonville. tbe worktrain. Mrs. R. 8. Moore took Tuesday’s stage SIMS VALLEY. for Klamath Falls from a visit at Port­ Corn planting is in progress. land and Salem. ♦ Charles Clark of Medford, accompanied C. T. Payne, sr., is visiting bis daugh­ by Mrs. George K. Justus, was in the val­ ley today on a business trip. ter,Mrs. Theodore Kinsman, at Bonanza, Exclusive Jigent Baker 4 Hamilton. « « « « Klamath county. J. C Boyd of Central Point was here to­ day supplying the fair sex with lluvoring Mrs. H. E. Ulen and daughter arrived extracts, perfumery, etc. yesterday from Portland to visit L. R. We are pleased to state that our old time Ulen and family. TALENT. SAMPSON. friend, J, K. P. Rowe, who has been very GRANT’S PASS, May 6. —After a| GOLD HILL. C. T. Payne passed here Friday going to Miss Mollie Songer went to Grants J. D. Brown and family arrived last week poorly for a long time, is rkpidly improv­ Klamath county. from Iowa, with the intention of locating. Pass Tuesday to spend a week with W. hard campaign, in which both sides E. E. Miner was in town 8unday. ing. marshalled all their forces, the city George Grow has been staying on his J. R. O’Neil, the court stenographer, Mrs. D. P. Brittan returned home from E. Dean’s family. A good rain is much needed. The ground election .resulted in tbe election of Dr. place in the mountains a few days last and Medford Sunday. She was relieved by Dr. is getting verv dry. Prospects were never W. T. Coburn was up from Grants W. F. Kramer over Mayor H. C. Kinney , was in town several days last week. this week. Bobanon for cancer. favorable for i>oor crops or unfavora­ Pass Tuesday visiting his family who by a maj irity of 92, out of a total of 407 W. E Mallory of Grants Pass was here more ble for good ones, than at the present time D. N. Dayis was in the valley Friday. Miss Bessie Hirscb arrived last week from are living in Ashland. votes. The fight was principally over several days last week. He left on Friday The cold and windy weather is cutting evening’s train. J. D. Williams and family were in the Missouri for a visit with her ancle’s family, them short every day. A good ram and Allen Davis and Geo. Marks went to the office of Mavor, as the new charter E Brooks and wife. valley Saturday. Norton Earhart, who has been in North­ more warm weather is what is needed the Applegate country yesterday on a gives him greater power. Mayor Kin­ here a Mrs E. K. Anderson, who has been hav­ prospecting expedition. Rattle snakes are in plentitude in this ney’« friend« attribute his defeat to hia ern California for some time, . was ,------- R. C. Kemp, who once conducted a wagon ing a siege with the rheumatism, is some­ firm stand on the saloon question and day or lwo thls weelt visiting friends. locality. Several have been seen. shop here, and who went to th* Golden John Hall was up from Grants Pass the question of tbe water eupoly for fire I The Women’s Relief Corps will give an State three years ago to make bis fortune, Miles Cary and wife were here from town what improved. J. J. Sturgill, organizer for the Fraternal yesterday and today visiting his daugh­ purposes. The newlv-elected Mavor has ice cream and strawberry social in the returned home last Thursday, and says he Tuesday. will star with us the balance of bis days— Union, organized a lodge here last Thurs­ ter, Mrs. W. F. Farrier. served twice before. The new Council-1 scho°l hou8e hal1 Frid«y evening Noel Taylor, son of John Taylor, was ab­ day with a membership that was very en­ Oregon is good enough for hint lie says men are: Firat Ward, J. L. Fryer: John Hamntersley, son of Geo. R. Ilam- Miss Maud Vaughn of Igerna came sent from school this week on account of couraging. it was a mu-fortune he made when he went mersley of this place, returned to Gold Hill Second Ward, J. H. Williams: Third over Tuesday to spend a week with her neuralgia of tbe ear. to California Friday evening. He has been doing ser- Peter Weaver and family, relatives of home folks at Central Point. ( Ward, Harry Lowis: Fourth Ward, Her­ John W Farmer went to Klamath coun­ Mrs. E. Snyder, are here from Ohio and ex­ vice as a volunteer soldier in the Philippine Mrs. J, R. Perry was a pleasant caller bert Smith. Tbe new Council will also ty a few days ago. E. J. Eastman, tbe Gold Hill druggist, elect a successor to W. A. Haskins, re­ Islands. among friends Tuesday. pect to make their home in Oregon. Sampson, May & Sams Valley, May 7. The junior baseball team of Gold Hill Charles Estes has left for Lakeview, was in Ashland yesterday to look at the signed. C. W. Johnson was re-elected Lucky Town. where he has secured employment for the town from a business point of view. Cit y Treasurer. A full set of citv officials played a game with the Woodville team Saturday, defeating them by a score of 38 Whooping Cough President Elder D. T. Summerville will ba elected in December. Grants Pass 1« a lucky town so far as summer. to 12. A game between two Go'd Hill A woman who has had exDerience with getting office is concerned. James Mrs. E. R Hays of Ashland spent several returned Tuesday from a five weeks teams was played here Sunday. thia disease, tells how to prevent any Henry Booth is U. 8. Receiver in the days here last week in the interests of the trip to Klamath and Lake county. Supreme Guide J. J. Stargill, assisted B. W. Dean, formerly a resident of Wil ­ dangerous consequences from it. She Land Office at Roseburg; Wm. Perkins, Fraternal Union. Miss Maggie Smith of this city is hold­ by Miss Mabel Beach, last evening in­ low Springs precinct and sheriff of Jackson chief clerk of 8tste Treasury Moore at j 8 Aldridge, a friend of W. W. Estes, ing a position in the mail order depart­ stalled the following officers of Ashland county, was in Gold Hill Tuesday, leaving says: Our three children took whooping Salem ; R. A. Booth is joint senator for ftrrived here a few days ago from Missouri. ment of Olds & Kings store in Portland. lodge No. 473, Fraternal Union of Amer­ on the evening train enroute for his home cough last summer, our haby bnv being only time months old, and owing to Josephine, Douglas and Lane counties; to give Oregon a year’s trial. ica: Fraternal Master, H P Holmes; in Curry county. Mrs. Rebecca Reed went to Bybee's Justus, Mrs Ella R Hayes; Protector, our giving them Chamberlain’s Cough John Goodell is receiver of customs at A. Alford is moving and raising his A local teachers* institute was held here Remedy, they lost none o? their plump­ Cooks Inlet, Alaska; H. B. Miller is dwelling house and making other improve­ springs on Evans creek Tuesday with a Mrs Grace Holmes; Guide, Mrs Mary last Saturday, which was quite a success. view of taking charge of them for the Rose; Secretary, Mrs J DCrocker;Treas­ Thirty five teachers were present. Super­ ness and came out in much lietter health U. 8. Consul in China, George W. Colvig ments on tbe same. season. has been appointed Consul to Barren- urer, P O Gearhart; Truth, Mrs Donna intendent Daily was not able to be present, than other children whose parents did Mrs, Fred Burrell, formerly Miss Sadie J. P. Wells was placed in tbe chair. not use this remedy. Our oldest little quills,Columbia,8. A., and H. L. Benson Anderson, arrived Wednesday from City Remember the place to get your tin­ Soule; Mercy, Miss Fornia Holt; Stew­ and was elected circuit Judge from that of Mexico, the trip requiring one week. ware, hardware and plumbing goods is ards, Mrs 8 Mayer, 8 H Holt; Guard, L Corta Masterson was elected secretary girl would call lustily for syrup 1 »“tween who enrolled were: Gold Hill—Mrs. whoops.—Ji ssie P inklby H all , Spring- thriving town. Several officials from She met President McKinley at El Paso. H Thomas; Sentinel, O H Goodell; Mu­ Those W. N. Grubb & Co’s. Alice Bacon, M Ella Griffiths, Corta Mas­ vilie, Ala. This Remedy is for sale by one town show that the sharp eyed Talent, Mav 6. sician, Mrs Hattie Camps. terson. J. P Wells, Mrs. Maggie Ifarvev, all druggists. Miss Nora McClendon returned home denizens of that place know how to keep Lulu Newton. J. T. Miller, Mary E. Sulli­ Question Answered. Tuesday from an extended visit with in with the powers that be. — La Grande van. Grants Pass—Lincoln Savage, Edna married . her sister, Mrs. Stanley A. McIntosh, at Parker, Calla Keslin, 8, W. Home*, Miss CENTRAL POINT. Observer. Ye«, August flower still has the largest Hogan, Dora Colvig, Belle Huden, Marga­ sale of any medicine in tbe civilized Harrison Gulch, Shaeta county. Tbe Taylor family has removed to the CAVIN—M c VAY—In Hornbrook, May ret Astella Goodin, May A Sutton. Minnie Tbe shareholders of the Mountain Cop­ world. Your mothers and grandmoth­ Prof. John P. Meakin at Chautauqua 2,1901, by Rev. W. E. Couper, Alex­ LincolnTuffs. Jacksonville—W. T. Van Orchard Home. per Do., of Keswick, will receive as the er« never thought of using anything else tonight. final dividend of last year, seven shillings Ned Magruder returned from Hornbrook, ander Edwards Cavin and Miss Ger­ Scoy, Frances L. Barnes. Belle Potter, Lei­ per share. A dividend of nine shillings for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors trude May McVay, both of Horn­ la Prim. Centra) Point—Zuda Owens, Ro­ Cal., Saturday. J. H. Anderson and J. W. Bates of San were scarce, and they seldom heard of berta Rippey. Eagle Point—J. A. Bish, was declared in October last. The net brook. Gus Williams and wife of Etna were in Robert Jonas. Ashland — T. A. Hays. profits of the company for the vear were Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Diago, Cal , arrived Monday and are looking at the country for tbe purpose of Trail —Ardella Oden. 8ams Valley—Li a town Tuesday. 91.501,300. The copper produced in matte Heart failure, etc. They used August FAUQUIER—BI8BEE—In Yreka, May - Point - - —Marie at Keswick was 11.978 tons, and 11,413 tons Flower to clean «at tbe system and «top securing» large stock ranch. Tbe G A. K. men of this place are en­ 6, 1901, by Rev, W. E. Couper, Lewis Sackett. Mrs. M. Case. Kock Hattie Eaton. Woodville ____ —Donna ____ gaged in painting their hall. at the company's refinery in New Jersey. fermentation of undigested food, regulate You will find H. Boivin at Grubb & W. Fauquier and Miss Lena Bisbee, Gray. Bell, Jesse G. Walker. Agate—A. O. Freel. Frank Amy is expected to return home Ashland Hose Co. No. 1 elected tbe the action of the liver, stimulate the Co.’s hardware store. both of Yreka. Gold Hill, Mav 7. Thursday from Hornbrook. Cal. following officers for the ensuing year: nervous and organic action of the system Mark Miner, who has been making a President, D. D. Good; vice president, J. and that is all they took when feeling How’s Thia? John Olwell has retnrne 1 home from an ROIlN. W. Hatebar; foreman. C. B. Austin; as­ dull and had with a headache and other ten daysviBitin Ashland, returned home We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward extended trip through the northeastern sistant (oreiuou. D. Perozzi; secretary, C. aches. You onlv need a few doses of to Yreka yesterday. He is the son of for any case of Catarrh that cannot be part of the State. E. Hooper: treasurer, G. G. Eubanks; M. Miner, the pioneer merchant of Green’s August Flower, in liquid form, Yreka and thinks Ashland a delightful EARLE—Near Ashland, May 4, 1901, to cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. The city council last Monday evening sergeant at arms, D. D. Good. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. E. Earle, a daugh­ to make you satisfied there is nothing r. J . chenet a co., Toledo. O. passed an ordinance prohibiting riding • For Sale—a good work horse. Inquire serious tbe matter with you. Get Green’s place. ter. We, the nndersigned, have known F. J. bicycle on tbe sidewalk from Third street of Wm. Powell, near depot, That date was the mother’s birthday Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe to tbe railroad depot. Hear the eloquent Meakin at Chau­ Prize Almanac. T. K. B olton . him perfectly honorable in all business and her wedding anniversary also. tauqua tonight. Rev. Skeels. of the Church of God, com­ transactions and financially able to carry mences revival meetings Thursday evening. Miss Laura Colton left for Portland out any obligations made by the firm. TOLMAN SPRINGS. Monday to visit her cousin, Mrs. J. P. W esj A TpuAX, Wholesale Druggists, Prof. T. R Ryan eave hypnotic exhibi­ The house has opened for tbe season. Toledo, O. Newell, alter which she will attend the tions at brick hall Monday anF. GEO. W. TBEFBEN Chris Evans, the notorious train rob­ ber, who is in Folsom under sentence of life imprisonment, has given notice of ---------o his intention to apply for a parole. He was sentenced in 1893, and his conduct ?n