Ur Chas H»** J adt son villa ) VALLET RECORD. Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. ScBSCBimoN R ates : One Year................................................ $1 75 Six Months................ ,......................... 1 00 Three Months..., ........................ 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLET RECORD. VALLEY ......... ASHLAND, OREGON $1.75 Cannot be better spent than by subscrib­ ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Justthink! $1.75gives you all the news for a year. Try it 1 ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OHE&ON, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1901. VOL. XIII PRESSED BRICKS. sawssstwssssss ■'r r’mr- | Dissolution of Co-Partnership Sale ¡gsJn order to reduce stock. Mr. Franklin Davidson wishing to retire from the firm we must reduce our immense Spring Stock of Goods at once and have Reduced Prices all along the line in the RECORD. ..........ASHLAND, OREGON CAPTAIN OF CO B. The Steam Feather Renovator is com« W. C. Grabbe, the Philippine War ingto Ashland. Vetern Elected to Succeed Thorn­ Mark Miner of Yreka visited Ashland ton. again Sunday. A business meeting of Co. “B” was Holmes Bros, have fresh fieh Tuesdays held Saturday evening, at the Armory, and Thursdays. for the purpose of electing a captain to Ed. Faucett has been appointed post­ fill the vacancy caused by the resigna­ tion of Capt. J. E. Thornton. Wm. C. master of Watkins. Grubbe, receiving the unanimous vote, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosier visited wae duly elected captain of Co. “B” Medford relatives Sunday. 4th Regt. Infty., O. N. G. and w ill take Miss Hattie Eaton opened the Foots command as soon as he receives his commission from headquarters. creek district school Monday. (a For * District Fair. Medford, April 27.—At the meeting held today for the purpose of electing officers of the Jackson County Agricul­ tural Sacitty, E. D. Foudray, of Pheonix, was chosen president; W. T. York, of Medford, secretary, and Garl T. Jones, tnasutsr. W. H. Norcross was elected to represent the society on the district bo.tr i of the First S nitbern Oregon Dis­ trict Society. The district board is com­ posed of five members, three of whom are appointed by the Governor, and one- each elected by the local society of Jack- son and Josephine. It is the purpose to hold a strictly agricultural, mineral and stock exhibit this fall, alo&g with good horse races. It is understood that the fair will be held a sufficient time in advance to enable the best exhibits to be shipped to tbs state fair. An nnasu d effort will be pnt forth this year to make the fair a success. THE MODOC WAR. A Writer Points Out the Features Modoc Warriors' Expeiience With the Pale Faces and Concludes That Treachery Is the White Man a Tre rosatlve—Not tbe Last or the Mo On the principle that “the best is the cheapest.” docs. Every picture that leaves my studio is guaranteed Salem Statesman.] to be perfect and permanent. Knowing this my Years ago there were many Modocs. customers are a satisfied and happy crowd. My They lived in Southern Oregon and Northern California, along the banks of prices are low for fine up-to-date work. Sprague river and Klatnath lake. The whites invaded the country without an attempt at treaty. A frontiersman named Ben Wright lost a friend or two in a skirmish witit the Indians. lie At the Old Reliable Gallery. Opposite Hotel Oregon plotted revenge. At first he formed a wagon tfain ami into eaclt covered zo hide he loaded armed nten. The train had tbe appearance of a i>eaee:ul set­ tlers’ caravail. The wagons were driven into the Modocs’ country. The warriors came to the’ hills, looked at the train and did not attaca. The ruse failed. Then Ben Wright put on the garb of a I peaceful trader, aud sending out some runners induced men, women and chil­ dren of the Modoc tribe to meet him at Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, the base of some hills, there to exchange pelts for some covered gew gaws. The Continental Household Paint, and ÇEMENTICO. • Modocs came unarmed. They squatted ‘ in a group in front of the supposed trader. Suddenly the hillside was aflame. The rilles of more than 100 con­ FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK cealed men opened on the defenseless Modocs. They broke and fled, but left IMP )JII I © scores of dead and wounded behind. The whiles saw to it that the wounded speedily joined the ranks of the dead. Capt. Jack as a boy was present at this massacre. Years afterwards when stand­ ing in the shadow of the gallows, upon which he was hanged, lie ironicady asked the hangman for a list of the pale­ faces who hail been convicted and hanged for the killing of the M d . cian to recommend that be be sent to the I mine is own’d by Pennington, and Gar­ asylum, but the County Physician refused rett, Williams and Bnrriss are develop­ summer in southern Oregon to continue the woman in Chicago who became Mrs. sugar than it. I sold five bot 1 s of it to do this and told him that a man of his geological reconnoisance in the Crater Durphy No. 2 and who is now prosecut­ yesterday to threshers that could go no age (94 years) might be expected to be ing it. Work has been resumed on it, lake section. ing him for having another wife at the farther, and thev are at work again this somewhat feeble in mind and body, and aud the cross cut tunnel is in 170 feet. same time of his marriage with her. giorning.—H. R. P helps , Ply mouth, Miss Marie Tongue of Hillsboro, daugh r However, she came to Portland with Oklahoma. As will be seen by t e above that he had best to take care of him. The government asked the Mtxjops Q Odd H u ’ ait i Wide Shades in culors to match stock goods. Our stock of Gold Hill News: Fred Burke was in Wilson at last got the Coroner and an­ ter cf the congressman, has been visit« Durphy eleven years ago, and it was the threshers were able to keep on with other doctor to examine Clark and the from Wards creek Sunday and reports ing her sister, Mrs. A. E, Reames, at during their residence here that wife No. their work without losing a sinile day’s leave their ancestral ltqtpe and take res­ Portieres und Lice Curtail a is complete. idence on tlie Klamath reservation. The ore is so valu­ County Coart committed him to the asy­ his find a bonanza. Do n.rfsi not fail to Li,n.fdf>nin. sec us when in need of Carpets, Rugs. Jacksonville, 2 discovered the existance of wife No, 1, time. Ycq should keep a bottle ot this Thouglt the influence of Supt. A. 1> .Mfirn a.n.n. • 9 lum. He was sent to the asylum in order able that only one of the partners comes Mattings and Linoleum Remedy in your home. For 6re of ti e took to th« Igva by Is, where Die' First outfit is still in the depot h ie, Fifty and eottuty treasurer of Douglas county, is some good ground in this section for urday ant] his bride will soon join him attention to then), believing that bit was teams, and as many laborers, will te caydlry tfas «ent to dislodge them. a pioneer and for 56 years a member of quartz exploration. The veins are com­ at the Pass. attempting some scheme. Mildrqd and constantly employed until winter Sets in, Titrough Eastern efforts a peace com- ' the I. O. O F, lodge, died at Roseburg monly small, but if one is found to carry l=S Ed. Booth, who was raised in this Mrs. Byan-Qurphy met in 8&n Franc>s- as ttie company intends to complete the mission was appointed. Its members Friday. Mr. Gaddis resided in this gold at all it is generally found to be rich. co. The wit ness suspected that her hus- were General E. R. S. Canl v, A. B county for a time in the early days and In past veare attention has been given county, died at Reno, Nev., April 23d. Dand was paying attention to other ditch, so as te place water in the valley Meacham and clergyman named Thomas. . on or .before April 15, 1902. served in the Indian wars. ___ almost wholly to placer mining and work His mother, Mrs. Stephen Btli, is a women and remonstrated but he in­ The main ditch will be aboul 40 miles These men were lured tan avmfer^hce' on quartz properties has been very lim­ pioneer of this county and lives at formed her that she was mistaken. Re­ in leogtn, with a carrying capacity of with Jack and sever«! 6f Kis warriors in J Jackeonvi]le, HORN. ited. turning home after several montli’e ab­ 10,000 miner's inches of water. It will April, 1873. Tlie three white men were MIMKU LOCATIONS. Spying Street, Ashland, Ore. Milton Weisman and fan)i)y of Man; sence in California, Durphy asked his be IQ fegt wide at the bottom aod' from killed. Four months later the In lians Gitarle« Hoertt located a water right from hatton, Kansas, arrived in Ashl md Sat­ wife to c|ean' his sujt of clothes. • Whbri 20 to 30 feel at the top, with an average fought the whites from the stronghold of NEELEY—In Ashland, April 27, ¡901, south fork of Little Butte creek April 15, urday and after visiting Wm. Jeffrey she did so she found a number of hairs to Mr. and Mrs L. Neeley, a eon. ■leptb of four feet, but owing to the con­ the lava Iteds. Finally they were over­ ¡001. Then she went to the dition of the ground in «.¡me places, the come, and Captain Jack, Scom-hin ami J H \fadrone et al located a quartz claim ami family went to Central Point where on the clothes. HARVEY—In Talent, April 22, 1901, to they have located. steamer and elicited tlie info mation ditch will for short distances be as d.ep Bhck Jim werp hanged. Il taught g ¿r. aud Mrs. James Harvey, a daugh­ in nails creejf district February 25,1901. J E Rhoten looated a quart? claim in About 7500 miner’s inches lesson to the ti-U.C that treachery wgs a Clarence W. Avers, formerly a con- that Durphy and a woman passing as his as 14 .eet. IIST j j branches ter. Galls creek district February 25.190i. \yater white maiilfi prerogative, trai tor and builder of Ashland, was on wife had traveled together. Afterward« will ba carried t^e fjrsf seas, p Nelson Herbert ioc.ated a quart« c'aini in Sunday’s train bound for Portland and a letter came to Ijurpliy. wlpch wae |S use’d. STRICELI'»—At Eagle Point, April 20, Blackwell district March 24,1901 signed “Your Darling Dolly,” «nJ was In Err log hut in the Indian Territory J901, to Mr. ajjd Mre. Al. Stricklin, a John It (i;bson locat-d a quar z claim in the north se'ling oil stock. He is opera­ couched in very affectionate language, the PiimesB Mary still wears th- mourn­ ting for southern California companies. Davenport district March 22. 1901 BOtl. . This provoked a storm in the Durphy ing emblem? cf her tribe in memory of Ed Ferguson located a quartz claim in The lady would be hard to please who home. ----- FIRST-CLASS WAGON WORK.------- her chieftain brother. There n-e n w Davenport district March 22.1901. When Mrs. Durphy was directed by LgNoe etal located a quartz claim in cannot find something to h r taste only fifty of tbe Movlocs left. Princes« among the varied lines of dress goods her husband to go and see his lawyers, Pooh week district April 1, 1901. Mary, a sister of the Modoc ch ef, Cap­ “I used to tain Jack, who was hanged tliiity ve-.rs M E Mefls boated a placer claim tn s'n novelties at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. she found a contract ready for her signa­ cough a great if discomfort, no irritation of the in- of sw% of sw’4 sei tp 30. s r 2 w, Feb­ Colonel N. B. Knight, father of Miss ture, its terms being that if she would deal and spit ago for a b t of treachery to the whites. ' not again open his mail or make inquir­ L "' iwb - but gentle, prompt, tlunvugh I ruary 10,1901. Portia Knight, who recently sued tbe blood, and Time must have softened tbe animosities Thomas Dungey et «1 located a bealtu' - declared J—>---- • that Dnrphy — Sold bv all drug-"**8*3’ ® Probate Coarr. 'selves that I haebeen practicing law at Baker City. WTLXdZu PAPER, G-LJLSS. ETO. did not provide tor uer, treatiugher gen­ had c o n- erous and he suffered therefor. He was Estate of Elizabeth M Leever. Order Grants Pass Observer, April 27: Miss erally very shabbily. taught his lesson in treachery, however, sumption, al­ hvivn«<. P apirs , WBAPPtwG P apbbs abd T wibbs , ARTISTS' MAT1RIAL8. made tor citation to heirs, to show cause Nellie DePeatt arrive 1 from Portland though they by the whites, ami the rpvpnge that he Jn purplty’8 petition for a divorce why cerlaia real estate should not be Thursday evening to accept a position from Mrs. Ryan-uurphy, filed in Aatariq did not fel] took wae light when eom pared to the s >11. Semi-annpaj aasojjnt approved. as saleslady in the ice cream and con­ four years ago, only ten days after' filing irie eo $od.,u4. Stove«, range«, graniteware and tin­ m’norg Chfier made to show cause why ing his folks, S. G. Netherlands, and troubles, rendered |i|e with her h!lrcl6q- pccasiquajly we see items going the x Ih'eriieiii&.but ware, furniture, bedroom «uites, bed­ petition of U'. », Fidelity and Guaranty family at Talent, left Saturday for San some beyond endurance, steads, spring mattresses, carpets, and Co. tor withdrawM a* ?uretv for guardian Francisco. He is employed by the North Durphy was arrested in California, nothing seemed to read) my trouble until I round« of the papers such aa “The Last got hold of a bottle of Acker’s English matting. Agent for John Deere buggies, should not be granted. American Co. and will start for Dutch where, it is said, lie has a third wife, and Remedy. I prayed for health ull the time, of the Modoc«.” They appear it’d t-> un­ 91 Fir»t Street, Portland, Ore. Estate of Jas Gaine«. Sea^nnual Harbor, Alaska, in a few weeks. James brought here for trial, but his attorneys derstand that the Modocs ban’s ted to th» wagons and implements. and my prayers were answered as soon account approved. Indian Territory Were but a £:n ill p .r- «Lt. -.1-1 tx- of Talent will go with him to have so far offered no testimony in be­ 7» as 1 r uegail lxhs cuivuratuu xaig- Everything, Both Keiv and Estate of J B Wait. Order made for (Janin half of the defendant. work for tlje eame company. lisli expectorant and tonic. Since my re­ tion of the tribe. These Ini’jpt« yyere Importers and Dealers in Second-Hand. sale of personal property. covery I have told hundreds of sufferers merely a small b^nt] n( (fene. lee IbeI Bicycles $20 at Hookerg. Estate of W L Colvig. Semi-annual frprn pougjts, colds and lveaK UlDES that jeft the reservation and refused to recog­ TO CUBE A COL» »N QNE RAY Htores: Main St., and 4th St., near Depot reoorl approved. Acker s English Remedy would cure them. nise the”’ legitimate tribal chief. Toe Mrs. E. B. Hunsaker and daughter, Take LAxitive’ B?6mo I mo Quinine Tablets, Tablets, Estate of Lewis Ress. Final «tatement Mise Carrie Hunsaker, visited old friends A'l druggists refund the money if it 'Mils to Borne of th^m won’t try it, and it does main portion of tbe tribe are still on the seem to me terrible when anyone deliber­ of adminietrat« approved and adminie- and neighbors in Ashland from Thursday cure. - - K. — W. Grove's signature is on each ately refuses to be cured. There ought to Klamath reservation and are ratiidlv be­ trator discharged. to Sundav, after an absence of many box. 25c. be a law compelling consumptives to take coming civilized.—Aburas Plaiudealer. Estate of J N Yeung, » umv as V3AT3. They were cordially greeted it. Even if they don't care for their own above. lives, the public’s welfare should be consid­ “Grand Old Men.” Docs It Pay To Buy Cheap, Mr. Ht»n««J er is engaged in the mining Don’t you think so too? I hope Estate of Chas Williams. Sime. and real estate bnuusW iu 8.51» Francisco The Oregonian is printing pictures and ered. A cheap remedy for cough’ an 1 colds such a law will soon be enforced.” Estate of John Cromar. Same. • ••• andMis. H. and Miss Carrie we»« Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House Bfcetolj.eg of the oldest men in the several is all right, but you want sonnethjpg [hat (Signed) M bs . R iciiabdbon . route to Eugene to visit relative*. oonhttes ot Oregon, Among th^m is tb^ will ri-leivo and eyre the more i*-vere bold nt 44c., Me. and JI »bottle, tbruugiiout the United Frank W. Johnson, c|erk in tlie the Rail­ OPPOSITE PLAZA. StAtetan ssil’le; if not possible f< r you, then in either case take the only remedy that Ash­ resides in San Francisco, where he re­ Simpson, well known citizens floming by boat front New York to San Sold by McNair Bro«. has been introduced it> all civilised coun­ land. Miss Simpson will spond Ute cently built a home.—Redding Search­ A First-Class Francfecb, thence by stage, [n 1864 Mr tries with spec.88 in sewcre [liroat and sunt liter in this city and Mrs. Lowrey light. .. Meal For lung ' trcutfles,’’ “^«cliefcis German joins her husband who is located here, Jones left Jackson county for Washing« Those famous ilUle «f'l'.s. DeWitt’s Little i “CUPIDENK- ton Territory. In 1866 he moved to Syrup.” It not only Leals and'etimn- Anything yon want cooked Early Kisers will remove all imparities Iron» Miss Alice Magilton, who has graduat­ Idaho. During thia time lie was en- This great Vegetable latte the tissu s to destr< y th- germ dis­ to order with promptness — I ---------- - ------------------- Vitalize»,UMpreacrip- your system, cleanse your bowe's, ajake ed from a Portland dental college, was ?;ag d in the freighting business. The ease, but allays infl immation, causes Von oi a tamoqs Fr< and dispatch. All Hours. qo FraatA uhyatdaD. will quickly cur* twj ofaU ntr- them regular.—M c N air B ros . here fyiday en route to her home at ollowingye r he loaded his big team pl tbe generative organ*, inch »» Loot Manhood, eat-v expectoration, gives a good night’» usia the Back, Seminal Kmlsal<>a*,Krrvoo« Debility. l I NAL NOTICE is hereby given to all rest, anil cures the patient. Try on» The following are the names of the Lakeview.' She yill practice iter pro­ withgraiu and fellowed the soldiers to ^tes, Vofttness «Impies, vufimess to Marry, LxhaurUne Pratos, Varicoeala and CODStreotlön. 11 »tops all losses by day or night Prei-anta qwiek- go»«« Old Camp Warner, in Warner Valley Order of Pepdo lodge instituted at Gold fession at Klamath' Palls thoee knowing themseb es bubbled bottle. Reiommended many years by ____ _____ nrssof discharge, whichunotcbccjtrdlead« toSpermatorrhoaand all druggists in the wo>|d. ¿kt Greet.’* Lake countv, aplving there September Hill last week tv W. E Mallory: Fast to her homo. arrniar trrrn all tho horrors of Impotency. (erlDEXE cleaoMa thellver, the to tbe undersigned that nnless they set­ ano AFTER kldneysandthenrlnkry^laVi.oIaUlmpurlUea. councilor, Ike Housocojil.er; councilor, Almanac. X- X. B olt J n . 1 Yreka News: Prof. F. M. Anderson, 15, 1867. In this valley Mr. Jonhs made tle up forthwith, tfieir accounts wiK'ba Erise CCPIDEJIE strengthens and restore* small w«tt organs. ~ : ' !i ____ X I ■ A L. Vincent; vice councilor, M. E. at one time a member of the High his home, and resided there since, with The reason sufferers are not cured by ppclors is because ninety per eent are troubled wttb Froatatftla. CÜPIDENB1* the on|>toowb remedy to cure without Äoperation. tux> testImoat- Walker; chaplain, Ida Betts; secretary, School faculty of Yreka, but lately work­ the exception of tlie pat-t few years he turne l over to an attorney for fórceá Eureka. Cal., April 25.—The City o:«. A written guarantee give- ruotiey returned If six boxes do-s not effect u permanent cure. C K. Fifield ; treasurer, Walter Dungey ; ing for the State Mining Bureau, was in has lived with his family in Lakeview. colleetion. $ l.X box, six for J5.00. V a tfieU.' 6cnd for raxx circular and testimonial». Council has passed the franchise asked Growers aud Importer« of all kinds of guide, Margarct Chisholm ; ex-physician, town this week. He went flyer to Scott He married Mrs. Ellen Gregory in May, Adtlre;» WAI. MEOICDIE CO., P. Q. Box XT8, Ban Francisco, CaL Jbr Sale try for by tbe Klamath River Railroad You can pay at tbe olJ stand. W. P Chisholm; warden, Chas. House­ Valley Tuesday. ]869 They have three children. Company. This is the second franchi«^ Bold at M^N aih B uts .’ Drug Store, Ashland, Or. B. F. REESER. ftaes d within a tpopth. tho other one 1W- holder; sentinel, Luther Hstnmersley. The number of toifna and cities in Or: Col. Wm. Jennings Martin, died at ng |o the CalifoYnia mit the following list of seeds iately. _____________ ““ Mrs. Will Armburst, who has bpen visit­ mence prune crop. The driers will not, Peo C. Hickock,Curtiss, Wis.,says; “Fo­ ,o«il ot a hundred dittcrent kinds tried: ing her folks at Henley, left Friday fo? her ley’s Kidney Cure has been tested and Assist Nature. as heretofore he geeking prunes, but the Guaranteed found to be all you claim for it. I have home at Machias. Wash. Italian Rvr Crass u wws ioertniis growers will be hunting for ¡1 drier 1° You hay# lieen told tn ’'hitch your given it to my father and it is the only Estdish kvr trass L, ' I mw F imm cure their crop. wagon to a atar”^=tliat Namm will assist I*1’. <4 H«* Brass rhtüteamed Flat Sltamcd Blit Crass thing that ever helped him." T. K, B oltom . you- Thai's all right. Tner« are times, A, J. Gillette, wife and babies of Eu- Frank Mathews, the well-known con­ TaU le •rekard liras» 500 Sesand Hand Wheels«« «2 co however, when you should assist Nature, gune visited the family of Jol;q Coletpan ductor, has been granted one year ’ s taktq M Trade by our Chicago retail stores, apd IV U/O EUf’SH SEEDS; we are grow and the spring is one of these times. at Phoenix last weel« while en route to leave of absence and left last week with moi 8 xxl as new....................................... Three are Nature is now undertaking to i lea’ se San Francisco on a visit. He is in tbe A. O. Calkins for Nome, Alaska, to en­ we «hip any bicycle ON APPROVAL to •Ltiu and will guarantee your system—if you take Hood’s Sarsa­ railroad service and «he was formerly anyone without a cent deposit tin advance ana allow gage in mining. ert -di* and price». parilla the undertaking will ba success- Mise Mary Coleman. res . If yon are «crofulous, dyspeptic, rheu­ ... , •qwaj-s and importers of fol, and v ur complexion height and Breeder of high class Batred Plymouth clear, Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arno'd, lai,writes: He M e are also gi „ _. absolutely ________ ______ ' Corn. W heat, matic, troubled with kidney complaint, was troubled with kidney disease about Rocka, S. C. Brown Leghorns, Bronze general debility, lacking atreogtb, take no risk in ordering from us, as you do not need to pay Clover*. Alfalfaa. M^utte and all Loita Crabtree, who made a fortune on three years. Had to get up several times Turkeys and Scotch Coilje Doss, Wo i Hood's Sarsaparilla. a cent if the feieycle does not suit you. Itusalan Npelta xid a«c4s. dnring the nigl4 hqt tforge bottlespf Foley's better in the Btate, E.'ge, 1 set., $1.50; the stage, has agiln returned to this coa-t ? a wheel until you have written for our Kind.» ot Ft. Engineer J. J. O’Malley, accompanied Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, ne 2 set., $3 50. from the East, and is now sojourning at _ . . -e a relUUe persou in each town to distribute catalogues for us ia property tbruugbout United Sta'es ......................... > . treatment at the railroad hospital. His Rosebnrg, Oregon. tin . . tbe bicycle. Write today for free catalogue and our special offer. In " the days of f the latter part . of . ... the >5( ’50 dred, or Jo cent» per pound. WANTED, — Capab ’ e, reliable person in "V, J.S fill - health has improved but little since bis period, she gave songs and dances in the every county to represent large company of For references we cite you to vh* Agri- return from Ashland three weeks ago — old Arcade billiard saloon of Yreka, where solid financial reputation; $936 salary per m as . Professor of Agriculture at . soil H. Dunsmuir News. the Red Meq’s Hall and looker Brothers year, payable weekly; $3 per day absolute­ cultural College at Pullman, Wash ' at tue store were built some years after the Ar- ly sure aud all expenses; straight bona fide, T, Fautes, Professor of Agriculture -ta ho. We refund 10c for every pagage of Put­ cade was burned down, SbC made con­ definite salary, no commission; salary paid Bert Cough bjrtup. T Idaho State University. Moscow, L_ in time. Sold by siderable money in Yreka and launched nam Fadeless Dye that fails to give sat­ each Saturday and expense money ad­ For prices and further information ada out on a more extensive scale in ban Fran- vanced each week. STANDARD ¡¡0U8E, isfaction. MonroeDrug Co., UaiOQViUet M. J. SHIELDS & QO., ctieo during the Wsruid.—Yreka Journal. Mo. Sold by M cxak B bos . 334 DMMO0 CKKAW. MOSCOW, • a • Idrto. Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe Department. § ® ft P. S.—This Reduction Sale does not in­ clude the Grocery Department R. N. NASON’S PAINT! Ulm» Veo $ Co. Window Shades J. P. Dodge, fc ASHLAND MILLS i^nriMTBnTFMr) W. J, VIRGIN & C0.. PROP’S TRIMBLE & CO GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING JLX I j¥o Qripte, Pain Spitting Blood . Plow Work and Horse-Shoeing a Specialty Hood 'J PHI» S, 0. FURREY PAINTING. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOUSE. PAPERING. ETC. THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. and Chop lluose 25-Cents. Notice to Debtors. — fiiv» Me a Call MANHOOD RESTORED I M J SHIELDS & CO. Grass and Field Seeds RIPER AGENTS WANTED 1901 Models $10 io $18 '00 &’99 Models .X$7t«$l2 Reliable Poultry Yards 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, JOBPRINTIN GREOORD OFFICE