Bugs! Bros VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY ......... ASHLAND, OREGON : Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R atks : One Year...................................... 8ix Months.................................. Three Months.............................. $1 78; 1 ool 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. IVALLEÏ RECORD VOL. XIII. RECORD ASHLAND, OREGON $1.75 ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 25. 1901. I PRESSED BRICKS. MRS. SATHER’S SARCASM. BRIDE DIDN’T APPEAR. NO 48. Cannot be better spent than by subscrib­ ing to the VALLEY RECORD for * year. Just think! $1.75 gives you »11 the news for a year. Try it I PROFITS IN ASHLAND PEACHES. ! j.■ > i I I I | | | H | H 4"» t of output, ami appears also I + Goods at once and have Reduced Prices all along the from or who started it none will say, but closed a picture of a fairly good looking to be true as to profits to de gaiue«l from + has opened a school near Woodville. the business ol fruitgrowing. it has raised a row in the lakeside dis­ lino in the I * Landlord N. Bourgeois came out fiom trict and the lady who of late has done woman. At first she was going to come The Ashland peach is without a rival I + At the Old Reliable Gallery. Opposite Hotel Oregon without any money but later had become Portland Sunday to remain all summer. much for the state university has been ill and wished the price of the car fare. in the markets where it is known. The ♦ . — L C. Coleman arrived in the valley called upon to explain, and her explana­ Mr Bailey sent her a ticket and expect­ market for this fruit has expanded great­ •Î- -!-5-++-{"’c4"<-++4-+-H-+-l-4-l-H-++-H.+-{•-}•-}-^++.5.+++¿.^.+¿.^-+ Sunday from San Francisco on a busi­ tion is a prompt denial. ed her last Thursday. The sign being ly within the past few years rnanv thou- Mrs. Sather bad been invited to be one her blooming self with “two bird cages, sands of boxes of Ashland peaches have 1 ness trip. ' "'"’Call and See Our Special Bargains. of the party to “receive” at the Ebell a basket with a rabbit, and a pet cat.” been sold in lhe Eastern slates and in Miss Beulah Warner the Neil creek yesterday afternoon The occasion wax Canada. During the year 1S99 over teacher visited her folks at Medford the reception tendered by the club ladies She did not appear and Mr. Bailey re­ 90,000 packages of green frui'B, berries turned home undecided whether the Saturday. to Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, She idol of his fancy had been unavoidably and vegetable were shipped from Ash­ ............. Mies Letha Hardin, clerk in the Med­ accepted the invitatiou, but at the detained or whether he had been mulcted land by freight and express, aggregating ford postoffice, spent Sunday with Ash­ eleveuth hour declined. in the price of the car fare. He had his about 2,500,000 |ounds, or 125 carloads, land friends. OBJECTED TO THE NUMBERS. place completely renovated ready to re­ and of these shipments,peaches comprised Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, over 76,000 br-xes, er 75 carloads. “ ‘I declined to serve,’ she says, ‘not ceive his tootsy wootsy As Mr. Bailey Mrs. M. J. Arant arrived Sunday from That the business is profitable may be i Continental Household Paint, and CEMENTICO. Roseburg to pay a visit to her daughter, on 1 accouut of the people, but the num­ needs a help mate any reputable lady seen from some particular examples of N1NINGER BLOCK— NEAR DEPOT — ASHLAND, OR. bers. Mrs. Scupham wrote me that it who is that way inclined may find a the experience uf well-known growers. Mrs. Harris. was desired that I serve as one of the suspectable subject worthy of her at­ Sylvester Patterson has an orchard in E. M. Wallbank of- Montague was at hosteeses on the day of Mis. Wheeler’s tention at Shake postoffice. W eet Ashland co.»-.prising acres, on -^^ FRUIT BOXES ANO MILL WORK Gold llill the first of the week on a reception. I told her that it would give which there are 40S peach trees, set lG1« business visit. me a great deal of pleasure to serve. IN RAILROAD CIRCLES. feet apart. Tncre arc a few apple, prime I saw by the daily papers that a Mre. W. B. Johnston returned Sun- Then ' ami plum trees on the tract, but they THE MENKLEY CONCERT. day from a visit with Medford and Cen­ large number of ladies would be on the BLY. Machinist Wm. McGrath returned constitute a ir.fi.ng proportion of the or­ committee and I telephoned to Mrs. tral Point friends. last week from a trip to Portland. chard. Mr. Patters tn says: The South Side Ditch Co. will startto Scupham, asking her how many would “Thia peach orchard was on an aver­ I work on their ditch as soon as thev can A Splendid Company That Will Be D. C. Bagley, formerly of Ashland, is Mrs. Lillie Burns came over from ( be present, and she said ‘forty,’ I sug­ in Ashland Wednesday. May let. get me*» to work. They will pay $1 25 building a three-room cottage at Duns­ age eight years ol I in 1809. In that sea­ Yreka Sunday to visit her brother, Tom gested , then that she let me out. son 1 shipped from tlies«» trees 2380 box«-s per day and board They want about muir. The Meneley Trio Concert Companv Taylor, who is very ill. • “ There was a fine attendance of nice of peaches. t’>e average price for the Al 15 men. Good rock men will get more ' of Chicago, a musical combination of Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Crawford of Gold young ; people. Oakland has so many Geo. McDonald of Tolo has returned exandere, Sal a ays and all other varieties wages. The company contemplates get- i rare excellence will appear at Chautan Hill left Monday for Green River, Wyorn- I bright and beautiful girls that I am al­ to Ashlaud from Poitland and is tiring was 49 cents per box. The Salways (a ting the water in time to irrigate with 1 qua tabernacle Wednesday evening May ing, to spend the summer. ways pleased to be among them. I don’t out of this place. late peach) brought about. 55 cents per this summer. 1st. under the auspices of the Y. W. C. like old people; I mean old in mind and Mark Miner of Yreka Bpent Sunday . James Hallisy has quit the railroad hex. Tite t t;*l amount realiz <1 from all The North Side Ditch Company will1 T U. heart ; those who seem older than their carpenter crew and is firing between the fruit s Id from tlie orchard was with a dear friend iu Ashland. He is , following in the Start to work about the first of May and —- The •» Z'.l . 1 • appeared L !----- _• .-- •! Dalles C* J $1219 77; the total «xpenae, iudu ling H’U» arrived, comprising Cheap, j ve »re iu dress aud actions. Years do not Ashland and Dunsmuir. Largest Stock push the work until the ditch is finished. Daily Chronicle in its issue ot April 3rd. expected over soon again. age people. It is something that lies water, rent, box**.», paper, sptayinz, etc., Medium anil High Grade it«o is The Draiu Watchman says Mr. Counts and Best Variety Horace Pelton and Ed. Cardwell of deeper < Parties are buying land under the ‘ ”P*e PLeoPle ?' 'r*'e Dalk,s have no idea than time’s lines. It is the lack was $196 33. This )• f. me a total profit ^WFTT-— at from , ... in Southern Oregon Sams Valley have purchased the Stacy & of < all that goes to make youth bright and of Tolo is paying a visit to hie eon, C. F. of $1023 41 front tin- 4J4' acres. I take no ditch already to make homes of and , Ako heavy Oil Ooaqux Cloth of .hiTerent widths, from which we make ‘can “find laud then ’fôï I -'£eneley Trio Concert at the Methodist Rogers threshing machine. Counts, at that place. 1 pleasant. quite a number account ol 'I'« I ibor wliicli was d me by O«ld S:n and Wide Shades in colors to mateh stock goods. Our stock of church last night. It was without any Ex-Postmaster C. A Bills of Duns­ myS'df Oi t»e peaclos I made a net Portieres and Lice Curtains is complete. homes. Tor bert Sanford is night clerk at Hotel ( “Numbers of our lovely young women exception, the best and most enjoyable are married aud carried away by out ­ muir is now employed as signalman for Do not fail to see us ichen in need of Carpets, Rugs, James Taylor goi’S to Ashland soon entertainment of the kind the writer has Oregon during the absence of W. E. ( siders. Our young men do not seem to the railroad company at Fulda. Placer 1 profit cl over$300 per acre, or $3 37 per tree for 403 peacli trees. Some <>f th*se .Mattings and Linoleum after a band of cattle he bought from ever witnessed. For pure, clean, whole Conner in Klamath county be marrying men It may be a way they county. peaches broui ht 60 cents per box, and some fun for words and song and express­ George Grow. S. 8. Mitchel) of the Klamath Falls I have. There are numbers of our finest Prices icccrding to Quality, Wm. Flackus, formerly a railroad irom one trie I picked 27 boxes.” ; unmarried. Thev will be left for School is progressing fine with G. R. ion and gesture that tickled the sensibil­ end of the firm of Mitchell Bros, was in girls R Berwick, an «x ’ ensive orchard ­ But Always Low bridge carpenter of Ashland, but now a ities, or made the heart quiver with Ashland the first of the week. 1 some of the better class of widowers. Carlock as teacher. owner, picked 33 b- x«a of peaches fr.im resident of Dairy, Klamath county, was emotion, but always had an easily per­ * WIDOWS SHOULD STAY AT HOMe. W. A. Holt left Sunday morning for Vy. A. Walker and family arrived I | ceptible moral, and was never for a mo­ given the contract la-t week to rebuild one tree in his orchard. G. W Crows >11, proprietor of the A-L- “Widows? Oh,widows ought to stay at the Stukel bridge for the sum of $1020. home from Klamath Falla where they ment coarse or vulgar, it beat al) the cir- Bremerton. Wash . to take his position land B.i'te urctiard, gives the folluwim: 1 They have no business to show have been for the winter to send their . cuser and minetreles and corned es we as book-keeper in the navy yard at that home. C. H Markham, genoral freight and as the pro ‘ip-t from a six-acre orcli rd, 1 their crepe in public or festive occasions, children to school. I have ever witnessed. It was more than place. passenger agent of the Southeru Pacific there btitig five acres of peach trees a id or if they must they should be given a ~ entertainment, ------ 1— ............... —. — Mrs. Addie Collins of Iowa who has * W. W. Finley has recovered from a ; an it was a sermon, and I place and all sit together. You know 1 ( was on Saturday’s train for Portland one acre s«t to Various trees for the sea­ 1 a sermon * that , severe attack of lung fever. ’—* will 1 long ---- be remembered been visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Strever the from the meeting of the Trauscontinent- son 1899: ■■ couple- : after an ordinary didactic lecture should of Medford, spent Monday in Ashland , , al Passenger Association at Del Monte, 2200 b -x«« peactiis. s ;ld at 4V.$ 92. 00 < The Leonard Bros, have gone to the have been forgotten.” ‘ Laugh and the world laughs with you,; v siting Mrs. 8. J Rhodes. , Cal. 30 cral 6 raspberries, at $1 2». . 37 50 coast with a band of horses to put on ‘Weep and you weep alone; No one can afford to miss this great erutes xtraw berries, at $1.... John E- Pelton arrived from Seattle 1 ‘For this sad old earth must borrow tht; market. 35 00 musical treat They have been accord­ Brakeman Ed. P. Long, who resigned 35 last Thursday and left Saturday for .Suit 7» 09 mirth, his position on the road laet fail to t n 100 crat«e hlackberri e,at 75c... The weather ia fine aud the grass is ed enthusiastic audiences wherever they sun, Cal He is preparing for his trip to 1 ‘But has troubles enough of its its 60 Club s ch< rr es, at $1 25.... 75 00 own.’ gage in the grocery business with a broth­ 10 crates cur raula, at 75c........ good and every one is busy with their have appeared throughout the etate. the Yukon country with E. B. Hanley. 7 50 ‘ In spite of this there were willows er at Cottage Grove, will probably accept at the Tickets on sale at H. L . Sayles, spring work. 30 cr«t s plums, at 50c............... 15 00 Chil- a position on the road again soon. unusually low price of 25 cents, The lady would be hard to please who yesterday and crepe. 4 b x e p ar , at $1 ............... 4 00 John Welle has returned from Stock- dren under 15 years 15 cents, “There is a charm about Mrs. Wheeler Doors cannot find something to h«r taste O“ 50 James J. Hill, the railroad magnate, 50 b xes mi pies, al 75c............. Of ton. Cal., where he dispo»ed of a band open at 7:30. Performance at 8. Watch among the varied lines of dress goods a graciousness and cheeriness that are 20 00 of horses which he shipped to that place for the advertising matter. popul arly her own. Then she is 60 begins work at 7:30 a. m. and stays at it 50 boxes tou i'.toi s, at 40«.......... novelties at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. clever and always perfectly at ease. until 6 in the evening. He probably gets this spring. Mrs. F. W. Moore who has called to During the afternoon I looked frequent­ fully as much as he really earns, though. Total....................... $1,230 50 Your Face Butler Walker is going to Ashland the Vermillion, S. D , some time ago to ] ly at the clock to see that she did not Cos* < f labor, pat-kinr, market­ The Northern Pacific announces that, 17th after the two jacks that W. A. Bhown the state of your feelings and the wait on relatives that were vary ill, is overstay ing, etc.. 1 3.)0 00 her time and grow tired. Once on June 1 the Yellowstone National Walker brought from California last fail. ata'e of your benltb as well, impure blood en route home. I spoke to her about it, but she said she Park will be open to the public. The make» itself apparent in a pale and sail jw comolexion, Pitnplei and Skin Eruptions. TO CUltE A COLD IN ONE DAY Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Alford and son was accustomed to it and would not weather there is such as to make this Net inecme from 6 acres of fruit»$ 931 50 tired. There were eome very fun­ possible. The Presidential party will Main St. Opp. 1.0.0. F. Hau. If yon are feeling weak and worn out and Herbert went to Medford Sunday to grow I11 ttie mine season E. F. Loomis made I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. do not have a health»- appearance, you Main St. Opp. i. O. O. F. Hall, ny things happened, but I must not tell spend a couple of days in the park. a net profit of $75 per acre «-If a 9)^ acre look around retur«ing Monday. They AU druggisls refund the money if it fails to should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures peach orchard. This is about as low re­ cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each all olood diseases where cheap Sarsnparillas move to Medford the latter part of the you for fear of the papers. Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian. TOOLS. “They wouldn’t let me keep Mrs. turn as will be found from an examina­ FAINTS. box. 25c. and so called purifiers fail; knowi-ig tbi«, week. Wheeler long. I met her on the side­ tion ot tl;e earnings of a large iiumbi r ol we sell every buttle on a positive guaiautee. WJVX j U i paper , glass , etc . Mr. F. I). Arnold, Arnold. Ia., writes: He orchards a‘o ut Ashland. J. E F ss of J. B Leach on Sundav received from walk and she entered on my arm. Of Salem, Or., April 20.—State Treasur­ M c N air Bans., druggists. St. Elmo, Ill., his brother, Bister and course, I kept her as long as I could. was troubled with kidney disease about Tab nt, realized a l.ttle over $!J.)Q g-acre |>e ch |8408 21 from the Treasurer of Jackson their home. Thev are A. D. Leach, Miss her where they thought best, and, for­ Kidney the orchard. Instances <-.( sin-cess'u| opera ­ Cure effected a complete cure, he county, the balance due on that county’s A quiet but pleasant and agreeable F. E. Leach and Nadine Carey. tunately, it was where I could goto her. feels better that} he ever di • and r« com­ tion of small orchards may be qiu|tippe I; 9 state taxes for the year 1000. weeding ceremony was performed at the Did I step on trains? There were trains mends it to his friends. T. K. B olton necessarily pn]v a few can be cited wt-ich Misses Cora Johnson, Gertrude Me- h'.tne of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sheets pn A recent game of baseball between I ar« iMiisidered fair type of the busini'ss. Callen and Lillian Patterson, and Tom to step on had I wished. Eagle Point and Central Point resulted Ivy street in Ashland Sunday afternoon Hamntond, John Churchman and Frank The cost of a p«acl. orchard at four THEBE WERE BORES PRETEXT, resulting in the sealing of the harts and in 16 to 35 in favor of Eagle Point. years of age, inclusive of the price f->r the Simpson opened the Sunday travel to “ I gained Mrs. Wheelers ’ s side aud affections of Henry Shoets and Miss wild land, is csiiniated bv experienced whispered to her, cautioning her not to Nellie Eaton in holy bonds of inatriong Soda Springs on the 2lst. fruitmen at from $lt 0 to $175 per acte. Rev. J. F Wallace was the officiating Prof. A. C. Guthrie, principal ot the permit people to bore her. You know “I Used to The peaches grown the fourth year minister and those present were: Mr. Klamath Falls public echo»!, will return there are people who never know when cough a ;;reat should cover the expense of cultivation, aixl Mrs. E. W. Sheets, Mr. and Mrs. to As land as soon as school terminates, they’re boriuz others. Those were they deal and spit and the fifth year, tinder favorable con­ Do not xri|>e nor irritate the alimen­ F. B Oatman, Rev. J F. “ Wallace, of and take charge of his fine fruit farm in of whom I warned her. ‘Don’t let them blood, and ditions there should be a profit nd 1 kept on excellence in qual(|y ftot surpassed in are taking a prominent part in athletics where Mr. Ulrick was in a hospital un­ -‘I have been troubled with indigestion dergoing t-eatment at the hands of a coughing and at U. of 0. Otis B Tout is sure of first specialist. The operation left him alive for ten y ears, have tried many things amt trying differ- any couutyy. Strawberries and black­ spent much money to no purpose until I place in the hurdles ami gives promise to ppt soi-ts of berries com-titute the principal berry and he is looking some better. tried Kudo I Dyspepsia Cure 1 have taxen medicines,but product. Unless there is yet eome un­ Stoves, ranges, graniteware and tin­ be an uncommonly good man at broad two bottles and gotten more relief from Fox A Good have ordered through them than all other medicines taken. I nothing seemed to reach my trouble until I toward freak of weather Ashland’s fruit ware, furniture, bedroom euitei, bed- jumping Clarence Poluy, under the di­ hold of a bottle of Acker’s English 1 crop this year will likely be one of the ataada, apring mattreaeea, carpets, and rection of Trainer W. O. Trine, may de­ Emil Peil two fine Racine baggies that feel more like a boy i ban I have felt in got I prayed for health all the time, finest and largest in many yeats.— M. F. __ of Sunny Remedy. matting. Agent fur John Deere busies, velop into a good weight man. He has a are up to date and will be the most twenty years.*• t Anderson Riggs 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. and my prayers were answered as soon Eggleeton iu Portland Telegram. fine build for this, having abnormally stylish thing iu town. Thev will be ready l.atie. Tex. Thousands bave testified I a ’ s wagor.a and implements. as I began taking this celebrated Eng­ large muscles in his back. John Mattern for business in about a week, and will did Mr. Kiags — M c N air B ros . lish expectorant and tonic. Since niy re­ is a promising bicyclist. Ashland is well b-just the thing to take your girl out Mokt T kv positively cures sick hcudaohe, Everything, Roth Xew and covery I have told hundreds of sufferers A F’lxiltsh Notion. represented at the college tn every de- for a spin in the oil fields these bright from coughs, colds and weak lungs that indigestion aud constipation. 4 delight­ Importers and Dealers in Second-Hand, Deputy Sheriff Ernest Lister, of iiartment 01 partaient of atniettcs athletics ana and nas has more ath- ■ spring aaye. Acker’s English Remedy would cure them. ful herb driuk. Removes *11 eniptious of Grants Pass purchased two coyote pups, Some of them won’t try it, and it does the skin, prodqcip; a perfeot coiiiplexioa, rtus to her credit than any other town Stores: Main St., and 4th St., near Depot letws Call at D. B. Grant’s hardware store a male and female which he intends to »eent to me terrible when anyone deliber­ or mopey relunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts.— in the statu. •nd get Aitken to figure on your plumb­ rear on account of their many admir­ ately refuses to be cured, There ought to M c N air B ros . I ing work- able qualities. From them he expects to ue a law compelling consumptives to take Humors. they don’t care for their own Getting at the Cause. breed a strain of hibrid dogs that will be It. Even'if “ It beats the band ” how some people the public’s welfare should be consid­ ,Copie to the surface in the spring t M in of considerable value to cattle men. lives, You are not feeling well, v< u t^y. get around. The Ashland, Ore., R ecord ered. Don’t you think so too? 1 hope no other »mg It ’ s a pity don’t a«ag >p >q ?* ....... they * The little pups are coverel with heavy Some part of your system is oqt ft! nr«|. r. run themselves all oil that ^ay;l>utin has this: Prof. J. B. Swidensky arrived coats of brown fur, and already have the such a law will soon be enforced.” Food gives you dietr«-js. you iiave head- (Signed) M bs . R ichabd 6 ox . spite of pimples and other eruptiohs, they | from Genfesee, Idaho, Sunday. He is an coyote expression written all over their • »•• UHU viavj/ Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House ' aches and a weak, tired and d., feeling faces. Or.e man pronounced them bear Or it may be that scrofula, ton, and expects to move his wile and OPPOSITE TLAZA. Ho d’s ,Sarsaparilla removes them and cubs notwithstanding that they have tails U M. It you are not aatiafled after bnylng. return th« rheumatirm or catarrh troubles vou. Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur­ cures all the painful and diafirar.og trou­ two bovs to Ashland to make their much more in' ¿Vidente than any in­ bottle to your druggist and-get your woul y pack, W!.atev«r It is vour first busioess ia to HV autharne the adore guarantee. bles they cause. Nothing eUa c|«apsea home ” “Swi” can toot a horn as few fantile bruin was ever able to show. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. gel kt the canee and remove it. To do niture. know liow, — Genesee News. H'. II. HOOKER ple don’t—you won’t if you whom Mr. Liser made the purchase. The best medicine money cau bqy is B Congress has made an appropriation take Hood’s Sarsaparilla for a while. Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It stplft-a at the »nd the Klamath Iudian Agency will f Merritt Brown of Eagle Point is visit­ r -ot ol a gre:|t y*rigty al .d:seaB.’B, and ■oon have* hospital, a water and electric Prof. N. L. Narregan has been re elect­ ing his sisters, Mrs. Paul Van Scoy at Anything you want cooked yoipplptrly nines them. For instance, light plant, and a $7000 irrigation ditch. ed principal of the Medford public tioa tioaot a t*«u to order with promptness Montagne and Mrs. W. B. Officers at the cauae of dvspepeia is Weakness of the All are to be completed this summer. schools and Misses Gertrude Sutton, May- vopa W wsa aces of the goneraUve organa, each as Let Manhood. and dispatch. All Hours. Grass Valley, Cal. Mrs. J. F. Brown is stoimiclt and ioss of digestive p-wer. laioaaukLl’hinsmtheBack.Seminta Emission«,Nervous Debility, * eo C Hickock,Curtiss. Wis.,says: “Fo­ Phipps, Elsie Wiiey. Li»*i« Ferguson, visiting rtdativoa at Montague and Scott MNAL NOTICE Is hereby given to all Tutu medicine cures dyspt>ps:a by restor­ fim^les, UnStnesa to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele »”<* Cohstfoatlon. It stops all lo-ses by day or night. Prevents quick* ley’s Kidney Cure has been lasted and Emma Reed, Minnie Hockenyos and Bar. those knowing themselves indebted ing the proper digestive tluids and giv­ ___ bcct of discharge, which if notcherked leads to tipermatorrbaa and found to be all you claim for it I bare Miss Mabel Jones have been selected for arrra all the horrors of Impotency. CUPIDEXE clcanaus UseUver, U» ing tone and strength to the digestive You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosv to the undersigned that unless thev set­ given it to my father and it is the only the other positions. R&rVH* a«IUn kfdnevsand the urinary organs of alllmpuriUea, cheek» and sparkling eyes if your liver is tle up forthwith, their accounts will be organa. The cause of that tire-l f ifing C1<7FIDENB strengthens and restores email weak organ* -- —_ ___ ... thing that ever helped him ” T K. B oltob . The reason »offerers are not cured by Hoctora Is because ninety pee eent are It o uW ea wttn Putnam Fadeless Dye produces the sluggish and your bowels clogged DeWitta. is intpuvetiahed blood, arid It is ' Proatalltla. CUPI DENE la the only known remedy to cure wit hrutt an operation. S'XJOlt’ilmonl- Hanan A Sherwood al Rqseburg have fastest and brightest colors of any known Little Early Risers cleanse the whole svs turned over to an attorney for forced enr>chi;:g gm! vjfalwttg the blood with ala. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a iiermaneulcura. tern. They never gripe.—McNxia B ros leased a large tract of land on Big'Klam- dye'stuili. Sold by M c N air B^os collection, (i.X a box, six for $5.OT, by mall. Eend for rack circular and Milmonla& <. •• H jo -I s >aiaaparilla. The • au-e of ihrm- ath Marsh and will graxe 1000 head of Address D4VOL MEDICINE CO„ F. O. Bqx *0«, Ban Francisco. CaL Jb/atle Sy Growers and Importers ol all kinds of Circuit Judge H, L. Denson wi|| not matiaiii .8 acid iu the Dioo I. Tins np*di You can pay at the old stand. If troubled by a weak digestion, lose ol move to Portland front Klamath Falls. cattle thereon this summer. They are neutralises the aci 1 and permanent­ Sol.I at M c N aik B ii ; Drug Store, Ashland, Or. B. F. REESER. cine in Josephine county where thev have se­ appetite, or c.»nstipation. try a few ilos.-s Mre. Benson will some day go to Port­ ly curt's rheu'nalism. Ail scrufuloasdic- of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver land while her children are attending cured a lot of cattle for this purpose. t-asee, salt rheum, pimples and eiuptioiis are mauWe»tly due to impurities in the What! With low prices and fair deal­ Tablets. Every box warranted. For school there._______________ We can netne seed for eve-green pasture blood and are cured hv expelling these iu your section of the country. Why ing we have furnished thousands of all sale byall druggist*. Does It Pay To Bay Cheap. impurities with Iloods Sq^apayiilA, Pr«>epact with untried seed-? With 15 Bicycles $20 at Hookers. wool tailor made suits of the Wanamaker A cheap remedy for coughs and colds years ot perianal experience in growing, T<.er.cor|t>i trtreg -mpltahed b» kind for the last four years. Got lots of Ray and Roy Kelly of Hanna, Wyo , is all right, but you want aoeiething that plso with the experunc«* of the Agric’il- For BOYS and YOUNG MRS. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Healthful i«.u me lien.e is conclusive pr«»«f of its them yet. Kindly call and see over one want to know the whereabouts of their wdl releiv« ami cure the more s-v«re tiM»l Collages at Moscow an ! PnOman. merit. • People buy it with perfe«-t confi ­ I »nd attractive location(14 miles from Salem: 40 tulles from Portland.1 COMPLETE thousand novelties. D. Allen, Agent. parents, who left Georgetown, Colo., for and dangerous nsukaof throat ami iqug we submit the following list of Seeds Rtld THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. dence that it will do them good—and it SPECIAL out of a hundred ditlerent different kinds tried: COURSES in niaiheuiutk-8. surveying, drawing, civil service. Fr-nch. Ger­ A. J. Casebeer of Rocky Ford, Col., Is Oregon, by wagon, last May. troubl'-a. What shall you do? Go to a dors not disappoint, I man, Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A »spars a class m visiting his brother E>1. at Bly, and wi l warmer aLd more regular climat-? Yee Italian Its fli»« Breasx litrwsj provided for student« wbu on account of farm labor wish to enter late n fan anu leave locate in Klamath county. if p ssible; if not possible for you, then fcsglhb Ute tin» Tall Iraflew Fh<|ae p.rqL L. L Rogers, who waa president early in -pring Academic Degree» and Teachers' State Cer'ificoies and State Diplomas in either case take the only remedv that FlatSitnari Blit Grau Eaglhk list flraxx of the Ashland college a number of years Conferred. Bend for catalogue. Address has been introduced in all civilized coqn- A VALUARLE MEDICINB Tall leaflew flat Grass flrehari trass •go, diu.1 at Los Angeles last month, in THE PRESIDENT MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE triea with sQcctn in aeyere throat and the 64th year of his age. M ouxt aboil . Osseo*. Tke»e are FRESH SEEDS; ue are grow- \ For Coughs and Cokla in Children, lang trouble«, “Bjecliee’a Qermgn Those famous little pills, DeWitt’s Little er» of them and will guarantee Syrup.” It not only heals and atimn-’ “I have not the slightest beeiunev in I Early it sers will remove all iuipurHies from latea the tiaeu-a to destroy the germ dia- retail» and price». I y otic system, cleanse your buwe», make recommending Chamberlain's Cough1 eaae, but allays infiimrnation, causes them regular.— M c N air B ros . Remedy to all who are suffering from We are al*» gtewers aP.q importers of easy expectoration, gives a good night’s Breeder of high class Barred I’lymrnth coughs or coide,” say* Chaa. M. Cramer, Clover«. Atralfas, Peas. Co«-«, tff rest, and cures the patient. Try one Rocka, S. C. Brown L-ghorna, Brm.xe , a well known watch maker, of Col- llueatan Mpclia. Milieta and all bottle. Recommended many years by Turkeys and Scotch Collie Digs; No cntbo/Ceyiop, “It has been eome two l$ln» seeds for eiergreen called mv attention to this valuable med­ 2aet.,$ljM. Address 1901, to .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chambers, fl pat lure on dry ground—fltiuO per hun­ icine ami I have repeatedly used it and I a daughter. Warner & Wortman, Hi« grocers, in­ JY TCRTTSTC, it has always been beneficial. It has dred, or 20 cent» per pound. curred the enmity, it is stated, of Capt. Roseburg, Oregon. Na-h, and he ordered them to vacate the . W A NIK l).—Capab e, reliable person ;n For references we cite you to W. J K>tu* cpr«d room they now occupy bv June 1st. every county to represent lar.-eQuu-party of max . Professor .-alary per cultural College at Pullman. Wssti .end H. sel'iom take» tpore that» «ma bottle to Thursday they purchased the fine eto:e year, payable weekly; $3 per day aheoiine- T. F bkxch , Professor ot Agriculture al the cure them ut boaranees. I have persu­ of G. L. Davis, and are at present ruu- ly s ire a d ail eapeusea; straight bona fine, Idaho 3:a e Univerrlty. Moscow, Idaho aded tnanv to try thia valuable medicine ping'botji stores, and s*y tliey will con­ \ i definite sa ary. no c-niimtasion; salary paid For price* and further information address ami they are all as well pleased aa mv- tinue to do business just the same.' M •** ■V»’ each 8a unlay a<.d expense money ad ­ M. J. SHIELD» ft GO., self over the rwokg,” For Mie by PlXI? ?jLLluP X.e to «MMbaro OafUaviMi vanced eachVeek s TANDABD HOUSE, MWVfW, • s e Mtfirv. bf an tfrawtm. VhBUU tf*rf VHldMd. FQR*UANQ| <04« I I I Make Pictures Dissolution of Co-Partnership Sale 4 In Order to Reduce Stock. + F. L. CAMPS Î t i Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe Department P. S-—This Reduction Sale does not in­ clude the Grocery Department R. N. NASON S PAINT! Ulm« ¥eo $ Co« Our S eason StocR of 'Window Shades 20ç up J. P. Dodge. XT ASHLAND MILLS. W. J. VIRGIN & C0.. PROP’S 11 O CXfAKlQ ASHLAND, |J b tV O1WO5 PAINTING Hood's PHis Spitting Blood PAPERING. land ok ETC. H ouse N. BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR 4SHLÏXD. Oivo Comfort ! EVERYTHING FOR THE HOUSE. Heart ot the City THÉ JOHN BARRETT CO Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. Restaurant ., RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Good ^^coni-modatious Located in S. 0. FURREY A OREGON 25-Cents —_ _ _ Give Me a Call Wee to MANHOOD RESTORED^— I M. J. SHI ELDS & CO. Grass and Field Seeds «DUH ANGEL COLLEGE. Reliable Poultry Yards RUSSELL “SS. MILLS High Grade gn Brade ^THRESHERS Machinery RUSSELL & CO. saw STACKERS