TALENT. C. F. SHEPHERD has just re ceived a carload of the finest, best assorted Pianos and Organs ever brought to Southern Oregon, which consists of fine figured Mahogany, Walnut, French Walnut and Oak cases, and will begin sale of them Monday and will close in a few days, and offers the celebrated CROWN, the KIMBALL, and NEWMAN BROS.’ ORGANS in Oak and Walnut cases at very low prices and on easy terms. Call at residence on Boulevard, or address ASHLAND, ORE. Professional Caros U L. M c W illiams , ATTORNIT-AT-LAW, Ashland, Oregon. Will practice in State and Federal courte ¡9“ Office, Reeser bl’k, over Western Union telegraph office. k HINMAN, D. D. 8. Dentist. In the Pioneer Block, up otaire, near City Hall. I)R. S. T. SONGER . Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Blocs, Opp. Hotel Oregon ASHLAND J) — — OREGON — M. BROWER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, — ASHLAND — — OREGON OFFICE : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Streets. J . A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor. WOTARV PUBLIC. Surveys for Patents and Mining Loca­ tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. Office at residence. South Main Stree 8OCIETY DIRECTORIES. 3V. R. C. BUBBSIDB BBLI1F COBPS BO. 24 Meets m Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p m on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. M bs . J. D. C rocker , Pres. M m . M. J. Spencer. Bee’v. PYTHIAS. KNIGHTS OF GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights of Brthias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every onday evening. Visiting Knights in good Standing are cordially invited to attend. L. E. BENDER. Chancellor Com. T. H. S immon .K. K.8. ■ ———— . I ■ — Ashland & Klamath Falls STAGE LINE Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. ROBERT M. GARRETT Superintendent FALLS. Barron, Shake, Soda Springt, Parkers and Keno;also beat connections wit stage lines from Klam­ ath Falla to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian Agency. by Goes ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: KLAMATH FALLS. ASHLAND. Leaves....... 5:00 a m I Leaves. Arrives....... 9:30 p tu | Arrives .8:00 pm 6:00 p m Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight Mu«t be Waybilled. Ashland Office: POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Klamath Falls OSes: H OPERA HOUSE, SAT., APRIL 6th. MORE RAILROAD EMPLOYES. Another Addition to Ashland’s Very Desirable Population. « H VAN VALKENBÜRG E. C. SHERMAN. The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, Hu Purchased......................... W. 0. Johnson’s Shop And la now prepared to serve hia old customers and the pub­ lic generally at the old sued M ain S t .. O pp . O pera House B lock General Blacksmithing •f aU kinds. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Valley Record Up-to-Date DR. DARRIN, The two following orders issued by the Southern Pacific officials explain them­ selves. Portland Or., March 18,1901. Notice to all engine men: In view of the shortage of power, and Wednesday morning's cold snap caused in order to better facilitate the handling UNDER THE AUSPICES OF some anxiety regarding the outlook for of the business, it has been decided to early peaches. assign a certain number of engines to handle the freight eervice between Port­ Tom Cline has located in Arizona having traded hu 20 acre place here for property land and Roseburg, and a certain number there. His family will soon leave here to to handle the same eervice between join him in his new home. Roseburg and Dunsmuir, no engines to be assigned to any particular run or E. Oatman and M. L. Pellett, have lately set out several acres on their respective runs excepting such engines as may be CAST OF CHARACTERS: farms, in the best winter varieties of young assigned to helper, work, or switching apple trees. service. This arrangement practically ------------- o ■ G eneral K ennion , commanding the military Department J. A. Clark and family of Klamath coun­ subdivides the east side division at Rose­ ty have returned after spending tbe winter of the Northwest........................ H. S. EVANS burg, making two separate divisions so here for his wife's health, and likewise hav­ I as the handling of the power and M ajor B urleigh , of the Twelfth Cavalry ....... I. E. VINING far ing the benefit of our school advantages for enginemen in freight service are con­ the younger members of their family. L ieutenant E dgar H awkesworth , on duty at Post Ken­ cerned. This will necessitate the trans­ Born—March 24, to the wife of Joseph of some engine crews from Roseburg nion........................................... J. EDW. THORNTON fer Lamb, a son. to Ashland as all engines and crews used for extra freight service between Rose­ L ieutenant M orton P arlow , also at Post Kennion, BAMS VALLEY. burg and Ashland will be furnished from GEO. T. WATSON Ashland, March came in like a lamb and went out a sufficient number of crews like a Hon April catne like a lion; yes two i S ergeant F lvnn , of the Twelfth Cavalry....J. LAUGHLIN will be kept at Roseburg to handle the lion«, and bow it will go oat is yet to be seen. extra service between Roseburg and Yesterday, April 1st, was tbe most windp P rivate J ones , of the Twelfth Cavalry..WILL GOWLAND Junction and extra helper service be­ day of the season with today as a duplicate. D r . A rthur P enwick , from Quebec...TH AD. McHATTON tween Roseburg and Divide. A sufficien t Horace Pelton, Ed. Pankey, Robt. Flem­ number of crews will be assigned to ing, James Vincent and James Callahan D ick B urleigh , the Major’s boy. ..HARBISON HOWELL handle the extra service east and west were tbe Sams Valley representatives at tbe The most wonderful part of man and most difficult to A ndy J ackson , an Army scout.................. J. M. SPENCER from Ashland, crews assigned to east Gold Hill ball last night. not to be used on west end nor comprehend, perhaps, is the nervous system, which touches S. H. Glass bad tbe misfortune to get his B ill S mith , an orderly .;.............. O. F. MILLSAP and west end crews on east end excepting in and controls every part of tho body. Having its roots in the arm and three ribs broken and received otb­ case of emergency. Engine men trans­ er painful bruises one day last week by one J ohn L adru , or “Scar Brow,” un educated Indian of Sat- ferred to Ashland in line with this ar ­ brain, its trunk in the spine, and its branches extending into of his horses, which struck him with its sika or Blackfoot tribe ...u............... JOHN MF LIZA rangement will be furnished with free front feet and after the animal bad gotten and throughout every muscle, limb and organ of the animal tbe old man under its feet he wa« repeated­ F ell on -O x , ) q ( FRANK HENDRICK transportation for household effects. ly struck before he could get out of its reach. S ilent T onol - e , J SatslkB Iud,ans T. W. Y ounger , frame, it carries either life and health or disease and death I WALTER MAUZY Mr. Glass had gone into tbe stall in which Master Mechanic. along its course. tbe horse was standing to place some hay In effect March 20. in tbe manger that bad fallen out. The K ate K ennion , the General’s daughter, Approved : L. R. F ields . The brain secretes a nervous fluid which is magnetic in horse being only a colt only partlv broke Miss LILLIE PATTERSON got excited and made fight which resulted “Portland, March 18,1901. its effects and influences. The magnetic element travels along m the above. L ucy H awkesworth , the Lieutenant’s sister, “To Freight Trainmen: “In order to move traffic to better ad the nerves like electricity, from the roots of the hair to the C. C. Gall and bis daughter, Mrs. Rowe, Miss CORA JOHNSON vantage have gone to Gold Hill today. commencing March 20, extra tips of the fingers, and through its telegraphic communication W ilbur ’ s A nn , a product of the Northwest, freight crews will be run out of Ashland James Pesterfield is on the sick list at When the nervous fluid is de­ and west and have their home termi­ permeates the whole system. present Miss BLANCHE LOGAN east nal at that place.” ficient or when the nerves do not properly transmit it, weak­ ITEMS FROM APPLEGATE. F awn -A fraid , Hawkesworth’s captive, L. R. F ields , Supt. ness and disease are the inevitable results; electricity, the Ben. Thurston is the happy man of this Miss GERTURDE WILSON This order means that about 40 more valley at present. The new arrival is a The People's Paper. wonder of the age, roots the disease from its stronghold. It i I gi 1 that weighed 12 pounds when it first railroad people are added to Ashland’s Soldiers and Indians. saw tbe light of this world on the 27th of population and it behoves our real estate permeates the secret ambush of disease and exterminates it ASHLAND. Or., Thursday, April 4, 1901 March. Father and mother are doing well. owners to meet the situation by building root and branch. It removes the wretched symptoms of The Finest Service co the East and the necessary new houses. This order J B Scott, a mine promoter, who has JACKSONVILLE- been here for more than a vear, left for It means also that as the business of the loathsome maladies, and averts their dreadful results. South. Religious Items. Yreka, Cal., on the 28th inst. Mrs. Angie 8midling, who has been sick TheO. R. * N. Co., in connection with road increases the number of men will relieves more agony and suffering than tongue can tell, as the Christian Science services in Masonic Everv turn iu the manage­ A very nice musical social was held a* most all winter, is rather on the decline ot the Oregon 8hort Line and Union Pacific, increase, hall at 11 o’clock a. m. every 8unday. the residence of O E Rose on the 30th of late. offers the finest service and fastest time to ment of the road since the time it was following cures by Dr. Darrin show: All cordially invited. March. Those present were Mr. and Mrs- Mrs B. Haney visited with her parents, Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, built to this place some 18 years ago has St. Paul, St, Louis, Chicago, and all points enured to the substantial benefit and en­ and Miss Myrtle Vogalt, MissLyda Pernoli, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, here last week. Easter will be fittingly observed at the Harry Andrews, Mr. Crocker and John east. Three trains daily from Portland, Miss Kate Buckley of Applegate passed with choice of many different routes. Pal­ richment of the city of Ashland. There Congregational church Sabbath morning Pernoil. Thia brings to through this city en route for San Fran­ ace and tourist sleepers, library, dining and has not been a break. and evening. In the morning there will W C, Whitlock opened school at Apple­ cisco. She goes there for the purpose of chair cars on all trains. mind an incident ot railroad construction be an Easter sermon followed by the re­ gate April 1st. with 25 pupils. O. C. Presley, Woodville, Or., deaf­ Ashland, until April 28th. No one will learning to be a trained nurse. Write A. L. Craig, G. P. A., O. R. & N. days. Every town was on the anxious ception of new members and the Lord’s Co., Portland, Oregon, for particulars. seat to know how the road was going and ness, cured. , attempt to queetion tbe reverend gen­ $10O Reward, $1OO. C. H. Harrison, formerly of Jacksonville Supper. In the evening the Sunday what effect it would have on their town. makes a very neat easel which he finds a school and choir will render a program The readers of this paper will be pleased readv sale for. He will do Grants Pass and Senator Leland Stanford, president of Wm. Senor, Medford, Or., deafness tleman’s word, as bis unblemished appropriate to the season. All invited. to learn that there is at least one dreaded SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. the road, was passing through Ashland then come back to Medford and otber 20 years, cured. G. W. Nelson, pastor. disease that science has been able to cure towns of the valley. Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch dated from Portland and taking a look at the in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Charles Carney, Jacksonville, Or., ca­ Rev. Chas. Booth will conduct a quiet Catarrh Cure is tbe only positive cure now Perry Corusf left here bv private convey­ Pretoria, March 80, reports the capture country through which the road was be­ service in Trinity Episcopal church at known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh ance for Missouri Flat, where he is engaged of 72 Boers in Orange River Colony. ing built. A delegation of Ashland citi­ tarrh for years, cured. zens called on him and asked what being a constitutional disease, requires to teach school this spring. Mr. Corum 2:30 p. m. to-morrow, Good Friday. John Martin, Cove,Union County, Or., a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca­ bad to leave tbe Normal school at Ashland He also reports upon the recent wreck­ could Ashland people do toward secur­ At the Presbyterian church next Sun­ tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di­ from poor health, and his school at the ing of trains at several points. ing Borne of the advantages that would hydrocele, cured. day the services will be as follows: The rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces above place was postponed for some time In the British house of commons, accrue and avoid the disadvantages. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. and the of the system, thereby destroying the foun­ on account of the state of bis health. Burt Kirbv, Adams, Or., discharging James Bryce (Liberal), in analyzing the Stanford in a very nice way told the com­ morning service for children at 11 dation of the disease, and giving tbe pa­ mittee that the company would show no ears for years,cared. “A neighbor ran in with a bottle of peace terms offered the Boers, said he o’ciock. At 2 p. m. an Easter sermon tient strength by building up the constitu­ favoritism, that the road would be oper­ and the Malta Commandery Knight tion and assisting nature in doing its work. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ hoped the government would reopen ated to meet its conveniences. He ex­ O, F. McCrary, Jacksonville, Or., deaf­ The proprietors have so much faith in its rhoea Remedy when my son was suffer­ Templars will attend. The C. E. meet­ curative negotiations. Colonial Secretary Cham­ pressed the opinion from the fact that ness, 7 years cured. powers that thev offer One Hun ing at 6:30 and the evening sermon at 7 dred Dollars for any case it fails to cure. ing with severe cramps and was given berlain replied that to offer better terms Ashland was at the foot of the big Siski­ up as beyond hope hv my regular physi­ o’clock. Subject, “One Thing.” Send for list of testimonials. Mrs. Martha Woodruff, Cleveland, Or,, would not be magnanimity, but folly. you mountain, that it was the natural F. J. CHENEY* CO,, Tole­ cian, who stands bigb in his profession. Easter services at the M. E. church do, Address. After administering three doses of it, The government could not afford to location for the end of division and the partial paralysis, cured. O. Sunday. The Sunday school at 9:45 will Sold by druggtsts, 75c. my son regained consciousness and re­ show again that it paid better to be a various occupations now conducted here Ex-Judge G. Crockett, Merlin, Or., be of special interest. At 11 a. m. the Hall’s Family Pills are the best. covered entirely within twenty-four rebel than a loyalist. The Cape rebels, by tbe railroad company. Time has pastor will preach, the sermon will be proven that the judgement of the great deafness, 10 years, restored, hours,” says Mrs Mary Haller, of Mt. as a rule, had been worse than the president of the road was correct and preceded by the baptism of children. W. H. Watkins, a well-to-do baker oi Crawford, Va. This remedy is for sale Boers. Wm. Hunter, Eugene City,Or., catarrh, that he was a prophet. The remaining The devotional meeting of the Epworth New Whatcom, Wash., has sold hit by all druggists. League at 6:30 will be an Easter service. business and all his property and hat A Durban (Natal) dispatch says that i feature of hie prophecy—a complete ma­ 20 years, restored. record is well known. He tells his story chine shop—is not far off. At 7:30 will be given a special Easter Mies Birdie Schmidt, Jacksonville, Or., The American consul at Mannheim, the Second Imperial Light Horse, which I program consisting of choice music by given the proceeds, with all his lifetim« These railroad advantages to a town below in his own words: is made up of Natalians, captured 1000 the choir and recitations. All are cor savings, to Shiloh college, which hai Germany, in a communication to the Boer cattle. Some of the men met a are most excellent toward its growth. discharging ear and deafness, cured. for its object the training of people state department, says that while Ger­ REV. DR. DOANE’S CARD. 1 The new civilization brought about by dially invited. J. T Abbett, pastor. Boer party consisting of a commandant the vast employment of labor saving ma Dr. Darrin tests tbe eyes and fits There will be special services at the “how to better serve the Lord.” With man agrarians are viewing with alarm and several other officers. They ordered chinery U niversity P ark , P ortland , O b . and combinations of wealth has glasses as well as treats all chronic, acute his wife and four children he has gone the adoption of American food products Christian church next Sunday. the Boers to throw up their hands. revolutionized industry and methode of to Shiloh, Me., to enter the college. in the empire, and are striving for an To the Editor: Some two weeks ago Two who were alow in obeying the i making a living, making railroad em­ and private diseases. A Roseburg man who runs a saloon Its graduates are missionaries, who gc increase in the tariff on American order were shot, whereupon the party ployes and factory operatives a very de- or more I said something of regaining near the depot and whose shop gets the > wherever they are called, following grain, the majority of the German surrendered. Later a number of snipers , sirable class of population. They are my hearing under the treatment of Dr. people are in favor of cheapening food REV. DR. DOANE. money of the railroad boys who have an i strictly the biblical injunction ot “tak­ active and industrious and able to pay appetite for liquor, wanted a settlement ing no heed for the morrow" so far at products throughout Germany. A peti­ were captured. The regiment then for what they buy and admirably Darrin, of which I had suffered for sev­ with those owing him. He gave hie 1 this world’s goods are concerned. Wat­ tion from Mannheim has been sent to captured a convoy of 36 wagons and a 1 equipped for good citizenship. This Rev. N. Doane, D. D., Dean of tbe eral years. On tbe first application tbe accounts to an attorney who sent them kins is 60 years of age. the reichstag, in which it is stated that number of cattle, sheep and horses. army of skilled laborers in turn buy and Theological School of tbe Portland in to General Manager Kohler at Port­ Later another convoy of ten wagons 1 pay for tbe things the community has to millions of German laborers and others deafneee of one ear (tbe left) was reme­ Anastatia Murphy, executrix of th< land. The accounts were against 26 was captured. University, Celebrated His Golden sell, they rent houses to live in and that have the deepest interest that the cost of died. Tbe difficulty with the otber was railroad employes and went up from 50 i estate of Charles Murphy, has accepted A dispatch from Standerton March 31 advances the price of property, and on Wedding Last September. cents to $50. Manager Kohler was in­ $17,325 in settlement of the claim of food “shall not be increased by a meas­ more serious. I applied the medicine j every count enhance the wealth of all. dignant and it is said asked that all of her late husband against the govern, ure which can profit only a small num­ says the Imperial Light Horse captured This worthy man has been at tbe faithfully and went again to the doctor ber of well-to-do land proprietors, and Commandant Prinzloo and a convoy of them be discharged. Supt. L. R. Fields ment for services and labor performed How It Is Done. bead of tbe Methodist church in tbe who succeeded entirely in restoring the was opposed to the instantaneous dis­ on the building of the Mare Island stone must bring with it the great disadvan­ 28 wagons. Commandant Englebrecht, Tbe first object life with the Ameri­ charge of the men because it would dis­ dock. Murphy, as contractor for the tage of endangering our export trade the dispatch says, has surrendered. The can people is to “ in Northwest over 40 yeais. He had a lost sense of bearing, so that when I get rich, ” the second, commode the the service fora time. That and impairing our commercial relations British are sweeping the eastern Trans­ how to regain good health. Tbe first work, used explosives, but was stopped double reason to be congratulated on went* out upon Third street, Portland, a number of them will lose their positions in other lands." vaal clear of everything useful to the can be obtained by energy, honesty and in the course of time is quite likely. The by the naval authoflties, as blasting A movement was set on foot at Wash­ Boers. All standing crops have been saving; tbe eecond, (good health) by thii occasion as he was totally deaf for it seemed to be tbe noisiest city I was saloon man is not in very high favor would, in their opinion, destroy a costly ington some time ago to collect money destroyed, but the women and chil­ using Green’s August Flower. Should years, and in spite of bis advanced age, ever in. My bearing still remains dis» cofferdam built outside ¿the gateway ol with the railroad boys any longer as dren are being cared for. Five hundred you be a despondent sufferer from* any of this is considered a very unfair way. the dock. Murphy claimed 1100,00t with which to buy Admiral Schley a his hearing was restored last April by tinct, In both ears equally good. of them have been conveyed to Utrecht, the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com­ home. A letter from the admiral was damages. He was offered $40,000, Many of the men had not even been plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., Dr. Darrin, now located at Hotel Oregon, N ehbmiah D oans . warned. received, in which he said he did not where their wants are well attended to. such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of which he refused. desire a costly residence in the city, but A Pretoria dispatch of March 30 says the Heart. Sour Stomach, Habitual Coe- John Berg, a coal miner at Rosalyn, Don’t think less of your system than would pre^r a modest suburban home, the Boers derailed and plundered ’ A tivenees, Dizziness of tbe Head, Nervous you do of yonr house. Give it a thorough Wash., being afraid of banks, has been and suggested Cleveland park. For freight train near Johannesburg. Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., you need cleansing, to. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. in the habit of burying his savings be­ not suffer another day. Two doses of the this purpose the sum of $10,000 will be neath the floor of his barn, and had well-known August Flower will relieve FOREIGN ITEMS. Dan Sullivan, deputy in the office of ■ accumulated nearly $2000. He went raised by the 25th of April, and the you at once. Go to T. K. B olton and Warrant Clerk Peery at San Francisco, recently to add to his hoard, but found title deeds will be handed to the ad­ The loss to Argentine farmers from get a cample bottle free. Regular size is missing; so also is $5000 that belongs 1 his treasure gone. Berg made a posi- miral on his arrival in Washington. disease and inundations during the past 75cts. Get Green’s Prize Almanac. to people who were compelled to put up 1 tive statement to the city marshal that This is tbe oldest Private Medical Maurice Burrymore, the actor, is in year is estimated at 14,000,000 sheep, Dispensary in tbe City of Portland, the The town ot Corona, Riverside county, bail for their appearance, after arrest, only two persons outside of his owe an insane asylum at New York. including almost the whole product of Cal., was much excited over the out­ first Medical Dispensary ever started in in the police courts. He obtained the 1 family knew where the money wai the city. Dr Kessler, the old. reliable 1900. The loss in wool is estimated at rageous conduct of three drunken Mexi ­ money by forgery. The methods used ■ hidden. He suspects that one of thee« specialist has been manager of this in­ 85,000,000 kilos. Cattle also suffered, / can sheepherders. Mounted upon bron­ by Sullivan to cash the forged bail de­ ■ took the money. stitution for over 20 years,during which but less than sheep. time thousands of cases have been cos, they rode up and down the princi­ mands required that he should forge An infuriated bull gored Fred Double­ cured, and no person was ever refused I Accompanying the carriage of Em­ pal streets, discharging their pistols and the names of the San Francisco police treatment The 8t Louis Dispensary dower to death on a ranch near Cowiche peror William when he appears in pub­ promiscuously throwing their lariats. court judges and also of Chief War­ has thousands of dollars in money and Creek, Wash. What caused the anima lic in future will be four bodyguards on Mrs. T. P. Drinkwater and Miss Grace rant and Bond Clerk Charles S. Peery. propertv, and is able financially to to attack his keeper will never be make its word good. bicycles. The coachman and footmen Shepherd fell in the pathway of the The money which was thus taken from ‘ known, as when the body was rescued will be armed with revolvers. the treasury will have to be made good vaqueros and were lassoed. Miss Shep­ Since Dr. Kessler started the St- life was extinct. Doubledower wai Louis Dispensary, over 20 years ago. by Peery, who employed him. Sulli­ : A Calcutta dispatch of March 28 says: herd was dragged half a block before ' gored terribly, and the beast literally hundreds of traveling doctors have van was one of the Ciprico-Foss gang of “Eight thousand people died of the she was extricated. She was not seri­ pawed him into an unrecognizable mass. come to Portland, advertised their sure- forgers that was arrested in 189d, but he plague last week in Bengal, including ously injured, but frightened into cure ability in tbe papers, got what Work was begun at San Pedro on the turned state’s evidence, and thus i money tbev could from confiding pa­ Calcutta. Whole towns are being de­ hysterics. Officers, assisted by citizens, Los Angeles and Salt Lake railway. tients, then left town. Dr. Kessler is escaped being sent to the penitentiary serted. There is, however, no panic. ” finally succeeded in landing the trio in the only advertising specialist who can Moro than 100 men went to work tc Has no equal for the cure of jail. along with the others. Queen Alexandra, who is on a visit tc give reference to all classes. You may Quick delivery—The Weekly Oregonian reconstruct the roadbed of what hai Nervous and Physical Debility, Copenhagen, replied to an address of ask bankers, merchants, and all kinds The Spokane, an addition to the pas­ been known as the Los Angeles Ter- of business men. They will tell you Exhausted Vitality, Varicocele, senger steamships in the Pacific coast representatives of 500 Danish associa- minal railway, preparatory to laying that Dr, Kessler is O. K. Lots oi peo­ ple coming from the country deposit J. H enri K essler , M. D., 75-pouud steel rails along the present Premature Decline, Loss of toins. She expressed her thanks for trade, was successfully launched at the their money with him. No other spec Union Iron works, San Francisco. Miss “ the love and sympathy with which Has won success far beyond the effect right of way to tidewater. Surveyor.« Memory, Wasting. Etc., which ialist on the Coast can give such ref­ Manager. Maude Lavina Wordsworth of Spokane l&ar. compatriots still surround me, has been brought about by early are now ifi the field from Salt Lake, and of advertising only. erences as this old doctor. dashed the traditional bottle of nh*m . ith>tauding the lapse of so many The firm hold it lias won and retains by the time thu work now in hand ii indiscretions or later excesses. pagns against the vessel’s side and GOOD DOCTORS. upon the hearts of the people could completed the company expects to bt named it the Spokane as it gracefully ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. ready for the more serious job of con ­ Man v doctors'In country towns send patients to Dr, Kessler, because they never have been gained by even the bee that you get the original DeWitt’s sUd from the ways into the bay. struction to and through the mountains. know he is prepared to treat all kinds of private and chronic diseases. Write today for mv latest books, Which Hazel Salve when you ask for it. moat lavish expenditure of money. PDIVATF Diseases. This doctor guarantees to cure any case of 8yphlUis. Gon- The true secret of the popularity of John W- Forbes, at a preliminary “Health in Nature,” and “Strength; Its The genuine is a certain cure for piles, rniVMI E> oyrhoea, Gleet. Strictures cured, no difference how long standing. sores and skin diseases.—M c N air B ros . hearing at Groveland, Cal., on the Use and Abuse bv Men.” Spermatorrhoea, Loss of Manhood, or Night Emissions, cured permanently. Tbe charge of bigamy, was held to appeal hanit of Self-Abuse effectually cured in a short time. Is explained entirely and only, by its before the superior court, his bond A burglar entered the room of Mrs. VftkhlC MCM Your errors and follies of youth can be remedied, and this old unapproachable M erit . G. P. Gehring, iu the Bellevue Terrace I UUnU mc.lv doctor will give you wholesome advice and cure you—maka you being fixed at $1000. Forbes married perfectly strong and healthy. You will be amazed at his success in curing Sper­ Based upon a prescription which Miss Edith Bailey of Oakdale at Son S. W Cor. Morrison and Fourth hotel, Los Angeles, and stole jewelry matorrhoea, Seminal Losses, Nightly Emissions, and other effects. cured people considered incurable, Jose in April, 1900. It is charged that worth $800. Streets, Portland, Oregon. which accomplished wonders astonish­ he has a wife living in Ottawa, Canada, KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. The Federated Trades assembly of ing to the medical profession, Portland has declared a boycott against from whom he has never been divorced. Painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urme, unnatural discharges, care­ fully treated and permanently cured. Piles, Bhematism and Neuralgia treated James M. Dennie, night wn.t-nhma.ti TREASURY DEPARTMENT. the product of the breweries of that city by our new remedies, and cures guaranteed. «..., in connection with the strike of the of Cod Liver Oil is the means the Capital Soap company ’ s works at Includes the concentrated values of the Patients treated in any part of the countiy by his home system. Write full brewery employees. of life, and enjoyment of life to particulars, enclose ten 2c stomps and we will answer you promptly, Hundreds best-known vegetable remedies — such Sacramento, was arrested on the charge Office of Comptroller of the Cur­ Hilda Williams, the four-year-old thousands: men women and treated at home who are unable to come to the city, aa sarsaparilla, yellow dock, pipsis- of having destroyed the company*! rency. daughter of James Williams, and Clar­ sewa, uva ursi, mandrake and dande­ works by fire, to which charge he con­ DC An TL1IQ Take a clear bottle at bedtime, and urinate in the bottle, set ence Gill, the five-year-old son of children. W ashington , D, C., ) nCAU I niO Mjde «nd look at it in the morning. If it is cloudy or has a lion, united by an original and peculiar fessed. Oil several occasions he wat March 20,1901. ) When appetite fails, it re­ cloudv settling in it. you have some kidney or bladder disease, and should be at­ Thomas Gill, while playing near a pool combination, proportion and process, rewarded by his employers for his vigi­ tended to before you get an incurable disease, as hundreds die every year from lance in extinguishing fires at the work! HEREAS, By satisfactory evidence of water at Grass Valley, Cal., fell in stores it. When food is a giving to Bright’s disease of the kidneys. presented to the undersigned, it and were drowned. before the fire department arrived. It burden, it lifts the burden. Address J. HENRI KESSLER, M. D., Portland, Oregon. now appears that tuese fires wen has been made to appear that “THE From lack of ventilation in the Great St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary. When youlose flesh,it brings curative power peculiar to itself. started by Dennie. The last fire he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASH­ Northern tunnel, near Seattle, Engineer LAND,” in the City of Ashland, in the Enclose ten 2c stamps or no answer. 330)4 Yamhill St. Its cures of mild and extreme cases started got beyoud his control and that County of Jackson, and State of Oregon, W. W. -Bradley lost his life and five the plumpness of health. of scrofula, eczema, psoriasis, and of the fire department, and Dennie’i has complied with all the provisions of other trainmen were overcome, but re­ When work is hard and every kind of humors, as well as of .ca­ effort to gain a few dollars reward cost the Statutes of the United States, re covered in the open air. The train be­ tarrh and rheumatism—prove it to be the company $12,000. qnired to be complied with before an came stalled, and the men were forced duty is heavy, it makes life association shall be authorized to com­ to He on* the floor of the tunnel for bright. the best blood purifier ever produced. Spreads Like Wildfire mence the business of Banking; PICTURES! Its cures of dyspepsia, biliousness, It is the thin edge of the When things sre “the beet" thev be­ Now T herefore I. C harles G. D awes , safety, because of the accumulation of nervousness, loss of appetite and that PICTURE FRAMES! poisonous gases. A relief engine come “tbe best selling.” Abraham Hare, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby wedge; the thick end is food. tired feeling, make a leading druggist, of Belleville. O., certify that “THE FIRST NATIONAL brought the men out. But what is the use of food, writes: Eleclric Bitters are tbe bestsel­ BANK OF A8HLAND,” in the City of Played Oat. ling bitters I have bandied in 20 years. Ashland, in the County of Jackson, and MOLDINGS when you hate it, and can’t di­ beyond question the greatest stomach You know why? Most diseases begin in State of Oregon, is authorized to com­ Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of CABINET WORK tonic, nerve-builder and strength­ disorders of stomach, liver, kidnevs, mence the business of Banking as pro­ the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, gest it? UPHOL8TERING A8HLAND, OREGON. restorer the world has ever known. bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bit­ vided in Section Fifty one hundred and Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or GENERAL REPAIRING Scott ’ s Emulsion of Cod OF FURNITURE It will cure you or any one in your ters tones up the stomach, regulates sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the Sores are aU positive evidences of impure FREIGHT AND liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the United States. family of any of these troubles blood. No matter how it becameao.it Liver Oil is thefood that makes BAGGAGE TRANSFER. blood, strengthens tbe nerves, hence must be purified in order to obtain good you forget your stomach. I n T estimony W hereof witness my You can rely upon cures multitudes of maladies. It builds hand and Seal of office this Twentieth health. Acker’s Blood Elixer has never If you have not tried ft, send for AT THE failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poi­ free sample, its agreeable taste will up the entire system. Puts new life and day of March, 1901. Wood For Sale. A8HLAND sons or any other blood diseases. It is surprise you. vigor into auv weak, sickly, rundown [Sr al J CHARLE8 G. DAWES, aa a thoroughly good medicine. But man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold UNDERTAKING PARLORS. certainly a wonderful remedy, and we sell SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. Comptroller of the Currency. „ New York. b bottle and begin to take it today. every hottie on a positive guarantee. M g - 409 Pearl Street. by M c N air B&oa. DraggiM» Ice Delivered Daily iu Season No. 6747. - .. . SOo«and OiiQOI aU druggist«» .......... W. J. Dean gave a lecture Tuesday even­ ing in Phoenix, “The Otber Side.” Guy Buoy arrived last week from Lane Co. for a visit of sometime with his mother, Mrs. James Helms. Till! Girl 1M BiW Me,” His Phenomenal Record of Cures oi all Manner of Chronic Diseases is Attested by Following Facts COMPANY B, 4th REGT. 0. N. G THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The System Which Controls the Whole Body VALLEY RECORD. TESTIM0N1AL.S 0F CURES. Men, Young and Old, Bead This B 0 C T 0 R DR. SANDEN’S BELT Best and Quickest Route to • •• KLAMATH G. N. Anderson is in Jacksonville as juryman. Mrs J. L- Barnes of Chico, Cal., is here visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey. Hood's Sarsaparilla » Hood's Sarsaparilla scoirs Emulsion DR. A. T. SANDEN, Hood's Sarsaparilla W Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla ,< t . ♦ . S- -A • • V* ft .