Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1901)
HALF THE STOCK SOLD. E. V. CARTER, C äsium . Easter Entertainment and Social. Oil Indications at Hornbrook- D. R. MILLS. P resident . H. 0. GALEY, A smstart C ashier F. II. CARTER, V ice -P resident . . | A good literary and musical program The Southern Oregon Oil Company’s A Hornbrook correspondent writes: Hie f<a*t Spree Brought to a L inish w rendered at the Easter entertain- Gold has long been our leading industry Succesa Mean* an Early Commence and by Constable Geo. Norris’ Revolver n ent and social to be given by the ladies nas no sign« ot diminishing, yet unless ment of Operation«, al! signs fail, nil will disiance it in tld* com While Reeieting Arrest—A Justi oi the Congregational church at the Pi munity. Of course I am only going by in oneer hall Wednesday evening, April 3. The sales ot stock in the Southern fiable Homicide. Useful and ornamental articles will be Oregon Oil Co. is going steadily ou and is dications. but they are of the be«t Font! st elN are by thousands of tons The «pex Klamathon was shocked Tuesday af offered for eale. Lunch will be served fully meet ng the most sanguine antici of this reef is about one mi'e west of Horn i So is Our--------- ternoon by a terrible homicide. The . from 6 o’clock to 7:30, and a'eo after the pations of the organizers. The local brook, strikes north and sou h, and dips to particulars and details about as follows: ; program to anyone desiring refresh backing by Ashland people is especially the east under this valley, at an ang.e of 30 ESTABLISHED 1884. A well one thousand feet deep Wesley Dollarhide was shot and almost ments. Admieeion to the entertain encouraging as it shows that there is- degrees instantly killed by Constable Geo. Nor ment which begins at 7:30 will be 10 cts. abundant faith in the neighborhood when would cut this strata almost any where ris, who was attempting to arrest Dol A souvenir, consisting of an Easter cup j*--- ______ ______ __ »‘ong the foot hills for a distancé of ten larhide. Dollarhide has been engaged and saucer, will be presented to each enterprise so heartily and unanimously. has been excavated, can be found the im in hauling logs at the Lumber camp in person partaking of lunch. The 50,000 shares have been on the mar print of tropical plants. Rem sins of masto the Jenny creek country, and had quit, ket 10 days and over 25,000 shares have dons have been found. The best collection Religious lteme. coming down to Klamathon and got on been sold already with outside capital of this kind being owned bv W. H. Smith, a protracted spree, intending to go to Next Sabbath will be Palm 8unday just beginning to become thoroughly in who found them years ago when mining on From Hart, Schaffner & Marx, the Sisson for the summer. On the day ( and Rev. Father Geo D. Doyle will terested. It is expected to begin boring Cottonwood creek He has ivory tusks five named he was well along with his ca celebrate the Blessing of the Palms in for oil by May, The following is the list or six feet long, six inches in' d ameter; BOARD OF DIRECTORS : rousal and bis father had taken him Holy Rosary Catholic church. The of stockholders upto Tuesday evening: bones and teeth of extinct animals that @ world-renowned clothing manufac- must have been as big «« a box car Petri home, or be had gone home. About one service beginning at 10 o’clock. The pub Ash and—Mesdames. E Yates, U H Vau fied wood, shells, fishes and plauts have o’clock he was seen running through the lic cordially invited. pel. Lucinda aniard, Sarah May Norris, L been saved as curios, no one heretofore con HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. 8. BUT ?? turers of Chicago. street with a long knife used for house ?Se?der’ Helen Ralph, Lottie K Pelton, sidering them as indicaiions of oil. Added Services at Episcopal church next hold purposes and everybody got away J M Beach, Sarah A Nininger, Mina b to this we have mineral springs, sulphur LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. Sunday morning. Matthews, Frank Dickey. Jennie Dewing, springs and strata* of coal. Four holes from within his reach. He landed at a been bored into the sandstone and notorious reeort conducted by J. A. Mc Christian Science services in Masonic Emma A Minkler, Julia Evans, 8usie Al have shale that covers the country from ¿new- Donald, where he resumed a quarrel hall at 11 o’clock a. m. every Sunday. len, Eliza A Hildreth Toreian and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold Misses, Esther Silsby. Edith G Brown, don to Coles, m search of coal or gravel; with one Jack Norris, another person All cordially invited. Mabel Pelton, Olive Jones, Mae Grainger, all are flowing wells, and one on Willow of not much service to himself or his M olive Gregory. Gertrude Kngle, M Julia creek, near the Siskiyou coal mine, struck country. Dollarhide had cut Jack Nor 4~r4^-W~i~fr++4-4--M-4-+4H-4-+++4-4-4rif- Taylor, Alice Carey, Cora E Baldwin. a good flow of water at 262 feet, this being A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED ris about the head and face several < Messrs., J M Fewel, J K Van Saut. E W the deepest h le, the water is a little too Langdon, Bank of Ashland, H C Galey, F warm for a pleasant drink and leaves a times, and word was sent to Consta 4- H Carter, E V Carter, A H Wooden. K W slight oily taste to the lips after drinking. ble Geo. Norris that Dollarhide was '• 4 Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent, Thornton, Geo W Vaupel, A B Miller. D F Last but not least, yesterday a man whom again on a tear with a knife and was en-1 Fox. Frank Panteaer. A W Storey, W O 1 can vouch for as honest and reliable, told j - The best of goods and the. bottom level in Prices gaged in operation on hie brother Jack. ! Marks, J L Fenton A Cog tel, A b Barnes, me he could show me two places on Klam Constable Norris hurried to the scene ’ F M Drake,G \V O Gregory. C F Shepherd, ath river, where springs are flowing from a ® We have a fine line of offerings in Furnishing Goods and attempted to place the crazed Doi-1 W C Mitchell, W R Ye->, McNair Bros Geo brownish san<i into the river and the sur IF WE PLEASE YOU larhide under arrest when Dollarhide I F Billings, Tbos G Meyer, Wm Myer.W F face of the water, even out into the river, went for the constable with his knife and Wooden, D B Grant, O Winter, F Slade shows a scum like oil on the, I and Hats, and an Immense Stock of Shoes. TELL Songer, b M Rhodes. M W Kinney, Mel-in hope to report a gusher in the first oil well declared that nobody could take him H Corey, Arthur F Abbott. Andrew Mc bored. striking the constable a very painful YOUR Callen. J W Bish, P W Paulson, E A Sher blow on the back of the hand with the win, D D Good. Wm Fox, Geo V Gillette, The Southern Pacific Company, al blade of the knife. The constable G R Matthews. Delos R Matthews, E F ready one of the largest consumers of FRIENDS backed off a step and pulled hie revolver Loomis, Geo H Yeo, W J Manoney, H L crude oil on the coast is steadily increas letting two loads of the weapon go at Whited, W E Conner, E C Payne, Fred 8 Dollarhide. One was ineffectual while Engle. D Applegate, A H Pracht, C H Gil ing its demands. The company is now If We Do Not, < -We can suit the most fastidious c lette, U E Nininger, J A Gross. G W Crow constructing at the Oakland pier large the other entered to the left of the na son, Wm Patterson, Luke McGinnis, J L tanks for the storage of oil to be used by vel and taking a glancing turn entered i * in early spring and summer goods. Tell Us. Downing, A H Brown, James M Rilev, A its steamers. The tanks will lie of great his heart Dollarhide fell to the floor F Hunt, Irving E Vining. Wm A aitken, size and will hold thousands of barrels of and gasped his last. Victur 8 Lowe. R M Foster. P B Whitney, fuel. They will be constructed so that Also a full line of Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s and Constable Norris, fearing the effect E j Franklin, V C Bartlett, W F Farrier, steamers may lie alongside, throw a hose ä it might have upon the high temper of Gent’s Shoes. Geo W Blodgett, H L McWilliams, F G into the tank and draw off enough fuel to Jack Dollarhide, a brother of the de McWilliams, Geo «'ngwiclit, C H Thomas, fill the storage vats on board. Our School Shoes arc unexcelled. ceased and also considerable ot a fighter, Arthur Wakefield. John Aitken. L L Walk er, C A Ijonsbury, E B Pengra, C W Martin, immediately struck out for Ager on foot PERSONAL AND SOCIAL R. A. Johnson left yesterday for On A E Hildreth, Chas Glore, Marcus True, K making the 5% miles in 45 minutes Burnham, W J Messenger, Geo C Tharp. tario, eastern Oregon, to epend the sum Wl Ralph 8cott arrived from Portland yes Here be awaited the south bound pas * Our Motto Always : Roseburg—G W Meek, Jniues M Doty. mer looking after his business interests senger train and started for Yreka to terday. David 8 West, Lester Wright, Oliver K in that county. give himself up to the custody of the Hampson, ASHLAND, Or.. TbursMay, March 28. 1901 John 8. 8hook has purchased 350 head Lloyd Bryant is employed at Heber- Sheriff of Siskiyou county At Monta “WE LIVE Dunsmuir-G E Schqler, E H Bristow. of cattle on Geo. W. Isaacs ranch in Lan- gue he learned that Sheriff Freshour Lad lie’s laundry. F D Smith. AND Klamath Falls—Geo T Baldwin, Jno S gell valley. Vaupel, Norris A Drake have had their C. C. Ellis went to California Monday gone to Klamathon, so he turned him Orr. self over to the custody of the constable dry goods store greatly improved in ap on a visit to his folks. When yon are billions, use those famous Portland—N W Chilcott, C J Barhite, little pills known as DeWitt's Lntle Early LET LIVE.” at Montague and remained until the; pearance by putting in an entire new Chas Whitmer. Miss Lena Elliott arrived from the Ad Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. Dight train, when he returned to Klam Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. front with two large French plate glass Eugene—Melville O Warner, Alien A Sim They never gripe.—M c N air Bnoe. athon with Dr. Fred McNulty, who was windows on each side. Their place of ventist sanitarium in Portland. mons. We cordially invite you business now presents a metropolitan ap Frank Lacey was on yesterday’s trai n Grants Pass—W Everett, H M Bland, w J. W. Cox, the restaurant man, went specially deputized by the sheriff At E Evertop. to our store when in need pearance. C. H. Veghte had the con to Grants Pass yesterday on a business Klamathon Sheriff Freshour received for Salem from Los Angeles. him and on Wednesday Coroner John Medford — Randall P Bradford tract. trip. of Drugs and Stationery. Hornbrook—P A Nelson, G A White A. Fairchild opened the inquest at 10 4-4- •b+++4-<M~F4-+4-4-++++++++++++ 11ST ALL BLdjAUSTGlIilES. Conductor Chas. W. Barber returned N. Bourgeois, landlord of the Ashland o’clock a. m. Oklahoma—B L Nichols, Friday from a visit with his folks at his House, returned to Portland again Sun Lakeview — S P Moss. T 8. N, GIBSON W. C. GIBSON T The coroner’s iuquest examined the Siskiyou—Z L Swab. old home in Iowa, after an absence of day. witnesses, being assisted by District At ♦ Sitka, Alaska-W D McNair. some 14 years. He was gone 44 days and ? Henry Miller and family arrived Tues torney James F. Lodge. The verdict Barron—Mrs M A Barron. the pleasure of his visit was somewhat rendered in the afternoon was justifiable Versailles, Mo—Mrs James McNair. marred by an illness of 18 days. He re day from Missouri Flat to make Ashland homicide ban Francisco—Dirk Vandegear, Eya!d ----- FIRST-CLASS WAGON WORK.------ their home turned via New Orleans and the south. Wesley Dollarhide was the oldest son Nelson, H E Mus«ender, Mrs Lavona Wa.- Mrs. C. 8, Prindle, wife of the car in of John W Dollarhide and Grandson of dere, Miss Cuba Howning. Dan E. Morris, construction manager I of the proposed Medford-Fish lake ditch spector, moved to Ashland Sunday from the late Jesse Dollarhide aud Mrs Jesse Married and ttune Away Dollarhide now living at an advanced + enterprise was in Ashland Tuesday Hornbrook to reside. age in Ashland, both ot whom are most When the railroad was being built south Mrs. A. F. Hunt and Mrs. H. V. Mit Bernard Heberlie and Miss .Minnie D. • e ♦ from Roseburg to Ashland he was time chell returned Tuesday from a two weeks highly respected pioneers of this county. Luster were married at the home of the He was about 32 years of age. Until keeper and everybody knew him in those trip to San Francisco. ♦ bride’s brother in Ashland at 9 o’clock —Our L ne of— ❖ about ten years ago his father conducted days. He reports that a small force will p m., by Rev. J. F. Tout. The follow H. V. MITCHELL, P roprietor . John W. Coleman and C H. Pierce re the saw mill business near Steinman in be put on this ditch the first of April ing were present: Rev. and Mrs. Tout, turned Tuesday from San Francisco se the Siekiyous, the product of much of beginning on the W. C. Daley place and Mabel Pelton, Abbie Tout, Anna Luster, which is in the older buildings of this much work is to be done this summer. lecting a cannery plant. Mrs. Geo. Young, W. A. Luster, and He says the ditch will be 10 feet wide at C. E Chilcotte visited Ashland yester city. Wesley was an attendant at the wife, Frank Heberlie, James Wiles, Tom bottom and carry 10,000 miners inches of day. He is now car inspector between public school with his brothers and and Archie Lueter, Frank Robbing. By DR. LEVINSON moved to California with his parents, water When completed it will be 40 Grants Pass and Glenbraok. San They took the midnight train for Chico, The Renowned Refract ionist of ever since which he has been engaged miles long. Is complete, and sold at Capt. W. E. Hevener of Saginaw,Lane in driving teams for the logging camps Francisco, wno is in town qow. stepping Cal, yyhere the gfootn will be engaged Vaupel, Norrie A Drake have received county, has returned to Ashland to re in 8iskiyou county. He was a hard at the Hotel Oregon, and will remain for in the lumber business. Mr, Heberlie the lowest living prices. week or more. It costs nothing for con has resided here for several years and their spring stock of clothing, furnish main. His wife is seriously ill. working boy and was endowed with a sultation and advice, and may be tile has proven himself a young man of mor ing goods, hats boots and shoes. They For iron pipe and fittings go to W. N. many good traits of character and was means of prolonging your sight. ❖ Í We Buy for Cash, and al worth and sound character. The were bought right and leave the pur noted for his great physical courage. Grubb & Co. hardware dealers. bride is ad amiable and interesting young give our cu.itomers the chaser full value for hie money as well as His habit was to work faithfully for a Lenzes Specially Ground to lady, a sister cf Mies Anua Lueter, teach the happy consciousness and peace of Dr. J. B. Hamilton and his crew have time and then go on a big spree. benefit. Cali and see er in the East Ashland public school, and Suit Difficult Cases! mind that comes to him who is neatly taken in supplies tq the Blue Jay mine Liquor had a wicked and baneful in r>s find be ijcvineed, Luster Bros., well-known railroad loco near Cole’s and will soon start up. dressed. fluence upon ‘.he usual big hearted and If yon have tried in vain to get glasses motive engineers. They potnftipnce our motto : Highley Gee of Grangeville, Idaho, genial nature of his character, and that give you satisfaction, do not despair. their wedded life tinder favorable was married to Miss Janie Harris in under its staining influence Wesley Dol Dr; Levinson has graduated from the best auspices, surrounded by loving friends HONEST DEALING ; - ONE oolleges of Europe and the United States larhide was a demon, polluting himself, Same Valley. and with the best wishes of the entire PRICE TO ALL. endangering the lives of all about him, and is highly recommenped as an expert community. May peace, happiness and Linn Purdin, who has been in San in optics. Work absolutely guaranteed. Jit tb< Opera Bouse, Ashland, Francisco eiuce September, returned to as well as bringing sorrow to the hearts Don’t delay in seeing him at the plenty ever be their portion. First Joor north of Poatoffice. HARDWARE DEALERS of his parents and other loved ones whom Medford Sunday, Saturday Evoniag, Mar. 30,1901 Goods Delivered Free his charming personality in other re Hotel Oregon, Room 17. Will Russel of Newburg, is visiting V Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morris and kl. A, spects endeared him. Under one of these Stove», tinware, Shelf Bardware, Racvcle» Rhone No. 211. BTUDENT« Off THE NORMAL. bis cousin, Prof. F. R. Neil, apd a party Bowker visited Medford relatives and sprees several years ago he maimed a was given in his honor last evening at 4-4-4-4-4-4-4--H-4-4-F4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-+ laborer at the logging camp so seriously HKOORA-M, friends Sunday evening. And Everything kept in a first-class Hardware Store. the residence of R. P. Neil. The follow that be bad to be repaired at the county Duet Overture, “Poet and Pheasant” If you are after a nice home take a hospital. Leaving the hospital to soon ing enjoyed _ themselves: Gertie Mc- Having rented the shop to H. Boivin, the well known Plumber . .......................................... Von Suppe took gt those acre and half acre lots in Callen Nannie McCallen,Alice Applegate, sn 1 Tinqer, who will be pleased to give you cloee figures on first class bis wounds were again attacked through Mi** D urham and B essix E ddy . the H. R. Carter addition Sold on the exposure Edith Applegate, Mary Sileby, Esther and died from the same. Wes work. Remember, nil work guaranteed. ’Pbone No. 245. Frances E. Willard ...A gnes H. M oore installment plan. Gail at Bank of Ash Sislsby, Iva Washburn, Clara Lynch, ley was arrested for causing his death John Adams..........G bbtmude A. W ilson land. Maud Patterson, Elsie Patterson, Mrs. ' ---------- ' I------- ■ I" but through legal technicalities was dis Vocal Solo........................... ,......... Selected E. E. Washburn. Will Mitchell, Thad Miss Bertha Webster arrived from charged ■ We ueiieye that there was an B lanche L ogan . McHatton, Dr Burnett J. Syd. McNair, ÌCONTRACTOR Robert Y. Hayne....R aymond A. B ates Dunsmuir Tuesday and is making her other fatal victim to one of his sprees in Sam McNair, John Sjlsby, L. L. Mq’llet, Alexander Hamilton.. F loy 'L. C ambers home with her sister. Mrs. Arthur Ab Siskiyou county. The carcasses of 600 deer were thrown LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE George Norris is considered a man of W. Russell, Grover Neil Fred Neil, E E AND Solo, “Crossing the Bar,”. .Dudley Buck bott. into the ocean at Fort Wrangel, Alaska, I Wash burp. G ertrude A. W ilson . Mike Hanley, the wellknown stockman good character and temperate habits. the expense of transportation to a i ■OF- BUILDER u Abraham Lincoln. ..J osephine N. C row of Lake creek, accompained by his wife He is constable for the precinct and dep J. H. Dutton, the contractor and build market exceeded the price that could uty sheriff for that section as well as dep William Jennings Bryan. .R obert J onas visited Ashland friends yesterday and er, has completed the rebuilding of the be obtained for the meat. There uty state warden for which service he Lady Quartet.,....,,......................... today. front of Mills’ store and the addition of receives considerable s »lary. Has no equal tor the cure of has been such wanton destruotiou of .................. Don’t You Cry My Honey Mrs. Ada Mills and her sieter, Miss His brother, Jack Norris, is not con Nervous and Physical D bility, large French plate glass windows fur wild animals in the territory that the M isseb P atterson and T ipvany , M rs . nished by H. 8 Evans. Mr. Dutton al Lillie Barr, left Me4for4 yesterday for sidered of any good to himself or any one Exhausted V itality, V aricocele, so built D. B. Grant’s fine residence and -o- OZRÆG-OJSr K ershaw and Miss Fox. grand jury of Alaska has recommended Concert Recitation...................... C hildren San Francisco to make an extended stay. else. He is recovering from his wounds. Premature Decline, Loss of is here to stay. Notice his ad. elsewhere. the passage of stringent laws for the Call and get my list of properties for sale fqqeral of the deceased took place Decision of Judges and Awarding of Mr«. Lea Rogers went to Grants Pass at The preservation of wild game. which includes all classes and kinds, and Plans, Specifications W. Von der Hellen was over from Klamathon at 10 o ’ clock this morn Memory, Wasting. Etc., which Medal. _ ___ ___ Tuesday to meet her husband who is re ing. Mrs. A. L Rose of Pho6ni^. Mrs. at prices to satisfy anyone. Butte creek Tueedav investing in one of Ou Juue 1st a stringent law against has been brought aboutby early Owens turning from eastern Washington. My loan department is well equipped and 4 Mooreis flooded Hertor'd bulls. J. II. Oatman of McMinniville. and Mr. ▲a Admission Fee of lOcts will be charged and Estimates on All Kinds the uickel-iu-the-slot machine goes into 1 can handle money for parties wishing to Jack Conant, who has won and lost and Mrs. J. M, Hofland of Gr iff in creek, indiscretions or làtef excesses. to defray expenses. J. E. Pelton returned Tuesday from a effect in the state of Washington. If invest, to their advantage. big fortunes in mining, visited his family the ladies being sisters of Jo|m W. Pel- cattle expedition down in the Willam of Carpenter Work. ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. any one sees a maohiue in operation or I represent some of the best Fira Insur Sunday. He will wager $100 that oil larhide, went over to Klamathon yester ette valley- observes any one playing, all he has to ance Companies in the country and would be struck here. day to console the relatives through their Write today for my latest books, J. H. DUTTON. Rich, warm, healthy blood is given bv do is to make a complaint aud testify. l»e pleased to write your property. You “Health in Nature,” and “Strength; Its Hiioct’s Sarsaparilla and thus coa^.s, cannot afford to carry the risk yourself. You will find H. Boivin at Grubb & trials and affliction. A fine of from f 10 to $100 may be im Use and Abuse by Men.” Co.’s hard ware store. Insure against accidents—they are always colds, and pneumonia are prevent«1. posed, half of which goes to the in happening and the next may be toyou. I Hiram Perkins, who spends the winter Take it now. Mrs. 1». L. Nash, who has been visit at Clear C.’?®11* uear Shasta city, Shasta former. have the best and strongest company in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warnack of Silver- ing her Aunt, Mr». W. K. Smith, for the county, arrived in Ashland Tuesday en With a rook whioh he dug from Ui* the world. ton, Marion county, returned home yes past three weeks', left yesterday for her route north He visited the O. 4 M. Co. cell and tied in his handkerchief Leon terday after a pleasant visit with their home at Oakland, Cal. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 10-stamp quartz mill Tuesday night and S. W. Cor. Morrison and Fourth friends, the families of W. N. Grubb, the ard Hammond, a young mau awaiting Miss Maud Houck, daughter of Hon. about 2 o’clock started up town crossing hardware merchant, and Engineer A. B. trial at Madera, Cal., on a charge of New Groom house with one acre of land Streets, Portland, Oregon. J. J. Houck of Gold Hill, has been visit on the Ashland creek railroad trestle. ? I___ ______ Miller Mr. Warnack paid this ogiee a robbery, beat Deputy Sheriff E. Lewis in a variety of fruit, one block from North ing Ashland friends, the guest of Miss A freight train came along and thinking school house. >750.06 very pjeaeant cill. Helsa native eon Anna Morris. the trestle was only a few feet high Per Btov.s, range», graniteware and tin almost into insensibility, took the of Oregon afid a newspaper publisher Six-room bouse on large lot with choice TREASURY DEPARTMENT kins jumped, dropping about 20 feet, hie ware, furnitur*-,. bidroom suites, bed officer's pistol and with it attempted to fruit; good barn ; Mechanic St. $750.00. having recently sold the Silverton Ap steads, A Thrilling Military Drama fat plumbing and tinware go to W. N. left side striking on a boulder ar.d bruis murder Sheriff W. B. Thurman. The spring n.attrf ’ ssee, carpets, and Grubb 4 Dos, the hardware dealers. Fine house and grounds adjoining North ing lnmself very seriously. He dragged Office of Comptroller of the Cur peal. nwtting. Agent Lr John Deere buggies, bullet intended for the sheriff’s heart school grounds, for sale at a bargain; no Sick H eadachx absolutely and perma wagons and implements. Frank Beuttel of Colusa, Cal , has himself to the wagon road during the in Four Acts. struck the back of his left hand. The reasonaale offer refused. rency. nently cured by using Mokl Tea A opened a merchant tailoring establish cold night but was unable to make any sheriff then fired twine at desperado, pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation Everything , Boili New and ment in Masouic block. He nas had 40 one hear liie cries until Melvin Emery, - Main St., near Bridge. W ashington , D, C., i striking him in the left eye aud in the and indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, years experience His wife will soon join night man gt the mill, happened to wo Under the Auspices of March 20,1901. J Second-Hfincl work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed A8ALAND. 0KB. « right breast. The wounds will most outside for à load of wood when he was him. HEREAS, By satisfactory evidence or money back. 25cts. apd 50pt$. probably prove fatal. The sheriff and St'-ree | Main St , and 4tii St., near D-qot to the unfortunate man by his presented to the undersigned, it Haqs. Hon. S. P. Mose, one of the substantial attracted deputy will soon be all right. cries for help. Nightwatch N. M. Long has been made to appear that “THE pioneers of Lake county, visited A Me- and Chief of-Police W. H. Brunk at For sale—Two acres, new modern Callen from Thursday to Saturday, en tended to his wants and Mayor Neil ar FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASH l ui dings, fruit and alfalfa, ferms easy. route to Albany. He is spending the ranged for bis reception at county hos LAND,” in the City of Ashland, in the MfS Huston, County of Jackson, and State of Oregon, wiuter away from home for hie health. pital. He follows mining and is now has complied with all the provisions of ‘ The Girl I Lett Bahia^ Me” will soon without means. He is a pioneer of the the Statutes of tha United State*, -r£ 4t4r 4-+4-4» 4-+4,4-+4-4-4-4*+ 4-4- ■H4-++++4 i make her appearance at the wpera house. Pacific coast, has mined at Althouse and + quired to be complied with before an Happy Camp and was at Gold Hill in YEARLY to Having recently purchased D. R. 4 E. association shall be authorized to com Christian man or V. Mills’ entire stock of carpetsand oil 1859 just after the big pocket strike in mence the business of Banking; thé Chavner-Ross-Ish mine. woman to look after our growing cloth and having recently received our ♦ 00 Now T hbreforb I, C harles G. D awes , Business in thi- and adjoining Coun season stock of carpets from the east we Comptroller of the Currency, do herebv Stope the Cough ties, to act as Manager and Corres are prepared to furnish you with any certify that “THE FIRST NATIONAL and works off the Co'd. pondent; work can be done at your thing in the carpet line. J. P. Dodge, for the Naw Era Edition of hou<c. Enclose self-addressed envel Laxative Bromo Qninine Tablets cure a BANK OF ASHLAND,” in the City ol April 6. 1901 opera house. The Emporia« Bcaaaatiat ope fcr particulars to A. H. SHER cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay, Ashland, in the County of Jackson, and 4- MAN, G eneral M anawzb , Corcoran State of Oregon, is authorized to com P rice 25 cents. bow in Press. f Building, opposite United States mence the business of Banking as pro Carpets! Carpets I at Vaupel, Norris vided in Section Fifty one hundred and I Treasury, Washington, D. C. Our large, profusely il 4 Drake’s, sixty nine of the Revieed Statutes of the 4-4-4-4-4">4-4-4-+T+*i ‘ 4--> ’ i-4-l*4-4~r+4-+4-+ lustrated Spring and Sum The Subscription Books of the Company A social gathering occurred at the Ga- United Statee. I n T estimony W hereof witness my mer Catalogue, describing ley residence Friday evening in honor of J. P. ßayleI rhe birthday of Miss Mabel Galey. The hand and Seal of office this Twentieth were opened on the new fashions,• and principal game of the evening was “pro day of March, 1901. fSEALj CHARLES G. DAWES, giving lowest Department gressive razzle-dazzle” at which Montie Comptroller of the Currency. Biiggs and Mies Mary Homes proved ex Store prices for every No. 5747. perts and Geo. Carter and Mias Mabel ■ thing to eat, drink, wear Palethorpe took the consolations. Re freshments were served and the follow or use. ASHLAND, OREGON. ing were present: Anna Beeson, Flor ence Dodge, Beryl Eliason, Nellie Crock FREIGHT AND er, Mabel Palethorpe, Florence Trefren, i On This Space! 1 Zoe Holmes, Lizzie High, Mary Homes. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. At its office in Sherwin-Van Sant block Iva Washburn, Irma Mathews, Eva Now that the cold storms are mostly over, it will be a good time to do your Storey, Viola Wcoden, Mabel Galey, Wood For Sale. early planting and now is the time to for the first issue of 50,000 shares, which Ethel Galev, Mrs. F. M. Carter, Mrs. E. do your buying We have a fine assort C. Galey. Montie Briggs, Elmo Neil, Nina acres floor space—L00Ü clerks. ment of all the best varieties of Garden fee Delivered Daily in Season Howard Rose, Henry Carter, Geo. Car ^eeds, are offered at the low price of 10 cents per both in balk and packages. <‘ur ter,Chalmers Strange.Robert Hammond, display will give you some idea of the Sam McNair, Will Dodge, Blaine Klurn, variety; have also received a lot of the share. One-third cash, balance in 30 and Clinton Chisholm, James Wooden, Clar best grade of Onion sets. A variety of new debcacies in the Grocery Line. ence Galey, Henry Galey. WK8. DOLIzARHIDE KILLED. g The Spring Of 1901 is Here, BANK OF ASHLAND. g ---- f MAMMOTH * STOCK * OF | CLOTHING. Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, $15,000 I You are Assured of the New- • est Styles Out e t I i | Vaupel, Norris & Drake, | | Dry Goods and Clothing Stores, J Johnson Bloch, - - - Ashland, Oregon Spring Stoclj Our Has Arrived ! J j ! lDcDair Bros? VALLEY RECORD. MILLER & BARTGES. TRIMBLE & CO GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING I Drug Store Plow Work and Horse-shoeing a Specialty. GIBSON BROS. I GROCERY Have Your Examined Fancy and Staple Groceries ASHLAND MEAT CO General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. * I 4" t Ashland Oregon * 1 I i Oratorical Contest D © C T 0 R s A N D E N J. H. DUTTON, DR. SASDEVS BELT GEO. W. TREFBEN ASHLAND. "ffflkF S. 0. FURREY DR. A. T. SANDEN, EVERYHING FOR THE HOUSE. W “B” Co., 4th Regiment, O. TW. GZ. Southern Oregon Oil Company I $900 Opera House Saturday Ashland, Oregon. i Keep Your Eye H2SSSM S an rMNcistfi Dr. Mile«’ Anti-Pain Pills. One relieves Headache, Backache, Stomachache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Rheumatic Pains. 25 doses 25 cents. At all druggists. Headquarters for Dairy, Ground and Stock Salt. The indications point to further advances in price. We would advise free buving in this arti cle before our carload is all sold. We ■re prepared to accommodate the stockman, the farmer, the wood chop per and the city gents and ladies. Headquarters for delicious fruits; Oranges, Bananas, Figs, Lemons, Bweet Potatoes, Dates, and many oth er things that will tickle yojir pal^tg. Ashland Mercantile Co., (V0NWMn W J. K. Vu Boar.; 60 days. There is only about 30,000 shares |eit Come early anc| avoid the rush.. No citizen, of ASHLAND can afford to stand back at > this tip®» mad kt tbiy «M» gu to uutakie investors. W TAYLOR, Hsbland STEAM General Jobber and LAUNDRY llousecleaner. F. MEBEILIi Prop’r. , WATER Street, Stove Polishing, Window ! near main Cleaning and Whitewash-i order» by man or ", . , , ing a* bpecialty. B ASHLAND, - - . {express receive ; prompt attention I I kkms C ash , at OREGON. | «»»«able rstea.