Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1901)
KLAMATH FALLS. T. W. Stephens left yesterday for, A $100,000 REDUCTION FL ANT. Klamath county. J. W. Opp 'Will Have It la Opera Ju Vinson, Formerly of This Coun Carpets! Carpets! at Vaupel, Norris Geo. W. Owen returned from a trip to A Drake’s, tion on the McWilliatne-Casey Mine Rogue river on cattle business. ty, Dies * Bermii’s Death —A Big Near Jacksonville July 1st. Mrs. Oscar Goodell returned yesterday Miss Anna Beeson and Chas. Talent Cattle Drive. from Yreka. of Talent called on Ashland friends Tues J. W Opp was up from Jacksonville H. J. O'Brien of A kali v Vley and John Tuesday accompanied by four mining Hibberts of Swan le are in -orn today. Lee Hendricks was over from Duns day. • We are making room for our sew Spring Stock muir yesterday. Eugene Wheeler, the barber, has gone i ’ men from the East. Mr. Opp this week The Melhase Bro- , l:i-— '».li \!.G-?sand by Selling at Cost purchased an additional 180 acres of to Hornbrook. R. F. High has moved Fred, were in town two thro- Jays tbe J. S. Herrin visited Jacksonville on mining ground from C. C. Beekman near last ot tbe wees. into his shop. business Tuesday. Our entire line of Gents’, Youths’ and Children’s Clothing, Jacksonville, making in all 200 acres, to A. L. Leavitt an.1 Ei:i-e..e 1». Henry be The Independent Order of Lyons meet gether with 5 stamp quartz mill, water G. F. McConnell went to Portland gun work today on the Kat Book.which Mr. Gents’ Woolen Underwear, of which we have a fine display. in the I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow night to rights, etc., the price being $25,000 caBb. Sunday on a trip. Leavitt contracte-l to furni-b tl.e county. install officers. Overcoats, Mackintr-sb.-e, Ladies’ Capes and Wraps, muet all go. This property adjoins the Gold Standard Geo. W. Blodgett went to Jacksonville Tom Offield, wiili hi» men, started today Another slide just this side of Stein mine of McWilliams Bros, and P. S. Ca to tbe railroad «i’!i b'-tween 450 and 500 d^We also have a nice line of Ladies’ Tailor Made Skirts, whieh yesterday on a trip. man Tuesday night required five hours sey, which Mr. Opp has under bond and head of beef of L Gerber s. we are selling at 25 per cent less than wholesale prices. Respectfully, Mrs. Allen Davis has returned from work to clear the track. will purchase at maturity. The latter Jas. Vinson was f.-uni <1 .-a:l in his cabin, her visit at Gazelle. property has been developed by some about five or six nr.l«-.--- out in tbe hills from Mrs. 8. Van Tassel returns next week PHONE 243. Miss Jessie Mathes returned from from a visit with Mrs. James Chisholm 500 feet of tunnel, some of it costing $10 l.orella postofiice. in t.-coteli valley, last to $20 per foot by the hand process. Sunday, His appeara-rc" indicated that he Phoenix yesterday. at Sawtelle, southern California. There is a ten stamp mill oa this prop had been dead five or days. Deceased Attorney Oliver 8. Brown was up from Tbe ping, ping of a new shooting gal erty. The Beekman and Huffer mine was about 57 >>r 5« »ears old ami had been Grants Pass Tuesday. living the life-d a hermit alm >st. for sev lery is heard every hour in the day in has also been developed. Mr. Opp leaves this week for Denver eral years. Il- came, h- county about Maggie Forsythe of Medford left Tues the block adjoining the Ashland House. where he will purchase an extensive twenty years ago from Jackson county. day for Eliein, Minn. There is soon to be a postoffice at the roller crushing process, concentrators He leaves a nroibe- and two brothers in Ladies’ Shirt Waists, .o highly respected Miss Myrtle Hurst of Medford is visit junction of the Eagle Point and Table and cyanide plant which he will place Laugell valley w; .(» people. No inqil r-t has bi erl Albatross Waist Patterns, held, as it Rock roads, near the Montgomery place. on this property. The mine will also ing Ashland friglB. was consider e ; unnec. s-nv. Venetian Cloth in Dress Patterns, C. H. Markham, of the S. P. lines in beequipped with compressed air ma Chas. Beach isnere from Plainfield, Married— A L th- re-idei ce of A. Ander- Oregon visited Ashland Tuesday to meet chine drills with which to do the devel Wis., visiting his family. Ladies’ Skirts. son on Spence: er-er: Feb. 13.1901, Leon his wife, who was returning from San opment work. Anderson to Nellie Spencer, A.F. Miss Fornia Holt came over from Francisco. The entire plant will cost $100,000 and Padgett, J. I’ , officiating. The groom is a ...SPLENDID LINE OF SHOES... Yreka yesterday on a visit. will be by far the most complete mining The body of Mrs. Elizabeth Phipps- outfit in Southern Oregon, and one of young ruan formerly of Ashland, and the FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN. bride is the charni ’ ng daughter of Eugene W. J. Stanley went to the Homeetake Spiehlman arrived at Medford Monday Spencer, o: S; encer creek . the best in the state. Besides doing mine at Woodville yesterday. “District No. 76” School Shoe ; M. D. Wells & Co.’s ; Brown from Utica, N. Y., the funeral taking their own work they will crush ore for ¿¿ofc Sousa’s famous band was on Monday’s place the same day. She died of rheu the general public, purchasing the ore Shoe Company’s and Edward Stanwood Co.’s Sin es. K. II. TO KI.VMATH FALLS. matism of the heart. north bound train for Portland. delivered at the mill at an assay value Leo Hopkins, formerly a student in and charging $1.50 per ton for crushing. Report ilu-.i Hervey Lindley and the Miss Agnes White returns to Grants tbe state normal school in Ashland, is The roller process will be a large concern Pass today from her Ashland visit. 8. P. are a:e t> Buil>1 Front Klam- running a ferry in the Philippine Is in two parts. The first part will be a Henry Galey left yesterday for Salem lands near Manila. His sister Miss machine that will crush the coarse ore atboA and the north to remain two weeks. Minnie, is teaching school there. and run it over five concentrators. The Klamath Fails, Feb. 21.—Through San Mrs. W. E. Everton went to Grants Hon. J. O. Norby, mayor and a prom next will crush it fine and run it over Francisco sources factB have come to the Pass Monday to pay relatives a visit. inent citizen of Ada, Minn., who has four concentrators. A first class cyan surface regarding the co-operation of the Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. ide process plant will then finish the Miss Lulu Briggs went to Portland been visiting Ashland and Jackson coun work. It is expected that the plant will Southern Pacific Company and owners of from Salem and will remain until June. ty, started for home Tuesday, well bain operation by the first of next July. large tracts of Klamith county timber for ¿he building of a railroad from Klam- pleased with this city and section of the B. F. Giltner, of Salem, returned home country. atbon, Cal., up the Klamath river to The First National Bank. yesterday from a visit wiih David F. Klamath Falls. Tho Pokegama Sugar Frank M. Calkins of Ada, Minn., who 11ST ALL BRANCHES. Fox. The stockholders of the Firet National Pine Lumber Company is the leader has been visiting western Oregon towns,' Bank of Ashland, held a meeting this among interested timber owners. This Attorney R. G. Smith of Grants Paes has decided to locate in Ashland for the I went to Yreka yesterday on legal busi practice of law, and is having offices fit- e I week looking toward the effecting of the company has its mills at Klamathun, to : . . . .. i,. . » ui ’C! permanent organization and getting which point logs are floating down the ness. ted“p.1D V10 , erwm, \ an Sant block ready for the public beginning the first Klamath river, necessitating much waste, CENTRAL POINT. Mrs. A. M. Russell returned Monday On Main Street, of April. Anr;i The Thfi election election of of officers officers will will beeideti great inconvenience. With a of ----- FIRST-CLASS WAGON WORK.------ John Olwell went to Corvallis last Mon from a visit with her daughters in Cali The Womans Physical Development take place next week, after which a railroad, the mills will be located in the day. fornia. Magazine for February contains a clothes-1 place of business will be decided upon, forests. At Klamath Falls the line will A. 8. Jacobs and L. C. Rodenburger were connect by steamers with Upper Klam Geo. W. Vaupel went to California less picture of Miss Lillian F. Smih on [ A8HLAND, Or.. Thursday, Feb. 28, 1901 in Jacksonville last Saturday. $15,000 tor the Normal. ath lake and tributary streams, thus champ p- Tuesday morning to return with bis the cover page. Miss Smith is a cham Mrs. Gregory, who was reported yery family. ion rifle shot and spent a winter in Ash- Ash The legislature appropriated $15,000 opening to market over 350,000 acres of • • sick last week, is much improved, land several years ago during which time for the Southern Oregon State Normal valuable pine lying northwest of here. REAL ESTATE. J. D. Heard returned to San Francisco In addition to the lumber business, $2500 goes for a John Farley has moved from this place yesterday from a visit with his family at she made a number of aquaintances and School of Ashland. Champion Payne to Elizabeth Payne w % several mashes, while running a shoot boys dormitory which was built last slockraising, agriculture, dairying and of sec 1; n % of nw % of sec 12, lot 4, sec 11 to Medford. Medford. H. V. MITCHELL, P roprietor ing gallery. summer by money raised by a joint note various other interests will contribute s % of se K of the se % of sec 2; all in twp J. Purkeypile was up from his mines large support and have long warranted 38, 1 w; also 220 acres in d 1 c 81, twp 38, on Sardine creek and spent Sunday and given by a number of citizens of Ashland. Ellen Stanfield, aged about nine years, See our new line of portiere at opera 1 w $10 The $12,000 is for maintenance for two the introduction of a railroad. Monday with his mother. died at Phoenix yesterday of heart house furniture store. J. P. Dodge. Sylvester Powell, et ux, to Joseph Pow This proposed road, which it is relia years. This is just double the amount trouble. Frank Jeffers is in Yreka in the interest ell. 100 scree in sec 4, twp 40, 2 e, 3500. Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at the of money appropriated by the legisla bly reported will be constructed withou; of the brass band in that place. V A Broadbent, et nx, to Wrn Lynch, se Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cantrall went to Hotel Oregon on March ll-12-13tb- ture two years ago. delay, is one of several lines projected >4 of the Be V k of sec 11, and the w % of the Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Grover of Eagle Applegate last week from Klamath Falls Those wishing to have their eyes exam from different directions to Klamath aw % and tbe sw % and the sw % and the Point were in town last Monday trading on a visit. Cattle Drive From the Falls, Falls, and there is every assurance that ined and glasses fitted will please call at pw J4 of sec 12, two 34, 2 w, $700. with Central Point merchants. Geo. Kohllagan, J. E. and James Pel- much-needed railroad facilities will not G W Bashford to M G Theiss, parts of Frank Williams, who has been at the Hotel. Remember Dr. Goble comes Russ Moore is down from the Bigham Salem during the legislature, returned to Ashland once each month or oftener. ton, and Elmo Neil arrive at Wagner’s longer be withheld from this county. lots 10 and 11, blk 20, Medford, $50. Carrie D Porter to 8 A Baines, 4.96 acres ranch. When he returns bis family who home Tuesday. So you can have your glasses changed soda springs today with the 300 head of has been wintering here, will go with him. in Ashland, $600. again if necessary, free of charge, as he beef cattle that Kohllagan bought of A meteor of pumicestone formation, Thos. W. Hammond left yesterday M 8 Damon, et ux, to Florence B Butler Mr. Mack, our new hotel man, is in Doug guarantees all his work. Consultation Melhase Bros., the well known etock fell near where the men were at work property in Medford, $100. morning for Vancouver to take the cadet las county attending a law suit that he is men of Ft. Klamath. They were laBt week in Virgil’s logging camp, near free. Anna Fordyce to J H Stewart, 320.72 interested in. He will be absent ten days. ship examination. weighed at Klamath Falls and the drive acres in twp 37,1 and 2 w, $10,000. For plumbing and tinware go to W. N. oyer the snow, ice and mud to Ashland Parkersburg. The stone, which weighs Chas. Gay has been visiting his par Will Owen and family arrived here a few about 100 pounds, was dug up and is on Geo Irwin, et ux. to T F Smith, 9.60 acres Grubb A Cos. the hardware dealers. days ago from Harrison Gulch, Cal., after ents at Central Point and left Monday is six days. Feed was left at the various exhibition at the camp. It penetrated in twp 39. 1 e. $1200. Ch ns Ulrich to Alice Ulrich, property in visiting their parents here they will go to for San Francisco. Dr. Stephen B. L. Penrose, president stations on the route last fall. the earth about 8 feet and was still hot Hornbrook where there is a clerkship Jacksonville, $5 At Spencer creek the cattle broke the when dug up.—Bandon, Coos county, of Whitman college, Wash., lectured at Miss Anna Waite of Medford left yes opera John A Mushett, etux, to Zach Cameron; awaiting Mr. Owen. house Tuesday evening on Dr. ice that has just begun to thaw and Recorder. 160 acres in D L O 40. twp 39 s. r 3 w, $3900. Mrs Stocking, wife of Prof. Stocking, terday to visit her sister, Mrs. Terwilli Marcus Whitman. He pictured him as gorged tjie creek so that it fooled the W J Fredenburg, et ux, to 8 O Furry; 5 their two little boys and Father Stocking, ger, at Los Angeles. HARDWARE DEALERS... a martyr and a prophet and took strong premises. The cattle made a zigzag Honolulu, Feb. 16 —The case of Ed The Prof, acres in the s % of the nw % of the ne % of have gone to Tacoma, Wash. Harry Hembree and Chas Prall re will join them at the expiration of the turned to Medford yesterday from a tour ground that it was Whitman’s famous Bingle file route over the enow and ice de win S. Gill, editor of the Republican, sw !4 of sec 8, twp i,r 1 e, $100 winter ride across the Rocky mountains moralizing the road for sleighing pur charged with assault with a weapon on 8 O Furry to Wm H Swank; same prop school in this place. They expect to mate Stoves, tinware, Shell Hardware, Baevdes of California and Nevada. to Washington, D. C., that saved Oregon poses for the daily stage line. The cat Mortimer I Stevens has been dropped Tacoma their future home. erty, $100. Cyrenus Vroman to Earnest Vroman; 60 G. W. Bartie, the miner of the Golden territory to the United States and rested tle will be shipped from Ashland to by the district court, having been taken And Everything kept in a first-class Hardware Store. The democrats and a few of the republi acres in sec 4, twp36, r 3 w; 20 acres in sec cans in hand by the grand jury. Gill has Fleece district, left Monday for Los Ange it from Great Britain. Dr. Penrose is a Puget Sound points. are rejoicing over the election of J . H . 33, twp 35 s. r 3 w; 2 % acres in sec 4, twp Mitchell. The democrats think it a great good speaker. Having rented the shop to H. Boivin, the well known Plumber been indicted and will appear before The Population We Are Losing. 36 s, r 3 w; also the use of water right and victory over the Oregonian man and Mr. les to take care of his apiary. and Tinner, who will be pleased to give you close figures on first class Judge Humphreys in the first circuit and New furniture, Bewing machines mining and irrigation ditches in secs 4 and Corbett’s sack. I see our delegation from Mrs. K. McTavisb of Phoenix, visited Yreka News, Feb. 21, 1901.] work. Remember, all work guaranteed. ’Phone No. 245. court tomorrow. [He is the husband oi ! 5, twp 36 s, r 3 w, and Bee 33, twp 35s,r 3 this county stood firm to the end to their her daughters in Ashland yesterday, who bicycles at Hooker’s. Since the no-license plan was adopted Viola Messenger, sister of H . C. and W. W, $1000. are attending the high school. Mrs. G. Barclay announces that she in Aehland a number of idle men have J. Messenger of Ashland. Cyrenus Vroman to James U Smith, el master, the Oregouian’a man. ux, 217)4 acres in sec 4, twp 36 s, r 3 w; 20 Russell O’Neil, circuit court reporter, has retired from the dressmaking busi beguu to drift into California and are Cancers Can Be Cured. acres in sec 33, twp 35 s, r 3 w; also same Mitchell Klected Senator. was up from Jacksonville yesterday and ness her shop in the Beach block hav causing considerable trouble along the ditch, water and mining rights, $4000. ing been turned over to Misses Mina line. They seem to be headed for Red Dr. J, H. Bohannon, the well-known made this office a pleasant call. The committee of economists ap The Oregon legislature adjourned on _ hobos generally Stoops, Isa Duncan and Ethel Standard, ding. The traveling cancer specialist, will be at the Windsor midnight Saturday by electing John H pointed to inquire into the dismissal of Hon. E. V. Carter returned yesterday know give Yreka a wide berth, as they her competent assistants, who will SAMPSON. House, Medford, Feb. 25tb, and remain from the north, haying taken in the continue the business at the old stand, Marshal Carrick will keep them mov- Mitchell United States Senator. Mit Professor Ross from Leland Stanford, in the county three or four weeks, and closing week of the legislature. chell’s name was held back until 11 Jr., university has handed in its report. John Taylor has the grippe. __________ and the public are assured the best work ing. any one suffering with cancer, tumors, o’clock when he was brought forward as It was alleged that Professor Ross had D. N. Davis waa in the valley Friday. wens or moles can have them removed Edw. Oldendorff, who is now on the at reasonable figures. Lecture. a candidate. He received 35 votes, 11. given dissatisfaction to Mrs. Stanford The fire at Harrison Gulch, Shasta Rev. Father M. J. Hickey, pastor of W, Corbett 36 and Beonett, dem , 19. J. M. Tyler is hauling hay up to his bv consulting and employing Dr. Bohan road as a commercial traveler, was in non. No surgical operation, no knife, Ashland Tuesday visiting his mother. county, last week, destroyed the general _ Holy __ _ ____ _ ___ r___ ___ Rosary Catholic pburch in this After a few ballots without material by reason of his attitude on certain The Original Irwin Strawberry place. and very little pain. He has had 26 merchandise store of Stanley A. McIntosh city, lectures at Chautauqua tabernacle changes the break came and final ballot questions, notably on the silver ques Mrs. A. F. Shideler left yesterday for W. H. Shepherd began pruning his years practice m the work and can give her home at Los Angeles, after visiting son-in-law of C. C. McClendon of this this evening. His subject will be, “The stood : Mitchell 46, Corbett 29, Bennett, tion, coolie immigration and municipal Plant, the best strawberry orchard Tuesday. thousands of references and has many ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Colton. place. The stock was valued at $10,000 Dawn of the 20th Century; Our High dem., 16. Eleven democrats voted for ownership. The findings qf the com on the market Examinations and was covered with $6000 insurance. Civilization and Our Frightful Draw Mitchell and several of the Corbett fol mittee are entirely favorable to Profes Fish are eaid to be in these creeks but cancers on exhibition. and consultation free. No cure no pay. Mrs. Chas. Young came up from Gold few have been caught. A. Barrie, representing the Simmons backs; the Intoxications of the Age.” lowing deserted him. Forty-six was the sor Ross. The report concludes: “We For Sale by the 100 or 1000 All manner of acute or chronic ulcers, Hill Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. The lecture will be free and a voluntary number required but it is reported that are aware that, owing to the failure of Mail orders given attention. A. Rueb heard from this week. The lupus, phagedemic ulcers, varicose ulcers, A. P. Hammond, who is quite ill with Hardware Co., of St. Louis, the largest contribution will be taken up. Mayor there were other democratic votes at Professor Jordan to give definite re firm in the United States and who sell big snow was three feet there. Call on or address T. F. 8MITH, and all manner of sores successfully propsy. R. P. Neil will introduce the speaker. hand if they were required to elect him. only to one firm in a town, was in Ash plies to all our questions there may be Ashland, Ora The weather continues changeable. A treated. Mrs. Sears and her son, Mort Foster land the past week and sold a big order to Everybody invited to attend. Father There was a great outburst of popular important facts with which we are un Formeriv Geo. Irwin's place on hill in Hickey is a polished speaker capable of few nice warm days the first of the week. enthusiasm and Mitchell was called for of Stealing the Osgood Diamonds. ' Medford, visited F. P. Smith’s family D. B. Grant, the hardware dealer of this being entertaining and instructive. West Ashland. acquainted. On the other hand, we and responded with a speech. This is in Ashland Monday. Mr. Foster is out city. Their goods cannot be beat and People in covered wagons passed here Lawrence V. Hill, who was arrested from Spokane on a visit. Mr. Grant’s immence new stock will Jackson Co. and Senator Mitchell. the fourth time he has been elected sena cannot but feel that a refusal to furnish several times during the light part of tor from Oregon. He is a very popular specific information in a case of such and held at Sacramento under suspicion soon begin to arrive. the winter. John B. Tabor, who lias been spending Big posters are out announcing thati I man, makes a useful and efficient rep importance in which it is charged that of being implicated in the robbery of the winter in Ashland left for Colfax, Judge W. S. Crowell, Representative Gold Hill will celebrate John H. Mitch resentative and is a polished and accom freedom of speech is at stake is in itself Mrs. F. H. Osgood’s diamonds while in Growers and Importers of all kinds of Millions of people are familiar with De a Pullman car, was loafing about Ash Wash., yesterday. He will return in Stewart, Attorney A. N. Soliss, County ell’s election as senator by a big rati plished speaker and writer. The state Witt's Little Early Kisers and those who land for a week or so. He was luny over April, buy a home and reside. Clerk Gue Newbury and other Jackson fication tonight. There is to be a street of Oregon could not send a better man a fact of significance, which, to Bay the least, is much to be regretted.” The use them find them to be famous little liver the subject of being an actor. While Mrs. I. M. Muller and children left county citizens were home-bound pas parade, fire works, etc., Including a according to the popular conception the report is signed by Professor Edwin R. pills. Never gripe.—M c N aib B ros . here he attempted to steal an overcoat Medford yesterday for Oakland, Cal., to sengers on Sunday evening’s local. ree ball in I. O. O. F. hall. Gold Hill people have of a representative. Re belonging to a traveling man at the de reside, Ike being employed in San Fran They were participants in the excitement is the home of Represenative W. A. Car ports from all points in the state are Seligman, Columbia university; Henry We can name seed for evergreen pasture of the closing hours of the legislature; ter who voted for Corbett from first to that the election of Mitchell was received W. Farnam, Yale university, and Henry . io your section of the country. Why Geo. L. Chase of Klamath county, Or., pot, and when he left swiped a pair ot cisco. Mr. Newbury remarked that he had last. The Gold Hill delegation in the with the greatest satisfaction. Jackson B. Garder, Brown university. Prospect with untried seeds? With 15 has been in town for several days past, shoes from the room of E. J. Martin, the O, W. Barnard, the contractor and years of personal experience in growing, the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. O. De Harney county stockman who is spend builder, leaves for Portland today to been in many conventions, state meet republician county convention last county case its solid vote steadily against Persons who suffer from indigestion can also with the experience of the Agricul Witt. Mr. Chase has just purchased the ing the winter at the Ashland House. erect a $4000 building for his son-in-law, ings and great gatherings of various siring also delivered the political machin him,________________ not expect to live long, because they can tural Colleges at Moscow and Pullman, kinds at different places in the state, but ery of the republican party of Jackson Otto ranch, one of the finest pieces of After being aroused by the robbers re Louis Jacobson. not eat the food required to nourish the we submit tbe following list of seeds Portland gamblers have about given body and the products of the undigested had never witnessed such wild enthus county over to the Corbett faction. on the Klamath river.—Yreka moving the $3800 valuables, she repaired out of a hundred different kinds tsied: By a large majority the republicans of up the fight against the ultimatum that foods they do eat poison the blood. It is Representatiye Matthew Stewart bas iasm as prevailed when the result of the to the ladies toilet. The Hill boy was had to cease in that city. It important to cure indigestion as soon as Brsnu IneroiM Italiaa lye fin»t concealed there, but nothing was found returned home and was in Ashland Tues last ballot for senator was announced.— Ashland seem to be well pleased with gambling possible, and the best method of doing this Tall Mead#» Fisqae English lie Crass the election of Mitchell as senator and has practically been suppressed. on his person. He said he was beating day feeling sore that the democrats Roseburg Plaindealer, 25th. is to use the preparation known as Kodoi Flat Stemmed Blue Crass his way over the road and got on that elected a republican senator. Mr. and Mrs. Zurcher of the Carter creek among these are a lot who rushed to -?-;-5-4-v4"î—F4-4-4-4--Î-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat English Bine flrnss Tall Meadow Bat Crass Crehard Crass last spring’s primaries and voted for and f soda springs, visited Ashland Monday. train because a theatrical troupe were and restores all the digestive organs of per Miss Lizzie Hoover returned to Med worked for the success of the Carter- S. N. GIBSON W. C. GIBSON aboard. fect health.—M c N aib B ros . Thete are FRESH SEEDS; we are grow ford yesterday from San Francisco with Corbett faction. Yet these same people erg of them and will guarantee The lady’s husband was with her. F. a stock of millinery goods. She was are kicking hard »gainst Representative 4- For fear that he may die and that his as regultg and prices. H. Osgood is a very wealthy man of Se accompained by her cousin, John Banks. Briggs, Stewart, and W. A. Carter for aged mother may receive his life-insur attle and is interested in several mining We are also growers and importers of Geo. W. A. P. Cramer was up from voting for Corbett, claiming that there Dependable Drugs ance money Viola Dall Oldfield, 19 years properties in tbe Gofd Ilill district. Grants Pass yesterday working up inter was no honest sentiment in Jackson old, brought suit in the supreme oourt Clovers, Alfalfas, Fean, Corn, Wheat, est in tbe coming musical convention at county for him. Several of these gentle t Russian Spelt z. Millets anti all Redncea Rate to Convention. at Sacramento against James A. Sheri that place next week. men were in the convention last spring •r kinds or Field Meeds. dan, 28 years old, to compel him to The Southern Pacific Co. has granted as delegates and assisted the Corbett J. El mon Pelton left for Portland yes For references we cite you to W. J. S pill marry her and keep a promise alleged a rate of 1J4 i»'« for the round trip to terday to work between that place and faction in securing control of that con man , Professor of Agriculture at tbe Agri the Musical Conventijn of The Rogue Junction. He has resigned bis position to have been made to her to make her cultural College at Pullman, Wash , and H. vention. It was just as plain as the ❖ River Valley Choral Union at Grants as president of the •outhern Oregon the beneficiary of his life insurance T, F rench , Professor of Agriculture at the nose on a man’s face and there could be ❖ Pass, March 5-8. Delegates should see no mistake about it, being as clear cut t —Our Lna oi— polioy. According to her complaint Idaho State University, Moscow, Idaho. JI Beautiful Band Poultry Association. that they receive certificates when pur a divison on straight lines as it is pos 4- Sheridan promised to make his life in For prices and further information address presents a spectacle for universal ad- chasing tickets to the convention and by Mrs. P. B. Whitney and daughter, sible to be secured in the understanding M. J. SHIELDS & CO., surance in the Ancient Order of United miration. There’s character in the these certificates signed by the Miss Louise, who have been at Salem of the human mind. The same was in Moscow, ... Idaho. hand, and the hand deeerves atten having Workmen payable to her, but the de Sec’y. of the Union, return tickets will during the legislative session, returned a measure true of tbe primaries at Med tion for that very reason. What the fendant, in contemplation of death, has be sold them at one third of the regular home Tuesday. Miss Whitney held a ford, the control being placed iu the hand is to a large extent is the result transferred the beneficiary rights to his clerkship. fare. hands of Dr. Keene. These two delega is a safe place to buy your drugs oi carsand attention. Medicines pre mother, without the plaintiff’s consent. LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE tions, including a few on the outside, and medicines. Safe, because F. M. Blevins has gone to his mine on serve the health ; manicure articles J. C. Manley’s daughter died in Ashland Is complete, and sold at + She also asks the court to award her and the changes in others, notably the you are assured of freshness be the south side of tbe Siskiyou from beautify the bands. All ench requi yesterday oi measles. ------- OF- Gold Hill delegation, and the purchase judgment in the sum of $5000 for breach cause we are constantly buying; which he took $1000 from a pocket be sites of pleasing palms that bespeak lowest living prices. H. C. Rothe, a prominent merchant fore the big storm. for cash of a few more delegates, brought * the of quality, because we buy only of contract, and that in the event of the a character justifying pride are shown of Lakeview, died on the 18tb inSt. from ahout the control by the Corbett faction. ♦ the best; of low prices, because in our stock of toilet and manicure death of the defendant before the ter We Buy fur Cash, and Blankets, quilts, rugs, go carts, porce- bloodpoisoning caused by the extraction Of course that was not the sentiment of we will not be undersold. articles. It’s most unwise, judging of a decaying tooth. He was 32 years i lain ware at Hooker’s. mination of the action, an injunction give our customers the the people of Jackson county. But it from results, to neglect either the ---------- o---------- be issued restraining the Ancient Order A child can buy here as old. was the sentiment of that convention as benefit. Call and see Jay Niles is spending the week with bands or the health, and our stock of of Workmen from paying the amount safely and cheaply as far as it is possible for a convention to : his father-in-law, Capt. A. D. Helman. Call and get my list of properties for sale drugs and medicines offers tbe beet of ns and be convinced. an expert. of the policy. Sheridan is a hopeless which includes all classes and kinds, and BORN. record its judgement. The balance of He is engaged in the flour mill business everything needful to preserve either victim of a wasting disease. at prices to satisfy anyone. the story is only what could be expected. at Adin, Modoc county, Cal., and was Goode delivered free of charge our motto : or both. In 1896 the Ashland primaries had up My loan department is well equipped and raised an Henley. to all parts of tbe city. Beginning the 1st of March the South BRITTSON—In Ashland, Feb. 26, 1901, HONEST DEALING ; - ONE I can handle money for parties wishing to a similar contention and although the ern Pacific company will have a corps Chief Train Dispatcher G. C. Morris to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brittson, a Free delivery to railroad points invest, to their advantage. PRICE TO ALL. people were for Mitchell and Hermann FAMILY DRUGGISTS. of colored porters on duty at the railroad was taken ill with stomach trouble last daughter, 121bs. net. within 100 miles on all orders I represent some of the best Fire Insur the primaries resulted in favor of their week and it became so serious that Mrs. depots in San Francisco and at the Oak- ance Companies in toe country and would of $5 and up. enemies. The Mitchell faction in Jack- •I- First do >r north of Posloffice. Morris took him to Portland Monday Goodq Delivered Free ; land mole to assist passengers to carry be pleased to write your property. You son county must be composed of a lot of Free delivery to Klamath coun His many friends trust to their trunks and valises to and from the cannot afford to carry I be risk yourself. » »♦♦♦»•»■»■»^♦►♦♦♦•»♦■»■♦♦■H't '4-4- H -4-4 -H -4-4-4-4 “H ,4-4-4-4-4-' i -’t "H -4-4-4-4- evening. stupid people, judging from the way ty stave points on orders hear of his early and complete recovery. Insure against accidents—they are always Phone No. 211. they talk 364 days in the year and act ’ hacks and street cars. These porters of $15 and np. and the next may be toyou. I For iron pipe and fittings go to W. N. on the day of the primary. An outside X-l-4-4- MMH-4-4-++-H-M-4-4-++4-4-++++ > will be clad in natty blue uniforms with happening have the best and strongest company in Grubb & Co. hardware dealers. observer would get the impression that ■ brass buttons and red caps, and$vill line the world. they were sadly in need of eome instruc Circuit Judge H. L, Benson of Klam up on the arrival of all trains. tion in the rudiments of plain every day SPECIAL BARGAINS. ath Falls passed through Sunday morn Telephone 167 Former United States Senator Stephen civil government. In the meantime it * ing for Portland and attended the Sena Mallory White died at Los Angeles ASHLAND, - - ORE. will be well for them to keep on voting New 6-room house with one acre of land DEALER IN tor Mitchell banquet at Portland. He Thursday. He was the son of Mr. and in a variety of fruit, one block from North as “Boss” Carter tells them to when was seriously ill with heart trouble at $750.06 ever they get into a primary or conven- Mrs. William F. White, argonauts from school house, Klamath Falls last week. 8ix-room house on large lot with choice - tion. They will have the satisfaction of New York. He was born in San Fran- •> Call at D. B. Grant’s hardware store knowing that Carter, at least, kuows oisco January 19, 1858. The funer&l fruit; good barn; McchanicSt, $750.00. Tract of six acres, two blocks from and get Aitken to figure on your plumb KEEP YOUR EYE where they are headed for, and he can Fine house and «rounds adjoiniue North took place Saturday, and was attended school poatoffice, one block from Main St., • > ing work. grounds, for sale at a bargain; no account for them. Left to themselves ■ ■ by the Bar association, Chamber of in city of Ashland, all set to choic reasonable offer refused. they are liable to bqjome revolutionary « • John S. Shook arrived in Ashland Commerce and other organizations. est fruit and berries, 8090 new Main St., near Bridge. and’ actually become imbued vyith an Ji GARDEN TOOLS, DUNN’S SOLID SPRAY, « • from Klamath county Sunday to visit strawberry vines; a new 9-room idea. In the meantime give the rep A8ALAND, ORE relatives and friends and to have some • » dwelling wi.h all latest improve «> SPRAY PUMPS and HOSE ON HAND. Subscribe for the V allxy R ecord . resentatives fits but don’t get too gay work done on bis mining property at <» ments, new barn, etc. Will be sold « • Gold and remove the metal ring in your nose Hill. The rapid and continuous ♦ with c.r without building improve when the next primary comes around. ■ • My stock of liardware is constantly being ASHLAND - • raise in cattle and mules the past sev ments. For particulars apply to PICTURES! Ashland eral years has brought him up in the • > .................. increased. I aim to give you I Emil Peil and J. F. Hendricks re PICTURE FRAMES! financial world and John will soon be J. J. C ambers , Ashland, Ore. < > turned last week from Klamath county. STEAM GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES «• taking tbe controlling stock in eome big Father W. H. Hickey leaves tomorrow •• trust—either a widow or old maid. -}-4--F+-?+++4-W"i-4-4-4-+4"F-r+4-+++- • COMPANY, -■ for McMinnville, his new location. LAUNDRY • Plumbing department is conducted by W, Aitken. Arthur F. Hunt returned Tuesday • « MOLDINGS YEARLY to < « • • • • from Gazelle where he delivered 266 W. H. Whybark, tbe Hornbrook mer (Suoc essors to J. K. Van Sant.) CABINET WORK ; New Stock of Plumbing Goods just arrived. Bath F. HEBERLIE < • chant, waa over Tuesday to have Emil Christian man or They UPHOL8TERING o head of cattle to Mitchell Bros. Tubs, Washbowls, Heaters, and all kinds of fittings Prop ’ r. Peil build him a delivery wagon for + woman to look after our growing • • were purchased of W. Beeson of Talent GENERAL REPAIRING T business tn this and adjoining Ooun- < • WATER Street. the Klamath river trade. and Pelton A Neil of Ashland. H. V. OF FURNITURE ‘ New Work or Repairing promptly attended to. Workmanship and ma- T ties, to act as Manager and Corres- « • Mitchell this seek purchased 100 head ; terial guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. NEAR MAIN X poudent; work can be done at your < • of cattle from Geo. W. Dunn for the 4- home. Enclose self-addressed envel- < > > Char¿es Moderate. Estimates given on all kinds of work Ashland Meat Co. + ope for particulars to A. H. 8HER- • • Orders by mail or PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Another Sale ... COST I ring Qocds ! ® Dry Goods Clothing _ MILLER & BARTGES. Spring Stock Arrived Vaupel, Norris & Drake, I Dry Goods and Clothing Stores, Wm. Yeo & Co. Ashland, TRIMBLE & CO., e Novelties in Spring Goods, f $e $ GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING ®®e© Plow Work and Horse-shoeing a Specialty. VALLEY RECORD ASHLAND MEAT CO General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds Ashland, Oregon Î W. N. GRUBB & C0.» 4 1 Berry Plants M- J- SHIELDS & CO. Grass and Field Seeds I GIBSON BROS A Safe Place to Buy i Stanley’s Drug Store i Fancy and Staple | i f Í . GRANT, Groceries + ♦ r ♦ I I i f♦ x mcnair Bros., ! GROCERY GEO. W. TBEFREN Stanley Drug Co. ..Renerai hardware.. On This Space ! MERCANTILE t $900 Wholesale and Retail : I JOHNSON BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON. ' i > > I > Il 11111 »» »♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< »$"»♦<« ✓ I 511 11 The Ladies of the Congregational church and their friends will give an Easter social at the church on April 5th, 1901. Farther notice later. + MAN, G esmul M akaoir , Corcoran t Building, opposite United States This signature is on every box of the genuine X Treasury, Washington, D. p. ASHLAND, OB, ^Laxative Bromo-Quinioe Tabi^ - express receive prompt attention. T bbmb C ash , at reasonable rates. AT THE ASHLAND UNDERTAKING PARLORS. •