A, Having a Great Run on Cham- berlaiu'a Cough Remedy. VALLEY RECOBD.' Old People Made Young one who has particularly admired it.” J. C. Sherman, tbe veteran editor ‘ol “We have noticed," said her moth­ the Vermontville (Mich.) Echo, has Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug er, with a side glance at Eve, “that dicovered tbe remarkable secret of keep­ store, informs os that he is having a great The People's Paper. ing old people young. For vears he has it is a singularly fine apple.” people are killed every year in this ran on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to “An .exceptionally fine apple,” a avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In­ country by CONSUMPTION. The one of anv other kind, and it gives great ASHLAND, Or., Thursday, Jan. 24, 1901 agreed. “It would be almost impos­ digestion, Heart trouble, Constipation and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bit- In theBe days of la grippe sible to match it.” fault is theirs. No one need have satisfaction. t-rs, and he writes:’’ It can’t be praised there is nothing like Chamberlain’s “ I should like to see it when you THE PEACEMAKER. too highly. It gently stimulates the consumption. It is not hereditary. Cough Remedy to stop the eougb, heal have picked it,” Mrs. Parker con­ kidneys, tones the stomach, aids diges­ up the sore throat and lungs and give You It is brought on by oeglect. fessed. Eve said nothing. She ap­ tion, and gives a splendid appetite. It soldiers, lying as they fell relief within a very short time. The Two 1 Upon the reddened clay— peared to have become absorbed in a has worked wonders for my wife and me. have a slight cold and cough, You sales are growing, and all who try it are In daytime foes; at night. In peace— book. It’s a marvellous remedy for old people’e pleased with its prompt action.—South Breathlng their lives away. do nothing to get rid of it. “I’ll bring it in. at once,” I prom­ complaint' ” Only 50c. at M c N air B ros . Chicago Drily Calumet. For sale by Brave heart had stirred each manly breast; Fate only made them foes. ised. I went out through the French drug store.__________________ M c N air B ros . , And lying, dying, side by side, window and ascended the tree. No The monthly statement ef the exports A softened feeling rose. The nitrate building of the Eastman one was looking, so I gathered an­ of domestio products issued by the bu- Kodak work at Rochester, N. Y., was "Our time Is short,” one faint voice said; other fine apple from my own side. f stariatios shows that during the "To-day we've done our best destroyed I y fire. Two firemen were Wheo I returned Eve had diaap- o7"i)eoember, 1900, the exerts different sides. What matters nowf killed by the fumes of the burn­ On To-morrow we’re at resL peared. | articles „v— were .._____________ as follows, _ comparisons - -. ing chemicals and ono other was so Life lies behind; I might not care “It doesn’t look quite so large oft being made made with with Deosmber, December, 1899: 1899: Brea Bread- ­ For only my own sake, seriously injured that he probably will the tree, ” I suggested, placing the gtuffg g 2 4,323,665; inorease $5,150,000. But far away are other hearts will cure a cough or cold in one die. The dead are Lieutenant Edward apple the table. i That this day's work will break. ----- iOa upon ttle and hogs, $3,163,932; iaoreas», night. Murphy and George F. Long. The fire “No,” said the mother, examining __ , ooo' __ . Provisions, $15,038,289; de­ started by the contact of escaping “Among old Hampshire's pleasant fields “Shiloh'* i* aa nnfailing core for eougb* it critically, “ I scarcely think it does; . ’ - crease, ’ — $850,000. Cotton, $44,153,788; in­ There pray for me to-night throat and lunj troubles. It will cure con­ nitric acid with the wooden floor. but it is a very fine one." A woman and a little girl sumption. It is a remarkable remedy.’’ crease, $18,322,000. Mineral oils, $5,- A. E. SALTER, M. D., Bufialo, N. T. With hair like golden light”— The Cowen-house tunnel near Aspen, “Perhaps your daughter would like 1 127,893; decrease, $350,000. For th< Shiloh*« Coniumption Core 1« «old by al) Colo., is now on fire, and several miles And at that thought broke forth at last to see it?” months the aggregate was $832,364, The cry of anguish wild dru«lata at «5e. 50c. 01.00 a bottle. A of workings are in flames. It is im­ That would no longer be repressed-« "Ye—ea.” She laughed. “I am a net increase of $119,000,000. Frinted guarantee sroas Mth every bottU. f you are not satisfied go to your druggi»' possible to estimate the damage to the afraid it will make her feel rather ' "Oh, God! my wife and child!” This season there is a large death rate and get your money back. property, but it will approximate near­ envious. ” She rang the bell, and "And,” said the other dying man, among children from croup and lung troub­ Write for illustrated book on consumotion. Sem the servant came. “ Ask Miss Eve to ' ly $500,000. "Across the sandy plain les. Prompt action will save the little ones without cost to you. S. C. Well* A Co., LeRoy, N.Y There watch and wait for me loved ones come for a moment, please.” from these terrible diseases. We know of I’ll never see again. After a few minutes’ waiting, dur­ nothing so certain to give instant relief as A little girl with dark, bright eyes Minute Coueh Cure. It can also be ing which Mrs. Parker discovered One Each day waits at the door; relie —M c N aib 'B bos . pretty Eve reappeared, looking guilt­ The body of Jessie Brodersen, a “To-day we sought each other’s lives; Death levels all that now, ily defiant. chicken dealer, was found, in his yard For soon before God’s mercy-seat “Mr. Newton wants you to see his at his home near Haywards. He had i apple, Together we ¿hall bow. Eve, dear. Isn’t it a beauty?” been shot and the plaoe robbed. Forgive each other while we may; The blood may be in bad condition, Eve flushed and gave ma a swift Life’s but a weary game. William Kellner, Dr. Arnold A. Gra- A mivi T im « S chbdulbs . Dzriar yet with no external signs, no skin And, right or wrong, the morning sun glance. Alfred Hargraves and Merrick Will find ua dead, the came.” truption or sores to indicate it. The “Yes,” she said, hesitatingly. T«5mer, pioneers of Shasta county, seemd to be studying the floor rather died a few days ago. Symptoms in such cases being a variable The dying lips the pardon breathy 'Chieggo- ‘ Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. 4 p..m. The dying hands entwine; Portland Worth.Omaha. Kan­ than the fruit. appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable The Pepsin preparations often fail to relieve last ray dies, and over all sas City, St Louis. Special “It might be a feMow to the one indigestion because they can digest only al- weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh The stars from heaven shine. Chicago and Bast. 9:15 a. ni. that tempted Eve I" I observed, with b imenous foods. There is one preparation and a general run-down condition of the The little girl with golden hair, And one with dark eyes bright. a smile. She traoed a pattern with ihat digests all classes of food, and thst is lystem—clearly showing the blood has On Hampshire's fields and sandy plain Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst her foot. cases of indigestion and gives instant re­ Atlantis Salt Lake. Denver.Ft 8:40 a. ni. lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin Were fatherless that night. 'Worth,Omaha, Kan­ “Adam was also tempted.” lief, for it digests what you eat.—M c N aib Express —Lue Vernon, in Leslie’s Weekly. and watery. It is in just such cases that sas City, St. Louis. 9:00 p. m “By Eve, I believe? I don’t fancy B ros Via Hun- Chicago and Rast. 'L l A’L l A —_* '■h—_• *»_* IZA S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and skvs he wanted the apple much, did he?" During a drunken row in a saloon nt tingtoa most effective work by building up the Hanford, J. Burnett, a laborer, inflict­ She blushed again. blood and supplying the elements lacking “You could not have a nicer applt ing serious though not neoessarily fa­ Walla Walla, Lewis 7 a. m. than this, anyhow.” She looked right tal wounds. The blade of the knife to make it strong and vigorous. ton, Rpok si s in- LBy Owen Oliver. gj at me at last. Her eyes said quite barely missed entering tho walls of the Specane neapolis. St Paul. Flyer “ My wife used sev­ plainly: “You needn’t tell mother.” stomach. caja caja caja W Dulutb, Milwaukee, < p. tn. eral bottles of S. S. S. As if I had any such intention! Chicago and East. The San Fe company’s agents a’ e re­ as a blood purifier and “I am glad you like it,” I said, “be­ ported to have purchased 5000 acres of to tone up a weak and VE and an apple overcame an an­ cause I want to give it to you, if I emaciated system, with timber land in Mendocino and ad­ O ccam S tiamships . 4 p. m. 8 p. m cestor of mine. He would not have may. very marked effect by I could not help noticing that joining counties. All sailing dates sub­ wanted the apple, he said, but for you admired it.” way of improvement. ject to change. The most soothing,pealing and antesep- Eve. That was exactly my case. “We regard it a For San Francisco— “There, Eve!” «aid her mother. “I tic application ever devised is DeWitts Eve lived at No. 52 and I at No. 54. told you that everyone would see that Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and great tonic and blood Sail every 5 days. purifier. ’ ’—J. F. D uff , I am not sure where the apple lived, curespiles, sores, eczema and skin diseases you coveted it." Beware of imitations.— M c N air B ros . Princeton, Mo. but it was at one of the two. It hung “I—I am sorry," she said, in a sub­ 4 p. m. The anti-saloon league of Santa Ornz Daily C olumbia R ivbb on a high branch over No. 52 ’ s gar ­ is the greatest of all Ex. Sun. dued little voice. Ex Nun- presented to the supervisors an ordi­ den, but it fattened on the soil of No. ÖT «AM EM. . 6 a. no sary, as it is oangerous to delay. We “Oh, look, mother!” she oried. Mrs. Parker that I should soon avail would suggest that One Minute Cough Ex Sun­ Oregon City. Newberg, Ex. bun. through all parts of the system. myself of her kind invitation to call day. Baletn. I independence Cure be taken as soon as indications of hav­ S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable “There is my apple.” again. I hope they did not hear me ing taken cold are noticed. It cures.quick- and Way- Landings “Hush, dear! It isn’t your apple at blood purifier known. It contains no min- laughing when I got indoors. ly and its early use prevents consumption.— srals whatever. Send for our free book all. It belongs to the people next M c N aib B ros , The next day was Sunday. In the 7 a. m. WiLLAMSTT« and Y am ­ 1:30 p. m. on blood and skin diseases and write our door.” afternoon Eve sat under the shade of The county commissioners of King hill KIVKB3. Mon Wrd “He isn’t people,” objected Eve. I TuMThuz ohysicians fc-r any information or advice my apple tree reading a book. So I county, Wash., called a special session ana Bat. Oregon City. Dayton, and Fri. am a bachelor. strolled out and looked over the wall. for February 19 for the citizens of that wanted. No charge for medical advice. and Way-Landings. “Anyhow, the apple is his.” “Eve,” I remarked, "was turned out part of Kings county which abuts on THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. “Ie it?” She tossed her head, She of Paradise for stealing an apple.” Tacoma. They will vote on whether has a graceful way of tossing her Leave Leave S haki R ivzb . She looked up and smiled. Then she they will be annexed and become a Mr. head. “Then he shan’t have it. Lewiston Ri paria looked down. part of the county of Pierce and of tho Daily Layton gave it to me every year. »» 1 8:35 a. m. “The annual apple on this side has al­ city of Tacoma. Daily Riparia to Lewiston. 9 a. m. Mr. Layton was my predecessor. “You know he always lent me his ladder to ways belonged to Eve,” she asserted, get it.” 1 felt inclined to offer my pretending to cut the pages of her ladder there and then, but the time, book. They were cut already. “She might spare a tiny piece for like the apple, was not ripe. As the summer went on the apple Adam,” I suggested. She glanced at grew in size and beauty. Eve watched me out of the corner of her eyes. “Adam was better without the ap­ the apple, and I watched Eve. She was so nice to watch that I did not ple, you know,” she assured me. “Adam,” I declared, “needed no pity offer her the forbidden fruit. I re­ garded it as a hostage for her regu­ at all.” She rested her chin on one hand and lar appearance. “Look at its rosy cheeks, mother!” looked at me inquiringly with her big she used to say, teasingly. “If it get« eyes. I would «put down how she THE CHRONICLE ranks wltM «aoateM much bigger it must drop.” She looked, if it were possible. It i»n’t. ■•wapapara In tha United State«. Mere ordinary charm of feature or col­ THE CHRONICLE baa no equal on the Facia« made motions expressing rapture. Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news oring is common enough to have words. “ Eve, dear, ” her mother protested THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports ar« Real prettiness is unique, unnameable; “you know it isn’t yours.” the lateet and moot reliable, Its Local News the Oiliest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from tbs “It would be if I had a ladder.’ little willful curves of the fea­ ablest pens In the country. Then she would give a merry littl< tures, little waves of the hair—and THE CHRONICLE has always besn, and always laugh. She has a charming way of “ways.” She is pretty like that. wUl be, the friend and champion or the people as ■gainst oomblnatlons, clique«. corporations, of “Adam,” she remarked, “lost Para­ laughing. oppressions of any kind. It will be lndapaadetU dise and the apples.” The apple still hung on, however, la everything neutral tn nothing. Shjrtast and Quickest Lina “But he had Eve.” and grew and grew. In the dusk of TO In the days following the baby’s birth She studied her shoes, and I seated evening Eve tried to.reach it with a there is often a long up-hill struggle to myself on top of the wall. ST. PAUL, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACO- clothes prop—at least it looked like recover strength, and the nurse busies “You have plenty of apples,” she Eve. I knew it was a clothes prop, AND ALL POINTS BAST. herself in the preparation of jellies and because she let It drop over my wall, said; “and you are not shut out of broths for the invalid. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers and it smashed three panes of a cu­ Paradise.” When Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ Dining and Buffet Smoking cumber frame. Next morning she “Then,” I replied, promptly, “I will tion is used as a preparative for mother­ Library Oars. hood the baby's advent is practically happened to be in the garden, so 1 come in.” I did. returned it with grave ceremony. “How do you know this is Para­ painless, there is abundant strength to nurse and nourish the child, and a rapid “I—I’m afraid it broke something,” dise?” she asked, demurely. DAILY TRAINS, CAST TIME; SERVICE recovery from the shock and strain in­ she apologized. “Eve is here.” AND 8CBNERX UNEQUALED. separable from maternity. “Not in the least,” I assured her. She looked at me saucily ovsr her ”1 was pleased that Dr. Pierce answered my “I’ll tell Mary Jan» not to stand it book. letter,” writes Mrs. C. W. Young, of 21 South Tickets to points East via Portland and Regent Street (Lee Park), Wilkesbarre, Penna, up against your wall again, ” she prom ­ the GREAT NORTHERN RY . on sale at “Poor Eve was much to be pitied.” "when I had those mishaps I began to think Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, er ised mendaciously. She simulated a sigh. I would never have children. My hack used GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office to almost break and I would get sick at my After that the apple blushed more “Because she lost Paradise?” stomach and have such headaches I did not furiously than ever. It was so ripe “No; because slie kept Adam.” 26S Morrison Street, know what to do; they used to set me nearly crazy, and I used to dread to get up, X felt sb that it was marvelous how it held on, “Did she mind, do you think?” bad; then I began taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite PORTLAND. I heard her say. She was probably “Well—you see, it was just a very Prescription, when baby was expected I took unaware that I had climbed up one little bit her fault that he ate the It all the time I was that way. I felt fine all the For Rates. Folders, and Full informs time, and I never get those dizzv spells now. I tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad night and secured it with fine wire. apple.” hardly ever have a nervous headache any more. dress Next she tried knocking tennis balls I have a perfect romp of a boy; he is the light “ She would have eaten every scrap A. B. C. DENNISTON, our home. I am now twenty years old and Of course, she never went with­ herself if she had been a modern Eve.” of i at it. my baby is almost eight months old. I now feel City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland in a couple of yards. I picked up nine She looked up at the desecrated well, and weigh 180 pounds, and the baby 23% We feel very gratefill for the good your balls next morning and restored them bough and laughed. A stray sunbeam pounds. madicine did for us. We are both healthy, to her. thauks to Dr. Pierce's medicine.” danced in her eyes, like the dazzle of “I thought they were windfalls diamonds. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets keep the from my apple tree," I said, and she “I think she tould be persuaded to bowels healthy. fled indoors. share it with the modern Adam,” she “I believe he wae laughing at me,” stated. « I heard her tell her mother. “Now, I Thereupon she dived under the chair RAIL WAY will have it.” F— cushion and produced it. “No, no, dear! I forbid you to “Now you have Paradise—and the The Chronicle Building touch it. It’s no use looking like that, apple.” she told me. Eve. I shall be really cross with “They are nothing,” I said, feelingly, you." “compared with—Eve.” When I came home that evening the But Eve—my dainty little Eve—is By Mall, Postace Paid, apple was still there, in all its glory, joining to No. 54 in the spring. It will but when it grew dusk I noticed ma­ save any further dispute, she 3ays, neuvers wish the prop going on once about the annle.—Madnme. more. Finally I heard a cry of tri­ Rocky Monntain Scenery by Day­ umph, and the rustle of her skirts as Pullman light. she ran indoors. Then I went out. Day-light Stop-Over st Niagara Falls. Sleeping Cars I climbed the tree, gathered about Through first class tourist sleepers from, a gallon of apples, and sent them in Elegant Escific CoaBt weekly for Chicago,Boston, with a note. New York and other eastern points, via Dining Cars “Dear Madam: I trust you wlH accept Rio Grande Western, (Great Salt Lake The Greatest Weekly in the Country, a few apples from my tree overhanging Route,) Denver A Rio Grande, 0 R I & P for a ticket East you naturally and vert Tourist your garden, as I notice that there is only and Illinois Central to Chicago, connect­ properl’ want to go ovei the route that will give vou the very best accommodations at one upon your side. Sleeping Cars “I have, however, a special reason for de­ ing in tbe Union Depot with Michigan the lowest possible rate Hence, you should ask vour ticket agent to make your ticket siring that one. May I enter your garden Central’s similar car for points east. Uaolndlng postage) to any part of the U tilted to gather it? Tours ~ very truly. For full particulars, call on or address read via the st . padl States. Canada and Mexico, “FRANK NEWTON.” agent S. P. Co., or MINNEAPOLIS THS WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brightest In a few minutes Sarah Ann re­ B. H. T rumbull , Com’l Agt., ■nd most com piste Weekly Newspaper In the I DDLUTH___ 142 Third St., Portland, Or turned with Mrs. Parker’s thanks, and •rsrld. prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve FSgSs, at Nswa. Literature and Osneral Inform* an assurance that she would be FARGO As a result of the recent bond re­ Uon; also a macnlficent Agricultural Department. pleased for me to gather the apple TO . GRAND FORKS SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. iIuueTNncr iue Wall, A neul round tO funding election and sale of $128,00C worth of new four per cents at a pre­ CROOKSTON their front door and knocked. I was mium of $2875 and accrued interest, the DO you want the shown into a cozy sitting-room. Mrs WINNIPEG county treasurer of Monterey was or­ Parker received me very pleasantly, HELENA and dered to issue a call for outstanding but Miss Eve was rather quiet, as a bridge and courthouse bonds to that BUTTE young lady should be. Our popular personally conducted tourist amount now drawing a high rate of in­ excursions in modern Tollman tourist “You will be surprised at my both­ terest. sleeping cars leave Ashland every Tuesday ering you about a single apple,” I morning and Friday morning via Sacra­ Alfred Parker, a prisoner serving a said. “The fact is I want it for some mento, and every Tuesday morning and TV 6HOWINO 40-year sentence in the Colorado peni- Friday Evening via Portland, and run CHICAGO It has been demonstrated repeatedly tentary was released a few days ago on through to Chicago without change via tbe W ARHINGTON_ The United States, Dominion ol in every state in tbe Union and in many parole. Parker was convicted of killing world’s most scenic line, connecting at Chi­ countries that Chamberlain’s five companions while prospecting some cago with all morning trains East, also with PHILADELPHIA Canada and Northern Mexico foreign the Rock Island Personally Conducted tou­ Cough Remedy is a certain preventive years ago. After killing the men rist car for Boston. These tourist sleeping NEW YORK ON ONE SIDE, and cure tor croup. It baa become the Parker ate their flesh. cars are broad vestibuled, lighted with And the BOSTON AND ALL universal remedy for that disease. M. Pintch Gas and provided with all weekly V’. Fisher of Liberty W. Va., onlv re­ PtHNTS EAST and SOUTH illustrated periodicals and magazines for tbe peats what has been said around the free use of our patrons, and are accompa­ Through tickets to JLpan aud Ghin*. via globe when he writes: “I have used nied through to destination by a represen­ ON THE OTHER SIDE. Tacoma and Northrn Pacific Stea uship tative of the Great R««ck Island Route. We Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy m my Kend $3 and Get tho Map and family for several years and always with Co. For Infants and Children, also have a daily first-class sleeping car Weekly Chronicle fur One Year, perfect success. We believe that it is service to Chicago via the Scenic Line, and For information, time cards, map and the best dining car service m the world. tick eta, call on or write poatage prepaid am Map and Ta par. not only tbe best cough remedy, lut For full information, maps. etc., call on that it is a sure cure for croup. It has ADDXBaa A. D. CHARLTON, or write to A. E. COOPER, Bears the saved tbe lives of our children a number M. H. do YOUNG, General Agent, Assistant General paaaenger Ageut, .ci times." This :emedyis for sale by Ssnatweof or, D. L. R ick , PorUand, Ore. Proprietor A V- Chroslda. i M c N aix B bos , PORTLAND, OREGON. - u» rMTaw), saa Agent 8. P* Co., Ashland, Ore. 123,000 Shiloh's Consumption Cure 0.R.8N SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. "••NEW GRAPHOPHONE NOT A TOT W. R. C. ■uaxaiD* aauar coars I bo . M Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p m on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Mas. M auvixa F bbgusom , Pres. Mas. M. J. Spencer. Bec’v. A strongly constructed Graph- •phene, with simple mechan­ ism, made to meet the de­ mand for a first-class talking machine, at s tow price. REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good standing are cordially invited to attend, L. E, BENDER, Chancellor Com. T. H. B imfsox .K. K.B. THE MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS MILWAUKEE” Th« pleasure In owning a Graphophone to largely Increased by being able to make and reproduce your own records. We furnish this machine with recorder for $7.!W,making it the cheapest recording and reproducing talking machine on the market. Graphophones of every description. Call or write. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., imp *. 135 San Francisco Address, 125 Gexrv 8t A familiar Dame for the Chicago, Milwaukee &. St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Railway running the PIONEER LIMITED' i DENVER« :RI0 GRANDE RAILROAD. No External Symptoms. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR UNE FROM THE w» NORTHWEST rwtng TO ALL POINTS R G NICHOL, Gcncrzl A£ ci * E ast Traina every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Oaoaha and Chicago, “The only perfect traina in the world." Understand: Connectionears made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the beat aervice known. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, S. K. HOOPER G. P. & T. A 151 Wi.tia.too Su PORTLAND. ORE g Eve and the Apple | For rates, pamphlets or other infci* tuition, address, THE J. W. CA8EY, Trav. Paes. Agt., S eattle , W ash . sss THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS is the one important magazine in the world giving in its pictures, its text, tn its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a comprehensive, timely record of the world's current history. Not the enumeration of mere bare facts, but a comprehensive picture of the month, Its activities, its notable personalities, and notable utterances. The best informed men and women in the world find ft indispensable. There are many readers in your locality who have yet to learn of its usefulness. We wish to establish active agents in everjr city and township in the country. We will pay liberally for ener­ getic effort in the subscription field. Leisure moments can be utilized with substantial increase of income. Make a list of the persons in your locality who should have the “ Review of Reviews," and send to us for agent’s terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person with a subscription proposition for the “ Review of Reviews," and consequently orders ate easily secured. This is the active subscrip­ tion season. Make application at once, naming your references. GO EAST Price. 25 cents a number, CHRONICLE C U ïhe : daily N S Only $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle New York City 13 Astot Place, / Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via Northwestern Line! GREAT SHORT ---- 3 CHRONICLE THROUGH TICKET2 Reversible Map? Map of the World CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought FACTS;.. DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO Coal nearly $100,000 to prodace. Con­ tains nearly 100 full-page engravings of our Savior and His Mother by the world’s greatest painters. True copies of tbs greatest Masterpieces in the art galleries of Europe. Every picture is as beautiful as a sunrise over the hilltops. Contains description of the paintings, biegrsphy of the painters, the names and locationa of the galleries in Europe where the origi­ nale may be aeen. Alto con tai ne a Child’s Department, including a Child’s Story of the Christ and Hia Mother, beau­ tifully written, to fit each picture. Thia wonderful book, matchless in its parity and beauty, appeals to every mother’s heart, and in every Christian home where there are children the book sella itself. Christian men and women are making money rapidly taking orders. A Chris­ tian man or woman can in this commun­ ity eosn make $1,000 taking orders fer Cbriatmaa presents. Mrs. Waite, our agent in Massachusetts, has sold over $3,000 worth of the books in a very short time. Mrs. Sackett, our agent in New York, has sold over $1,500 worth of th* books in a very short time. The book is printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti­ fully bound in Cardinal Red and Gold, and adorned with Golden Roses and Lillies. It is, without doabt, tbs most beautiful book of this century. Write for terms quickly and get the manage­ ment of that territory. You can work on salary or commission, and when you prove vour success we will promote you to the position of Manager and Corres­ pondent, at a permanentsalary, to devote your time to attending to agents and the correspondence. Wanted also a State Manager to have charge of office in lead­ ing city of the state and manage all tbe business of the state. Bend for tarma. Address— THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO., Corcoran Building, Opposite U. 8, Treasury, Washington, D. 0. What Shall We Do to be Saved / LINE The Wisconsin Central Lines And All Points East and South. ROM THE HELLS that Plutocracy is preparing for us? Send twenty­ fl ve cents in coin nr postage stamps for a copy of "Regeneration of Society” and three other pamphlets that give ra­ tional answers to the above question,and at the same time receive a Free Trial Subscription for Thirteen weeks of “Lu­ cifer, the Light Bearer,” a radical, wide­ awake, fearless, up-to date, eight-page weeklv journal. Address THE LIGHT-BEARER PUB. CO., 500 Fulton St., Chicago, U. 8. A. F Kodol and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- all points East. tibuled Dining and Bleeping Gar For any further information call oa any Trains and Motto: ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, General Pass. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin , It artificially digests the food and aide « 246 Stark Street, Have given this road a national raputa Nature in strengthening and recon­ P ortland , O regon . tion. All classes of passengers carried structing the exhausted digestive or­ on tbe vestibuled trains without eatra gans. It is the latest discovered digest­ charge. Ship your freight and travel ant and tonic. No other preparation BO YEAR8* over this famous line. All agents bavt can approach it in efficiency. It in­ EXPERIENCE tickets. W. H. MEAD, stantly relieves and permanently cures IM Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, General Agent, 243 Washington St., J J |_ J Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, W. 0. S avage , Portland, Oregon v / i ■ I j . ■ Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps and 1 ■ h ■ Fw J all Traveling F. & P. Agent, other results of imperfectdigestion. Portland, Oregon. Price 50c. and $1. IArge size contains SK time« J small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free T rade mark * Prepared by E. C. DeWTTT a GO., Ghleafl«- D esigns EU 1ENE A. BHEKW1N C opyrights A c . “ALWAYS ON Dyspepsia Cure TIME5’ Digests what you eat. Anyone sending ■ skete'n and description way aickly ascertain ucertaiiT our opinion free whether —— — an S oickly ivention 1» probably patentable. Communion, tlona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents •ent free. Oldest agency for aecuring patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoetvs •pMlol notice, without charge. In tbe Scientific American. Illustrated weekly. Largest A handsomely illustrated Lanreat cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms. S3 a months. newsdealers. year: four months, IL Sold by all newr-* —- ta«Co.«">~“>NewIort $1.50 a ta ® A FEW INTERESTING When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain­ able so far as speed, comlort and safety is concerned. Employees of the Wis THE----- conbin C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, so as to make close connection with MINNEAPOLIS and diverging lines at all junction points. OMAHA RAILWAYS. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. This is the Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals eerved a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over.................. Between When You Pay Your G>ood Wloney GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE $2.50 n. year. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY, After Baby ARE YOU 60ING EAST ? Comes The.... R C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P obtlan d , On The Light of the World, or O*r Saviour in Art. E ÏTORTHERN PACIFIC Of a verity equaled by no other liae. See that your ticket reads via “Tbe Milwaukee” when going to any point in tbe United States or Canada. Al> ticket agents sell them. Branch Office £6 V St. Washington. D. IX A FREE PATTERN visit DR. JORDAN'S (your own selection) to every sub­ scriber. Only 50 cents a year. greati MUSEUM OF. ANATOMY 1051S1RIET ST., 811FUICUCO, Cil. The Largest Anatomical Museum in the , World. Weaknesses or any contracted disease p«»iUwel jr cured by the oldest Specialist on the Coast. EsL 36 years. I DR« JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN< SYPHILIS thoroughly eradicated , from system without the use of Merceiry. Trasses fitted by an Expert. ■$•«»- eel esire (or Beptnre. A quick and 1 radical cure for piles* Fissure and Fistalae. by Dr. Jordan’s special pain­ less methods. Consultation free and strictly prirate. Treatment per- sonally or by letter. A Poeftve Cure in every case undertaken. Write for Book. MIILOROrnY ef MARRIAGE, MAILED FRfifi. (A valuable book for men.) Call or write OR. JORDAN A CO.. 1051 Maikrt St, S. F. Valley Record Up-to-Date Job Printing MS CALL'S^ MAGAZINE^ A LADIES’ MAGAZINE A gem ; beautiful colored plate« ; latest fashions; dressmaking economies ; fancy work ; household hint» ; fiction, etc. Sub­ scribe to-day, or, »end jc. for latest copy. Lady a«enu wanted. Bend far tanns. Styliah, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. .g. it, .ti jfi if JiAAA ♦ j $900 (YEARLY to Christian • <• > man or woman to look after our growing business busine in this and adjoining Counties; f to act as Manager and Correspondent ; work « • « • can be done at yonr home. Enclose « • • • self-addressed, stamped envelope > > for particular^to.H. A. Sherman, ■ > General Manager, Corcoran Build­ ing, opposite United States Treas­ ury, Washington, D. C. ++++ h++++++++++++4-++++++++ Î PATENTS QnleUy mcu *4. OVB FEZ DOT WXtX fkTtm OnADOD. Saad motel, «ketch or phot«, vltk description for free report m to [»Uixability ad-rAST. BANS-BOOK r*U. Contain« roferanoae and tall riformatlon. WBJTI FOB OOFT OF OCX SFEC1AL OFFXB. It U the moet liberal propoeitlon orar mote by a patent attorney, and EVEXT tei vidi TO* SBOVU* UAS IT botar» applyta« tar patent. Addnmt F MS CALL/TÎ^ I H.B.WILLSON&CO. gmBAZAR« ramSB I ' P atwsw I (Ne-Seam.Allowance Pattern*.) Only io and 15 eta. each—nona highar Aak for than. Sold in nearly «vary city sad town, or by mail from THE McCALL co ., 198-148 Wert 14th St.. Naw Yerh. WmAMMWmMWWWWf ~ PATENT LAWYERS, U1M4MC-, WASHINGTON. D. C. Job Printing • at Record Office