PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Tobin-Bourgeois Wedding. SIGHT DAYS OF PROHIBITION. Tuesday was a wedding day in Holy $ The ßargain Month ... Closing out bargains at Vaupel, Nor­ Rosary Roman Catholic cbnrch on Sixth Tbe Town Moves On in the Even Tenor of Its Ways — Liquor Owners ris A Drake’s. < afreet, tne contracting partiea being Mies Chas. Drew came in from Klamath Falls Monday. .Miso Mina Stoops returned from Med- ford yesterday. Rev. W. B. Moore was up from Med- ; fprd Tuesday. Marie Bourgeois, daughter of N. Bour­ ' geois, tbe genial aud whole-souled pro­ prietor of the Asblani House, and Wil­ 1 liam Tobin of Pok»gama, Klamath ' count», the nuptial knot being tied at 9 o’cock p. m. by R-v. Father W. H. 1 Hickey, Miss R sa Scaiden and E. F. j Ogden acting in tbe capacity of brides­ ( maid and best man, respective!», and Mrs. D. Handbine and the father of the bride, Mr. Bourgeois, witnessing the solemn and impressive event. After tbe ' ceremony the bridal pair and party re­ i turned to the Ashland House parlors where other friends and admirers greeted them most cordially with tbe warmest 1 congratulations after which tbe reen- forced party all repaired to the dining , room where the wedding luncheon was i served and here the guests lingered for several hours toasting the newly wedded 1 twain, the efforts of the evening being the polished remarks of Father Hickey , and tbe enthusiasm of Domino Provost, whom all united in wishing to meet hia affinity and be the next on tbe number for Benedict honors. It was midnight when tbe party dispersed. The bride is a very amiable and affec­ tionate yonng lady and esteemed by all her friends. The groom is engaged in tbe logging business for Mason, Lindley A Co. and has the respect and confidence of all bis friends and acquaintances who know nim as an honorable, reliable and energetic yonng man and all join in ex­ tending congratulations and hopes that their wedded life may be filled with pros­ perity and joy. In the spring they will make their home at Pokegama. Engage Lawyers. The Next Lecture. LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Office of the President. I have listened to a number of addres­ ses by Jay William Hudson. He is a very interesting and effective speaker. He is forcible and original in his manner of presentation and has the tremendous merit of being thoroughly in earnest and of saying just wbat he tliiukson any sub­ ject with which he has to deal. DAVIDSTARR JORDAN. Mr. Hudson will fill tbe engagement in the Starr Lecture Course February 6th, at opera house—Subject, "The Passion Play of 1900 As I Saw It.” Another Sale ... COSTI The Anti-Saloon League meeting at Christian church Tuesday evening after We ere makiag room for oar sew Spring Stock the religious service adopted resolutions congratulating the council and the peo­ by Selling at Cost ple on the result of the recent city elec­ Our entire line of Gents’, Youths’ and Children’s Clothing, tion and the new ordinance and express­ ing confidence in and extending the Supt. G. M. Freeman came over from Gonta’ Woolen Underwear, of which we have a fine display. League’s support of the city adminis­ Yreka Tuesday. tration in the matter of closing the sa­ Overcoats, Mackintoebee, Ladies’ Capes and Wraps, moat all go. "81im” Allison returned this week loons. PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK 1 from Portland. « nice line of Ladies' Tailor-Made Skirts, wbieh Wm. M. Colvig was up from Jackson­ ville Tuesday consulting with the liquor we are selling at 25 per coat leaa than wholesale prices. Respectfully, 1 Chas. F. Young was up from Gold Will L. Miller, youngest eon of the late dealers of Ashland in regard to the new Col. J. N. T. and Mrs B. A. Miller, died i Hill yesterday. prohibition ordinance and the possibili­ at the homestead of his birth near Jack­ “The Star Boarder” at opera house ties of their interests in the fighting the sonville Saturday evening, aged 33 years. next Wednesday. same. It is generally understood that He leaves a wife, mother and sitter and Mr.Colvig and C. B. Watson have been brother as well as many friends to regret Attorney Oliver 8. Brown was up from +4-4-41 I t g I I I I I l 4 4 4-+4-++1 4 I till! |» I retained to protect their interets in tbe I Grants Pass yeeterday. untimely passing away and preserve courts in what ever proceedings may his the memory of a polished gentleman, a i Mies Lulu Briggs and Montie Briggs arise and that the law and authorities loyal friend aud splendid citizen. I left for Portland yesterday. are now being examined with a view of tackling the new ordinance upon the Yesterday’s Oregonian in a gallery of Mansfield Sonnichson returned last ground that the charter delegates to the sketches contains a good picture of sena­ 1 week from Klamath county. council the power to regulate and con­ tor Cameron andacertoon of Henrv An­ ■ Mrs Henry Reed came up from Gold trol the liquor traffic and that the coun­ keny sitting in a chair reading the Ore­ | Hill today to visit relatives. cil goes beyond its authority in attempt­ gonian and back of his chair is located a +4-4-4-4-4-4-4-+4-4-4-+-W-4- ing to prohibit it. In case this feature of lightning rod indicating that it is up for l Ivan Wild is working on the Leader the law is presented the fight will be the purpose of catching the senatorial | Special Values in Fleece Drees Goods and newspaper at Nampa, Idaho. made upon the applications of W. E. toga. • ’’ County Assessor J. C. Pendleton was + Fleece Lined Underwear. Conner and Houck & Dame for licensee. We are i up from Table Rock yeeterday. Geo. Estes, railroad agent at Rose­ Whether the liquor dealers will be able i G. M, Wright of Ashland has been to agree among themselves and their at­ burg, will eoon move to San Francisco jHeaHA/uZ and Delicious Candies, a Splendid Stock, Continuing our i granted a $10 per month pension. torneys -as to a line of proceedure and with his family and on Feb. 1st will as­ t ESPECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS. court a fight in the courts on legal sume bis duties as an officer of the teleg­ . Postmaster M. D. Wilson of Talent raphers organisation. grounds is not yet developed. was an Ashland sojourner Friday. TXT«, TTz,« JO- C* Mrs J. B, Riddle of Riddle, went to t NUN INGER BLOCK While tbe owners of the late licensed NEAR DEPOT ” Hl« * CO OC CzO. Lots of new goods j net arrived at opera saloons are not retailng liquor over their Portland today to visit her son Ed Rid­ t i house furniture store. J, P. Dodge. bars and to all intents i)nd purposes on dle. The latter is still in the hospital I Mrs. Deston High returned Monday the face of tbe matter are obeying the and an operation will probably be per­ ++5H14-44-+4-+H1 ¡¡ I I I i»4-W4-'» + + '>4-»4”l-**4-+»»+»4-+4‘»+'»*»»*» from a visit with her parents at Medford, Death of Sam Robbins. law there has not as yet been any gen­ formed on bis injured arm tomorrow. eral howl amoqg reliable persons who Neither does his amputated leg heal per­ Sam Robbins, for the past fifteen years Pocket cutlery, scissors, sews and axes at D. B. Grants* hardware »tors. Fine line. a well known citizen of Phcenix andflts^K -use intoxicants as to their inability to manently as yet.—Roseburg Review, 22d. get what theÿ want and the presumpt­ Mrs. S. Routley, who has been in Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rickey, formerly land died at his home at Phoenix Tues­ ion that some is coming from outside Portland the past four weeks, is a day, aged 65 years. He was a native of i of Jacksonville, are now in New York. Iowa and came to Oregon 33 years ago towns and some from the stocks in this guest of the Ashland House waiting to go Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. , John F. Attebury and two eons of Oro locating at Salem where he lived until city. The consumption of liquor at any to Klamath Falla- Fino passed through for Applegate Tues- coming to Jackson county. His beloved rate, has been wreatly reduced without Henry Eaton died at Medford yester­ i day. and esteemed wife passed away last May. doubt, and if the law suffers no more day. The funeral is tomorrow. serious infraction in the future than in John R. Stearns was up from Jose- Eight children were born to them, the GOLD HILL. County Clerk Gus Newbury and wife past eight days of prohibition it may Shine oounty last week visiting his chil- six living being John Robbins of Phoe­ the be regarded as quite successful. But have been visiting Saleur Born—To Mr and Mrs. Bert Darling. nix, Mrs. D. D. Good, Frank D. Robbins 11ST ALL BZEÒJLJSTOIEiES. ren. Jan. 19, 1901, a son. and S. P. Robbins of Ashland, Mrs. H. there is no assurance of permanency in The three understudies of the hypno ­ Mrs. Eldon Jennings and babe went to Ben Hay made a flying trip to Jack­ Medford yesterday to visit Mrs. Ranse H. Calhoun of Medford, Mrs. B. R. this regard as far as voluntary action of tist on leaving town Sunday evening got ASHLAND, Or.. Thursday, Jan. 24, 1901 Stevens of Little Shasta. Mr. Robbins the owners of liquors and the consumers about hall a dozen kid young ladies in tbe sonville Saturday. Rouse. was a man of strong convictions and of the article are concerned. As they yestjbnled platform of a tourist car and Mr, Wood of Ashland was in town TALENT. much force of character and has raised a become accustomed to the new orefer of Hobsonized them about three times Wednesday, Jan. 30, at opera house. ----- FIRST-CLAf-S WAGON WORK.------ several days last week. things and gradually work into each apiece. The kid girls took it like veter­ splendid family of fine children. Who? What? "The Star Boarder ” of Reno Goddard is having a siege of others confidence their mutual interests The funeral takes place at Phoenix to Miss Jessie Childers went to ans. course. Medford grippe. and desires may blend sufficiently to de- day. MI m Emma Coleman was here visiting on the 11 o’clock train Monday evening Mies Jennie Barnum returned this velope quite a business. Should this ■ friends Friday. Mr. Ashworth and Oscar Blackford of week from a business trip to the City of BORN. You will find W. Aitkin in con state of affairs come into existence May­ or Neil and the city administration will Mr. Robbins of Phoenix died last even­ Central Point were in Gold Hill Satur­ Mexico. nection with the D. B. Grant hard ­ day. without doubt enforce the ordinance ing at hu home. Go out and see "The Star Boarder” at ware store. which will bring on a contest before the MANLEY—In Ashland, Jan. 14, 1901, At a special school meeting held Mon­ opera bouse next Wednesday evening, Miss Annie Jeffrer of the normal was to Mr. and Mrs, J. Q, Manley, a son. Geo. L. Haff was here the first of the courts and juries. here visiting friend» Friday and Saturday. day Jan. 21, a ten mill tax was voted for Jan. 30. week to move tbe Scobie engine to tbe DBACH-r-In Ashland, Jan. 18,1901, to George West has purchased a place near, school purposes. John and Geo. Beavenue have returned rich mine owned by himself and J. J. SALEM. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Beach, a son. Grants Pats. Ha and family moved down Mr. and Mrs. Jo Owens of Hornbrook, to Jacksonville from Niagara, Linn Houck near Gold Hili, to be operated for The Salem Sentinel, McBride organ, COOK—In Missouri Flat, Jan. 18, 1901, to last week. arrived in Gold Hill Monday evening, re­ county, hoisting purposes. Mr. H»ff is a nephew works this “joeh” off on the Medford Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cook, a son. Mr. Davis and family of Jefferson, Ore., turning Wednesday. of Capt. Haff, the designer of the cele? politician t Doc. Keene says there are i _____________________ Newt. Gordon and C. E Hadley came have moved to this vicinity to make this brated English racing yacht Valkyrie. Co. Supt. of Schools P. H. Daily, came over from Yreka yesterday to sell a pat­ other things besides teeth to pull. their future home. DIED. down from Jacksonville Saturday even­ ent right. Mies Aileen Webber, who has been re­ Lege, for Instance. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Netherland left on ing, returning on tbe eleven o’clock covering from an attack of measles at her --------------------------- —------------------------ . ..J-------------------- Monday's train for their home in Winters, Jonathan Bourne is one of the man­ Chas. H. Pierce, the Medford lumber Cal., after a visit of several weeks with rel­ train. dealer, visited John W. Coleman the first home in Medford, returned to Ashland agers of Corbett’s senatorial campaign. DEMMER—In Medford, Jan. 19, 1901, Monday to resume her duties as instru­ atives here. Mrs. C. F. Young and her little son of the week. Mrs. Theresa Demmer, wife of John E. A. Swope is at the state houee in mental music teacher at the normal. Last Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, returned from Ashland Friday Demmer, of consumption, aged 31 Miss Maggie Barker of Albany, is visit ­ possession of the dark horse chances of B. M. Netherland, a happy event took where they have been visiting her moth­ It has now been considerably over a Ex-Speaker Carter’s prospects for thq yegra. ing the family of her brother, Conductor place, being tbe marriage of their son Frank er, Mrs. Hammond. year since young. McDaniel was con­ senatorship. She leaves a husband and several small Ben Barker. . snd Miss Aimed« Crosby, only near rela­ victed of killing a girl who formerly children. Geo. R. Hammersley has purchased tives and a few close friends being present. James Hallisy of the railroad carpen­ lived at Ashland, in Cycle Park at Port­ Deputy Internal Revenue* Collector They have begun house-keeping in the new the Gold Hill News plant and will con­ DANIELS—In Jose;>hine County, Jan. cottage Mr. Netherland hnd prepared for tinue to publish the paper in this town. ters now at Siskiyou, visited Ashland land, six months before, but the case has David F. Fox of Ashland arrived on the 15,1901. Mrs. Einmi G Daniels, friends Sunday. not yet gone to the supreme court. He scene of battle Sunday to join the "feder­ his bride. He has also purchased the Owens prop­ TRYER —At Medford, Jan. 14, 1901, of Pat Crowe, the alleged kidnapper of LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE A. A. Boyce of Gold Hill returned yes­ is at present couflned in the Multnomah al brigade” and strike for McBride’s re­ Seattle personals: erty west of the depot. typhoid pneumonia. Mildred, daughter of election. , county jail, fiddie Cudahy, is supposed to have terday from a two days visit with W. R. E. W and Lou. Tryer: aged 3 years. E. F. Rockfellow end family are located Revival meetings in the Methodist D. Allen in Ashland. Mrs. P. B. Whitney and daughter sailed from Vancouver, B. O., for Ori­ OF-------- Snail little pills as DeWitt’s Little Early hero, and are well pleased with their choice church that were to have commenced Risers are very easily taken, and they are Miss Louise, arrived from Ashlaud Fri­ ENGLEDOW—In Sams Valley, Jan. 14, ental ports recently. of a home. Miss Myrtle Hurst, who has been em ­ 1901, Mrs. T. 8. Engledow; aged 70 years. Sunday evening by Rev. J. C. Gregory, wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver day to remain during the legislative Bvery one hero thinks this is the coming have been postponed two weeks on ac­ ployed in Ashland, returned home to and bowels.—McN aib Baos. Manual Marquez was shot and killed session, Mrs. W. to visit with her sister SHONE—At Medford.Jan. 10,1901,Gordon, waitern oitv as its rapid strides forward is count of inclement weather and prevail­ Medford yeeterday. son of Mr, end Mrs. Jos Shone; aged 4 in Clifton, Ariz., by Ursula Martinez. W. N. Grubb and B. F. Reeser fin­ and Miss Whitney to act as clerk for the S close rival Cor San Francisco. years. ing colds. Marquez, in an intoxicated condition, W A.«Montgomery left Tuesday for ished taking stock and W. N. Grubb & joint senate and house committee ex­ Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Myer are residing his placer mines at Grouse creek 10 porting tbe books of the secretary of state. o- MILLER —Near Jacksonville, Jan. 19,1901, went to the home of the latter and offered Co. have succeeded Mr. Reeser. Notice Jo. Hammersley, who has been wrest­ here, finding thia a much more desirable of consumption, Will L. Miller; aged £0 indignities to Mrs. Martinez. Her hus­ She is an expert in figures and receives their ad. in this issue. ling with the mumps since his return miles from Colee. place to live than frigid, booming Alaska. yegr^ and 10 days. 17 per day. The securing of the appoint­ from eastirn Oregon, has recovered He band, viewing his strugling wife through Call and get my list of properties for sale M. E. Harris and E. N. Stone, stock­ M. F. Wight and wife are cosily settled Deston High has stored what remains ment is credited to the gallant yoqng a window, drew a revolver and emptied which includes all classes and kinds, and in their new home they have jnet built on left on Tuesday evening’s train for Salem, men of Gazelle, were registered at the of bis stock of liquor and fitted his place representative from Gold Hill, Hon. W. Western Avenue. Mrs. Wight’s sister. Mi-» where be goes to take a clerkship in the Ashland House Tuesday. Its contents into Marquez’ body. Each at prices to satisfy anyone. up and is unpacking and placing on his A. Carter. Belle Anderson, is with her spending the legislature. My loan department is well equipped and shelves a stock of tobaccos, cigars, cigar ­ bullet narrowly missed the frantic Mrs. Ganong and son of Oregon City* winter. Representative Stewart of Jackson I can handle money (or parties wishing to The A. O. U. W. of Gold Hill have visited her daughter, Mrs. Will L. Mil­ ette, etc., and will conduct a variety woman. Fora number of years Mr. and Mrs. H rented the vacant room in the school invest, to their advantage. store and billiard parlor and sell soft county, has introduced a bill to appro­ ler, at Jacksonville this week. F. Phillips have resided here. Mrs. priate $30,000 for the purpose of an Ore­ A special from Eufala, I. T., says: drinks. High was the first man to estab ­ house and will use it ( of a hall. They I represent tome of ths beet Firs Insur­ Woolen lives with her daughter, Mrs. Phi I- gon exhibit at the Pan-American Expo­ Misses Amy Wilson and Susie Cook Deputy Marshall Grant Johnson has ance in the country ana would lips and Is enjoying good health, although held their first meeting there Monday returned to Medford Tuesday from a vis­ lish a saloon in Ashland defeating the sition at Buffalo. temperance element someeighteen years brought the news that the disaffected evening, the same being a public instal ­ be pleased to write your property. Yon age la no respoctor of persons even in Seat it with Miss Carrie Cook in Ashland. ago and being in the business continu­ ,Dr. J. M. Keene of Medford is alwavs lation of officeis. Creek Indians, known as the "snake cannot afford to carry the risk yourself. 1 Us- _______________ _ baud” are up in arms and are raiding 8. P. Robbins, who is attending the ously ever since. He announces be does in evidence around the state house, Insure against accidents—they are alwaya Htops the Cough “The Star Boarder” next Wednesday, state normal at Chico, Cal., arrived yes­ not want a license expecting to retire 88 life and ten times as natural. the country, rifles in hand, whipping happening and the next may be Voyou. I from the saloon business as heretofore and works off the Cold. and maltreating peaceful Indians. John­ have tbe best and strongest company in "Speaking about shows and plays,” re­ terday to attend the funeral of hia father. carried on. Miss Nell DePeatt is operator for Laxative Bromo Qalnins Tablets cure a I son ran across a band of 50, headed tbe world. marked a commercial traveler to his Western Union in the state house, Stoves and ranges arriving at D. B. cold in one day. No Cure, no P*y Pay. Miss Olive Murray, a beautiful and companion in a smoking car, "I saw ‘ The by John Creek, near Proctor, armed to Grant ’ s haraware store. Price 25 cents. Crant Crary of Pelioan bay was SPECIAL BARGAINS. lovely young lady eighteen years of age, Star Boarder’ last night and it made me the teeth and were arresting some Miss Carrie George, the clever man­ passed away Tuesday at the home of her successful in securing a clerkship in the laugh all the evening. It is the fun­ ager of tbe Postal Telegraph offioe at Greeks of this part,of the country, whom New B room house with one acre of land CENTRAL POINT. niest farce comedy ever invented. I Medtord, visited Ashland friends yester­ parents, Mr and Mrs. 8. H. Murray, in regular panel.n-rh in a variety of fruit, one block from North they took to Hickory Ground, their Medford. Her aunt, Mrs. H. D. Fairclo should call it an easy ten to one winner. day. Prof. W. H. Hampton, the mining school bouse, $760.06 headquarters, and whipped. l)r. Cols, a first class physician, has Io- of this city attended the funeral which man of Leland, is here doing what he I don’t know what it was all about, nor oated hers. Six-room bouse on large lot with choice Mies Pearl Markham of Yaquina Bay, took place yesterday. Deceased was can for Corbett for senator and Poet- I didn’t care. I was looking for atnse- The window glass trust has raised fruit; good barn; Mechanic Mt. >750.06. Fred Downing of Grants Pass was in tha inent and got all that was coming to me is here to spend the winter for her health most highly esteemed and loved by all master C. E. Harmon of Grants Pass is prices of its products 20 per cent. Citv Tuesday, last. in one evening and my money’s worth.” with the family of Chas. A. Miller, tbe who knew her. on the ground for the otljer faction. Fine house snd grounds adjoining North Fred Alexander, a negro, was burned school grounds, for sale at a bargain; ns Chas. Gay of Portland, is visiting his par­ "Any pretty girls in the show,” asked merchant. Roseburg Review, 22d: Ex-Sheriff Conductor James M. Hansbrough is ents, Mr. and Mrs, Gay of this place. to a stake by a mob at Leavenworth, reasouaale offer refused. one of the boys. Attorney J. W. Hamakar of Klamath J. E. Pelton of Ashland is in the city- t with the legislature in tbe interest of "Plenty of them. They are petite Falls was on yesterday’s train from J. W. Ingram and Winfield Houston, Kas., some days ago. Alexander had ♦ * Hon. A- N. Soliss, of Jackson­ legislation favorable to the railroad em­ Main St., near Bridge. miners of Willow bprings, started up their blondes and brunettes, who sing, dance Portland and Salem to San Francisco on ville, was a guest at tbe McCallen Houee assaulted a young white woman and ployes. His wife accompanies him. hydraulic last Friday. A8ALAND, ORE and make fun while on the stage. While a business trip. last night. was strongly suspected of having mur­ Miss Laura Jones, formerly editor of Frank Jeffers has returned to this place they form a magnetic feature they are dered Pearl Forbes last November. Carroll Pratt and W. Y. Crowson, two the Drain Watchman, is patiently wait­ after an abseuse of several years, being ab­ not the ‘whole show.’ There’s some­ ing for additional clerkships to be cre­ By the breaking of a car truck of a sent most of the time in tbe Philippines, a thing doing for other members of the of the Southern Pacific’s warmest, left musiciau in a brass baud. ated in order to secure a promised posi­ company The various specialties, ‘gags,’ yesterday for a tour of California, going passenger train on the Union Pacific tion, Mrs. A. S. Jacobs has received the sad songs, are all original and up to the as far as Los Angeles. railroad several cars were detached news of tne death of her youngest brother. times. The performance creates contin­ Father W. H. Hickey a as called to near Hilliard, Wyo. Thirteen people Hon. R. S. Sheridan, chairman of the Isaac Gage, about 70 years old. Deceased uous laughter, and I think that demon­ Murphy’s, seven miles from town, today democratic state central committee, is were injured. was a life resident of Chautauqua county, strates that is what playgoers want, as to visit Mrs. John Murphy, a pioneer here advising with the opposition mem­ N. Y. A shooting scrape at Corbin, Ky., be­ well as proves that the farce is a big hit. lady, who is very low. bers. H. BOIVIN, Manager. Bev. Mr Adams of Corvallis, is holding Go and see it the first chance you get tween James Shotwell and Rollis White evening tuee'ings in tbe Baptist church, in and have a good time with yourself.” J. H. Briggs, the aesayer and mining The first vote for United States sena­ brought on a riot between factions there the interest of the Church of God. He says At opera bouse, Ashland, Wednesday, expert, left Monday on a business trip of tor Monday stood as fallows i Senate.— in which several people were killed. COR. MAIN AND CHURCH 8TREET he is not a Seventh or First Day Adventist, McQride, IQ; Corbett, 8; Hermann, 2; some length to Helena, Montana and at Jan. 30. Most of the dead are victims of the but don't deny being a S >ul bleeper T-C- Taylor, 1; G. H. Williams, 1; C. his home in Minnesota. Ashland, Oregon. blowing up of a building. The Grand Army Post of this place in­ W. Fulton, 1; Wm. Smith, fus.,5. Not Beneflt Dinner [Successors to B. F. Reestjr.l Big reductions in prices on ladies dress stalled the following officers last Friday, voting, 1. Absent, 1. Total, 30. House— During the year 1900 Great Britain Jan 19: John Wright, Vice Commander; And evening entertainment (musical) at skirts, jackets and capes, wrappers, fur ------- DEALERS IN------- Corbett, 20; Smith, 20; Hermaun, 6; ranked fourth in the construction of James Evans. Junior Vice Commander. I. Granite hall, Friday, Jan. 25. Tbe ladies collarettes and mackintoshes at Vaupel, Shop is now open. McBride, 9; Fulton 1; F. A. Moore, 1; W. Gibson Quarter Master; Wm. Bydow. of the various churches, and all friends Norris & Drake’s. Williams, 1; M. C. George, 1; Absent, 1; GENERAL HARDWARE, naval vessels. Nothing but First - Class Chaplain; '-»eo Perkins. Officer of tbe Day; willing to assist, will give a chicken din­ James A. Mount died very suddenly Total, 60. The three leading republi- Mra. Frank Shideler arrived from her Job Pankey, Officer of the Guard S. M. ner, and evening entertainment with STOVES AND TINWARE. | cans standing on the joint vote, Corbett, at Indianapolis, Ind., a few days ago. Work turned out. Nealon, Commander-elect, was not presen t lunch, tomorrow ("Friday) noon and home at Los Angeles yesterday to visit owing to sickness. The Ladies Relief Corps her mother, Mrs. W. B. Colton, who is i 28: McBride, 19; Hermann, 8- Neces ­ He had just finished serving the state Shelf Hardware, Tools, Callery, Ek., Etc. prepared a sumptuous menu for the occa­ evening, for the benefit of Mra. Anna i in a precarious condition. sary to choice, 46, as governor, retiring from the office but Elelhoff. Dinner 25c; admission for sion. ____________ Racycle Bicycles. The entire Jackson county delegation two days prior to his death. evening 10c, including lnnch. Come all. Next Wednesday evening, Jan. 30th, . voted for Corbett, being the only votes "The Star Boarder” will take his seat at PICTURES! Dr. Boyar lectured in tbe Chautauqua By order of committee. W. A. Clark, the Montana million­ - - OREGON. Corbett received out of the entire tier of ASHLAND, the opera house bill of-fare. Come and tabernacle the 16th on "Crossing the PICTURE FRAMES! aire, has been elected United States southern Oregon counties. Emmett of Century Line.” Notwithstanding the Our 25 per cent discount sale on mens, dine with him. He is rich. senator from Montana. Sold under guar- Klamath voted for McBride, Colvig of show at the opera house there was a boys and children’s clothing continues Engineer and Mrs. J. Franzen re­ Josephine for Hermann and Joint Sena­ I Choice house of some 300. Mr. Boyer is until Feb. 1st.—Vaupel, Norris & Drake turned home Tuesday from the sad mis­ MOLDINGS tor R. A. Booth of Josephine for Mc­ a first class orator. Tbe thought and in­ antee by CABINET WORK Sachs Bros. A Co. of San Francisco, sion of burying his aged and vernerable Bride, spiration wm good and the word paint­ mother who died at Spokane, Wash. UPHOLSTERING ing "a torrent of diamonds swiftly flow­ the principal members of which firm got The Evening Telegram of Tuesday GENERAL REPAIRING their start in Jacksonville, have been ing down a rapidly descending stream J. W. Gilmore passed through from contains a picture from life by its car­ OF FURNITURE TO DEBTORS with here and there a declivity by which victimized by their confidential book California to West Fork Saturday. Mrs. toonist of Henry E. Ankeny and calls their brilliancy was most exquisitely dis­ keeper in New York, who committed for- W. Stopped off until Tuesday and visit­ him a probable candidate for United played’’ as one listener puts it. He is an ¥sries of checks aggregating $100,000. ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gil­ States Senator. All Parties knowing themeelves he culprit escaped to Europe, but was optimist and firmly believes ^n crossing more, near the normal school. f AT THE indebted to tbe undersigned are j J C. Whippof Jacksonville has been arrested after he was a few days on his A over into a better century for everybody. ASHLAND Henry Haneen of Medford, paid this earnestly requested to call and doing the legislature, way. TELEPONE 167 I He was enthusiastically applauded. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. office a pleasant visit while in Ashland aettle their accounts IMMEDI­ New furniture, sewing machines and Monday on business. He was accom­ ; W. J. Plymale, of Jacksonville, who ATELY, as I need tbe money to possesses first class clerical ability, is bicycles at Hooker’s. Subscribe for tbe V allxy R ecord . GOODS DELI VEtySD panied by a new comer friend, Mr. engage in the Banking Business chief clerk of an important senate com ­ That funny farce comedy, in Ashland. Brown and Z. P. Webster of Talent. mittee. Miller A Bartges have on another cut All the local politicians in the state rate sale in order to clean out their stock seem to be camped here and the legisla- Sreparatory for tbe spring line of goods, ture and its much larger retinue break I lotice their new ad. in this issue. for Portland Thursdays, returning in KEEP YOUR EYE H. Boivin and family moved into time for opening Monday. The obser­ their fine new residence on Third street vance of the Kuykendall law abolishing Headed by Charles H. Boyle and OPPOSITE PLAZA. this week. It is the handsomest new the former clerkship nuisance has re a big compsuv of funny domicile in that neighborhood and a suited in the appointment of people to people. very pretty home. clerkships who are nearly all competent J. W. COX, Proprietor. to perform that kind of work. It is ex­ New songs and medleva, Call on Vaupel, Norris A Drake and MRS. AUGUSTA GABBU8H, P rop ’ s . pected that the law will be somewhat Pretty dances, examine their offerings in bargains. Lacey Building, 4th St., near Depot. Try Our Ban. Ki. Pore Sauce, abused by the appointment of many A host of chsrming girls, Some fine investments await you. u •I A First-Class joint committees with the power to em­ A nnrnper of bright specialties. Fine line of Canned Goods, Sam McNair, a brother of Syd. McNair ..Meal For ploy clerks, but up to the present the Tables supplied with all tbe delicacies the 44 ♦I •' Canned Milk, tbe druggist, arrived in Ashland last market affords, cooked and served clerkship plague as a confirmed pest 22—Clever Entertainers—22 Anything yon want cooked « Egg Noodles, in a First-Class manner. week from the home of the McNairs at seems to have been checked. to order with promptness 41 Sale on g -?H0"E ™— HILLER & BARTGES. 20 Per Cent Off ON LADIES’ WRAPS ¡ TRIMBLE & CO •I GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING VALLEY RECORD. Plow Work and Horse-shoeing a Specialty ASHLAND MEAT CO • •* General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Oregon. Ashland, GEO. W. TREFREN . . . ASHLAND TINNING & PLUMBING CO. J W. R. GRUBB & CO. 25 Cents. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY STANLEY DRUG CO. Settle Up Notice WEDNESDAY, January 30, ÇR/WT, E. A. Sherwin. Boarding : House On This Space I .... aud Chop House and Restaurant. QçnçraJ |4ard>A/are 25-Cents. and Plumbing ___ _ Give Me a Call FOR SALE. E. C. SHERMAN, S GRANT, Hafea MERCANTILE <£> Hsbland