KA ¡Having a Great Kun Cbam-i OU I ears berlalu’s Cough Remedy mothers have been giving then Manater Martin, of the Pierson drug uhiltimri for cretin coticrh*« snri us that lie .s having a great aniiarcn ior croup, cougns ana , store, n «o informs n Cbambt!rlain .a Ccugh Remedy. • ■ •aid Mr. Manyply, oracularly, what’s the idea of it?” “Economy,” struck in Jenny, proud­ ly. “Wa are saving now, Mr. Many­ The People’s Paper. ply. We mean to have a home for our little Charley—a garden full of roses .aaww».«..« ____________ MUHA , He sells five bottles of _______ that _________________ medicine to > ! one of any other kind, and it gives great ASHLAND. Or., Thursday, Jan. 17, 1901 <4ri O HE'S gone at last, haehe?”sa I and pinks «nd strawberries one of ¡ satisfaction. In these days of la grippe I these day«.” N my wife, with a little elevaU there is nothing like Chamberlain’s! “And a very laudible ambition," of her pretty eyebrows. “ I began Joseph Preston, a book-keeper of San Cough Remedy to etop tbe cough, Leal «aid Mr. Manyply, in that smooth, oily think he was somewhat gifted with ii up tbe sore throat and lungs and give Francisco was found dead in his home way ef his. “How much would such I mortality.” relief within a very short time. The a few days ago. He had committed “Dead at last,” said I. “And what | a place cost- now?” sales are growing, and ail who try it are suicide. "Charley thinks if we waited for youthink, Jenny? He has left us a hu | pleased with its prompt action.—South a bargain we could secure it for about Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by ! J. H. Wildes, who for 40 years has dred dollars." other»—have yas S hiloh in M c N air B ros . been chief draughtsman in the office of $7,000,” Jenny answered, promptly. “A hundred dollars!” echoed my wif the surveyor-general of California, "Buy it now, then,” said Mr. Many­ khe house at all times? Do A oonstitnuou for the new republic i died at his .home in Oakland a few clasping her hands together. ply. “Hers’s a check for $8,000." Cu know just where you can • of Cuba will soon be adopted. Charlee—a hundred dollars!” “Eh?” cried I, breathlessly. ' days ago. Now all this may sound like a tw d it if you need it quickly— j "A check,” ths old lawyer went on, E. S. Bielenburg, one of British Co­ pence-half-penny sort of affair to son j Henry Detagues, residing at South if your little one is gasping of my readers, as I am very well awar j "signed by your uncle Manson, pay­ T f Suu Fraucisco, wliüe ou a huutiug trip lumbia’s most prominent pioneers died able to ths order of his niece, Jane And choking with croup? 11 I' ! near May ûeld, received the full charge of pneumonia some days ago at Green­ But as I am only a clerk on a salary Anne Evarts. Ah! you may well look wood. $900 a year —a hundred dollars driftin i (ou haveat it get a bottle, of a shotgun iu his left arm, just above When threatened with pneumonia or any as it were, out of the sky, seemed a vet j astonished. He was an eceeentric old elbow. He was riding in a cart, t will save your child’s life. the chap, this uncle of yours, Mrs. Evarts when the gun accidentally weut off. other lung trouble, prompt relief; is neces­ neat little sum to me. sary, as it is dangerous to delay. We __ and I have his written instructions baby of croup, Jenny and I were both young peopl Amputation was nacessary. Delagaas would suggest! that One Minute Cough not bt without it.’’ to keep an eye on the manner in Cure be taken as soon as indications of hav­ just beginning the world, with, no pa , Kuauvill«, AU. will probably die. which you invested that $100 bequest ing taken cold are'noticed. It cures quick­ tdcular riches, except one apple-cheeks j» Car« is «old by all The supreme court has refused to ia- ly and its early use' prevents consumption.— of his. ’If it is squandered in any XM, AI M S boltte- A baby. I walked to and from buaine tarfer with the case of Dr. J. E. Rodtey M c N air B ros «Ms WUto «vsv bottle every day to save the 20-centa fare | foolish way, he writes, ‘there is an tfi y«ar ArusmUI •f Chico, who is under sentence to 12 end of ths matter. ‘Put my money all General Batchelder, former quarter­ We did our best to make both ends me years’ imprisonment for perjury is con­ master of the army, died at his home in the hospital for hunchbacks. If —and a tight pull we found it. nection with the bogus will of Alfred in Washington a few days ago. Old Uncle Mosee Manson was morta | they show any disposition to save help them along with this check for $8,000, The naval board is opposed to build­ ly offended when his niece, Jenny Cli I to be expended only in the purchase I Fuller. ford, chose to marry me instead of ing more submarine boats until the of real estate.’ I congratulate you.” r worth of the Holland boats is better weazened, bespectacled old contemp< This is how we became possessed of rary of his own. He had never spoke established. ourlittle country home, where Charley As the windup of a spree of several to her since, and we naturally entei | thrives like a growing flower and weeks at Yuma, Ariz., Thomas Cannon tained no very exalted hopes of an Jenny flits about in a broad-brimmed dragged Hugh McGuire around a room testamentary recollections on his par gardening hat. trimming roses, prun- stabbing him repeatedly with a long And the $100 bill, therefore, poasesse I ing gooseberries and planting lily I the charm of an agreeable surprise int t bladed knife. McGuire died from his I bulbs. And the $100 bill still lies un­ The blood may be in bad condition, wounds and Cannon is in jail. the bargain. A bbi V a D oabt T imi B cxkdülm . in the savings bank. “Charles,” said Jenny, under breath I touched yet with no external signs, no skin “It shall be Charley’s fortune,” says Guns have been landed from British “what shall we do with it?” Eruption or sores to indicate' It. The battleships to protect Cape Town *n to “That is the very question," said L j my wife. “It would be a shame VkissgQ. Balt Lake. Denver. Ft. 4 p. m. symptoms in such cases being a variable case of an uprising there. The situ­ touch it after it has wrought us so Worth,Omaha, Kan­ Portland “ Do you know, Jenny — “ »ppetite, poor digestion, an indescribable ation is considered very ssrious. I much good.”—Philadelphia Item. ias City, St Louis. Special I hesitated a little here. j Chicago and East. weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh 8:15 «. m. Buck Powell was shot and hUlod by “Yes?" she responded, interroga Old People Made Young End a general run-down condition of the Dave Allen at Fairview, Ari«. They tivsly. ’ J. C. Sherman, Shermgn, the veteran” editor of lystem — clearly showing the blood has had ordered drinks in a saloon and “Every feDow in the bank, exoept ms, At lande bait Lake. Denver.Ft. S ;40 a. m. e Vermontville (Mich ) Echo, has lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin Worth,Omaha. Kan­ Ex press while waiting Powell drew a knife to has a gold watch. I’vs been ashamed icovered the remarkable secret of keep ta« City, St. Louis, • :(W p. m and watery. It is in just such cases that trim his finger nails. ‘‘No man can of this obd silver concern more than ig old people young. For rears he has Chicago and Beat. Via Hun- S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and draw a knife on me,” declared Allen, ones. And Seymour ha« a very nics voided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In- tingtoH igestion, Heart trouble, Constipation most effective work by building up the and he quickly drew a six-shooter and secondhand one for sals that he will nd Rheumatism, by using Electric Bit- sent several bullets through Powell ’ s let me have for $90 if — " blood and supplying the elements lacking re, and be writesIt can’ daily trains , fast time ; servici as you choose. Only, Uncle Moses was ity and vigor. universal remedy for tbatl disease. M AMD BURNKHA UNSQUALÏD. my relative.” V. Fisher of Liberty W. V»., onlv re There is no alcohol “And the money was Left to me, Mrs. contained in " Golden peats what has been said around th* Medical Discovery,” ¿lobe when he writes; ‘‘I have need Everts,” said I. Ticket* to points Bast via Portland and ths G RE AT NORTHERN RY . on sale a: Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my “O, Charles,” said shs, “how can you and it is absolutely free from opium, Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, cocaine and all other narcotics. family for several years and always will speak to me so?” GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office perfect succees. We believe that it ie " I feel it luy duty to write to you of the won­ “Because I’m a brute, Jenny,” said L derful curative powers of your * Golden Med­ not onlv tbe best cough remedy, but 268 Alorrifion Street ical Diacovery? * writes George S Henderson, that it is a sure cure for croup. It ha- fairly melted. “Forgive me, and we’ll Esq., of Denaud, Lee Co., Florida. "I had a PORTLAND. saved tbe lives ni our children a numbei fling the old. hundred-dollar bill into bad bruise on my right ear and my blood was the fire before we’ll let it scatter ihe badly out of order, I tried local doctor», but of times." This remedy^is for sale bi with no good results. Finally I wrote you the Fur Rates. Folders, and Full informa seeds of division between us.” M c N air particulars in my case and you advised your tion regarding Eastern Trip call un or ad­ “No, Charley, don’t do that,” said ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ which I began to dress Heavy snowstorms prevailed through- take. From the firet bottle I began to feet Jenny, laughing through her tears. better, A. B. C. DENNISTON, and when I had taken eight bottles the •ut Oregon and Washington last week. “Let’s—put it in the savings bank.” •ore was healed up. I wish you success." City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portlacd Corona is =oon to vote on the question “Agreed,” said I. “And apropos of Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical I of putting in storm drains and culveres, savings banks, did I tell you about Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on l at a cost of $100,000. receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ” i Marin Valley, Marin county, has Greene? expense of mailing only. Address Dr. “No. What about Greene?” adopted a high license ordinance, com­ “Why, he and his wife have just R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. pelling the saloons there to close. A moved into the prettiest little gothic license there costs $750 a year. cottage you ever saw, just the other Clinton A. Withan, aged 80 married, side of the HaTlem bridge, with a lawn RATI WJX Y was killed in an accident at La Flesch and garden, and space to keep a little : mine, near Hornbrook, Shasta county. Alderney cow.” TM« Cbronlcl« Building, 1 His family reside in Angel’s camp, “Rented it?” “No; bought it.” ?HE DAILY 1 Cabi veras couiity. “Why, Charle, how can that Pepsin preparations often fail to reliev< indigestion because they can digest only al Greene has only 200 or 300 a year Sly Mail, Posta»« Paid, b'iiue>ious fouds. There is one preparation more than you, and it takes money to 'hat digests all classes of food, and that i: buy places in the country. Kodol Dyspe sia Cure It cures the wors “All savings banks, my dear,” Eaid cases Of indigestion and gives instant re lief, for it digests what you eat.— M c N air I. “Greene tells me that he and his I B ros . Pullman wife have been saving up for years, with special reference to this country The minister of agriculture, Dr. Mar ­ Sleeping Cars home for their children. They com­ tin Gracia Merou of Argentina, in his menced with a 50-cent piece.” Elegant annual report intimates that there will “We ean do better than that!” said I be 1,700,000 tons of wheat available for Dining Cars ! exporr this season. He says also that Jenny, with sparkling eyes. “And I’ll fora ticket East you naturally and ven do without the silk dress.” 1 the corn crop is good. properlv want to go over the route that wii Tourist “And 1’11 make the old overcoat last give you the very best accommodations ai The British Columbia soldiers who Sleeping Cars another season, at the very least,” I the lowest possible rate H ence, you should a tai served in the Canadian regiment in the ask vour ticket agent to make your ticket added. read via the South African war reached home last (including poata»e) to *“1 part ot th. United S t . PAUL The next morning, bright and early, Btetea Canada and Mexico. week. They were given an immense as soon as business hours would per­ MINNEAPOLIS THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. Ute brighten welcome and the city of Vancouver and most complite Weekly Newspaper In tb. mit, I went and depositeu the hun­ DULUTH wotld, print, regularly 84 columns, or tw.lv« presented a gold watch to each soldier dred dollars in the nearest saving« pa»«.,af N.ws, Literature and Geoeral luforin» ! from that city. bank. FARGO H od : alw a magnificent Agricultural Department. Such Ihtle pills as DeWitt's Little Earlv A week afterward Mr. Manyply TO GRAND FORKS SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. : Risers are very easily taken, and they are Mr. | wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver dropped in, in a friendly way. s, ------------ ,j CROOKSTON and bowels,— M c N aib B ros . Manyply is the lawyer who transacted DO you want the Governor Tanner of IHinais, granted Uncle Moses Manson's financial af­ WINNIPEG fairs—a plump, bald-headed, deep­ a commutation of sentence to fiiue HELENA and voiced old gentleman, who always months in the oaae of George I/. Ma­ BUITE Our popular personally conducted tourist dresses in spotless black and wears a excursions in modern I’uilman tourist gill, convicted in Chicago in April last big seal ring on the little finger of his sleeping cars leave Ashland every Tuesday of receiving deposits in his bamk after left hand. morning and Friday morning via Sacra­ I it was insolvent and sentenced to Joliet “So.” said Mr. Manyply, “you’ve in­ mento, and every Tuesday morning and prison under the indeterminate sent- TO Friday evening via Portland, and run SHOW ® ence law. The petition for executive vested that $100, have you?” CHICAGO through to Chicago without change via tbe “Yes,” said I, with the complacent world’s most scenic line, connecting at Chi- The United States, Dominion oi clemeucy was signed by some of the WASHINGTON air of one who has an account in cago with all morning trains East, also with i leading men of Chicago, among them n , j it .I u PHILADELPHIA Rock Island Personally Conducted tou­ Uanada ana N ortnern Mexioo I , beiug beiug Lyman Lyman J. J. Gage. Gage. Magill Magill was bank. “But how did you know it?” tbs rist car for Boston. These tourist sleeping NEW YORK ON ONE SIDE, “ O, I know a good many thirgs." pi evident of a savings bank in Chicago car8 are broad vestibuled, lighted with Aid th« BOSTON AND ALL Pintch Gas and provided with all weekly • which hod made some bad loans and illustrated periodicals and magazines for the POINTS EAST and SOUTH failed. His violations of the law seemed free use of our patrons, and are accompa­ j to have been the result of ignorance. nied through to destinalion by a represen­ Through tickets to Jinan and China, via ON THE OTHER 8IDK. tative of the Great R«>ck Island Route We ThD seasnn there is a large death rate Taootua and Nor tarn Pacific titssmshiu also have a daily first-class sleeping car For Infanta and Children. So. fiend 93 and Get the Map and among children from croup and lunztroub- service to Chicago via the Scenic Line, and Weekly CTtronicle for One Year, i tes Prompt action will save the little ones For information, Ums cards, map and the best dining car service m the world. I from these terrible diseases. We know of tickets, call on or writs postage prepaid on Map and Papor. nothing so cert»in to give instant relief a- For full information, maps, etc., call on One Minute Couth Cure. It can also be or write to A. K. COOPER. A. n. CHARLTON. address —— Bears the General Agent, relied upon in grippe and all throat snil M. EC. de YOUNO, Assistant Gsnsral Passenger Agent, or, D. L. Etca. Portland, Ore. lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. liignaturo oi Agent 8. P. Co., Ashland, Ore. —McNaia Bxos. FUBTl/AjrD, CKWVN. VALLEÏ RECORD. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES, :: Tbeir Hundred Dollar Bill Ta* NEW QRAPHOPHONE A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over tbe Union aa the Great Railway running the PIONEER LIMITED' 'DENVER« RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. NORTHWEST E ast TO ALL KMNTS B. G FKNDL G omta I A»«,-# THE J. W. CASEY, Trav. Paas. Agt., 5 C. J. EDDY, General Agt., P ort lam d , O b Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Con­ tains nearly 100 fuli-page engravings of our Savior and Hie Mother by tbe world’s greatest painters, True copies of tbs greatest Masterpieces in tbe art galleries of Europe. Every picture is as beautiful as a sunrise over tbe hilltops. Contains description of tbe paintings, bicgrsphy ef the painters, tbe names and locations of tbe galleries in Europe where tbe origi« nala may be seen. Also contains a Child’s Department, including a Child’s Story of the Christ and Hie Mother, beau­ tifully written, to fit each picture. This wonderful book, matcbleas in its purity and beauty, appeals to every mother’s heart, and in every Christian home where there are children the book sells itself, Christian men and women are making money rapidly taking orders. A Chris­ tian man or woman can in this commun­ ity aoen make $1,000 taking orders for Christmas presents. Mrs. Waite, our agent in Massachusetts, has sold over $3,000 worth of the books in a very short time. Mrs. Sackett, onr agent in Now York, has sold over $1,500 worth of the books in a very short time. Tbe book is printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti­ fully bound in Cardinal Red and Child, and adorned with Golden Roaea ana Lillies. It is, without doubt, the most beautiful book of this century. Write for rose4 quickly «ad fret IDtf ZUMDijO" ment of that territory. You can work on salary or commission, and when yen prove your success we will promote you to tbe position of Manager and Correa« pondent, at a permanent salary, ta de rote your time to attendiog to agentsand tbe correspondence. Wanted also a State Manager to have charge of office in lead« ing city of the state and manage all tbe business of tbe state. Send for ter ma. Address— THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS ts the one important magazine in the world giving tn Its pictures, Its text, in Its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a comprehensive, timely record of the world’s current history. Not the enumeration of mere bars facts, but a comprehensive picture of the month, its activities, Us notable personalities, and notable utterances. The best informed men and women tn the world find it indispensable. There are many readers la your locality who have yet to learn of its usefulness. We wish to establish active agents in ever^ city and township tn the country. We will pay liberally for ener­ getic effort in the subscription field. Leisure moments can be utilized with substantial increase of income. Make » list of the persons in your locality who should have the " Review of Reviews," and send to us for agent’s terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person with a subscription proposition for the u Review of Reviews," and consequently orders are easily secured. This is the active subscrip­ tion season. Make application at once, naming your references. Price, 25 cents a nvimber. $2.50 m year. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY. 13 Astor Place,) ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via The.... Northwestern Line! New York City. THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO.» Corcoran Building, Opposite U. 8. Treasury, Washington, D. C. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beBt service obtain­ able so far as speed, comiort and safety is concerned. Employees of the Wis ----- THE—- consin C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, so as to make close connection with MINNEAPOLIS and diverging lines at all junction points. OMAHA RAILWAYS. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Thia la tbe Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. GREAT SHORT LINE In order to obtain thia first-class service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over................... Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO The Wisconsin Central Lines And All Points East and South. and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and Tbeir Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- all points East. tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car For any further information call on any Trains and Motto; ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, General Pass. Agent, “ALWAYS ON TIME” or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukei , General Agent, W ibcomsim , 240 Stark Street, Have given this road a national repute P ortlanp . O regon . tion. All claeses of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extre charge. Ship your freight aud travel 50 YEAR8* over this famous line. All agente Lave EXPERIENCE tickets. W. H. MEAD, (Sa®. General Agent, 243 Washington St., 1 J J L j W. 0. S avage , Portland, Oregon ~ / À W ■ 3 a I Traveling F.& P. Agent, i ■ "i k ■ j Portland. Oregon. _ T rade LIPPINCOTTS A F amily L ibrary The Best in Current Literature Scientific American. MAGAZINE 4 12 C omplete N ovel « Y early MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $1.50 'vnvv1 _ _ marks D esigns C opyrights A c . Anyone «ending a «ketch and description may aolckly Moenain our opinion free whether an ivention 1« probably patentable. Cotnmunlca tlonectrlctly confidential. Handbook on Patent, ■ent free. Oldeat aaency for ^curing patent» Patent, taken through Munn A Co. receive «pectal notice without charge, in the MONTHLY When You Fay Your Good Money A lumdaomely lllu«trated weekly. Lareeet dr- cnlatlon of any scientific journal. Term.. S3 . year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers $2.60 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIESn EVERY NUMDtn COMPLETE IN ITSELF GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE A FREE PATTERN a (your own selection) to every sub- a scriber. Only 50 cents a year. a visit DR. JORDAN’S great What Shall We Do to be Saved ROM THE HELLS that Plutocracy is preparing for us? Send twenty« five cents in coin nr postage stampa for a copy of “Regeneration of Society" and three other pamphlets that give ra­ tional answers to the above question,and at the same time receive a Free Trial Subscription for Thirteen weeks of "Lu. cifer, the Light Bearer," a radical, wide­ awake, fearless, up-to date, eight-paga weeklv journal. Address THÈ LIGHT-BEARER PUB. CO., 500 Fulton St., Chicago, U. 8. A. F Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food ana aids Nature la strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It lathe latest discovered digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­ stantly relieves and permanently curas Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Mausu, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large uke contains 8K times small size. Book all about dyspepsia s m il ed toes Prepared by E. C. DsWITT a CO, EUGENE A. ¡SHERWIN +-M-+4-+4-*+++++<-F-h*+4-+++4-++-» ♦. < > ^YEARLY to Christian man or woman to look < > • ► after our growing business in this ■ > and adjoining Con tides; to act as • > Manager and Correspondent ; work • > can be done at yonr home. Enclose ■> self-addressed, stamped envelops for particulars’to H. A. Sherman, • > General Manager, Corcoran Baild- < > ing, opposite United States Treas­ ury, Washington, D. C. ++++ S++++++4-+4-++-1-+4-+-I-4-++- $900 I HUSEIIK OF« IBATOKY 1051 BlKIETtfL.lHFUKIWe.ClL. The Largest Anatomical Museum in the World, weaknesses or any contracted disease positively c«*red by the oldest bpedalist on tbe Coast. EsL 36 years. Reversible Map? The Kind You Have Always Bought Of a verity equaled by no other lins. See that your ticket, reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in tbe United States or Canada, Al. ticket agents sell them. The Light of tlie World, of O b » Saviour in Art. Onîy$6.70aYearJ CASTOR IA Steam Heat, S battlb , W ash . U Map of the World DENVER. COLO Electric Lights, . For rates, pamphlets or other ink!« tuition, address, Great THROUGH TICKETZ S. K. HOOPER, G. P. A T. A Ml WULnywo St. PORTLAND. O?i. J^ORTHERN PACIFIC chronicle : Trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect trains in ths world." Understand: Connections are made with AH Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passengers the best service ( known. Luxurious Coaches, CIFIC OUST The Greatest Weekly in tbe Comtry, MILWAUKEE” COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept 135. San Francisco Address, 125 GearvSt Gymnastics The Weekly Chronicle THE Th« plMiur« In owalag * OraahuakoaaBlaeaaly lasnaMd bj bains ablato ntaka and raproduaa your own records. Waturnlab «da maeblAawflfüeardar for 67.S0,n>ikklus It tbacbaawmlracordlnx and r« producing talking naehln« ft-e-* Qraatbopb.tnaa at every description. Call or write. CHRONICLE S KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE, NO. S3, Knights oi Fythiss, Ashland, Oregon, meets svsry Monday evening. Visiting Knights ingood Standing are cordially invited to attend. L, E. BENDER, Chancellor Oom. T. H. B imfsom .K. R.8. MAKE YOUR OWE RECORDS Symptoms. N Mas. M alvina F bbousom , Pres. M m . M. J. Spencer, Sec’y. A straggly cewtractsd Graph- •phone, with simple mechan­ ism, made to meet the de­ mand for a first-class talking machine, at a low REPRODUCKS SAMI RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. WK. No Externa! R Meets in Odd Fellows hall at S o'clock p m on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. MOT A TOY. onsumption Siure GO EAST W. R. C. ltTBMSIDB BXLIBF CORPS BO. 94 OR. JOROAfi—DISEASES OF MEN . KVraiLia thoroughly eradicated iron, system without the use of Hsroary Tmsaea fitted by as Expert. B auliw eml core fcr Uaptare. A quick and radical cure for Pile«« Fisewre and Fistaxla»« by Dr. Jordan’s special pain­ less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per­ sonally « by letter. A P owml ’« Cure m every case undertaken. Write for Book. »■!!«••• WT «f ■ iBHlAGE, MAILED FRBB. (S valuable book for men.) Call or write A LADIES* MAQAZ1NE. A gem; beautiful colored plate«; latest fashion« ; dressmaking economies ; fancy work , household hints ; Gction, etc. Sub­ scribe to-day, or, send tt. for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Se^ for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date. Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. PATENTS Qniskly seearsd. OHB FEB DWn*“ 0BTBDTBD. Send modal, sk«Uh description for free report m to patontoUllty. ÄAMD-B00B FBZZ. OntoiM rcferosM information. WBITB FOB 00FT OF 0VB 0PFBB. It U the moot liberal proportion evi s pntent Attorney, and EVKBY uTXXTOB IUD IT before applyinf for jxtoaL FMSCALUffo I H.B.WILLSON&CO. Ä BAZAR. raæfiB I D. C. Valley Record I P atterhsw I Job Printing Up-to-Date THE McCALL co ., at Record Office Job Printing DR. JORDAN & CO-. 1081 Marfcst St*. 8. F. PATENT LAWYER«, teOnHSUs. WASHINGTON, (No-Seaai.Ailowanc« Patterns.) Only io and 15 et». «acb—non« high«, A«k for them. Sold in nearly «very city and town, or by mail from 1 58-146 Wsst util St.. New York. W