t Shiloh's Consumption Cure tures coughs and colds at We don't mean that it relieve* you for a little while —it ww. It ha* been doing thia for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you give it a chance. Having a Great Run on Cbam- berlaln’a Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of tbe Pieram drug store, informs us that he is having a great run on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to stop tbe cough, Leal np tbe sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very abort time, Tbe a«I ps are growing, and all who try it are pleased with its prompt action—South Chicago Daily Calumet. For saie by M c N aib B bos . Judge Winchester of the district court has issued warrants for the arrests of G. E. Patterson, mayor of Bismark, N. D., on a charge of operating a gam­ bling-house. Mayor Patterson was out of the city when the warrants were is­ sued, but a seizure was made by Sheriff Bogue of a roulette table and outfit. It UI have raMÍvvd ae much bentót from it, that 1 alwava Shuloh’* Ur cough* is stated that the gambling apartment in question is not the property of ths N. Y. mayor. abUeh’s CiTBr-M-r“"- Owe la sold by all jnhn Kelley, aged 13, and Willie SnaggiaU aS Ms. Ms. » »sttls. A srialsS gee sanies goes with svery battle. Hull, aged 10 were drowned while skat­ If yonsJeaet esiialed *e be year druggist ing on the Union Mills pond, at Nor­ S*a swpew aaeaey bac k. walk, Conn. Kelley broke through the Write for iSwtratsd bosk sa eonaumpdos. Sent ioe, and Hull, in trying to save him, ■ilboj. .wst u> yvs. b. C. WsUs * Os.. LeRoy, N.Y also perished. Rheumatism A bbivi T imi ScaipuLia. Der ABT Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress fr»m tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisened by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer «upply tbe pure and health sustain­ ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of thia acid poison; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. 4 p. m. Worth .Omaha. Kan­ Portland sas City, St Louis, - Special Chicago and East. 9:15 a. m. Ai lentie Salt Lake. Denver.Ft. 8:40 a. m. Worth,Omaha. Kan­ Express sas City, St. Louis, 9:00 p. m Chicago and East. ▼ la Hun- tingles Walla Walla, Lewis 7 a. m. ton, Rpok ant. in- nsapolis, 8L Paul. Duluth, Milwaukee. Chisago and Bast. Bpotan« Flyer S p. m. OiiAjr S tiamshim . 4 p. m. AU «ailing date« «ub* Ject to change. For dan Francisco— SaU «very|5*day«. 8 p. m 4 p. m. Daily C olumbia K ivib Ex. Sun. Ex Sun­ S ham ibi . day- 8 p. n, Satur­ day 10 p To Astoria and Way- Landing«. m. Mrs. James Ke'.l, ef 7°7 Ninth street, N. Washinjtee. D. C., writes ss follows: “A few months &(• I had an attack of Sciatic Rbeuma> tiam in ila worst form. The Ealn was ao iateaac that I eceme completely pros­ trated The attack was an aaMnally aevere one, and my condition waa regard­ ed as being very danger­ ous. I wai attended by sue of the most able doc­ tors in Washington, who is also a member of the fac- alty of a leading medical college here. He told me to continue his prescrip- . ..... tion3 and I would get well. After having it filled twelre time» without receiving the slightest benefit, I declined to continue hia treatment any longer. Having heard of S. S. S. (Swift’e Specific) recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, almost In de»p«*r however, to give the medicine a trial, and after I had taken a few bottles I was able to hobble around on crutches, and very soon there­ I after had no use for them at all, S. S. S. having cured me sound and well. All the distressing palm have left me, my appetite has returned, and I am happy to be again restored to perfect health. WlLLKMETTB RlVKB. 4:30 p. m. 8i. m Ex Bun­ Oregon City. Newberg, Ex. tìun. Salem, Independence day . aud Way-LandiDgs. 7 a. m. W illamsttk abd Y am ­ 1:30 p. m. hill R ivers . Mon Wed TuesThur and hat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-Landings. Leave Riparia 8:35 a. IB. Daily VALLEI RECORD.' the great vegetable purifier and tonic, is tbe ideal remedy in all rheumatic troubles. There are no opiates or minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of tl:c kind in existence. It will be «ent free to any cue desiring it. Write our physi­ cians fully and freeiyabout vourca9e. We make i; > cr.Srge for medical advice. F THE fWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Lewi1« ton Daily 9 am. Riparia to Lewiston. GO EAST LAsrnrc qualities . Tew wanter buy thet heifsr. Zeb? I don’t Trait ef tbe Chiaeae Whleh Weal« believe yew can; I wouldn’t sell thet heifer, sir, to any Uvln' AeeemvUah Mueh If Taraed man. The People’s Paper. to Good. No, sir, if yew should come an’ Uy a fifty The Chinese have many traits which, In my hand ASHLAND, Or., Thursday, Jan. 10, 1901 I'd go an’ shet the stable door an* let thet if properly developed, woulu cause heifer stand. them to assume a leading place I’d let her stand right where she is till ahs is among the nations of the globe. The A QUEER RAILROAD. old an’ gray ▲fore I'd sell one Eide of her, thet's all I'vo people are industrious, hospitable, got to say. temperate and demoted to learning. Tew heerd I wanted to dispose? Tew must They are strong and wiry. They have hev heerd it wrong; rd buy a dozen like her. Zeb, If yew*d bring lasting qualities. The Chinese can them along. live anywhere, eat anything and be­ ‘‘A rather curious and very eeonom-' Of course I've got a lot of stock, more stoek lieve anything. They outwear the ioally managed railroad ia the Nan- tribes of southern Asia, are more con­ 'en what I need, tucket Central, which runs between An’ I am short of stable room, an* some­ servative than the Japanese and less what short of feed; Nantucket and Siasconset, a distance But ez for sellin’ thet there beast I poetical than the Hindoo. They are of about eight miles,” remarked an old | possessed of milch common sense. wouldn t. no siree! resident of Martha’s Vineyard to a . Let forty dollars come between thet heifer, Their religions and superstitions en­ Zeb, an' me. Washington Star writer recently. **A| ter into everything, even their cheat­ I am a one-price critter, Zeb, no man kin round-trip ticket on this road costs 80 ■ ing and lying. Gambling is the na­ beat me down; oents for the passenger and 80 cents i She’« wuth a heap more'n forty, Zeb. ask tional sin. The little children on the any man In town. for his trunk. A second trunk is car­ streets throw dice for the candy with ried for 30 cents and a third for 20 cents,' Hi Hunker wants her purty bad, an* so does the salesman. The missionary from Dee kin Hale. hut as the schedule allows for only But ez I »aid before, of course, the heifer the Occident, outnumbered by the three trunks the conductor has on sev­ opium vender and the whisky peddler, ain't for sale. eral occasion» ruled, that at the fourth She's gentle an' she's good an’ kind, an* has been unable to keep the vices of trunk he must begin over again at 80 the west from being introduced along slicker then an eel; ▲ child could milk her any time, she'd never with the virtues, and. after five cen- cents. raise a heel. contact, the Caucasian has “Only one pass is issued on the Nan­ She never hooks nor jumps the fence, she turies of tucket Central, and that is used by the done the Mongolian more harm than never runs away, proprietor of the road. Th® conductor ▲n’ comes around at milkin’ tlmeesreg’Ur good. es the day. is the general manager of the road, One ot Chinn's Superstitions. ~~ orter see the milk she gtvee. It’s train dispatcher and division superin­ Tou'd yaller, thick an’ sweet. Black dogs and black cats are the tendent. The engineer is master me­ An' ez for quantity, by gum, thet heifer favorites in China in the line of food, can't be beat! chanic, chief of transportation and because when eaten in midsummer they overseer of the road bed and track. The They's Junks of butter floatin’ round Inside the milkin' pail, will insure health and strength. fireman .” __________________ drug store. _________________ Leave S iakk Rtvu. THE ONE-PRICE HEIFER. COKT MISFORTUNE CAME IN CLOUDS. It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in tbe Union and in many foreign countries that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ie a certain preventive and cure for croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty W. Va., onlv re­ peats what has been said around tbe ¿lobe when he writes: “I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup. It baa ! sawed tbe lives of our children a number of times.” This remedy is for sale by , Shortest and Quickest Lins TO •T. PAUL, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO- AND ALL POINTS EAST. Uhrough Palace ana Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Oars. DAILY MAINS, FAST TIMS ¡ SBBVICB ABD SCBNKBA UNBQUALBD. Tickets to poiuts East via Portland and theUREAT NORTHERN 11Y . on sale a: Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office 268 Morrison Street, PORTLAND. For Rate». Folders, and Full informa­ tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad dress A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Base, and Ticket Agent. Portland TTORTHERN PACIFIC ZEÒJLIT. WA Y R Ths Chronicle U Building, DAI L Y N ■y Mall, Postare Paid. S Only $6.70 a Year. Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars S t . PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BÙITE THROUGH TICKETZ TO Tto GnMest Weekly io the Country, $1.50 a ta CTanlUdlng postage) to any part of tbe United States. Canada and Mexico. TKBWKBKLY CHRONICLE, me brtzhteet SM most complste Weekly Newspaper in the Msid. prints reguterly 84 columna, or twslve KA of News, Literature and General Informs I ateo • Baagaldcent Agricultural Department SAMPLE DO COPIES SENT _ FREE. --------------- 128. bordered on the stat« of Ohio. Indeed, Watkins, of Acme, Kanawha Co., W. Va. " Had female weakness, was very irregular and would Melvin E. Thompson was twice mayor one of his fences was on the state line. stiffer untold misery. Our family doctor did not One day his son and the hired man got do me any good ana I concluded to write to you. of Knoxville. When I wrote I had no idea that I would ever get The failure of the well-known bank­ to fighting near this line fence. The well, but when your letter reached me I began to hope. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's ing firm of Francisco Martinez, Negrete justice, quick to see the situation, have medicines as directed and began to improve in & Sons of Guadalajara, Mex., has cre­ jumped to the fence, as a better “bench strength. I was soon able to do the work for my flkmily of six. I think there never were such ated a sensation there. The liabilities of justice,” and assailed the fighters, medicines in the world. I took eight bottles, are $2,235,000, and it is believed by demanding “peace in the name of the three of ‘Favorite Prescription’ and five of Medical Discovery’ and two vials of bankers conversant with the affairs of state of Indiana.” But the farmer jus­ ‘ ‘ Golden Pellets.’" the firm that its assets if properly tice’s defense of the peace was not Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure constipation. han tied will yield a surplus over all based on good premises. He had no sooner asserted, his authority than the claims. The failure is due to the finan­ fencehe was on gave way, carrying him cial stringency. over backward—into the state of Ohio. Pepsin preparations often fail to relieve As se felt himself falling he shouted' to indigestion because they can digest only al- !> iiueriou8 foods. There is one preparation hi« son: “Give him the mischief, Jim! »hat digests all classes of food, and that is I’ve lost my jurisdiction!”____________ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst Such little pills as DeVitt’a Little Early eases of indigestion and gives instant re­ lief, for it digests what you eat.—M c N air Risers are very easily taken, and they are wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver B ros . and bowels.—M c N air B ros . Just after quelling a free fight among Italian socialists at Barre, Vt., Chief of Left Out the Main Defense. Police Brown was shot and probably An ex-justice of the peace tells the mortally wouuded from ambush. Two Italians are under arrest charged with following story: During the time he was in office a young man was the crime. brought up before him on the charge The most destructive fire in the his­ of gambling. The evidence was con­ tory of Ca’parr, N. W. T., raged re­ clusive, and the judge imposed a fine, cently and wr< ught damage estimate which was paid on the spot. When for a ticket East you naturally and ven at $100,OuO. Several of the finest busi­ properlv want to go ovei the route that wiii the case adjourned the defendant re­ give vou the very best accommodations at ness structures were destroyed, among mained behind and asked the judge tbe lowest possible rate Hence, you should them being the Clarence, Eau Claire for a few moments’ conversation. ask vour ticket agent to make your ticket anil new Norman blocks. “The case ia over,” he began, “and read via the Fire at Houghton, Mich., completely the fine has been paid, and it’s set­ destroyed the Young block, in which tled as far as that goes, but I want was the Western express office. Sev­ to tell you how it happened. You eral persons escaped with difficulty. see, the cop told us if we didn’t stop The express company had heavy con­ he’d run us in. Well, we were play­ signments undelivered from Christmas ing a jackpot. I had an ace, three day, which were destroyed. queens and a king before the draw. When threatened with pneumonia or any I discarded the ace and king and other lung trouble, prompt relief is neces­ drew another queen. There were sary, as it is dangerous to delay. We i would suggest that one Minute Cough good hands out against me, and they I Cure be taken as soon as indications of hav­ tried to bluff me out, and-I stayed ing taken cold are noticed. It cures quick­ with them. Now, what I wait to Our popular personally conducted tourist ly and its early use prevents consumption.— excursions in modern Pullman tourist know is what you would have done I s eeping cars leave Ashland every Tuesday M c N aib B bos , I morning and Friday morning via Sacra­ The report of the board of wastes fix­ in a case like that?” 1 mento, and every Tuesday morning and “ Stayed with them if the gallows i ing tlie rate of pay for the workmen of Friday evening via Portland, and run had been in sight, ” cried the excited Mara Island navy yard has been ap­ through to < hicago without change via the judge. “ Why in the name of common world’s most scenic line, connecting at Chi­ proved by the authorities at Washing­ sense was not that evidence brought cago with all morning trains East, also with ton and returned to the navy yard. It tbe Rock Island Personally Conducted tou­ gives a substantial raise in pay to 14 out at the trial?"—Salt Lake Tribune. ! rist car for Boston. These tourist sleeping different trades. The schedule goes in­ Th® most elective little liyer _____ pilla made ______________ ______ cars are broad vestibuled, lighted with to effect on January 1 and will prevail are DeWitt’s Little Eany Risers. They pintch Gas and provided with all weekly never gripe.—M c N aib B bos “™. . ______________ ; illustrated periodicals and magazines for the for the ensuing six months. ---------------------------------------- free use of our patrons, and are accompa­ nied through to destination by a represen­ tative of the Great Rock Island Route. We Persons who suffer from indigestion can also have a daily first-class sleeping car not expect to live long, because they can service to Chicago via tbe Scenic Line, and i.ot eat the food required to nourish the I body and the products of the undigested the best dining car service m the world. For Infants and Children, For full information, maps, etc., call on foods they do eat poison the blood. It is or write to A. E. COOPER, important to cure indigestion as soon as General Agent, | possible, and tbe best method of doing this or, D. L. Ries, Portland, Ore. is to use tbe preparation known as Kodol Bears th» Agent 8. P. Co., Ashland, Ore. ■ Dyspepsia Cure. It digest« what you eat > and restore« all the digestive organ« of per­ Signature of fect health.—M c M adi B bos . V aixmy R scobd job printing office. EC- do YOUNG, Pnpristss A F. Chrsnlda ■■ -- ZMK IKMWSQft PAJK. IT IS EASY WORK "When Vou Fay Your Good Money GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE HsNEW GRAPHOPHONE A strongly censtraeted Graph- •phone, with simple mechan­ ism. made to meet the de­ mand for a fint-slass talking machine, at a low KNIGHTS OF PYTHIA*. GRANITE LODGE, NO. S3, Knight« of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meet« every i Monday evening. Visiting Knighu ingood ' standing are cordially invited to attend. R J. SHAW, 0. 0. T. H. S immom .K. R.8. MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS MILWAUKEE Ths pleasure tn owning a Graphopkone la tersely tncrosssd hr being skisto make and reproduce your own record,. We turn ten this tnaeh Ina wiin recorder tor gt 50. rnaklng It t he cheapestrecording and reproducing talking machine on the marksL Qraphophonee ot every description. Call or write. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept. 135. San Francisco Address. 125 Gsary St A familiar name lor the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over tbe Union a« the Great Railway ronniug the “PIONEER LIMITED1 DEN VE R ai ® RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE w* Train« every day and night bet wen St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only perfect train« in the world.** Understand: Connection«ar« made with All Transcontinental Line«, assuring to paasengera the bast «ervice known. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, NORTHWEST « TO ALL POINTS R. Q NICHOL. Giner J A*wt E ast S. K. HOOPER, G. PAT.* Mí WMbárU» Su PORTLAND. CPE DEAVSK. COLO. Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled by no other lias. See that your ticket reads via **Tb» Milwaukee” when going to any point in the United States or Canada. Al* ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or othsr infer* motion, address, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Paaa. Agt., S battlb , W ash . C. J. EDDY, General Agt., POBTLAX d , O b Tbe Light of the World, or Oar Saviour in Arc. L THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS Is th« one important magazine in the world giving in its pictures, ita text, in its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a comprehensive, timely record of the world « current history. Not the enumeration of mere bare facts, but a comprehensive picture of the month, its activities, its notable personalities, and notable utterances. The best Informed men and women in the world find it indispensable. There are many readers in your locality who have yet to learn of its usefulness. We wish to establish active agents in everjf city and township in the country. We will pay liberally for ener­ getic effort in the subscription Held. Leisure moments can be utilized with substantial increase of Income. Make a list of the persons in your locality who should have the Review of Reviews, and send to us for agent’s terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person with a subscription proposition for the Review of Reviews,*’ and consequently orders ate easily secured. This is the active subscrip- tion season. Make application at once, naming your references. $2.50 e. year. Price, 25 cents a number. ’ THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY, New York City 13 Astor Place, / A FEW INTERESTING FACTS;.. ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Be sure and see that your Ticket reads via The.... Northwestern Line! When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtain­ able so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employees of the Wis ----- THE----- conbin C entral L ines are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated I CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, so as to make close connection with MINNEAPOLIS and diverging lines at all junction points. OMAHA RAILWAYS. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cart on through trains. Thia is the Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Carte. GREAT SHORT LINE In order to obtain this first-class service, ask tbe ticket agent to sell you a ticket I over.................. Between DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO The Wisconsin Central Lines And All Points East and South. and you will make direct connections Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Con* tains nearly 100 full-nags engravings of our Savior and His Mother by the world’« greatest painters, Trne copies of lb« greatest Masterpieces in tbe art galleries of Europe. Every picture is as beautiful as a sunrise over the hilltop«. Contain« description of tbe painting«, biegraphy of the painters, the name« and locations of tbe galleries in Europe where the origi* nala may be seen. Also contains a Child’s Department, including a Child’s Story of tbe Christ and His Mother, beau­ tifully written, to fit each picture. Thia wonderful book, matchless io its purity and beauty, appeals to every mother’s heart, and in every Christian home where there are children the book sells itself. Christian men and women are making money rapidly taking orders. A Chris­ tian man or woman can in this commuu* itv sosn make $1,000 taking orders fer Christmas presents. Mrs- Waite, our agent in Massachusetts, baa sold over $3,000 worth of tbe books in a very short time. Mrs. Sackett, onr agent In New York, has sold over $1,500 worth of the books in a very ebort time. Tbe book is printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti­ fully bound in Cardinal Red and Gold, and adorned with Golden Rones and Lillies. It is, without doubt, the moat beautiful book of this century. Write for terms quickly and get the manage­ ment of that territory. Yon can work on re! ary or commission, and when you prove your succeas we will promote you to tha position of Man.qer and Correa* oondent, at a permanentaalary, to devote your time to attending to agentsand the correspondence. Wanted also a State Manager to have charge of office in lead* ing city of the state and manage all tbe business of the state. Send for term«. Address— THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO., Corcoran Building, Opposite U. 8. Treasury, Washington, D. 0- What Shall We Do to be Saved ROM THE HELLS that Plutocracy is preparing for ub ? Send twenty* five cents in coin or postage stamps for a copy of “Regeneration of Society” and three other pamphlets that jjive ra­ tional answers to the above question,and at tbe same time receive a Free Trial Subscription for Thirteen weeks of “Lu­ cifer, the Light Bearer,” a radical, wide­ awake, fearless, up-to-date, eigbt-page weekly journal. Address THE LIGHT-BEARER PUB. CO., 500 Fulton St., Chicago, U. 8. A. F Kbdol at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vss- all pointe East. I tibuled Dining and Sleeping Oar For any further information call on any Trains and Motto: ticket agent, or correspond with I I JAS. C. POND, II General Paes. Agent, “ALWAYS ON TIME” or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W isconsin , It artificially digests the food and aids 246 Stark Street, ■ Have givr-n this road a national reputa Nature in strengthening and recon­ P ortland . O regon . tion. All classes of passengers carried structing the exhausted digestive or­ on tbe vestibuled trains without extra gans. It Is tbe latest discovered digest­ charge. Ship your freight and travel ant and tonic. No other preparation BO YEARS’ over this famous line. All agents have can approach it in efficiency. It in­ EXPERIENCE tickets. W. II. MEAD, stantly relieves and permanently cures General Agent, 243 Washington St., Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, W. C. S avagb , Portland, Oregon. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Traveling F.& P. Agent, Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Oramps and Portland, Oregon. all other results of Imperfect digestion. Price 50c. «.nd $1. Large size ooetalas M tiaaes small size. Book all about dy«pep«l* Budied tree TRADE MARKS Prepared by E. C. DeWITT a CO, CbMo«» D esigns C opyrights A c . EUGENE A. {SHERWIN Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you oat. : P atents UPPiNCOTT’S Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in tbs MONTHLY MAGAZINE * A F amily L ibrary Scientific American. The Best in Current Literature A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms. S3 a year; four months. IL Sold by all newedealeiw 12 C omplete N ovels Y early MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year ; 25 ct ». a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES ¡WUNN & Co.36"»'--«»•New York Bronch Office- 535 V St. Washington. D. G EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF A FREE PATTERN | E k {your own selection) to every sab- scriber. Only 50 cents a year. • t • rfi lit .Î. ,111 .Hl * • ’3 ’i T'«"» 3 *• a ’* * * *■ a W • i Ji ill A rX it ifr t • V w P 3 d-QAAYEARLY to Christian tp»7V V man or woman to look + i + after our growing business in this J and adjoining Connties; to act as f Manager and Correspondent; work + x T * X can bedone'at yonr borne. Enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope for particulars, to H. A. Sherman, General Manager, Corcoran Build- ing, opposite United States Treas- 5 > < • J ury, Washington, D. 0. 4 +++4- M-++4H-++++4-++*4-4-++4-4^ MMUiHlW I I A LADIES’ MAQAZINE. A eem ; bssotiful colored plates ; latest taahiona; dressmaking economies ; fancy work ; household hints; action, etc. Sub­ scribe today, or, send sc tor latest cop». Lady agents wanted. Send for terns. I Tie Kind Yon Have Always Bought R. C. Meets m Odo Fellows hall at 1 o’clock p tn on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Mas. M alvika F kbgusob , Pre«. Mu. M. J. Spencer, Sec'y. MOT A TOY. I CASTOR IA W. BUMT8IDX UUU COKM BO. 94 Carlos Matteri, a viueyardist residing near Saratoga, Santa Clara county, wa seized with convulsions shortly aftei eating his dinner and died in grea agony boob afterward. Poisoning it suspected. ^33 THS CHRONICLE ranks wltk tbe «roste« ■•wspspers >» the United Stete«. THX CHRONICLE has no equal on ths Pactfl« Ooa»». Il load, all In ability, enterprise and news THK CILRONICLE’8 Telegraphic Reporte arc the latest and moot reliable, lte Local Now. th. fullest and sptclo.t, and Its Editorial, from Ute ablest pens In the oountry. THK CHRONICLE basal way« been, and always will be, tbs friend and champion of thApeopie as a«a!n*t combinations, ollques, corporations, ot oppression, ot any kind. It will bs tnlapendsni 4a everything aestral tn notblng. 80CIETY DIRECTORIES. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. s MS CALL Valley Record Up-to-Date Job Printing \ P atterns (N«*Sesn.Allowai>ce Pstteras.) Only io and 15 ct». each—non« higher. A»k for them. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE McCALL CO., 138-44« West I «th St.. New Y«rfc. NNNNNNIINNNHNHNNNNIIIO i Qniekly Mound. CUB FEB E 0BTAIKZI». Send model, ek dMoription for ire« report as to p*tent*Lility. HAJTD-BOOK FKE£ CouUira rekreaoM an infnnoMAioB. WXITB FüÄ COTT CT 0ÜÄ 0FFUL. It ii tho moot libra! prcpoaiúon »▼• a patent attorney, and EVEIL Y uVCKTOB UAD tt botora arpIPM H.B.WILLSQN&CO. RATENT LA«YER». LenruHBid«., WASHINGTON. Q. Ç. Job Printing at Record Offloe