VALLET ' RECORD. The People’s Paper. ASHLAND. Ur., Thursday, Jan. 10, 1901 GOLD BILL. Gold Hill had eight iuches of snow dur­ ing the recent storm. School reopened Wednesday, Jan. 2. H. M. C om of Medford war in town one day last wees, Mr. Fitzgibbons has returned from San Francisco. Bob Hammond, who has been visiting bis sister. Mrs. Young, at the Gold Hill hotel, returned to Ashland Snndsy. Ker. Gregory, pastor of the Methodist church, will commence a series of revival meetings soon. Hon. W. A. Carter left Wednesday even­ ing for Salem to be present at the opening of the coming legislative session. Mr. Wilson, of the barbers’ supply house of Portland, was doing business with our barbers Saturday. The young folks of Geld Hill were tobog­ gan sliding near the school house Friday evening. The Masons of Gold Hill have taken steps toward organizing a lodge here. Prot. Wilton, phrenologist, lectured in the dhurch house Tuesday evening. A family by the name of Sullivan who recently came from Minnesota, have taken up their residence in our town and slatted their children to our school. Your Beat Work Cannot be done unless you have good health. You cannot have good health without pure blood. Yon may have pure blood by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla now. Yon cannot realize the good it will do you until you try it. Begin taking it to­ day and see bow quickly it will give you an appetite, strength and vigor and cure your rheumatism, catarrh or scrofula. All liver ills are cured by Hood’s Pills. 25c. Secret Society Elections. Madrona Lodge, No. 12, Degreeof Honor, Jacksonville: Mrs. Rose Kenney.C. of H.: Mrs Emma Dunford, L. of H.; Mrs. Marie Barbe, C. of C,; Miss Corinne Linn, recod­ er; Mrs. Alice I’lrich, financier; Mrs. Mollie Cameron, treasurer; Miss Nettie Lewis, usher; M. M. Taylor, 1, W.; Lee Reynolds, O. W. Adarel Chapter No. 3, O. E, 8 , Jackson­ ville; Dora Harbangh, worthy matron; Jas Cronemiller, worthy patron; Emma Helms, associate matron; Corinne Linn, secretary; Marv Miller treasurer; Mollie Britt, conductress; Frrnkie Barnes, Ada; Fannie Love, Ruth; Beulah Neil, Esther; Mrs. Dunford, Martha; Mollie Cameron. Electa; Lizzie Cronemiller, warder; Mrs, Elmer, sentinel; R. 8. Dunlap, chaplain; Florence-DeBar, organist. P. B. Brown, line inspector of the Sun­ set Telephone Co., was here Sunday ar.d closed the purchase of the Rogue River telephone line. They are engaged this week in taking out the phones and des­ troying them in the streets. They will pull the line down. John D. Harris, formerly of Ashland and son of Sarah Harris, died on the 3rd at Sisson, aged 29 years. Besides a mother, he leaves three sisters and a brother, Mrs. 8. S. Sulloway, of Sisson ; Mrs. E. J. Emmons of Lynden, Wash , Walter Harris of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. C. C. Smith, formerly Miss Rose Harris, of Oakland, Cal. The Jesse Shirley theatrical company will probably be in Ashland again in February. The best protection against fever, fmeumonia, diphtheria, etc., is in build- ng up the system with Hood’s Sarsa­ parilla. Miss Emma Gabbush was married at Denver, Col., to Mr. Hawxins. They are making their horns in that city. - carry into the home reading that »ball be helpful as well as entertaining— reading that shall contribute to tbe pure happines- of all the family. There will not be an is­ sue duruig the entire year that will not b- crowded with good stories and articles of rare interest and valne A description an nouncementof the Diplomatists. Explorers. Bailors, Trappers, Indian Fighters, Ston- Writers and Men and Women in many vocation*, b-aides popular writers of fiction, who have been engaged as contrib­ utors to the fifty-two numbers of 1901 will be sent free to any address, with samplt copies of the paper THE YOUTH’8 COMPANION. B oston , M ass Eight Men Perialied by Fire. Eight men lost their lives in a fire at 115 Washington avenue. South Minne­ apolis, whioh had its origin in the rear of the Standard furniture store. The men were overtaken by an intense vol­ ume of smoke In the Harvard hotel. Whioh occupies the second, third and fourth floor* of the building, and death in every inatanoe was due to suffoca­ tion. The lodgers were all asloep, and ft was with the greatest difficulty that they were aroused. Nineteen of the $7 lodger« were suocessful in ecoaping, but the others, unable to beat their way back through th« oil smoke, aacctunbed. The loss on tbe building and contents will not exoeed $8900. During a bull fight at San Lui* Potoai, Mex ., one of the animal« jumped the •notature and charged among th« spec­ tators. One man was kflled and a aoore or more injured. Bear* the Mgaatur* rf CENTRAL POINT. WIMER. Removed to New Quarter«. Philippine Revenue*, Having established ourselves in the The division of insular affairs of the J Dr. Chisholm of Gold Hill made a bus­ new and spacious building known as the war department makes public a state­ iness trip to Wimer Wednesday. Pioneer Block, Plaza and Main, we will ment summarizing the trade of the endevor in the future to merit the good James Stevens, the Grants Pass but­ Philippine islands for the 11 months will of our customers as heretofore. cher, came up Saturday on business. We cordially thank the people oi Ash­ ending May 31, 1969. The value of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cole of Coles land and vicinity for their liberal pat­ merchandise imported into the Islands station are visiting relatives in Wimer ronage in the past and hope to merit a during this period is set down at $18,- precinct. continuance of the tame in the fnture. 890,698. Gold and silver to the amount Respectfully, Grandpa Shirley has gone to southern of $1,906,340 cam« into the islands, M iller & B artge S. mriring the total importation $30,196,- California to recuperate, after a bad at- tact of rheumatism. Mrs. Narcissa White-Kinney, ex-pres­ 983. The import trade from the United Mrs. C. F. Taylor of Grants Pass ident of the Oregon W. C. T. U., and a States amounted to $1,450,807. The epent the holidays with relatives in prominent temperance worker, died Sun­ value of exports for the period named Wimer precinct. day in Portland. amounted to $19,459,008, »17,634,891 in merchandise and $1,834,619 la gold and Mrs. J. B. Hillis started for Weaver­ Mineral Production of the U. 8. silver. The value of the exports to the ville, Cal., Thursday to be gone two or A New York paper gives a summary United States is Mt down at $3,694,511 three months, visiting her relations. Mrs Nancy Carter was called to the of the mineral production of the United A total of 69,644 tons of Manila hemp, bedside of her brother, Joseph Dowden States forjthe year 1900. This summary valued at $10,582,173, was exported dur­ of Gold Hill precinct, who was seriously has been oom piled from advanced figures ing the period stated, $8,405, 808 worth furnished by producers and from of­ tming shipped to the United States. ill last Sunday morning. The snow began falling here on New ficial sources, and gives a complete statej How'« This? Year’s day and continued a steady down meat of th« gold production for the We offer One Dollars Reward fall until it reached a deptn of fifteen inch­ year just closed. The total value of the for any case of Hundred Catarrh that cannot be es, a greater part of which, is still lying metals produced In the United States in cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. 1900 was $908,800,992, as compared F. J. CHENEY A CO , Props.. Toledo, O. on the ground. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Mrs. Mary Williams and Mr. Osee with $946,057,320 in 1899. The vahie Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe Oden were each unfortunate enough to of the output of non-metallic substanoes him perfectly honorable in all business have their barn-roofs broken in by the was ¿$755,680,991, as against $645,754,- transactions, and financially able to carry recent snowstorm. 805 in 1899. The total value for the oat any obligation made by their firm. W est i T buax , Wholesale Druggists, To­ Married—At the residence of the two years, after allowing for duplica­ ledo, O. bride’s mother, Dec. 25,1900, Miss Alice tions, was respectively $1,157,162,182 W alding , K innan A M arvin , Wholesale Probate Court. M. Williams and Mr. Richard Oden, by i and $1,049,230.594. Druggists, Toledo, O. Estate of K Kobli. Order made ap­ Justice Osburn. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Stops the Congh acting directly upon the blood and mucous pointing a dav for final settlement. surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot­ and work« off tbe Cold. Estate of Wm E Piland. G W Tref- KLAMATH FALLS. ren appointed administrator. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a tle. Bold by all druggists. Testimonials cold in one day. No Cnre, no . Pay. Estate of David Dunlap. Sale of per­ (Intended for last week’s issue.) Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Price 25 cents. sonal property to the valueof $73 40 ap­ Sheriff Sam Summers has gone to the in~th« nnippin«*. proval . Accused of a Terrible Crim«. Estate of John O’Brien. Second semi- Klamath marsh on official business. W ashington , January 5.—The fal­ S an J ose , January 4.—The destruo- anual report of administratrix approved. Mias Jessie Applegate will start to­ lowing dispatch was received at.= the ■ ■ j 1 ~ ’ morrow to Ashland, to attend the Nor­ xavy department this afternoon lrem tion of Oonrad Ruff’s home by fire two weeks ago and the burning to death of Religious Items. mal. Admiral Remey: his four young children had a sensa­ Next Sabbath will be Communion day H. T Chitwood and Dr. H. B. Hargus “M anila , January 4.—Bureau n Both bride and groom have lived for Has world-wide fame f >r marvellous nv ‘teens’ again” writes D. H. Turnei Elisha Gray, the inventor, and Arthur some time past at Klamath Agency. I J. Mundy of Boston, after more than understand also at the same time and cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo- ■f Dempeeytown, Pa. They’re the best in world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. two years of experiment and study, in­ place Judge W’illits joined in wedlock i tion, ointment or balm for Cute, Cnrne, 'be Walter L. Scott of San Francisco and i Burns, Boils, Seres, Felons, Ulcers, Tet- Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only vented delicate machines with which Miss Hulda Holzhauser of Klamath ! ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped 25c. at M c N aib B ros . Drug Store. to transmit submarine signals. By Falls. Both couples start to Ashland to­ 'Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible foi means of apparatus already constructed day, the former couple to go to San Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. a' The reign of the gambling element to messages have been transmitted and re­ Francisco, and the latter to Utah. M c N air B ros . Vallejo seems likely to ooms to an ceived on board steamships 12 miles abrupt oonolnsion. Friday six " com­ Doings In Congress. from the signal boat. The inventors REAL ESTATE. plaints were issued on application of W ashington , January 5.—Seaatar say the submarine boat Holland would chief of police Stanford. These war­ Perkins today secured consideration ot J T C Nt.“h et ux to 8 R Lane; lots 7 and not be able to surprise war ships equip­ the Calaveras big tree bill under a spe­ rants are now being served and embrace ped with receiving or hearing instru­ 8, block 21, Mndford, $2600, Warren G Holmes to A E Moore WJ4 of cial order, and it was passed. The bill rhe names of persons charged with ments, for the reason that the work­ se% and se% of se%, sec 23, nw% of nw>4, authorizes the secretary of the interior playing craps “ Klonkike,” studhorse ings of the Holland’s machinery could sec '-'6, twp 37 s r 3 e $300. ■ keno and hazard at the Leader saloon. Eila E Hanley to Emily Clark; lot 5, sec, to pu-chase the Calaveras grove far Warrants were also issued Friday on be deteoted while she was still some lfi, and part of lot 4, sec 16, twp 37,2 w, 18.26 $125,000 or less if possible, and ap­ miles away. The members of the acres; $200 propriate« that amount. If the negoti­ application of chief of polioe Stanford United States Lighthouse board have John L Fenton to Belle Fenton; portion ations for th« purchase are nnsttcoeae- for 18 persons charged with playing had the plan explained to them and all ■ >f d 1 c 42, twp 39 s r 1 e; $10. ful the secretary is authorized to oon- the same games on the same date at the Francis H C Pentz et al to 8 H Schofield; are of the opinion that the system lot in Gallowav ’ s add. Medford, $500. demn the property and make it a gov­ Leader saloon. Several other warrants would be of valne to the lighthouse will be issued. Gambling is on ofiense Eugenia L Atkinson to H J Hicks; lot 4. ernment reservation. service. It could also be used to an­ block 17, Ashland, $500 against the state law and the minimum Ge<> H Andrews et ux to jasper Gleason, nounce the approach of ocean steam­ A bill has been introduced in con­ o’ 20, block H, R R add to Ashland, gress whioh is aimed to proteot the big penalty is $100 fine. ships to port.______________ $17.50. TO COKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Alexander Hnnsaker to James R Catch­ trees of the Calaveras grove. The bill Notice to Creditors. ing; on 23 and 24, block D, R R add to provides for a tax of $2 per 1000 feet far Take I ax stive Bromo Quinine Tablets All parties knowing themselves indebt* Ashland, $300. \ I gists refund the money if it fails to all lumber taken from the grove. ed to the undersigned are requested to Wm N Wright et ux to Mrs C M Jones; cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each 32 acres Ballard die, twp 37 s r 2 w, $1. !>ox. 25c. settle up promptly. China*« Trouble*. Wtu Elkins, et ux, to Mary Welch; lot 1, 8. T. S onger , M. D. Ex-United States Senator James W. N ew Y ork , January 5. — A cable to blk 12, Centra' Point, $25 .Martha B and J 8 Howard to Jos Ginet; the Sun from Peking, dated January 5, Bradbury of Maine, died at Augusta a Opposition is being actively organised 160acres in sec 7, twp 39. 2 w, $450. few days ago, aged 98 years. He was to th« threatened removal of the Santa H U Lumsden, et ux, to L T Pierce; a- ys: The Empress Dowager is already the oldest living ex-senator. sick of her bargain with the powers as property near Medford $100 Fe division headquarters from Fresno M Rhodes, et ux,to Geo Engwicbt; lot« contained in the note of the foreign to Le Grand«, it being pointed out that 31 is and 3'2. blk L. R R add io Ashland, $225 ministers preliminary to the settlement two distinct promise« in writing were Frances Donegan to Mary Donegan; prop­ made of the establishment of division erty in Jacksonville, love, affection and $1 of the details of peace, and has been Garvin E Hargadine and busband to J W bombarding Li Hung Chang and Prince headquarters in Fresno if the city would i'berrv. et ux; 6,48 acres in sec 5, twp 39, 1 Ching, the Chinese peace enveys, with agree to vacate three street crossings «, $200. near the depot sit«. This was granted. Geo B Cole to Thos F Young; 116 acres telegrams and orders for the past two days. She has told the commissioners If th« headquarter* are removed th« in twp 37, 1 e, $700. Levi L Angle, et ux, to Oshkosh____ Land right to reopen the streets will revert A Timber Co; 160 acres in sec 13, twp 4, 3 that they must not sign the prelimin­ ary agreement until it has been amended e, $1500. to th« oity. or modified. She objeots to tire por­ C L ux, to Anna E Davis; 190 The general committee of Odd Fel­ aert s in sec 19, twp 38,1 w. $600, tions of the note wnich demand the lows of San Jose, has selected the Mary F Casey and husband to Jobn K razing of the Taku forts, the establish­ White traot of 100 acre* on the Alum Heiman, et ox; 40 acres in sec 35, twp 39, 1 ment of permanent foreign military rook road as a site for the Odd Fellows' e $175 Mollie Miller, et al. to Max Muller; prop­ posts between Peking and the sea, and home, and If it can be purchased it will erty Babies and children need of the legation guards at Peking and in Jacksonville, $32 50. be offered free to the Grand lodge at its Chas B Sp. ar. et ux. to 8u»ie Neil; % m- the prohibition of further importation proper food, rarely ever medi­ i«re»t in the sw of the 8»%of sec 8,twp next meeting. 37. 2 w; also interest in lot 3, and s w X of arms into China. Andrew Carnegie has promised Seat­ of s w and in lots 4 and 7, sec 9, twp 37, cine. If they do not thrive Field Marshal Count von Waldersee. tle a donation of $200,000 to be expend­ 2 w, $150. in charge of the operations of the allied on their food something is ed in the construction of a new public MINING LOCATIONS. troops in China has ordered an end to library. He requires a yearly guaran­ Ja« Young, placer claim in Steamboat wrong. They need a lime hostilities . ,(-!■; tee of $50,000 for maintenance and im­ district. • , i > ■< a W Shearer, W H Young. L R Young help to get their digestive S hanghai , January 6.—It Is reported provement. and la* Young, placer claim in 8teamboat from Sianfu that the empress dowpgfir W. L. Hopkins, an aged prospector, district. machinery working properly. E W Voyle, placer claim in Jackson has ordered General Feng Tse Tsai, wandered away from his home on the Crr k district commander in the province of Yon desert near Ogilby, San Diego oounty O J Scbnellbacher, placer claim in Little Nan, to proceed with his army to tie au»i perished. His body was found by Applegate district. John H Houston, quartz claim in Foots, Yang-tse valley, and from that seotion a search party. Creek district. to move northward. His foroe is said While trying to Gross a stream swol­ M G Wornock, quartz claim Red Butte to consist of 15,000 men, armed with * len to Its banks by the recent rains, mming claim. Jobn D Fletcher, quartz claim in Evans modern weapons. Mr«. Bennett and two children of district. Jamestown were swept away and Creek Phillip D. Armour Dead. C J Meier, quart* claim in Foots Creek ( ■Irowned. The bodies were not recov­ distirct. C hicago , January 6.—Phillip Dap- ered. Some time during Saturday Ira forth Armour—philanthropist, financier will generally correct this Jacob Rich, a pioneer of San Jose, and multi-millionaire head of the vast died there a few days ago. He made Kouns, a shoveler in the Dutch mine, commercial establishment that bears difficulty. uiouey building street railways in early Toulnmne county, was instantly killed his uame—died at his heme in that oity by falling from the tenth level into the lays, but lost everything he had and If you will put from one- sump below, a distauce of 225 feet. this evening. A muscular affection of died penniless. the heart known as myocarditis was The deceased was 28 years old. Hie fourth to half a teaspoonful Cornelins W. W. Pendleton of Los homo is Lake county, where his parents the immediate cause of death. H« had in baby's bottle three or four Angeles is to be the new speaker of the redde. I been slowly recovering from pneumonia I that for three week« had threatened California assembly. times a day you will soon see Great excitement prevails in New ! | his life. At nine o’clock this morning ; Owing to bad sewerage a number of Mexico by the discovery of stones said a marked improvement For his heart gave way under the strain of streets in the southern part of San his recent illness, his pulse running up Francisco were flooded by the storm of to be the fiuost quality of diamonds. larger children, from half to Sunday last—considerable, damage was The rubber trust has declared a war to 108. That was the beginning of the a teaspoonful, according to done to property. of prices against all firm* outside th« end. Mr. Armour was surrounded by his trust. The first cut has been made. age, dissolved in their milk, family when he died. Those at his Professional Cards Snow five inches deep, and a good pros­ pect for more. Hay is very scarce here and is command-' ing a good price. Prof. M. Wilton left here Monday even­ ing for Gold Hill. J W. Merritt is feeding >200 of his band of sheep at the fair ground. W. H. Norcross loaded a car with apples Tuesday for shipment to Butte. Montan*. Ben Beall has returned from San Fran­ cisco. He reports his brother Tom im­ proving. Rua. Moore came down from the Bigham ranch Monday, and says the snow is 32 inches deep at the ranch. Cobb Laws’ barn at Willow Springs was broken down by tbe snow last week and Mrs. Comb*’ cow and horse sheds were also broken in. Mr. Fonrm, contractor, has seven or eight men repairing the Rogue river bridge taking out old timbers and patting in new ones. It will take 25,000 feet of lumber to make tbe necessary repairs, the estimated cost of said repairs being about $2500. Eli Mayer, our city meat cutler, went to Grants Pass Tuesday evening where he will meet Miss Eliza Leever, who is returning from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Will Duv. It is reported they will be married at Grants Pass this evening. Jan. 9th. and will arrive here «n tomor­ row’s train. elp... Nature Rheumatism Hia Wife Saved Him. bedsido, besides his physioian and nurses, were his wife, Mrs. Phillip D. Armour, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Og­ den Armour and the Rev. Frank W. Guns.;ulus. The millionaire retained consciousness until within an hour of his death. My wife’« good advise saved my life writes F. M. Ros» of Winfield, Tenn., for f had such a bad cough I could hardly breath, I eteadilv grew worse under doc­ tor’s treatment, but my wife urged me • ■ to ubc Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me.” Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Asthma, Hay Fev­ This season there is a large death rate er and all maladies of Cheat, Throat and among children from croup and lungtroub Lungs are positively cured by thia m«r- les. Prompt action will save the little one- vellonamedicine. 50'.and$1.00. Every' from Ibese terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief a- It corrects tbe acidity of the blood on which bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at One Minute Couth Cure. It can also be M c N air B ros , drug store. the disease depends, strengthens the stom­ relied upon in grippe and all throat and ach, liver and kidneys, end builds up the lung troubles of adult«. Pleasant to take while system. Try Hood a. Subscribe for th« V« u . st Baooio. —M o N au Baa*. What is the use of telling the rheumatic that he feels as if bis Joints were being dis­ located f He knows that his sufferings are very much like the tortures of th# rack. IFhal he wants to know is what will per­ manently cure his disease. That, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, is if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish* If the mother's ing power. milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul­ sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother Hooifs Sarsaparilla and child. 1 ¡oe. and $t.oo, illdruggists. SCOTT & flOWNE, Chemists, New York. L. McWILLIAJiS, ATTORN1T-AT-LAW, For Infants and Children, Ashland, - Oregon. - Will practice in State and Federal courts Offic«. Rereer bl’k, over Western Union telegraph office. rhe Kind You Have Always Bought HINMAN, D. D. 8. Dentist. Bears the Signature In the Masonic Building, up stairs, over Post Office. J)R. 8. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon ASHLAND — — _ OREGON J). M. BROWER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, ASHLAND You Have Always Bought. — — OREGON — orrici: At Residence, intersection of Meehanie, Laurel and Main Street«. J A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor. VOTARY rUSLIC. Survey* for Patent* and Mining Loca­ tion* especially. Address Ashland, Or. Office at residence. South Main Sires ,Dr. Humphreys’ Executrix’s Notice. St. Mary’s ACADEMY. In the County Court of the Stateof Oregon, for Jackson County. In the matter of tbe estate of Emily E. Tolman, deceased. JACKSONVILLE, otice is hekeby given that the undersigned has been appointed by OREGON. 1—P«T«ra, ConsMtlon*, Inflammattoa*. .3« tbe county court of Jackson county, Ore­ ‘A— Worm., Worm ?*▼•*, Worm Coll«... .35 gon. sitting in probate, administratrix of 3— T«athins. Colic, Cryliif.WakafulMM .35 thee-tateof Emily E Tolman, deceased. Boarding School for Girls. 4— Diarrhea. Of Children or Adult*............ 35 All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to settle tbe same immediately, 1— Couch», Cold«, Bronchltl*....................... 35 FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS and those having claims acainst said estate 8— Nauralcta, Toothache, Faoaach«...... .35 will present tbe same to me at my place of SISTERS OF THE HOLY HAMES, 9— Headache, Sick Haadacha, V«rtlBAD CONDITION, Starlne Coat, cuaa* i Indigestion, Stomach Stagger». *0c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specific», Book, Sc., gl At druggist« or »ent prepa* on receipt of price. Humphrey»’ Medicine Co., Cor. William * John tU.. N*w York. VncaiKAaY M acual San Fa^ cubs * J TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. FITED RTATE8 LAND OFFICE, Thoroughly Reatockad and^^ Rot-eburg. Oregon, November 17.1900. Entirely New Management. Notice is heteby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the ROBERT M. GARRETT sale of timber lands in the States of Califor­ nia, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Ter­ Superintendent ritory.” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, John Best and O’Neil, of Hornbrook, county of Siskiyou. State (or Ter'itorv i of California, has this Quickest;Route to day filed in this office hrs sworn statement No" 1262, for tbe purchase of the -e of Section No 22, in Township No 39 8. Range No. 4 E, and will offer proof to show that ihe land sought is more valuable for Goea by Barron, Shake. its timber or stone than for agricultural Soda Spring«, Parker« and purposes, and to establish bis clcm to said Keno; also beat connections land before the Register and Receiver of witn stage linee from Klam­ this office at Roseburg, Ore., on 8*tnxrl«y. ath Fall« tp Be.-“““*’ tbe 26tti dav of January. 1901. ana x>akevi5w, Ft. Klamath He names as witnesses: William T. and Indian Agency. Wright, of Klamatbon, Cal., F. F. Freden- burg, of Hen ev.Cal.. J Hart, of Shake, ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Ore.. George Bailey, of Stake, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely ASHLAXD. KLAMATH TALU. the above described lands are requested to 5:00 a m I Leave« 5:00 p m file their claims in this office on or before L«av«« Arrives....... 9:30 p m ( Arnv«*....«:00 > m said 26th dav of January. 1901. J. T. BRIDGES. Register. U ...KLAMATH FALLS. Paaeengere, Baggage, Express & Freight Must be Waybilled. Blacksmith Shop CANADIAN PACIFIC Ashland Office: POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Klamath Falls Office: H H FAN VALUMBUEO. AT TALENT, OREGON. HE ONLY BLACKSMITH SHOP at Talent, well equipped and doing a ¿ood business; beet location in county. Reason for selling, ill health. Call on or address, NETHERLAND & HANSCOM, Talent, Oregon. SOO LINE T Selling Off at Cost UNTIL JANUARY —vu— First Class and Tourist Sleepers Daily. John Zucca & Co., 210 Ogden Building, Chicago. Sonthern Pacific Co, SHASTA ROUTE. Train« Leave Ashland for (Portland and Way Station« at 2:50 A. M. and 5:10 P. M. Passengers Booked To nnd from Leave Portland 8:30 a. m., and 7:90p. m, AU Points East. 1ST, TUTY 8TOCK OF HARDWARE, Stoves and Ranges. Give me a call. You can buy these goods cheaper than ever before sold in Ashland. SOUTH AND EAST Leave Ashland 1:17 a. m., and 12:15 p. m. Atlantic Steamship Office. For full particulars, apply to H. H. A bbott , Agent, 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. E. J. C oylb , A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B.O Arrive— Ashland.... 12:38 a. m. and 11:30 a. aa Sacramento 5:00 p. m. and 4:35 a. m San FraD... 7:45 p. ru. and 8:1* a. a* Ogden........ 5:45 a. Denver....... 9:00 a. Kansas Cy. 7:25 a. Chicago.... 7:45 a. m. m. m. m. and and and and 11:46 0:00 7:2* 0:80 a. a* a. m a. m a. m L’* Angele* 1:20 p. m. and 7:00 a. KI Paso.... 6:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. Ft. Worth. 6:30 a. m. and 6:80 a. Cty Mexico. 9:55 a. m. and 0:55 a. Houston ... 4:00 a. m. and 4:00 a. N'w Orleans 5:25 xi. and 6:2* p. Washington 6:42 a m. and 6:42 a. New York..12:43 p. m. and 12:43 p. ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs Pullman BATHING and Tourist m m m m ai m m m Cars We are in the market for several on both trains. care of Fancy eating Apples, suit­ T$ IlIH Til W1TKB 18 1 T9IIC able for Fruit Store and Stand trade. Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate* Chair car* Sacramento to Ogden and Ki fungi and anlmalculea, and neutral­ Paso, and tourist car* to Chioago, 8t. First-class references furntshed. ising and correcting all acidi­ Ixrais, Naw Orleans, Washington. Correspondence solicited. ties it promotes a normal and « healthful condition in every part of the system. Connecting at San Francisco with aevaral Quick delivery—Th« Weekly Oregonian. thearuihlp line« for RINK. — Catarino Almandarez was killed in — SWIMMING the mountains by bandits near Santa Inclosed and covered, the same medical HONOLULU, JAPAN, Reta, in New Mexico, and one ef the water, always clean, for the spring* run a CHINA, gang, Jose Sanchez, has been oaptnred. heavy volume— more than twelv hun PHILLIP1NE8. Sanchez denies knowledge of the dred gallon* per hour. CENTRAL and crime, but he was found on the out­ You may dive and *wim and have more SOUTH AMERICA skirts of Santa Reta, evidently seeking fun than “anybody’’—come out a* “fin* provisions and ammunition, with blood­ aasilk” and “white aa wool”—rejnven ated and happy. stains on his shirt and hia aix-shooter See Mr. D. L. Rici, Agent at Ashland Nice neat cottage«, partly furnished, wrapped in cloth upon whioh wm station, or address or rent. For information addreaa tbe blood. H. MARKHAM, G P A., proprietor. Portland, Ore Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE NORTH OF THE PLAZA. GRANT HELMAN Prop» letor —AT THE— BILLY M’CARTHY ILL BE SOLD FOR CA8H within the next 30 days, with the view of W banging onr line of business. We do not ike tbe liquor business and have concluded io quit it. For almost 18 year* we have la- •ored with you and at the low estimate of ♦30 per day we have the small sqm of about $200.000, (which is all profit) consequently we are ready for business. Will either run a newspaper or start a National Bank at rolo. Cail and see □* and get our price* ♦ nd sample our gobds, ana .secure your Xmas booze. THE BILLY M0CABTHY. Ashland. Orsgtrn. Fu» B am Bi JUx> I* Assignees Notice. To the creditors of tbe Aahlaod Gro­ cery Company, a corporation duly organ­ ized and exiating under the laws o( the State of Oregon, having its principal place of business at Ashland, Oregon: You will hereby take notice that the said Ashland Grocery Company, having made an assignment for tbe beuefit of all its crediloie, and tbe undersigned having been duly selected and appointed •«- signee« of the said corporation, you will therefore witbin three month« from the date of tbi* notice prepare and tile with tbe said assignee« a duly verified, item­ ized statement of any account which yen may have against it, and ef all monk« due thereon from said corporation. F. M. GRAINGER, F. G. MCWILLIAMS. , Ataigntog, ftsbd D«e«mb«f Ctb, 1800. - •