J Old People Made Young. Having a Great Kun on Cbam- Oharles B. Willis, a well-to-do citi­ Dr. Charles Sabin Taft, on* of the J. C- Sherman, the veteran editor of berlaiu'a Cough Remedy. zen residing near San Jose, fell over a Surgeons who attended President Lin- tolon when he was shot by Booth, died the Vermontville (Micb.) Echo, has Manager Martin, of the Piersen drug Tuff recently and was killed. mean weakened lungs — all ■tore, informs us that tie .* having a great Mrs. James Reilly, of Stockton, drank in New York a few days ago. >i¡covered the remarkable secret of keep­ ing old people young. For vears he has run on Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy. caused by a cold and cough Early Saturday morning fire broke avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In­ nitric acid, mistaking it for medicine, He sells five bottk-e of that medicine to died in a few minutes in great out in the home of Conrad Ruff, a dairy­ digestion, Heart trouble, Constipation Weak lungs sooner or latei one of any other kind, and it gives great and »gouy. Mrs. Reilly’s son had been re­ man living just outside of San Jose. and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bit­ satisfaction. In these days of la grippe ters, and be write*:” It can’t be praised mean consumption. there is nothing like Chamberlain’s plenishing some electric batteries, and When discovered the fire had gained too highly. It gently stimulates ths such headway that it was impossible to .eft the bottle of acid on the table where Cough Remedy to stop the cough, heal Four children were kidneys tones the stomach, aids diges­ up the sore throat and lungs and give ais mother kept her medicine. Besides save anything. tion, and gives a splendid appetite. It relief within a very short time. The 1 husband and son, a daughter remains. burned to death before they oonld be has worked wonders for my wife and me. •ale* are growing, and all who try it are removed from the building and two It’s a marvellous remedy for old people’s One of the biggest land deals in pleased with it* prompt action.—South others so badly burned that they complaint ” Only 50e. at M c N aik B ros . Chicago Diily Calumet. For aaie by she history of Santa Clara county may die. drug store.___________________ was completed recently. W. S. Rich­ M c N au B ro *. Ed. V. Higgins, a young man of un­ Jonas Thurston, aged 25 years, at­ ards and the Santa Clara Valley Land The large ferryboat on Eel river at tompany a syndicate, purchased the balanced brain, who lived near Sher­ tempted suicide at Anaheim, disdharg- will heal and strengthen the :he crossing of the Ukiah wagon road slegant mansion and 421 acres of land man, Los Angeles county, gave himself ing a 32-caliber revolver at his right was carried away. The heavy rains of to a sheriff recently and stated tAat temple. The ball ranged downward lungs, cure cold and stop the die last week had raised the water so Delonging to Horace Hawes, adjoin- up he had killed two men, and buried their passing from his cheek. His condition .ng Redwood city, for $100,000 and nigh that it was impossible to hold the cough. 1200 acres of the famous San Martin bodies near his home. Examination is criticaL When found by his father, boat. The cable broke, and the boat proved that he had murdered his mother who heard the pistol report, the youug “I coached foe year« — had hemorrhage«. went down stream and was a total ranch in Santa Clara county for $273,- Doctar« «aid 1 waa ia last >taga of conaump- 900. The property includes some of the and William Sheehan, a ranch hand man was conscious. He has always liOB. Had giv«a up all hope. I finally tried wreck. This oloaes the road and all employed by his mother. The bodies borne an excellent reputation. The S hiloh and it cured m« completely. Am travel will be compelled to go via finest orchards lands in the valley. were buried where he stated. He will family is of prominence. A love affair today in perfect health.” Conductor J. L. Dumileu fell off a MRS- FLORENCE DREW, Laytonville. be sent to an asylum. is given as the cause of the act. Earn Oakland, Cal. train at Auburn and received injuries Pete McDonald, one of the wealthiest No case of yellow fever among Ameri­ Such little pills as DeWitt’s Little Early which caused his death. Bhlloh’a Goneamptlon Cura ia Mid by al) Risers are very easily taken, and they are cans has been reported from Havana, druggl«»» »» *•«> » bottle. A men of the Klondike, died recently of On indictments from the grand jury wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver rrlitted guaraatoa ■<>•• wick evary bottle, heart failure. for several days, and there are in the t you are *ot aalUfled ro io your druggixt Attorney C. L Stilson and R. Diller and bowels.—M c N aib B ros . and gat year money badk. T ab Animas hospital only ten persons, Louis Machen, an old resident of Los »ve e arrested in Chico recently. Stilson Between $3000 and $4000 was secured all Spaniards, suffering from the Write for illustrated hook on eonaumpcion. Sent Batos, was run over and killed by a s charged with the concealment of pub­ without com to yea. S C. Walla * C«.. LaRoy, N.Y. train near Los Gatos. How the acci­ ic documents and Diller with obtaining by a gang who exploded dynamite in disease. the vault of the Dalton City bank at dent occurred is not known. By making the final payment on the money under false pretenses. Both men Dalton City, I1L Although a poasee purchase negotiated several weeks ago ire old residents of Butte county. For waa quickly formed no trace of the rob­ the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt four consecutive terms Stilson was bers has yet been found. T a V a railroad has secured a deed to the »unty clerk of Butte county. Diller Former Governor «Roger Wolcott of Seitz tract of 20 acres along the Los aas been a prominent real estate dealer Angeles river, just east of the Terminal ind insurance agent in Chico for Massachusetts is dead at Boston. Bob Fitzsimmons has come out with railroad between First and Third streets. ;wenty-flve years. the statement that he has quit the prize- The price was a little less ton $35,000. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic Kooky Mountain Scenery bv Day­ ring. The tract will be used for roundhouses, unless the blood is in poor condition — is When threatened with pneumonia or any siding and terminal yards. The new light. sluggish, weak and unable to throw ofi A mbivi T imi B c B bdulx ». other lung trouble, prompt relief is neces­ railroad will use the terminal depot as D c RABT Day-light Stop-Over at Niagara Falls. sary, as it is dangerous to delay. We| the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy Through first class tourist sleepers from would suggest that One Minute Cough its central station in Los Angeles, and matter through the sore, and great dangei Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago,Boston, Cure be taken as soon as indications of hav­ if the chief shops of the company are Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver. Ft 4 p. m. Worth.Cmaha, Kan­ Portland to life would follow should it heal before New York aDd other eastern points, via ing taken cold are noticed. It cures quick­ located there they will be situated far­ ly aud its early use prevents consumption.— sas City, 8c Louis, Special ther south. The company now pos- the blood has been made pure and healthy Rio Grande Western, (Great Salt Lake M c N air B ros , Chicago and East. 9:15 a. m. and all imparities eliminated from the sys­ Route,) Denver A Rio Grande, C R I & P I sesses between 60 and 70 acres of land The Union Iron works at San Fran ­ tem. S.S.S. begins thecure by firstcleans- and Illinois Central to Chicago, connect­ in the city. ing and invigorating the blood, building ing in th* Union Depot with Michigan cisco has been awarded contracts by the I It has been demonstrated repeatedly Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver.Ft. 3:40 a. m. up the general health and removing from Central’s similar car for points east. government for the construction of one I in every state in tbe Union and in many Worth,Omaha, Kan­ Express t£e system A OOMSTAMT DRAHI For full particulars, call on or address sheathed rmour acruiser costing 13,- foreign countries that Chamberlain's sas City, St. Louis. 9:00 p. m eiitXtter UP*»" THE SYSTEM, agent 8. P. Co., or 800,000, and one unsheathed armour Cough Remedy is a certain preventive Chicago and East. Via Hun­ B. H. T rumbull , Com’l Agt., tington cruiser for $3,700,000. The other con­ and cure lor croup. It has become the When this has been accomplished the dis­ 142 Third St., Portland, Or tracts were awarded to eastern firms. universal remedy for that disease. M charge gradually ceases, and the sore 01 I V. Fisher of Liberty W. Va., onlv re­ Recent advices from Dawson states peats what has been said around the Walla Walla, Lewis 7 a. m. ’ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old Nellie Swett, a 19-year-old girl of San indolent sores to grow worse and worse, Bernardino, has been awarded $13,300 that there is an epidemic of typhoid ton, Hpokan*. Mm Bpotane I globe when he writes; ‘‘I have used neapolis, 8t. Paul. and eventually to destroy the bones. Local damages against D. T. Gray, a merchant fever and pneumonia prevalent there. Flyer Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my Dulutb, Milwaukee 6 p. m. applications, while soothing and to som< Mrs. Nancy Davis, widow of Thad-1 family for several years.and always with for seducing her. Chicago and East. extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the sea: of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no mattei Andrew Dahlberg, a Swede, was as­ deus Davist pioneer, d.edSal bw bow apparently hopeless your condition sassinated by an unknown party last aged 81. Mrs. Davis crossed the plains that it is a snre care for croup. It bae O cean S tiami ' him . m. 4 P. 8 p. m. even though your constitution has broker Sunday night in his cabin 3*^ miles from Canada early in 1848, and since I aave4 the lives of our children a number All sailing dates sub­ down, it will bring relief when nothin), southeast of Hillsboro, Or. His body 1852 had resided near Salinas. She of times.” This remedy ia for sale by ject to change. else can. It supplies the rich, pure bloo< For 8au Francisco- necessary to heal the sore and nourisl was found bv neighbors. Robbery is leaves two sons, who are ranchers neai M c N air B ros . Ball everyJS days. supposed to have been the motive of here, and one daughter, Mrs. Titus of I Count von Blumenthal, the oldest the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B Talbert, Lock Box 245,Winona, Miss, the murder. The murderer shot through Redwood city. | jeid marshal in the German army, died says: " Six years a^o my leg from tbe knee t< the window of the cabin. 4 p. m. Daily C olumbia Rivaa tbe foot was one solid sore Several physician ~ i few days ago on his estate at Quel- Ex. Bun. treated me and I made two trips to Hot Spring! Ex Bun­ ONE-LEGGED BALL PLAYER. Land jumpers are threatening trouble endorf, Duchy of Anhalt. but found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. S day. 8 p. S txamxm . for quite a number of Sebastopol ranch­ and it made a complete cure. I have been a per A suit brought at Sau Rafael by Baron j), Satur­ fectly well man ever since.” ers. Aooording to the couuty atlas it day 10 p. To Astoria and Way- ron Schroeder for libel against a San is the only purely veg m. Landings. Francisco paper, caused a. Members of the Kenwood Country I ¡be baron. He wanted $250,000 dam­ 6 a. m ruin the digestion an« county records are now being eagerly club have a mascot in Willie Howard, iges. Ex Bun­ Oregon City. Newberg, Ex. Sun. add to, rather than relieve your suffer searched by would-be claimants. This day. Baleni, I ndependence J. W. Mackay, one of the oldest resi- ings. If your flesh does not heal readih is not the first time that government the one-legged baBeball player, says a and Way-Landings The little fellow, ience of the North Pacific coa»st, died when scratched, bruised or cut, your bloot land has been discovered near Sebasto­ Chicago paper. eight years of age, is considered one it Victoria recently. He located the is in bad condition, and any ordinary son pol. A few years ago one of the best of the most expert amateur ball play­ 7 a. m. W illamette and Y am ­ 3:30 p. m. is apt to become chronic. Jamons coal beds at Nanimo, B. O. hill R ivers . Mon Wed TueaTbnr Send for our free book and write oui ranches in the neighborhood was jump­ er* on the south side. He manages Elisha B. Francis, colored, a young and Fri. and Bat. Oregon City, Dayton, physicians about your case. We make u< ed, and, after a long siege of litigation, to run the bases on one leg. Of late soal miner, Sunday night shot and in­ and Way-Landings. the claimants got the land. The latest charge for this service. the young man has frequently been stantly killed his sweetheart, Lola THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. discovery has created a good deal of un­ asked to appear on the tennis Tones, also colored, at Newcastle,Wash. easiness, as one error is liable to effect a grounds. It is said that whatever Leave Leave 8a ac i Rivxa. He was drunk and jealous. He is in great many properties. Lewiston Kiparia side he champions is sure to be vic­ jail. Daily 11:85 a tu. torious in the tennis contests. Any Riparia to Lewiston. t) a tn. Daily fine afternoon when there is a tennis game in progress Willie Howard is very conspicuous. He is regarded by some of the best tennis experts as For Infants and Children. the forerunner of good luck. One day lately Willie was in great demand. It i* said his services were bid for Bears the long before the champion tennis con­ Signature of tests began at the Kenwood Country Spre Lungs SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. rheMEW graphophone THE CHRONICLE ranks wltl th« great«» Mwipapcr* tn tba United Btatae. TuB CHRONICLE ha* no equal on the Pacifls OoaaA It lead* all In ability, anterpriae and new* THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports ar« lb« lalMt and moat reliable. It« Local New« tbs fnu««t and splclMt, and its Editorial« from tb. abl««t pan* In th« oountry. THE CHRONICLE baaalwaytboaa, and always wtU ba, the friend and champion of th« people aa against aomblnatlona, clique«, corporations, oi •ppreaalona of any kind. It wtU ba lndapandan' la avatylhlng. uautral In nothing. ST. PAUL, DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO- AND ALL POINTS EAST. Tbwough Palaeo and Tourtet Sleepers Dining and Buffet Btuokiog Library Oars. DAILY TRAINS, VAST TIMS ; SERVICE AND SCEKERA UNBQÜALKD. Tickets to points East via Portland and the GREAT NORTHERN RY . on sale at Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office 268 Morrison Street, PORTLAND, For Rates. Folders, and Full informa­ tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad dress A. B. 0. DENNISTON, City rasa, and Ticket Agent, Portland NORTHERN PACIFIC R ATI WA Y T b « Chronicle Bull dingt U THE N DAILY ■y Mall, Postage Paid. S Only $6.70 a Year. Pullman Sleeping Gars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars f ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORK8~ TO I CROOKSTON _____ _ I WINNIPEG I HELENA -nd I _yuiTE___ THROUGH TICKET2 TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA- NEW YORK ~~ BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST an0 tons of steel rail: prominent part in baseball games and fish plates for tho Victorian rail when there are no games of tennis ways has been placed with the Illinois in progress. Aa a batter he is said to Steel company of Chicago. be the equal of anyone on the Ken­ The contractors who are building the wood grounds. Of late the young fel­ San Pedro breakwater believe they art low has discarded his habit of run­ now on the road toward carrying out to ning the bases with a crutch in hand. the letter their agreement with the war It is said that Willie believes it un­ department. What the contractors dignified to run the bases in his for­ promise is that the number of tons cal­ mer way. The result is the youthful led for will be furnished, beginning in ball player now covers the bases in a January, 1901, and from that time the hop, skip and jump fashion. increase will gradually be such as to more than accord with the department OUTS WIN FROM BOOKIES. specifications. Four thousand nine hundred tons of material were dumped on the work last mouth, and the record is at present between 25 and 80 carloads, or 900 tons daily. Pepsin preparations often fail to relieve “It was just like this, you see, me indigestion because tbey can digest only al and Mickey came to Chicago to be on b ruinous foods. There is one preparation hand for the opening season of the that digests alt c asses of food, and that is races at Washington park from De­ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives instant re­ troit," said a short man with a sandy lief, for it digests what you eat.—M c N air mustache and wearing clothes that B ros . had seen better days around a race The order of importance for supplier track, who was standing near the grand to be used in the construction of the stand in Washington park the other new San Pedro, L6s Angeles and Salt day talking to a tout who was going Lake railroad has been given for 220,- to give him a good thing, relates the 000 ties, to be delivered during Febru­ Chronicle. “When Mickey and I hit ary and March of next year at San the town we didn’t have a cent, so we Pedro. The order was placed on Puget had to beg our chuck and banner money sound where all such material for this from people on the street. The next coast comes from, the ties will be day we were in for it good,. No money, shipped south by sailing vessels. The didn’t know anybody, only a few touts, consignment contracted for will, it u who only had eating money for them­ estimated, be necessary for the first 170 selves and had a good thing that would miles of new road. The total number win in a walk and the odds were big. of ties necessary for the completion of Mickey says: ‘Pal, I tink I can get the whole line will, it is believed, be a few bucks to bet on a good thing,’ about 2,000,000. so he did. How he got it I don’t know, but in three days after he got it we Recently there have been several cases walked out of the track with $2,500 in our pockets of the bookies’ easy of prominent men suddenly falling in money.” That is the story overheard collapse just after eating a hearty meal. These men have all been under treat­ by a man who was standing near the ment for gastric "trouble,” and yet the two alleged touts who were telling of result shows that the treatment they had their good luck since the opening of the received had smothered the symptoms Washington park track. but had not retarded the progress of the disease. There is a real danger in the use oi BROKE THE NEWS SUDDENLY. palliatives when there is disease of the Comieal Epteode ia the Meeting at stomach and its allied organs of diges­ tion and nutrition. The disease in such LoMH-Separated Brothers ia cases goes on, while the distressing « England. symptoms alone are stopped. Presently, like a smothered A curious little story reached US fire, the disease the other day from the lipa of an breaks out in officer invalided home from South new places, in­ volving heart, Africa, says the Liverpool Post. The eldest son of a well-known duke had a lungs, liver, kid­ younger brother in Ladysmith and neys, or some other organ. was naturally anxious and eager for The use of Dr. his safety. He himself was serving Pierce’s Golden with the forces of Gen. Buller and Medical Discov­ was through all the long and arduous ery results in a campaign which preceded the relief radical cure of of that place. When it became known diseases of the that the road was at last open, the stomach and oth­ young nobleman was sent forward er organa of di­ gestion and nutrition. It cures diseases with the first forces to enter the of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when town. He soon found his brother, the Ataoaso of these organs has its origin whom his eyes had been yearning to In the diseased condition of the stomach see for so many long and weary «nd digestive and nutritive system. months. “Hullo, Jack!” he shouted, «1 will tell yon what myself and family think your medicine,” writes Mr. M. M. Wardwell, and then, in his excitement and pleas­ of of Linwood, Leavenworth Co., Kansas. "It ure, for the life of him he couldn’t will do all you say. and more. I was taken sick nine years ago; I got ao wsak I couldn ’ t think of what to say next. At last he down, nor hardly sit up; was that way two lie or blurted out with: “Old Tom, the three months. I picked up one of Dr. Pierce's Memorandum Books one aav and saw ycur de gardener, is dead.” An anti-climax scription of catarrh of the stomach. I thought ­ which, in spite of the apparently it hit my case. We had a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Medical Discovery in the house that was mournful character of the news, Golden got for my mother, you recommend it for caused both the brothers to roar with catarTh of the stomach, so I went to taking iL one bottle nearly cured me. I got two laughter. Such was the first item The bottles next time and took one and pne-half of home news which the younger one and was well. Your medicine cost me three heard after a sickening period of anx­ dollars and the doctor cost me fourteen dollars.” Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical ious waiting. Adviser, In paper covers, is sent/w on The minors of George F. 8cbumpf, o< .receipt of 21 one-cent stamps, to pay lacksonville, have been granted • pen- expense of mailing only. Address Dr. K V. Piarn, Buffalo, N. V. shm«f flOper asssrth. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 3 o’clock p in on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Mas. M alvina F bbouson , Pres. M u. M. J. Spencer. Seo'y. MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS ( KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knighta of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good s anding are cordially invited to attend, K J. BHAW, 0. 0. T. H. SiMrsov.K. R. 8. The pleasure In owning a Graphophon» U largely Inereaaad by bains able to make and reproduce yourown record«. We furnish thi« machine wttb recorder for *7.50. making It tbecheapret recording and reproducing talking machine on tbe market. Grapbophoue« ot every deecripUon. Call or write. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept. 135. San Francisco Address, 125 Ge try 8 Segale L lne »»W orld t DENVER^ RIO GRAN DE RAILROAD. “PIONEER LIMITED' N orthwest E ast itati It .... MILWAUKEE” A familiar name forth* Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known ail over th* Union aa th* Great Railway running th* THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE wm TO ALL POINTS R. G NICHOL, G«.wal A<«nt S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. A. Ul W m U wu . S«, PORTLAND. ORE. DENVER. COUX Train* every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect train* in th* world.” Understand: Connections ar* made with AU Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passenger* th* beat **rvic* known. Luxurious Coaches, Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Of a verity equaled by no other liae. See that your ticket reads via ”Tb* Milwaukee” when going to any point in tbe United States or Canada. Al« ticket agents sell them. THE For rates, pamphlets or othsr infci« mUiou, address, J. W. CASEY, Trsv. Pass. Agt., SBATTLB, WA8H. Price, 25 cents a number. 0. J. EDDY, General Agt., P obtlam D, O b The Light of tbe World, or Our Saviour in Art. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS is the one important magazine in the world giving in its pictures, its text, in its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a comprehensive, timely record of the world’s current history. Not the enumeration of mere bare facts, but a comprehensive picture of the month, its activities, its notable personalities, and notable utterances. The best informed men and women tn the world find it indispensable. » There are many readers in your locality who have fet to learn of its usefulness. We wish to establish active agents in ever^ city and township in the country. We will pay liberally for ener­ getic effort in the subscription field. Leisure moments can be utilized with substantial increase of income. Make a list of the persons in your locality who should have the “ Review of Reviews,” and send to us for agent’s terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person with a subscription proposition for the “ Review of Reviews,” and consequently orders are easily secured. This is the active subscrip­ tion season. Make application at once, naming your references. CIFIC COAST TO R REPRODUCES SAME RECORDS AS ALL STANDARD TALKING MACHINES. The Kind You Have Always Bought CHRONICLE Shortest and Quickest Line W. R. C. CASTOR IA club. 66. BURNSIDE BELIE* COBH NO. 34 SORES AND ULCERS. GO EAST ASHLAND LODQB, NO. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall »very sbcond and poubth Wednesday in tach month. Ail brethren in rood standing ire cordially invited to attend. Gao. K rols , M. W. G bo . W. T bbfbbn . Recorder. MOT A TOT, Shiloh's Consumption Cure 0.R.&N. A. O. U. W. Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Con­ tains nearly 100 full-page engravings of our Savior and His Mother by tbe world’s ¿reatest painters, True copies of tb* greatest Masterpieces in tbe srt galleries of Europe. Every picture is as beautiful aa a sunrise over the hilltops. Contain* description of tbe paintiDga, biegraphy of tbe painters, tbe names and locations of tbe galleries in Europe where tbe origi­ nals may be seen. Also contains a Child’s Department, including a Child’s 8tory of tbe Christ and His Mother, beau­ tifully written, to fit each picture. This wonderful book, matchless in its puritv And beauty, appeals to every mother’s heart, and in every Christian borne wner* there are children the book sella itself. Christian men and women are making money rapidly taking orders. A Chris­ tian man or woman can in this commun­ ity aoen make $1,000 taking orders for Christmas presents. Mrs. Waite, our agent in Massachusetts, has sold ovsr $3,000 worth of tbe books in a very short time. Mrs. Sackett, onr agent fn New York, baa sold over $1,500 worth of th* books in a very short tim*. The book is $2.50 a. year. nri-A-a M. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY. 13 Astor Placa. / Ne--» vors City, a S-WVW ri>rio, “v-Du’ bound in Cardinal Rev. - Id Gold, and adorned with Golden Rose* ana Lillies. It is, without doubt, tbe moat beautiful book of this century. Writ* for terme quickly and get tb* manage­ ment of that territory. Yon can work on aalary or commission, and when you prove your success w* will promote yon to tbe position of Manager and Corres­ ARE YOU GOING EAST ? pondent, at a permanent salary, to devote your time to attending to agentsand the Be eure and see that your correspondence. Wanted also a Stat* Ticket reads via Manager to have charge of office in lead­ ing city of the state and manage all tbe business of tbe state. Send for terms. When people are contemplating a trip, Address— whether on business or pleasure, they THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO., naturally want the beat service obtain­ Corcoran Building, Opposite U. 8. able ao far as speed, comlort and safety Treasury, Washington, D. 0. is concerned. Employees of the Wis coNsiN C entral L inks are paid to serve tbe public and our trains are operated ----- THE----- ao as to make close connection with diverging lines at all junction points. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars MINNEAPOLIS and on through trains. OMAHA RAILWAYS. I Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals ROM THE HELLS that Plutocracy served a la Carte. Thia is the i is preparing for us? Send twenty- In order to obtain this first-class service, five cents in coin or postage stamps ask the ticket agent to sell yon a ticket for a copy of “Regeneration of Society” over.................. and three other pamphlets that give ra­ Between The Wisconsin Central Lines tional answers to the above question,and at the same time receive a Free Trial DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO and you will make direct connections Subscription for Thirteen weeks of “Lu­ at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and And All Points East and South. cifer, the Light Bearer,” a radical, wide­ all points East. awake, fearless, up-to date, eight-page For any further information call on any Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ve*- weekly journal. Address ticket agent, or correspond with tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car THE LIGHT-BEARER PUB. CO., JAR. 0. POND, Train* and Motto : 500 Fulton St., Chicago, U. 8. A, General Pass. Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , General Agent, W iscomsix , 246 ^tark Street, P ortland , O regon . Have given this road a national reputa lion. All claeses of passengers carried WANTED—ACTIVE MEN OF GOOD to deliver and collect in Oregon >n the vestibuled trains without extra character for old established manufacturing whole­ charge. Ship your freight and travel sale bouse |900 a year, sure pay. Hon­ •ver this famous line. All agents have esty more than experience required. Our tickets. W. H. MEAD, reference, any bank in any city. Enclose General Agent, 243 Washington St., self-addressed stamped envelope. Man­ \V. C. S avage , Portland, Oregon. ufacturers. Third Floor, 334 Dearborn St. It artificially digests th* food and aid* Chicago. Traveling F.& P. Agent, Nature in strengthening and recon­ I Portland, Oregon. The.... Northwestern Line! fully A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... What Shall We Do to be Saved GREAT SHORT “ALWAYS ON F LINE TIME” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you oat. | A FREE PATTERN g g (yottr own selection) DR. JORDAN ’S d4ii|ihYEARLY to Christian 'PvVV man’or woman to look I MS CAU/O ' I BAZAFL Largest clr MUNN &Co.36,Bfo*,w”'’ New York Brunch Office ® V *t Waahnurtan. D. U VISIT Price 60c. and 11. Large s I m oontalns M Urnas ■mall size. Book all about dyspepsia m a il* * tree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT a OO. Chtoaaa EUGENE A. SHERWIN Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- Jfe date. Economical and Absolutely J Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. | A rem; beautiful colored plates; latent 5 fashions ; dressmaking economies ; fancy S work ; household bints ; fiction, etc Sub 5 scribe to-day, or, send ¿c for latest copy S’ Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. § structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digeet- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In­ stantly relieve* and permanently cure* Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgla, Cramp* and all other results of Imperfect digestion. GREAT F HUSEUM UFaANATOMYt I%l!UEiET8T.,IHFtUaMt,UI>. V 1 Only ie aad 15 ere each—none higher « Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city 5 and town, or by mail from THE McCALL CO., •: 138-146 West 14th St.. New Ysrlt. 5 I < > after our growing business in this and adjoining Connties; to act as Manager and Correspondent; work can be done at yonr’home. Enclose aelf-sddresse-J. stumped envelope for particulars to H. A. Sherman, General Manager, Corcoran Build* ing, opposite United Stales Treas­ • > • « ury, Washington, D. C. 4-Î-4-+ F++++++++-J-++-i-:-{+++++-i-* Th- Largest Anatomical Museum in the A I World. Wcuknes cs or any contracted V | disease positively cored by the oldest A Specialist oa the Coast £ sl 36 years. V 03. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEH ® * V A V i ■ A A UPPINCOTT’S undertaken. Write tor Book. rMH-OWOWIB V .t > 31BRIAGE, MAILED F&BB. (A valuable book V iorrara.) Cail or ante \ on. £ The Best in Current Literature ■ TPUILIII thcrouyblT eradicated bcm system w:lboct the l,re