PERSONAL« I UNDERWEAR • •• We are Leaders this Season in Cadies*, misses', mens’ and Boys’ Underwear Everything Seasonable, in all grades and at prices to suit any pocket. We have this fall unusually beautiful and .................................... stylish lines of Eadies* Jackets and Capes» Eadies* Cai1or>IHade Suits, Ready made' Wrappers» Eadies* Underskirts As usual, we are up-to-date in I I I s' AT i AMD SOCIAL. Grant Crary did Medford yesterday. Flem Spencer returned this week from Seattle Bob Hammond is visiting Gold Hill relatives. B. D. Heberlie returned Tuesday from Chico, Cai. Lee Minkler came over from Horn­ brook Tuesday. < A. Rush of Sampson returned to Horn­ brook Monday. Miss Stella Smith returned Friday from a visit at Medford. Mrs. 0. M. Holmes returned Saturday from her Grants Pass visit. Mrs. W. H. Swank is paying her .folks a visit at Lyons, Linn connty. Misses Maud and Blanche Patterson visited Medford friends Saturday. Henry L. White came up from Rock Point Monday to visit bis family. Harry White of Woodville has joined the balance of the family in Ashland. Glenn Owen was here Tuesday from Glendale to witness the football game. Miss Nannie McCallen returned yes­ terday from a visit with Medford friends. Ex-Conductor Bert Taylor was a pas­ senger on Tuesday’s train for Portland. Chas. Lounsbury returned Monday from a whirl with his Portland friends Prof. J. Percy Wells returned to Gold Hill Tuesday and opened school yester­ day. CUPID’S YOKES, Ashurst—Caldwell. Bert Ashurst and Miss Mary E. Cald­ well were married at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. O. D. Caldwell, on Granite street, Jan. 2d, 1901, at 5 p m., by Rev. F. G. Strange, in the presence of the family and relatives, old and young. It was quiet and informal and occured sooner than was planned because Mr. Ashurst was called to open school at Tuscorona, Nev., next Monday. He is principal of the Tuscorona schools and ia fortunate in winning one of our fairest and best young ladies aa his life helper. The Blind Little God Scores 148 The Cowboys Meet Their Waterloo- Pointe in Jackson County for Clos­ in Ashland New Year’» Day—A i ing Year of Century. Splendid Game. JAXUXBY, 2 J A Hoff. Alice D Moore 2 J M Stephens. Mary F Williams 8. W J Su-rtn, Mattie L Cottrell 7. IL 21. 22. 28. 28. _________ w_________________ Albert P Phillips, Dora M Watkins Thos A MeEidowney. Elsie M Shattuck A K Kellogg. Kate J Parker Jordan Brown. Addie Bennett Frank Salsbury, Laura Flagg August Mickelson, Lilly M Jeffrey vksbuaby . Joseph N Wright. Marv A Parker Albert Perry, Serilda Brown George Beers, Ida Magerle Fcpd Herrin. Ina G Ford J D Parker, Jessie B Helman John A Stanley. Olive L Lee 4. 5. 7, 11. 13 13 14. Sleigh Biding Party. 15. A crowd of young people had a delight­ 16. ful sleigh ride party last night, going on 32. J E Randle, Susie A Helman Mark Applegate, Sylvia Hinkle Herbert E Darling, Anna M Morelock Edward D Briscoe, Olena Holton Wm Witt, Blanche L Moore Abijah Scribuer, Anna McAllister Harry W Lyon, Grace Fyfield Earnest Langley, Anna Bievenue Joseph 8 Werts. R Louise Brown Samuel Vanderbaden, Addie L Bryan B. B. Valley Telephone Sold. The Sunset telephone monopoly has bought the local telephone line operating independently in the various towns of this valley between Ashland and Granta Pass, taking nominal possession the first of the year until they decide what por­ tions of the line they wish to cut out. The R. R. Telephone Co. was owned py G. H. Haskins, Dr. B. F. Adkins, B. 8. Webb and J. F. White. BUTTE CREEK DEFEATED. 9. 17, 24. 25. 25 29. the county road south of Ashland as far as Kingsbury’s springs, when the un­ broken snow became too deep for con­ venient travel. The following were all in a four horse sleigh: Misses—Clara Johnson, Cora Johnson, Rosa Dodge, Jessie Wagner, Minnie Walrad, Ethel Walrad. Messrs— Irving Vining, Henry Galey, Tom Hammond, Elmer Patrick, John Churchman, Geo. Churchman. Smell Pox M Montague. MARCH. APRIL. J L Hefling, Effie M Wright L Neeley, Muriel McCall O C Oden,Clara Owings E F Roberts. Eunice E Davis W L Jones, Winnifred Rogers Wm B Pracht, Nellie L Patrick Fred C Miller, Clarissa Garrison John F Beltz, Louise K Elder Francis Johnson, Maria L Wells Wm W Hevener, l®nma Ewan James Milne. Ola Waterhouse Ehler Band. EllaSchumpf John H Carlton, Bessie Brown Daniel Craft, Lily M Woodward M i Il er & Bartges The New Dry Goods and Clothing Store. The most highly exciting and intense- J ly interesting game of football ever seen ‘ in this part of the state, was witnessed' We are now Established in the new and spacious build« on New Years Day by a large and en-! thuaiastic crowd at the Ashland Athletic ing known as the Pioneer Block, on Plaza and Main, where grounds. The burly giauts from Eagle Point came out from the Big Stickey i we are prepared to accommodate the public to much better country to run np against a team that ! advantage than heretofore. administered to them a severe defeat. Our Stock has been replenished throughout and pnces Yet even though defeated they put up a hard game and played football from are right. Give us a call. first to last, and it speaks well for a lit­ tle village across the country, a town of PHONE 243. _ some one-hundred people, that they can put up a team that is, outside of Ash­ land, by far .the strongest team in south­ ern Oregon. Friendly feelings were manifest throughout the whole game and the crowd was equally vociferous and noisy for both sides. The game was called at two o’clock with Eagle Point defending the south goal and Ashland kicking off. Homes sent the ball into Eagle Point’s territory, where it was downed without gain. Two hard line bucks were made when Eagle Point fumbled and Ashland got the ball. Special Values in Fleece Dress Goods and Easter made a brilliant dash through Fleece Lined Underwear. the line for 15 yards and was followed + up by Bush, Homes and Washbnrn, un­ til about five minutes after the kick-off, J Healthful and Delicious Candies, a Splendid Stock, Ashland had a touchdown. ESPECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS. Homes kicked an easy goal and the t boys trotted back to their places, Ash­ land smiling and jubilant, Eagle Point * N1NINGER BLOCK grim and determined. Vonder Hellen | NEAR DEPOT kicked to Bush who carried the ball in several yards. Then began a series of t III 11 i I <1 *»■»♦! >♦»♦♦»<♦♦♦♦♦♦ end runs and line bucks that carried the ball to the center of the field, when Ash­ land was forced to punt. Homes kicked well into Eagle Point’s territory and Klum tackled Moomaw so hard that he •5 dropped the ball and Hammond f^ll on it. A fake by Bush and Stanley and a Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. fumble brilliantly picked up by Chis­ holm carried the ball over Eagle Point’s line the second time. The goal wa9 kicked and the soore stood. Ashland 12— to Eagle Point 0. Von der Hellen 11ST ALL BRANCHES. kicked to Ashland again and after punting, ends running and line bucking Ashland scored their third and last touchdown and goal. The first half ended, Ashland 18—Eagle Point 0. When the whistle blew for the second ----- FIRST-CLAf-8 WAGON WORK.------ half, the Eagle Point boys had a look of determination on their faces that they would do their best, and their looks were not deceiving, for from the very kick-off, they waded into Ashland with a ven- gence. Massing their entire weight on • « Ashland’s light linemen,they pushed the ball down the field until it was only one foot from the coveted goal. But here Ashland braced up and held them for three touchdowns and then kicked out of danger, hut no sooner had the ball got into Eagle Point’s hands until it started down the field again toward Ashland’s goal. Line smashing by the Eagle Point backs and hard bucking by the linemen I took the ball to Ashland’s ten yard line, where the town boys took it and once more kicked hack to the center. After a few more hard, fast plays the game ended with the ball in the center of the MILLER & BARTGES 1I 20 Per Cent Off ON LADIES’ WRAPS I Wm. Yeo & Co Thos. Short and son Charles went to 8. B. Grissezof Little Shasta spent the Montague to remain a few days, but re­ MAY. holidays visiting a lady friend in Phoe­ turned Monday afternoon on account of nix. Week*, Eva Leabo a case of small pox being in that town. 1. G W Weeks, 2. Boyd Tucker, Lile ~ — _ _ - ' _ L ' Conley ~ ’ Mrs. R. M. Presley went to Grants The patient is a nephew of Dr. G. W. ft.-Benj ¿■Benj Norman. Sarah E Halter Dwinell,at one time owner of the.Dewey Pass Monday to visit her son, C. C. 9? Willis Snyder, Berylla Edwards 9i mine. The young man had just arrived 9. W RStnson. Presley. RSt nson. Lucy Calhoun from the east. The house in which he 13. Miles Brownrigg, Alice M Smith Mrs. Hall came up from Grants Pass is stopping is being closely quarantined, 19. John W Opp. Rose Ries Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. and the doctors say there is no danger of 20 Wm Bogue, Pear) M Case > " ------ F. Farrier. 27. J Perry, Rachel Nichols the disease spreading. 28. F W Beck, Nellie R Band Mrs. James E. Patrick and son re­ Re-Appointing Old Officers. 29. J L Ragsdale. Hattie Dawsen Tbe Big Snow Storm. turned Monday from a visit with Grants 29. J A Norman, Jennie Hibbard The new city administration composed Pass friends. Ashland has been anticipating a long 31. Frank Happersberger, Eva Happers- of Mayor R. P. Neil, Councilmen Whit­ berger G. W. Murray, wife and four children, deferred winter for many years and the ney, T. H. Simpson, Walter P. Powell, JUHK. A8HLAND, Or., Thursday, Jan. 3, 1901 A. F. Hunt, H. P. Holmes and J. K. arrived from Hanford, Cal., Tuesday to said article seems to have arrived this week, for sleighs bave been operating on 4. Wm E Williamson, Blanche Oliver visit relatives. Reader, held their first session at city our streets the past two days, the first 6. L P Brittson, Leile M Hudson hall last night, Mayor Neil re-appoint­ T, F. Kershaw, who has been suffering time to any extent in ten years. Mias Lnla Brings’ Reclral. 6. Bual Hildreth, Lola Kendall ed the old officers as follows: Chief-of Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights 10. O H Robinson. Emma Nichols Tbe musical recital given by Miss Lulu Police. W. H. Brunk, St. Commissioner, with the grip in San Francisco, returned were very cold, the theremometor scor­ 13. Alonza Slover,Lucinda A Wattenburger Briggs, one of Ashland’* accomplished rnu- J. W. Hatcher; Water Supt., Wm. Pat­ home last night. 13. Willard Houghton, R A Coffman ing 28, 20 and 18 above zero. Tuesday 17, aic teachers, assisted by her class and John Olwell, Fred Weeks and a party P McConnell, Irane Mark friends, in the Presbyterian church last terson. The council confirmed the nom­ of four others returned Tuesday from a evening a snow storm set in and the 22 J Howard Long. Mary Carter Friday evening was creditable to all con­ inations. government theremometer registered 24. Wm A Beck. Ollie V Milton The mayor appointed the following trip to Klamath county. cerned and a success in every way. It was Wednesday morning eight inches of 27. Fred P Burrail, 8arah E Anderson a practical demonstration of Miss Briggs’ standing committees: Ralph Billings returned to the Cor­ snow. This morning it registered 2% 27. John A McIntosh, Clara M Brown ability aa a teacher, and of the progres* Finance—Whitney, Holmeyand Simp­ vallis state agricultural college Tuesday inches additional for the 24 hours. It ia JULY. made by her pupil* in their studies and son. from his holiday vacation. of a soft order and the moderate weather 1. A J Klum. Elma Denton practice. The following young misses de­ Street — Hunt, Powell and Reader. serve spacial mention for their well rend­ 9. Henry Archambeau. Ellen Noah Hon. and Mrs. E. D. Foudray returned is fast thawing it away. Fire and Water—Holmes, Powell and ered parts tn the programme: Hasel Mc­ Ten lines of the town circuit of the tel­ 15 Frank H Howell. Alphreta Shirlsy to Phoenix Tuesday from a visit with Connell, Clara Rhodes, Jessie Woods, Min­ Whitney. ephone service went down yesterday 15. Minnie H Howell, Amy L Booth Sanitary—Reader, Hunt and Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farlow. nie Jackson, Lola Payne. Hazel Patterson, morning and both lines are down in 17. Charles M Holmes, Amy • Booth Whitney was elected chairman of the Edith Strange and Muriel Porter. Glen 19. Uriah Gorden. Mary A Stevens Miss Jessie Betts and John McClendon many places in this valley. Payne was the only one of the boys on toe council. 22. W T Grieve, Kate M Fries returned home to Gold Hill Monday from The railroad service north of Ashland Srogramme but he held his own well. Miss 26 J A Fincher, Mattie Zender Treasurer H. C. Galey’s bond for *5000 Is in very good condition, the trains com­ 29. Thos H Fredenburgb, Emma Coffman I ary Durham, the music teacher, Miss with E. V. and F. H. Carter as sureties, a visit with Ashland relatives. Esther Silsby, so well known and appreci­ Miss Helen Colvig of Jacksonville, ing along on fairly good time up to the AUGUST. ated. and Signor Do Botfa, the unusually was approved. is visiting Ashland friends this week, tbe present time. Recorder Milton Berry ’ s bond for *1000 1. Lewis C Hyde. Anna M Snell tine violinist, contributed very much to the This morning there was seven feet of G F Werts. Ida Evans enjoyment of the occasion. Mi. smi Lrora with W. A. Patrick and J. B R. Hutch guest of Miss Gertrude McCallen. snow at Dunsmuir with the railroad 1. Jesse R Hamrick, Carrie BScott Hugh** and Lulu Briggs and Messrs. ings as sureties, was approved. Miss Loree Bartges, sister of W. H. yards impassible, and eight feet at Sis­ 4 2. Oliver I* Helms, Lena M Netherland I field. I I Combs and Kilis delighted the audience The ringing of the curfew was abol­ Bartges of the firm of Miller & Bartges, kiyou, three at Montague and Hornbrook. 7. D 1 Phipps. Clara E Brown Taking the game as a whole the Ash­ With a comic quartette, Prot. I. E. Vining, ished and hereafter the fire bell will be returned home to Portland Monday. Yesterday noon’s south bound passeng­ 8. Arthur 8 Klienhammer, Mary E Ander­ land team won because of their speed, who is always a favorite, was at his best in heard only in case of fire. The new coun­ the reading of “Brooklet.” The panto­ cil have the thanks of a long suffering dash and team work. In the first half Mrs. W. H. Leeds and children re­ er arrived at Edgewood about noon today 8, R son • •• "" ' ■ — ■ I ■ ■ '-I- " ' ■ * M Allen, Alice Wyant mime at the close was a very pleasant sur­ they had everything their own way, but turned to Salem Tuesday. They were and is going south, but will probly be 9. F C Hibbard, Lula M Utinson community for surcease from an un ­ prise to all. The part taken by Mildred stopped at Dunsmuir, below which Nos. in the second half the best playing was accompanied by Mrs. Jacob Wagner. A K Brown, Lydia E Owens LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Drake and Willie Briggs was beautiful, se­ pardonable abomination. 12 and 16 are locked up today, and where 20. done by Eagle Eag]o Point. Final score 18—0. 20. Owen Short, Minnie Neusbaum The council will hereafter meet the curing for them the highest compliment*- Attorney Geo. W. Trefren returned the most serious trouble is. 21. J C Calvert, Jessie Giison Altogether it was a taking entertainment. first Tuesday in each month. ASHLAMD. EAGLE POINT. yesterday from a business trip to the Between Ashland and Redding is the 22. Paul E Van Scoy, Lottie Brown F------- For Sale Geo. Stevens........... c. W. E. Conner of Hotel Oregon Bar and ticket creek mines in Josephine county. storm center of railroad interruption. 26. ................ Smith Lawrence Cardwell. Bertha Pankey W. VV. Browning of Ogden, Utah, who Houck & Dame each made an applica­ Jno. Meliza ............. r g ............. Bvden West, Frankie Moore All goods at wholesale prices at Ash­ All the fright trains were pulled out of 28. Wm is on yie coast judging poultry shows, tion for ealoon licenses to be granted at Chet Easter............ r t. • • • • • Rader AT TALDNT, OREGON. 31. H W Carr, Alice M Davis was in Ashland Tuesday. He will judge expiration of present licenses on the 15th land Grocery Company must be sold out their blockades and annulled and tbe Robt. Hammond..r e. .Von der Hellen SKTTZMBER. entire railroad force with all the men the poultry show which opened at Med­ inst and filed bonds for the same in the at once. Gowland.. • 1 • .j ?. .................. Young they can hire are clearing the snow X George Robertson, Elva Blanche Roe he only blacksmith shop ford yesterday. Clint Chisholm ,.i t. ................ Pankey sum of *500, the sureties for the former W. E. Smith, of the railroad machine drifts and struggling to keep the 3. Georee Phillips, Alice Watkins at Talent, well equipped and doing a Blaine Klum... . .1 e. H Vomier Hellen being D. B. Provost and J. E. Pelton shop force, is spending a vacation in San passenger train mooving. This noon’s 4. A F Dyer, May Steele -o Mining Items. Washburn ........ r h b and for the latter, J. E- Pelton. The Francisco with the Ashland delegation. south good business; best location in county. ........ Moomaw, jr M J Caton, Chloe A Band 5. bound passenger Is being Fred Hemes... 1 h b .................. Brown Reason for telling* ill health. 5. A F Shidler, Charlotte E Colton P. O. Gearhart has hauled a carload of council postponed consideration to an Call and get my list of properties for sale Tbe San Francisco holiday Excursion­ pulled over the Siskiyou with eight large 6. W J Ellison, Emma King Lewis Stanley., .. q ......... Moomaw, si ore from the new Messenger signed, doing business under tbe firm name der for a big supply of per cent off. 26. Thomas E Gould, Mollie E Beck trade. in the printing office. • • city, was over Sunday visiting his family of The Ashland Meat Company, have dis­ PICTURES! calendars for 1901, we • > at Glendale. solved partnership by Mutual consent, First-class reference« furntshed. Judge J. 8. Orr came in from Klam­ This sale only lasts Card Or Thanks. will soon be able to PICTURE FRAMES! having sold the eaid business to H. V, Correspondence solicited. ath Falls Friday and after visiting his Mrs. D. W. Stone went to Oakland, supply all, and will till Saturday evening, We desire to extend our sincere thanks Mitchell, who continues the same. cousin, Mr. Orr at the Variety store, left Cal., last week to pay a visit to her All parties knowing themselves indebted to the I O 0 F lodge, A O U W lodge and distribute them free Saturday for Reno, Nev., to bring his friend, Mrs C. C. Smith, formerly Miss to tbe firm are requested to call at once and January 5. singers and all friends for their kindness wife home from a visit with her folks. M0LDING8 Rose Harris. of charge. make settlement. All panics having in our late bereavement. CABINET WORK claims against tbe firm will ulease present Master Mechanic R. M. Foster re­ o Tea of all kinds less than cost at Ash- M bs . R obt . T aylob and F amily . them. UPHOLSTERING < » turned Friday from Albany, where he land Grocery Company. A. F. HUNT. The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, GENERAL REPAIRING and his wife were called by illness of There was a surprise in the football line Wm. STORMS, OF FURNITURE from H. J. Hicks returned Tuesday Has Purchased ......................... Mrs. W. E. Williams. at Tuesday’s game that for a moment MCNAIR BROS., J. L. THORNTON. Portland where he had undergone treat­ '¿mated the town boys and suggested Ashland, Or*, Jan. 2. 1901. Subscribe for the V allby R bcord . ment for his eyes, and is considerable W. 0. Johnson’s Shop * defeat. The Butte creekers were of DRUGGISTS. The third number in the Starr Lecture improved. rugged stock, build and gait and very AT THE < • Course will be Dr. Boyer, on January much reeembled pictures of the Boer ASHLAND Successors to E. A. Sherwin. And is now prepared to serve J. W. Downing left for San Francisco 15th, delivering his famous masterpiece yesterday with the handsome specimens UNDERTAKING PARLORS. soldiers of South Africa. But when bis old customers and the pub­ “Crossing the Century Line.” they gave their signals in the game in from his Ashland creek mines to show Telephone 167 lic generally at the old stand the German language the Ashland boys to some parties who contemplate pur­ Goods delivered were dumbfounded in trying to find them chasing the property. ’ M ain S t .. O ff . O pera H ouse B lock out. The Butte creekers were not quite Vaupel, Norris and Drake are at the Ail of tbe Immense Stock of Liqnors General Blacksmithing ef all kinds. up-to-date in the recent advantages of the front this fall with one of the most com­ Horseshoeing a Specialty. game and had to play a half out before OF Kh HICK plete stocks of goods ever brought to they got “next.” But they were quite this valley. —AT THE— able to masticate what they chawed off KEEP YOUR EYE in the first and held the game down even • ••• Mrs. Soule came over from Little ;n the second half. Being the most Shasta Monday to wait on her youngest OPPOSITE PLAZA. skillful and best equipped masters of brother, Claud Holt, who is down with ILL BE 6OLD FOR CASH within the game out side of Ashland, it will be the measles in Bellview precinct. Dal er in the next 30 days, with the view of well to look out for them the next time changing our line of business. We do not Mrs. J. W. McGregor, wife of a Port- they come around. like the liquor business and have conoluded land railroad machinist and her chil- Call and see our fine assortment of J. W. COX, Proprietor. The First National Bank of Ashland to quit it. For almost 18 years we have la­ MRS. AUGUSTA GABBU8H, P bop ’ b . dren are visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. bored with you and at the low estimate o( which has effected a temporary organiza ­ Martyn. CHINAWARE, tion and secured the charter for a bank *30 per day we have the small sum of about Lacey Building, 4th St., near Depot. A First-Class The White Sewing Machine given in Ashland will soon effect a permanent *200.000, (which ia all profit) consequently —Dishes of all descriptions— ..Meal For we are ready for business. Will either run organization, which has been delayed by away New Years day by the Stanley * newspaper or start a National Bank at Anything you want cooked the illness of A. McCallen. Drng Company was won by number, FANCY and PLAIN Meals at all hours. Tolo. Call and see us and get our prices to order with promptness 1451. If this ticket is not returned on Steves and ranges arriving at D. B. and sample our goods, and secure your A handsome line for the Holi­ Lunches put up. and dispatch.' Al! Hours. or before the 11th inst., 2937 will win. Grant’s haraware store. Xmas booze. THE BILLY MCCARTHY. days and suitable for presents. More numbers drawn were 4906, 5451,' Ashland. Oregon. Rich, warm, healthy blood is given bv SQUARE MEALS, 25 CENTS 3569, to win providing the other num­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thus congbs, bers are lost or not returned. ROLLED OATS colds, and pneumonia are prevented. BANANAS, J. C. De Kalb, a business man of Sait Take it now. 10-lb Sacks. DATES, E. A. Hildreth. Jr. J. P. Sayle JHsbland Lake for many years, arrived in Ashland Frank Dodge. Miss Edith Gregory left for Ssn Francis­ CITRON, Imported Olive Tuesday to look at the country and visit co Monday and became Mrs. Harvey the STEAM LEMONS, Oil. his friend, A. B. Miller. next day. ORANGES, OLIVES, Ashland Grocery Co’s stock closing Judge Marcus Robbins of Tacoma, LAUNDRY PICKLES, sweet and sour, Wa?h , is stopping io Ashland with a view out at cost. SAURKRAUT, Etc., Etc. of locating He is tbe father ot Egbert F. HEBERLIE Cut this out and take it to M c N aib Robbins, formerly a normal student, but Prop’r. And all Groceries usually kept in a now of Grants Pass B bo ’ s drug store and get a free sample ASHLAND, OREGON. of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver First-Class Grocery House, WATER 8treet. FREIGHT AND Tablets, the beet physic. They also cure Stove ¡Polishing, Window NEAR MAIN disorder* of the stomach, biliousneus and BAGGAGE TRANSFER. ASHLAND headache. Cleaning and Whitewash­ Orders by mail or express receive Chas. Trefren, Frank and Chas. Mow­ BRACH BLOCK, ASHLAND, OREGON. Wood For Sale. ing a Specialty. Thia signature ia on every box of the genuine prompt attention. ers, who have been doing Ashlaud dur- COMPANY, iTKRM* C ash , at [bog the holidays, returned to Grants Laxatrve^BromoQumine reasonable rates. Ice Delivered Daily in Season ASHLAND, - - OREGON. (Suocwsuia to I. K. Van Sant.) nMTMVfaj, $ M Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. TRIMBLE & CO | Vaupel Norris & Drake, g S®» ®®®®e® ®e@® ®®®®®®®®®®®®I VALLEY RECORD. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING Plow Work and Horse-shoeing a Specialty. ASHLAND MEAT CO General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Ashland, Oregon, Blacksmith Shop GEO. W. TREFREN' T Selling Off at Cost Settle Up Notice M New Harness Shop E. A. Sherwin After Christmas Sale ... Off CALENDARS 1901.... Removal Notice. W . . . ASHLAND TINNING&PLUMB1NGC0. i W. A. Patrick & Son. E. C. SHERMAN, STANLEY DRUG COMPANY D QRANT, « On This Space I ClosM Ont Sale! BILLY M’CARTHY Boarding : House W and Chop Boose and Restaurant. 25-Cents. I I Prices Right, and _ _ _ Give Me a Call W TAYLOR, Treatment Right. •New Goods Arriving Daily I GRANT, MERCANTILE