Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1900)
ÏUKet bro* VALLEÏ RECORD VALLEY RECORD ......... ASHLAND, OREGON Published Every Thursday. ff. J. KAISER, Proprietor. ......... ASHLAND, OREGON $1.75 i StTMCUFHOI R ates : One Year......... ............................... $1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 00 • • • • Three Months....................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLEÏ RECORD. T VOL. XIII ASHLAND, JACK80N COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. Cannot be better spent than by aubacr! b ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Justthink! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it I NO. 28. 5 PRESSED BRICKS. Pocket cutlery, scissors, saws and axes, at D. B. Grants* hardware store. Fine line Miss Myrtle Woodford of Medford is in Portland for the winter. Mrs. James Wiley visited Phoenix and Medford relatives this week. Miss Bertie Webster returned to Tal ent Monday from Dunsmnir. Attorney H. L. McWilliams was at Jacksonville Tuesday on legal business. Miss Fannie Ralph returned Friday from her visit at Portland and McMinn ville. Help wanted for cooking or to take care of children. M rs . I ngersoll , Ash land. Lindley, Mason A Co’s, big saw mill at Klamatbon ha« closed down until ■pring. Miss Maggie Eaton of Medford left for Ban Francisco Friday to clerk in the Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman of Jack sonville went to San Francisco Saturday 'X % on • visit. Mark Baker left for San Francisco Monday and will spend several months in California. Joe Frizell, wife and babe returned to Ashland Saturday from McCloud, Cal., for the winter. Mayor W. B. Colton returned Satur day from a two months visit in Wiscon sin and Illinois. Mrs. John Rader has returned to Eagle Point from a visit with a Bister at Saaramento, Cal. Section Foreman Wm. Lyttleton was over from Coles Monday and Tuesday on a business trip. Mrs. Chas. E. White and two boys returned to Ashland Saturday from a * visit at Woodville. Many low priced, imitation baking powders are upon the market. These are made with alum, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gregory of Cen and care should betaken to avoid them, as alum tral Point left Sunday for Hanford, Cal., !i a poison, never to bu taken in the food. to spend the winter. Miss Gertrude McCallen retnrned Sun day from a visit with Miss Helen Colvig ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. ICO WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. and Jacksonville friends. W. T. Coburn of Klamathon is at A Travesty on Justice In the Winnie Lakeview working in a barber shop for Suicide Formerly of Ashland. a time, says the Rustler. Thorn Assault Oaao. Mrs. Park Brandt, who commited sui cide in Portland last week by taking Oregonian Editorial.] See the late Eastern ideas in clothing, carbolic acid, resided at Hotel Oregon shoes and carpets now being shown at Some months ago a story of unparal Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s. in Ashland several years ago, being known as Mrs. Lena Steel. She was a leled outrage, perpetrated by certain Mrs. James Croasinan left Friday for beautiful person in apperance. Her members of a freight-train crew in south life has been continually intermingled •rn Oregon upon the person of a young Sacramento, Cal., to visit her daughter , with troubles and seven years ago she country girl, who imprudently boarded Linnie, now Mrs. Bartels. shot herself and was brought back to the traiu for a ride between stations, Al. Stricklin and wife have returned life by skillfull physicians though she was detailed through the news reports, to Happy Camp, Cal., after a visit with has ever since suffered from her wounds. causing a shudder of horror and disgust , Jackson county relatives. Her husband was divorced from her to pervade the community wherever Miss Etta Palmer visited Ashland about that time and is now employed in read. Righteous indignation ran riot throughout the realm of decency at the friends this week while en route to Port the S. P. at Sacramento. disclosures made of the bitter wrong and land from a vikit in California. Probate Court. cruelty indicted upon the victim of these Mrs. N. P. Thompson has returned to Estate of Mary Stewart. Semi annual brutal men, two of whom were arrested Condon, eastern Oregon, after a visit and held to answer before the courts for with Central Point relatives. account approved. Estate of Alfred Carter. Same as a crime that, as detailed, was, in the just Sweat and fruit acids will not discolor estimation of manly men and womanly above. Estate of E E Walker. Sale of personal women, more henioua than murder. goods dyed with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. One of these men was, upon trial at Al Sold by E ugene A. S herwin . property confirmed. Miss Martha Brown and Pierce Wilson Estate of Emily E Tolman. F M bany, found guilty as charged and sen Drake, J. E. Pelton and A S Barnes ap tenced to the penitentiary for five years— were up from Talent last Thursday at a penalty so grossly inadequate to his tending the Italian band concert. pointed appraisers. Estate of N R Johnston. Martha M crime as in itself to encourage vice by s Misses Julia O’Toole and Augusta wink of the judicial eye. The case Kleinheimer of Phoenix visited Miss Johnston appointed administratrix. Estate of David Dunlap. A M Ford against the fellow-criminal of this con May O’Toole in Ashland Saturday. vict, afte- several postponements, war appointed administrator. The date fixed for the Boston Concert tried last week at Roseburg, resulting in Both makers and circulators of counter his acquittal. And now, as if this trav Company’s entertainment in Ashland is feits commit fraud. Honest men will not •sty upon justice and the insult to pub Tuesday, Dec. 11th. It promises to be a deceive you into buying worthless counter feits oi DeWitt's Witch Haz-d Salve. The lie decency were not enough, an effort is treat. the original is infallible for curing piles, injur being made to secure the pardon Mr, and Mrs. K. McTavishof Phoenix, ie*. eczema and akin diseases. E. A. convicted man, the basis of the petition were called to San Francisco Saturday, seeming to be that, if his partner in the S usbwin . where their son Jesse was not expected outrage was let off without punishment, to live. To Che l’ublio. n like leniency should be extended to A Sl'Kii CUKE FOR CROUP, Fireman Tom Lpster who has been November 1OOO, Weather Summary. While abeent from the city my friends him. working out of Portland returned here Following is a summary of weather ob It is seldom that crime in any com placed me in nomination for the office of Monday. He will ply between Dunsmuir servations at Ashland during month of Twenty-five Years’ Constant Use City Recorder. For this courtesy I wish munity puts on so bold a front as this. and without a Failure, Nov., reported by F H. Carter, local ob this place. There is not the slightest doubt that a to thauk them. My business plans will server for the Oregon State Weather Service; most flagrant, and even diabolical crime The first indication of croup 18 hoarse L. W. Rogers returned last week from not justify my accepting the nomination, was committed. These two men—one a Colfax, Wash. He was accompanied by ness, and in a child subject to that dis therefore I decline tbe candidacy. married man, and bo.h in duty bound to his nephew, Dan Rogers, who will visit ease it may be taken as a sure sign of • Respectfully, protect even a wayward child who here some time. the approach of an attack. Following W. J. W oods . boarded their train from harm—so far this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. Noy. 30,1000. Miss Etta Hollingsworth, who has forgot all decency, all manly self-respect, If Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is been conducting a millinery establish- ?;iven as soon as the child becomes Agaiiiet Religion in Public Mcliools. all claims of the helpless upon their pro ment at Dunsmuir, returned home to tection, that the miserable girl, a child toarse, or even after the croupv cough Granta Pasa, Nov. 29.-Tba opinion in years, was subsequently returned to Medford Monday. appears, it will prevent the attack. It rendered by Attorney General Black her home in a most deplorable plight, is used in manv thousands of homes in Fred Applegate of Klamath county barn upon the right of teachers to read desperately bewailing her ruin. this broad land and never disappoints visited Ashland relatives and left Mon the Bible in the public schools has at The failure to convict one of these day to spend the winter at Santa Rosa the anxious mothers. We have yet to tracted considerable attention here, as it men is shame enough to the state, with and San Jose, Cal. learn of a single instance in which it has probably has in every section of the state. out presuming to approach its Governor not proved effectual. No other prepara Dudley Baker, sister of Miss Beatrice While there are some who will accept with a plea for the pardon of the other, tion can show such a record—twenty-five the Attorney-General’s opinon as the law who is suffering an altogether inadequate Baker of this city, arrived from Seattle years’ constant use without a failure. oa the subject, until the Supreme Conrt penalty. Out upon a mockery of justice Friday to spend the winter. He is a lo For sale by E ugene A. S herwin . of thia state shall have passed upon the so indecent, so humiliating, so abomin comotive engineer. --------- , qaeston, there are a few who beleive able! If through the perverted moral M. H. Howell arrived from San Fran The official vote of the state of Oregon tt*t good can come from the exercise of sense of a jury one of these criminals cisco last Thursday with the intention gives the following totals for each ticket: toe ’’right” oi "authority.” Tbe public has gone free, let the puny sentence of of remaining. His mother will return Republican, 46,295; Democratic-Peoples, generally favor tbe views of Superintend the law at least be enforced upon the from Portland next week. 33,067; Prohibition, 2,503; Regular ent of Public Instruction Ackerman, as other. Even presuming this young girl People, 267; Social Democratic, 1,470 Peter Zache, who has been visiting aupreaaed in a letter written to a prom to have been a wanton, the circumstances The republican plurality over the Bryan inent educator of this section over a year and nature of the assault upon her were bis brother, James Cooke of Neil creek, vote, based on the above, is 13,227; and •nd • half ago. In answer to an inquiry such as should have resulted in the returned to Chico, Cal., Saturday. Joe a clear majority over all of 8990 votoa. SB to tbs right of a teacher to sing religi- prompt conviction of her assailants and Zache will remain until after the holi oosaoqg> in her school, Mr. Ackerman the infliction of the maximum penalty days. D yspkpsia C an Ba C ubed by using Ac rsvlied as follows: ker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet for this outrageous crime upon both. Prof, and Mrs. W. T. Van Scoy visited will give immediate relief or money re "In my judgement, it would be best for Failure to convict in such a case is a their land claim near Ashland several funded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at tha tarcbar to refrain from singing tongs crime against society; failure to inflict days last week, returning home to Jack 25cts. E ugbnk A- B hbbwm . or having anything of a denominational the maximum penalty after conviction sonville Saturday. nature in her work; that while, perhaps, is an aspersion against the judicial Portland Dispatch: It is estimated Mrs. Sarah Stout of Phoenix, has gone she might be susteiued by the courts, honor of the state. that the sugar factory at LaGrande will to San Francisco to spend the winter which is questionable, yet tbe trouble Mean temp. 47.6: Max. temp. 74 on 11; produce this season 2,000,000 pounds, with her daughter, Mrs. Peter Harvey, Min. which this engenders in a district will KLAMATH COUNTY. temp. 20 on 20; total precip. inches. which is to be increased next year. The wife of the Pacific coast general manager 1,72; total snowfall, inches, 10; No days product this season is valued at $140,000. more than overbalance the good that John Loosley, an early settler of of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. could be done. That is to say, I believe clear, 13; partly cloudy. 7; cloudy, 10; dates Much of the product has been sold in it would work to the beat interests of all Klamath county, died at Ft. Klamath Grand Chancelor W. H. Bradshaw of of frost, light, 4. 5, 6; killing, 20, 21. Pre this city and is said to be of superior concerned if tlte teacher were careful recently aged 80 years. He leaves a the Knights of Pythias of Oregon will vailing direction of wind, NW. quality. Mean temp. Nov. 19 years, 47.6; below not to have anything in her eanreise that wife and seven sons and three daughters. make an official visit to Granite lodge normal. 4 1. Ay. raiufall Nov. 19years2.20 lSrs. O. H. Johnson, formerly Miss would cause a faction of ths district to Alex. Martin, ar., has returned from next Monday evening. All members in., above normal. Aunie Justus, born and raised in Jackson be up In arms shout it, unless somo very Oakland, Cal. and Knights so journing in Ashland are county, died Nov. 4th at Garfield, Wash., apparent good can be accomplished, If you have ever seen a child in the agony aged 38 years. She leaves a husband The Oshkosh Land and Timber Co. of expected to be present. Which can hardly be done where there is Buy the Peerless Improved Plows of of croup you can realize how grateful moth and two children. ao much opposition. Understand me, Wisconsion last week filed for record 44 are for One Minute Cough Cure which Emil Peil. It will scour in any kind of ers real estate mortgages on timber lands now, that I do not say that it is against gives relief as soon as it is administered. If you would have an appetite like a soil and is guaranteed to give satisfaction It quickly cures coughs, colds and all throat bear'and a relish for your meals take the law, as it has never l>een decided in assigned to them. tbe Suprime Court, but I do not believe Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Moray S. Applegate, of Klamath Falls, in every way. For sale by Emil Peil, and lung troubles. £. A. S herwin . it to be the best policy to do so, and I has reached Manila, and has accepted a blacksmith and dealer in all kinds of ag tablets. They correct disorders of Ih9 ricultural implements, etc. would so suggest to the teacher. ” position as clerk and typewriter in a John Felling of Eagle Point, wishes to stomach and regulate the liver and Benton Kingsbuy and wife, who have hear from John Clare, an aged miner, bowels. Price, 25 cents. Sample ftee, government office at a salary of $1,200 per annum. been visiting his parents and relatives who has not been heard from for about at E ugene A. S herwin ’ s drug store. H. B. Brownrigg of Van Buren, Ark., in this vicinity for a month, left Monday five months. He started for Diamond The old reliable— The Weekly Oregonian. BUlouenea*. sour stomach, constlpa- was in Ashland last week en route to en route to Yuma, Arizona. He has lake the first of July with two horses fceu au<l all liver ilia are cured by Prof. Da}- Parker, who disappeared last Klamath county. He is looking for a been at Burns, Harney county, lately and tbe last heard from him was near June and it was presume 1 had gone to but in the past four years has been in Union creek on tbe Rogue river wagon location for seven families. Alaska, has been heard from at Cork, Alaska and all points west of the Rocky road. * Ireland, by his father. lie writes that Mountains. The non-irritating cathartic. Price Attorney E. H. Murray of Yreka, was he and a former school mate shipped MAKHIEI), Scania ef all druggist* or by mall ot Joseph Sands suffered the loss of $4.75 at Gold Hill last week on legal business front San Francisco on a sailing schooner J. Uwd * Co., Lowell, Maa*. from the till of the McDade coffee house for Dr. H. H. Shaw and T. F. Blake cf I | and has been doing the sea for a change. MUNSON—NUTT—At Granta Pass, , near depot Monday morning about San Franctso, who have bought 60 acres A LOCAL Nov. 27, 1900, Manuel Munson and 1 o’clock. He had a night run of custom of placer ground from J. A. Fitzgibbons Disease Miss Belle Nutt. and while washing the dishes a sneak near Rock Point for $5000. Chris Russ is SMITH—LAYTON—On Applegate, at . thief entered the front room and lifted in charge and a No. 2 giant and hydraulic A Climatic pipe is being put in place. the residence of J. T. Layton, Nov. the till of its entire contents. Affect ioa V alley R ecobo jib printing office. 27,1900, by Rev. Hoxie, C. E. Smith i DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly Nothing but a local and Miss Ella M. Layton. heal tbe worst burns and scalds and not remedy or change of leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and BROWN—BEAN—In Medford. Nov. ch tn ate will cure it. raw surfaces with prompt and soothing ef 28, 1900, at residence of J. R. Harden, Get a well - known feet. Use it for piles and skin disease«. phar maceutical Miss Etta M. Brown and Pearl Bean, Beware of worthless counterfiets. E. A remedy, by Justice James Stewart. ; S hebwin . f KW’a ’ Prof. B. J. Dillon, a mind reader and (¡Ricura Soa$; i BOKJi. Cream Balm lecturer whose, antics were written up by our Central Point correspondent It is quickly absorb- MOORE—At Medford, Nov. 3, 1900, last week, was committed to the insane ad. Gives relief at once. Opens and to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore, a daugh asylum from Linn county. On a Friday cleanses the Na»al Passages. Allays In ter. night be jumped from the second story flammation. Heals and protects tbe Mem window of a Harrisburg hotel and said Nov. brane. Restores tbe senses of Taste and PATRICK—At Central Point, some one was trying to kill him. 19,1900, to Mr, and Mrs. B. Patrick, a bmell. No Cocaine, no Mercnry. no in jurious Drug. Fui! size 50c, Trial 10c size son. ONE NIGHT CURE You have read of the cures bv Hood’s •t Druggists or by mail. Sarsaparilla, and you should have per Soak the hands thoroughly, on retiring, in ELYBR0THER8. 56 Warren 8t.. N. Y, DIED. fect confidence in Its merit. It will do a hot lather of C uticuba S oap . Dry, and anoint freely with C cticuba ointment. the good. creat skin cure and purest of emollients. i ££r 51d Piove* during the night For sow CINCADE—At home of his daughter, H. A. Lindsay is acting in the capacity I hands, itching, burning palms, and painful Mrs. Perdue, Gold Hill, Nov. 28, 1900, of local yardmaster in place of Wm. finger ends, this treatment is wonderful. of cancer, R. W. Cincade, aged 80 White, who is now confined to tbe San years. Francisco railroad hospital by a crippled I The intermant wm at Medford. foot.—Dunsmuir News* > *Ab«soÌtiieÌy Pura For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is “just as good as Royal,” either in strength, purity or wholesomeness. 7 Holiday Goods at Absolute Cost During December Headache Hood's Pills CATARRH ¡mnuisur COLD HEAD *3 OVERALLS Hands » ■<A Fine Line of High Grade Goods I £ ít 4 1 7 The active candidates for speaker of the lower house are: Dr. J. XV. Smith, ot Marion; L. B. Reeder, of Umatilla; L. T. Harris, of Lane, and Geo. L. Story, of Multnomah. When you war.t prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. K. A. S herwin . Jeffereon Riddle of Yainax was in town over Sunday. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Riddle who took a con spicuous part in main’ of the exciting in* cidents of the Modoc war. His mother, Winema, showed great heroism as a peace-tnaker between the whites and the Indians and her deeds are duly immor talized in a book written by Col. • Mea cham. To her he was indebted for the safety of his life on one occasion.—Klam ath Falls Republican. R. N. NASON’S PAINT! Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Continental Household Paint, and CEMENTICO. “ ’*aEBB^FRUIT BOXES ANO MILL WORK 1 © J F YOU ARE NEEDING A Knock=Out Drops “ I am a saloon-keeper, and used to think that rock and rye, or whiskey and quinine were proper rem edies for coughs, and colds. Most of my aequaint- ances were of the same opinion.* Now I know sometliingatleast it thousand times better. It is Acker’s English Remedy for Coughs and Colds. A good while ago I began to cough and found out * then that rock and rye was no good. I got worse and I was beginning to think that the trou ble would run into consumption. I didn't take any stock in patent medicines, but somehow or other I tried Acker’s English 1 Remedy. One bottle did the business for [ me—knocked that cough out completely— i and it has never come back again. There is j never a day passes that I don’t say a good word about this wonderful medicine. I al most forgot to say that I am stronger and fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than I was before the cough began. I write this letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it." (Signed) C hris . H umble , Saloon-keeper, Pocatello, Idaho. Sold at 25c.. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you arenot satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the above guarantee. ^¡FÆTÎSTTS. IF. B. BOOKER & CO., Broprietore, A’ew ForAfe It will Pay you Machine call and get prices before buying. J. P. DODGE •A.C Opera House Furaitaro Store ASHLAND MILLS. rÖÜH HTEHT ng W. J. VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND'OB I ----- - —■ ■. - . — ... e».i V l e w« | Main St. Opp. 1.0. O. F. Hall, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, WALL RARER, C3-3L7YSS. ETO. B uilding P arses , W bap rise P apkes and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. visit DR. JORDAN’S great MUSEUM OF. AN ATONY PAINTING, PAPERING. The Largest Anatomical Museum la the World. Weakncases or any contracted disease positively cwrexl by the oldest Specialist on the Coast. Est 36 years. DR. JORBAN-DISEASES OF MEN SYPHILIS thoroughly eradicated from system without the use ofBarmwg, Trass«« fitted by an Expert ■ «4i- eal care for Baptmr«. A quick and radical cure for Pile«« Fisamra tad F ¡«liaise. by Dr. Jordan’s special pain less methods. Consultation free and strictly private. Treatment per sonally or by letter. A Poeitive Cure in every case undertaken. V'nte for Book. PHILOSOPHY of MinniAlE. MAILED FELL. fA valuable book for men.) Call or write DR. JORDAN & CO., 1051 Market St. S. F. Alturas Plaindealer: Henry Jackson, a wealthy Yainax Indian has been visit ing this section. He takes a deep in terest in the welfare of the Pitt Rivers and is assisting them in their efforts to secure a school for the education of their children. ETC. » 105111ELET ST., 841F WCUC9, C1L A shland H ouse N. BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR OREGON ASHLAND. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City A