ire oheerleaa manner tor the two wedded growing lighter at each merry err run ia. OCTAIBSUB —and her song reaches Uncle Job, who young folks. W EBJMB But though shut out from one loved stands knocking outside the door. mcfol HIGH GRADE " leu paradise, he has his Nan—his dear, lit- • “Why, Uncle Job, how nice of you I tie, brave Nan, who smiles through And you’ve come to take dinner with stqgk sappue kj frtljks C. O. D. MbjMt I. .XU1MII.L great, unshed tears upon him, when us, haven’t you? Did you meet Plant? No? He went to fetch you over half an YOU CAN EXAMINE IT suddenly she meets his sorrowful gaze A familiar name for theCbica*o, xrfwtly nUAHw,, « um U j m That old sore or ulcer, which has been a source of pain, worry and anxiety to you for after many a long quarter of an hour’s, hour ago. Let me have your basket and your hat and your glove«—there!” five or ten years—maybe longer — doesn't heal because you are not using the proper treat­ An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, silent retrospection. u4 of Muldlw »old .1 from ment, but are trying to cure it with salves and washes. While these are soothing and relieve “Thank you, my niece. I think I’ll “Oh, it must come right soon, Plant known ail over tbs Union as tbs pain to some extent, no real, permanent good can come from their use, because the disease OUR PRICE, <38.50. —they never would shut you out of stay. It all depends, though.” Great Railway running ths IL. the «Leea^Mit, er ear.««; nwch't is in the blood and far beyond the reach of external applications. chwryw. “And how does ‘Paradoxides Tessini' their lives forever! ” A sore heals promptly when the blood is in good condition, but novel* if it is diseased. The Thle Saddle le made on a ISKor "You don’t know them,” mutters get on, sir?” tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse, spreading and eating deeper into the flesh. IS-lnoh Genuine Ladeema or "Famously, Mrs. Nan — famously! 1 They are a constant drain upon the system, gradually but surely ruin the health ana sap the very life. the boy. Nelaon Heavy Steel Fork.... shall yet live to show old Herr von CABBTULLY aELBCTED RAWHIDB COVEKfiO “I’m pretty well acquainted with A person’s capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure. TBBB. bo«nd or roll eontl., AMI ¡Mtli.r .crod rtlmp. Trains every day and night bet were S. S. S. makes a rapid anq permanent cure of old sores and ulcers, and is the only medicine that you, dear, and if any father or mother Leimstein that what he chooses to call or t-ineh oxbow brxx* bound, m dMiNO. WU1 » m A I om O ttaO. ulM. •Iterai», .tberwtM « »r^rii. r 4»r»L St. Paul a ini Chicago, and Oaratia and does, because no other can reach deep-seated blood troubles. Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixtures oould treat such a 6on as you are so inuschelkalk of the triassio period is !g.«»tg*?Lgy£fTiuyG are too weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood. Do not sourvily—there, that’s au ugly word, I nothing,upon earth—or in earth, I sup­ Chicago, “The only perfect trains la the llnod, »Inch wide Uce rtirrupTe*ih«r* Ih -ineh tie »trwp». waste valuable time experimenting with them. pose I should say — but oolite of the extra lon< on near aid., t-inch lo buekl. on offitde, world.” Understand: Connections are know, Plant, but it's the right one to cotton twisted Mexican l-lnch front cinch, heavy ootlon “ Some years ago I was shot in the left leg, receiving what I considered only a slight wound. It use in this instance—all I have to say jurassiol” betting flank cincb, connecting strap. Loop »eat, seat and made with AU Transcontinental Lines, • developed into a running sore and gave me a great deal of pain. I was treated by many doctors, and jookey all one piece. “Indeed, sir. Well, I’m glad I’m not took a number of blood remedies, but none did me any good I had heard S. S. S. highly recommended is that they don’t deserve suoh a good ELEGANT HAND RAI8ED STAHtPING axsuring to passengers the best service and concluded to give it a trial. The result was truly gratifying. S. S. S. seemed to get right at the child—there!” and two pretty arms, In the mussel shell state of evolution, known as illustrated. Weight »f Baddie abeat 8& aewwdei trouble, and forced the poison out of my blood ; soon afterwards the sore healed up and was cured sound and well. I now packed for shipment, 45 pounds. FU1GMT 18 OXLiABOVl bared to the elbow for kitchen conven­ and I am also glad that you have come have perfect use of the leg, which was swollen and very stiff for a long time. J. H. M c B kaybk , Lawrenceburg, Ky.” gl.M FOB EACH BOB H1LBB. ience, find their fond way about the to dinner, dear professor.” WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADDLE Luxurious Coaches, S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known ; “Honestly glad?” CATALOGUE, showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher neck of her chosen lord. is made of roots aud herbs of wonderful purifying properties, Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. Address, ( “Honestly glad. ’’ Electric Lights, Her choseu lord smiles faintly at thia which no poison can resist. S. S. S. quickly and effectually “Glad enough to accept this little SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL. clears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore heals. speech and tries desperately to rally his (Bears, *Mb««k A Iw. ar, ti».ro»fhly reUahte. — I4UM. ) Steam Heat, . turkey as an addition to your repast?” At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch drooping spirits. “Oh, Uncle Job, how lovely of youl or hurt fails to heal readily, you may be sure your blood is bad. S. S. S. will soon k. It was a very bumble position that Of a verity equaled by no other Baa. put ft in order and keep it so. EbHB the college bred Plantagenet Altick Why, what a feast we’ll have, to be Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made 4-POUND CATALOGUE .FREE See that your ticket read« ria "The found himself obliged to accept to keep sure! I’m awfully hungry, and I’ll con­ Mood diseases a life study. If you will write them about your case, they will gladly Milwaukee” when itoing to any point fess to you now, sir, that I felt as if 1 THU BI6CXTXL0CUE —— “ät—aÄ’SSÄÄ furnish all information or advice wanted, without any charge whatever. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. tbe little house going—the only position oould eat the entire turkey Plant brought ID tbe United States or Canada. Al It,OOG illustrations, the I open to him when he, beside himself evw pgbltekxL ticket amenta sell them. with a just indignation at an unreason­ home myself. I wouldn’t tell him the lari able opposition and a great and absorb­ whole truth,, but I was afraid he’d find For rates, pamphlets or other Infer, Millard F. Moore shot and probably ing love, broke bounds and besought it out by my gnawing the bones. But rnition, address, fatally wounded Isaac George at Farm —— __ _____ _ must pay for the faithful Nan to lea. j her position now we’re all fixed for a luxurious re­ •varythiag he b«ys and will prevent him from overcharging you on ingtou after some words had been passed past, and, oh, Uncle Job, don ’ t you anythin* you buv ; explains just how to order, how much the frrigbt, J. W. CASEY, as governess in a wealthy family and C. J. EDDY, eaprem or matt will bo on anythin* to your town. The big book that led to a quarrel. Moore conduct» ••ata no nearly 81.W. the postage alone ia X eente. share his five roomed cottage and his want to chop up this onion for me? I’m Trav. Paas. Ag.,, The People ’ s P^per. Genetai Agt., a saloon iu the town and had been O1ID F8BFP* OFFFK9 Cut thi« ad. out and aond to ui so tired of weeping, and onions always VVW Urrcrfi with 18 oeau ir atom pa to meager salary. K battlb . W ash . P obtlamd , Oa. drinking heavily during the day. help pay tho Id oeato postage. aad the Bio Book will bo ooat te yea FRII Nan, too used to poverty to let it affect me so deeply. ” by man pootpaM, and If yen don't thfnk It ia worth IM tinea the lh cento Governor Gage has issued the follow­ ASHLAND, Or., Thursday. Nov. 22, 1900 yon tend, aa a key to the lowest wholesale prices of every thing, say “ Tears have forgotten the way to my frighten her, and imagining, innocent SO and wo will Imawdlately return your IB coots. ing Thanksgiving proclamation : “ In WIAT THE PRESS BAYS ASSET THIB CATALOCTE j soul, that no one could long be angry eyes. Give me the chopper. ” DarABT A rrive T imb S chbdule «. “It is a monument of bnainosa information."—Minneapolis (Minn.) obedience to the universal aud prais- “ There ’ s the bowl, and there ’ Tribune. j at bo dear a boy as Plant, consented, “A wonderful piece of work."—Washington National Tribune worthy American custom of setting UNCLE JOB’S TURKEY and the home coming, though a lone­ Plant." “The Catalogue is a wonder.’’—Manchester (N. H.i Union. apart a day for public thanksgiving and “Sears, Roebuck * Co. is one of the largest houses of its kind in " ’ Tisn ’ tfair, ” smiles the newcomer, Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver. Ft 4 p. m some little affair, brought with it hap­ Chicago."—Chicago In ter Ocean. prayer to Almighty God, and further Portland big catalogue forma one of the finest shopping mediums that Worlh.Cmaha. Kan­ “Forevermore!” wails Mrs. Tom. piness enough to last a fortnight at holding out his hands to the grateful eould pofiGibljr be Gent Into a district."—Boyee’ • “ « Tho “ tSly. Chicago. Monthly. Chica*o. Spacial sas City, St Louis, in conformity with the proclamation oi warmth of the little kitchen stove. “ Their catalogue ia a YMt department »tore boiled down.’’— AUanta ronttitutJon. “ How provoking! ” cries Mrs. Dick. least. 9:15 a. m. Chicago and East. “ The catalogue is certainly a uiarchandlse «ncyclopwdia.'* — Chicago Epworth Herald. ths president of the United States of “But then he’s reported rich,” as nur “A law should be n*ss*d rompr’lln* the us*e of this catalagne in all public schonla.”—Tho Hon G A c Then Plantagenet saw that there was “ You’re a witch. Upon which particu­ We could ouote of t im'lar eitmct». i 1* car.*« at Acre a?» J yau will the 4-j»e>a 4 «-• i America. I, as governor of the state oi serfs Mrs. Harry, “and if that is the to be no relenting on the part of those lar broomstick did you fetch him in my -xll. Addre.5, SEftRS, ROEBUCK a OO. — GncJ, “ -------------- - , u > CWÍOACO, -------- I llinois When people are contemplating a trip, California, do proclaim the 29th day oi case it’s assuredly one of those cases he loved and reverenced with all the absence, Nan?” # Salt Lake, Denver.Ft. 8:40 a. m Alla c whether on buaineeaor pleasure, they November, 1900, as Thanksgiving day that circumstances alter wonderfully I” strength of his boyish nature, and his Worth,Omaha, Kan­ Exp< “A turkey brought him. See, here it naturally want the beat eervieeobtain« sas City, St. Louis, 9-00p m aud a legal holiday.” “I don’t believe he’s a rich man, for grief grew greater with every passing is, a twin to ours, and just in time to able ao far aa speed, com tort and aafoty Chicago and East. Via Hun­ A dispute over a mining claim near one,” affirms Mrs. Tom, looking rueful­ hour. To crown all, he had lost his po­ be staffed.” ia concerned. Employee« of the Wis tington . Virginia, Nev., led to the killing oi ly at the letter in her hand. “Why. sition the second week in tbe November “Hooray for us—a tandem team I To CONBIN C bntbal L ines are paid toserve James Kiger by H. M. Clemmons. when I wroto to Uncle Job—of all the following, owing to the insolvency of be strictly candid, Nan, I meant to eat the public and our trains are operated ao aa to make close connection with Walla Walla. Lewis­ 7 a. m. Both were prominent citizens. names I do detest, ‘Job’ comes first— the firm by which he had been employ­ the turkey I brought home all myself 8poxan ton, Spokane, Min­ diverging tinea at all junction pointa. Now you can have a taste. Fohr drum ­ Miss Clara Clemens, daughter oi when I wrote and ever so delicately ed, and, though they have given him neapolis, St. Paul, Flyer Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cart sticks 1 Uncle Job, if I do have a weak ­ Mark Twain, is to go on the concert hinted that I ’ d swallow my preju splendid recommendations, there is no Duluth, Milwaukee, 6 p. m. on through traina. ness for anything besides Nau it s”— Chicago and East. stage as a professional singer. dices”— position easily obtainable. Dinin« Car Bervice unexcelled. Meals “What’s this? Plant—look—look­ “A terrible indigestible mass you’d One morning a stray thought, finding server! a la Carte. find ’em, Bel!” its way from out that great, mysterious look!" In order to obtain thia flrat-claaa aervice, OCBAM S t BAMSHTPS. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. PoiSIBIUTIB OF THE POSTAL SYSTEM. Loader than her cries of wonderment aak the ticket agent to sell yoo a ticket —“and namo Plantagenet ’Job’ if it silence so full of untried possibilities, All sailing dates sub­ over................ would bo to the boy’s interest later iu oomes to him suddenly and sends him is the noisy downfall of the strange con­ ject to change. tents of that little tarkey. Silver disks For San Francisco— life, what do you think he said?” upon its own little errand straight to The Wisconsin Central Linet Sail every 5 days. clatter and jingle and chink upon the “Don’t ask me. What did he say?” Uncle Job. and you will make direct connecttona pine table over the echoing tinware, the “His answer was terse enough and Up a long flight of front stairs, up a THE POPULAR THROUGH at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and iron pane, the dough board, the floor “ Common is the commonplace. ” The brief enough to be easily remembered short back flight and several knocks Daily 4 p. m. C olumbia Rtvaa CAR LINE FROM THE wm all pointa Eaat. most valuable of civil benefits is such a itself, and, as if demented with their He wrote: ‘Dear niece, pray do not sad­ upon a door’s panel cause it to open and Ex Bun­ Ex. Sun. For any further information call oa any commonplace matter, that we scarcely day. 8 p. S teamers . dle upon your son a name I never should discover to young Altick a room littered sudden liberty, the big round ooins go ticket agent, or correspond with give it a thought. It would take a win­ -D, Satur­ rolling off into this oomer, that corner, JAR. C. POND, day 10 p To Astoria and Way- ter on a whaler nipped in an ice floe to have chosen for myself had I had the with papers, books, trays of specimens under table, chair and stove! m. General Paaa. Agent, Landings. make us truly appreciable of the worth smallest choice in the matter. If you and two or three volumes of Hugh Mil­ How many broad silver dollars that TO ALL POINTS or J AS. A. CLOCK, M ilwa U kbb , of the postal service. What a wonder­ must call him for some Biblical person­ ler. gaunt fowl holds the astonished young General Airent, W iboombim , "Good morning, Uncle Job!” ful thing it is! Wonderful in its organ­ age, I should suggest Malhalaleel as a WI llemettk R iver . 6a. m. 1:30 p. ni 248 Stark Street, people cannot tell, but to their widely ization, with its vast machinery for the cognomen euphonious enough to har­ R. C. NICHOL. Gensral Ajtrj S. K. HOOPER, G. P. A T. A “How d’ye do, Plantagenet?” Ex Sun­ Oregon Oity, Newberg, Ex. Sun. collection and distribution of letters, its PORTLAND, OBBGOB. 151 Wuhlnrioo s<. PORTLAND, ORE DENVER. COLO. monize well with our family name, and, “I do miserably, thank you, sir. Un- opened eyes it seems a little fortune, day. Salem, Independence railway mail cars, its route riders, the believe mo, Niece Isabel, he will bave cle Job, I’ve lost my position, and—and and Uncle Job thinks himself amply re­ and Way-Landings unfailing order and precision of its just as much of my good will when 1 —if I could help you in any way—copy­ paid when two happy children kneel methods. Wonderful it is too in its re die, if that is your desire, as if he bad ing or the like—I write a tolerably de- beside him and fall to caressing him as ARE YOU GOING EAST? 7 a. in. ■ W illamette and Y am ­ 3:30 p. m. 1 suits. It knits together families widely been Darned after your affectionate un­ oeut hand, sir, and I thought perhaps they weep, and the tears are not born Mon Wed ’ hill R ivers . TuesThur of the chopped onions in his lap — they cle, Job Altick. ’ " you’d like to hire me”— Be aure and see that your and Sat. Oregon Oity, Dayton, and Fri. Ticket renda via “Of course he’s as poor as poverty, “No—no—no! Not even though are bona fide tears of pure joy. and Way-Landings. And afterward, when it comes to pass then, Bel. Poor people are always the you’re a‘Yale fellow well met’ I’d : 1 witty ones, with sharp answers ever not trust you with them! Not a soul that the profits that accrue from the • • • • Leave i Leave S nake R iver . ready at tongues’ or pens’ pointa One save myself shall do a line of writing enormous sales of the new textbook are NOT «Lewiston Riparia of us (or shall we take turns?) will be on these particular manuscripts. What’s all made over to the little bride and 35 a. m. Daily Mrs. Nan is accounted almost as wealthy A sure to have old Uncle Job foisted upon the matter?” Riparia to.Lewiston. | 9». m. Daily. as the regretted Gwendolin, Mrs. Tom us, and if it wasn’t for those heavy "Firm I worked for failed.” TOY. allows John to turn the horses’ noses mortgages Harry has to clear off in the “Humph! How’s Nan?” spring he would not mind, I know, one "How should she be? Happy and toward the five roomed cottage to which extra mouth to feed.” joyous as befits a bride—the bride of a an addition is being built for Uncle ---- THE---- A strongly constructed Graph­ “Aud if I had an extra bedroom to man shut out from home, and who has Job’s especial use, and in her gentle ophone, with simple mechan ­ separated. It carries across the sea spare!” says Mrs. Dick C hicago , st . P aul , REPRODUCES SAME not a red cent in his pocket! Heaven daughter-in-law’s little best room eats ism, made to meet the de­ some tender lover’s message or perhaps RECORDS AS MINNEAPOLIS and humble pie very prettily, leaving a “ And if I had au extra couple knows where tomorrow ’ s bre 1 and of ALL STANDARD mand for a first-class talking a little flower picked from the daisied TALKIN'! VIA message for her son that, to him, brings OMAHA RAILWAYS. machine, at a low price. grave of an English churchyard. Every servants!” v. bines Mrs. Tom. “To be butter will come from!” MACHINES. “And it won’t tell. It’s a sort of hab heaven itself into the dining room, hour of every day the mail bag is packed sure, if 1 could be certain that he was p Thia is tba with words which waken love and ’augh- wealthy man, it would make a vast dif it it has got into, you see about be when at dusk, through the sweet air of ter, and words which deepen the furrow ferenee, and for the children's sake”— ing sort of mysterious over the ends 1 a budding spring, he oomes and takes GREAT SHORT LINE in the cheek and dim the failing sight “What a sordid sister-in-law I have has in view. But there, you may «oi his place at the supper table opposite The pleuure In owning a Grapi-ophoneii largely lnereuedbv being able to make and reproduce your own records. We furnlah thia machine with recorder for «150. making It thecheapeat recording with bitter tears. Between to te sure !' ’ laughs Mrs Harry p. at out the numbered pages for me fron . bis wife. and reproducing talking machine oa the market. Graphophonea of every description. Call or write. But with all this there is going on mg of the cbildr u, Bel. how is Plane’- among the litter yonder, and we’ll sv. “But we owe all our happiness to you DULUTH - 8T. P a UL - CHICAGO COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. Dept. 135 San Francisco Address, 125Gearv 8c through the mail service a dissemina­ about the bread and butter for tomo: , —all to you, dear, dear uncle! For un­ tion of human knowledge, a reaching love affair coming ou?” And All Pointa Eaat and South. “It isn’t ’on’ at all, Ruth; it’s off— row. Tomorrow is Thursday—bless mt less you had come to our aid and played out of human help which is one of the fairy godfather we should yet be as poor boy, it’s Thanksgiving”— crowning blessings of our century. The and forever, 1 hope.” Tb*ir Manniflcent Track, Peerless Vsa- correspondence schools led by Chautau­ "Bc-1 Altick, what do you mean?’’ “Thanksgiving! So it is. ‘Thank­ as—as”— tibaled Dining and Sleeping Oar “Job’s turkey,” suggests the profess- qua, are sending to every village and — SIDNEY SJ! ".S. ■ w Pg. ■ Wl whl send you BUX HIGH Traina and Mutto: “I mean that ho shall never marrj giving.’ ” pRC? CAIHKtT 9UIK0ICK SEWIM8 MACHIME b, ^1^1,1 O.D.eabJeeUo examin?- hamlet the broader knowledge which is Chat good for nothing Nan”— }r.—Detroit Free Press. “Your tone of voice would sugge? ion. Y ou cau examine it. at your nearest freight depot and if fosad I so eagerly craved by many who are shut tarfretiy saiUittiory,exactly as represented, eqaal to maebinesotAsrssell “ALWAYS ON TIUE” "Mark my words, ho will marry her that you hadn’t tbe dearest little wiL .e Mckav 830.00. and TUB GRIATE8T BAKGA1I TOU in to the homely duties of a humble and neither you nor Tom nor your pro in the world to be thankful for. Shame Ki Special Offer Price «15.50 Shortest and Quickest Line life. Without the mail system this plan Have given thia road a national repots uid freight charges. Machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight will posed heiress cau keep him from it upon you, my nephew. There, I’m not of education would be impracticable. TO cion. All classes of passengers carried .verxgeia cents tor eucUMO mile«. p|VE it THIEt NINTHS' THAI in a rich man, as rich men go, but take your own home, ar.d we will return your tl&.oO any day you are not Every mail, too, carries from the great Nan’s worth a dozen Gwendolines”.— on tbe veetibuled trains vithoat extra -atisfied. We fcri! di IF.-re nt makes and trades of Sawing Bachiaea at SS.&t, ST. PAUl. DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO centers, “Then Tom will disinherit him. and this bill to Nan and tell her it’s from the advice of .great physicians, 510.00, ill.00, $ 12.00 and up, all fully described in our Free Scwlag charge. Ship your freight and travel AND ALL POINTS BAST. laebiae CatrJogue, but »IS. 50 foi this DROP DESK CABIKKT BVRD1CK Is which it would be impossible for the though he’s my own son. I shall not her Uncle Job.” over this famous lino. All agents bave he greatest value ever offered by any house. distant public to obtain were it not for blamo his father.” Late upon this same afternoon Pro­ ■icketa. W. fl. MEAD, 3EW ARE OF IMITATIONS Through Palace and Toueiat Sleeper* the mails. Few people realize how 1 Genera] Agent, 243 Washington St., “You hard hearted, mercenary worn fessor Altick, basket on arm, goes from 'dsements,offering unknown machines under various names, with v^rieasia- Dinin*and Buffet .Smoking iae< raenf '. Write some friead Is Chicago and ¡earn who are reliable and who are not. many thousand people depend on the an!” cries Mrs. Harry, moving toward greengrocer to butcher shop, intent W. O. 8 avagb , Portland, Oregon. mail service for medical treatment. Not Library Cars. THE BURDICK eaxsi ucuii mass , Traveling F. A P. Agent, the door. “ How you can deliberately upon bis purchase of a Thanksgiving -■<« long ago when some postal affairs were lswirwxowa Portland, Oregon. BBFBCTB ass OF row., EOIK. being discussed in connection with the go to work to break the heart of so good turkey. The fowl he means to buy he beat suiker*. DALLY TRAINS, VAST TINS; 8BRVICB the > «/■ erection of the new postoffice building a sou as Plant Altick I confess I cannot will offer to his nephews in turn, feel­ can bo- AND SCBNERÄ ÜNKQUALKD. in Buffalo, N. Y., some light was thrown comprehend. Good morning, Bel—if ing sure that he who accepts it will no SOL' *-n SAWED OAK WM« CAIIEET. »*“• fuacuiua —■ One on this subject by the statement that yon think it’s good—seems to me if J doubt ask him to share their dinner, be __ i w UUD illustration iizuawviwun snows duuwb machine a dropping from sight) to be used as a eenter table, stand er deck, the other open with full length table and head in place for Tickets to points East via Portland and the mail by Dr. R V. Pierce amounted were you I’d be obliged to taste the bit it Tom, Dick or Harry or Tom’s dis­ K______________ 4 i"I7 ,*‘“t 1 bt>e frame, carved, paneled, em­ the GREAT NORTHERN RY . on sale a: daily to something over 1,500 pieces. ter of too many selfish reflections to en­ obedient son. With an uu mi stakable bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer puhs. rests on four Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, ox Of course this is not a common case, be­ carters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Flaeit large illgk Arm joy it much.” And the ball door closes grin of amusement the dealer in poultry motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automatic GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office cause Dr. Pierce’s relation as chief con­ bobbin winder, adjustable beu.rings, patent tension liberator.lmproved loose wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, sulting physician to Buffalo’s famous with a bang tetweeu the sisters-in-law. places a very thin, very poor, very blue patent dress guard, brad is baadaomely deeorated aud •raaaeated sad beaalltally •JttS xUorrtaon Street, Days, weeks aud months pass by, and about the breastbone, low priced tur­ institution, The Invalids’ Hotel and Sur­ niekal (rimmed. GUARANTEED the lightest ruauiag, maat darable sad uearvst ■olMle»« maehlae made. Every kaowa attaehmeu/ Is fumlahed and our Free In­ gical Institute, makes his advice and there is no outward showing of the pre­ key in Uncle Job’s basket. PORTLAND. struction Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any that of his staff of nearly a score of sumptive wealth of Professor Altick Early Thanksgiving morning the old kind of fancy work. A fO-Tears’ Binding Guarantee is sent with every machine. For Rates. Folders, and Full informa­ skilled and experienced specialists much Save a penny now and then to the professor starts out through the cold, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING see and examine this machine, compare it with V au j .v ' —1 . 1 , those your storekeeper sells at 840.00 to tion regardmg Eastern Trip call on or ad sought after, especially by women, to smaller fry of the Altick family, he has unoertain sunlight that shines fitfully 560.00. and then if convinced that you are saving 023.00 to you 840.00, vour not freight * ** - ----------- I V K To EKIL'tt.'l l'OLR 41&..0 if *t .ny lime within three months s*y pay ’you"are setirilcd 1 OKDXR*T(hDA?' drees the treatment and cure of whose special never shown to them tho color of bis through the rifts of hurrying, wind If at last she tires of tbe fault finding OCIi’T DJRTzAY. (Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) A, B. C. DENNISTON, diseases Dr. Pierce has devoted over of a dyspeptic husband and leaves him? address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. thirty years of almost constant labor. money, and as be lives simply and in­ swept clouds, and, basket on arm, finds The worst of the dyspeptic is that he dulges sparingly in lifo ’ s luxuries ho is his way to Thomas Altick’s elegant does not realize his own meanness. His But though this example is out of the ordinary, it may serve as an evidence of at length accounted an eccentric indi­ home. He rings and is admitted. world is entirely out of perspective. “Good morning, Uncle Job. Any­ the amazing benefits reaped by the pub­ vidual cf small means and left religious­ Dyspepsia and other diseases of the thing I can do for you this morning?” lic from the mail service. It puts every ly alone. stomach and organs of digestion and outlying hamlet in touch with the most Alono and rneared for—that is, if we “No, Thomas, thank you. It’s some­ nutrition are perfectly and permanently advanced medical specialism of the day. except the little friendly “runnings in” thing I want to do for you. I chanced cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden and 1« a grsat t It gives at a cost of a two-cent stamp, cf Plantagenet, his grandnephew, who to remember it was Thanksgiving—very Medical Discovery. It cures the worst ■ • . ed stem wind Amaricaa, warrae_________ the skill and experience that it has taken has taken to the gentle old man from odd indeed, my remembering it—and I forms of the disease. It cures when all *£eP*r- /** WaUfce< •• «IS «aMMillM wattom tt. li and up, writo far fra« Walali *rd IcirTlrjf stelagn«^ years to acquire. Literally at the cost other medicines have failed to benefit. W-AY tbo first, aud who is never weary of bought you a turkey. Will you have it, À«4r~*’ SEARS, ROEBUCK« CO. (Inc.), Chiesa« of a two-cent stamp, since Dr. Pierce Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce’s Ukan, BtebMk AO*, an 'Il iiitlj nSaUs-MMl.) invites sick women to consult him by hearing cf tbo professor's late trip to Thomas?” and out comes the old gentle­ Golden Medical Discovery. There is no letter without charge. And this would the petrified tree tract cf Arizona or man’s sad little specimen of tbe genus other medicine for the stomach, blood seem to be one of the most remarkable looking atthejare specimens so careful­ meleagris gallopavo. and lungs, which cac show so wide and services rendered by the postal system, i ly collected, for Uncle Job is a learned It is too much for Tom Altick. With wonderful a record of cures. It always perhaps the supreme service of all’ For geologist and has written several re­ a laugh that fetches Mrs. Tom quickly helps. It almost always cures. while it is a splendid thing to be able to markable treatises on the subject, his from an adjoining room and provokes w I can say to you, one bottle of your ‘ Golden shop i!G New York while living in Kan­ "Sermons In Stones” having been her to join in its hearty roulades he Medical Discovery’ has cured me sound and well, after suffering two long years with sas, and a grand thing to be able to stomach disease.” writes Mr. W. H. Braswell, of command the learning of great pro­ adopted as a textbook iu many colleges. declines the poor fowl with thanks with McAdenville, Gaston Co., North Carolina. "M y And from stones Plantagenet easily a sarcasm veiled so lightly that the ugly health is worth all the world to me. I will fessors while working iu the Michigan THE “NECESSARY” MAGAZINE Pullman woods, it is a still grander thing that by leads the conversation to scarcely less features of a rude aud insolent nature praise you as long as I live.” Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical means of this cheaply supplied sendee, adamantine subjects—tho hearts of his shine full upon poor Undo Job. Sleeping Cars Digests what you eat. The best-informed men and women in the world use the AMERICAN men like Dr. Pierce, who have the dis­ unyielding parents—for, cold, calculat­ Quietly he replaces the turkey within Adviser, in paper binding, is sent free on MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS to keep well informed, and call It artificially digests the food and aids position to be helpful, are enabled to ing and worldly, they have softened not the basket, quietly he takes his bat and receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay Elegant it the “ necessary ” and “ indispensable ” magazine. In the busy rush Nature in strongthenlng and reoon- Slace their skill and knowledge at the one whit under tho warmth of Plan­ gloves, and as quietly, with a brief expense of mailing onlyt or if cloth-' Dining Cars of to-day ambitions men and women must know about the important structing the exhausted digestive or> isposal of those who are being dragged tagenet’s young love, aud it is Uncle “good day, ” he leaves the house of his bound volume is desired send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. questions of the month, and not only this, they want to know about gang. It Is the latest discovered digest* down by disease, without the possibility Tourist them at the right time. When the whole country is puzzled over the ant and tonic. No other preparation of help from those about them. When Job who unoo.’isciously encourages him nephew Thomas. As for Bichard Altick, he “roars in his grim determination to brave the gigantic combination of trusts, a well-informed article is printed in the can approach it in efficiency. It in. one contemplates the vast and far reach ­ Sleeping Cars AMERICAN MONTHLY, giving the facts, and its editor discusses the stantly relieves and permanently cures ing benefits of the mail service, so briefly ire of his parents and marry his sweet amain” and has the turkey he has pur­ theory ; when the Dreyfus affair is in everyone’s mouth, the best story touched upon in this article, it makes t Nan in the teeth of all opposition. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, chased for his own dinner brought up ST. PAUL of Dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine. the familiar gray uniform of the postman Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Aud so they aro quietly married— into the very parlor that he may place Every month, in “ The Progress of the World," Dr. Albert Shaw Bick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps and the most glorious of all uniforms, for it is Plantagenet Altick and Nanette Gray— it in “odious comparison” beside the MINNEAPOLIS gives a comprehensive pictnre of the world’s history during the pre­ worn by the soldiers of the army of peace. and go to housekeeping in a pretty lit­ all other results of imperfect digestion. DULUTH ~~ vious thirty days. In the departments, the valuable articles and books It makes one feel like taking his hat off tle cottage, in a pretty suburb, some small fry in Uncle Job’s basket. Again PriceEOc.and«. large b I m oontalnaSK UmM rebuffed, the old gentleman bids Mrs. that have been published during the past month are reviewed and smallaixe. Book allabouLdyspepaiamaued tree to the on-rushing mail train, and cheer­ FARGO Quickly »«mnd. 0U3 r£S DUE WHEN PATENT quoted from, so that the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can gat Prepared by OeWlTT A CO, Chteaa* ing the work and wisdom of Uncle Sam. miles from the splendid city home of Dick and her laughing husband good OBTAiVZD. Sand model, «ketch or phote. with i TO his father. the gist of them. In every issue nearly a hundred pictures are printed, description for free report m to patentability. 4S-PAG7. . GRAND FORKS day and finds his way to the house of euoene a . ^kueawih 4 BAK)>B00K FBXX. Contain« references and full | including the portraits of ths men and women who are making the Uncle Job, who has begun a new the youngest of bis three nephews. society D irectories . information. WBITB FOB OOPT OF 0UB 8PX0IAL ' CROOKSTON history of the month. OFFXB. It 1« the most liberal proposition irer made by work on geology, shuts himself up in It is the same thing over again, Bave I WINNIPEG a patent attorney, and EVEBT INVENT0B BH0UUI To be thoroughly well informed helps any man or woman in bis or A. O. U. W. his third story back room aud allows the that Henry Altick’s refusal to accept the READ IT before applying for patent. Address: her work. A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW . I HELENA and world without to wag as it will. wizened bird is more politely veiled. AT If HALF PRICE. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. OF REVIEWS represents an investment for the best kind of profit, as yoB want ns to taake to And it soon begins to wag in a very Gentle Mrs. Harry even makes furtive ▼our MAtolML ai.4 BBtoKB Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall well as entertainment. One subscriber has just written: “ Count me KLABTH WIOPS for f ba BMi JBB PATENT LAWYERS, »very » bcomk and fourth Wednesday in little signs of aoceptance to her cour­ a life subscriber, and when you send me a number beyond the limit of aid ftai ui nimi skim . L. resitXMg. WASHINGTON, D. C. each month. All brethren in good standing wanted — active men of good teous husband, but that individual, WIUL, BV01ABI OB I UTB- my subscription and secure no renewal from me, consider it a notice of ■ ATSB L11BB, COkHLAICY. ire cordially invited to attend. char.cter to deliver and collect in Oregon my death.” v ABBOBIIAL VBAIKSM OB secretly enjoying the comical side of ’ TVBOB, Btato year tofobt. G eo . E nglb , M. W. for old established manufacturing whole­ Price 25 cents per number, $2.50 a year. waif bl a>4 a01 Bw»e etoAiae For Infants and Children, Co. A la SL Rfi.Otl kaevhfr««, (' lei, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. dressing, and life has seemed brighter MANY SHORT STORIES AND M.OOC boee top. K to i. For information, time cards, map and PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS tisnfilW. A to 83.0«| tart« GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of The Kind Y oh Haro Always Bought this Thanksgiving morning than for loksts, call on or write , t' lo B.; aoblet. A toF. K Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every many a day. So she sings with a heart $2.60 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY obLrataal bait. I to M. flt.OO. CUHOI XI. a STX A. D. CHARLTON, Monday evening. Visiting Kniglits ingood QOOV4 tpativ Bears the barp«mr. made cf oofl Hah? thr?-x4 witfe -NO CONTINUED STORIES • standing are cordially invited to attend. Asatetant General pa*»enger A«ent, i DeWitt's Little Eariv Risers are the best proteef**d rubber (bread, b IseWs wku, *9.iu ‘-r-Ti, * Signature of R J. SHAW, C. C. » Jivar piba ever made. Easy to take audnqjer, .CVERY number complete itself PORTLAND, CHEGON. T. H. Bignou.K. B.8. 'pipe. E, A. S nenwim . b — ■ bbse ?1■1 '■ u sstewa BRAIN THE SYSTEM, ENDANGER UFE. SEND US ONE DOLLAR MILWAUKEE “PIONEER LIMITED' 0.R.&N VALLEY BECO RD. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... DENVER« RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. N orthwest E ast rm NEW GRAPHOPHONE Northwestern Line! GO EAST MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS s Can von Blame Her ORTHERN PACIFIC R U Kodol Dyspepsia Cure N S ELASTIC GOODS H.B.WILLSON&CO I BUrrE THROUGH TICKETZ LIPPINCOTT’S CASTOR IA / «