wWwwWW wWwWwar Jury Liat Drawn. w 9 ( A, Great Football ------------------ Mrs Roes Died Iotai Night AND MflNX£R STOCIC ! The following ia the jury list for De-|. The beet game ot foo.bali overplayed 1 Mrs. John C. Ross died at her h- me Albarns of every deeeriptjpn. Racket. cember, 1900. term circuit court: William Million, Ashland; Jeff Neil. the Athletic grounds last Monday be The funeral takes place at the late res- i W. F. Bro k. the O< egoman man, was ,A Barron; A W Sturgis, Union; 8 R Coff­ tween the University of Oregon and the idence tomorrow, Friday, at 1 o’clock, j in tow n yet terday. man, Union; Denver Kincaid, Barron; Ashland Athletic Club While the uni­ Rev F. F. Strange officiating, interment, • •• Mro C. F. Gegax sold her grocery J P Dodge, Ashland; J Pattersoi-, Tal­ versity team won, their victory was due in Ashland cemetery. store at Dunsmuir. L auiiu ' W ham , F vbs , rtc. F üll L ini or U xdikwia », ent; E K Anderson, Talent; G M Grain­ to superior weight and training aud not The deceased wss an highly esteemed J-eob Keim of Portland was here yes­ ger, Ashland ; D Brooks. Medford ; Sam to harder work or more gritty plaving. lady and leaves a husband and a large F ini S tock or S hoe *. Robison, Talent; J H Stewart, Pooh During the first half, while the home family of grown children. terday buying hides and pelts. We are Leaders this Season in Bah ; J B R Hutchings, Ashland; S F team was fresh, the game was hotly con­ Attorney G. W. Trefren was at Jack­ Morine, Table Rock; Geo Vaupel, Ash­ tested and the play fast and furious, and The Snow Storm. V sonville yesterday on a business trip. land; ER Gall, Sams Valley; Firman the scoreing of on y one touchdown dur­ A general snow storm passed down the Thanksgiving dinner at the Christian Crump, Sterling; Chris Keegan, Jack­ ing this half is sufficient evidence of the coast the first of the week. Tuesday church. Commence eeiving 12 o’clock sonville; A S Jacobs, Central Point; A S evenness of the plaving. About ten* morning the beautiful measured four Bliton, Medford; John Arnold. Roxy; minutes before the close of the half Ash- inches in Ashland and yesterday morn­ Ladies are invited to inspect the new W E Darling. Gold Hill; J N Durning, land started after Eugene’s goal with a ing it measured seven inches. Last night dress goods at Vaupel, Norrie & Drake’s. Pooh Bah; Claus Kleinhammer, Phoe­ fierceness that gained for them the ad­ the weather turned off clear and froze, Prof. Frank L. Findlay, the piano nix ; J R Norris, Ashland ; A E Kinney, miration of the spectators, but after leaving a clear day pefore us today. DEPOT tuner, is working at Medford this week. Ashland; Geo Stacy, Table Rock; Zacb plunging through the line for 40 or This is the largest amount of snow in 50 yards they were finally held down and Cameron, Union; H A Spencer, Dunn; Ashland for at least five years and pos­ Hugh Cole and wife of Cole’s will soon Everything Seasonable, in all grades F H Carter, Ashland; James Buckley, Eugene punted out of danger. During sibly t-n The mountains are covered move to Santa Barbara, Cal., to remain Union. the second half the town boys were and the prospecls are favorable for that and at prices to suit any pocket. tired out and Eugene having put in two long needed wet winter among placer Mis- Ida La Rout was up from Grants Livingstone—Frulnn. fresh men played hard and fast ana miners. Paa« yes erday visiting Ashland friends ____________ and 'elauvee. Miss Maud M. Frulan and A. G. scored three touchdowns but failed on Boston Conceri Company. We hav- this fall unusually beautiful and W. T. York, the real ee ate rustler, Livingstone were united in marriage at kicking the goals. Considering the game as a whole, it the home of the bride’s parents, Mr was up from Medford yesterday oa a This company will appear in the near ......................... stylish lines of and Mrs John T Frulan, on 8pring was undoubtedly the greatest exhibition future in Ashland, aa the first of a course business trip. of fierce and snappy ball ever se n in street Tuesday evening, Rev. A. M. Rus­ Hon. E V. Carter left for Salem Tues sell performing the interesting ceremony southern Oregon and the Ashland boys ot entertainments and lectures under the day to be gone a week. He says to shoot in the presence of the family and a few are deserving of the greatest credit for management of C. N. Thomas of San Fully Describes our stock of Francisco. Tins concert company was Girina pheasants. intimate friends. A nice wedding supper making such a gallant fight. The end cabed back the third time in Sacra­ running of Homes, Washburn and Chis- Mr and Mrs. Chas. F. Young returned followed the ceremony. mento. Look out for particulars next The bride is an estimable and worthy hoim was a revelation, while Robley’s week. to Gold Hili Tuesday from a visit with punting and tackling was of a high order. young lady with a large circle of friends Ashland relatives. Mi«« Durham’s Htudio, in thia city where she has been raised His first kick off was one of the prettiest Elder Johanneeon left for Grants Paes Mr.‘Livingstone is one of the Southern ever s*-en in. the state Stanley’s defen Miss Mary A Durham, instructor in and Roseburg Tuesday In the interest of Pacific’s trustworthy locomo ive engi­ sive work was of the sensational order music, has her studio at the residence the Mormon church. neers aud an highly respected gen­ and the hard line bucking of Meliza. of .Mrs C. .M, Poley, corner Fourth and Mrs. Maud Anderson and H. Clay tleman nmong all hi* acquaintances. OkVter and Beeson was a surprise to Eu­ Main streets, where she will be pleased As usual, we are up-to date in Rambo of Warner valley were married They are making their home in Ashland gene. Stevens and Neil w re p-rfectly to receive pupils. at home with the ball and did not make a and have the beet wishes of ail. Nov. Sth, at Fort Bidwell. •9 Probate Court. single fumble Wagner at tackle, Our 15 per cent discount sale it still on Croaeman-Bari eie. Clething, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes p ayed an excellent game, and Henry Estate of E F Walker. Petition to re­ and wilt continue through November Miss Linnie Croasman, the charming Carter’s tackling in the 2nd half was con­ quire Marion Hartley, executor, to file a Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. only. Miller a Music was furnished by the Ashland close early to allow time for our business. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kohler. ------ FIRST-CLOS WAGON WORK.------- M. M. Obenchain has returned to assessors at Portland this week. band During the whol game the crowd After the ceremony, witnessed only by P besident . Miss Maud Witt, formerly of Wood­ California. was highly excited and cheered vocifer ­ relatives, a banquet was enjoyed. The ASHLAND, Or . TburWay. Nov. 22. 1900 ville, was married recently at Colfax, dining room was beautiful in decorations ously. T-. the disgust o some of the Eu­ The first snow of the season fell in We are receiving new goods in every Cal., to Mr Hie hey of that place. J. L. THORNTON. WM. STORM some of the crowd (for­ department. Call and look over our A. F, HUNT. of red chrysanthemums, crepe paper, gene men, Gold Hill Sunday night. Mrs. C. C. Grimes of Grants Pass re­ autumn leaves and smilax. The prevail­ tunately, a very few) persisted in stock. J. P. Dodge, Opera House. CENTRAL POINT. C. B. Cole, who has been seriously ill, It turned home Tuesday from a visit with ing color, pink, was emphasized with cheering for the winning team, is greatly improved in health. R. W. Black, father of Rev G W. Mrs. 8. F. Thornton in Ashland mammoth chrysanthemums and stream­ seems they did not have the courage to Winter weather mixed with a little snow. Dr. Morrill has just received a new take the pan of the 1 osing team, their Black, died at Grants Pass, Nov. 15th, ers of pink crepe paper entwined with P. B. O'Neil of Medford left for Cali Rev. Corwla of Medford was in town last physician’s operating chair. Wild grape vines and potted own team, the team that was showing aged 77 years. fornia Tuesday to eventually land up at smilax Monday palms were used with artistic effect in the more grit and doing the harder play­ J. A Bish, the efficient school teacher The Humason quartz mill is doing a San Diego to spend the winter George Messner came up from Glendale large amount of work uow. ing oi the two At the close of the game from Woodville, was a caller Saturday. the hall a tew days ego. W. R. Coleman, C. S. Sergent and the score stood 21—0 in Eugene’s favor. * * * J. P McConnell, the school Owen Wood of Eagle Point was the many others were up from Phoenix Religloua Items. Mr. Martie «nd wife of Antioch were in ashlavd , EUGENE. teacher from Merlin, and Egbert Rob­ gue«t of E Noah last week. Monday to attend the football game. town last Monday. Christian Science services in Masonic Steveus ....... . .c . C. Wagner bins, teacher of the Wilderville school, Menza ....... ■r g ... Waddell were pleasant callers Saturday. * * * Mies biszie Mt id ham w|il take nharge of Alorso Noah and family have gone to All kinds ot Celluloid Goode. Racket. hall at 11 o’clock a. m. every Sunday. Cottrell ......... ........ W »th Miss Blanche Fetterly from Althouse, ■_ the Table R-tck school next Monday. * « All cordially invited. Sams Valley on a visit. Bee-on .r t. Mrs. M. J. Coolidge and Mrs. E A .Thumton and itrs. J. A. Rusk from Wilderville - Miss tfurnea has p-istponed her musical The gospel temperance service will be Wngner, B.. 1t. J. B. Dunkin and family have re­ Smith leave in a few days to spend the ...Stub ing called Saturday to get their temporary unm some time during the holidays. .r s held in the Presbyterian church 8unday Stanley ....... .... Bii'h turned from .Crescent City to spend the winter in southern California. le .. .Jakwav certificates that they applied for some afternoon at 3 o’clock, subject, "The L’hisbolni. Holmes Bros, lost one at their teem winter at home. Kobley, F. .. ,r h Mannie Smith ia at St. Vincent hos­ Duty of the Christian in the Coming ........ Smith time ago.—Grants Pass Observer: 'horses test week with lung fever and pink Homes .... Our merchant, E. Eastman, has on pital in Portland recovering from the .1 b Starr •y«- Campaigu.” Everybody invited. Washburn... ,f b . McArthur hand *t new supply of Christmas pres­ eSect of an operation for varicose veins. MAKICIEl). Neil, E. . ..HMK ........ ............... Miss Stella Stidham has accepted a situ­ ents. q b . . Scoli . There will be services at the Baptist ation in the Phoenix school as assistant U of O. subs.—Ziegler, Goodrich, Payne. Miss Louise Whitney, of the 8 P. church on Sunday as follows: Sunday taMher. John and Ed. Olson have returned to freight office, returns tomorrow from a EGGS FOR HATCHING Ashland hubs.—Flutu, Klam, H. Carter PATTERSOX—ANDERSON—In Yreka, school at 9:45 a. m., preaching at 11, B R-v. ur«11 at present. BISH—At Medford, Nov. 15, 1900, to eggs, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. S C. B. Leghorns Pans ye«t*-ru* that on Friday evening it some Hill from Sams Valiev where she has attending the state bar association at Mass at 10 a m , Sunday school at 2:30 ritt and Royal Brown. Ous Smith, Ira l un- VETTEL—Near Hornbrook.Nov. 6,1900, one i > t'ie atblie >ce would pret-nd to been visiting for the last two weeks Portland this week. p m. and evening service at 7:30 p. m. gate to Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Vettel, a Jacksonville—County < 'lerk Newbury and manle- some pe-eo > he would find the daughter. Rev W. H. Hickey, pastor, Subject wffe Miss Virgie M. Rubinsori, formerly of Hupt P H. Daily. Mrs. G ble of Medford has a music mu dered pa-ty and also the mn’d-rer LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE .Medford—Geo F. Merriman. Carl Narre- Rock Point, was married at Redding next Sunday morning will be "Judge- Th!* attrv ted a I >rge crowd iu front of ciao- in Gold Hill and comet town once ments.” gm.' arl Webb W J, Mahoney, J M DIE». last month to Willis M. Hiatt, a mining the hall Fruiav even ng. but the w-> >de' - a week to ove them instruction. She is Rev. C. F. Clapp, state superintend-1 Keene, ttooert Dow, Barnev Stoner, Ed. mau ot that place OF fill tn an le -turer f iled to put -n e O' -I dr inker than * It is reported that Jamea B aden has doing assessment work on the extension of Pennsylvania. b'il'd owl, and h kept hi-* jag we l cut. sold hie water ditch, supplyin the pow­ to the Ashland mine, the Octopus aud Sabbath • morning and evening. The I. Vawter^U A Lawton. W D West. special meetings now in progress will be H. BOIVIN,.Manager, tiv t«sl ua il lie le t own Sunday -ven- er for the Hu mason quartz mill, to Mr. Minoi Fraction claims. LEWIS—In Glenn county, Calif., April Death or W. E. Pilana coutioued every evening next week, ing fo G 11 H 11 He lef w thou piy- Hu tn »son We did not learn the -um 18, 1900, Mrs Ezekiel Lewis, aged 54 Miss Iva Purdin , who came up from preaching by Supt. Clapp. The puplic o- Wm. E. Piland was found dead in'his ing hall rent aud t ok the hall k-y paid. COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET years. Medford Monday to attend the football is cordially invited. G. W;Nelson, pas­ bed in the Ashland House Friday morn­ w th h'.m He <• a bilk a <1 the pm-l«- game and visit tier Ashland friends, re­ tor. Call and get mv list of properties for sale Ashland, Oregon ing, death having ensued peacefully and LEWIS—Near Orland, Calif, Nov. 12, is war ,ed 1 .1 -x*k ou lor him. Y**n can't aff->rd t<> risk vour life by al turned home yesterday. which includes all classes and kind«, and 1900, Ezekiel ewis, aged 62 years. “■The Citie« of Refuge’* and "The Fate easily from heart disease during the lowing a cough or a cold to develop into at prices to satisfy anyuce. T. K. Bolton and Elinil P«il will con­ of 8i*era” are the sernion subjects for next night His friend E F. Ogden, made Mr. Lewis formerly lived at Tolo. lie There i- nn pleasure in Ide if vo . drend pneun><»da or con-umption. One Minute Shop is now open. Sundai at the M E. Church. Monday the discovery upon trying to wake him duct a holiday excursion to San Francis ­ My loan department is well equipped and Con-h <'ur- will cure throat and lung was employed on a section near Orland going to the ixb-r to e«t and can’t re-i •• m hooi at 9:45 a. m., Epworth League meet up. Coroner E. B PickeT came up from co theday after Christmas, Dec: 26th. rouble« quicker than any ot .er preparation I can handle money for parties wishing to Nothing but First - Class Hrnrv tiicti* on acc-iunt <>f induration ing ai 6:15 p ni. Preaching services at 11 vtedford on the noon train and held an and while attempting to remove a tie invest, to their advantage. Many doctors use it as a arecifi*- Further paticulars later ou. Wi Until . of lloonvi le, I d , »avs he -uf- kn-*wn from the track before the arrival of a a ni , and 7 :30 p. ni All cordially in ­ Work turned out. (• i« an infallible reined for inqiiist with I. W. Burriss. W. A. Mc­ train was strqck an the bead and re­ fareo that w*>y for ir«r* tti> he cnmnieiicao f *r 1« grippe We have a large and varied stock of vited J. T. Abbott, pastor. I represent some of the best Fire fn«ur- th. u«e <>f Kodul Dtspep-ia Cure a-d adds. croup. <'hi >iren tike it and uiotber-i in Grew, Heaton F x, Jos. Kinney, G H 4 . ance Companies in the country and would shoes which will be sold at a 15 per cent " . A. .-HKawiM Union J latiKagiving services will b« Burton and C. K. KI urn as a jury. The ceived fatal injuries. "Now lean rat anything 1 like and a>i I dorse it discouut. Miller & Bartgee. »>eiiristiaii church on Thursday. funeral took piace from H. 0. Stock’s BARTROW—In Ashland, Nov. 19. 1900, be pleased to write your property. You want and a eep aoundlT every nijht *' PICTURES! cannot afford to carry the risk your»elf. Kodol Dyapep-ia Cure will dige-t «hat you KirlMAFH FALL'*. William 11. Bartrbw.of Klamath Falls, S«ate Renstor R. A. Booth, now a resi­ N 'Veinher 29. at Id:3i) a. ni.; beaoka the undertaking parlors Sunday afternoon PICTURE FRAMES I eat K. A. S hbbwin n-ual program. R-v. J. T. Abbett will being conducted under the auspices of aged 20 years, 10 months and 21 days. Insure against accidents—they are always de >t > t Eugene, was on yesterday’s trai happening and the next mav be toyou. 1 The town is well filled, nearly every for San F-a eiec > on business for the preach the sermon. It is requested that Ashland Lodge No. 45, I. 0. 0. F., in­ The deceased was brought here from SAMPSON. have the best and strongest company in house occupied this winter. extensive Kelh Bmth lumber company the people t>e on time so that the service terment in Ashland cemetery. Klamath county about a month ago by the world. may be begun promptly. MOLDING8 his mother and sister, Miss Caroline, Cnas Um bach of Lakeview registered Mr. Piland was an industrious man Vaupel. Norris and Drake are at the * Winter ia fast apptari ig with much CABINET WORK and he died at the home of another sis­ at Hotel Linkville Friday. and unmarried. He left $600 in the front this fall with one of the most com ­ Joe Downing, the well know n mining enow ou t >e mouutiio. SPECIAL BARGAINS. UPHOLSTERING ter, Mr and Mrs. J. C. Manley, on Main Sikes Worden is improving and is able plete stocks of goods ever brought to man of Hornbrook, was in Yreaa Wed­ bank of Ashland and $60 on Iris person, street A brother, R Bartrow, came in GENERAL REPAIRING Chas. Homos passed «are Thursday which was taken in charge by the coroner. nesday. While here he showed us a this yalley. to be about ths house again OF FURNITURE New 6-room house with one acre of land goi-igto the mountains. folding candlestick for use in mines th at He leaves a sister at Sacramento Cal , from the Falls the day before he died in a variety of fruit, one block from North Mrs. W A. McGinnis, who has been The funeral took place Tuesday morn­ school bouse, W« have about two inches of snow and a mother in Douglas county, Mo. will surely find a ready sale. Geo Parsh- >750.06 We * ut a bee tree Tuesday which ing, Solemn High Mass being said over here which has fallen since yesterday with her folks, Mr Osborne and family, ley of Ashland ia interested with Mr. yielded ten gallons of honey. at Tolman’s Springs for several months, the remains in Holy Rosary Catholic Six-room house on large lot with choice Engineer Walter Drennan and Fire ­ morning. AT THE Downing in ths patent and th9y expect left yesterday to join her husband at Mr Bhavr of Medford w is here Wed- church in this city at 10 o’clock’by Rev. fruit; good barn; Mechanic St. $750.00. man Ed Riddle are recovering from ASHLAND to soon place them on the market. It is The four or five months old baby of Drain. ue-day with stere ptic *n go i la. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. very simple in construction, can be shut their frightful injuries in the head end Father W H. Hickey. The interment Fine bouse and grounds adjoining North Mr aud Mrs. Emmitt Austin of Merrill, District Attorney A. E. Reames and up like a knife and carried in the pocket, freight trains wreck near Roseburg took place in Hargadine cemetery. Geo Grow ia day. hla signature is on every box of the genuine HEAL ESTATE. Medford where he had a tumor removed mining at Cane Nome and Alaska for Dr J. G. Gob e, eye apecial at of Med­ from liis leg by Dr. Shearer. .axative Bromo°Quinine Tablets several years, arrived here last night to ford. returned from hi* tr p throu b i remedy that cures a cold la one «lag giste of Oregon to O. 1) Dollarhide. the G. Eu- paj a visit to his brother, Geo C. 2_ Bonanza has two saloons and another Klamath county Sat unlay. aw% of the sw>4 ot sec 16. twp 40. r 2 e. $50. banks, of the Western Union. will start business soon; license being Buena Webb to T L Devore, lut 8, bik 50. S. K. ADAMS, Prop. granted at the Nov. terin of county Central Point. $50 Headquarters for Holidsy Goods. TO CUIUS A < 014» IN ONE DAY Jennie M Hogg an t husband to Geo B court. CREPE PAPER Racket. Take Laxative Bromo Quiu'ne Tablets. Ross, lot 16, bik 14, Central Point, $150. Harness, Saddles and Extras Prof. Hopkins, teacher of the Bonanza AH druggist» refund tbs m mey if it fails to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith of Bly, Dora v. Board of Manager«, Mrs H. L Sayles, Facing the Plaza. 30-ft front by 100 ft Twelve sheets, assorted, plaiutiffs the Wood river ranch and 2,800 Thé above is Irom the Orego ian and . Mary J Coolidge to Margaret Berwick, Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, Mrs W. H. Mowat. deep, is for sale—on easy terms. Cause for 5c, regular 10c. ia a very ice a -d pretty thought from acres off the west of the ranch below lots 4, 5 6, 7. bik 32, Cooudge add to Ash­ John Zucca & Co„ Get prices on Xmas Goods. Racket. land. $300. for selling, ill health. • genii >meu oomfortablv office ■ in a bi< Klamath Falla. VI B • Eiias B McKee, et ux, to John T Brerd- City. I' he got up against th- real far Miss May Church left Saturday even­ The Portland Telegram of Tuesday en. 6 acres in die, 42, and sec 26. twp 38. r 210 Ogden Building, Chicago. mer in the last two years he would •ria- ing for San Francisco, where ehe ex­ says Olwell Bros, of Central Point have Buy now, for it won’t Sw $20. I do not propose to give this property cover thit the farmer has "sot next’’ to pects to reei le in the future. Miss Belle sent east an entire train load of apples, bold at these prices and ■'’■iae B McDonough, et ux, toC M Rueb, We are in the market for several away, but sell. See the poUt ciau end do sn’t care a continen­ Parker accompanied her tor a few week’s consisting of 15 car loads for the foreign 10 acres in sec 27. twp 38. r 3 w. $100 care of Fancy eating Apples, suit­ in the future we will not tal Which outfit is running things . Distort Blab- visit —Dunsmuir News > Alice V We eb and bu-banf sec 16. a»d 20 acres m the of the « papers. that this is the largest single shipment of the nwj4 of same eecand same twp. $700. First-class references furntshed. of apples that ever went from the north­ • i j. e e 1^ u. i j Caroline ötory to E J Story, 200 acres in V Correspondence solicited. west. secs 27 and 28, twp 35, 1 w. $1. 8 L Benson to Mrs P Hines, laDd on To be given away on Christ- Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, at Racket. STANLEY’S Humbug creez $10 John Connelly, a stock man of Walla J I Mary Ooo llow to H Farlow, 200 acres in mas Day to the lucky one ■ ■ • DRUG STORE ... Walla, Wash., is visiting his friend. Z. ‘ I eec 11. twp 37,2 e, $300. Telephone 167 H Farlow to R J Farlow and Sarah Mil guessing nearest to the num­ A. Moody. His brother, George Con- j Goods delivered I ler.-arue property aa aboye and 120 acre« nelly sccompanied by his wife, arrived . The Old-Reliable Blacksmitn, ber of Beaas contained in the I add'tional. $1. this week from Arizona, the brothers ; Has Purchased......................... I Martha Kuastll to C Vroman, lot 16. not having seen each other in 37 years. J Stove Polishing, Window Jar in our window. Glass bik 38. Gold Hili. $1. They went to Ssma Valley yesterday to W. 0. Johnson's Shop G W I~aacs to Julia L Orr. 19.18 acres Cleaning and Whitewash­ visit O. C McClendon’s faim They I near Central Point, $800. are figuring on buying a stock ranch in I M Carey to E U McIntire, et ux. 10 acres ing a Specialty. _ Every Dollar’s worth ot Gro- And is now prepared to serve ASHLAND Southern Oregon. I near Aehiand, $10, ' E M McIntire to M Carey, same prop his old customers and the pub­ The Free Methodists are holding meet­ ceries you buy from us entitles ASHLAND, - *- OREGON. A Good Line of Hardware, lic generally at the old stand ings at Bellview school house. They I Lucinda Ganiard to A Pool. 80 acres in you to a guess. contemplate erecting a church on Mr. A Good Line of Graniteware, I -ec 27, twp 36. 1 w. $500. M ain S t ., O ff . O pera H ouse B lock COMPANY, Cooper’s lota in railroad addition. I H L Miaer to John Dunn, lots 4. 5, 6, bik A Good Line of Crosseut Saws General Blacksmithing af all kinds. Trunks, valises, club bags and tele, Successor^ to J. K. Van Sant 28, Medford, $250. I C H Chapman to C C Gilchrist, et ux, It costs you absolutely noth­ »nd A«», Horseshoeing a Specialty. i scopes at Opera House Furniture Store. I property in Central Po