Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1900)
4M»» 99 »»»»»»»»» ® | UNDERWEAR PK«*<>\ At «0.1 Chas W. Palin was up from Medford Mouday. John Y. Allen of Texas has located in Ashland.' - • Mrs. H. Ralph returned Monday from Medford. Geo. McClendon is visiting Gold Hill We are Leaders this Season in relatives. Eadies’, misses’, | mens’ and Boys’ Underwear | Everything Seasonable, in all grades and at prices to suit any pocket. We have this fall unusually beautiful and .................................... stylish lines of Eadies* Jackets and Capes, { I Eadies* Cailor<made Suits, Ready made Strappers, Eadies* Underskirts As usual, we are up-to-date in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. Vaupel, Norris & Drake. eeeseew ewe ©ewseee» VALLEY RECORD. CENTRAL, POINT. ee i Ad. Helms went to Montague Tuesday on a business visit. Geo. Fendall went over to his mines near Coles Monday. County Clerk Gus Newberry was up from Jacksonville Tuesday. Lewis Stanley has quit railroading and is clerking in the drug store. John Kearney of Central Point went to Hornbrook Tuesday on a visit. M. M. Obenchain of Henley visited his familv at Gold Hill thia week. Misses Berth* Rose and Mamie Smith went to Phoenix Tuesday on a visit. District Attorney A. E. Rea me* and wife returned yesterday from Lakeview. Ladies are invited to inspect the new dress goods at Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s. Conductor Geo. White went to San Francisco Sunday on a bnef business trip. Miss Dotis Willits has returned home from a four months visit at Lakeview. Rev. J. Merley and wife of Medford visited her sister, Mrs. Loeier, in Ashland Tuesday. S. E. Denny left Monday for a months visit at his old home about Bedford and 8alem, Ind. Dr. James Braden, the mining man of Gold Hill, was in Ashland Tuesday on a business visit. F. M. Grainger returned Tuesday from a visit of three months with hie brother at FreBno, Cal. Sheridan Thornton returned to Klam- athon Friday after attending the funeral of Mrs. Patton. Marka—Mtan'ey Political Sew- lteaa*. Wedding __ ______________ e____ wedding ______ o. A quiet but very delightful occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. J Stanley last Sunday afternoon at 2:30, the happy participants in the mar riage ceremony being Miss Helen R. Stanley ana Wm.O. Marks, well-known and highly esteemed young people of Ashland. Rev. F. G. Strange performed the ceremony and Miss Isa Duncan act ed as bridesmaid and Capt, J. E. Thorn ton as groomsman. There were present the family of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fenton and Mr. and Mrs. R. Han na, relatives of the groom. All enjoyed the elegant wedding dinner, after which the newly married couple took the after noon train for Portland to spend their honeymoon. The groom ia a clever young man and secretary of the Ashland Iron Works, while the bride has been engaged in the drug business in this city for the past six years, and he is to be congratulated upon winning the af fections of one of the most intelligent, earnest and courageous young women Ashland has produced. The newly wedded pair have a large' circle of friends and admirers who wish them a world of happiness and success. Hon. John A Burleigh of Wallowa county, wiH address the Brvan club at the city hall Saturday evening. He is a fluent speaker and everybody is invited. Dr. Ray Palmer of Portland will ad dress the citisens of Ashland on the po litical issues oi the day at Chautauqua tabernacle Tuesday evening Oct. 30th at 8 o’clock. Come out ana hear a fine speaker. Col. C. E, 8. Wood will address the __ people of Ashland and vicinity at the Chautauqua tabernacle tomorrow, Fri day, at 1:30 p. m. He is the ablest anti imperialist speaker that will address the people of this city in the present cam paign and the Bryan club is putting forth an effort to give him a good audi ence. He is well worth listening to. A musical program under the direction of Miss Esther Silsby will be rendered. The republican politicians are making their boasts-that they will carry Jackson county for McKinley. As this county gave Byran 985 majority over McKinley four years ago this will be agréai change. The republicans have had about 100 plurality over the opposition in the elec tions since then, with about 400 voters not coming out to the polls. These vot ers are principally disgusted populists. Lakeview bad a democratic meeting last week. O. H. Dalrymple and J. E. Raker were the principal speakers and A. E. Reames made a few remarks. Gov. -Pennoyer has been nominated for the legislature in- Multnomah county by the citizens to run against John Me Craken, republican. He declined and E. J. Jeffrey was nominated. Highway Robbery. Mr. Carmichael, Collector for the Wrought Iron Range Co., was held up by a foot pad who relieved him of $225 at the foot of the celebrated highwayman’s paradise, Topsv Grade, last Friday even ing. Carmichael had beeu in tbe Butte creel; section of Siskiyou county making some collections and w^s returning to ward Ager alone in a rig, when about dark a masked man got the drop on him with a six-shooter ami compelled him to giveup his money,when he was ordered to 1 a,------------—r- drive on. No clue has been discovered. Batee-rMçflynàki Wedding. It is presumed, however, that the per At the home qTthe bride’s parents, Mr petrators are some of the same gang that and Mrs. F. ¥ Medynnki. in Medford, held up the stage so repeatedly on that last evening. Miss Etta Medynski and grade several years ago. . J W. W Bates were united in marriage, by Rev. T. L; Crandall. Mis* Lillian Rhine , Deatn of Mr*. A. H. Dean. hart played the wedding march, Miss Francis Haskins was ipaid of honor, Robt. Mrs Anna Huston Dean died yester ---- (Lawion best man, and Ruth Norris and day at her home in Willow Springs ;s of | Loraine Lawton were the little ribbon girls. paral.vsis of the stomach. She was born The following were present: in New Jersey June 23, 1826, and spent William W. Bates. Henrietta A. Me- her girlhood in Philadelphia, later mov dynski. Francis R Haskins. Bobt. B Law ing to Iowa with her people. In 1852 she ton, F. V. Medynski and wife, Mrs K moved to Jackson county, Oregon, where L Palmer. J. T Bates and wife. Misses she was married Nov. 15th of that year • ora and Nor* Bates. J. W. Bates and wife. Rev. T. L. Crandall and wife. Prof N L to Nathaniel A. Dean, it being their dis I Narregan, Hon. W. 8 Crowell, J. H. Nor tinction of being the first white people ris and wife, J H. Haskins and wife, W. to be married in this county. They be H. Meeker and wife, J. W, Lawton and gan home building at Willow Springs, wife, J. W. Cosher and wife. Rev. J. Mer and of the nine children born to her four ley and wife G L. Davis and wife, B N. are living and respected members of Butler and wife. T. T Merriman and wife. their community. Her husband died in Misses Myrtle l-awton. L. May Phipps, Bernice and Edna Foose. Lillian Rhine-, 1876. She was a highly esteemed pi hart. Fern Norris, Maggie Bellinger. Jen- oneer lady. nesse Butler, and little Ruth Norris and Loraine Lawton; Messrs. M, 8. Biden. Clarence Meeker, Henry Bates. Christian Endeavor Convention. Religion* bfim. FALL Christian Church—“Waste,” is the subject of the Snmlaj evening lecture at the church Oct 28 The sin of Waste V in Religious, Commercial end Industrial Economics will receive the pastor’s at tention. Tbe public is invited. [L adies ’ Services at Holy Rosary Catholic church on 6th street every Sunday. Mass at 10 a. m , Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. and evening service at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Edward Donnelly, pastor. - ---------- 1 VW v WINTER STOCK! WHüiiUili - W raps , F urs , F ull L ine etc . of U nderwear , F ine S tock of S hoes . Dry Goods..... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. NININGER BLOCK WM. YEO & CO. NEAR DEPOT Christian Science services in Masonic hall at 11 o’clock a. m. every Sunday. All cordially invited. Services at thé M. E. church Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 9:45. Ser mon at 11 ; subject. ‘TheCrownof Life.” Epworth League meeting at 6:15 p m. ; subject, “Do Not Worry leader, Jessie Wagner Sermon at 7 ¡30; subject, “Railroading.” All ire cordially in vited. Railroad men are especially in vited to the Sunday evening service. J. T. Abbett, pastor. The usual services will be held at tbe Presbyterian church next Sabbath both morning and evening. Sermon subjects will be: “The Practical Value of Edu* cation,” and “The Right Use of Time.” AND TRIMBLE & CO •> Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING LIST ALL BRANCHES Biamark’a Iron Merve Waa the result of hia splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want tbeee qualities and the success thev bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Only 25 cent* at E. A. S hebwin ’ s drug atore. Plow Work and Horse-shoeing a Specialty ------FIRST-CLASS WAGON WORK.------- Ager is the point on the Southern Pa cific railroad from which much of the freight destined for Klamath county is delivered. A report says pinkeye is hav ing a serious run among the horses in that vicinity. Whole freight team* have been attacked and laid off duty - and many cases are reported among the farm animals. As yet none of the stage horses have been attacked and every effort is being made to prevent the spread of the disease.—Exchange. ! Public School Books, ' School and Office Supplies Sherwin’s Sick H eadache absolutely and perma A few good Second Hand Book*. nently cured bv using Mokl Tea A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed J. L. THORNTON. or money hack. 25cl*. and 50cts. E ugen « A. F. HUNT. A. S hzbwim . The circuit court Monday granted di vorces in thecasesof E. E. Wilder vs Lor- ette D. Wilder and Susan Wood vs M. S. Wood The evidence in the Webber vs Webber case not being all in, the case was continued to next term. G H Bogue the Paisley stock man A. 8. Jacobs and wife visited N. A. and Lee Jacobs and families in Medford last came in from Lake county Tuesday to visit his family. ASHLAND, Or . Thar»4ay, Oct. 95, 1900 Tuesday. Kev. J.Merley preached in the Baptist Miss Marie Webster who has been at WM. STORM 'church >a*t Sunday morning to an appre Dunsmuir for six months, returned to ciative audience. BAMS VALLEY. Talent Tuesday. Bert Newton of Henley, Cal , has soM Miss Merle Applegate, the Phoenix W E. Stacy made a business trip to Med bis town property in this place to Mr. Cor teacher, visited Ashland relatives Sat ford Saturday. um for $325.00 urday and Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Gee is visiting with Mrs. Fitz Mrs. Geo. Jeffries left on the Sunday gerald this week. John Friese. the Klamath county evening's train for Olympia, Wash., to her sheepman, has been in the valley pur Miss Minnie Perry made * flying trip to old home to visit her son. The Eugene team goes to Berkeley, Gold Hill Saturday. | I Will Wright of Willow Springs who has chasing stock sheep. Stanford and Nevada next month and been v<»ry low with tvpboid fever is improv John A. Hall of Lakeview and J. H. We had a fine rainfall last week which ing and is considered out of danger. would like to play Ashland on this trip. The second annual convention of the started our farmer* to plowing and seeding. Berry of Dairy were registered at the Bonded A Mine Christian Endeavor of the Seventh dis Expenses while here and $100 will bring N. A. Jacobs and family will leave Med Ashland House Tuesday. Jack Conant, the well-known mining them. It is hoped that they will be giv George Robertson and wife. Miss May ford on next Monday’s train for Redland. trict, comprising Jackson, Josephine and Stacy and Ethel Rowe made a trip to Med Cal man of northern Cglifornia and now F. P. Smith and L. Walker returned Klamath counties, was in session at They expect to be absent two years. en a chance by our local pigskin knights. ford Saturday. Monday from an eight days hunt on Medford Friday evening and Saturday making his residence in Ashland, has At this writing Oct. 24, the old lady Mrs Jef Linville and family started last Mon Trail creek, killing five deer. and Sunday, proving an interesting bonded 502 acres of land belonging to the The supev-or court, silling in baplc i i day for Bend, Crook county, where they Dean of Willow Springs is in a critical con event in the spiritual world. The prin ranch of McCourt Bros, near Althouse, Los Augeli s banded down the opinion dition suffering with obstruction of the in Thos. Lawson of Trail creek who has intend to locate. Josephine oounty, including their water testines. been visiting O. O. McClendon in Ash cipal speakers were Rev. H. L. Reed of rights, ditches, etc., for one year. The that the l>i.;rd Qi fKa-hoiiiers cannot Ed. Halanbeak an I family came ovet Albany, Dr. G. W. Grannis of Salem, land went to Medford Tuesday. L. D Hitch and Mrs. Lil ian L. Jones of from Hornbrook one day last week to visit Rev. C. W. Hays of Grants Pass and price paid down is not made known by; legally frame u new oharter. The opin Tolo were married at the home of the of his parents tor a tew days, Wa Chung, the Chinese labor contract the deal when completed wjll call for the ion was given in a t'. sr case brought by ficiating officer. A. S. Jacobs, J. P., on tbe or, was in town Tuesday wearing a Mc Rev. G. W. Nelson of Ashland The payment of $25,000 EGGS FOR HATCHING Mr. Qonant is J. H. against City Tieasui-er T. Pankey and Mart Perry went to Med 22nd of Oct.. I960. next convention will be held in Grants Kinley and Roosevelt button. ford Mouday with two wagon loads of fine —FROM----- Pass Tbe following is the list of names backed by an eastern syndicate and they Hartwell. Dr. J. Hinkle and wife have returned porkers which they sold to J. W. Wiley, Frank Lennart returned to the Mat of those present and the newly elected will begin the work of boring and thor from their visit e»st The Dr. lost 15 lb’, oughly prospecting the ground immedi Oregon Applo crop. R. C. Craddock, who has been in Klam avoirdupois and $70 in coin by a pickpocket tern mine at Henley Tuesday after a officers. ately, aiming to locate the channel which Evening Telegram.] ath county for the past two years, was in while tbe Dr. was asleep on tbe cars. visit with his family in Ashland. Ashland—Cora M. Smith, Mabel C is expected to be very rich. The prop our burg today. He will winter in Jackson Viola Wooden, James M. Spencer, BREEDER OF HIGH-CLASS POULTRY. Hon. J. A Burleich and other speakers Jehu Jacoba, tbe inventor of the Galey, Oregon apples are likely to bring as county. erty will be worked by the dredger pro will address tbe people of this place Friday Jacobs concentrator, came over from Lucinda L. Spencer Laura M. Hevener cess. good prices as Oregon hops, prune* and Will Dodge, Donald Rice, Anna Luster. James Pesterfield steps high since the ar evening, Oct. 26ib. front a democratic Have mated three grand pens ofBarred P. Rocks Henley yesterday on a business visit. other products are already doing. Late Iva E. Washburn, Mary E Caldwell, Liz rival of a new baby boy at hia bouse on standpoint. Ladies and all are invited. ages, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. 8. C. B. Leghorns Death of 8. H. Dunlap. reports from the East ahow that there ia zie Williams, Lida Lottridge, k. G. Strange, Oct. 20th. Both mother and child are do and Black Minorcan, $1.00, pr 13. Black Langaban, A quarter of a mile track for bicycle R. E. Washburn, Mrs. G. W Nelson, Nel L H. Newton and wife came overfrom 8. H. Dunlap, a well-known citizen of a partial crop ialiore in tbe principal ing nicely. 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one Henley. Cal.. Wednesday for household and foot racing purposes is being built lie Crocker, Ethel Galey. Clara Mingus, Talent and throughout this county, died bi-lts, which will prove a surprise to Or Wm. Stacy and Wm Treshem have just furniture and to m*ke a deed to Mr. Cor in the state normal campus grounds. point at Oregon State Show of being as good as Kate Emery, Maud Patterson, Elsie Pat suddenly while traveling through the egonians, who bad been led to believe by finished ceiling and doing otner repairing um to bis town property. Mr. N will build terson, F. C Easter, Mr*, Ell* D. Rice H. country at Fall City, Fall river valley, previous reports that tbe crop all over Address, ZE- _A_- ZECZTrò’U’SZE, Roseburg, Oregon. Rev. and Mrs. J, T. Abbett were giv work on Mr Stacy’s drv goods store which in Hornbrook and make that place his fut ualey, Rosa Dodge, Genevieve Tiffany, en a reception at the M. E. church last C. adds greatly to its appearance. Lora M. Colton, Esther C. Siisby, Mrs. E. Modoc county, Cal , on Oct 15th. Tbe the United Btates was greatly in excees ure home. evening which was enjoyed by all pres E. Washburn, Clarence Galey, G. W. Nel sad news shocked the many friends of of the average. Sam Rotherv was here today exhibiting ent. the deceased in this neighborhood with Based on earlier reports, their opinions son Amy Caldwell. SAMPSON. some tine apples which was grown on the Pass—G.' W. A. P Cr*m*T. C-- whom he was held in such high,.itateem. were cqrrgct. However, at tbe last mo Engledow farm. They were of the Spitzen- W. H. Bartrow of Klamath county is W. Grants Hays, L G. Xtott, Edna Parker, Alice burg variety and were tine ones too. It rained Thursday a. m. ill with heart trouble at the residence of M. Pool. Florence Akin, Stella M Pad The particulars are abput as follows: ment, an " just in time to benefit the ma About four months ago Mr. Dunlap ac jority of Oregon growers the apple crop of We think it quite probable that Ed. Card- Dell Combs went to the springs Tues hie brother-in-law, J. C. Manley, in Ash dock, Osyth Croxton. companied by his wife and children the East is cut down 50 per cent by un well (a life-long democrat) will vote for Mc land. Jacksonville—Maude E. Prim. Mabel T. Kinley ibis time. We noticed be was tak day. Prim, Edith Preist. Miss Jones. Inez Kitch Fred, Clint, Minnie and Ola. and Mr. looked for climatic chrncea. J. A. Whitman has purchased the Fow er and family of Talent left by pri “Every grower in the Northwest should ing a fine Cotswold buck-home with him en James Murphy came up from town Sheridan A Agee apple crop of 4000 boxes yesterday He can’t see wool go down Monday on a visit to Tom Taylor. Independence—James Martin jr., Effie vate conveyance with the intention of know these things,” said Colonel H. E, H. BOIVIN, Manager. while bis monev is invested in one sheep. I at Roseburg and is engaged in packing Mills, Herman Anderson, Clint Hartley, A. eventually landing np at Colville reser- Doach, secretary of tbe State Board of Rease Wimer is hauling lumber from them. C. Weathered.' vation. Wash.,' whii ich was to be thrown Hort.culture, Wm. Morgan and family and mother Medford-^Adolph Haberly. Marie Grey, open to settlers. After taking in Crater According to the latest advices received came in from Klamath couuty a few days Mr. Wright’s place on Sampson creek. COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET Nininger Building, J. S. Herrin has added three more fine Mrs. F. E. Berge, M.GraceOdgers. Harriett since. Mr. Morgan and family returned blooded French m rin > bucks to bis band, Odgers. Lucy Kent, Dor* E Deal, Lillian lake and Klamath county Mr. Fowler by him, the wind has knocked down 50 Bert Randles was up from town last Ashland, Oregon home after a abort visit with relatives while - - OREGON. and family returned home and Mr. Dun per cent of the apple crop in New York ASHLAND, his motb-r will remain here over winter week on a visit where his father is do they being from the John Minto stock at Barr. Elia Dodge, Fannie Hall, Amy Kent, lap and family gave up their intention State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Salem. Grace A Mann with her two daughters, Mrs. T. Pankey ing work in stone. Officers elected: President. G. W. A. P. of going to Washington and were intend '-ther Atlantic • seaboard states. In Vir Shop is now open. and Mr». J. R. Morrison. Mrs. J. S. Herndon and children leave Cramer. Grants Pass; 1st vice president, ing to go to northern California and event ginia’ West Viiginia and Michigan late Mr. S'raight, Geo. Shepherd’s herder, Call and see hia new stock of Fine There is a move on foot to get a tele brought Mrs Shepherd from Bald moun this week to join the Doctor at Lakeview Miss Lillian Barr, Medford; 2nd vice presi ually returning to this county. They reports say tbs apple crop ia so light that Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, etc. Nothing but First - Class phone line from Gold Hill to Sams Vai ey. tain Tuesday on account of disagreeable i where he has located and to spend the dent, J. C. Whipp, Jacksonville; 3-d vise went to Lakeview and; were: going there w-14-be none for export. Through Work turned out. wnich it bull- .will be a great convenience weather. president. Miss .Mae Worden Klamath through Modoc county when the sad tlie biggest apple belt of the East, which winter. Watches and Clocks Repaired. to this community Those who could dig Falls; secretary, Mrs Elia D Rice, Ash taking away occurred. When they ar inclu lea Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and Geo. H Churchman who has been up tbe 25cu could talk io a born and ih >se A party consisting of Perry Meliza, land ; treasurer, Miss Rosa Dodge, Ashland. rived at Fall City, Mr. Dunlap was giv Kanasas, the apples are reported to be who cou’dii’t would have to keep on annoy Samuel Williams and eon Frank, Mes buccarooing for Geo. H. Bogue at Pais- PICTURES! ing Fred directions in regard to turning rotting by the thousands. The big com ing people by blowing their chin music lu srs. Hulbert went to Kean creek Monday i ley. Lake county, returned to Ashland Mies Meda Crosby came up from Tal the team around when he was stricken mercial orchards of Southeastern Mis other people's ears. Tuesday. PICTURE FRAMES! on a hunting trip. ent totjay. with an attack of neuralgia of the stom souri and the Northern part of Arkansas Mrs M. Tucker and Miss Maud Wells Mr. Turner of Medford went via here J. H. Huger, jr. is up from Jackson ach and fell to the ground. This was onlv 35 per cent of the apples are clean, Dr. W. H. Lewis. Lawrenceville, V*, writes. “1 am ualug Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Monday going to Klamath Falls making returned Sunday from San Farncisco ville to day. on Saturday and he remained alive until the others are wormy. at old stand MOLDINGS in my practice anions severe cases of indi a delivery of fruit trees for L. B, Warner where tbe former has undergone medi tbe following Monday. The funeral Mr. Al. Roach and children are visit CABINET WORK cal treatment. gestion and tind it an admirable remedy.” of the former place. at Robbins’ Planing Mill took place from the M. E. church in ing Central Point. Many hundreds of physicians depend up in UPHOLSTERING Fall City on the 16th. The daughter Miss Ethel Gunton, the normal stu The ladies of the Presbyterian church the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in siom- GENERAL REPAIRING Attorney O. 8. Brown was at the coun and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. acn troubles. Il digests wbat you eat. and will give a dinner in Ashland on election dent, was called to Montague Sunday OF FURNITURE WILL GRIND CIDER i Garner of Dunsmuir, started immedi where her brother Hermann is ill with ty seat yesterday. allow* you to eat ali;tbe good food you need, day. FOR THE PUBLIC providing you do not overload your stom typhoid fever. C. A. Wolfolk of Grants Pass is regis ately for Fall City but arrived too late for A. F. Hunt took three carloads of beef ach. Give inslant relief and a permanent the funeral. Mrs. Dunlap and the chil AT OLD PRICES Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Neil have tered at Hotel Oregon. cattle to Gazelle Monday night for Mitch cure E. A. S hkbwin . dren returned to Dunsmuir with Mr. and AT THE Hood's Sarsaparilla is a. moved to Ashland from Neil creek for ell Bros, for shipment to San Francisco. Mrs. Sophia Bohnert left Medford yes Mrs. Garner. Eli Dunlap, who works ASHLAND the winter and have rooms at the Wais- Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Down and daugh terday for Norfolk, Neb. O- E. ZRZEIID. at the Ashland mine, left lor Dunsmuir good narm. A legion of those UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Lookout for “ Halloween ” social Chris ter Annie returned from Ashland last tian church Oct. 31 Interesting pro worth residence. Ashland. Oregon. Ed. P. Hughes formerly of Phoenix is Sunday to visit his mother, who owe health to its blood Saturday. They were accompanied home The fears and apprehensions and al to be married next Sunday. gram. Admission free. Refreshments 1900 and 1901 styles and patterns of by Miss Allie Metzker, who has been most unbearable state of suspense which E. A. Hildreth. Jr. J. P. Bayle visiting at Jacksonville for several 10c. Mrs. J. R. Catchings has returned from ladies tailor made co-tumes just re- purifying qualities laud it to has oeen laying on the heart of the com SUMMONS Frank Dodge. cieved at the- Wanamaker Agency. My the skies. It brings the riches of health months.—I-akeview Examiner. Supt. R. L Fields of the Southern munity for over two weeks, was lifted Jenny creek for the winter. former patrons and all others are cordi Pacihc lines in Oregon, arrived Sunday Geo. W. Vaupel returned Rev. Knott is visiting Rev. Strange, ally invited to call and examine these to those who use it, in the shape of in the Justice Court for the District of No other pili* can equal DeWitt's Little to remain about two weeks to remove this noon home from Portland — “ alone, all alone. ” being en route to Klamath Falls. Early Risers for promptness, ceruunty and thH freight blockade. Every-siding is beautiful goods. Samples of dress goods absolutely pare blood, the permanent Ashland, County of JackBon, State of Ore gon. efficiency. E A Snnwis. Chas. Measer and family of Salem Mrs. W. A. Homes left today for also shown in great variety. Come early foundation stone of health. full of freight cars. O. A. Miller and W. H. have taken up their residence in Ashland Montague and Slatonis on a visit. and do not wait until Borne of the most Weakness — "/ was all run down, Bartges, partners doing Rev. Robt. McLean of Portland has an(j have purchased the Skookum res- stylish patterns are exhausted and •weak and without appetite. A friend business under the firm been appointed to take charge of the j tanrant of .... . . Claude Heriford returned to Ft. Jones ASHLAND, OREGON. Julius _ Schulz. Action name and style of “ Mil marked out. D. Allen, Sales Agent. Tuesday from a visit at Gold Hill. Presbyterian missions in Cuba and will brought me a bottle of Hood's Sarsapa to Recover ler & Bartge*,” Buy the Peerless Improved Plows of At the public school in Jefferson, Mar FREIGHT AND accept. He is a Spanish scholar and has Plaintiffs, Money, Mrs. Lee Minkler returned today from ion county, Tuesday, Clyde Vaughn, the rilla. I began faking it and three bottles Emil Peil. It will scour in any kind of had experience in South America. vs. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. a visit with her sister at Gold Hill . soil and ia guaranteed to give satisfaction 20-year-old janitor and student, stepped entirety cured me.” Mrs. M. A. Logan, C. G. Yarbrough, New stock of carpets, art squares, in every way. For sale by Emil Peil, t27 Post Street. Rutland, Vt. Defendant. J. D. Blitch, railroad agent and opera out of the principal’s room an<] in a mo lace curtains and rugs at Opera House blacksmith and dealer in all kinds of ag Wood For Sale. ment returned and said some one wanted tor at Siskiyou, was here yesterday. Who la the lucky person 7 Blood Purifier — " L/e ihink Hood’s ToO G. Yarbrough, Defendant: Furniture Store. In the Name of the State of Qregqp: i to speak to a 13 year-old student, Miss Sarsaparilla has no equal as blood puri ricultural implemenrs, etc. Mr. Winters and family returned to are hereby required to appear before BO Acres of Timber and The Eugene state university football O. H Hershberger formerly of Klam their former home at Portland yesterday. i Lulu Jones, and that girl went out of the fier and irmigerator of the system.” the You undersigned, a Justice of tbe Peace for Ice Delivered Daily in Season ¡room. Her girl friend in about fifteen team play Salem Saturday. In the team the District aforesaid, at tbe office of such brush land. Handy to tow n. are Clyde Payne, Chas. Wagner, Theron ath Falls but now engaged in loaning John Smart, the sheep man of Ft Klam. ___________________ minutes absence feared trouble and ap J. B. Best, Woodbury, N. J. Justice in said District, on tbe First day of money at San Francisco was on Satur ath, is spending this week in Ashland j prised the principal. . The girl was found Bush and Bernard Jakeway, Ashland ; November, 1900. at ten o’clock in the fore GOING CHEAP. day’s train for Seattle on a business tirp. state in the base- noon of said day to answer the above Cbe Splendid boys, and Dick Smith of Klamath Falls, i Ex County Assessor C. M. Stites of j*0 a“ aJK?Ln8<i?°l1- ... . Also a co'mpleta list of Real Estate. Don’t forget the removal sale at Mil Josephine county, is spending a vacation ment °F the building with a ghastly named Plaintiffin a civil action. Butler Walker and Sprat Wells of Bly, i ler A Bartges, 15 per cent discount. See Pleasure to show property. Tbe Defendant will take notice that if he in Ashland. < wound mad* by ai| ax m her head. The ^■tieyoK disappoint s- Business Property in Ashland. came over from Montague Tuesday night. our ad. this issue. Write or inquire, fail to appear and answer the complaint ! bov made his escape but was afterward They bad delivered 150 head of $65 two- _ Hood ’ s Pills cure liver ills; the non-irritating and herein on or before the Firstday of Novem Mrs. m - J. t W iv Craig returned —-i home k—- ‘ to “ ! caught and'confused. He did not at ... Known as the ... J. A. Gross and wife and Miss Lizzie cathartic tp uke with food’s &ar&apartUa. ber, 1900. tbe Plaintiff will lake judgement year-old mules from the Wells and Klamath Falls today with Messrs, With tempt any other assault on his victim. Gross left Monday to spend the winter against him for seventeen dollars fifteen >• Swingle bands to R. T. McCulloch, who row and Orr. The boy was an unwelcome suitor. Biflb 4 Caylor Property, cents ($17.15) besides costB and disburse bought them for the Honolulu market in California. Mrs. Leimart, who has ments for go<>ds, wares, and merchandise Albert Eubanks, who is ont from Cape been visiting them, returned home to For 8ale—-New 3^ wagon; set britchen Facing the Plaza. 30-ft front by 100 ft Roseburg Elks have presented Simon i Oakland, Cal. sold and delivered to said Defendant at Nome for the winter, is visiting his i llarllcocjf harness, -I saddle, m L u UIIC} nllCl and voung »uilug epAU span geld- deep, is for sale—on easy terms. Cause hi* instance and request That a writ of Caro with resolutions of condolence, mother at Portland. < - *«- - at-v j ings—cheqglor/¡ash; also one 1350 brood attachment has issued against the property for selling, ill health. drafted in memory of his brother, tbe I See the late Eastern ideas in clothing, "7 YBai years old. Inquire of H. S of said Defendant herein in tbe hands of C. D Gabrielson, a prominent insur mare, v late Isadora Caro The resolutions are shoes and carpets now being shown as 1. . . • ••• the8<>ubern Pacific Company and notice ance man of Salsm, was here yesterday Parrish, Oak street, Ashland. neatly framed and are written with a pen Vaupel, Norris A Drake’s. of garnishment duly served on said Com I do noi propose to give thia property on a business trip, by W. Wright, a Roseburg penman of ng9, — ex-editor of the G. D. --I-. • pany. Malta Commandery No. 4, Knights _ ,g OPPOSITE plaza . more than ordinary ability.—The Owl. Templar, conferred the degrees on new On affidavit for publication made and away, but sell. See Hugh Gillette, and wife and babe and Dunsmuif.liewsj: alias McGinty, i filed in my office on September 17th, 1900, Prof. Wright attended the Ashland state 1 candidates this week and gave a social Miss Rachel Rowley returned this morn I running fr+eal'wtate office at San Fran- De»ton Bish. an order was made for service of this sum normal last winter and is now principal and banquet in their honor in Masonic ing from Douglas county. cieco, in partnership with a man named mons by publication for six consecntve of the public school at Canyonville, Doug hall last evening. Hurry, can probably hurry him up. J. W. COX, Proprietor. week*. The first publication to be made Mr*. S- 8. Mitchell of Klamath Falls las county. on September 20th. 19U0, and the Iasi pub LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Peter legate has surveyed a seven who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Rocks 1 Rocks! Rocks! First class lication on November First. 1900. mile road to the mine of tbe Elk Creek Samuel J. Bailey, of Shake, died in building stone of all kinds from the True, leaves for home next Tuesday. Given under ruy hand this 17th day ot Mining Co. which they will build this A First-Class Ashland at the White Sulphur Springs Jackson stone quarry one mile west of ..Meal For September, 1900. Chas. Chilcotte, the car repairer who fall The company is doing considerable hotel last Friday evening. He leaves Ashland. Call on or address Ad. Gra M iltom B east , has been working in Portland for sever development work. three daughters and two eons, the moth ham, Ashland, Ore. * Justice of the Peace. Anything yon want cooked al months, has returned to Ashland. er having died six years ago. The funer I - vpp Opp Bros., who who nave have me the vasey Casey a & iwc- Me to order with promptness Dr. Ray, who has bought the Braden al took place Saturday afternoon, the C. E. Nininger, wife, three daughters ■ Williams Gold Standard mine near Jack- ■ ■ ■■<> — . — and dispatch. Al! Hours. - TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878- interment being in Ashland cemetery, mine which he has been operating under and eon Amos, left today for Lordsburg,. sonville bonded, have purchased 20 acres a bend, will put a new ten stamp mill N0T1CE FOR PUBLICATION. Gall and get my list of properties for sale Rev. J. T. Abbett officiating. Mr. southern California, to spend the winter, adjoining from C. C Beekman for $4000. NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, which includes all classes and kinds, and Bailey has been a resident of this sec-: in operation on the property. It will be The Roseburg land office has decided They contemplate putting up an exten made in San Francisco. at prtces to satisfy anyone. Roseburg, Oregon. October 1, 1900 tion since 1860, and was a union soldier tbe contest of Sutton vs Angle in favor 8lve Plant’ Notice is hereby given that in compliance during the war. Trunks, valises, club bags and tele- My loan department is well equipped and with the provisions of the act ot Congress of the contestant. Mr. Angle will appeal. [ Junction Bulletin: Ned Burt, atone Yon never read ofsnch cures elsewhere soopes at Opera House Furniture Store. of June 3.1878, emit led “An act for the sale I can handle money for parties wishing to Mr« Tnaenh n«.m» time assistant agent here, who had hie . •Mr»‘ J^*ephZ ^Iedford left leg cut off at Sisson, was shaking of timber lands in tbe States of California, invest, to their advantage. as those accomplished by Hood’s Sarsap Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terri to arilla, did vou? It ia America’a Great t ° hands with friends here yesterday, as he I represent some of the best Fire Insur J^*You know that what est Medicine, ry.” as extended to all tbe Public Land file’s famil^ V“ * relatlve8> Loula 0. pa8ged through en route from Portland S. K ADAMS, Prop. btates bv act of August 4, 1892, Mrs. ance Companies in the oountry and would do e a a ty. I to gan Francisco, to purchase a wooden Tbe county clerk has issued license to Rose Sauds of Ashland, County of be pleased to write your property. YOU we handle you can buy tnarrv to Will O. Marx* and Miss Helen R. Jackson. State of Oregon, has this cannot afford to carry the risk yourself. John Gainey came up from Medford leg. Harness, Saddles and Extras vi ay uiçu Stamey; also to Walter Denny and Miss day filed iu in this office her sworn . Insure against accidents—they are always today for a farewell. He leaves to-1 ~ ' — Rev. Francis Watry, who once created Alice E. Case, also to L. D Hitch and Mrs. statement No. 1225, for the parchase of the i happening reasonable. morrow for Redlands to spend the win a mild sensation while a Catholic priest and tbe next may be to you. I Lillian Jones; also to C. B Htepbens and lots 1 2, s^ ne^, of Sec No. 26 in Twp. have the best AT THK LOWEST PRICES. and strongest company In ter in southern California. : at Jacksonville oy dropping dropping om. Jacksonville by out oi of me the Mis* Berth* Walden. No 40 8., Range No 3 e, and will ot the world. Dr. W. H. Flannagan, L. L. Jewell prieathood. joining the Congregational fer proof to show that the land sought is Geo. W. Tinsley, who was called here by more valuable for its timber or stone than and R. L. Coe, accompanied by their clergy and getting married, is now a the illne»« and death ol hi* brother Ed. SPECIAL BARGAINS. AU Kindt of Leather Goods. for agricultural purposes, and to establish wives, were up from Grants Pass last minister at Weaverville, Cal. , left Monday for bis home at Big Bar, Trin ber claim to said land before the Register J^TCome and get our prices ity county, Cal. evening to attend tbe Knights Templar New G room house with one acre of land TO CORK A COLD IN ONE DAY and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. social. The funeral of young Edward H. Tinsley OREGON Oregon, on Tuesday the 18th day of De in a variety of fruit, une block from North Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ASHLAND, before buying. school house. $750.08. ' cember, 1900. last Saturday afternoon laid to rest a young Rev. Father Donnelly went to Klam AU druggists refund the money if it fails to She names as witnesses: C. P. Snell, man of genial and kindly disposition who ath Falls yesterday. He has about com cure. E W. Grove’s signature I* on each Anderson Building, near Bridge. Six-room bouse on large lot with choice of Medford, Oregon; A. 8. Parker, of Ash wa* loved by all who knew him and whose 25c. pleted the arrangements whereby Klam box. THE land, Oregon; Julian Hart, of Shake, Ore- fruit; good barn; Mechanic St, $7®.DO. taking away caused a sadness in tbe hearts ath Falls will have a Catholic church gon; I. C. Moore ot Shake, Oregon. of his friends. Tbe cause of death resulted Fine house and ground* adjoining North building. Any and all persons claiming adversely « from a relapse from an attack of typhuid fe the above-described lands are requested to school grounds, for sale at a bargain', X© ver and be pa-sed awav last Thursday even Mrs. W.T. Wallace came out from file their claims in this office on Or before reason sal* offer refused. ing at the home of bis father, J. A. Tinsley, Portland yesterday on a visit to her said 18th day of December. Iff 0. aged 26 yeara. Tbe funeral was conducted Main Bt., near Bridge. mother, Mrs. Oldendorff, and daughter, 'his signature ia on every box of tbe genuine J. T. BRIDGES. by Kev. A. M Russell, and took place from Miss Helen Wallace, who is attending Laxative Bcomo^maine t * m *^ bl* late home, the interment being in Ash AlALAIP.Wfc land cemetery. ■chool hffwk ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Oregon. Ashland, EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS D. T. PRITCHARD, Watchmaker and Jeweler. ASHLAND TINNING&PLUMBINGCO. CIDER MILL PRESS 7 " A Good Name is Better Than Riches” A Bonanza and Bargain a W. A. Patrick & Son Restaurant and Chop House. FRUIT JARS ! We have ’em Mason’s, Vacuums, Extra Tops, Rubbers. 25-Cents. Riva Me a Call GEO. AV. TREFREN U New Harness Shop LEVISTRABSS&CO'S uw OVERALLS Record Job Department owvizs