Professional Caras I L ondon , October 11.—A special from HAPPENIN à rF th = P a ’ Shanghai, dated October 10th, say«: DAYS FROM ALL QUARTirti "The Triads have met and epeatedly The Oregonian announces that a man defeated the imperial troops near Kow­ ASHLAND, Or., Thursday. Oct. 18, 1900 by the name of W. M. Coing, living at Shop» Of th* Sant* Fe To Bo Mo«o4 1 loon. 'Bhey are daily gaining fresh ad­ < Tra-ted Bank Clerk Coes Wrong— Jackoonvilie, in this state, has gone over Serio«« Diaanters To Novia Scotia To Point Richmond—Sheep Herders herent*. (Kowloon is in the hinter­ to the republican party, beg and baggage. Shipping By Storm*—Controller*» land of the island of Hongkong, and M anila , October 11.—The west coast That gentlemen was an aspirant six Fined For Tre**pn*alng—Two Bodi« was ceded to the British government Currency Report. of the island of Leyte is iu a state of months ago for the nomination for con- Found On tho Desert. less than two years ago.) turmoil, and the rebel Ladrones are ac­ gress at the bands of the democratic The apple crop of Julian, San Diego "Heavy Russian re-enforcements are tively plundering. party, but the democracy would • have The New York yacht club has re­ moving northward from Port Arthur General Mojica’s officers are surren­ none of him and nominated the acbolarly omity, is rather light this year. ceived a challenge from Sir Thomas Senator Daly instead. with the object of relieving the pressure dering and hi* soldiers attempting to The Pajaro apple growers are having Then Colvig tried to get the democratic yr eat difficulty in getting men to har­ upon Mukden. Every place of impor­ Lipton for another international yacht escape to Samar by b ats are being race for the America’s cup. tance in Mauchuria, from Kiatka to the captured and his organization broken nomination for the circuit judgeship in vest their apple crops. his district, and wsa agath turned down. Mrs. Philip Hardy committed suicide up. The capture;’ guerillas a d La­ Then be concluded it would be a big Representatives ot the new sugar fac­ Primosk boundary and from the Amur in a hotel at Chicago. Investigation drones, when qnrstioned, stated that stroke to get inte the county convention tory at Waverley, Wash., are canvassing to the great wall is now in Russian proved that some one has sent her a on tho 5th in st. 30 Americaua attacked as a delegate, but met with the usual the fertile country about Moscow, Idaho, hands." bogus telegram announcing her hus­ The Hongkong specials this morning 45 rebels, rifl.-d their stronghold in the turndown. lir beet contracts. He has been wanting aometbing ever til refer to the gravity of the situation band’s death, and it Caused her to shoot Caramiue province and route 1 them, There is a heavy shortage in the seed iu southern China, but they give no herself. killing ten. Two Americans wero ajnee be was weaned. He baa never got­ ten anvthlng, and never will get any­ Jrop in most seed-growing districts, and further details than have already been The Paris exposition is to close shortly. killed and three wounded. But be will always want aome- , the seed-growers of Santa Clara county forwarded in press dispatches. In ».me It has been a grand success in all re­ LLnia, October 12.—Advices receiv­ thing. thing. He ia for Colvig, and hie influence ire having a very properous season. quarters it is argued that it would be spects. ed from Iloilo, island of Pauav, under affects himself not twice alike in three The sugar beets in Ogden vicinity are better to employ In iian troops in China. date of Friday, October 12, Jay that weeks time. Colvig is one of thoee ducks The American Bridge Company of Compttuy D if Ute Tweuty sixth Vol­ whom no one can appreciate, and be not so good as those of last year, and N ew Y ork , October 10.—A cable to Pittsburg, closed a contraot to furnish that as the result of early rains they unteer infantry was attacked on the knows it. the Suu from Peking, dated October all of the structural steel to be used in are deteriorating. The factory cannot He is sorry that the average run of previous day by a force of Tagolos in 8th, via Shanghai, October 9th, 11:35 the erection of a big arsenal at Sure, Northern Pauay. The enemy, it is said, man cannot see bis excellent qualities, handle them as rapidly as growers wish p. in., says: "An imperial decree has Japan. The money value of the con­ least" twenty men killed and forty both of brain and Influence, and realizes to deliver, anil there is a prospect of been issued dismissing Y a Hsicu from tract is between $250,000 and $300,000. all men ought to. He has tried to sonsiderable loss before the crop can all wounded, while the Americans hid two that the governorship of Sh?.n-si province It will require six months to furnish he a big gun in the democratic ranks in be worked. men w.-u:nlud. Twenty-two prisoners Oregon for some years, was a nominee and appointing Ai Ling as his succes­ the material, and it must be delivered and twelve r ties and a quantity of for preeidential elector once on the dem­ The wife of Louis Chapton, a well sor. (Yu Hsieu is the official in whose at Kure within a year. auimunition were cap ued. The Taga­ ocratic ticket, and.that is about the only driller, living at 413 Lake Shore avenue, yainau thirty-tbrej missionaries were The National Steel Company has loa were from tho island of Luzon. time the democracy of the etate forgot ita- Los Angeles, disappeared from her murdered, according to dispatches re­ shipped from Youngstown, Ohio, to home on Saturday and has not yet been ceived about a mouth ago.) .4 Twenty of the Thirty-second infan­ aelf. New Zealand, via San Francisco, 40 We shall miss him. But not for long. found, although she made a mysterious "The decree also announces tbjft the cars loaded with 1000 tons of steel rails. try in an engagement on the 21 inst., In the next campaign he will be back in Batan province, had one man killed again. God help us! We would like to visit to the house Sunday afternoon. capital was removed from TaiiYmvu Fu A special policeman was instantly She took with her her 4-year-old son. to Hziau Fu (Sing.iu Fu) on October and from wounded. poke fun at the republican party in Or­ killed, another wounded in the head, a The Northern Pacific company has •111* The change was niitde beëàdse of M anila , Oct. 14.—Captain D^vcraux egon over thia grand accretion to ita striker was probably fatally shot and the warmer climate iu the ueWcapital just completed a new freight depot at Shields, who, with filiy-oue man of ranks, but while we now have it in for' ten non-union men were more or less Company F. Twenty-ninth regiment that outfit and alwaya will have it in for Butte, Mont., at a cost of about $50,- and the facilities fek commàui&îtiiig seriously wouuded at the Oneida col­ XX). The building is 350 feet long by officials by telegraph. It is said it, we can never stoop so low aa to grin United States voluxtaer*, wa~ captured liery of Cox Brothers, at Hazelton, Pa., over this awful misfortune that has smit­ by the insurgents txst mouth in th- ten it unsought and almost undeserved. SO feet wide, the front 50 feet being the court will soou go to Hunan, whore in a clash between the officers and 600 jccupied by the different offices, leav ­ it is said the reads arc iu good condi ­ island of Mariuduqne, was rescued yes­ strikers. v terday by the American relief force, Beach & Bowers Minstrel« Monday. ing 300 by 60 feet exclusively for tion.” The controller of the currenoy has freight handling, not including the A Sun cable, dated Shanghai, October with all the members ef bis party. The Beach & Bowers’ minstrels opened 160-foot covered platform, at which 15 9th, 11:35 p. m., says: “The court ar­ completed an abstract of reports of the the their Butte engagement yesterday with C ape T own , O-itoaer 14 —lhe Boers two performances to big audiences, and ?ars may be loaded or unloaded at the rived at Chaocheug, in the southeast of condition of national banks in United States at the close of business are very active in the Krooustadt dis­ if laughter and applause ia an indication lame time. For lighting the building the province of Shan-si, October 6th. trict. General De Wet has proclaimed of a good and satisfactory show, and it 19 arc and 57 incandescent lamps will AU the high officials accompanied the September 5, 1900. The summary that burghers who refuse to tight Will usually is, such a show is given by the be needed, which will be supplied with Dowager Empress, Emperor Kwang shows that the aggregate loans and dis­ minstrels. The Company is made up of aurreut from the company’s own power Hsu and the princes to the new capital. counts of the banks were $2,686,759,040 be made prisoners of war. Local Chinese newspaper > comment ad­ and the aggregate individual deposits a lot of clever performers and specialty plant. British mounted infantry scouting artists, $2,507,248,557. A comparison of these including among the number Plans and specifications have been versely ou the removal of the ooart. from Lindley, had Captain Willshire Lou Knetzger, one of the beet club ! prepared for a two-story bri^k building They also say that the reactionary party figures with the condition June 29, killed through mistaking a party of swingers ever seen in Butte; Don Gordon is still in the asccudaut and that the 1900, the date of the previous call, forty Boers in khaki uniforms for a remarkable trick bicycle rider and on that is to be erected ou lots lying on only thiug that will preveut further shows that during the period between the unicycle; Harry Freeman and the the east side of Pine street, between friends. outbreaks will be stronger military ac­ June and S ptember there was an in­ Boer commandos continuously har- Smith brothers, a team of aCrobatic Ocean View avenue and First street, tion of the allied forces.” crease of $63,217,438 in loans and dis­ wonders ; the Van brothers in a musical in Long Beach. The building will be rasstsi the British column while march­ counts and $49,155,799 in individual de­ act, and the La Barre trio, mother team L ondon , October 11. — Shaughai spe ­ used as a business block. The first ' ing from Liudley tc Krooustadt. The of very clever acrobats. The perform­ door v ill be fitted up for a postoffice, cial says the real reason for the suspen­ posits. Boers capture I a detachment of the ance concludes with Bobbie Beach’s The board of ordnance and fortifi­ Cheshire regiment, which was escort­ troupe of wonderful trained doge.—Ana­ and the second floor for offices. Work sion of Hi Haeu, governor of the prov­ an the proposed structure will begin at ince ot Shan Si, wds the discovery that cations has been holding a protracted ing an empty wagon, near Frankfort. conda Standard, Dec. 18. Lis supposed army of 50,000 numbered session in Washington, adjourned af­ They released the driver, but kept the At opera houee next Monday evening. au early date, aud the building com­ only 40,000. ter taking important actiou regarding plete will cost something over $5000. wagon. disappearing gun carriages. The board N ew Y ork , October 10.—A cable to L ondon , October 14.—The war office The Great Rock Island Route has just Two Cauadian Pacific parties are has received the following from Lord inaugurated a weekly personally con­ i working from the internatial boundary the Suu from Tieu-tsip, October 9th, has recommended to t he secretary of • Roberts, dated Pretoria, Saturday, Oc­ ducted tourist car service between the I toward Republic, Washington. It is says: "There is a disposition ou the the war that no more disappearing gun tober 13ch: "A satisfactory little affair Pacific Coast and Points East. In con­ ! believed the Canadian Pacific ha^ part of the officers of all the allied carriages be made. It was made public in Elizabethport, occurred near Frankfort Thursay. Col. nection with the Rio Grande Western decided to start work at once on the forces to resent the officiousuess of the and Denver A Rio Grande and Illinois Grove, with the West Kents, surprised Central Rys. I branch to Republic to cut off the com- . Germans. Army and navy men db not N. J. that William Schreiber, the clerk a Boer laager at dawn, killed seven, By leaving Portland on any Saturday pa> y which recently succeeded in get­ like the idea of submitting to the au­ in the Elizabethport Banking company wounded nine and captured eighteen." morning via the O. R. A N. connection ting a charter from the Dominion thority of Field Marshal Count ‘ You who disappeared on August, was a de­ Wa’.dersee, aud there ha3 been occa­ faulter for over $100,000. The young can be made with this car at Ogden or government. It will surprise you—try it. by leaving Portland on Thursday evening sional clashes. man stole more than the capital and In Judge Welborn ’ s courts at Los It to the medicine above all others for via the Southern Pacific connection can surplus combined of the institution, S hanghai , October 14.- -From Canton catarrh and is worth its weight in gold be made with thia car at Sacramento. Angeles, Jean Bidart, Jean Baptiste Ely’s Cream Balm does ell that ia claimed Ask your ticket agent about this car or Bidart, Antonia Carricaburn and Migel it is reported that Kwausi rebels have but as the directors are wealthy and for it.—W. B. Sperry. Hartford. Conn. defeated the imperial troops on the have made up the cash, the bank is My eon was afflicted with catarrh. He write to A. E. Cooper, General Agent, Bassagaistegvy, sheep herders, accused Ijorders of Knang Tung, and General said to be in a better condition than Portland, Oregon. of pasturing their sheep upon the Sierra used Ely’s Cream Balm and the disagree­ ever before. No run is expected. able catarrh all left him.—J. C. Olmstead, Acxza’g E hglihh R zmedy will stop a forest reservation, pleaded guilty and Su has resigned in consequence of ibis Arcola, 111. request for ro-inforcemeuts being ignor­ Young Schrieber’s fall came through cough at any time, and will cure the worst were fined $50 each. The Balm does not irritate or cease sneez­ cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. high living. ed. ing Bold by druggist* at 60 c. or mailed 25cts. and 50cts. E vgznk A. S hebwin . Philip Kramm, an old resident of Some Ohiuese soldiers descerated the An open switch at South Chicago, be­ by Ely Brother«, 56 Warren St., New York. John Perguson, who came to Ashland Stockton, was run over by an electric cemetery for foreigners at Natn Shih lieved to have boeu purposely mis­ Street car, receiving injuries from which According to a let ter jusU received by three weeks ago from Junction, died Sun­ Fu, near Cautou, and the viceroy had placed, caused the death of two men, his brother-in-law, Terrence Regan of day afternoon of consumption at the lie died in a few minutes. He leaves a the offenders decapitated and dismissed seriously injured another and made Milwaukee, Major Charles N. R >oke- residence of his sister, Mrs. Chester Mc­ wife and three sons. their commander. wreckage of the engine and forward feller < f the Ninth infa try is in Santa Queen, on the Levi Eagan place, aged 30 Charles Phillips, 14 years of age, was part of the Now ’York and Boston ex­ Barbara. Honduras, and will remain years. Undertaker Stock embalmed sccidentally shot and killed while huut- When yoh'Wifit a pleaslnt physic try press train- on the Lake Shore railroad. the remains and they were shipped to then'. Major Rockefeller deserted s on 11 g near Sacramento last week. the new remedy, Ubamberain Cbamberain ’a s Stonjach Stenjach The engine was demolished and two — - ;o after a Cerce engagement near Sau Junction. The Indian reservation at Colville, and Liver Tableu. They areyeasyfito mail and two express errs were piled up Wm. Angle was up from Medford Benoir. Tire Filipinos were led by a Wash., was thrown open for settlement take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 Ct«. h-uidsome youug white man, who Tuesday. He and A. Alford have re­ ast week. Settlers promptly filed on Sampica free at E. A. Sherwin’« drug in a-heap. Additional disasters to shipping on fought like a hero and led his men turned from their rich Klondike mine die laud. No trouble lias been reported. ■tor«. . on Mt. Sterling for the winter- Their the coast of Nova Scoria are reported. right up to tlie American lln -s. Majir new tunnel and some drifting had The Strike About Ended. 5 ‘ The knowu list of vcsie.s driven ashore L. I. Fish, a pioneer of California, RiX'kefe'ler shot tho Filipino leader I reached a rich pay streak when they S cranton , Pa., October 14.—There is now numbers thirty, owned in lied at his home in Martinez, one day dead. The dead leader proved to be a came out. ast week, aged 75 years. the highest authorityJor the statement the prc-viiioo of-Nuw Foumiland. The son of the major, who hail been kid­ The big coal strike is ended, the de­ that work in all the" principal co lieric-s loss all tver ffiJ and in "tin News came to San Diego last week naped while Rockefeller and bis wife mands of the strikers having been of the authraciWregion will ba resumed neighboring provinces t’.rrnugti terrific :hat an Indian had found the bodies of were on duty in Hongkong in 1872. granted. ;wo white men on the desert in- the witliin a few days and that this ending rainfalls end washouts, a:.d da nage to When Rockefeller learned whom he had Miss Mary Durham of California will .eastern part of tho county. It is of the great'strika will bo brought orc aids an I buildings I y heavy winds, killed, he dropped out of sight and was locate in Ashland the last of October about by the acceptance on tiie part of supposed to have been killed by Fili­ with the object of organizing a class in thought that the bodies are those of the big operators, wh > control a'l bat a will be very heavy. The Canadian Charles and Fred Schultz, who have Pacific wires connecting C-ipe Breton pinos. music. Miss Durham has studied iu small part of tho trade, of the condi­ with the r st of Nova Scotia are com­ ’ ¿jugiauu vutvi y, uvsvuu ° for sonte time. New England vuHoui Conservatory, Boston , ; been missing Job Couldn't Have Stood It Chicago Conservatory and has five years G. W. McNear’s warehouse at Roth’s tions agreed upon by the miners in con­ pletely broken at the straits of Causo, If h6’d had itching -piles. They’re experience in seminary and private »pur, six miles north Porterville, was vention he.e yesterday. Some of the where tl;c cable wtts foxed by a terribly annoying; but Bucklen’« Arnica teaching. Piano, pipe and reed organ, ¡burned to the ground and its ooutents, smaller operators to-day expr -ssod 'an schooner dragging her anchor in th- of aud barley> in willingness to accept these terms of reoent gal-. Heavy rain is falliu-j Salve will cure the worst earn of Piles on harmony and theory are her specialties. ' earth. It has cured thousand«. For In­ M. F. Martin came over from Little destroyed. The fire started from un­ settlement, bat their employes number Rivers and lakes are every where over juria«, Pains or Bodily Eruption« it’s the i Shasta property causes. The — loss on the ware- inly a small part of the man involved' flowing and destroying i bhMta Monday and starts from 1500 to ' known cause's. best salve in the wsrld. Price 25c. a 2000 head of sheep over the Siskiyou house and grain is estimated at $100,000. n the strike, and even this obstacle in There has 1-een no Canadian Pacifi box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by drug- the way of a general return to work is' drain from Montreal in four days, and a SS’iSgL’ZS'aSrttt** gist. _ _______________ likely to be removed by negotiations serious wrick of the Syndey express, who have been holding for a raise were The best grade of Belleflowers from Feelings of safety safety pervade the the household ' ' mnstlv and will feel frwai the loss that are now in progress. mostly nnin«niwl uninsured and caused by a washout, is reported in Watsonville have to retail at from that uses One Minute Dough Cure, the only - Tonight indications are that peace Cape Breton. The Gloucest r schooner severely. harmless remedy that produces immediate three cents apiece upward in eastern will be brought about in thi$ way. The Mystery, at Canto reports one man lost results. -It is infallible for coughs, colds, Mrs. 8. C. Stewart died at Fort Bragg cities to cover all the cost of buying, croup and all throat and lung troubles It recently, at the good old age of 92 b g operators will to-morrow agree to at sea. freight and handling. Tliey hate to will preveut consumption. E. A. S herwih . the proposition made by the miners. years. She was a native of Ohio. In Chis will be done by the companies in-’ sell at about local juices for oranges. A Thoneand Tongue* A fruit to bring such retail prices must SrsvdQ b o. z w.ts killed and Fred P.sis 1853 she, with her husband, came to dividually putting in forca at their col­ Could not express the rapture of be fancy. Runt snick wiil not bring sev.reiy injniel by the exiiosioa cf u the Pacific coast and settled in what lieries regain'ions in line with the,, Annie E. Springer, of Philadelphia, such pri t soften. To hold such a trade gas tank i t t 1 > iia -iuent of a sal-. c:t at was them Washington territory. Iu resolutions adoped by yesterd ty’s con­ when Dr. King’s New Discoverv cured it is requisite tlm* only carefully in­ Albany, Or. S j z. who was u p lim­ '.865 they < rune to California, where vention, it eh stipulate that the ad-, her of a hacking couzb that for many years bad made life a burden. She says: spected and r«iMy choice stock be >-hip- ber, au.i Re.tzit »1. to re.:i vj thy they have since resided. rance of 10 per cent shall remain in. "After all other remedies and doctors nr< ), 1. Lt ■ • imide pui E. A. S hrrwim ’ s drug store. the car works would be transferred to go. mor of thi new Chinese capital, the some to c.u:s.s* of n pablic u-1-1 -• .i -U.) .■ ur e.(us with October ' Sian Fu. It is further asserted '.hat buihiing, with readin;’ rooms :md a Point Richmond by January 1. On an b mile ■»utuds The staiemeut by which time all the old crop many Uuittes.t'have b:?il decapitated at hail »mtnbie tor l.chr.s c: literm’V, average 100 men are employed in the . ,v r- a p.r.od of mite mouths eitdmg • ■ranges are presumed to have been dis­ Chin-khuig, province of K'ang Su. •cieHtihc an i cdtrcu i >u 11 subjects. The repair shops, and the removal of the £ r « «1, 1.0 >. a id sots toriii tha: dur- posed of. The lemon shipments c n- Finally, it is asserted, that General structure will be erect aa 11:1 lor toe per­ shops will leave but few men working tg th t t • m irehandiic to the value :inue through the year, but for con­ at Stockton. Mr. Harlow also stated Yuan Shi Kai has inereased hi* army to sonal supervision of tire donor. 15,1 Tl, 879 was iuiporiJd into the venience sake the lemon and orange 40.000 men. The st. timer Z .alauilia’sailed from that the railroad shops would be located *iii lip.>. ties aud goods to the value of “years” are made to coincide. Lower for the it Point Richmond, and that by the •>t l,9«*i,4d4 went out of tho islands to prices for lemons have somewhat Dr. W. H. Lewi*. Lawrenceville, Va , San Francisco las: week writes, “1 am usiug Kodoi Dyspepsia Cur« Hawaiiau islands having oil board a middle of December 200 men would be 1 >reigu ports. Daring tho period named checked shipments, so that the total of in my practice among severe cases of indi­ large excursion party of the Mystic working there. r.1,127 tons of Manila hemp, valued at citrus fruits for the year will probably gestion and find it an admirable remedy.” Prunes are coming into the San Jcsa ■-8.1U6.31 >, were exported, of which the Many hundreds of physician« depend up in Shrine. warehouses freely, and the Paekers' Ju;t\il States took 18,1S3 rous, valued fall a little short of the expected 18,000 the use of Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure in stom­ The fair at Santa B s i last week was carloads. ach troubles. It digests what you eat. and xmipauy is kept busy filling orders for 1 $2,476,!‘2(>; the United Kingdom took allows you to eat oli'.thegood food you need, very successful. eastern and European markets. Up to providing you do not overload your stom­ The largest aud most valuable cargo Saturday, September 29, the quantity ■ ;,9U,.s47 w irtli, mil 4?08 tou^, valued- ach. Gjjreinstant relief and« permanent Í product that has left S hi Francisco this refceived at the association warehouses ;t 1*708,808 went to China. The com- cure E. A. SdiRwta. season will- be carried by the German ¿mounted to 23,495,386 pounds, and a uerce iu gold tiutl silver coins bring the A toy natt.wd G. 11 Machado was ship Alsteroixc to London. It consists big showing will be made this week in total importation to $16.751,8^ and the caii:^:« iu tiiAguy rop s of a balloon as of canned fruit, salmon aud wine, the fruit received. It is an euoouraging ootal value of all exportation to $14- —h -H) wrs carried 1009 feet whole valued at $527.000. The salmon feature of the situation that outside 514,236. Tiie trade with the United - We live by our blood, and on States alone amounted to au exportation in the ,.ir by tho balloon, but descended amounts to 90,000 cases. growers in all portions of the state are of $2,650,450 of gaads and importations it. We thrive or starve, as iu safely. While making a high dive at Santa coming into the association daily. of the value of $1,080,149. our blood is rich or poor. Charles Gi-esslur, an aged barber of Rosa one day last week F. B. Raymons Do not get scared if your heart troubles Through continual brooding over the O..kland, was burned to death in a fire struck the water fiat aud received ser- you. There is nothing else to live Most likely you suffer from indiges­ killing by himself of a tramp two Which u ‘Strayed his Lome recently. ious injuries. tion. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure digests what on or by. you eat and gives the worn out stomach years ag >, CbarLs Thomas, a farmer of • A ¿cau&il lru broken out iu the Pres­ Judge Unangst at San Luis Obispo rerfect rest. It is the only preparation Otk Rua, Shasta county, has become When strength is full and ton reform school at lone, aud Superiu- oentenced Pedro Gallego, convicted of nown that completely digests all classes v.oletly insane aud was taken in charge. hu lent Hirshberg’s reaiguation Will be murder iu th? second degree, to tweuty of foods; that is why it cures the worst Thomas was returning to the house on spirits high, we are being re­ of indigestion and stomach trouble ‘deutaufieil, it is reported. years’ impriseument in Sau Queutin. cases after everything else has failed. It mav uis farm, where he lived alone, when freshed, bone muscle and brain, Gallego hid illicit relations with a The Mammoth Electric company was be tacen in all conditions aud cannot help he saw a tramp entering the window. ■n body and mind, with con­ yrguuiaed ur Hauford receutly, with a w.t'.uan iu Lipcz canyon, aud wlr-n a but do you good. E. A. B hkbwix . Ho Lad a rifle with him and shot the tinual flow of rich blood. capital ef $5,u00,000, fully subscribed. child was burn he huttg the infant iu a uan dead. Arthur Kelley, aged 11, of Pendleton, The object ot the potupuuy is to erect sack iu a irw near the house, where A band of brigands under the leader­ This is health. 9r., who confessed to murdering his ship of the notorious Pedro Flores has the greatest plant for the development it died. father two weeks ago, was sentenced to When weak, in low spirits, • of electric power west of the Rocky been committing numerous murders and the state reform school at Salem. The robberies in the Autlan no cheer, no spring, when rest $1OO Reward. 3100 9 mountains, ou the Sau Joaquin river, district, Mexico jrand jury returned a true bill against for several mouths, 190 nulea from San Francisco. The News 1ms just is riot rest and sleep is not The readers of this paper will be pleased to the boy, but recommended that he be company has already sold all power to learn ibst there is at least one dreaded dis­ lent to the reform school instead of to reached here that the robbers made a sleep, we are starved; our blood that science has been able to cur* lu bold raid on the town of Autlan and j te iloeloped to Sau Francisco parties ease all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's she penitentiary. The boy stated in hi« is poor; .there is little nutri­ -. M*1 is to be built to that point. Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now confession that he killed bis father be­ killed the postmaoter. Following this known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh unprovoked murder they looted the place ment in it. It is well to know that DeWirt's Witch cause of the brutal treatment of his H«sel Salve will heal a burn and «top the being a coneiituti-mal disease, requires a not her aud himself. and terrorized the populace. They have ‘Back of the blood, is food, pain at once. It wiil cure resent* and skin constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh a stronghold in the mountains and a diseases and ugly wound« and «or«. It is Cure is taken internally, acting directly up­ Wiue making is now in progress to keep the blood rich. When detachmeut of rural* has gone in por- a c«ri»in cure for piles. Counterfoils mav on the blood and uiuoon* surfaces of the hroughout the state. eys-em, thereby destroying the foundation tnit of them. it fails, take Scott’s Emulsion • be offered you. Bee that you get the origi­ nal I»eWitt’» Witch Hasel Balve. B. A. of the disease, and giving the patieut John Korbie, a farmer, E.leu Korbie, Job printing of all kinds promptly of Cod Liver Oil. .It sets the strength by building up the constitution . BHsewtx. and assisting nature in doing its work done at reasonable prices at the R ecord his daughter, aged 10, aud Annie Korbie’ whole body going again—man The proprietors have so much faith in its office. We turn oat only first-class work another daughter aged 7, while crossing coraiive powers, that ibey offer One Hun­ the Pittsburg and Lake Erie tracks near woman and child. dred Dollars tor any case that it fails to TORI If yes hire net tried it, send for free sample, Carbon, Pa., in a wagon, were struck cure Send for list of testimonials TORTA. its agreeable taste wiil surprise vex Ths Kkxl Y n H m Bought Address F. J. CHENEY A Co , Tole­ tin Kind You Haw Always B m (M by a train and killed. Oscar Kospi, the SCOTT It BOWSE, Chemists do. O. fourth occupant of the wagon, was seri­ 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. Boid bv druggist*. 75c ously injured. Mad's Family Pills ar« the bast. 50c. aud; *11 druggists. The People’s Ptpex. CASTORIÂ I a utt Blood, I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought L. McWILLIAMß, ATTORNIT-AT-LAW, Oregon. Ashland, Will practica in State and Federal coarta QLIVER S. BROWN ATTORNIT-AT-LAW. Beach Block. Bears the Ashland, Signature - Oregon. - Mining Law a Specialty HINMAN, D. D. 8. «Dentist. In lb« Masonic Building, np stairs, ov«r PoatOffio«. The ])R. S. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon. Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Or«goa - ASHLAND — OBBOON ]), M. BROWER, M. D, Physician and Surgeon, A8HLAND — — OREGON — orrici : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Straats. J A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor. RUSSELL E"Ss High Grade = Machinery STAGE -I- LINE RUSSELL & CO. " * «OTABT PUBLIC. Surveys tor Patents and Mining Loca­ tion« a «pecialty. Addr«M Ashland, Or. Office at reaidanc«. South Mam 8tr«*t Ashland &. Klamath Falls I Thoroughly Restockad and Entirely New Management. PORTLAND, OREGON. Write for Catalogue and Prices I MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. For BO Y8 and YOUNG MEN. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Haalthfu and attractive location(14 miles from Salem; 40 miles from Portland.> COMPLETE and THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. 8PECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service, Frencb.Ger- man, Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A seperate class is provided for students who on account of farm labor wish to enter late in fall and leave early in spring. Academic Degrees and Teachers’ 8tate Certificates and State DtplomM Conferred. Bend for catalogue. Address THE PRESIDENT MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE, M oumt amgkl , O bbook . TRUSSES. 65C, SL25 AND DP THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS* ROBERT M. GARRETT Superintendent Best and Quickest Route to • •• KLAMATH FALLS. Goes by Barron, Shake, Soda Springe, Parkers and Keno; also beat connect ions wit stage linee from Klam­ ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian Agency. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Th*t the dl*e*M* ot domestic *nl. mats. H obs **, Cam», S hkxt . D oob . H ogs , and F oui . tbt , are cured by KIAMATX FALL«. ASH LABS. at FACTOBT leaves....... 5:00 a m I Leave«.... .8:00 p m Arnv««....8:00 p m - irrivaa....... 9:30 p m | I ArnvM Humphreys’ Veterinary Speci- flea, U as true as that people ride on railroads, send message* by telegraph, or mw with sewing machines. It to as irrational to bottle, ball and bleed animals in order to cure them, aa It Is to take passage In a sloop from New York to Albany. Used In the best «table* and r*eomm*nded by the U. S. Army Cavalry OBeer*. I’aaaengera, Baggage, Expraflfl A Freight Moat be Waybilled. Ashland Office: PORTAL TELEGRAPH 0FF10E. 0T5OO PAGE BOOK on treatment and oareoi Domestic Animal*, and stable ehart mounted on roller*, sent free. Klamath Falls Office: H H VAN VALKBNBURO. VETERINARY St. Mary’s SOUTH AND EAST ACADEMY. Southern Pacific Co. cuass t < Fever*. Congeatioaa. Inflammation, cuaas A. A. I Spinal Meningitl*, Milk Fever. B. B.—Strata«, Ltaeaeu, Bhaai llaw C. C. * — “ ■ Distemper, Nasal Dischargee. D. D. —Bote ar Grab*, Warm*. E. E-—Conghe, Heaves, Paenmania. F. F. —Calle ar Gripe«, Bellyache. G. G. —Miscarriage, Hamarrhagee. H. H.- .—Urinary and Kidney Dlaeaae«, I. I. — Eraatlv« Diaeasa«, Maaga. •vu— SHASTA ROUTE, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. J. K.—Diaaaae« «f Dlceation. Stable Case, wtth Speclflc*. Matinal, Vet Cure OU and Medlcator, 87.90 Price, Single Bottle (over 90 doee*), • .60 Boarding School SPECIFICS. for Girls. FOR TERMS. ETC., ADDRESS Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any Quantity on Reoeipt of Frle*. HUMPHREYS’ MEDIOIVE OO., Corner William and John St*., New York. Trains Leave Ashland for ’Portland and Way Stations at 2:50 A M. and 5:10 P. AÍ. I Leave Portland 8:30 a. m., and 7.-00 p. m. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, ■ Lea’< A»hi«»d Jacksonville, Oregon »• *“<» “•« P- “• Arrive— Ashland....12:33 a. m. and 11:00 a. m. Sacramento 5:00 p. m. and 4:25 m. Ban San Fran... Fran... 7 ;45 p. tn. and 8:15 m. suicpzBiiys’ HOMEOPATHIC ft fl I SPECIFIC No. ÚQ Ogden....... Denver.... Kansas Gy Chicago.... 5:45 a. m. and 11:45 a. m. 9:00 a. m aud 9:00 a. le« 1:20 p. .... 6:00 p. Ft. Worth. 6:30 a. Cty Mexico . 9:55 a. Houston .. 4;00 a. N’wOrlean 1 5:25 p. W sbmgton 6:42 a New York ..12:43 p. L's A 1 KPavt Ashland m. and 7:00 m. and 8:00 m. aud 6:30 m. and 9:55 m. and 4dX) m. and 9:25 m. and 6:42 m. and 12:48 Pullman and Tourist on both trains. .STEAM- Liiiiudry ASHLAND a. 7:25 a. m. and 7:25 7:45 a. m. and 9:80 m a. b technical rymrs of statement, »hows the Bak-r Citv D-m' crat editor 'e>-lsover the apostacy of the Jacksonville mug-; ITEL.S OF INTEREST PICKED FROM i THE WEEK’S DISPATCHES. inimp: TROUBLE IN CHINA. ; p. |0 PACIFIC COAST NEWS. 1 An Editor on Colvlg’a Tarn. a. P- a. P pbbpb VALLET RECORD? Cars Chair car* Sacramento to Ogden and KI • Paso, and tourist car« to Chicago, St. Ixrais, New Orlaana. Washington. WATER STREET NEAR MAIN Connecting al Ban FrancUcO with «eversi kh«atn«hip line« for Orders by mail or express receive prompt attention HONOLULU, JAPAN, CHINA, PH1LL1P1NK8, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA BATHING 1KRM8 C ash at BCABOXABLB BATKS ^ djt Î o SS^ T$ IIIIK Til WATII IS A TOIlt Au important recommendation by Captain West of the Sixth Cavalry, in in his recent report < u the Sequois and General Grant parks, is that hereafter headquarters of the troops protecting :he parks shall l»e established at the giant forest, that being the principal and most valuable portion of the Sequoia park. Captain West says that it has never been prop ’Hy protected, aud that in case of forest fi:*es great and incal­ culable damage could be done before troups could reach the scene aud control the fire. The Petaluma Ladies’ Improvement •flub gave u ma qm-rade ball at the opera-house recently and cleared $200, which will be used for the further beautifying of the town. The fruit growers ot North Carolina have had a disastrous season aud ai-e at­ tributing thi-ir mistertuue to the “com- missiou men.” The maiu trouble ap­ pears to be that they do not yet know how to pack fruit for the market, aud with the glut of good fruit in all cities there was no profitable market for the product. They are seeking to organize ou the California plan, but are not likely to succeed at first. Th« b«at—Baco» Jbb Printing, « See Mr. D. L. R icb , Agent at Ashland Bulphnric and Alkaline it eradicates station, or address fungi and animalcule*, and neutral­ H. MARKHAM, G P A., izing and correcting all acidi­ Portland. Orc. ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in «very part of the system. SWIMMING RINK Inclosed and covered, the same medlca water, always clean, for th« springs run a heavy volume—more than twfllT hun dr«d gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have mors —come oat aa "fin« fun than "anybody" "an; ' as silk” 1 and __ ___ "white as wool”—r«juv«n at«d and happy., Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, or rent. For information address the proprietor. Located on the QRLMAN LAND, HALF A NORTH OF THS PLA2A. GRANT B tl.50 AITI HLBELT lMttUN AL BKLT ter th« «ar« «gOe&VLUCY. «• V«Uat (MaU aha vaar tk. BmW. HILI ■al B.U ra« a« ri*k «r s..n Sa* ar* ar Ca- tete.1 BmMx HELMAN Proprietor Qutok d«Uvsry-JTh« W«akly Oraganlaa. SM«M ■•■■** a«S«*a.n**tea Lkta LlU1"" >a*wtt*SI.BO a«rt su*.««4 w« will