•- >. » * \ Engel Bros «••« • • A 1 ALLEI VILLE! KEluKD. iittUbb. VALLEY RECORD ........ ASHLAND, OREGON 1 Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. I S ubscription R atbs : One Year........................................... $1 75 8ix Months........................................ 1 00 Three Months.................................... 50 k ivertising Rates Given on Application. ........ ASHLAND, OREGON VOL. XIII ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1900. SISKIYOU. PRESSED BRICKS. Royal Baking Powder « Royal Baking Pow Makes der possesses pecu The Food liar qualities not found in other leav More ening agents, which Healthful arise from the supe rior fitness, purity and healthfulness of its ingredients. Royal Baking Powder leavens the food perfectly by its own inherent power without changing or impairing any of the elements of the flour. Thus the hot-breads, hot-rolls and muffins, and the delicious hot griddle-cakes raised by the Royal Baking Powder are wholesome and digestible, and may be eaten without distress, even by persons of delicate digestion. Miss Minnie Deal has returned to Maurice Costel has returned to Oak Henley. land, Cal. Newell’s bridge carpenters have gone John Wimer went Portland^ Monday to Hornbrook. to seek a location. Mrs. J. D. Biitch returned recently Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vining left Tues from Woodland, Cal. day for Los Angeles The Noonan ranch is about to be sold Miss Myra Homes is visiting relatives to a Portugese of Henley. at Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Genevieve Roberte of Glendale is L. L. Brentner went to Yreka Sunday stopping with Mrs. J. D. Blitch. on a business trip. A. R. Grieve of this place opened a Will F. Isaacs of Medford was a Sun saloon in Davisville, Cal., Saturday. day visitor in Ashland. Conductor W. A. White of the Mc Miss Prudence Angle of Medford visit Cloud railroad ia ill with typhoid fever. ed Ashland friends Sunday. Master Rufus Blitch commenced at Miss Amy Wilhite returned to Horn tending the public school in Ashland brook Sunday from a visit here. Monday. P. W. Paulson returned Friday from Miss Pearl Grieve has returned from his fishing expedition to Pelican bay. the dance given by the railroad men of Mrs. James Chisholm Went to Santa the McCloud road. Monica, Monday to join her busband. The crew of eight painters who have Miss Bertha McPherson left Monday beeu at wo> k two weeks painting tbe new for San Jose, Cal., to spend tbe winter. steel bridge will be at work six weeks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosier went to more. Mrs. J. D. Blitch ia boarding * Sisson Monday on a brief business trip. them. Joe McConnell went to Merlin Satur day where he opens the school as princi pal. Larkin Reynolds of Jacksonville went to Hornbrook Monday on a business trip. Miss Lottie Pracht visited Mrs Chas. H. Pierce and friends at Medford this week. W. J. Ingram returned to Central Point Monday from a visit with relatives at Henley. Mrs. E. M. McIntire left Monday on a visit to relatives at Warrenton and La Fayette, Mrs. Loomis and daughter Miss Em- ma returned Monday from a visit with friends at Roseburg. Daring the winter of 1897 Mr. James R-f<1, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clav Co., W. Va.. struck bis leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It be came very mucb swollen and pained him so badly that be could not walk with out the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, al6O used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of wbiskev in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamber- lain’. Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week’s timo and he believes that had beuotused this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is unequaled tor sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by E ugene A. S herwin . NO. 19. Snake Shipping Industry. KLAMATH COUNTY. A. Castel has received a check of $50 from Estes & Hines, snake farmers, Rochester, Minn., for 2-)0 pounds of snakes He has turned the job over to J. H. Jardine, who will catch and ship them. ’‘There is nothing new under the sun”—except common water snakes being worth 25 cents a pound We have millions o' dollars worth of them in the town, and we wouldn’t take an alfalfa ranch in trade for our front yard, unless the snake market takes a big slump — Klamath Falls Express. The water snakes were shipped by ex- pre-s from Ashland Sunday and will De used for the purpose of extracting the oil out of them The 700 snakes in the above shipment were caught "in three hours. They were all wadded up in the box and don’t need any food. J. N. Lindsey and family of Lorella went to Jackson county last week to purchase supplies. Bisinark’s Iron Nerve Was the result of bis splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If vnu want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Only 25 cents at E. A. S herwin ’ s drug store. J L. Hanks is having a large well I dug on his ranch for irrigating alfalfa, i Water is to be drawn from it by horee ; power. C. D. Wileon has returned irom Port land and has purchased the property adjoining his saloon from Marion Hanks for $650. The following prices are ruling at the preeent time at Klamath Falls: Flour, $18 per 1000, wheat, barley, oats, pota toes $1 per 100 net and rye 75 cts per 100. The buyers of cavalry horses for the German government have been through the country and bought many head. Many were rejected on account of beiDg too large. George H. Bogue was down from Pais ley last Monday, having recently re turned from Ashland. Mr. Bogue has purchased Green Hampton’s beef cattle, and will mix them with his own beef, and drive to Altamont where he will de liver the stock to an Ashland butcher, who has already bargained for them, No prices given. It is reported that Prof. Wood, the blind musician, who recently gave a con cert in Lakeview, died a short time ago in Ftesno. Cal , of heart disease. Prof Wood was the oldest continual traveling musician on tLe Pacific coast. A trade not yet consummated, is on between Will T. Boyd and D. R. Jones for the former’s residence property on Water street, just -outh of C U. Snider’s store. The price is $900. New Dry Goods & Clothing Williams Block. Main Street. ....................PHONE NO. 205..................... A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just Added to .Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. Rocks! Rocks' Rocks! First class building stone of all kinds from the Jackson etone quarry one mile west of Ashland. Call on or address Ad. Gra ham, Ashland, Ore. * R. N. NASON S PAINT! The old reliable—The Weekly Oregonian. Items of Local Interest. From Lakeview Papers, Sept. 27.] J. W. Lofftus was in from Crane Lake yesterday. He and his brother, Colum bus, will start for Red Bluff in about ten days with another band of horses to be sold at that market. Cannot be better spent than bv subecrib* ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you ell the news for a year. Try it 1 I Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. Torturing Disfiguring Humors ROBBINS’ PLANING MILL, ’22B"“^.FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK Itching, Burning, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with loss of Hair Complete External and Inter nal Treatment by Cuticura The Set $1.25 Consisting of C uticuha S oap (25c.), to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle, C uticura Ointment (50c.), to instantly allay itching, Irritation, aud in- flammation, and soothe and heal, and C uti cura R esolvent (50 c .), to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, 1 tellings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians and all other remedies tail. J F YOU © ARE NEEDING A It will Pay you TAL.KNT. Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody was out from Salem Friday on a visit to the family of Wm. Richards and Dan and Ben Bris his eon, Z. A. Moody. i tow have ti.eir saw mill in full blast on John Gainey who is convalescing from a 1 new timber belt on Anderson creek, a siege with fever, was up from Medford 1 making a specialty of grained flooring. to call and get prices before buying. Sunday and Monday Miss Fannie Beeson has gone to Mer «» Dxro AKD Cn»u. Coir.. Sol. Prop»., Botton. on a visit to friends. She will return Mrs. S. R. Reeves moved to Medford rill ' ■^• P ott “How to Cure Every Skin tod Blood Humor." fret. A-t accompanied by Miss Gertrude Saturday to join her husband who is en- home 1 CUTICURA PUREST OF BABY SOAPS 1^ Opera House F umita re Store gaged shipping live stock. ; Anderson who will visit her for some time. J Q. Willits has been employed as Miss Adaleqe Umphlett of Grants principal of the Paisley school, with Miss Pass went to San Francisco Saturday to . Wm. Chapman, who has been supply Callahan as assistant- School will be ing the market for several years with spend the winter studying music. sorghum, has improved his mill so that gin October 22nd. Thos. Luster left Monday for Forest , the raw juice runs in one end and comes Alum baking powders are low priced, as alum costs but D-R. Jones is over from Plush for a Grove to visit relatives, accompanied by , out in another the refined article. The few days. He reports the grass growing two cents a pound ; but alum is a corrosive poison and his nephew. Master Tom Todd. , mill employs four hands and has a ca I fine ou the plateau between here and it renders the baking powder dangerous to use ia food. of 50 gallons per day. Plush. Mr. Jones will move over for Ex-Representative Johan E. Young of pacity I The public schools are in full blast t*ie w>nter before long, Astoria was in Ashland Saturday en route to Lakeview where he will locate. with a large enrollment. The Talent i J. W. Warfield, jr. and mother, Mrs. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. is in charge of Misses Adelaide J. Warfield, left Monday for Ashland, Vaupel, Norris and Drake are at the school 1 OCEAN to OCEAN - , where they will join Rev. Warfield front this fail with one of the most com Beebe and Ann Gowland of Ashland/ Or the South Talent district is in the hands and proceed to their new location. A S VIA Ashland Pub ic School Report. Rev. J. F. Tout of the Christian church plete stocks of goods ever brought to 1 of G. R Carlock, and East Talent is pre Down took them out by private convey on Sunday opened a series of four Sun this valley. ' Number of days taught, 20; Number of i sided over by O. H. Roberts, and Miss ance. day evening lectures on economic sub holidays, 0. Messrs Leeds, Wolverton, Carter, Smith . of Phoenix on Motday opened Dava of attendance, boys, 5130^; jects that are deeper and more vital in Briggs, Kinney and Picket returned Sat* West Talent district. E. H. Lcfftus has gone over to Warner their scope than the mere partisan issues girls, 5520 Total, 10650!*. to receive 1600 head of young sheep which uraav from their Kamath Lake duck E. K. Anderson has sold the 40 acres he and Lee Thomas bought last June. Grand Scenery, Davs abaence, boys, 270y^ ; girls, 258. presented by the stock politicians of the hunting trip. two old parties, which are very stale t > of land on which is situated the Ander They purchased 200 tons of hay from Total, 528^. Mrs. Mamie Dunn and son returned , the people in thia locality this year. last Time, son creek sulphur spring, one of the Chas. Seseions, near Adel; to feed sheep. Ca-ea of tardiness, boys, 13; girls, 13. Mr. Tout was greeted with a good au home to Santa Rosa, Cal., Sunday after greatest . natural curiosities in the water Total 26. Model Accommodation. a visit with her folks, H. Judge and ' line in the county. In the way uf odor The J. D. Coughlin & Co. cattle have No enrolled on register, boys, 285; dience besides the membership of his i been started for Montagne by way of church. He has given the co-operative family, in Ashland. it has the reputation of discounting any girl«, 301. Total. 586. " tsWFlIvOj Main St. Opp. 1.0.0. F. Hall. Brattain Bros, Touritt and firet-cla°B Sleeping Car«— in its line and makes rotten eggs Scican from Paisley New Kcholars, boys, 285; gir s. 301. problem considerable research and study Mrs. 1. W. Letner returned to Horn- thing 1 have also started with their beef cattle Main St. Opp. 1.0. O. F. Hall, and is handling his intricate issues with ashamed of themselves. The Spring is Total. 586. brook Sunday from a visit with Ashland 1 for tbe same place. considerable ability. BOSTON, beautifully located in a canyon and the Average daily attendance. 533. friends. She was formerly Miss Eva FAINTS, F’JLITSTTZEFdS’ TOOLS, MONTREAL, lime in the water flowing steadily over Wm. Dalrymple, a brother of Attorney Per cent of attendance, 953. Conductor and Mrs.. Geo. Engwicht Hunter of this place. TORONTO, I the sides of the spring has built up a Dalrymple, has returned from Chewau- Number of visitors, 5i. were called to Edgewood Friday by the WALL ZPJLT’IEJR,, G-LJLS. ETG. Miss Marie Ware of Eugene was on | potted wall two feet high that is a fine can where he has been engaged. OTTAWA. He is Cases of corporal punishment, 0. death of their brother-in-law, Frank . Saturday ’ s train for a visit to San Fran- ( ST. PAUL. sight as well as a natural curiosity. It at present working on the Daly build Tardiness of teachers, 0. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Stone. The funeral took place Sat cisco anil will visit Mrs. E. L. Fisher in j is locally known as Hurley springs and ings. Mr. Dalrymple is a first class me Days abaence of teacberB, 0. urday and was largely attended being Ashland on her return. , the new proprietor intends fitting it up chanic, either at wood or iron work and The attendance shows a gratifying in* under the auspices of the Woodmen with «i For particulars, apply to we would like to see him remain in crease. The enrollment ia 47 greater which organization he held $2000 insur Miss Jane DeWitt has returned to 1 as a summer resort. Lakeview. and the average daily attendance 49 ance. He leaves a wife, formerly Miss Redding from a visit of some length with II. H. A bbott , Agent, Your Face greater than for the corresponding Dora Bagley, and a little daughter. her brother and his wife in Mason val 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. “ I wish toexpress mv thanks to the J4-4-4-4-4”M-414-+++4H~M-4"b+++a-+4-+4”5-4-4-4-TT4"M-1-4~M.4.+++4i month of last year. The ei.rollment in While in the mountains he was stung on ley, Nev., W. F. DeWitt. Shows the state ot your feelings and the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., the lowest grade is about the name as the upper lip by an insect. Blood e of your health as well. Impure blood It requires no experience to dye with sta last vear but the intermediate grades are poisoning set in and death came quickly makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow Cholera and Diarrhoea R-medy, for hav 1 Vancouver. B. C. 1 Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Simply boiling complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. ing put on the market such a wonderful much fuller. The attendance in the Detective W G. Day of Hornbrook your goods in the dve is all that ’ s neces medicine, ” save W. W. Masnngill of If yon are feeling weak and worn out and high school is also greater than last year There are many TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878- do not have a healthy appearance, you Beaumont, Texas. All indications promise a vcy successful was in town the first of the week on the sary Sold by E ugene A. S herwin . should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures thousands of mothers whose cbihlren trail f W. Wilsou.a forger of Brandon, » vear of school The record for punctual Mrs Sue D. Lamokin of San Jose. all olood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas N0T1CE FOR PUBLICATION. ity was good The High School, Miss Manitoba, Canada. Day; captured his Cal., who has been visiting her son at and so called purifiers fail; knowing this, have heen saved from attacks of dvFen- NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Has Returned and Has Equipped His Tiffany’s school and Miss Dodge’s school pal, Wm E. Morrison at Waldport, this Boseman, Mon , arrived here Friday we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. terv and cholera infantum who mute also Roseburg. Oregon. October I, 1900 j - state a few weeks ago. There is a re feel thankful. It is for sale bv E ugene vid atied ttallery <• Old r-stabii Established Gallery in in Ashland Ashland With With had no tardiness night on a visit to the family of her broth E ugenc A. S herwin . Notice is hereby given that in compliance ward of $250 each for their capture. A. S iierwin . C A H itchcock , Principal. er, I. W. Burriss. with the provisions of the act of Congress A M. Helms has purchased theW. Salem Journal: Senator John Daly, of June 3.1878, entitled “An HCt for the sale The Social Democrats of Oregon last General Manager Van Horne of the Y''U as*nm* no risk when vnu Luv I Vawter and J. S. Howard residence Oregon midland Railway has accom Thursday filed in the office of the secre of Benton and Lincoln counties, was in ©f timber lands in the States of California Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diar property on South C. Street, near Chas. panied Messrs. Thompson and Lyman tary of state a petition nominating the town today in consultation with tbe state ry.” as extended to all tbe Public Land Carbon Finish. * rhoea R-medy. E ugene A. S herwin Strang’s residence Rance Rouse will and Contractor Hale back to Chicago on following candidates of the party for the officials about educati >nal interests. He btates by act of August 4, 1892. Mrs Photos in Water Colors. offices of presidential electors. N. P. J. says the abolition of intercollegiate ath Rose Sands of Ashland, County of will r-fund v.ur tn mev if von are not occupy the property, having moved a business trip. Pictures in the Latest Styles. Folen of Portland; J. F Porter of Baker letics has not hurt the attendance at the Jackson. State of Oregon, has Ou Bati-died after using it I’ ia «-v-rywhere his family there the first of the week.— Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. Mrs. E. H. Bristowarrived from Port City; Joseph Meindl of Abernethy Pre state Agricultural college, but that it tlay tiled in this office her sworn adiui ’ed to tie the rn st eilce-wdUi re n - Medford World. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. statement No. 1225. for the purchase of the is larger than ever before. It has land Sunday to join her husband, Con •dv tn us t-ir b<»w-i rntupiain'. ami th- + Dunsmuir News: A. F. Abbott and ductor Br istow of the Ashland-Duusmuir cinct, Clackamas county, and C. P Ruth helped the attendance in his opinion. lots 1 2, ne'4, of 8ec N ». 26 in Twp. The petition is signed onlv >»■<• that n-v r fails. It is pleat-ant family returned Monday evening from passenger train and to again make their erford of Burns, No 40 S . Runge No 3 e, and will ol 4* Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon. by 254 persons, The number required safe ai d reliable. A cker ’ s E nglish R emedy will stop a fer proof to show that the land sought is V a two weeks’ visit with relative* at Tal home in Ashland. by law is 250. counb at snj time, and will cure the worst more valuable for its timber or stone than ent. F. M Albaugh and family removed Tin—• Q rniaii Cavalry Horae-.. Remember from the 4tL to the 6th of On the 10’.h of December, 1897, Rev. cold m twelve hours, or money refunded. for agriculiura' purposes, and to establish this week to A-hland, Or , where Mi. 25cts and 50cts. E ugkns A. S hebwin . -»■ her claim to said land before the Register Redding Free Press ] Albaugh has leased a ranch and will en October. Three days, no longer, Dr. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Lowe the well known optician will be at South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted gage in ft uit raising The>* have many Robbed th- Grave. Oregon, on Tuesday the 18th day of De Fr ni — -me of th - c<-U'iH-e com** th- friends in Dunsmuir who wish them the Hotel Oregon. If you want perfect a severe col I which was attended from cember, 1900. Wail *>t firmer and stock rda-rs. «ho I- A startling incident ia narrated by glasses fitted to your eyes don’t fail, to the l>eginning bv violent caughing. He She names as witnesses: C. P. Smith, dare p ev r.ave suffered m a p«cnlta> health and prosperity in their new home. save: “After resorting to a number of John Oliver of Phi a ielphia, as follows: of Medford, Oregon; A. S. Parker, of Ash see him. transaction in which thrv wer* supt-osv-i “ I was in an awful condition. My skin George Norris jr., son of George Norris so-called ‘specifies,’ usually kept in the land, Oregon; Julian Hart, of Shake, Ore L. C. Washburn of Prospect has moved to *cll tlisir horses iotas German armv. of Klamat' on. died last Sunday morn house, to no purpose. I purchased a bot was almost vellow. eves sunken, tongue gon; I. C. Moore of Shake, Oregon. back to Ashland and on Mouday took The agent who secured tbe horses had ing after an illness of seven weeks. De Any and all persons claiming adversely tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, coated, pain continually in back and 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. announced that he would be here but be ceased was a native of Michigan and charge of the Myer place east of Bear which acted like a charm. I mostcheer- sides, no appetite, growing weaker day the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before creek which he has leased from R. P. has not arranged vet. bv day. Thr-e physicians bad given aged 30 years. He was an honest and mllv recommend it to the public.” For The agent, it is reported, examines industrious young man and gr-atly re Neil for a series of years. me np. Tuen I was advised to use Elec said 18th day of December, 19 0. sale by E ugene A S herwin . J. T. BRIDGES. Importers and Dealers in liorsea submitted to him. If th--v please spected by all who knew him. The tric Bitters; to my great joy, the first If you want your tire set without Register. J. W. Downing of Hornbrook who re bottle made a decided improvement. I him h- ag-eea m hav them for a given funeral took place Mondav afternoon at “dishing” the wheels, have Emil Peil cently returned from Portland where he continued their use f ir three weeks, and sum, for theyjsrman government, if <hev Klamathon; interment in Cottonwood do it. * placed some valuable specimens taken am now a well man. I know the rob pass the ex, 1-nmrinn-of the veternarv cemeterv. Deceased was a brother-in- siirgeo's al 8*n Francisco. The agent law of Constable Frank Miles of Mon Mrs J C Pendleton and Miss Kate from his Ash creek mine in a bank at b.-d the grave of another victim.” N takes a liond on the li -raes an l then the- tague —Yreka News, Sept 27. Angle have completed the work of copy that plac-, was in Yreka Sunday. In • me si-ould fail to try them. Onlv 50e.. are shipped bv the farmer to San Fran ing and extending the assessment roll of another column we republish an article guaranteed, at E. A. S herwin ’ s drug M<> ki T b « positively cure* sick headache, Jackson county and turned it over to the fr m the Oregonian referring to the -.tore. cisco. spe imens and it will prove a valuable According tn the story, the German indigestion and constipation. A delight- county equalization board this week. advertisement of our mining resour-es. Government has conotermande-l its order fa herb drink. Removes all eruption» of Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House th* skin, producing a perfect complexion, For Sale—New 3^ wagon; set britchen While here the gentleman informed ns for th* parchaeeof 5,000 horse* that had or money retunded. » cts and 50 cts. harness, saddle, and vouog span geld that he will erect a 5 “tanp mill at his be*n sc- ent- d. Wiring, anA Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur P. II. Tynan was yesterday appointed ings—cheap for cash ; also one 1350 brood mine in the near future. He already Ttis agent is said now to relv upon a mare, 7 years old. Inquire of H 8 lias considerable rock on the dump. — p -Seihl <i»<ny<i-i t >r liora-s tor th* U. 8. administrator of the estate of his broth Parrish, Oak street, Ashland. niture. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. Yreka News. armv. When shipped to the city the er, John Tynan, who was accidentally Mrs. Wm. McCcnnell and daughter horses, unless immediately disposed of, killed on the Northern Pacific Railway “It is proper, I think, to let others know The estate consists of a c aim against the Miss Winnie who have been visiting August 1900 Weather Summu J, ■non eat their beads off. about the popularity and virtues of Acker’s railway company for damages.—Port- Portland, Roseburg and Grants Pass Following is a summary of weather ob English Remedy tor Coughs, Colds and Con- A casas D y » f » psia T aklet » ar. sold on a I laud Oregonian. friends arriv-d Saturday on a visit’oDr servations at A-hland daring mmh of e umption. positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, S. T. Songerand family leaving for Yreka Aaeust, reported by F H. »Tarter, local ob- From tho raising <-f the »nod. distress after eating or The following from the Portland Tele serv«rfor the Oregon StateWeather -- vice; moment I anv toriu of dvspenaia. One little tablet gram relates to a former conductor on Tuesday. began hand- g-ves iiume-iiate relief. 25ct«. and 50cts this division and whose wife was recent- Ex-Sheriff E. W. Gowan, wife aud son a; » -, lingit.it sold Ecus*- a S merw m rapidly, and for a ticket Fast you naturally and very !' Iv in trouble here: Henry Smith writes visited D. H. Jackson and family in Ash h the sales proper!1 want to go ovei tbe route that will to The Telegram to say that himself and land last week leaving for their home at n keep grow give vou the veiv best aceoinm. Nations st . friend, J. J. Wachenneimer, have just ; Merrill, Klamath county Tuesday. They HUHN. ing all the the lowest possiblerate. Hence, you should returned from Alaska, landing at Seattle; have been spending the summer at = time U3 fast asv vour ticket ace tit to make your ticket ; i Crescent City i that both are without money and that read via the 1... 88 *7 67 .......... as peop 16 cs DYAR—In Talent. Sept. 10,190, to Mr. ! Wachenheimer is very ill with fever. find out 8» 49 2 ... 66 and Mrs. Jivhn Dvar. a daughter Mrs G. W. White and son Floyd, wife II Wachenheimer has told him that hi has 1 and eldest eon of our new banker, leave what a re 81 42 61 3.... markable 1 {.friends in Portland, and Smith suggests 1 for Portland Thursday, whither they go 79 4.... 61 43 preparation 5 ... 74 50 62 MAKtURD, that those friends interest themselves to complete their medical educations, it is. Th* 6.... 61 75 46 : in having tbe sick man brought home. • which will take some two years.—Co satisfaction 43 58 7* PAPE—PLAMONDEN—In Salem, Sept it gives is quille City Herald 74 59 44 8 ... universal. 27. 1900. Henry Pape, formerly of Pendleton East Oregonian.] 9.... 42 61 80 Tom Beall, who went to San Francisco Our best cit 10.... Jacksonville and Miss May A. Planion- t The magistrates of Pennsylvania, 80 55 67 izens use it . 11 ................ 85 46 66 den of Salem, by Rev. O J. Scoville. some 2000 of them, recommend the es to be treated for Bright’s disease, is be and say it Is the best thing for throat ana ing doc ored for a stone in the bladder. 12.... 87 59 73 tablishment of public whipping-posts. STANLEY—HIGH—In Ashland, Sept. lung troubles they ever saw. Mr. 8. H. Cul It took the specialist five days to 13... „ ... 86 48 67 T - - ver, one of our prominent townsmen, says 28,1900. George C Stanley and Mies I The time will probably come when they discover his ailment and then with ...... 14 ... 88 *9 68 ' will be needed in all the states. As Acker’s English Remedy is the only medi Mollie High, by Rev. J. T ALbett. 15.... . . . . . 88 49 69 aid of the an X-Ray. cine that helped his chronic cough of many ' Markham’s “Man With a Hoe” becomes 16.... . • • • • 78 46 62 Our popular personally conducted tourist years' standing. At first it gave relief, and more and more a reality, the man with 81 17 ... ...... 39 6-t Mrs Dora Bowers of Albany and Mrs. excursions in modern lu'lman tourist now, after taking a few bottles, he is wholly DIED. ...... 18.... 80 *3 the lash will become more and more a .Ida Smith of Farmington, Wash , are 61 Cured. I buy it by the gross at a time, s eeping c»rs leave Ashland every Tuesday 19.... • . • • 86 51 69 _______________________________________ necessity. Capitalization ten Is to break visiting their folks, S. H. Cook and fam and my sales are larger on this one medicine morning and Friday morning via Sa :ra- .......... .. 20 82 ...» 45 63 LINDLEY—In Medford, Sept 24, 1900, man down mentally and build him up ily of Applegate. Miss Lula Cook has than on any other in my store. It is a great m*Lt >, and every Tueeday morning and 21.... ...... 78 51 65 Fndav evening via Portland, and run Wayne U. Lindley, eon of Mr a> d physically, so he can better serve his returned from an outing at the ocean at ASHLAND, OIRZBG-Oisr. 22.... 77 54 65 .26 pleasure for me to feel that whilelam prosper through to ' hicago without change via the Mrs G P Lindley, aged 2 years and masters, and this physical growth can Bandon aud Crescent City. ing I am also doing so much good to the com 23 ... •••••• 78 48 - - -T-T 63 wor d ’ 8 most >cetnc line, connecting at Chi 6 months._____________________________ i be better kept in check by physical pain munity in selling such a grand medicine.” A strictly Normal School.—Thorough Academic Instruc 24.... . . , . , 80 60 70 cago with »11 morning train? E» m . »Iso with (Signed R. R. D ouglas , Westfield, N.Y. _ T o . ««. ‘ than in any other way, way and the lash is wanted - active men of on » d 25 ... ...... -84 60 72 tbe R-'Ck Island Personally Conducted tou 8COTT—In St Louts. Sept. -6 1000, the most proper wav of applying it. But character to deliver and collect in Oregon tion.—The highest Professional Training.—Each Teacher a 26.... ... 84 £6 70 Sold at 25c.. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout rist car for Boston These tourist sleeping Mrs. Kate Miller Scott, daughter ot ^„jity of opportunity was preserved for old csiabhshKi manufacturing whole 27 ... ..... 76 48 62 the United States and Canada ; and in Eng ca s are broad vesltbuled. lighted with $900 a vear, sure pay 28 ... ...... 77 Mrs. John Miller of Jacksonville*_____ I g|] men.there would be no Markham’s sale bou-e 49 63 02 land, at Is. 2d„ 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you arenot Pinteh Gas and provided with all weekly Specialist.—Beautiful and Healthful Location and Homelike Honestv more than experience required. 29 ... . . . . . 74 54 64 .08 satisfied after buying» return the bottle to illu-trated perindieais and magaz nes for the hoe-men to need the lash to keep them Our reference, any bank in any city. En 30 .. •••••• 78 56 67 your druggist, and get your money back. free use of our patrons and are accompa Surroundings. in the paths of rectitude. 80 far as this close seif-addressed stamped envelope. 31 ... .......... 82 *4 63 ........ nied through to dediuation by a represen We authorize the above puarantee. nation allows a few men to take the fruit Manufacturers, Third Floor, 33* Dearborn Fall term begins September 10. Write for Catalogue and W. tL HOOKER <k CO.. Proprietvri, Sew York. tative of tbe Great R ck Island ll<>ute. We Mean temp. 64 7; Max temj) 8<on 1.14 of labor of' oilier men, by capitalizing St., Chicago. also have a daily lirsl-cla a s sleeping car 15; Min temp. 39 on 17lh; total precip . natural wealth— Biliousness, »our stomach, constipa and monopolizing service to Chicago via the Scenic Line, and further information. inches 0 36. No. of davs clear 11; partly tion and all liver ills are cured by wealth not created by labor—so far will lhe best dining car terries tn the world cloudv. 15;cloudy, 5; thunderstorms 21st tm the lash become a necessity and whip For full information, maps. etc., call on and 27 th ping posts creations of the law To the or write to A. E. COOPER. Mean temp Aug. 19 years 68 7; be ow Bought Genera’ Agent. TK» iwin-irr liai lnx cailiaxtlc Pries ' extent that thev appear, evidence will normal!, w rainfall Aug 19 years .27 or, D. L. Ricz, Portland, Ore m; above normal .09 in. Max. temp, this » cent» Of *11 drujgists or by maU M be furnished of the decay of American Agent S. F. Go., AahJand, Ore. Month was Ue lowest Aug. max. oa record C.L Seed A £ew*U, Mass. I iMtitaitoaa. Machine J. P. DODGE ^ANADIAN PACIFIC K y . ASHLAND 100 HOURS MILLS. BTl PATENT r~FLÖÜRT] The Imperial Limited <x. W. J. VIRGIN A CO., PROP’S O H FVAN<t ASHLAND..OB PAINTING. PAPERING. ETC. F. L. CAMPS ....The Photographer U i THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY.'! t I ; j THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. Advice of a Druggist Tem p. M inim um . Date Tem p. M axim um . When You Pay Your Good Money A shland H ouse N BOURGEOIS. PROPRIETOR t GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ASHLAND. OREGON. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Good Accommodations Located in the Heart ot the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains. OUTHE&N OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Headache Hood's Pills W. WL CLAYTON, P = . The Valley Record for the News.