VALLEY RECORD. HEALTHY OLD AGE Editor's Awful Plight. ^ Sgi^US ONE DOLLAR CTTTHlt «•. •VTAlBaUB vo n WITH OBE BOUAB, “THE F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca (Iils.,) ( News, was afflicted for years with Piles SPECIAL HI6H GRADE that no doctor or remedy helped until be ’ ’ Süll $33.50 The People’s Paper. tried Bncklen’s Arnica Salve, the best $38.50 STOCK SADDLE WONDER in the world. Me wtitee, two boxes wholly by frtltkt C. O. I>. ..bjeet t.«, cored him. Infallible tor Piles. Care YOU CAN EXAMINE IT »» rourn<»rwt The majority of persons upon reaching middle age ano. past «vvvnn na.intll depot< ud tr freight r.Mad > ASHLAND, Or.. Thursday, Sept. 20, 1900 A familiar name for the Chicago, guaranteed. Only25c. Sold by E ugene find their blood becomes weak and thin, and diseases that were perfvctly ..lUfMlwj, exactly a. reprccted* A. S herwin , druggist. Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, easil^ontrolle^mearher Hfe ^r^Rheumatism, Gout and other hereditary troubles may escape An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and the equal of saddle, .old .eerywhere st from known all over the Union as the tUl tSn but^ blood, so long tainted and weakened by acounulated waste matters i? no An Original View. About 500 men, women and children OUR PRICE, $38.50, Great Railway running the [Mr. Bischofberger of Talent, a Christ­ are employed at present in the Los longer able to propJly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mark for disease. At this ^tiMl penod lee* the $1.00 dcpeslt, er $$T.frO, and freigbl charges. of life the bloJd must be re-enforced before can perform its legitimate functions and nd the system of ian gentleman who frequently issues Gatos fruit cani’ry. Nearly all th© Thia Saddle la made on a 1554 or tracts setting forth his views of the fruit is sold lit Europe ami some finds no iso ns and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. 16-lnch Cenulne Ladesma or S1^ S strengthens and enriches the blood, improves the appetite, and builds up the general constitu­ Scriptures has had printed in our job of­ it« way into Africa. Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... not only the best blood purifier, the best old people. It warms the blood, CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE CPVF k L d tion It is ’ not punher, but nut tne nest tonic touw for um x.wu, tones --- ---- up r fice the following.] TREE, bound or roll cantie. steel leather covered stirrups Trains every day and night between The Los Gatos canneries were mak­ The so-called Temperance belief of the nerves removes all taint from the blood, and prevents the development of disease. or i-inch oxbow bra^s bound, as desired. Will eeaa two*« theTnly 1 St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and S S S is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Not one particle of mercury, potash or this day is an error and a nuisance. It ing tieir heaviest j'uu of the season TREE‘iS*MADE EXTRA STRONG is callefi Christian Temperance, and all last week. Cans to the number of over poison can be found in it, and it may be taken for any Iength _ other'mineral noison Iehgth of time without_hanm without harm. j Chicago, “The only perfect traina in the S S. 5. S. is is^the only remedy that reaches deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula, Cancer, Rheuma- of that nature. It is not Christianity, as 55,000 were being filled daily; equal So lin«L S-iach vide lace sUrrup leath.ra, lfc-lnch tie straps, the tnat Louble. Understand: Connections are extra long on near side, t-inch lo buckle on offside, heavy world.” tfaa, Eczema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to a healthy, normal condition, and makes it impossible for it is supposed to be, and many are led over 2500 cases of two dozen each. cotton twisted Mexican Mnch front cinch, heavy ootton i made with AU Tranacontinental Lines, belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, Mat and iS°wunh^eI^oid,^Sifg3 ¿Vora^otetinate ulcer that refuses to heal, or are troubled with boils and carbuncles, tayS. S. 8. astray ny it. jockey all one piecs. Seventeen carloads of fruit, mostly assuring to passengers the beat eervice “The first wrong idea ie, total absti­ ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPiNC nence of strong drink, or unfermented prunes, were shipped from The Dalles known. It never tail, to make a quick and permanent cure of these pests. If your system is run down and you feel as illustrated. Weight .f Baggie ahevt *A peangu wine. The eecond, is to sign a pledge. ; : during the week ending August 25 to the need of a tonic, S. S S. will strengthen and help you as it has many others to a nappy, healthy old age. packed for shipment, n pounds. FlUMiHT 13 OILY aaaCl 31.0. FOB E1CU 400 MllXS. Third, by forcing people to Temperance, various points in the East. The ship­ Mrs. D. R. Johnson, of Blackshear, Ca.,was for years afflicted S. S. S. cured Mr. H. Borden of Saumxville. V»., wL WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADDLE Luxurious Coaches, with a severe type of rheumatism, and had used every remedy total abstinence.” ments averaged $350 a carload. CATALOGUE, showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher Bczema of thirty-five year»’ standing, after the best physicians i ^nown and recommended ______ as a cure without receiving any All this is not of Christ ae I can see, and Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted. Address. in the xurrouuding country had failed. This was seven years I _______ s. S. S. promptly I reached the seat of the disease and Electric Lights, The wool season in Montana has ie therefore harmful to God’s cause. •go, »nd there has been no return of the disease. made a complete and permanent cure. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL closed, and the total clip will be about Why? is now the question. Isay, why Steam Heat, (Sews, Beebuck « <*. are Usroagaly mBsHa.—Bgltor.; • If you are in doubt about your disease, and will send us a statement of your case, our physician will did not Jesus Christ or his Apostles find 25,000,000 pounds. Prices during the rive you any information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge. _ season have varied from 12 to 15}£ ou; this new scheme? Of a verity equaled by no other line. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. There was drunkenness and plenty of cents, the average being * little over 15 See that your ticket reads via “Tbs wine in those days according to the cents. RH^eATALOCUg.FREE Milwaukee S. Se s. /9 THE IDEAL TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER FOR Scripture. ” when going to any poia Please show the Sciiptureon THIS SIG catalogue The harvesting of the Washington in the United States or Canada, Al total abstinence. It cannot be found or 10,000 iliusti'a.tioitic largest, most complete aad !owe»t priced eataioffti« t OLD PEOPLE. else Jesus and his Apostles had done wheat crop materially reduces the first SAMIS THE LIWIST WHOLESALE CHICAGO MICE» OH ticket agents sell them. EVEOTTHInU lneluaiiig everything to e«>«.rtofc Bnss X.- ul“ ¿.Udr,, Otoi. B«U»4 Sbw., Waulwe. Jewelry. B~k^ wrong. But temperate it teaches which estimate, and the yield is now placed 99 Hardware, Slerea, Xgriaelural lai»l«a.e mmb < ** rety» pleasure rides than formerly, and that THE CHRONICLE rank! with th* ercatevl The shipments of oranges and lemons people are contemplating a trip, while the Sunday crowds of ridel s are forget his sorrow and strong drink to him from Southern California amounted to juiL Address, SEARS, RGÉDUÇK VC. Cb':0J| CHICAGO, fLLINCriS. U. S. A When Mwipapar, In th* United States. whether on bueinese or pleasure, they THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the Paclfl« thick enough on the boulevards and in that is ready to perish, see Proverbs 31: Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver.Ft. 8:40 a. ni naturally want the beet service obtain­ 17,868 carloads for the season up to Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news 4- 7. Express Worth,Omaha. Kan­ able so far as speed,comtort and safety THE CHRONICLE’S Telegraphic Reports are the parks, they are not so great as they August 25. For the corresponding pe- Second, signing a pledge is setting sas City. 6t. Louis. 9 00p m. the latest and moat reliable, 1U Local News the used to be a couple of years ago. The Christ the Saviour aside, as Saviour and is concerned. Employees of the Wis Via>Hnn- Chicago and East. . riods in 1898 and 1899 the shipments fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from ths fact is, the bicycle is getting to be more coNsiN C entral I^ nes are paid to serve tingion . able to save. It is self-righteousness, > were 14,776 and 10,212 cars in the order ablest pens In the country. the public and onr trains are operated and more a business proposition. Men worldly morality,or heathenism. Jesus THE CHRONICLE baa always been, and always named. so as to make close connection with will be, the friend and champion of the people as and women who have wheels ride them can save the drunkard. He saved me. diverging lines at all junction points. Walla Walla, Lewis­ 7 a. m. against combinations, cliques, corporations, or to and from work as a rule, and do I know therefore what I am talking about. ton, Spokane, Min­ oppressions of any kind. It will bo lndependonl jiot take as many rides of evenings for Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars Spokane Third, as I have Baid before, why did neapolis, St. Paul, la everything neutral In nothing. on through trains. Flyer not Jesus, or his Apostles, find out this , diversion as they once did. The wheel Duluth, Milwaukee. 6 p. m. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals is an actual vehicle of business as adopt­ thing? Nay they would not, dear friend, Chicago and East. served a la Carte. the Kingdom of Heaven is not of this There is just one thing to use if your ed for telegraph messenger boys, spe­ In order to obtain this first-class service, world, or else the servants would fight. stomach is "out of order ” and that "one cial delivery letter carriers and the ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticks! O cean S teamships . 4 p. in. Please see John 18:36. thing ” is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical 8 p. m. over ...... like. No, no, thousand times no, this can not Discovery. The All sailing dates sub­ “As an outcome of this the average be in Christ Jesus, dear friends. We will supposition is that ject to change. The Wisconsin Central Lines speed of Chicago wheelmen and wheel­ hold up Jesus Christ as a Saviour or you want a prompt ForSan Francisoo— Sail every 5 days. women has increased. Nine out of ten else we step in in his place and make out cure and a lasting and you will make direct connections persons you see on a bicycle are rid­ ourselves to be Saviours by this way of cure. That is why at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and THE POPULAR THROUGH all points East. ing in a hurry. That is because they force. the "Discovery” is CAR LINE FROM THE WM 4 p. m. C olumbia R ivir Daily For any further information call on any This is a delusion, it is not of Christ, recommended as are going to set destinations, and near ­ Ex. Bun. Ex Sun­ ticket agent, or correspond with ly always have limited their time for it is of the world. If this be the way. the one thing for S teamebs . • day. 8 p JAS. 0. POND, m, Satur­ getting there. The life of a wheel is we or somebody else over eat or over your condition. It work or over sing or do many other such cures promptly, General Pace. Agent, day '0 p To Astoria and Way- longer, too, for the same cause, but the things 'ratnn or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukee , w e would have to stop those en­ perfectly and per­ Landings. m. TO ALL POINTS very fact that we get more work to do tirely, too, and what a calamity. General Agent, W isconsin , manently, diseases this year than ever proves that persons 246 Stark Street, This has done a good deal of damage of the stomach and WI llemette R iver . R. C NICHOL, General A t cnt S. K. HOOPER. G. P. & T. A 4:30 p. m. owning bicycles are more numerous to the true Christianity. But I do not organs of digestion P ortland , O regon . 6 a. m. 151 Wash.mrton Su PORTLAND, ORE. DENVER. COLO. Ex Sun­ Oregon City. Newberg, Ex. Bun. now than ever before,” favor saloons as they are carried on gen­ and nutrition. It’s day. Baleni, I ndependence erally. That is up holding wrong. As a sure to help. It’s wanted — active men of GOOD and Way-Landings. sure to cure. character to deliver and collect in Oregon ’ rule they are rough, unmoral places and almost ARE YOU GOING EAST 7 for old established manufacturing whole­ ‘ second, worse, if anything, impure un- It has completely cured ninety-eight . wholesome drinks, often at a high price W illamette and Y am ­ sale house $900 a year, sure pay. Hon ­ 7 a. m Be sure and see that your per cent, of all hill R ivers . esty more than experience required. Our are sold. TuesThur Ticket reads via those who have reference, any bank in any city. Enclose If any one has traveled through Eu ­ and Hat. Oregon City. Dayton, 1 self-addressed stamped envelope. Man­ rope he has seen a better order of things given it a fair and and Way-Landings. rhe HEW ufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Dearborn St., in this point. Dear people take heed faithful trial. • • a • Chicago. i About ten years ago to these things which I have I believe I began to have trouble Leave made clear to you. Be wise be saved According to a Reno paper there is S hake R ivi *. Leave NOT with my stomach,” Lewiston Ripari not another head of- beef left in Long through our Lord Jesus Christ the Sav­ writes Mr. YVm. Con­ Daily A nolly, of «35 Walnut 3’35 a. m. iour of all men of all evil habits ; please valley; it has all been sold. H. E. St., Lorain, Ohio. "It Sfl Riparia to Lewiston. 9 a m Daily. turn to St. Luke 1 :67-75 ; Acts 2 -.37-40; TOY, Rhodes rccontly sold a Lunch of small got so bad that I liad 8:14; Gala. 5:16-24. to lay off quite often two-year-ol.l steers for $37.50 per head. Rom. O be saved, turn before it is too late, two and three days in F. M. Rowland, also of long valley, sold dear friends. Hear while you can, re­ a week, my stomach ---- THE---- bloat, and I his beef—¿0) head—for seven cents a member night comes when no man can would A strongly constructed Graph­ would belch up gas, The Chronicle Building, CHICAGO, ST, PAUL, and was in awful distress at such times. I have ophone, with simple mechan­ pound. Such a condition of things work. treated by the best doctors in this city but REPRODUCES SAME ism, made to meet the de­ MINNEAPOLIS and God help you, God help you, is mj- been was never known before when every got no help whatever. Some said I had cancer RECORDS AS mand for a first-class talking of the stomach, others dyspepsia. I have bought ALL STANDARD head of beef was sold and delivered be­ prayer for you. OMAHA RAILWAYS. and tried everything I saw advertised for dys­ TALKING machine, at a low price. Jos. A, B ischofbergek , fore the end of August. pepsia and stomach trouble, but continued to MACHINES. By Mall, Postage Paid. This is the _____________ Talent, Ore. get worse all the time. About twelve months Supervisors of San Diego county have ago I was in such a condition that ray friends It will surprise you to experience the passed an ordinance making it a misde­ benefit obtained bv using the dainty and had some fear about my recovery. It was then GREAT SHORT LINE wrote to you for advice. You told me th.-.t by meanor to turn Belgian hares loose in famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little I my symptoms you thought I had liver complaint The pleasure In owning a Graphophone is largely increased by being able to make and reproduce Between and advised the use ct your ‘ Golden Medical Early Risers. E A. S herwin . the county. your own records. We furnish this machine with recorder for $7.50,makingit the cheapest recording Discovery ’ and' Pleasant Pellets’ in connection. and reproducing talking machine on the market^raphophones oi every description. Call or write. DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO These medicines I have taken as directed, and Dockery & Hansen’s big warehouse COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept. 135* 8an Francisco Address. 125Gewv Su am very happy to state that I commenced to get SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. at St. He’ena was destroyed by fire one And All Pointe East and^Soutb. better from the start and have not lost a day this summer on account of my stomach. I feel night last week. The loss will be about In Germany 1,057,938 acres were tip-top, and better than I have for ten years.” Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vet- $6000. seeded to sugar beets last year. The Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cleanse tibuled Dining and SleepingfCar The owncrs of the Pioneer Woolen yield was about 11% tons to the acre, the Dr. Trains and Motto: bowels and stimulate the liver. HO MO^EY The Greatest Weekly in the Country, J? we wid von Q mills at Dalles, Or., have agreed to and the sugar results 12.7 per cent. 8ADE H2CP CACHET EU29ICK SEWIHS MASHIME rr.!chi,c.O.D..*bjectu exa»fBM- «n. You can oxihu I uc it a.t your nearest freight depot and if fount their plant, which employs 300 move “ ALWAYS ON TIME ” erfectl* exactly represented, equal to taachlxtsothere wil For ten years Maine has cut logs at hands, to Santa Cruz, provided bonds of the rate of 400,000,000 to 450,000,000 a ♦ hiw-hft« €83.00, and THE GEKAT&3T liAHGAl.S IOU \irK(“^=,Vn;ft’J Spocia» Offer Price $15.50 I A FREE PATTERN £ $30,000 be given An effort will be year, and now the cut must be increased Have given this road a national reputa K Shortest and Quickest Line (your own selection) to every sub- < .nd freight changes. M&cbino weighs 120 pounds and the freight will (Inclading poatage) to any part of ths United tion. All classes of passengers carried made to raise the money by selling lots .veras^ 75 ceuuroi-each SCO mile». GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in scriber. Only 50 cents a year. g to meet the growing demand of the TO States, Canada and Mexico. on the vestibuled trains without extra -\>ur c'.va home, and we will return your <15.50 any day you are not tt $200 each. For that purpose a tract .Li-fed. Yf 40 acres has been secured. Part of and moat complete Weekly Newspaper tn the aeuiee Catalegue, but €1». 50 for this DROP DKSK CABIMET BL&D1CK is From Greenwich reaords since 1840, over this famous line. All agents have AND ALL POINTS EAST. world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve it will be donated for the mill site, he greatest value ever offered by any house. tickets. W. H. MEAD, an English meteorologist finds that pages, of News, Literature and General Inform» leaving 2.0 lots to be disposed of. There IE WARE OF IMITATIONS tyhXToS?™ General Agent, 243 Washington St., lion; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. when the first threel months of the year Through Palace and Tourist Slccpe-s isements,offering unkuown machines under various names, with variousia- is much enthusiasm over the matter. W. 0. S avagk , Portland, Oregon. . actments. Write sense friend in Chicago and iearn who are reliable and who are not. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. The mill owners estimate their plant to are wet there is a tendency for the Dining and Buffet Smoking ha * cverr moukrn impkovkmk 5 t , jjx ___________ x Traveling F. & P. Agent, S DU it M 1VEMY GOOD POINT OF 1VEHT HIGH Library Cara. -i=X=.-T^=====r7========== GMADK MACHINS HADE, WIT” -’ll Portland, Oregon. be worth $150,000. ... _■s . summer to be cool. A LADIES’ A1AGAZINE. DKFKCTS OF NONE. — A smoke ordinance passed in Denver. do you want the We pledge our nominees in every de­ beat maker, A gem ; beautiful colored plates ; latest Col., some time ago has been declared froi____ _ I. the fashions ; dressmaking economies ; fancy DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME; SERVICE partment of the municipal and state unconstitutional, on the ground that CHRONICLE work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub­ SOL- C ' J.SAWED OAK AND SCENERÀ UNEQUALED. scribe to-day, or, send for latest copy. goverm t to the uso of the Al:i<-d no device or no means exist which will ■ Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. closed dropping from sight) to be used as a eeater table, stand Ol Printing Tiu > s eoun il label, as : ¿.s- prevent smoke as adequately as the Stylish« Reliable, Simole, Up-to- or desk, the otaer open with full length table and head In place for Tickets to points East via Portland ar.’’ sewing. 4 fancy drawers, latest 1899 skeleton fraae, carved, paneled, em­ tered with the secretary of state, on all ordinance requires. date, Economical and Absolutely bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pubs, rests on four the GREAT NORTHERN RY , on sale a Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. • printing for state, municipal and politi­ casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Finest largo High Ans Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, ( r A raft to contain 14,000 piles is now head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automatia cal use. bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator,improved loose GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office SHOWING wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, Mothers endorse it. children like it, old being constructed at Seattle, Wash., by patent dress guard, head Is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nse it. We refer to One Minute a San Francisco firm to be towed? to 268 Morrison Street, nickel trimmed. GUARANTEED th« lightest running-, most durable and nearest The United States, Dominion ol | folks nokelcM machine made, Every known attaebmeuf is furnished and our Free In­ BAZAfò Cure. It will quickly cures all throat and Japan. When completed the raft will struction Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any PORTLAND. be 635 feet long, 53 feet in diameter and kind of fancy work. A 20-Years* Binding Guarantee is sent with every machine. Canada and Northern Mexico and lung troubles. E. A. S hfbwin . IT COSTS YOU NOTHING Jt ■ee*nd examine this ».chine, compare it with will contain 14,000,000 feet of lumber. ON ONE SIDE, For Rates. Folders, and Full inform■> ——.—-. those your storekeeper eells at St0.00 to To the P eople of J ackson C ounty ’ : >0.00, and then if convinced that you are saving <25.00 to (10.00, pay your freight agent the SIS.SO. tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad A11 examination of the cow sheds And the E T.» RE’irn5 YOUR (16.50 if at any time within three months you say you ore not satisfied. ORDER TO-DAY It has been the custom and the require­ dress (No-Seam-Allowance Patteroa.) ;O2FT DSI-AY. (Seaxs, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.) ment of the law for the Sheriff of the from which Manchester, England, de­ A. B. C. DENNISTON, Only io and 15 cts. each—none higher, g Address 8EARS, ROEBUCK k«tch or photo, with , Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps and Every month, in “ The Progress of the World, ” Dr. Albert Shaw dotenptien for free report M to potentnbility. te -FAe” | A correspondent from St. Helena all other results of imper feet digestion. MINNEAPOLIS HAND-BOOK FREE. Contain, referonee. nnd full ] gives a comprehensive picture of the world’s history during the pre­ writes that help is very scarce in the information. WHITE FOB COPT OF OHB SPECIAL Price 50c. and SL Large sise contains S K times vious thirty days. In the departments, the valuable articles and books DULUTH 07FEK. It i. the mo«t liberal prt>po«itionererm»de by —At rate of— small sine. Book all aboutdyspepsla mailed tret ELY’S CREAM BALM is a positive cure. prune orchards in that vicinity, and all a patent attorney, and EVERY INVENTOR SHOVLD that have been published during the past month are reviewed and Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. B0 available men, women and children are Prepared by E. C. DeWITT a CO, Chlcofl» BEAD IT bofcra applying for patent. Addru.: FARGO file Regular Fare Plis $2.00 for Round Trip cents quoted from, so that the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can get st Druggists or bv mail : smnp'ea 10c. by mail. EUGENE A.BHEBWIN at work picking and spreading prunes. ELY BROTHERS. Ad'Warren St.. New York City. the gist of them. In every issue nearly a hundred pictures are printed, Return Limit October 31, 1900. TO GRAND FORKS The yield and quality are first class. including the portraits of ths men and women who are making the One Fare to Chicago and Tieturn I CROOKSTON PATENT LAWYERS, Hop picking was to beging September history of the month. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. I WINNIPEG ~ La Droit Bld*.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 24. 25. 26, 27 for the To be thoroughly well informed helps any man or woman in his or 3 and the prospects for a large crop are her work. _A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW good. ■■ at AT HALF price PRIG . I HELENA and A. O. U. (A? • G.ft, R. ENCAMPMENT OF REVIEWS represents an Investment for the best kind of 'profit, profit, as If you want u* to make to Th© state tax- rate for this year has Bir MEAftUBK and OMD1M I BUTTE well as entertainment. One subscriber has just written; “ Count me With Liberal Return Limit. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. LTK GOODS fer itee RELIEF 50 YEARS* been fixed at 49.8 cents on each $100 All» YURI OF YARlOOfiE T11IM, a life subscriber, and when you send ms a number beyond the limit of Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall valuation. EXPERIENCE WEAR, MWOLUHI OR LUBR- SPECIAL TRAINS my subscription and secure no renewal from me, consider it a notice of B ATkD UMBM, CORPTLOCY. ivery second and fouxth Wednesday in - ARf»OMIlAL WK Al X EMS OR my death. ” In India, the land of famine, thousands ONE NIGHT OUT TO CHICAGO will *ach mouth. All brethren in good standing ’ TUMOR, ¿ate pour betehL die because they cannot obtain food. In leave Denver 3.45 p. m.. Colorado Springs Price 25 cents per number, Sa. 50 a year. , g weight and age, state number ire oordially invited to attend. M J J n L TO of indie» around body or America, the land of plenty, many suffer 3.55 p. m. and Pueblo 2 45 p. m. for excur­ G ko . E sglk , M. W. / i ■ ■ j a I A sample copy will be sent on receipt of ten cents in stamps. CHICAGO limb at each letter shown tn sions Aug 4. IO arid 24, and Sept. 7 G»o. W. T bkfben , Recorder. and die because they cannotdigest the food AM PJ 1 H *1 k I E 7 cut and send to us with our ' 8FBC1AL FRM.R» Wo will make and 21 Tickets also good on reguar they eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests A ASHINGTtiN ■ the goods to order from the II trains. For full information apply to! what you eat. It instantly relieves and »•ry Mneat frech rubber •laeUa W. R. C. PHILADELPHIA __ — 14 . mu m radically cures ad stomach troubles. E. A. material guamntmo a gerlte< Mt and A. E. COOPER,O. A. P. D., Portland, Ore T,3 ade M arks THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY' , cuk GRANITE LODGE, JiO. 23, Knights of The Kind You Have Always Bought icketa, call on or write M.KtoK, SM.< Fylliias Ashland. Oregon, meets every A handsomely mnatrated weekly. Largeai cir­ culation of any scientific Journal. Term*. *3 a Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good A. D. CHABLTON, Bears the year: four montha. IL Sold by ail newadealtara 4 (lauding are cordially invited to attend, Awiatant General Passenger Agent. , „ D fe J. SHAW, 0. 0. Signature of ... MILWAUKEE” “PIONEER LIMITED' A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... Don’t Hesitate. DENVER« RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. NORTHWEST E ast E fe I !| $5 «il O the : graphophone Northwestern Line! daily MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS Only $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $1.50 a tei MSCAIX’S MMOIhX ir 3 Reversible Map? MSCALLfO Map of the World IT ORTHERN PACIFIC LIPPINCOTT’S Kodol Dyspepsia Cure U N S GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE H.B. WILLSONS CO. THROUGH TICKETS PORTLAND. OREGON. Record Job Department is First-Class. CASTOR IA Scientific American. T. H. Burrtoa.K, R.l. ELASTIC 800DS