K A COLD RECEPTION. THE METHODISTS ARE IN TOWN. THE O. M ’S CONNECTIONS. A New Order. The Fraternal Brotherhood met in Odd Fellows Hall Friday evening Sept. 14. The escoit duty was somewhat of an in ovation and delighted the invited guests for the perfect manner in which it was accomplished. The young ladies taking part are to be highly praised for their ef ficient work. Then came the obligating of new members which was imposing and effective. Certainly the organizers are to be commended. The regular order of business was sus pended and an entertainment was in dulged m, which was of a class rarely seen here, after which all partook of re freshments. This lodge has a member ship of over 100 in Ashland. Following are the officers elected: Mistletoe lodge No. 147, Fraternal Brotherhood: James Riley, president; Matt E.Riley, past president; Geo. Irwin, vice president; Callie B. Long, chaplain; Mrs. E. Palmer, secretary; Mrs. Louise Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. Nancy C. Cole, master-at-arms; Mrs. Jennie Irwin, ser geant-at-arms; Lucinda Weedon, lodge deputy; J. 8. Parson, lodge physician; Helen Bolton, musician ; Escorts, Nancy Cole, Lora Booth, Luella Mdler, Pearl Weedon, Augusta Gabbush, Elzan Booth, Mary L. Swab, Irene McConnell. FALL AND WINTER STOCK! Tbe Ashland Gives the Oregon Preen Tbe 48th Annual Conference of the ' A Redding Paper Names Burlington Route and Sends It Oregon M. E. Church Cordially Association the Marble Heart and The Latest Through Eastern Oregon, Down Welcomed to the Granite City. Klondike Glare.—A Discreditable the Klamath River and to Ban Affair. The members of the Oregon M. E. L adies ’ W raps , F urs , etc . F ull L ine of U nderwear , Francisco. - The Oregon Press Association at their Church conference flocked to town in large bodies Monday and Tuesday, the meeting in Astoria last year voted to Redding Free Press. ] F ine S tock of S hoes . hold their annual meeting in Ashland noon train on the latter day bringing The promoters of the new Oregon Mid Sept. 19 and 20, 1900. The people of Bishop Andrews and the largest number land Rail way between Klamath Falls,Or Ashland who assume to be its represent of them. The citizens of the town were ( egon, and a point on the main line near ative citizens at all times when their at the trains with carriages and each per Hornbrook, Siskiyou county, give abun , vanity or selfish interest prompts them son assigned to the respective home was dant evidence of their intention to build ( road without delay. to make a move were as utterly uncon promptly taken hold of and given a cor- the QUR Fall Stock has been carefully selected, cerned and as cold-blooded and dumb as dial reception by the host. The work of All the larger mill firms of Northern a bivalve toward tbe event. The result satisfactorily assigning such a large body ( California and Southern Oregon have xnnroFJi block was that only about 35 members arrived of strangers is no easy task and the resi- | been invited to submit bids on quantities Is larger and more varied than ever before. NEAR DEPOT in their Pullman car from Salem on yes dent pastor, Rev. J. T. Abbett, is to be , of ties which they can turn out with ex congratulated upon the thorough, syste terday noon’s train. No arrangements pedition. Coggins Brothers, for in , whatever were made by Ashland toward matic and happy manner in which he stance, have been asked an estimate on meeting them ; they cared for themselves planned and completed the first import 70,000 ties to be furnished in the near fu , ture. at the hotels. In the afternoon a few ant duty to the visiting'strangers. Tuesday evening the large M. E. modest citizens out of humiliation for The most important development of IJST ALL BRANCHES. , the town took several of them about the Church building was crowded to listen this railroad building, however, is evi to the formal reception of the Conference. , city and to the baths. The members of dence to indicate that the Oregon Mid the Association closed up their annual It opened with prayer by Rev. S.E. Mem- land which will traverse a rich timber , business by 9 o’clock p. m. and retired to inger. Presiding Elder D. T. Summer- section of Northern California will not their Pullman car, which was attached ville of the Ashland district presided and fulfill its mission in marketing the milled in announcing the program of the even to last night’s north bound passenger products of the forests, but that it will train and they went northward to their ing gave this city a handsome turn, indi- j eventually form merely one link in a eating that this place above any other railway chain reaching from Chicago to homes. There has never been anything so town in Oregon, enjoyed a reputation the Pacific with the terminal point at Religious Items, wanting in the courtesies and decencies along the lines that meet tbe approba the magnificent port of Eureka, tion of a Methodist’s conception of what Tbe following are ths notices of services of life yet exhibited toward an organiza The railroad company which it is be and and immense line of tion of self-respecting citizens of a state is the proper thing. Especially was lieved is back of the Oregon Midland, in the various churches for Sunday: Chautauqua Tabernacle—Lovo Feast as was Ashland’s treatment of the Ore this the case on the moral issues and , and which desires an outlet at the Pa Spring Street, Ashland, Ore gon Press Association, save perhaps the standards of the day and this town’s firm ' cificocean is the Chicago, Burlington and at 9 a. m. Preaching by Bishop Andrews ( Quincy, the road that has for years turn at II a. m. dirty trick that Roseburg hotel men stand on the temperance question. Prof. C. A. Hitchcock presented the , ed longing eyes toward the West. M. E. Church—Sunday school at 9:45 played upon the committee of Oregon Ordination Service conducted people who brought the National Edi educational features of this city which Recently the superintendent of con a, m. torial Association to Oregon last year. has always been the strong card of the , struction of the Burlington slipped quiet by Bishop Andrews, at 3 p. tn. Young This city has began to acquire a reputa town under all circumstanoes^the steady ly into Siskiyou county and starting from People’s meeting, to be addressed by are already upon our shelves tion in the line of being civil, courteous spirit of which was shown in a material , a point along the line of tbe Oregon Mid Dr. H. W. Kellogg, at 6:15 p. nt. and decent toward visiting delegations of wav by tbe presentation to the state land made a trip overland nearly 200 Twentieth Century Forward Movement all kinds, the handsome reception to the of the state Norma) school building and miles to Eureka. The hard horse-back at 7:30 p. m., Address bv Dr. T. B. Ford. M. E. Conference being especially in property, the maintenance of tbe.Chau- jaunt was not made for the purpose of Closing with an Evangeleetic service led WE INVITE INSPECTION. by Rev. R. A. Atkins. view. The splendid reception that Ash tauqua Assembly, the Ashland high ' pleasure. Public School Books,! land gave the National Editorial Associ school which has graduated over 100 The Burlington is the lessee of the Or ' Baptist Church—Sermon at 11 a. m. ation last year resulted in writing up the students, the new east school building, ( egon Short Line. From a point in Mal by Rev. R. E. Dunlap, at 7:30 p. m. by town from tbe brilliant pens of scores of and Ashland furnishing 20 odd Btudents heur county where the line comes in Rev. W. T. Kerr. School and Office Supplies. Christian Church—At 11 a. m. Rev. brainy writers from all points of the to the state and other coast universities, from Idaho, surveyors have run a line I , Harney, Lake and Klamath coun- i I C. A. Cline, 7:30 p. m. Rev. N. F. Jenk United States as it never was written up leading all other towns for attendance across in all time before and could never be at Oregon state university ties to Klamath Falls, the Northern ter-I I ins. Rev. F. G. Strange, of the Presbyteri minus of the Oregon Midland. This sur Presbyterian Church—11 a. m. Rev. done for hire, the pen pictures of which an church, on behalf of the other vey reaches across the wonderfully fer H. D. Atchisin, 7.30 p. m. Dr. M. C. will live long in its literature as adorn PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. ing gems of local interest. The result of churches of the town welcomed the Con tile section of Southern Oregon where Wire. Congregational Church—11 a. m. Dr. this extensive advertising has brought ference in an original, unique and happy agricultural pursuits cannot be followed W. B. Grubbe of Keno visited Ashland at , least from 50 to 100 families to the vein that indicated that diplomacy and ‘ on a large scale because of the high ex H. W. Kellogg, 7:30 p. m. Rev. D. L. A few good Second Hand Books. this week. I j tact were not lost arts in that profession. pense of marketing the product. A rail i Fields. town. Rev. J. T. Abbott, resident M. E. way will develop immense resources not A8HLAND. Ur., Thursday, Sept. 20, 1900 In the face of being the beneficiaries Wilmer Hilt came over from Coles Father Przvbylski of Eugene is visit J. L. THORNTON. WM. STORM. yesterday. ' of all tbe kind remarks and appreciations church pastor, made a few briet remarks easily estimated. From the Oregon line ing Father Donnelly in Ashland this A. F. HUNT. of welcome, when Bishop Andrews of to Klamath Falls along the route mapped so unstintingly showered upon this peo Mannie Smith has returned from his 1 SAMS VALDEY. week. New York arose and responded to the ple by the National Editorial Association out is about 300 miles. The country is Jack Frost visited ns last night, but did northern trip. this community has allowed itself to various addresses of welcome. Toe ven level and offers few obstacles. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. little If any damage. Mrs. E. B. Picket was an Ashland vis- 1 lapse into such stagnation of swinish erable prelate is a polished gentleman Another circumstance, small but sig in whose face the priestly character Notice is hereby given to all concerned i selfishness as to treat its benefactors— nificant, is this : After the recent agree Rev. J. 8. McCain of Medford is in the itor yesterday. valley greeting old friends. Oregon Press Association which beams most beautifully. His response ment between tbe railroad companies to that the partnership heretofore existing Otis Krause came in from Harney the ' to the welcome was clothed in exquisite brought them here—in about as small abolish all commission offices, the Bur between C. H. Hosley and G. H. Bogue, Wm. Hogue and wife left Monday for county Tuesday. and mean a manner as it is possible to ly beautiful English and its heartiness lington maintained but three salaried under the firm name of Hosley & Bogue, their home at Bend, Crook c ounty. Miss Effie Bacon went to Gold Hill to < do. Whether the town is so steeped in and sincerity placed the finishing touches offices in California and one of these is carrying on the business of butchers in Bev. J. A. Slover gave bis valley friends remain some time. the City of Ashland, Oregon, is hereby I the cold-blooded neee of the chase after upon a very pleasing and happy affair. at Eureka. a short call, as he was on hia wav from nickels and pennies as to be dead The M. E. church choir sang several The North Pacific line reaching from dissolved by mutual consent, G. H. Bogue Grant’s Pass to his home in Ashland. L A. Rose of Phoenix was an Ash- dimes, ! both to appreciation of past favors or to pieces during the various numbers, and San Francisco to Ukiah is building out retiring. G. H. Bogue will collect all Fred Inlow of Trail creek is in the valley land visitor Tuesday. a sense of shame in its usage of the state Bishop Andrews dismissed the audience fifty miles in the timber belt. The two accounts and pay all bills. cutting corn fodder Fred thinks there will The books of the firm and all accounts Misses Helen and Bessie Stanley re* i editors this week, we are unable to di with a benediction. new Eureka companies, the Arcata and be some winter before 1900 ends. turn tomorrow from San Francisco. vine. That it will do the community no Mad River and the Eureka and Eel Riv due the same will be found at the office WKDNESDAY. Tom Pankey and Mart Perry went to in the estimation of all people pos er company have consolidated and are of Geo. W. Trefren, who is authorized to Miss Mary Coldwell is teaching a good 1 The conference met at 8:30 a. m., building a road to reach north from Eu make the collections. Medford yesterday with a complete load of sessed of good feeling and moved by de class in music at Pheonix every Tuesday. ’ fine porkeis which they sold to J. W. Witness our hands, this 24th day of cent impulses, there is hardly room to Bishop Andrews presiding. • The exer reka to Blue Lake and south of Eureka Wiley. cises began by sinning bvmn 316; Bishop for forty miles. The gap on the south August, 1900. Miss Jessie Rose has gone to Joseph, , doubt. Andrews reading Scripture lessons from could soon be filled by an extension to Wm. Mitchell of Asbestos, was in the in northeastern Oregon, to teach school C has . H oslby , valley a few days since with a load of tine G eo . H. B ogue . The following ladies and gentlemen 12th chapter of Exodus and the 6th chap tbe North Pacific line, giving a through Ladies are invited to inspect the new shakes, of which he found ready sale at ter of John. All joined in singing “Just line to San Fraucisco. The line built were here: drees goods at Vaupel, Norris & Drake ’ s Hoitl’a School, A. L. Gall’s. Albert Tozier, Secretary, Portland; as I Am Without One Plea.” The Bish across from the Oregon Midland, toward assisted by the Presiding Elders and Eureka could connect with tbe Arcata Menlo Park, San Mateo county, Cal. S. K. Adams of Roseburg is in Ash* I Col.J. S. Stewart, president, Journal, op, J. R Morrison is busily engaged making ' sorghum and there are more sweet people land with the intention of buying a har* Fossil; D. M. C. Gault and wife, Inde Rev. J. T Abbett. the local pastor, ad and Mad River line at Blue Lake. Has new buildings, newly furnished lab around bis quarters at present than you nesss store. oratories and gymnasium. Beautiful sur pendent, Hillsboro; Miss Laura E. Jones, ministered the sacrament of the Lord’s ever saw at a wedding. The Death ofColouel Miller. roundings, careful supervision, home in S. Rosenthal, the Medford Merchant, Plaindealer, Roseburg; Miss Anna Ogles Supper. The service was conducted by The weather seems settled once more and went to San Francisco Tuesday to visit by, Bulletin, Junction City; Ben F prayer by Bishop Andrews. fluences, is thoroughly equipped and of Colonel J. N . T. Miller died at bis home The following officers were elected: the sun shines bright today. We have bis folks. Jones, Leader, Toledo; A. W. Cheney fers superior advantages for the care and Jacksonville, Tuesday, aged 74 years. He had some very heavy rains for this time of and wife, Courier Hearld, Oregon City; C. 1 A. Lewis, socretary; G. Sykes, H. B. was born in Harden County, Kv., in 1826. traning of boys and young men. Ac All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra year. Within the past two weeks we have James H. Houston has returned home Miss Nellie Tozier, Oregon Timberman, Elworthy and E. V. Smith, assistants; credited at the universities. Tenth year witnessed two of tbe severest thunder to Klamath Falls after a visit with Ash Portland ; Anthony Noltner and daugh H. T. Atkinson, statistician; G. R. Ar In 1845 he came to Oregon, and to Jack- Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. son county in 1853. He was married to begins August 6, 1900. Send for cat storms that the natives ever experienced, land friends. ter Isabelle, Dispatch, Portland; J. B nold, E. F. Zimmerman, G. G. Haley Elizabeth Ann Awbry in 1853. Eight alogue. J. J. Cambers of Ashland was in tbe IRAG. HOITT, Ph. D., Principal. Engineer D. McCarthy, wife and Fithian, Sunday Mercury, Portland; and R. M. Corner, assistants; John Par children were born to them, three of valley last Tuesday looking for horses daughter Anna returned yesterday from Geo. H. Himes, Record, Portland; Wm. sons, treasurer, and A. S. Mulligan, as whom, with his wife, survive him—Col which he was desirous to purchase while sistant. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are prompt, Mathews and Bister, News, Newport; here. He bought a span of fine young bays San Francisco. The order of business submitted by onel R. A. Miller, of Oregon Citv ; Mrs. palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying lit Chas. E. Hicks and wife. Independent, of J. A. Pankey. Anna Beach, of San Francisco, and W. tle pills. E. A. B hibwin . Fred Fradenburg and wife visited Ash Arlington; L. Couch and wife, News, Rev. Jenkins was adopted. land Tuesday en route home to Henley Wallowa; R. M. Watson, Herald, Tilla- The standing committees were an L. Miller, of this city. Dr. Cady’a Condition Powders, from «Colonel Miller was a member of both EGGS FOR HATCHING Jenny creek. nook; Arthur Conklin. Mining Jour nounced. The .balance of the afternoon the House and Senate from Jackson are just what a horse needs when in bad Emil Peil, M. Powell and Mr. Carring nal, Grants Pass; F. S. Harding and session was taken up in listening to the county during tbe ’60s. He participated "yiSN ----- FROM----- conditon. Tonic, blood purifier and reports of the pastors of the various vermifuge. They are not food but med ton returned last week from a tour of wife, Telephone Register, McMinnville; charges. in all tbe Southern Oregon Indian wars, E. H. Woodward and wife, Graphic, ' icine and the best in use to put a horse Klamath county. After a discussion of the matter of and Was Commissary General during tbe Newberg; A. N. Fisher and wife, Pacific in prime condition. Price 25 ceDta per •Vili Judge, who has been spending his ( Christian Advocate, Portland; J. P. investigating tbe charges against Rev. Modec War. The funeral took place at Jacksonville yesterday and was largely package. For sale by E ucibnk A. Susa- vacation »ith his folks in Ashland left BREEDER OF HIGH-CLASS POULTRY. Burkhardt, Frater, Portland ; F. J. Mar 8. A. Starr of Portland it was voted that aliened. Who is the lucky person? wur. for San Francisco Monday. tin. Progress, McMinnville; F W. the investigation be a secret one. Tbe Have mated three grand pens ofBarred P. Rocks For Rent. 60 Acres of Timber and HAMPSON. See the late Eastern ideas in clothing. ' Chausse, Observer; A. E. Voorhies, following committee was appointed and aggs, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. 8. C. B. Leghorns the investigation took place behind closed Five room cottage nearly furnished, shoes and carpets now being shown at 1 Courier, Grants Pass. A. Rush is with us this week. and Black Minorcas, $1.00, pr 13. Black Lsngsban, brush land. Handy to town. doors in the Baptist Church Bishop An close in. Cheap to right party. No Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. ¿s' 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one We went bee tree hunting Wednesday. W. H. Leeds. Judge C. E. Wolverton, drews presiding: R. A. Adkins, M. O. children; references required. Apply to GOING CHEAP. point at Oregon State Show of being as~good as Louis C. Bolle who is engaged in ranch Salem ; E. D. Briggs, E. V. Carter, A. E. Brink,C. E.Crendel), R. E. Dunlap, Edw. G. F. Billings or of Mrs. Kate Howell Rattle snakes are again appearing in Also a complete list of Real Estate. Address, 2EJ. _A_. ZZdòTTSZE, Roseburg, Oregon. their season. Some good sized rattlers ing both at Wellen and Evans Creek was Kinney, and Dr. Picket,with R. J. Shaw Gittens, W. B. Hollingshead, N. F. Jen at residence. Pleasure to show property. here Tuesday on a business trip have been seen. as cook left Tuesday for a hunting trip kins, A. Kershaw, D. McLachlan, W. H. Live Stock Purchases. Write or inquire, Movers, H. Oberg, G. F. Round, 8. A. The beef cattle sold to Mitchell passed Isaac Moore, E. R. Grieve, and Vine to Klamath lake at Dennis. Horace and James Peltop have sold 25 Smith, S. Snyder, Joseph Mottershead. here Tuesday from Hiatt. Oden, Jenny creek people, were register Corliss Meritt, a newspaper man well Dr. I. D. Driver being ill was unable head of beef steers at their Ft. Klamath Wm. Blanton returned from Igerna last ed at the Ashland House Monday. known in Ashland and throughout the to come, and there was no lecture as in stock ranch to a Roseburg buyer for $3.25 per 100 lbs. on foot to- be weighed at Ft. week. _________________ Mrs Robt. Leonard returned Friday state, arrived Sunday on business for tended. Klamath. They will be driven to Roseburg the Chicago Art Co. of which he is state night from a yisit with her relations in In the evening a packed house pre via the Umpqua divide. This is a fine llocky Mountain Scenery by Day manager and was cordially greeted by Idaho and the Willamette valley. sented itself. Rev. Dr. H. K. Carroll of price. light. many old friends, J.E Pelton and L. A. Neil have pur New York, whom President McKinley Mrs. Canine and daughter and Miss Day-light Stop-Over at Niagara Falls. H. BOIVIN, Manager. F. H. Carter wife and son Henry have sent to Porto Rico, talked upon mission chased 25 bead of cattle from Geo. Harga- Minnie Dawson came over from Upton dine and Murpby Bros, and together with Through first class tourist sleepers from ary work. He was introduced by Rev. returned from an outing at Pelican bay. yesterday to visit Mrs. J. L. Gault. Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago,Boston, Dr. E. R. Dille of Oakland, Cal., a 13- 100 of their own have sola them to Young COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET Ganiard Building, Trunks, valises, club bags and tele inch gun, who arrived in the afternoon. Bros, of Oakland. Douglas county, at the Over the Bridge, Mrs. A. D. Rockfellow came out from New York and other eastern points, via advanced price of $3.35 per 100 lbs. on foot. Rio Grande Western, (Great Salt Lake Portland Tuesday to visit her mother, scopes at Opera H oubo Furniture Store. Ashland, Oregon, ASHLAND, - - OREGON. The following ministers are here: Route,) Deaver A Rio Grande, C R I A P Mrs. M. A. Patton, who is critically ill. Lena Howard vs Thos L Howard ; di ASHLAND, E. Jones of Ft. Jones is visiting his OREGON. J T Abbett, Ashland; G R Arno ’ d, RoseJ and Illinois Central to Chicago, connect Mrs. A. M. Williams of Dunsmuir who father, Rev. T. L. Jones, during the con burg; K A Atkins, Oregon City; H T Atkin vorce. Decree granted. Shop is now open. ing in tbs Union Depot with Michigan has been visiting her mother, Mrs. E. A. ference. E. H. Winchester and Charles Main Call and see his new stock of Fine son. Amity; Hugh D Atchison, Portland; Julius Schulz, Prop. Central’s similar car for points east. Wright, who is ill at Phoenix, returned Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Nothing but First - Class Rev. Jesse Kirk, the Indian preacher G H Bennett, Portland; R C Blackwell, vs Haldab E. Hoover, et al; suit to quiet For full particulars, call on or address home Tuesday. of Klamath reservation, is attending Salem; MO Brink, Cottage Grove; R M title. Demurrer to complaint overruled. Work turned out. agent S. P. Co., or G. W. Isaacs vs J. F. Gregory; confir Short Orders, Lunches Corner, Shedd; CE Crandall, Davton; C Watches and Clocks Repaired. Mrs. Fred Barneburg and daughter the M. E. conference. E Cline, Portland; M P Dixon, Springfield: mation. Sheriff’s sale confirmed. B. H. T bumbull , Com’l Agt., Internal Revenue Collector David F. RE Dunlap. Canby; HB Elworthy, Cres 142 Third St., Portland, Or Miss Mollie were up from Medford Frig Iunker Bros, vs S. T. Songer, Joe. H ome M ade P ies , B read , etc . dav and Saturday visiting Mrs. Deston Fox has returned from a trip to Klam well ;T B Ford, Eugene; Edw.Gittins .Turn Dame, et al; confirmation. Sheriff’s PICTURES! er ; W8Gordon, Drain; H Gould, Lebanon; High. ath county. sale confirmed. BEAL ESTATE. Q W Grannis, McMinnville; G W Gue, PICTURE FRAMES! 25 CENTS. L. F. Willits vs Amos Willits. Same SQUARE MEALS. H. A. Bills of Ft. Jones made this of Miss Kate DePeatt, who is practicing Portland: M L Hardlngham. Gresham; W Keefer to Sadie C Hu rhe ; bond for deed to 10 acre« in sec 33 and 34. twp38, t e; fice a pleasant call yesterday. He is law in Mrs. Clara Foltz’ law offices in W B Hollingshead, Eugene; N F Jenkins; as above. Wm. Ray vs Wm. Smith; to recover • ••• $5W . ~ here on a business visit with I. N. Evans Sau Francisco, was married recently to Grants Pass; .T L Jones, Forest Grove; 's H W Kellogg. Portland; W T Kerr, Port real property. Decree for plaintiff en Carrie L Johnson, administratrix, to 8 D of i the same place. MOLDINGS R. N. Simpson. land; A Kershaw, Cornelius; 8 L Lee. tered. Bidden; 160 acres in sec 22, twp 33, r 2 w; CABINET WORK OPPOSITE PLAZA. A postal card from M. C. Kasson, who $450 Frank Heberlie returned last week Brownsville; K C Lee. Marshfield; C A J. F. Kirby vs Mary C. Kirby; divorce. THESHEFFELIN PLACE at Woodville; UPHOLSTERING John John to Marv 8 Smith; lots 3 and4, went to the Paris Exposition, post from San Francisco where he purchased Lewis. University Park; D McLachlan, Decree granted. GENERAL REPAIRING 237 acres, about 175 acres of bottom marked Sornmet, Plate Forme, France, $500 worth of machinery, etc., for his St. Helens; C T McPherson. Junction; 8 E blk 57, Medford; $352 Nellie McInerney vs J. T McInerney; OF FURNITURE Meniinger, Corvallir-; Joseph Mattershead, land; well watered, three large barns, Robt Kennedy to J Tracy, et ux; 1 acre says he intends remaining there. laundry, including a fine new mangle. Independence; W B Moore, Medford; F L divorce granted. J. W. COX, Proprietor. adjoining Ashland; $425. residence, etc. Hattie Butler vs Ben Butler; divorce. C. B. Crisler, who is engaged in the The steadily increasing business of the Moore; AS Mulligan, Mt Tabor; W H Louisa 8 Chisholm to John C Akers; lots 16 and 17 and part of lot 15, blk B, R R stock raising business near Ft Klamath, laundry demanded the improvement, I Myers. Silverton; Harold Oberg, Hillsboro; Decree granted. AT THE accompanied by his wife and Richard ' which makes it one of the very best Jno. Parsons, Salem; Isaac Peart, Astoria; add to Ashland; $850. Hattie White vs White, Harbaugh & A First-Class FOR RENT. ASHLAND LE Rockwell; GF Round, Lakeview; H Co; to recover money. Jury discharged, Belle Anderson to J Tracy, et ux: lots 23 Melbase, came in Tuesday on a business equipped in the interior. ..Meal For I N Round. Monroe; 8 A Smith; E V Smith, Trial set for Sept. 19. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. and 24, blk K, R R add to Ashland; $450 trip and to visit friends. E. B. Jennings, the hustling liveryman Clatskaine; 8Snyder, Newberg; 8 A Starr, THE FRED BIKDSEY PLACE in Wood J Tracy to Luke McGinnis, et ux, same Anything yon want cooked Hatttie White vs Alex Orme, sheriff; Alva Danielson has finished his vaca of Medford, was here yesterday. He Portland; D T Summerville, Grants Pass; ville precmct: between 500 end 600 property as above; $450 to order with promptness M 8 Bidden to 8 D Biden; 10 acres ad tion and left Tuesday for Oakland, Cal. sold his Table Rock farm, formerly the Gabriel Sykes, Montavilla; J M Sweney, to recover possession of personal pro acre«; between 200 and 300 acres of and dispatch. All Hours. E. A. Hildreth. Jr, J. P. Say Is joining Medford; $1000 His brother, Waldo Danielson, went to Fred Hansen place, of 420 acres to . Salem; D A Watter, Salem; MC Wire, perty. Settled and case dismissed, plow land, fine for alfalfa raising; resi Albany; E F Zimmerman, Halsey; J F Frank Dodge. i Hughes Bros, of Talent for $10,900. They Naugle, Igerna. Probate Court. University Park: H H Buckner, dence, barn, etc. Poisonous toadstools resembling mush Remember from the 4th to the 6th of have taken possession. Gardiner; GG Haley, Warrenton; James rooms have caused frequent ¡deaths >n this Estate of Roys and Homer Drum. Cali on, or address— year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Ob October. Three days, no longer, Dr. Kubli Bros, of the very valuable Guld Moore, Myrtle Point; L H Pedersen, Loan made G. W. Grant extended CHAS. E. WHITE, serve the same care when you |ask for De Lowe the well known optician will be at en Standard mine on Gallscreek on Sun Brooks; A Monroe, Portland; B A Bristol, four vears. Will’s Witch Hasel Balve. There are poi the Hotel Oregon. If you want perfect day brought out for shipment to tbe Merrill; WJ Waltz, Portland; J C Greg- SUMMONS. Woodville, Ore. Estate of Jos. Goldsworthy. Sale of sonous counterfeits. DeWitt s is the only glasses fitted to your eyes don’t fail to ' ory, Central Point; K Fysb, Klamath mint a lump of gold bullion weighing I Agency; C A Stockwell, Klamath Falls; personal property confirmed. original Witch Hazel Salve. It is safe and see him. In the Justice Court for the District of Estate of Jas, Gaines. Same order as $2000, being the result of a 20 days run IJ W Warfield, Lakeview; C Alderson, ASHLAND, OREGON. certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. Ashland, County of Jackson, 8tate of Ore | Salem; O B Streyfeller, Drain; D L Field, abov©» Mrs. J. C. Zent of McCloud visited at their 5 stamp quartz mill. E. A. S hbbwim . gon. Philomath; Rev. Butler, Portland; Isreal FREIGHT AND Estate of minor heirs of T. W. Bryant. Ashland relatives this week and left 0. A, Miller and W. H. ) New stock of carpets, art squares, Potman, Paisley; Jesse Kirk, Klamath Mrs. J.E Buy art of Medford who was Monday for Portland from which point £a$e of real estate confirmed. Bartges, partners doing | lace curtains and rugs at Opera House BAGGAGE TRANSFER. operated on et McLean’s hospital in Ban Agency; J Harbit, Wilbur. *■ Estate of Spencer Childers, 8r. Same business under the firm Francisco on Tuesday of last week died on her husband is now running on the 8. P. Furniture Store. 3« name and style of “ Mil- | Action 'order as above. Friday. Mr. Knyart passed through on trains. to Recover Wood For Sale. ler & Bartges,” Struck By a Train. Geo. W. Stephenson, the well known Bandar evening's train taxing the remains D. Perrozzi of the Ashland Creamery , Miss Frances McWilliams opened the Plaintiffs, Money, to the home of her people at Albany for went to Salem last night where be has horseman of Ashland, was stricken with Henry Peck, a prominent citizen and Chapparel district school near Central vs, interment Deceased was an estimable entered the contest for the tbe butter . paralysis Tuesday. He was talking with Ice Delivered Daily in Season stock man of Lake creek, accompanied Point Monday. Her mother, Mrs F. G. C. G. Yarbrough, lady aged 35 years.___________ A. D. Ferguson, the stone mason, in Defendant. . prize at the state fair. by hie daughter, met with a serious ac McWilliams accompanied her there re , I front of the Coolidge residence when he cident on the Southern Pacific railroad ToC. G. Yarbrough, Defendant: turning the next day. LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Dr. Dwinell of the Dewev mine, Prof. F. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Bolton returned was overcome. In the Name of the State of Oregon: track about one mile north of Medford M Anderson and other mining men arrived Friday from San Francisco and pronoun You are hereby required to appear before O. Harbaugh and White & Jacobs I Monday afternoon. They were return- at Gold Hill Sunday on mining business. ced the semi-centennial the finest ex the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for have affected a settlement of their affairs ing home in a wagon and in crossing the 44 hibition they ever witnessed. the District aforesaid, at the office of such Let me say I have used Ely's Cream out of court and the several suits have | railroad track the north bound freight Justice in said District, on the First day of Balm for Catarrh and cau thoroughly rec- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Patterson and her | been withdrawn. train struck the wagon with disastrous November, 1900, at ten o’clock in the fore oinend it for what It claims. Very truly, sister, Miss Lena Abbott, came in from r-n,-, . . . „ noon of said day to answer the above of Genesee, results. They tried to cross the track (Rev.) H. W. Hathaway. Elizabeth, N. J Bonansa, Klamath county, to visit rela-L.D;B’ G.™1 uamed Plaintiffin a civil action. while the train was switching. --------- o--------- 1 tried Ely's Cream Balm, a^d to all ap tives. The latter will remain. la?‘ weeV° The Defendant will take notice that if he Mr. and Miss Peck were brought to pearances am cured of catarrh The ter land their future home, Mr. Grant being fail to appear and answer the complaint Call and get my list of properties for sale If you would be really rible headaches from which I long suffered Capt. A. D. Heiman and John Helman interested in several mining enterprises Medford by the freight train crew and herein on or before the First day of Novem which includes all classes and kind«, and are gone — W. 3. Hitchcock, late Major U. left yesterday for Adin, Modoc county, on Wagner creek. He has purchased a received medical attention. ber, 1900, the Plaintiff will take judgement at prices to satisfy anyone. clean, begin with your blood. 8. Vol. and A. A. Gen.. Buffalo, N. Y. against hint for seventeen dollars fifteen Cal., taking Mrs. Irwin Shepherd and lot from J. R. Tozer on High street -- and ----- I J. A. Parker and wife, Lewis Pankey, My Ioan department is well equipped and cents ($17.15) besides costs and disburse The Balm does not irritate or cause sneez son Ray home in a private conveyance will _ build a fine new residence. <" atnes H. H. Burnham, and Jim Bell are in A mottled skin cannot be . . . , J ments, for goods, wares, and merchandise I can handle money for parties wishing to ing. Bold bv druggists at 50 cis. or mailed 1 byway of Sisson. Misses Edna Niles Dutton, __,_____ ;___ _ ‘‘ ' him to » rnm ri „ a contractor, came with sold and delivered to said Defendant at invest, to their advantage. by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York. and Anna Shepherd took the afternoon construct the building, washed away, elections will his instance and request. That a writ of Tbe 10 children of Mrs. Byron Cole vis- train for Henley to visit relations before I represent some of the best Fire Insur continue unless the bloocTls'pure. Hood ’ s attachment has issued against the property When you sav your blood is impure and | ited her last week, being the first time they going home to Adin. of said Defendant herein in the hands of ance Companies in the country and would appetite poor you are admitting your need | have been all together with their mother Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood by disinte jr^ipYou know that what the8ouhem Pacific Company and notice be pleased to write your property, You Louis Roes was up from Central Point of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Begin taking it at I tor fifteen years. F. L Campe photograph grating and dissolving the bad germs. of garnishment duly served on said Com cannot afford to carry the risk yourself. ed the family on Sunday. The following to visit his | one®- Tuesday and yesterday pany. Hood's is the royal road to real clean were present : Mrs. C. F. Sulloway of Sis we handle you can buy mother, Mrs J.E. Roes, who has been I The Congregational Ladies’ Aid will hold Insure against accidents—they are always On affidavit for publication made and Mrs. Prank Parka of Klamatbon. Mrs. liness, both inward and outward. ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs.M.L. a social Friday evening. Sent. 21, at the son, _____________________________ _ on : ___ 21______________ filed in my office on September 17th, 1900, happening and the next may be to you. I J. C. Poore of Ashland, W. R. Cole of Kes the best and strongest company In She will return Sat- *" home of ' “ Mrs reasonable. Stanley. CL. ___ 1 home ____ 2_. “ ’ J. P. Dodge ,'*'1 on the Boulevard. ’ * wick. J. F. Cole of Siskiyou. H. F. Cole of 1er was made luauc for ivi dvavauu mw bulu . an order service ui of this sum - have Impure Blood— "My face would Ice cream and cake will be served for 15 Cole by publication for six conaecutvp' The world. mons b; urday. ’s, Herbert and Clay Cole of Ashland be covered with scabs from impure blood, first _ publication be _____ made weeks. i. The _______ ________ _ to ___ female Ministrel Mrs. J. C. Zent of Portland, and B. H. Cole. Duncan Clark Clark ’ ’ s s female Ministrel centa- on September 20th, 1900, and the last pub but ever since 1 have taken Hood's Sarsa SPECIAL BARGAINS. ___ | ___ _______ ___________________ _ __ j | The Oregon editors came to Ashland troupe which on two different occasions Mrs. B. F. Maskey who has been visit lication on November First. 1900. gave vulgar “for men only” exhibitions wrong time. The next time they ing her sister, Mrs. Leah Caldwell, left parilla, my blood seems to be perfectly Given under my hand thia 17th day ol I tn —________ J____ __ — twainrA tho JTrtnA New 6-room house with one acre of land Ashland, werewrecked TnT ííiinoia I | ahnnld should nnma come inat justbelorejhe June nrimn. prima- for 8an Diego. pure and I am strong and in good health." ■J^F’Come and get our prices September, 1900. in a variety of fruit, one block from North broke” an I ries and conventions. The political pie M utos B bbbt , last week. Their 'privatecar . $750.06. Mrs. M. M. Kuykendall of Granta J. Hartsterm, 760 Grand Street, Brook "'hunters and crumb pickers will know J ustice of the Peace. school house, axle and the entire outfit were nearly all before buying. lyn, N. Y. Get only Hoofs, because Paas is visiting Mrs. B. R. Freeland. that they are in town and will bring killed or badly wounded nothing was Six-room bouse on lsrge lot with choice along their dull axes for the editors to , T. W. Richardson is in from Klamath fruit; good barn; Mechanic Bt, $760.00. was left of the car but splinters. grind. Falla. A new carload of fine buggies, wagons, Fine bouse and grounds adjoining North THE Harvey Carpenter and bis lair bride bolster springs and plows for sale, at school grounds, for «ale at a bargain; no Never Dtsappomt s TORTA. arrived from Los Angeles Monday to reaaonaale offer refused. Emil Peil’s. ♦ TI» Kild Y n Ha» Always Bought make their home in Ashland. Mrs. Chas. M Culver and children are Main St., near Bridge. Hood’» Pill» w lHer ills; the non irritating and Brakeman James Milne is laid off with only cathartic to take with Hood » Sarsasarille. np from Alameda, Cai-, visiting E- M. AIALAJTD) QRX Muü» family. I a badly dislocated arm. Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Men’s Furnishing Goods Dry Goods..... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING Horse Shoeing a Specialty. First-Class Wagon Work. LADIES’ AND MEN’S SHOES Vaupel, Norris & Drake. Sherwin’s VALLEÎ RECORD. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Livestock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Ashland, Oregon. COLEMAN BROS’, Proprietors BUY : AND : SELL A Bonanza and Bargain Watchmaker and Jeweler. MOUSE SKOOKUM RANCH FOR SALE. FRUITS. O EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS W. A. Patrick & Son. D. T. PRITCHARD, EATING GREEN ASHLAND TINNING & PLUMBING GO. and Chop Bouse 25-Cents. Give Me a Call FRUIT JARS ! We have ’em. Mason’s, Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” Vacuums, Extra Tops, Rubbers Ashland Gro. Co. GEO. AV. TREFBEN Record Job Department