Soldiers Reunion. Swank, W H—L W Davis and wife, Thomas—Million Wedding. ; Salem. 1 The 9th annual reunion of the old Miss Mabel Million, one of the loveliest Snyder, Vai—A S Mulligan and wife, P. J. Chavner was up Irom Gold Hill soldiers and sailors association of south­ Mt Tabor. . _ girls that this city _ has ever ___ raised, . and ; Tuesday. ern Oregon, convened In Ashland Mon­ Satterfield, Mrs—J H Skidmore, Oak- clif Tbomas, the genial and popular ’ Miss Cozette Friaelle returned from day for a week’s exercises and baa brought land. ----------- surprised ---------—J their ’friends —J- traindispatcher, together the largest crowd of veteran Yreka Sunday. Tuesday afternoon by getting married Smith, Mr — W J Gardiner, Saginaw. soldiers and patriotic citizens who have Thornton, James—J Mattershead, In­ and ont of town on their honeymoon be­ Claude Holt has returned from his visit offerd their life for their convictions that dependence; C A Lewis, Portland; E. fore they knew it. The ceremony was at Little Shat*. have ever been here. There were over performed at the home of the bride’s Gittiae and wife; G L Burbank. mother, Mrs. Ella Million; on Granite Paul Van Scoy and bride have return­ 60 tents in the Chautauqua grove last Trefren, Geo W — J K Hawkins and evening, all crowded with people. The wife. street, in the presence of half a dozen in­ ed to Montague. register last evening showed 155 veterans, Wilcut, Mrs—J C Gregory, Central timate friends, by Rev. J. T. Abbott. Mro-W. E. Conner returned yesterday 10 Indian War Veterans, five ex-Con- IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine They left immediately to visit relatives Call and see our big Point ; W D Ewing, Glendale. from Ukiah, Cal. federate veterans, one Mexican War at Turner and Portland and will be at Wagner, Mrs E H — D A Watters, Sa ­ Line of SHOES. Line of Fresh Clean Goods / James McDonough, the Willow Springs veteran, 60 W. R. C. members, 18 sons of lem; C E Cline, Portland; M C Wire home after Oct. 15th. Fall Stock has been carefully selected, veterans, 36 daughters of veterans and and wife, Albany. pioneer, is critically ill. As one of the circus trains was leaving 15 wives and widows of veterans not Whited, H L—J M Stafford and wife, Medford Monday afternoon a circus man NININGER BLOCK James Briner returned to Cole’s today members of W. R. O. Is larger and more varied than ever before. Albas?. from a brief visit at Talent. ♦ NEAR DEPOT who had been out hunting was in the act The election of officers resulted aa fol­ Williams, H—J O Pierce, Canyonville. of removing a cartridge filled with bird­ R. T. Vining went to Hornbrook yee-. low!: Colonel, F. M. Stewart, Medford; Wiles, Wm—H H Buckner, Gardiner. shot from his shotgun when it exploded. Lieut.Colonel, M. Elliott,Central Point; terday to look at the mines. Williams, Frank—N J Harbit and Brakeman A. B. Gegax was in range Major, J. P. Easter, Ashland; Chaplain, wife, Wilbur. Mias Blanche Patterson returned Tues­ B. B. Paul, Ashland; Quartermaster, and received some of the stray shot in Walrad, day from a visit with Medford friends. 8. M. Nealon, Table Rock. Central Klamath. Ethel—R Fysh and wife, Fort the fleshiest part of his person. Out side of the sting no damage was done Mrs. J. W. Prater went to Roseburg Point fair grounds is place of meeting TJST ALL LBZRÆlSrCTIES Yeo, Wm—H Oberg, Hillsboro; John and he will carry the lead as a souvenir Tuesday to visit Conductor Frater’s folks. next vear and the O. N. G. is invited to Naugle, Portland. of Ting-aling Bros’. circus. camp and affitiate with them. M. F. Gregg and wife of Huston, Texas There are afternoon and evening pro­ Celebrating in San Francisco. W1MF.R. arrrived Tuesday to make their home. grams at Chautauqua tabernacle by the A number of Ashland people took ad­ Cool days and nights, i Ladies are invited to inspect the new various different Posts of the valley. On I drees goods at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. Tuesday afternoon Father Edward Don­ vantage of half fare tickets from Horn­ We have had several light rains this week. nelly, who is a a veteran, made the prin­ brook to San Francisco Friday and Sat­ Geo. W. Vanderpool left yesterday for cipal speech, yesterday afternoon was urday to attend the admission day cele­ J. B. Jones of Mission ridge went to Linn and Crook counties on a business filled by Attorney A. C. Hough of Grants bration : T. K. Bolton and wife were Woodville yesterday. trip. Charlee Owens made a business trip to and and immense line of Pass and tonight Attorney Joseph Ham- there on pleasure; 8. L. Sneed went to visit his folks at Dixon and finish his Father Hickey is np from Grants Pass msrsleyof Gold Hill will orate. The course in dentistry; Frank Heberlie will Woodville yesterday. Allen Davie of May's creek was seen in this week visiting Father Edward Don­ programs are very interesting and well visit h is mother at his old home in Chico; our burg one day this week. attended. <1 nelly. Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. The following old veterans have ♦*•8. Evans will not over look anything Mrs. McCarvel and family are picking Hon. Geo. B. Dorris and wife of registered thus far. On account of a in his line for the public benefit of Ash- hops near Grants Pass at present. Eugene visited Jacksonville the past large number of names in this issue of land’s future entertainments; Misses Dennis Means is engaged in hauling rail­ week. Helen and Bessie Stanley will visit their the paper and also on accountof a want Mrs. Minnie Cunningham, and the road wood to Woodville at present. are already upon our shelves Chas. A. Bailey of Gold Hill is exhibit­ forethought at a the proper time, small, aunt, former will have her eyes treated by an W. A. Van Goetbem. our popular mer­ l- ing his two beaded calf mounted in Ash­ capitals are used in place cf capitals in oculist; Miss Kate Emery will visit her chant, went to Grants Pass today on bus­ the spelling of names: " land this week. iness. Miss Nina Emery at Oakland. —Wm Forsythe, M. S. Damon, sister Ranse Rouse and family arrived from F. Medford Their tickets expire on the 16th. O. C. Oden, and family went to the hop M. 8tewart. T. B. Ellison, O. Carpenter, WE INVITE INSPECTION. Medford Tuesday to spend a week visit­ W. Carroll, U. 8. Bartholomew. B. N. yard near Grants Pass last week to pick For Rent. hops. ing relations. Williams, Joel 8. Smith, Henry Voa^lf^ Vdagili, n room cottage twany nearly rurmuLiou. furnished, Public School Books, ’ J, J. C. 8mith, A.. A. T. Drisko. A. R. BrachaA?., Bradner... jive «wu» Bean pulling is the order of the day, and J. C. Mitchell came over from Gazell C. J. M. — Hover, to right party. No most every one here will have several thou­ 7 Clark, U. 77. ____" 8. “ F. Wapd. W. close in. . Cheap ____ last night to receive the cattle he baught G. Glowland, W T. Applegate, A. H.rHoik-1 children; references School and Office Supplies. Apply to sand pounds. er, L. L. L. L. Pierce, G. Goble,J. Goble,J. W. Adams, F. Billing or ol of Ashland stockmen. ©r, Pierce, G. W. Adan 3 Howell Miss Ruby Williams returned home yes- D. R. Andrus, W. Rawlings, Butus Cox. at residence. Miss Daisy Marshall came over from { terday from a week’s visit with Mrs. Wm. ■M—■ !■ . ■ — I Central Point—W. A. Perkins. G. H. Montagqe Sunday and is stopping with Perkins. Francis Johnson, Wm. 8ydow, Bishop of J ones creek. A Had Accident. Wm. Addison’s family. The Pioneer Reunion. C. Jeflers, M. Elliott, W. A. Mann. J. M. Mrs. Alice Smith of Bybee Springs was Parrish, son of Mr. shopping BuupplaK in UI Wimer „ 1IIler one one day uay this week. She Section Foreman Wm. Lyttleton re­ Gibson. J. D. Pankey, James E. Grieve. The reunion of pioneers under the Jacob Croy, J. P. Goodman, W. H. Patrick, ana Mrs. H. b. Parrish, who lately re- is always a welcome visitor, atupioes of tbe Southern Oregon Pioneer turned to Coles today after taking in the John Wright, J. 8. Rogers. moved to their home in this place on lO^A few good Second Hand Books. Association at Jacksonville last Thurs­ circus and the reunion. The recent rains put ont most of the for­ Oik Btreet, in attempting to climb into a i ests Gold Hill — a . xyle, oeo. b . Hammersley, fires around Wimer, and the atmos­ day was well attended and a pleasant ASHLAND. Or.. Thursday, Sept. 13. 1900 See the late Eastern ideas in clothing, moving spring wagon, lost hit footing 1 Pass—J. w. Heston, james orr, phere seems to be pure again. and enjoyable occasion. The oration of shoes and carpets now being shown at g . Grants f . Trefren, a . Morris, Theo. Mott, r. a . (tnd fell in between the wheel and bed Hon. P. H. D’Arcy of Salem was pro­ Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. Mr. Wright was here today purchasing A. F. HUNT. J. L. THORNTON. WM. STORM Mowers. Frank colvig, a . d . Ferguson, c. d . and one limb becoming entangled in the CENTRAL POINT. nounced a fine piece of work by all who Mowers, l . dayman, John Patrick, J. K. wheel, wm nearly torn from tbe body. . hogs. He says, “hogs seems to be rather Mrs. Frank Stone and daughter came scarce in this community." heard it. The program of the day was L. reterson, John a . siday, y. colvig, a. Rev. J. 8. McCain and wife were in over from Edgewood Sunday to visit her «vans, w. r. xlnmont, e . a . wade, w. F. The accident occured on Main street, as follows; the Point Tuesday. near the M. E. Church on Thursday , J. C. Williams is pulling and threshing Byrne, John xerguson. Call to order by the president, Wm. sister, Mrs. Geo. Engwicht. beans this week. He will probably last; just after schoool had closed. The his j A large number of Central Point Ashland—Jacob p . Easter, Amos Norton, poor boy was quickly taken to Dr. Par­ have fifteen thousand pounds. M. Colvig. Wm. Robinson returned to Jackson ­ Kple attended the circus in Medford Opening chorus, by tbe Ladies’ Choir. x. cox, c. p. Jones, a . c . spencer, Miles ville 8unday from a visit with his brothers j. Hngh Stevens and wife went to the mines nday. Bainwater, John p. jordan, John w Morns, sons office where the leg was amputated, near Prayer, by Rev. W. T. Van Scoy. Wolf Creek last Sunday. Mr. Stevens at Junction, Lane county. but to no avail as death came the next ! Marion Yount, oeo. w. stoops, Levi Stewart, ✓ has secured employment there. W. O. dwell who was hurt in a runa­ Song by the Ladies’ Quartet. morning about 8 o'clock. Claude waa 1 s. a . Berry, chas saniere, j . w . conant. c. Miss Bertha Potter returned to Horn ­ Biographical sketch of the life of Gen. T. way several days ago is improving. e . seid. j . p. sayles, John Hnnter, t . b . Bills, 7 years 4 months and 27 days of age, and School closed Friday and W. Wright and brook Tuesday, accompanied by Miss samuel G Reames. Fergus, waiter Denny, s. a. Denny, leaves a father, mother and brother to family will soon leave for Canyonville. Mr. 1 Nearly all the G. A. R. men and their Biographical sketch of the life of John Nellie Gibson who will visit there. h . Kilis, w. a . corthell, e . b . white, wm. mour’n bis untimely death. Tbe un- W. will begin the fall term as principal there X wives of this place are attending the en O’Brien. . New stock of carpets, art squares, Moore, james Elliot, a . Dickey, e. m . wright. fortionate accident was purely accidental, on ' Sept. 17th. campmentat Ashland. ira Dodge, s corbett, r . t . Melius, s. w. John ­ Song, hymn by the choir. lace curtains and rugs at Opera House Joe Carter, we understand is the ‘‘Boss” ston, wm. wiles, w. p. powell, o. o. van satte, but boys aie warned to be careful. bean Thos. Beal is in San Francisco for Biographical sketch of the li’e of Jacob Furniture Store. puller of Wimer. Mr. Carter is a Claude wm a good bov and a bright ! Edward Donnelly, 8.8. wilcox.s a . Calhoun, Wagner. medical treatment for Brights disease. The funeral hustler in the bean patch, and rightly des­ t . j. Howell, l . b . ulen, aobt. Leonard, a . scholar whom all loved. Mrs. J. 8. Sims and daughter Maude erves the title. Biographical sketch of the life of Mrs. The Demo< rats will organize a Bryan returned to Central Point Sunday from vandekeer, f . c. couch, Nat conklin.L. l services took place at tbe house Saturday ' Elizabeth A. Bybee. Brentner. w. a Patrick, s . j . Bailey, j . P. at 2 p. m., Rev. F. G. Strange officiating. C. E. Wickstrom, of the Wickstrom mine, and Stevenson club in the near future. a visit with her folks at Klamathon. Song, by Gore Bros. Quartet. Kimball, b , b . puall, d . l , Glenn j. a . Tracy, The interment wag in the Ashland was d ring business in our burg yesterday. He is having ditches dug. and making pre­ Miss Mamie Smith of Hornbrook, Cal., Address, by Hon. P. H. D’Arcy. Mrs. Max Pracht and Mrs. W. B. s. < Miller, j. h . Pratt, j. h . will. d . High* j . cemetery. parations for workins his mine on an exten­ commenced a three month’s term of Song, by Gore Bros. Quartet. Pracbt returned Tuesday from a visit w o Gregory, t . j. west. Milton Berry. wm. stoim, s. h . Holt c. z. Bush, d . Taylor, w, c. . J. W. Downing, of the Ash creek quartz sive scale during the winter months. Song, written by Mrs. Jane McCully, with Mrs. Chas. Pierce at Medford. 1 school at Rock Point last Monday. 1 Lyon. sung by the congregation. mine, near Hornbrook, had on exhibition Dissolution of t/O-Parinerbh.p. Mrs. F. G. Burroughs, formerly Miss Frank Amy traded his team to Ben w. w. Eastlick, oro Fino, cal.; oeo. shoup, The Native Daughters gave a social in Minnie Holland, is up from Josephine s. i sberman, o. works, Mathew stewart, sain in Ashland loar fine specimens of spar Beal for eleven acres of land in the Notice is hereby given to all concerned the evening during which the following county visiting Ashland relatives. < Carlisle, R b . Barrickman, Talent; c. w. quartz. They look mere like the handi­ that the partnership heretofore existing incorporate limits of Central Point. I program was rendered: Holmes. Murray Kan.; d . s. Holton, Merlin; work of man than of Nature, and the filt- between C. H. Hosley and G. H. Bogue, Col. Robt. A. Miller came out from J h . b Butcher, h s. Beers. Klamathon,cal, j. h . greed work, as it clings to the sparry John Downing, wife and daughter, Duet, Miss Agnes Love and Florence Qregon City Sunday bis father, J. N. T. j Brantner, Applegate; l . a . Parker.Ft.jones, gangue rock, has the appearance of an­ under the firm name of Hosley & Bogue, Miss Maude, returned 8unday from a De Barr. Miller, being very ill at Jacksonville. < cal. ; owen Keegan, Jacksonville; L. c. Tippy, cient Etruscan work. These four spec­ carrying on the business of butchers in six weeks sojourn in the mountains- Remarks, E. A. Reames. HornbrooK, Cal ; polkHull, spikenard ; Fred imens will be placed on exhibition in the City of Ashland, Oregon, is hereby Solo, Mrs. Geo. Webb. Trunks, valises, club bags and tele- ’ The Central Point District School will pradenbhrg, sobt.Lucas, j . p. Hicks; Henley, Portland for a few days in order that the dissolved by mutual consent, G. H. Bogue A.11 Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Duet. Misses Agnes Love and Florence Canned Fruits Extra scopes at Opera House Furniture Store. , not commence until the 24th of this cal ; d . p. Brittain, Talent; s. m . Nealon, people there may view some of tbe sam­ retiring. G. H. Bogue will collect all DeBarr. month. Table Bock; e s . wing, s . b . weiser. Jack ­ accounts and pay all bills. Hon J. W. Merritt was up from Cen- • Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Recitation, Miss Mae Merriman. sonville; t . w sichardson Klamath Balls; ples of tbe mineral resources of this sec­ 1 The books of the firm and all accounts D. Lynes and family and Mr. Taylor Trio, Miss Corinne Linn, Miss Sophia tral Point yesterday delivering a lot of R. c. Gray, jeff now, f . Grob, Talent; a . h . tion. The specimens contain gold to the live stock sold to the Ashland Meat Co. , <’oe, soda springs; Milo caton, phoenix. and family went to Josephine Co. a few value of$30,$36,$250and $700, respective­ due the same will be found at the office Muller, Mrs. Mollie Kubli. days ago to pick hops. ly. and from a ledge from which Mr. of Geo. W. Trefren, who is authorized to Remarks, by Hon. P. H. D’Arcy. A new carload of fine buggies, wagons, INDIAN WAR VBTBRANS. make the collections. Downing has already taken $12,000. bolster springs and plows for sale, at Daniel Walker and wife, of Neil creek, Solo, Dr. R. T. Burnett. Rial Benedict, Applegate; Henry Thorn­ Witness our hands, this 24th day of Emil Peil’s. * ton, LUU, vruuto Grants laDCj Pass; ioat»v Isaac Van v Dorn. Merlin; made Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Jacobs of this Solo, Miss Woodford. E xperience I s T hz B est T eacher . Use August, 1900. C. K. Klum, Ashland; Wm. Russell. Gold place a very welcome visit last Monday Erek Carlson returned home Tuesday Hill; J. P. Acker’s Eqgliab,, in any case of Drath of Hiram Farlow. C has . H osley , P^ Walker, I. O. 0. Matheny. Matheny, W-vW. coughs, EGGS FOR HATCHING remaining over night. colds or croup. Should it fail to to the copper mine on the Klamath Kentnor, D. P, Brittain, Ashland. G eo . H. B ogue . In the demise of Hiram Farlow, who river after a visit of several days with give immediate relief money refunded. 7/ ■ r ’ George and John Stidham came up passed away at bis home in Ashland EX-CONBBDERATE SOLDIERS. FROM---- 25ots. and 50cts. E ugene A. S herwin , Hoitt’a School, from Glendale to attend the funeral of early last Sunday morning another Ore­ Ashland friends. W. 8. Davison, Ashland; P. O Cali, Menlo Park, San Mateo county, Cal ' *' 1 Circuit Court Docket. . their father last Friday, remaining until gon pioneer has been called home to the James H. Houston came in from Hornbrook; T Walston, Buncom; J. W. Has new buildings, newly furnished lab­ Monday evening. Talent. t great beyond, tne cause of death being Klamath Falls Friday to visit Ashland Carpenter, . CRIMINAL DOCKET. ;■: oratories and gymnasium. Beautiful sur­ Misses Stella and Lizzie Stidham called dropsy and his age being 79 years, 1 relatives during the festivities this week BREEDER OF HIGH-CLA88 POULTRY. State ys G E Bloomer; larceny. roundings, careful supervision, home in­ Poisonous toadstools resembling mush­ home by the death of their lather, from month and two days. The deceased was and attend the circus. State vs Ed Booth; assault and battery. fluences, is thoroughly equipped and of­ rooms have caused frequent ¡deaths >n this a native of Indiana and later moved to Have mated three grand pens ofBarred P. Rocks Gardiner, Douglas county where they Miss French is prepared to do dreBS- 1 year. Be sure tonse only tbe genuine. Ob­ Stale vs Ed Booth; defacing a building. fers superior advantages for the care and sggs, $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00, pr 13. 8. C. B. Leghorns State vs Jonas Justus and T M Howard ; had just commenced teaching school, I Illinois, where he was married in 1845, making at home or will go out by tbe serve ; the same care when you (ask for De- •___ traning of boys and young men. Ac­ "a steer. , and with his wife crossed the plains to day. Residence over Ashland Grocery Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. There are poi-, and Black Minorcas, $1.00, pr 13. Black Langahan, hear may not return again. credited at the universities. Tenth vear ------ Walker; rape. Oregon in 1852, settling in Linn county. Store. 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one mate VS vs ’ G ’ K i sonous counterfeits. DeWitrs ■ (be only 2bii6NS° AT LAW. begins August 6, 1900. Send for 'cat­ The funeral services of N. Stidham, The family have been residents of Ash­ point at Oregon State Show of being as' good as original Witch Hazel Salve. It is safe and alogue. deceased were conducted at the Baptist land since 1870. Mrs. Farlow died six Vaupel, Norris and Drake are at the ' certain cure for piles and all skin diseases Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co vs b C Wash- Address, E- A.- KRUSE, Roseburg, Oregon. IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., Principal. Church by Rev. Gist of Medford, clos­ months ago and they leave three chil­ front this fall with one of the most com­ E. A. S herwin . burne, G] M Eaton, Charles Hocum and ing services at the Cemetery by theG. A. dren, Ex-Postmaster E. J. Farlow, Mrs, plete stocks of goods ever brought to D 8 McDonald; to recover money. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are prompt, N B Standish vs W H Beidler; to recover Re M E. Church Conference Coming. E. M. Miller and Mrs. Dr. A. Hinman. this valley. palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying lit­ money. The funeral took place Monday, inter­ TheM. E. conference of Oregon con­ County CommlMiouera' Court. The following people from southron A Lempke and W 8 Beck vs John Bolt; tle pills. E. A. B herwin . HIIH ment in Ashland cemetery, Rev. J. T. Oregon were, apparently, at Medford venes in this city next Tuesday, Sebt. 18 to recover money. ,w Proceedings of September term: Abbett officiating. Mr. Farlow was a Sunday to see Ringling Bros, circus— and adjourns Monday the 24th. The fol­ Fortuna Mining Co ys Walter Briggs, Official reports examined and approved. plain, unassuming man possessed of a W. A. Patrick. Elmer Patrick lowing is a partial list of those who will et al; to recover money. Wilbur Jones allowed a rebate of $12 mind remarkable for its steadfastness of Everybody. Geo W Short vs James Braden; to recover come and the homes that will entertain on hie road tax, on account three wagons purpose and common sense and a heart Rev. S. H. Jones left Tuesday nigst money. them: W bite Sewing Machine Co vs W H Brunk; having tires three inches wide. that was always in the right place. for Ireland. He will return to Jackson­ Abbett, Rev and Mrs — T F Royal, H. BOIVIN, Manager. J.F. Brown, supervisor road district No. Though never professing religion the de­ ville to take charge of the Presbyterian 8alem; Mrs N F Jenkins, Grants Pass. to recover money. Abentraoclng White Sewing Machine Co vs W H Brunk; church in December. 31, allowed further sum of $10. ceased can open his books in this or any Convey anoing Beach, Mrs 8 M—E B Lockhart, Dilly; to recover money. Warrant for $30 for postage stamps for other world and balance his accounts Ganiard Building, OOR. MAIN AND CHURCH 8TREET W H Miller vs J Hollenbeck and H L Ezflktnt© and Mrs. F. M. Albaugh aud daughter re­ C A Stockwell, Klamath Falls. county offices ordered drawn. with the best of his fellow men. Hansen; to recover money. turned to Dunsmuir Sunday after a visit Briggs, Mr and Mrs — R O Lee, Marsh ­ Inwu.i'ance, Ashland, Oregon. ASHLAND, - - OREGON. Appointment of Herbert G. McCarthy • Henry and Frank Robison vs B J Abbott; with her folks at Salem and Mr. Albaugh field; G W Grannis, Salem. A complete list of Real Estate for sale. Arrested for Lwdnesa. aa deputy sheriff and J. A. Carter aa dep­ to recover money. Billings, Mr and Mrs—A N Fisher and in Ashland. They will move to Ashland. Rooms to rent, and Insurance in any line. Merritt Bellinger vs Conrad Mingus and uty stock inspector approved by court. Sheriff Parrott arrived from Douglas Shop is now open. wife,Portland ; B A Bristol, Merill; B M Lavina Mingus; to recover money. Dr. C. W. Lowe, the well-known Call and see his new stock of Fine Petition of D. J. S. Pearce for change county and with constable N. M. Long William Ray ys William Smith; tore- PROPERTY OWNERS! Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. of county road denied. Petitioner waa on Tuesday arrested Mrs. Zena Cumpton optician, will be at the Hotel Oregon, Howell, Nehalem. Nothing but First - Class Berry, Mr and Mrs—H L Elworthy, cover money. Do you own the land you live on? ordered and directed to brigde his hy- and J. O. Newman, both of Elkton, that Ashland from October 4th to October Portland John F White vs G K and EJ Walker: Work turned out. ; 8 L Lee, Brownsville. See if your Title is good. Have an Watches and Clocks Repaired. dranil * pipe where tbe same crosses the county. They were taken to the county 6. Don’t fail to see him if you need to recover money. Cordell, W A — W F McClure ; W H ABSTRACT made. * old r>ad. jail at Roseburg on the afternoon train. glasses. John Van Dyke vs Hattis Bartlett; to re­ Myers, Silverton. All work intrusted to us carefully and Io the matter of the application of G. W. The husband of the woman swore out Mrs M. A. Saxeman arrived yesterday cover money. Clayton, Prof — L F Belknap and wife ; PIOTURE8I W met root and others for change ef coun­ the complaint which was for lewd co­ from a summer’s visit in Pennsylvania May Dora Harbaugh ys John F White; satisfactorily done. to recover money. ty road; said road established and de­ habitation. She had left her home with After visiting Ashland friends she goes to Woodburn. Office one Door north of Bank, PICTURE FRAMES! Churchman, Geo—M L Hardingham, Hattie White vs John F White. Oliver A shland , O regon . clared a public highway. the three year old son ostensibly for the 8itka, Alaska, to resume her work as Gresham ; A L Hawley, Portland. Harbaugh an l Dora May Harbaugh ; to re ­ Ordered that Alex. Orme, sheriff of purpose of visiting relatives. Newman government teacher. Downing, J L—Bishop Andrews, New cover money. Jackson county, make a return of all de­ who lived in the neighborhood left the John Kelly, a corporation, vs J F White York City; I Putnam, Paisley; Fred John Edwards, night amalgamator of MOLDINGS linquent taxes on tbe aseessment roll for next day. They were making their way ALL Jacobs, partners; to recover money. Downing, Granta Pass; E F Zimmer ­ the Oregon & Montreal Co ’ s, quartz OPPOSITE PLAZA. CABINET WORK 1899, and report tbe same at tbe October to Sacramento in a wagon and deny be­ James Braden vs the Rogue River Water mill in Ashland left yesterday for South man, Halsey. UPHOL8TERING term ol this court. Mining Co. a corporation; to recover THE SHEFFELIN PLACE at Woodville; ing guilty. Davis, Mr—Rev Robbins, Gazelle, Cal. and Bend, Ind., for a visit, there being ill­ GENERAL REPAIRING money. B'lls audited aa follows: 237 acres, about 175 acres of bottom Dix, Mr— G Sykes, Montavilla. OF FURNITURE Hattie White vs Alex Orme, sheriff; to re­ A jolly crowd of Ashland young people ness in bis father’s family. Official salaries ........................... »1137 99 J. W. COX, Proprietor. laod; well watered, three large barns, Davidson, Mr—J M Sweeny, Lincoln; cover possession of personal property, 72 60 enjoyed a moonlight picnic gathering at Printing and blanks..................... Miss Rosa Patterson left Monday for O W Allen. residence, etc. Fred Barneburg vs Robert Taylor; to re­ 9 50 Kingsbury’s soda springs. It was com­ Valley Springs, Cal., for her health. Election expense ........................ Eubanks, G G—S E Meminger, Cor cover money. 35 02 posed of Misses Elsie and Maud Patter­ Misses Lillie Patterson and Lutie Hol- Court bouse and jail................ ... AT THE A First-Class W J Van 8chuyver& Co vs C F Young; vallis; James Moore, Myrtle Point. 24 00 son, Eva Taylor, Mabel Goodyear, Ethel Examination of teachers ....... . ..Meal For ASHLAND Freeland, B R—A C Fairchild, Port­ t< tor recover money. 27 86 Walrad. Minnie Rockfellow, Mamie burg and Mrs. John W. Coleman accom­ Board and washing for prisoners FOR RENT. |White& Jacobs, partners vs Oliver and UNDERTAKING PARLORS. 42 91 Smith and Meesrs, Elmer Patrick, Fred panied her as far as Colestin. Roads and bridges. ...................... land ; Mrs Kuykendall, Grants Pass. Dpra Harbaugh; to recover money. Anything yon want cooked 19 53 Justices' court............................ THE FRED BIRDSEY PLACE in Wood- Foster, C J — A Kershaw, Cornelius^ Mrs. Shuey of Visalia, Cal., who has "Tillman C Hess vs Jame9 Bell; to recover to order with promptness 120 00 Engle. Ferd Strange, Will Judge, Geo. been visiting Ashland relatives, G. W. H L StClair. Indigent allowances .............. . yille precinct; between 500 and 600 money. 679 28 Vaupel, Roy Robley and Clarence Lane. Keeping county poor ................ and dispatch. All Hours. Gregory, J W O — 8 A Smith, Tills- Stoops and family, returned home Tues ­ aerea; between 200 and 300 acres of H A Tucker vs W R Kingsolver; to re­ 25 00 E. A. Hildreth, Jr. J. P. Beyle Commissioners’ court .............. The University of Oregon opens at day. Mrs. Shuey is a newspaper writer nook; W A Waltz, Sellwood. cover money. plow land, fine for alfalfa raising; resi­ 10 00 Eugene next Tuesday, and the following Frank Dodge. Supervisors' compensation......... Page & Son ys Henry Pohlman; to re- Glenn, D L —W B Hollingshead, Eu ­ of considerable experience and knows 8 91 Rebate on taxes......................... a dence, barn, etc. 16 Ashland people will attend this year: how to turn out a newspaper. ' * gene; C G Harmon, Dallas: W C Haw­ osver money. Call on, or address — -Page St Son vs J D Andersen ; to recover Roy Roblev, Chas, and Ben Wagner, 8alem; F L Moore. Forest Grove; R $2212 62 Total ........................... Prof. W. Wright of Wimer was here a ley, Clyde Payne, Louis Dodge, Ferd and CHAS. E. WHITE, A Ford, Eugene; R E Dunlap, Canby; . money. William Farlow vs 8imon Farlow; to re­ He is an applicant for appointment on SAMPSON. John Strange, Leon Patrick, Blaine Gibson, 8 N—G F Rounds, A F Buck. aver money. Woodville, Ore. the state text book commission which Emil Peil, and two other men of Ash­ Klum, Theron Bush, Clyde Gray, Ber­ Hammond, Mrs — G W Gue, Portland f • Emma Stephenson vs R K Sutton; to re- land, went over the mountain Wednesday nard Spencer, John Mattern, Wick East­ will soon be filled by Gov. Geer. He W T Keer, Portland. J ■ caver money. ASHLAND, OREGON. ATTENTION ! er, Clarence Poley and Miss Lizzie More­ would make an efficient member and his morning, Howell, F T—H N Round, Monroe; • >80 C Beekman vs C 8 Price and Mary M petition is being numerously signed. land, Price, te recover money. The 9th Annual Reunion of the Old FREIGHT AND F L Young, Baker City. John M, Tavlor moved from the Hill : Soldiers and Sailors will be held at Lottridge, Miss—Frank 8 Harding and .¡n Faun gpencer and wife left for Port­ If you want your tire set without . , ACTIONS. Monday where bis children will be near BAGGAGE TRANSFER. school. He returned from a trip to "dishing” the wheels, have Emil Peil land Sunday where he will have his eyes wife, McMinnville. J N T Miller vs O L Walden and Henry Ashland, Ore., Sept 10-15, ’00 McNutt, W I—C T McPherson and Ireland; to recover money. do it. • doctored. While cutting wood on Emi­ Woodville last week. Wood For Sale. grant creek a chip from a knot flew in­ wife, Junction City. Miss Gertrude Engle left Sunday for equity . The members of the G. A. R. and W. R. School opened here Tuesday, 12 child­ McCallen, A—J W Warfield, Lake­ -Laura Bradley vs Wigle; to foreclose to his right eye putting out the sight. Marshfield, Coos county, where she will C. are expected to be present enthusiastic­ ren present with Miss Kittie Wells as teach in the public school. She has re­ He expects that treatment will save the view ; I D Driver, Eugene. mortgage. ally bent on making this reunion memor­ Ice Delivered Daily in Season teacher. McFarland, A E — Samuel Snyder,New ­ other eye. , Clara May Kesterson vs 8 P Conger; fore- ceived a state certificate. able in the history of our association for its atosure. success. Willis Willfoug and wife visited Mr. G. M. Grainger returned Sunday from berg; L H Pedersen, Brooks. The Portland excursionists return to­ Millsap, Chas — E C Alford, Portland. , IT Geer et al vs C E Wilcox et at ; fore ­ All soldiers of the Spanish War are to LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Taylors family tbe first of last week. spending the summer as foreman of a night. closure. be considered Old Soldiers and are cordially McDade, W — E H Bryant, 8iletz; C M crew of men working on the pipe line be­ Clara A Odgers vs Thomas M Boyd et Geo. Bailey and son Taylor, were here urged to be present. The grand jury found not a true bill ing bnilt to pump water from Shasta riv­ Brown. All Old Confederate 8oldiers and Sailors Wednesday. McIntire, E M—C A Luse, Marquam; al; injunction In the case oi G. K. Walker, charged er below Hawkinsville to tbe Prather Hettle B Butler vs Benjamin Butler; di­ are cordially invited to join in our festiv­ with Yapeon his adopted daughter. D McLachlan, 8t Helens. It rained quite a shower here Monday. vorce. ities and to bring their families. farm near Montague. Mr. Tutthill, Morris, Mrs L E—T B Ford, Eugene; E H Winchester and Charles Main vs Ample funds have been raised to insure formerly of Ashland engineered the work. Miss Minnie Cox came up from Med ­ * Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, M P Dixon, Springfield; H K Carroll, Hildah E Hoover et al; suit. full and complete success. ford today to visit friends. --------- 0--------- Tbe usual course of entertainment will Chas. C. Chitwood, who has been em­ New York City. Ezra Webber vs Marv J Webber; divorce. are just what a horae needs when in bad Mrs. E. V. Carter returned from Port ­ be given, including Music. Speeches. Camp ­ Assignment of FT Fredenburg, J E Pel- Nelson, Rev G W — D L Fields, Philo- ployed at Hamilton ’ s drug store in Rose ­ conditan. Tome, blood purifier and Call and get my list of properties for sale ton. assignee. fires. burg, accompanied by his sister, Miss i math; M O Brink, Cottage Grove. which includes all classes and kinds, and vermifoxe. They are not food but med­ land today. Hon. C. B. Watson will deliver the ad- W K Reeves vs F D Robbins et al; fore ­ at prices to satisfy anyone. Palmer, 8 C—T L Jones and wife, For­ Geo. W. Short returned yesterday from Irene, has been visiting Ashland rela­ icine and tbe beet in use to put a horse closure. . . n drese of welcome. tives, and left this week for Klamath est Grove. in prime eenditlon. Price 25 cents per Placerville, Cal., to remain. Everybody is invited to join us, for en­ A A Davis ys P H Oviatt; suit to quiet My loan department is well equipped and Patrick, W A—A B Mott, Myrtle title. where Charlie will remain some i package. Tor Bale by E uoknk A. S hbb - joyment and pleasure. I can handle money for parties wishing to Miss Clara Hansen is up from Napa, Falls Creek; D G Stephens, Portland; N F time working in H. T. Chitwood’s drug ww. The people of Ashland and vicinity will invest, to their advantage. J H Stewart and Geo Kincaid vs J G Cal., visiting Miss Lena Casey. Jenkins, Grants Pass; W 8 Gordon, Phipps; suit in equity. assist in providing entertainments in which store. the schools and business men will join. I represent some of tbe best Fire Insur­ Lena Howard vs T M Howard; divorce. J. H. Hoffer jr., was up from Jackson­ Turner. Wm. D. Sutherlin, formerly of Jackson­ There is no place in Oregon better fitted ance Companies in the country and would A W Sturgis vs Lee Caton; suit for in­ ville yesterday. Patterson, 8—G H Bennett, Portland; what OS ’ You know that ville, but of late years residing at Scott J D Hammond, San Francisco. for such festivities than Ashland with its be pleased to write your property. You junction. unrivaled shade, water and pure air. Tbe cannot aflord to carry the risk yourself. river and Yreka died at the latter place Nellie Mclccrney vs T J McInerney; di­ Poley, Jos—Steadman, Portland. DIED. will be lighted with electricity and vorce. Monday, aged 70 years. He was a we handle you can buy grove Pbley, Chas — R M Corner, Shedds; 0 J F Kirby vs Mary C Kirby; divorce. Insure against accidents—they arealways Furnished with every convenience. pioneer of the Pacific coast. Being a E Crandall, Dayton. I The city will be decorated with arches happening and the next may be to you. I John U and Ida Muahettvs Daniel Cofer; I HOFFMAN—In Jacksonville, Sept. 9, member of Warren Lodge No. 10 of reasonable. Rainwater, Miles—Joseph Sams, Alt- suit to cancel bond. bunting, evergreens and electric displays. have the beat and strongest company iu 1900, Mrs Caroline Barbara Hoffman, Jacksonville the Yreka Masons conduct­ house ; C A Smith, Wilderville. the world. Free Soup and Coffee will be furnished. Jane Ply male adm estate of F M Plymale, aged 86 years, 9 months and 12 days. ed bis funeral.' Parades and music to delight spectators. Reeser. B F—C M Bryan, Bandon; H daeeased, vs Wm Angle et al; suit for an A day will be given to each Poet, wbicb acoounting. There were present at her bed-side the SPECIAL BARGAINS. W. J. Ellison, for several years with T Atkinson, McMinnville. will arrange its own program. By order of F D Kelley et al vs G W Lane , writ of re ­ following children : Mrs. Mary Vining, the Depot Hotel, and Miss Emma King Rice, D L—L E Rockwell, Portland; view Ashland, Mrs. C. C. Beekman, Jackson­ were married last Thursday evening at John Parsons, Salem. fcj^FCome and get our prices COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. New 6-room bouse with one acre of land J 8 Lacy vs Louisa J Lacy; divorce. ville, Mrs. D. Linn, Jacksonville, Mrs. the home of the bride by Rev. F. G. in a variety of fruit, one block from North Russell, Mrs—G R Arnold, Roseburg. L Solomon vs Flora Welch et al; foreclos Geo. B. Dorris, Eugene, Mrs J.C. Whipp, Strange, those present being Mrs. Hard­ school house. »750,06. Rhoades, J N—W B Moore and wife, ure. before buying. Jacksonville, Miss Kate Hoffman, Jack­ ing, Mrs. Emma Thompson, Mrs. Chas. Medford. E E Wilder vs L D Wilder; divorce. 8ix-room house on large lot with choice sonville. The funeral took place at Millsap, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Inlow, Chas R Ray vs J R Mitchell; injunction. Standard, J B—H W Kellogg, Port­ fruit; good barn; Mechanic St. »750.00, Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Misses Jessie Hopkins and Bessie Mill— land; H D Atchison, Portland. Wm H Grant vs Ben J Abbott; foreclos­ Hoffman was a highly esteemed pioneer •ap- The _ young people Fine house and grounds adjoining North left Monday for Strange, Rev F G—I Peart, Astoria; ure. ............. .. ‘ ' THE David C Tyrer vs J F White and Dora lady of Jackson county, coming here their future home at Pendleton. school grounds, for sale at a bargain; no D H Leach, North Yamhill. May Harbangh; foreclosure. reasonaale offer refused. with her husband the late Wm. Hoff­ Songer, Capt W F—H Gould and wife, BoydeD & Nicholson vs J F White and Tbe most dainty and effective pills made man. iu 1853. She has raised a family are Lebanon. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. They are Dora May Harbaugh; foreclosure. Main St., near Bridge. of children who live in the high esteem unequaled for all liver and bowel troubles. Sayles, H L—D T Summerville, Granta Elizabeth Yates vs Henry Ntwton Yatee; of all. AB ALAN D( 0KB Nsvsr gripe. £. A. S herwin . divorce. Pus; R A Atkins, Oregon City. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. FALL STOCK ARRIVING ! Dry Goods..... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. Arriving Daily. OUR WM. YEO & CO. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. First-Class Wagon Work. Men’s Furnishing Goods LADIES’ AND MEN’S SHOES Vaupel, Norris & Drake. Sherwin’s VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Ashland, Oregon. COLEMAN BROS-, Proprietors BUY GREEN FRUITS. EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS D. T. PRITCHARD, W. A. Patrick & Son, RANCH FOR SALE. Watchmaker and Jeweler. . . ASHLAND TÍNNING&PLUMBINGGO. .... and Chop House 25-Cents. Give Me a Call SOLDIERS AND SAILORS FRUIT JARS ! We have ’em Mason’s, Vacuums, GEO. TV. TBEFBEN Extra Tops, Rubbers is™® 0VERALL8 JR Ashland Gro. Co Record Job Department . is First-Class Z