California Republican Nomination«. California Demócrata Nominate. We pleflflKJfff’RTmTnees for the legis­ The following 1« the Republican eleo- Congressional ___ ,,_______ ______ ___ district, ____ lature to oppose any and all measures tfcketT __ First toral ticket to be voted tor at the com- j. °Farraher, Sialriyou; ; bccuid fcec x.ud d. d. - - which may restrict or interfere with ing election together with the excellent trfet, j. D. Sproul, Butte; Third dis­ the individual rights of the citizen to HAPPENINGS CF THE PAST FEW platform upon which California Re- trict, F. J. Freeman, Glenn; Fourth The People’s Paper. quit his or her employment at will. DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. publicans are to stand : : district, R. Porter Ashe, San Francisco; We are opposed to the levy or collec- Presidential electors: Samuel M. fifth district, James H. Henry, Santa fion of road poll taxes in the State of ASHLAND, Or.. Thursday, Sept. 13, 1900 Bullas Parrot, an old-time resident of 8hortridge of Son Francisco, William Clara; Sixth district, William Graves, California. The state board of railroad commis­ Deer Lodge county, Mont., was mur- J. Barrett of Los Angeles, J. W. Ryan San Luis Obispo; Seventh district, W. D. Crichton, Fresno. of Humboldt, Harold T. Power of Placer, sioners as at present organized has ut­ ■ dered in his home and the place robbed. REAL ESTATE. William R- Davis of Alameda, O. B. Presidential electors: At large, J. H. terly failed to accomplish the purpose There is no clew to the murderer. David Taylor to Ktban A Russell; proper­ Bodje of San Francisco, Frank Mc­ Seawell, Mendocino; At large, Willard of its creation. We denounce the ac­ ty in Ashland; $>100. A Cape Town dispatch says: Tho Gowan of San Francisco, Warren R. H. Stimpson, Los Angeles; First dis­ tion of this board in failing to keep Tbos F Fish to K H Maddux; lot 2, sec 9, riege of Ladybrand has been raised Porter of Santa Cruz, James McFadden trict, John P. Haynes, Humboldt; Sec- faith with the people, and also the twp 38, 1 w. H». Chas and James Harvey toClara M 8hide- »fter several desperate attempts to cap­ of Orange. Mid district, W. R. Jacobs, San Joa­ failure of the Republican party in two ture the town and its little garrison of ler- 40 acres in Talent precinct: $330C. The Republican party of California, quin; Third District, Dr. W. R. Prather, sessions of the legislature in which it Spenc*r Childers to F W Hutchison;1 150 British troops. The Boers who at­ north 65 feet off lots 8 and 9. blk 3. Medford; tacked Lady brand are estimated to have by its convention, heartily indorses the Lake; Fourth district, William T. Bag­ had a majority to make the necessary gett; Fifth district, James N. Block; D T Lawton to Spencer Childers; «ame numbered over 2000 men. The British platform adopted by the Republican Sixth district, Thomas A. Rice, Ven­ appropriation for the prosecution of the national convention at Philadelphia as litigation known as the “grain rate property: $250. were summoned to surrender September Nellie Wigi.tmsn to Lizzie Miller; 8 acre*- 2, but refused, and from that time on enunciating a declaration of principle« tura; Seventh district, John A. Cole, cases,” and we favor an amendment to Ban Bernardino. adjoining Ashland; $840 the constitution providing for the elec­ M Chavcer io D 11 Horn; lot 16. blk 28 were subjected to continual cannon and the wisdom of which has been demon­ The following platform was adopted: tion at large of the members of such strated by the successful home and for ­ rifle fire. The burghers twice tried to Gold Hill; $10. We, the representatives of the Demo­ Martha Russel! to C Vroman: lot 16, blk rush the British position. Probably the eign policy of the present adminis­ cratic party of the State of California, board. 28.GwM Hili: $200. tration, and which, under continued 1 We condemn the manifest discrimin­ approach of a relief force saved the J m Helm# to Fred Ryan; 55 acres in Tai Republican control, promises a national assembled in state convention, reaffirm ation practiced by the Republican party . little garrison. ent precinct; $1000. our belief in the doctrines of the Demo­ G W Daacs to E K Murphy; 1« acres in Ex-Governor Lewellyn of Ranna s, future even more brilliant in achieve­ cratic party enunciated in the Kansas in favor of the property of railroad sec 23. twp 38, 2 w; $500 ment than the past. corporations, and favor an amendment City platform, and announce the follow­ to the cons’itut ion providing for the A M Berry to G H Chapman; property in died very suddenly and unexpectedly j We pledge our loyal support to that at Arkansas city a few days ago» —*■ Jacksonville; $300. election at large of members of the I wise and upright statesman, William ing declaration of principles: ’OH Bdrneburg to F Barneburg: • lot 1. We glory in the splendid ability and board of equalization. The United States transport ' Cali ­ blk 5, Galloway’s add to Medford; $1000 i McKinley, who, amid new and perplex­ A ¡.earned to Thos Smith; property ad- fornian has arrived at Manila safely. ing problems, has constantly pursued a unswerving integrity of onr candidates The growing commerce of our state jainine Jacksonville: $1400. She was delayed 16 days at Guam with policy which has made him the very for president and vice-president, and we requires the early completion of thfe • M M <‘arl to J A McDonald; 10 acres in a broken propeller. Hiram Colver’s estate; $1500. ' exemplification of the highest type of pledge to William J. Bryan and Adlai seawall and belt line railroad on the E. Stevenson our hearty and unceasing harbor front of Sau Francisco and the Robt Taylor to F Barneburg; property The war department received the fol­ American statesmanship, and earned support. • , abolition of all state tolls and a material in Ashland ; $1500. Prudent-« to Jos Tur. er; 13 32 lowing dispatch from General Mao- for him and the country that he loves We call attention ta the inconsistency reduction of all other port charges. Our acres between Central Point and Medford; Arthur: “Manila, September 8.— Ad­ and serves world - wide respect and of the Republican party, which,-while $750. jutant-General: General Hughes re­ honor. With such a leader, associated imposing extravagant taxation upon the candidates for the legislature are hereby A n Brown to Amarantbier Nve; 100 pledged to oari-y out this policy. acre« in secs 3 and 10. twp 33 2 e; $30". ports outbreak in Bohol. First Lieu- i with that typical young American, masses of tne American people for the T F West to W R Keefer 160 acres in stc tenant Lovak, Forty-fourth volunteers, Theodore Roosvelt, whose courage in benefit of the favored interests under , We denouuce the action of the pres­ ent Republican national admistratioq 33. twp 38, 1 w $500 00. reports engagement peag Carmen, Bo- war and brilliant political record in G K Lindley to L B Brown ; 5.73 acres ad­ hoi. Our loss in killed, one; wounded, peace have given him a place in the the guise of protecting American labor, in refusing a right of way to the state is at the same time pursuing a policy joining Medford $1500.00 O <1 Oreiese to D Cameron; 40 acres in six. Enemy’s loss in killed, 120. Have hearts of our people, we may well look which, if successful, must result in for the construction of the Tioga road through the Yosemite National park. forward to glorious victory in Novem­ sec 27. twp 34, 4 w, $100.00. not received further details. bringing the American toiler into direct We favor appropriate legislation for the EK Anderson to W R Keefer; 40 acres ber and continued national prosperity The department of argriculture has is­ competition with millions of unassimi-. permanent improvement of our roads in Talent precinct, excepting ditch, $500.00. J Humphrey to Safionia Haves; lots 13 sued a report on investigations of the during the ensuing four years. lative Asiatics; and we favor th^ re­ We indorse and approve the able, enactment and improvement of' the rABd highways. and 14, twp 27, Gold Hill, $345. 00. big trees of California that brings out w. Wa favor reforms fin the law relating J Drew to J G Hodges, 72. 100 acres a-1 some interesting new conclusions. It fearless and economical manner in Chinese exclusion, act and the adoplieu . to the settlement of estates of deced­ joining Medford, $25.0). which the state government has been of such laws at will exclude all Asiatic ents to lessen the expense of adminis­ Hester Gallowav to H U Lumsden, lots shows that the dimensions of the larger 1,2, 3. 4, blk 12, Medford. $1500.00. trees are unequaled; that their age conducted by our governor, Henry T, labor. tration thereof. E R Caidwell to J 11 Beeman; lot 9. blk makes them oldest living things. They Gage, and commend our senators' and We are opposed to government by in­ 30, Gold Hill. $55.00. representatives in congress for the faith- junction ; we denounce the black list ; We recomend the legislature to favor­ are described by report as “ the grand ­ 8 T Green to A Bush. 100 acres in sec 1, ably consider the introduction of voting est, largest, oldest and most majestically ‘ i ful performance of their trusts. twp 33, 2 e $900.00 and favor arbitration as a means of set­ We recegnize the importance to this tling disputes between corporations and machines, now in successful operation W Bybee to B Haymond; mining property graceful of trees and the scarcest of in Pleasant creek, district, $2000.00. in many states. known trees, with the extreme scien­ coast and to the country of the con­ their employes. The semi-centennial of California’s struction of the Nicaragua canal under tific value of being the best living rep ­ The redwoods peculiar to California admission to the union is a season of H. E. Ankeny and R. E. Cantrall of government ownership and control, and Sterling were in town Friday en route to resentatives of a former geological age.” are disappearing under the ax of the Klamath county on a bueiness trip. The report says the bark of the big pledge our party’s earnest and con- woodman at a rate which will soon .Congratulation and rejoicing among onr people and for the renewal of our al. ■ tinned efforts to secure the early com- Mrs. Waughtle, who has been stopping trees often is two feet thick and almost | mencement and completion of the work. leave none of these greatest of trees legiance to those eternal principles of non-combustible. “ The oldest speci ­ standing. Wo favor such legislation in Ashland, has gone to San Francisco We favor the conservation of all as will preserve within state or national free government under which our splen­ to buy a stock of millinery for her Lake mens felled,” it is said, “are still sound county store. at heart and fungus is an enemy un­ available waters for the reclamation parks a portion of these forests, and we did growth and development have pro­ ceeded and her future prosperity and Miss Grace Hughes arrived Monday known to it. Yet the big trees appar­ I and irrigation of arid lands, and liberal commend the action of our representa­ happiness are guaranteed. ' appropriations by congress for that pur ­ from Neligh, Neb., to visit her folks. ently have not increased their range tives and senators in congress in saving We cordially invite all good citizens, pose, supplemented by the co-operation from destruction the big trees of the She leaves soon for Japan from Van­ since the glacial epoch.” irrespective of past political associations of the states directly interested. Such Calaveras grove. couver, B. C., as a missionary for the United States Senator A. J. Beveridge policy to be initiated by the collabora­ Baptist Church Foreign Missionary So­ The rehabilitation of hydraulic min­ and differences, to unite with us for ciety. » of Indiana, isB'oming west to stump tion of the federal and state govern­ ing in California wherever the same can pure, economical and constitutional the coast in the interests of the Repub­ ments in a thorough investigation of our Mrs. Cruikshank died about 3 o’clock be permitted without injury to other government, upon the principles of a water supply and, the best methods of interests or to the navigation of the republic and not of an empire. yesterday morning in the Western part lican party. of town of heart disease, and was buried France and Russia have renewed their utilizing the same. waters of the 6tate meets our approvaL A woolen mill can be secured for in Hargadine cemetery at 4 o’clock p. m. alliance. W T e indorse the action that has beeu We favor a fair and just administration Marysville, provided a proper effort is She leaves a hugband in the east, and Labor day was celebrated this year in taken to secure as a permanent posses­ of the laws on the subject which' were made by the business men and principal three children and a father in Ashland. Thev came here last winter. I Honolulu for the first time. The day sion to the whole people the great forests enacted under Democratic auspices and owners of property. It has been inti­ The progressive nations of the world are was declared a holiday and arrange­ situated in our mountain ranges, and the prompt building of impounding mated that if the citizens of Marysville the great food consuming nations. Good ments were made for an elaborate cele- earnestly recommend that our senators works on the Yuba river in accordance will purchase the land and improve­ food well digested gives strength. If you bration. and representatives in congress support with the report of the California Debris ments of the old company, to be ft cannot digest all vou cat, you need Kodol by their votes and influence the estab­ commission, known as the project Of bonus for a new corporation, one will Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. David E. Baca and Melquiades Baca lishment of national reservations, in 1899, and of similar works on the Bear, be organized and at least $75,000 sub­ You need not diet yourself. It contains all of the digestants combined with the best engaged in a pistol duel at Belen, N. order that these forests may be saved Amerioan and other streams upon scribed for a new plant. known tonics and reconstructives*. It will M., a few days ago, and both were from destruction and our water supply which mining is carried on. In addi­ The Bradbury estate owns a ranch of even digest ail classes of foods in a bottle mortally wounded. There was a wo­ preserved. tion to existing appropriations, we fa­ 550 acres between Lamanda park and No other preparation will do this. It in­ man in the case. We favor such legislation as will pre­ vor the appropriation by congress and San Gabriel, of which 125 acres are stantly relieves and quickly cures all stom­ ach troubles. E A. S hebwin vent the acquisition of lands chiefly the legislature of this state, in equal planted with oranges. Of these 12 for petroleum, asphaltum and sums, of the amount required to con­ acres are in Washington navels seven Religious Items. TROUBLE IN CHINA. valuable other minerals under the guise of lieu struct such impounding works on the years old; 31 in Valencias five years The pastor of the Baptist Church hav­ land and forest reserve exchange se­ Yuba river. old and 70 in seedlings 25 years old. ing returned from bis vacation, expects W ashington , September 6.—The lat­ lections, and we request our senators We denounce the Republican party These latter yielded an average of 6000 to preach on Sunday morning and est expression as to the attitude of the and representatives in congress to use for its failure to pass the measure pro­ boxes for six years prior to 1896, and evening. The members and Friends powers on the evacuation of Peking j all honorable means to prevent fraud in posed in congress having for its objeot the output, for last season reached 22,. are cordialy invited to be present. comes from the United States embas­ ! that way and secure such legislation as the segregation of mineral lands con­ 700 packed boxes. The usual services may be expected at sador at Paris, General Porter, who has The emergency bags sent by a church so­ the Presbyterian church next Sunday advised the authorities here that the will protect the miners of the state from tained in the various land grants .made oppression and blackmail. to railroad conipaiM-efr-arrif1 '^fledge our ciety- to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines morning and evening. The sermon sub­ -HiiWng the necessities a box of We demand the prevention of the im­ candidates for congress to usa their ut­ contained jects will be: “Times of Refreshing” attitude of the Freuoh government is De Witt’s Witch Hazel Balve, the well favorable to the position taken by Rus ­ most endeavors to procure the enact ­ and “A Model Christian Endeavor.” portation of cheap alien labor, the con­ known cure for piles, injuries and skin dis­ sia. Almost simultaneously with this The ladies took care to obtain the .‘‘NothingTrifling” is the subject of the dispatch from General Porter came an­ tinuance and re-enactment of the pres­ ment of laws providing for the segrega­ eases. original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve know­ ent Chinese exclusion laws, and appro­ tion of such lands. aertoon at the M.E. Church Sundav at that all the counterfeits are worthless. We favor suitable federal appropria­ ing 11 o’clock. Rev. O. T. McPherson will other from the American charge d’af­ priate legislation prohibiting the immi- E. A. S hsbw - in . faires at Berlin, giving the attitude of preach in the evening at 7:30. All other , gration of Japanese and other cont root tion for the improvement of our rivers services as usual. A cordial invitation Germany on Russia’s. proposal. This I laborers. and harbors. • ■ is extended to all. J.T. Abbett, Pastor. in substance states that Germany, while We urge the immediate adoption of a We favor the adoption of the pro- anxious to avoid any friction between I ► Kocky Mountain Scenery by Day- the powers, regards the conditions at I posed constitutional amendment pro- broad national policy for the construc­ ( ,-ÍOO S' tion of storage reservoirs by “ the na ­ , viding for the regulation of primary light. Peking such as to require the continued elections and the enactment of such tional government, tti’Savefoy beneficial Day-light Stop-Over at Niagara Falls. presence of German forces there. Nei­ laws as will make it effective and insure use the waters of the arid regions, th© Through first class tourist sleepers from ther General Porter nor Mr. Jackson same to be free for the use of the people i > Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago.Boeton, gives the text of the answers, but only • fair primaries. i > We favor appropriate legislation for forever. New York and other eastern points, via the substance of the positions taken by We fully recognize the importance of j the permanent improvement of our Rio Grande Western, (Great Salt Like the two governments. the great work that our state university I * Route,) Denver A Rio Grande, C R I A P roads and highways. if not, something must be It is reported that China is preparing and Illinois Central to Chicago, connect­ We fully recognize the importance of is doing toward intellectual and indus­ < > trial development. We appreciate also ing in the Union Depot with Michigan to open peace negotiations. wrong with its food. If the the great work that the state university i » Central’s similar car for points east. that the demands upon that institution General Chaffee has cabled the war is doing toward the intellectual and mother’s milk doesn’t nour­ For full particulars, call on or address department that he has all the troops industrial development of the state. have so affected its income as to se­ agent 8. P. Co., or ish it, she needs SCOTT’S that he needs for the expedition in We recognize also that the demands riously threaten its efficiency. We B. H. T bvmbvll , Com’l Agt., therefore advocate a reasonable Increase EMULSION. It supplies the upon it in both these directions have so 142 Third St., Portland, Or China. of the university revenues through the <► elements of fat required for B erlin , September 8.—Negotiations outgrown its income as to seriously action of the next legislature. Probate Court. Í the baby, if baby ts not continue botween the powers respecting threaten its usefulness. We therefore We also favor all necessary aid an^ Estate of Jacob Wagner. Inventory the propositions of Russia. It appears j pledge our party to an increase of the the required legislation to harmonize and appraisement aproved, showing$856 that the portion of the proposal which revenues of the state university through our school system so as to meet the < > nourished by its artificial food, then it requires worth of personal property and real es­ contemplates the removal of the lega­ the coming legislature sufficient to main­ tate valued at $7000. . . .. wants of the jpeople in elementary aa tions to Tien-tsin does not meet with tain its efficiency. well as in the higher departments. Estate of T VV Barclay. Inventory We congratulate our state and its At the coming election there will be < > approved, showing real estate in Clatsop opposition, but the proposal that the ■ people upon the semi-centennial of its troops should vacate Peking will not be county valued at $1040. submitted to the voters of this state for < ► Estate of Tobias Miller. Fjnal state­ acted upon until after thorough exam­ ■ admission to the union, and rejoice that their approval an amendment to the i > Half a teaspoonfui three ment of W A Carter, administrator, ap­ ination of the case by other powers ’ our government is making California constitution authorizing the legislature, proved. with a special view to the question of I the gateway and center of Oriental to enact laws relative to primary elec­ or four times a day in its Estate of H Blecher. Order made for military advisability. j trade, developing our resources, creating tions. This proposed amendment pro- ' bottle will have the desired sale-of personal property. Germany’s programme is to await ' a market for our products and portend­ vides that tests may be prescribed, and effect It seems to have a the action of the other, powers. Count ing for our state a future still more authorizes the legislature to apply the Exposure to a sudden climatic chance i glorious than its golden past. magical effect upon babies , j, von Buelow, the German foreign min ­ produces cold in the Head and catarrh is ap; law to counties, or cities, or cities and to Ipllow. Provided with Elys Cream i ister, has made a communication to the I Confident in the justice of our cause, counties, according to the population, and children. A fifty-cent < > Balm vou are armed against Nasal Catarrh. Russian embassador, Count Vander ' in the wisdom of our doctrine and in and to make it optional in political sub- PridtSO cents atDruggists. or Elv Brothers, bottle will prove the truth < * j the ability and patriotism of our caudi- iivisions of lesser population. The 56 \farren Street. New York, will mail it. I Osten-Sacken. of our statements. K ’ dates, we submit the foregoing declara ­ TbeAtalm cures without pain,does not irri­ imendment will, if adopted, remove all A high official of the German foreign tate pr cause sneezing. It spreads itself I office said today in defining Germany’s tion of our political faith to the voters ubjectious urged against former primary Ó Should be taken la summer aa ’ ’ overan irritated and angry surface, reliev­ of California for their approval at the laws and will empower the legislature _______ ___ _______________ well aa winter. < > ing lb'mediately the _ painful inflammation, position: “Germany has not answered polls. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. 4 ► cleanses and cures. Cream Balm quiexiy Russia formally, although she has in­ to enact a statute that will be at once cures the cold. constitutional and also adapted to pre­ -► SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. < > formed her confidentially as to the views It Helped Win Battle«. vailing conditions. We therefore de­ Markariau Brothers have begun fig of the German government. Certainly Twenty-nine officers and men wrote clare ourselves in favor of the adoption paakhtg at Fresno, and the working we do not object to the removal of the from the Front to say that for Scratches, THE MILD POWER CURES. forcei begiuinng with *) bauds. vH te legations temporarily to Tien-tsin. So Bruises, Cuts. Wounds, Sore Feet and of this amendment and urge all Demo­ increased to 250. Seropiau Brothers far as the answer of the United States Stiff Joints, Buckten’s Arnica Salve is cratic voters to vote “Yes” upon the employ about 225 men, women and to Russia is concerned we now see it to the best in the world. Same for Burns, same, and we instruct our legislative children, and T. J. Hammond gives em­ be in substantial agreement with Ger­ Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25 cts. a box. nominees, if elected, to urge and sup­ many’s position.” That the diseases of domestic ani­ Cure guaranteed. Sold by E ugene a port the enactment of such primary ployment to 110 persons. mals, H obsbs , Cirru, S hkzp . dogs , S herwin , druggist. law. The five buildings for the uew woolen I The most disasterous fire in the his­ w— H ogs , and PouLrav, are cured by We oppose the competition of prison Humphreys’ Veterinary Speci- mill at Humboldt have bemt (■«inpi ted tory of Eureka city broke out at a late Sheep herders are encroaching upon tabor with free labor. rjiea, is as true as that people ride on railroads, it an expense of something over lj8 Ci) hour, Monday, and at the Eureka foun­ the Sierra Madre fewest reserve and i.- We favor the enactment of legisla- ,*>d messages by telegraph, or sew with sewing and everything is in rea liu/ss for the dry and the Mowry mill are a mass of refuse to leave. Warrants have been j ¡ion providing for an age limitation machines. It is as irrational to bottle, ball and Installation of the machinery, which i smoldering ruins. The total loss is es­ issued fortbvii- arrest. animals in order to cure them, as it is to 1 with reference to the employment of bleed passage in a sloop from New York to Albany. an the way from Boston. It will be set timated at about $60,000. The fire be­ Hugh Stantoii and V. Repetto were youth, and a suitable reduction of the ■" take Used in the best stables and recommended by ap aa soon as it arrives. It is estimated gan in the foundry engine-room, a spark killed in a cave-in while at work on the aours of labor of minors, and we in- the U. S. Army Cavalry Oflieers. that this will occupy from four to six from the boiler fires flying beyond the Boutiieru Pacific gravel pit near Lodi. aist upon adequate sanitary accommo- 0*500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careoi weeks, after which the plant will be put brick-work and lighting on some in­ for those who toil in the work- Au American company has been iations Domestic Animals, and stable chart into operation. ihop. flammable material. mounted on rollers, sent free. formed to manufacture fiber from the The Oregon Midland Railway Oon- 1^ magr.ev p’aut, which grows in Lower While hunting near Stoney Ford, ttruction company has let the contract Colusa county, Joseph Benham, a van ng California. A Wonderful Cure of Diarrhoea. for the construction of the first 66 miles married man, fell and accidently shot Sr.n D,ego has a palm-leaf broom fac ­ of the proposed Oregon Midland rail­ < Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation. tory. * _ himself, with a fatal effect. A Prominent Virginia Editor Had Al­ ccass A. A. I Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. way, from the Southern Pacific com­ most Given Up, but Was Brought B. B.—Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism Rural free delivery will be establish- Twenty five carloads, containing 2000 pany’s line as far as Spencer creek, Back to Perfect Health by Chamber­ C. C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. rhe continuation of the line from Klarn- ad September 15 at Orange, Orange Laics oi last year’s heps, were shipped D. D.-Bots or Grabs, Worms. lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea E. E.—Cnnghs, Heaves, Pneumonia. zth falls will be reserve*! for some county, Oat, route 20^ miles, area 20 last week at Salem, Or., for points in Remedy.—Read His Editorial. F. F.—Cello or Gripes, Bellyache. future contract. It is thought that square miles; Charles C. Field, carrier, the Atlantic Slates. G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. fully 2000 men will be put to work cu serving a population of 1024. Free de­ The fig crop in Fresno will reach From the Times, Hillstille, Va. H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases, livery is ordered at Dos Palos, Merced about 15 J carloads this year, although :he grading and building. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time H. I. I. — Eruptive Diseases, Mange. Bounty; length of route, 20% miles, and thought I was past being cured. 1 qu’.te a lot were damaged by the mi- J. K.—Diseases of Digestion. The Orange county boatd of super­ bad spent much time and money and Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, visors passed au ordinance agaiust all covering an area 43 square miles; popu­ usual hot s; c;l at the beginning of the suffered so much misery that I had al­ Vet. Cure Oil and Medlcator, *7.00 season. dot machines. The ordinance forbids lation 720; one carrier. most decided to give up all hopes of re­ Price, Single Bottle (over SO doeeel, . .60 the use of any kind of slot machine A ten acre orange grove in Riverside covery and wait the result, but noticing Thera is more Catarrh in this section of valley was soil recently to the San the advertisement of Chamberlain’s Colic, There within the confines of Orange county. the country, than all other diseases put to-1 Francisco The semi-annual convention of the getber. and untH the last few vears »as i *7"^"®°- lheo2c«lc^ Seminary for Cholera and D.^r. huia Remedy and also Sold by Dnwaiata; or Sent Prepaid anywhere Southern California Horticultural com- ; supposed to be incurable. For a great J •la>uw- Dast year this tract produced some testimonials stating bow some wondeifnl cures had been wrought by this and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. aussions was held at Sau Diego Septem­ man* } ears doctors pronounced it a local i 5000 boxes of navels. remedy, I decided to try it. After taking and prescribed local remedies, and; 1 snn snnf« HUMPHREYS’ MEDIOIME CO., ber 7. and 8. Delegates front all of disease, by constantly falline to cure with 1-^1 a few doses I was entirely well of that Corner William and John St«., New York. the counties between Santa Barbara trouble, and I wish to say further to my enee dc^ibyX’rd*^P.hXmacV’G utd San Diego were present. readers and follow-sufferers that I am a ZVierSBSYS’ hale and bear,y man to-day and feel as John Rosey, a 16-yeor-old boy, acci- HOMEOPATHIC fjf) well as I ever did in my life.—O. R. lantally shot himself about two miles Obio’i«rLTon4 Joka Sts., Mew Xwfc Oregon. Will practice in State and Federal courts QLIVER S. BROWN The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex­ periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Beach Block. CASTORIA Oregon. Mining Law a Specialty. HINMAN, D. D. 8. Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless aud Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE — - Ashland, What is CASTORIA Dentist, In the Masonic Building, up «tain, over Bwt Office. D r . S. T. SONGER Physician and Surgeon. ALWAYS Novelty Block, Opp. Hotel Oregon Bears the Signature of ASHLAND D — OREGON — — M. BROWER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, — A8HLAND The Kind You Have Always Bought — — 'OREGON «wie« : At Residence, intersection of Mechanic, Laurel and Main Strecte. In Use For Over 30 Years. 5-------- r r~ J » - -T - r_ 1- . - --I I A. McCALL Civil Engineer and Mineral Surveyor. ENCINES - BOILERS RUSSELL High Grade Machinery ¡STAGE <■ LINE SAW MILLS NOTARY PUBLIC. Surveys for Patents and Mining Loca­ tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. Office at residence. South Main Street Ashland & Klamath Falls THRESHERS STACKERS RUSSELL & PORTLAND, CO. OREGON. - Write for Catalogue and Prices. For BOY8 and YOUNG MEN. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Healtbfu and attractive location(14 miles from Salem; 40 miles from Portland.) COMPLETE and THROUGH preparatory, literary, scientific, classical, normal, commercial course. SPECIAL COURSES in mathematics, surveying, drawing, civil service, French.Ger- man, Spanish, Italian, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, music. A seperate class is provided for students who on account of farm labor wish to enter late in fall and leave early in spring. Academic Degrees and Teachers’ State Certificates and State Diplomas Conferred. Send for catalogue. Address THE PRESIDENT MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE, M ount A ngel , O bbgon . James McHaney, a counterfeiter, was sentenced to pay a fine of |1 and to serve three years in San Quentin. Mc­ Haney was arrested in San Bernardino >n three counts of issuing spurious |5 ?old pieces of which he was supposed .0 be the coiner, though uo dies or tools rere ever found. McHaney a few years igo was a prosperous mine owner. ’ The Puget sound salmon pack will fall 600,000 cases short of last year. The catch was only 25 per cent of 1899, out cold storage men have taken a larger >hare than usual. Canners estimate ;he season’s pack at 225,000 cases,against 100,000 last year. Mrs. Young 84 years old fell from a ankhouse in San Jose, and died in a .’ew hours. Rural free deliver service is to be es- ablished September 15 from Anaheim, Jrange oounty; length of route 25, niles, covering an area erf 69 square .niles; number of houses, 663; served >y three carriers, Frank L. Eastman, Joseph L. Eastman and Claranoe M. Lincoln. The transport Rosecraus sailed from ■Jan Francisco last week carrying troopi or the Philippines. “ Meet Us on The Midway.” The Event of the Time«. Great Street Fair and Carnival will return your money. WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATAL06UE er irauM, including the .«w (10.00 Ua Tran An Tr tketearw ala«t aay cue, i.i whlcli we Mil t»r 4 .... 6:00 p. Ft. Worth. 6:30 a. Cty Mexico. 9:55 a. Houston ... 4:00 a. N’w Orleans 5:25 p. Washington 6:42 a New York..12:43 p. m. and 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. and 6:30 a. m. and 9:55 a. m. and 4:00 m. and 6:25 P* m. and 6:42 m. and 12:43 P* m in m m in and and and and Pullman and Tourist on both trains. h . m m Cars Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans. Washington. Connecting at Ban Francisco with several sbeamship lines for HONOLULU, JAPAN, 'CHINA. PH1LLIP1NES, CENTRAL and SO STH AMERICA RINK InclMed and covered, the same medics water, always clean, for the spring« ran ■ heavy volume- more than twelv huu dred gallons per hour. Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE NORTH OF THE PLAZA. T xbmb C ash at bxa « oxablb batxs . SOUTH AND EAST g Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates Bee Mr. D L. Ricx, Agent at Aahtaad station, or address fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ H. MARKHAM, G P A., izing and correcting all acidi­ Portland, O n . ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. .STEAM Orders by mail or express receive prompt attention. KLAMATB VALU. 5:00 a m I Leaves...... 8:00 p m 9:30p m | Arrives....6:00 p m Klamath Falla Office: H H VAN VALKBNBURG. Ashland WATER STREET NEAR MAIN Goes by Barron, Shake, Soda Springs, Parkers and Keno; also beet connection« with stage line« from Klam­ ath Falls to Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian. Agency. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Ashland Office: POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, You may dive and swim and have more Jacksonville, Oregon. fun than “anybody"—coiue out aa “fine «««ilk” and “white aa wool”—Njuven ated and happy. Nice neat cottage«, partly furniahed, or rent. For information addre«« the proprietor. Laundry KLAMATH FALLS. Paaaengera, Baggage, Expreaa A Freight Must bo Waybilled. Portland Ore. Sept. 4 to 15,1900 BATHING • •• ASHLAND. Occupying many solid blocks, taking in an entire street from curb to curb. ASHLAND Best and Quickest Route to Leaves. Arrives Under the auspice« of the Port­ land Elks. SURPASSING in MAGNITUDE and GRAND­ EUR ANYTHING OF THE KIND EVER ATTEMPTED TRUSSES. 65Ç, »1.28 AMP UP ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Something to remember up to the date of your heart failure. The Streets of Cairo The Onental Theatre The German Village th. prtoo cburged by other., ud or-oa. Tbe Dancing Girls afeSHa.'i&L « An Arabian Pageant Ty* KI m U. Tnm, lllunreted ebon, cut thl. Crowning the Queen ad. uui> acu ont «huu and Beuu .end to vuuawimuift U. with OCA SPMUL FRICK rUQ UBM, ------- TV vr-t a 11 n . .. j a a frfarnwAn, U»(_Ua W—i—A—— a___ a a ¡SiSalíy1, how long ____ you •____ havebeS Rex, King of tbe Carnival, Attended by ruptured, whether rupture is Largo orsmall; alto state Hi« Magnificent Court. number inches around the body on a Mpe with the rupture, say whether rupture is on right or left side, and we will .end either trues to you with the under- **?11 •« «ad ^-*1 to tnueM the! ...*** three tlmee ear >rlee,youcureturnitaad we Thoroughly Restocked and Entirely New Management. ROBERT M. GARRETT Superintendent. NOT ANGEL COLLEGE. HUMPHREYS’ VETERINARY Professional Cards » GBANT HEEMAfi _ Proprietor Quick delivery—Th« Weekly Ors