PERSONAL AND SOCIAL, Ascended Mr. Pitt. The Big Excursion to Portland. I 8b. deter— Colton. FALL STOCK ARRIVING ! J>. . C. W. Barr co the Elk’« . ; A. Frank Shideler of Los Angeles,Cal., — ... — ., ’a excursion ~ Misses Minnie Rockfellow and May 1 —:—1 -*■ — ■-»—- * and Mies Charlotte E Colton, daughter __ Mies Lizzie High returned from a visit Dennis and J. Percy Wells, Lloyd. Bry­ r carnival at "-*■►- Portland left .Ashland about b T'C o Iton”'were at Medford. , ant, Waldo Klum and Eldon Dennis as­ 3 o’clock Wednesday morning. It was . of Mayor and MrT Mrs. W.' W. B. Colton, were (------ of the lareest ever taken out ‘ of * Ash- ‘ ‘ ’ married - - at the - ................. home of the bride’s ML Pitt on August 27th. They one Miss Cressie Norton is teaching school cended 1 land and carried 250 people when it I in district 19. 1 camped at the foot of the mountain Sun­ ranched R aeburg. The following went parents, at 8 o’clock p. m. Sept 5, 1900. Rev. F. G. Strange officiating. There day night and taking a 4 o’clock a. m. Aire. J. W. Hunt returns to Oakland , start Monday rode their horses to the from Rogue river valley: were present besides those already named Cal., tomarrow. Mi s se c Jessie Rose. Charlotte B. Pracht, Dr. and Mrs. £. B. Pickel, Mrs. H. L. timber line. At 9 o’clock they were Jennie Churchman, Addie A. Wheeler, District Attorney A. E,_ Reames went half way up the hill and lunched. Upon Helen Churchman, Carrie Fine, Cissy Whited and daughter Esther, Fred W. Carter, Misses Mary and Esther Silsby, arriving at the narrow top of the 11.000 to Portland Monday. Louise Grotbjean, Kittie Million, Clara and Daisy Mingus, Genevieve Tif­ foot mountain they registered their Smith, Louise Ganiere, Edna L Willits, Isa Dun ­ Leslie Rose come over from Klama- ] names in the Mazama book and took a can, Fannie Standard. Mr and Mrs.—H. fany, Charm Emmett and Lora Colton. Call and see our big IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine thon Tuesday on a visit. The happy young couple left this morn­ receipt from the copper box. The wind L Sayles, Benton Bowers. B Beswiek, J. Line of SHOES. Line of Fresh Clean Goods K. Van Sant, Chas. Ingersoll. Mesdames— ing for their future home at Los Angeles, The Patterson-Barron-Shook party re­ blew a severe gale and it was cold and A t H. Pracht, Berne Turner, Dona Groth- Cal., where the groom is engaged in the OUR Fall Stock has been carefully selected, cloudy. The sunnyside of the tall and turned from Crater lake this * eek. slender mountain was entirely free from, iean, Hattie West, 8. A. Kogers, E F. drug business. friSIXOBB BLOCK Miss Kittie Maxwell returned to Edge- , snow. The party ascended the moan- Loomis, W. H. Gilbert. Messrs.—E. A. The bride is well known to all the Is larger and more varied than ever before. Sherwin, Lewis Wyaiit. Harry Pearson, NEAR DEPOT wood yesterday. | tain to please the curiosity of Miss Min­ people of Ashland, a loving sister, a duti­ Geo. 8utton. Edw. Oldendorft, G. C. ful daughter, a sincere friend and a true nie Rockfellow who was burning up with Morine. H. G. Morine. J. J. Cambers, Syl­ Mies Elsie Patterson has returned from 1 a consuming desire to get nearer to vain Provost, Henry Werth, A. W. Jacobs, Christian woman, she has filled well her stay at Coleetin. heaven before the allotted time. J. L. Fitzwater. H. C, Messenger, W. E every relation in life that has fallen her, Mrs. E. V. Carter went to Portland and has the good wishes of every man, Conner. Mining Superintendent Killed. Tuesday tp visit friends. From Talent—Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Robi­ woman and child of her acquaintance. M. D. Wilson. The groom waa raised in Jackson coun­ E. W. Dana, mangager of tbe Copper son, IlST ALL BRANCHES. Ex-Conductor Hiram Drake is work­ From Gold Hill—Ivan Humason, J. 8. ty and graduated from tha Ashland High Stain mine, on Mount Ruehen, 16 milee Humphrey, ing in a hop yard near Grants Paes. D. R, Cheney, D. Horn, Will sehool with his fair bride. There are of Glendale, waa instantly killed Blackert. A. P. Hill, the Dunsmuir barber, came south ' Sunday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, under Medford—D. Brooks and wife, C. W. few young men who have put their time over Friday to go on a hunting trip. distressing circumstances. The bame Palm and wife, J. A. Whitman and wife. and talents to better purpose in all that on the horse, at tbe hoisting sweep, Miles Cantrail and wife, T. J Kinney, Geo. goes to develop the admirable traits of Mrs. Baldwin returned Friday from a strap i Visit with Mrs. J. E. Barrett at Yreka. I broke, when the loaded bucket was near Neuber, W. W. Bates, Mrs. H. A. Me- character and usefulness that go toward dynski, D. T. Lawton. Miss Lillie Tressler, making a man strong and noble and Butler Walker and family came in the top of tbe 250-foot shaft. The drum Mrs L. L. Reams, Miss Nettie Lewis, C. worthy of the high esteem of his fellow­ was stopped with the safety lever and the from Bly, Klamath county, last week. horse removed. In attempting to lower Cunningham and wife, Mrs. Rissan, Leon men than Frank Shidler. That their’s Haskins. Miss Mae Ross, H. Bamfield, F. Misses Laura May and Clara Gloor re- i the bucket with the friction brake, it got M. Wade, 8. 8. Jolly, Miss Hainey, Mrs. J. will be a happy home there is no doubt and and immense line of DAVIS, sumed their studies at St. Mary’s Acad­ beyond control, pulling the sweep around W. Merritt, Mrs. I. F. Williams, A. M. and their friends pray that the many emy Monday. with frightful rapidity. At tbe third rev­ Sanders, Wm. Bybee, R. E. O’Brien, L. L. days before them may be serene, beauti- olution, the harness traces were lifted Love, Miss Amy Wilson. Miss Susie Cook, fal and prosperous. Spring Street, Ashland, Ore Hal. Emery and Clyde Payne started 1 horizontally, and Mr. Dana was struck by Mrs. J Downing, Pearl Downing. Mrs. J. for Pelican bay this morning on their one of tbe hames, tbe point entering bis O. McLellan. Mrs. McLellan. C. M. Fries, Soldiers Re-Un ton Opens Monday. Eugene Orr, Gus Sher, Mrs. M. F. Parker, wheels. The soldiers and sailors reunion which chest six inches, piercing the heart and Miss Stewart, Mrs. E. M. Lumsden, Miss opens next Monday in Ashland for a Ex-Sheriff Frank Lane and wife of < causing instant death. Deceased was Lyon. are already upon our shelves Lakeview were on Sunday’s train for well connected in tbe East, bis wife being Grants Pass-Mr. and Mrs.-W. O. Mat- weeks camping and social life, promises Portland. I tbe daughter of R. D. Lawrence, of chett, C. J. Kurth, T. W. Williams, A. J. to be one of the best attended occasions Ill. His body was taken | q McKinney, W. I Sweetland, J. O Booth. in the history of these events, The pro­ Mias Abbie Green of Redding, former- Springfield, 1 Grants Pass aad than shipped to Spring­ Mesdames— W. W. Woolfolk, L. McGrew. grams aré to be arranged by |the various ly Mrs. James Donahue, visited Ashland Meade, Geo. E. Good. Geo, Almy, C. different posts of the valley located in field. this week. ’ WE INVITE INSPECTION. B- Coffman, L. A. Kmney. H. E. • Gardner, Ashland, Medford, Central Point, Gold M. J. Davis, E. E. Davis, Geo. E. How­ Hill and Grants Pass. < ! 1 ' Oil Boring Near Ashland. Mrs. Loomis and daughter, Miss Em­ Public School Books,* land. Mises?— Myrtle Ireland, Vida Moore. « No doubt the business houses will all ma Loomis, left Friday to attend the A representative of tbe Waupaconeta Mabel Kinney, Bertha Barrie, Lucile Mc- decorate their respective pieces with the carnival in Portland. < Oil Co., of Waupaconeta, Ohio, was in Croskey, Emma Hyde, Edna Parker, Ida School and Office Supplies. Raut. Ella Verdin. Fannie Chatham, national colors and present the com­ Mrs. J. E. Pelton and daughter Mabel Ashland for several days during tbe past La munity in its best light. As Ashland May Williams, Elia Williams, 8tella Wil­ went to Jacksonville yesterday to visit ’ week and devoted some time to prospect­ liams. Messrs—F. E. Knight, Ralph I 1 did not celebrate the 4th of July, this is T. J. Kenney’s family. > ing favorable formations for oil boring, Stackpole, W. I. Dowell, W. L. Ireland, l the time to show to show your patriotism. with promising results. Before leaving Dr. J. 8. Moore. Geo. H. Slover, H. Grelle, Miss Myrtle Hurst was called to Climax he , gave out tbs information that bis com­ B. F. Taber, Arthur Alfred, Tom Booth, TALENT. Lakeview complains of a scarcity of Tuesday to see her sister, Mrs. Nim. , pany would begin operations in tbe sand 8am Bennett, E. A. Wade, Geo. H. Parker, water. The old water system hae almost Schools open on Sept. 24th. Miss A. A. Charley, who waa dying. , strata about one and one-half miles this O. R. Swearingen, O. A Mesler, R. Thom­ completely failed, many of the wells are Beebe is principal and Miss Gowland as­ tew good Second Hand Books. of Wagner’s Springs. Tbe machi­ as, G. B. Hockett, Jas. Daily, R. F. Miller, dry, and not a few are fast failing. J. W. Conant, the Shasta county min- side ' sistant. The school will be crowded, crowded. W. T. Cope, H. Ray, Geo. Hansen, A. nery for boring, according to bis state ­ ing man, arrived Tuesday from his mines ' • ASHLAND. Or., Thursday, Sept. 6, 1900 Hines, J. P. Harrison. N. K McGrew. W. exporting of the books of Washing­ Hoge are very scarce with many in* to pay a visit to his friends. < ment, will be bare within a week or two. F. Horn, Geo 8. Ca'houn, J. W, Griffith, ton An county developed that nearly all the quiries from buyers. Prices $4.65 to J. L. THORNTON. WM. 8TORM H C. Bobzien, W. W. Wilson, Amos Wil county officers for the past six years A. F. HUNT. Miss Stella Smith returns tonight from $5.00 Origin ot the Shasta Indians. HAMS VALLEY. liams, J. A. Blew, A. P. Eastbrook, A. W. were short in their accounts. The Portland where she bas been studying The corn crop is good. J. E. Foss has the Tbe Oregon Native Son Magazine ot Wilson. J R Perry and wiie of Gold Hill were latest in millinery styles. Merlin—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ott, Mrs amouuts were made good, being the hia crop gathered. gathered, It is an extra good Portland gives the following legend : visiting here Sunday. E, J. Hefling Mrs. W. M. Hefling. Miles results of mistakes. E. M. Miller brougbt in E. J. Farlow crop. The Shastas ascribe their origin to the Carter, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are prompt, The family of G. K. Walker and Fred M. Drake Tuesday from their | falling of one of the daughters of the West Chas. Hussey, Oscar Guild, Charles The third crop of alfalfa is being cut. duck shooting trip to Buck lake. palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying lit­ moved to Grants Pass. i Great Spirit from the top of Mt. Shasta Kerby—Mr. and Mrs.—H. 8. Woodcock, tle pills. E. A. S hsbwin . As the worms got to it there ie only a* John Dugan and wife will start to the bout half a crop. Wilmer Poley and bride, after visiting to its base, where she fell among a fam­ J. D. Hayes, J. B. Auten. Hugh Nesbit, Mesdames —Geo. E. Floyd, W. A. Wing. ily of grizzly bears. Until she was huckleberry patch tomorrow. Christian F. St a ack, a stone worker, Mart Pellett finished spraying apples his folks in Ashland, left Sunday fortheir grown she was brought up in ignorance Misses—Lucy George, Jessie Mastin, Etta J. L. Rowe started to Ft. Klamath last for the last time Saturday. His apple future home at Ft. Jones, Cal. of her parentage, and on arriving at ma­ Mawbinney, Rosa Nesbit. Messrs.—T. H. committed suicide at San Francisco re- Thursday with a load of fruit and veget­ crop is very firm and free from worms. Miss Dale Coshow has returned to turity, married one of the sone of the White, J. C. Eades, Bert Nesbit, Marshall ?eutly by use of a toy canuon. He ar­ ables. He will have several thousand boxes Roseburg from a visit with her cousin, mother grizzly who had reared her from Nesbit. Selma—R. C. Churchill, Jessie Churchill. ranged the affair so tliat it would send Miss Nellie Franzen in Ashland. infancy. After her marriage she gave Jo* Vanhardenburg and mother, of mostly Newtowns and Winesaps. Murphy—Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Swindon. >i slug through his heart, then lit it, the Leland—G. W. Blalock, H. W. Garbers. •Fargo going just where he desired. Central Point, were visiting with A. L. Misses Louise Whitney and Leora birth to children who were the progeni­ Wm. Lamb killed a five point buck in Gall and family Sunday. the Rapp orchard Wednesday morning Hughes visited Coleetin Sunday after­ tors of the Indians. This is why the In­ .. Placer—Mr. and Mrs. A. Scharingson. He had been ill. Glendale—Mrs. Carrie Johns, D. N. Fish. dians living around Mt. Shasta will nev­ I Mr. Carpenter and family of South Da­ that weighed 150 lbs. He shot one horn noon In the United States court at Ta- er kill a grizzly bear, and whenever one off and when he went to cut the deer ’ s kota now occupy the premises previ­ Jacob Isler and wife came in from of their number is killed by such kings ?onia, Judge Hanson recently made an Frank Howell Dies. throat the prostrate animal flopped a- Jenny creek last week, Mr*. Isler re­ t ously occupied by the Walker family. round with a last struggle in such a way maining to try this climate for Asthma. of the forest, they are burned where they Frank E. Howell, the Spanish-Ameri­ order iVrocting the sale of the Tacoma fall, and all passers by throw upon the can war volunteer soldier, who came •.nd Colambia River railway to be made Dennie Dugan, jr., returned from as to cause the knife to cut Mr. Lamb’s Klamath county Friday where he has hand, nearly placing him second best in Harvey Roche, wife and two children place a stone until a great pile is erected home from the Philippine Islands to die . ft r advertising 30 days. Claims ag­ been canvassing with a stock feed bin, the racket. have been visiting Ashland relatives to mark the spot. in the arms of his venerable and es­ gregate about $320,000. Twelve miles for which he purchased the county right this week and leave soon for their home teemed mother and be laid away by his g ! l uad being Operated. There were 3000 people at Montague some time since. at Tucson, Arizona. KLAMATH FALLS. Io see the game of baseball between Lit­ family and friends at his old home, The 26th annual fair of the Eight J. W. Wiley of Medford was in the Hiram Farlow, who is afflicted with tle Shasta and Edge wood nines. The passed away at the residence of his District Agricultural association of El Fred Carrick is exhibiting a wonder­ Valley Wednesday buying hogs. He ful freak of nature in the shape of a young dropsy, was tapped yesterday and sev­ stakes originally advertised at $1500 mother, corner of Factory and Helman Dorado county opened at Pl^oerville, purchased about 75 head of Jet. Pankey water snake with two distinct heads, eral gallons of water taken from him. dwindled to $650 each. There was great Streets, on Friday. . The funeral took place from the late >Vi dncsrlay last with the largest at- and Mart Perry which they will deliver which are used, each separately. The Willard L. Cole, resident engineer of enthusiasm and it is estimated that residence Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m., !.•! that bus marked the be gin- at Medford Wednesday. $4000 changed hands in the betting, one neck forks about one ana one half inches the Iron Mountaiu Co. came up from Canned Fruits Extra tinder the auspices of the A. O. U. W., i :::g of any previous fair. There were All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Yreka man losing over $1000. Chas. A. J. C. Boyd of Klamath county, who from point of nose and branches into Keswick Tuesday to recuperate from a Geo. W. Trefren officiating as Master i v«y i.irre number of exhibits and the Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Harris of Redding, gave satisfaction as has been stopping at Talent for his health two heads. Each pair of eyes will blink siege with fever. umpire, receiving $20 and his expenses Workman and J. P. Gilmore as chap­ iruit display outclassed any that had was in the valley Friday looking for a and each head will run out its tongue as lain. interment in Ashland cemetery. Mrs. J. W. Vawter who has been visit­ for hie services. . cn : ado in the past, due to the fact location for the winter. Not finding what if single, or belonging to a distinct Dody. The following is the batting order of Burnside Poet, G. A. R. and Gen. Lloyd h t lhe season lias offered exceptional he desired he decided to return to Cen­ The varmit was captured on Link river ing her brother, Chas. O. Ramsey, of Wheaton Poet, Spanish-American Vol­ Medford returned home to Santa Anna,- the players and their score: last Sunday. dv.o.t ires Io growers in generaL tral Point. Cal., Tuesday. L ittle S hasta O R E pg « wood O R unteers marching to the grave where The public and high school opened a firing squad of the deceased soldier’s Th.' h ri.*.’<■; of California held their J. O. Gittner, the clever photographer 3 3 4 Foster. s».... 1 Jacobs, c ........ and Mrs. C. W. Martin, Conduct­ Soule, R—2b ... 1 3 Rosenheim,If of Washington, is here putting the rosy Monday with a large number of pupils. ors Mr. __ ___ 5 2 comrades fired the last shot in honor of mii al meeting at San Francisco dur- Ben Barker and James Frater and EGGS FOR HATCHING cheeks of our young people on paste Several families from the country hav­ Engineer E. J. Peyton have gone to McGrath, G—p 5 2 Hastings, rt. .3 2 their dead companion. Rev. J. T. Ab­ r.g last week. . board. He has been kept very Duay ing moved into town for the winter for Portland to witness the carnival exer­ McGrath, H—3b 3 3'"Coggíns,3b..2 8 bott conducted the funeral services at ’ ----- FROM----- Mrs. L -u'sa Sonntag eloped from Demick. cf......... .1 3 Stuckey,2b. ..5 0 the house. since coming here and is showing some the purpose of school facilities. Williamson, . c 0 2 4 ------ .3 cises. Soule, J If ......... Jbic go recently with a married man The deceased was a native son of Ore ­ splendid work in his line. He will re­ Duck season opened up on the early Haight, I—rf.. .4 3 Bice, p... ...7 1 main here a short time after which he morning of 8ept. 1st and the bombard­ Conductor and Mrs. Walter Bevington Manin, H—lb . 4 3 Young, qf ..3 1 gon and was raised in and lived here un .nd wu:t. to Safi Francisco to live. have returned from their vacation trip, will be found at Eagle Point. Martin. W—sg.. .3 3 Olds, lb... ...1 2 til about ten years ago, since which time .Vh'do their her husband hunted her up ment on the lake south of town awak­ BREEDER OF HIGH-CLAF8 POULTRY. Mrs. B. having visited at Red Bluff, Duns ­ Haight, G........... .0 0 Lener....... ...0 0 he has been living in The Dalles and oii<: *■ ¡: their children. This so wor- ened many towns-people who are accus ­ A quiet wedding took place here today Portland the most of the time. He was muir and other points south. I ?• woman that she attempted sui- tomed to be abed till after sunup. , Aw.- Have mated three grand pens ofBarred P. Rock* Sept, the 2nd, at the residence of the .27 16 a member of the A; O. U. W. lodge at .• by shooting. 27 28 Sha will recover. Mr and Mrs. F. W. Moore, Miss bride’s parents. • Mr. George Robertson aggs, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. S. C. B. Leghorn* Mies E. E. Huse has sold her millin­ The Dalles and of the Knight ’ s of Pyth ­ For Rent. and Miss Blanche Rowe were united in ery and confectionery store to the Mes­ Moore and Miss Nora Batchelor returned and Black Minorcas, $1.00, pr 13. Black Langahan, An association was formed at San ias lodge at Lone Rock. Frank joined marriage, Rev. Haberly officiating.. The dames Chastain & Maylone, who we un­ Tuesday from the Crater lake and Peli­ 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one Five room cottage nearly furnished, Co. L, Second Oregon Volunteers and Pi-uH.-i- o lust week of pioneer women point at Oregon State 8bow of being a*; good a* bride and groom are both of this place derstand will continue the same and add can bay trip via Rogue river route. close in. Cheap to right party. No went to the Philippines. When the regi­ of Califortlia. and well respected by all who know dressmaking parlors. the best. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hildreth, sr., Mr. children; references required. Apply to ment started for homo he was among Address, 2E j - -A. LECZRiTTSZE, Roseburg, Oregon. J?/nt Japanese having recently been them. We extend to them our congratu­ G. F. Billings or of Mrs. Kate Howell the few who decided to remain and was and Mrs. Buel Hildreth, E. A. Hildreth, H. H. Van Valkenburg ie making ex ­ . mi-loycd by the Southern Pacific com ­ lations. engaged in business successfully at Tar- tensive improvements on his jewelry jr., Will Mitchell, Ed. Goff and Tom at residence. lac when taken down with typhoid pany to t ike the places of white men Forrest Houston, step-son of George 6tore. Now having a full plate glass Meyer returned Tuesday via Rogue river Fire Alarm*. pneumonia which, with other ailiments on the Edgewood section, considerable Stacy, is dangerously ill with typhoid front, which is second to none in south­ from the Crater lake tour. They killed five deer at Aspen lake. fever. Although somewhat improved at ern Oregon. Two fire alarms were sounded in Ash­ following, compelled him to come home feeling was aroused. Recently about to die. present hia recovery is not probable. 50 m a congregated and demanded that Mrs. F. Roper, who has been spending land Tuesday evening. Early in the A. L Beebe of New York, brother of Later—Forrest Houston died this evening Attorney Geo. W. Trefern’s home He leaves to mourn the loss of a good the Japanese leave. Seeiug that resist­ the summer here, and Mrs. F. P. Roper nforniDg, Sept. 3rd. The interment will General Beebe of O. N. G., is sojourning of Talent leave tomorrow for San Fran­ on Main street was engaged in burning son and brother, a mother and two ance would be useless they obeyed and at Pelican bay. take place at Antioch tomorrow. cisco after which they go to Bakersfield, out a flue. About 10 o’clock the home of brothers, M. H. Howell of Ashland. no violence was shown. The men help­ H. BOIVIN, Manager. G. W. Smith ie moving* the “Gold Cal. F. P. Roper follows them soon Supt. G. E. Ingersoll of the Ashland E. W. Howell of Wheeler county, and ed pack their effects and made them SAMPSON. Front” etore to Lorella, which will be and will locate some wherein California. mine got at work in the same enterprise. and one sister, Mrs Margaret E. Herrin leave on the north-bound train. of Portland. Nodamage. A. Rush was here from the mountains managed by Jno. Bradley, formerly hia COR. MAIN AND CHURCH 8TREET Ganlard Building, H. W. Mitchell of Gazelle was here Wednesday. clerk at Altamont. Hoitt’* School, Bryan Club Meeting. Religious Items. this week and purchased tbe Butler and Ashland, Oregon, ASHLAND, - - OREGON. Zenas Howard was here from the moun­ The following is tbe assessment valu­ Barron cattle, about 200 head of beeves, The usual services will be held at the Menlo Park, San Mateo county, Cal. Tbe Ashland Bryan Club will meet at tains Friday. ation of Klamath county property for paying 3^£ cents for prime and 2^ cents city Has new buildings, newly furnished lab ­ hall next Saturday evening^at 7:30. Presbyterian church next Sunday morn­ J. M. Tyler has been hauling hay last 1900: for cows. This is \ cent below last Shop is now open. ing and evening The evening services oratories and gymnasium. Beautiful sur­ Call and see bis new stock of Fine week and also this. Acres tillable lands. 67.293 ....... $ 266 808 year. Mrs. C. H. Hargadine gave an “At will be as follows: C. E. meeting at roundings, careful supervision, home in­ Watches, Nothing but First - Class Clocks, Jewelry, etc. fluences, is thoroughly equipped and of­ J. D. Williams commenced hauling lum­ Acres non-tillable lands, 426.695 . 636 818 Mrs. Will Rice arrived from Portland Home” from 2 to 5 o’clock yesterday af­ 6:30 and the evening sermon on “Daniel, fers superior advantages for the care and Miles logging railroad bed, 6.... . 3 600 ber on the road W ednesday. Work turned out. ternoon at her residence on Second Ave­ A Model Temperance Man” at 7:30 p. Horses and mules, 4611 ............ . 70 574 Tuesday and accompanied by her daugh­ traning of boys and young men. Ac­ Watches and Clocks Repaired. Jas. Wells returned Wednesday from Cattle, 14,048................................. . 232 363 ters, Misses Leda and Agnes Rice, left nue. A very pleasant time was enjoyed m. credited at the universities. Tenth year Jennv creek where he and bis family were Sheep. 5281 9 302 for Upton to visit T. D. Gilmore and by the following ladies: Rev. Mr. Slover' will preach at the begins August 6, 1900. Send for cat­ Mesdames—Otto Winter, J. L. Fenton, camped the past week. Goats, PICTURE81 family. C. H. Vanpel, Charles Brady, M. L. Alford, Baptist church Sunday morning. There alogue. 1 617 Ringling Bros.' agent was here Monday Swiue, 582 C. F. Shepard, E. V. Carter, E. V. Mills, will be no service in the evening. Young PICTURE FRAMES 1 IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., Principal. Prof. F. W. Talcott wrote the school C>siing bibs advertising the big show that Improvements on deeded or pat­ ented lands .............. ............... 153 700 board from Chico, Cal., last week that T. H Simpson, F. M. Drake. Geo. Ogg, E. People’s meeting and Sunday school at to beat Medlord the 10th. Town and city lots........................ 28 960 on account of ill health he would be un­ B. Myer, Geo. Hargadine, C. H. Veghte, the usual hour. • ••• Born, Sept. 2,1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Imp. on town and city lots.......... 61 425 able to accept the principalship of the Ray Minkler. W. A. Patrick. Elmer Patrtok MOLDINGS Bilderback, a son, on Emigrant creek. Children’s service at the M. E. church Imp. on lands not deeded or pat­ Henry D. Kubli, the Galls creek min- CABINET WORK OPPOSITE PLAZA. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hopkins, a ented........................ 14 780 north public school. Prof. E. E. Wash­ ng man and irrepressible chairman of □ext Sunday at 11. The pastor will give Miles telegraph lines... UPHOL8TERING 250 burn was appointed to the place. daughter. the republican county central commit­ an illustrated sermon on “The Black street 1 ail way bed GENERAL REPAIRING W. M. Harvey came in from Lakeview tee, is in town. Valley Railroad.” The sermon in the Tom Howard, who a few months pre­ Miles ..... 1 000 Friday with his daughter Miss Josie, and OF FURNITURE vious went to Alberta, Canada, with his Rolling stock ........... evening will be preceded by a thirty J. W. COX, Proprietor. Conveyenolng Frank Clute who is operating a thresh­ minute song and praise service. Please brother Geo., helping drive a band of horses Steamboats, sail boats, stationery Mieses Pearl Wilshire and Maud Fine, engines, and manufacturing Ewtate exirxcl the latter bought while here, returned ing machine in tbe vicinity of Ashland who have entered St. Mary ’ s College, note the change of time of evening ser- machinery................................. 13 015 Insurance. reports that the crops are averaging 15 Tuesday. ________ _____— Jacksonville. 1 vice from 8 o ’ clock to 7 :30. A cordial and stock in trade Merchandise AT THE A First-Class bushels to the acre. This is low but not and store fixtures.................. 49 865 to all. A complete list of Real Estate for sale. To prevent consumption, quickly cure ASHLAND ..Meal For L. W. Van Horne, the Midland railway near so bad as in the Willamette valley ' invitation is extended Farming implements, wagons, car ­ Rooms to rent, and Insurance in any line. J. T. Abbett, pastor. throat and lung troubles with One Minute UNDERTAKING PARLORS. general manager, returned Sunday from 44 624 where they average from five to nine riages, etc ............................... Cough Cure. E A. S hcbwi «. Anything you want cooked 9 250 a business trip to Portland and a visit bushels. Reaches for Sate, Money .............................................. PROPERTY OWNERS! to order with promptness Washington, Sept. 3.—The Depart­ Notesand accounts........................ 42 055 with hie family who are at Yaquina bay Do yon own the land you live on? Choice peaches for sale, in quantities See the late Eastern ideas in clothing, and dispatch. All Hours. ment of Agriculture has issued a report Shares of stock .............................. 300 for the Bummer. See if' your Title is good. Have an E. A. Hildreth. Jr. J. P. Style shoes and carpets now being shown at to suit, one-half mile southeast of the on investigation of the big trees of Cali- Household furniture, watches, ABSTRACT made. Frank Dodge. Ladies are invited to inspect the new Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. normal. Inquire of or address, 58 522 jewelry.etc................................. forina, that brings out some interesting All work intrusted to us carefully and W. M. M c I ntire , new conclusions. It shows that the di­ Gross value of all property........... 1638 828 dress goods at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. Frank M. Albaugh, who has retired Exemptions...................................... 54 335 satisfactorily done. 4 Ashland, Ore. mensions of the big trees are unequaled ; Total Mrs. Harry Mathes of Phoenix went to from the grocery business in Dunsmuir, value of taxable property as Office one Door north of Bank, that their age makes them the oldest returned by assessor................ 1584 493 Ager Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and has been Bpending the past week in Ash­ A shland , O regon . KLAMATH COUNTY. living things. They are described, by Total value of taxable property as Mrs. John Cooley. They will visit her land looking at the country with a view the report as “the grandest, largest, finally equalized by the county soon and then go to southern California i of investing in a fruit orchard. Hon. O. R. Stearns and family have board of equalization............ . . 1588 243 for the benefit of Mr. Cooley’s health. oldest and most majestically graceful of returned from a visit with his wife’s A8HLAND, OREGON. ATTENTION I New stock of carpets, art squares, folks at Talent. trees and the scarcest of known tree Vaupel, Norris and Drake are at the lace curtains and rugs at Opera House. specie, with extreme scientific value of CENTRAL POINT. The 9th Annual Reunion of tbe Old FREIGHT AND front this fall with one of the most com­ Furniture 8tore. ! Geo. Mickey has returned to Medford being the beet living representatives of Soldiers and Bailors will be held at Ex-Marshal Lynes and his sou Pearl and plete stocks of goods ever brought to BAGGAGE TRANSFER. from Ft. Klamath where he put 500 tons a former geological age ” G. D. Cummings, formerly editor of the of hay on John W. Cox’s stock ranch. The most receutinvestigations, accord­ Mr. Tavlor have returned from Lakeview. this valley. Ashland, Ore., Sept 10-15, ’00 Dunsmuir News, returned 8unday from The Seventh Day Adventist has been ing to the report, confirms the estimates Wood For Sale. G. F. McConnell and C. E. Ellis of Dawson City. He went with the first J. C. Ferguson, who recently purchased holding evening meetings here for the last that these grand trees probably lived The members of the G. A. R. and W. R Ashland, Postmaster Geo. F. Merriman rush to the Klondike and has left there the H. S. Parrish ranch near Altamont, two weeks. 0. are expected to be present enthusiastic­ Ice Delivered Daily in Season 5000 years or more. The average rate and Ed. Van Dyke of Medford, Fred W. with $22,000 in tbe clear. arrived from Ashland last week. ally bent on making this reunion memor­ of growth is estimated at one inch of The Stidham girls. Misses Lila and Lizzie Weeks and Mr. 8mith of Phoenix wit­ able in the history of our association for its A new carload of fine buggies, wagons, Rocky Mountain Scenery by Day­ diameter for every 12 years. The report have gone to Gar>iner. Coos county, to nessed the big ball game at Montague success. bolster springs and plows for sale, at also corroborates the statements of one teach a long term of school. Sunday. light. All soldiers of the Spanish War are to LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Emil Peil’s. — • authority who eave that one tree on F. R. Moore and wife returned from Port­ be considered Old Boldiers and are cordially R. E. O’Brien of Applegate was in Day-light Stop-Over at Niagara Falls. which ha counted 4000 rings was undoubt­ land last Sunday. Mrs Moore haviug urged to be present. <' - The Southern Poultry Association met town Tuesday visiting friends and rela ­ been a patient in the Good Samaritan hospi ­ edly ie its prime, “swaying in the winds All Old Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Through first class tourist sleepers from at Medford Saturday and decided to give tives and joined the Barr excursion at tal for several months past. are cordially invited to join in our festiv­ whan Christ walked on the earth.” a poultry show and horticulture and ag­ Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago,Boston, ities and to bring their families. W. W. Scoot and family and Mr. Corum this place. Accompanied by his sister, riculture exhibit at Medford for one New York and other eastern points, via Poisonous toadstools resembling mush­ and Miss Maud O ’ Brien, he will take in Ample funds nave been raised to insure have returned from their moun­ Rio Grande Western, (Great Salt Lake week beginning Nov. 19th. J. Elmon rooms have caused frequent ¡deaths ’n tbi- tain family full and complete success. the street fair. o " ■ - outiDg. Route,) Denver & Rio Grande, C R I & P Pelton attended the meeting. year. He sure to use only the genuine. Ob­ Tbe usual course of entertainment will and Illinois Central to Chicago, connect­ Judge W. C. Hale will ship his office serve the same care when you task for De­ Mr. Farley and family have returned be given, including Music. Speeches. Camp ­ Call and get my list of properties for sale If you want your tire set without ing in the Union Depot with Michigan Witt’s Witch Ussei Salve. There are poi­ from Ft, Klamath and the Huckleberry fixtures and library to Grants Pass to- fires. which includes all classes and kinds, and sonous 'Counterfeits. DeWitt's is the only patch. Hon. C. B. Watson will deliver the ad­ at prices to satisfy anyone. diy. Mr. Hale expects to remove with “dishing” the wheels, have Emil Peil Central’s similar car for points east. original Witch Hsxel Salve. It is safe and * dress of welcome. For full particulars, call on or address There is an effort being made to organize his family to that place.—Eugene Reg­ do it. certain cute for piles and all skin diseases Everybody is invited to join us, for en My loan department is well equipped and agent S. P. Co., or ister, Sept. 4. Prof. T. W. Miles, of Armstrong ’ s a Bryan and Stevenson club in this place. JC. A. Banwai jovment and pleasure. I can handle money lor parties wishing to B. H. T rumbull , Oom ’ l Agt., business college, Portland, visited Ash ­ Miss Mary Silebv has resigned her The people ot Ashland and vicinity will invest, to their advantage. There is quite a demand for bouses to 142 Third St, Portland, Or. assist in providing entertainments in which rent here at this tirnt and very few to be position as instructor of instrumental land friends this week, being an route to I represent some of the best Fire Insur­ the schools and business men will join rented Several new-comers have oome music in tbe Ashland state normal and Bakerfield, Cal., to take charge of the According to the La Grande Observer There is no place in Oregon better fitted ance Companies in the oountry and would beie from the east lately. Mies Aileen Webber was up from Med­ commercial department of the public Eastern Oregon cay uses are being ship­ JS’You know that what for such festivities than Ashland with its be pleased to write your property. You Mr Russ Moore and family are visiting ford Tuesday to accept the vacancy. schools of that city. unrivaled shade, water and pure air. Tbe cannot afford to carry the risk yourself. ped east and sold as family horses. relatives and friends in this place Mr. Miss Esther Silsby remains as teacher Miss Nora McKinney returned from will be lighted with electricity and . we handle you can buy grove Moore is engaged in tbe stock business of voice culture. Miss Mary will spend Gold HUI today. Insure against accidents—they are always furnished with every convenience. near the Dead Indian soda springs. the winter in Portland. The city will be decorated with arches happening and the next may be to you. I BURN. Harvey E. Carpenter is in Los Ange­ bunting, evergreens and electric displays. have the best and strongest company io reasonable. Mrs 1. F. Williamsand Mrs. J. W. Mer­ The most dainty and effective pills made les and will be married Sunday to Miss the world. Free Soup and Coffee will be furnished. ritt went on tbe excursion to Portland. are D*Witt’s Little Early Risers. They are Maud Inez Perris. They return to Ash­ MEDLEY—In Ashland. Sept. 3, 1900, to Paradesand music to delight spectators. Mrs M. will remain in Portland for some i unequaled for all liver and bowel trouules. land about the 15th. Mr. and Mrs L. P. Medley, son. A day wilt be given to each Post, which SPECIAL BARGAINS Never gripe. E. A. S hkbwin . time for medical treatment. will arrange its own program. By order of PARKER —In Ashland, Sept. 3, 1900, to Trunks, valises, club bogs and tele­ N Stidham who was some time ago taken Miss Susie Cullen who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker, a son. 6-room house with one acre of land with hemorrhage of tbe stomach and was i Sam Conant's mother returned home to scopes at Opera House Furniture Store. J^gTCome and get our prices COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. in New a variety of fruit, one block from North reported last week to be improving, has Yreka today. E. F. Loomis bas moved the wooden GRIGSBY- In Jacksonville Precinct, school house, 1750.06. taken a relapse and is in a critical condition Sept. 1, 1900, tn Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. 8. Davison, Ira Dodge. Wm. Wiles warehouse adjoining his store across the before buying. at thia time. street and will build a new brick block on Grigöby, a eon. and 8. N. Hibson ar* expected home in* Six-room bouse on large lot with choice Later—N. Stidham died this morning, Dry Goods..... Clothing, Boots & Shoes Arriving Daily. WM. YEO & CO. GENERAL *- BLACKSMITHING Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Horse Shoeing a Specialty . First-Class Wagon Work. Men’s Furnishing Goods LADIES’ AND MEN’S SHOES Vaupel, Norris & Drake Sherwin’s VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Oregon Ashland, COLEMAN BROS., Proprietors BUY : AND SELL : GREEN FRUITS* O EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS D. T. PRITCHARD, Watchmaker and Jeweler. ASHLAND TINNING&PLÜMBINGCO. and Chop House. W. I Patrick & Son, 25-Cents. Give Me a Call. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS FRUIT JARS ! We have ’em. Mason’s, Vacuums, GEO. W. TREFREN Extra Tops, Rubbers Sept. 6th, of cancer of tbe stomach. De­ ceased was born in Monroe county, Tenn.. Jan. 8, 1837, being aged 63 years, 8 months. Tbe interment takes place to-morrow un­ der the auspices of tbe U. A. R. Post. De­ ceased waa an honorable Ohristian gentle­ man ami a member of tbe Christian church for maoy year», few days from their big hunt on Elk creek, ths sight made vacant. to die. W. J. Virgin went to nortbren California MAKUÍK1), today on mill business. The annual reunion of the Southern Frank Lennart was over from Henley HOCKETT—MACKEY—At San Rafael. Oregon Pioneer Association is in session at Jacksonville today. Hon. P. H. this week visiting hia family. D’Arcy of Salem will deliver the oration. 1.1 The sad news comes from old Virginia S*v«r*l from Aahloud or* promt. | that th* pNuiut wop baa faii*d, Cal.. Aug. 25, 1900, Claude Hockett, formerly of Ashland, and Miss Helena Mackey of Bon Francisco. THE Ashland Gro.Co, Record Job ft* I Department is First-Class. fruit; good barn; Mechanic St. 1750.00. Fine bouse and grounds adjoining North school grounds, for sale at a bargain; no reasonaah offer refused. Maia St., near Bridge. AIALASDrORX