>nge\ B*dB ■M VALLET RECORD. VALLET RECORD. .......ASHLAND, OREGON ........ ASHLAND, OREGOR VALLEY RECORD Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S umcxiption R ats » ne Y ear........$1 75 Six Months.......................................... 1 00 Three Month»....................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VOL. XIII $1.75 ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16. 1900. PRESSED BRICKS. »Mrs. Kessler-Reed Want» A Divorce. A Washington, D. C., paper contains the following item: Mrs. John Defrees Reed, formerly Miss Frances Robertson Kessler of San Joe®, Cal., but now a resident of this city bas filed a petition for absolute divorce on the grounds of deaertiou and non-support. Fifty dollars a month alimony is asked. C. E. Fitzgerald is attorney for plaintiff The parties were married on April 9, 1900, in Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Reed is a daughter of Henry Kess ler and the family formerly lived at Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and Yreka, and is a handsome looking girl. Reed’s father is a nephew of Ex Speaker Thomas B. Reed and holds a prominent position in the grovernment geological survey department. Young Reed was attending Stanford University when he became infatuated with the girl, married her and took her to his home in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Reed will return to San Francisco. MINING ITEMS. Cannot be better spent than by subscribe ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 give* you all the news for a year. Try it I NO. 12. (ïiticiira New Dry Goods & Clothing t SOAP ♦ The Portland Gold Extracting Co. who worked the tailings of the Ashland mine quartz mill in Ashland with great success and handsome profit and then put in a large cyanide plant on the tailings of the Gold Ball mine near Sawyers Bar, Sis kiyou county, have failed, the fine piant having been sold at auction to cover bills of attachment. The company were un able to cyanide the ore successfully. The Etna Advance says G. B. Tucker, the treasurer of the company, issued many i Its remarkable, emollient, cleansing, and checks on Ladd & Tilton bank at Port purifying properties, de. land which have been returned to owners rived from C uticura , the with instructions that there was no funds great skin cure, warrant the use of C uticura S oap , In to pay off the checks issued. the form of baths for annoy, ing irritations, inflamma. Wimer Bros; have sold their • Waldo tions, and chafings, for too placer mines of 400 acres to an Eastern free or offensive perspir syndiijrte headed by Capt T.- Wain- ation, and also in the form of internal washes and solu Drape^ for $60,000, who will continue tions far ulcerative weaknesses, and for many its operation by hydraulic and dredger aaaatiee. antiseptic purposes which readily process. The Mining Journal says of suggest themselves to women, and especially the property : This property consists of to mothers. The use of C uticura Ointment C uticura S oap will suggest itself in 400 acres of mining ground with a water I with the severer cases.________ supply consisting of two ditches, each Sold throughout the world. P ott «« D. aso C. Co«r, having head boxes 4x6 feet, one being Protn., Boerou. Cv ticvba S oap B ook , tree to Womea. two miles long, the other three and one- half miles long, affording an abundance of water for mining purposes for general ly nine months of the year. The mine is equipped with four giants, three loco motive headlights and 8000 feet oi pipe ranging in size from 11 to 60 inches in diameter, the larger part being from 17 to 22 inches. Chas. Nickell was up from Jackson- viile Friday. Garl T. Jones and wife of Medford are at Crescent City. Frank Tnrnidge of Antelope went to Klamatbon Sunday. W. D. Simmons has gone to Moulton, Iowa, on a business trip. ..................... PHONE NO. 205...................... Mrs. Baldwin went to Yreka Friday to visit Mrs. J. E. Barrett. James C. Park and wife of Klamatbon are outiDg up Rogue river. The Oregon Press Association meets in Ashland, Sept. 19 and 20. C. J. Meier returned to Jacksonville, Sunday from Hornbrook. D. B. McDaniel returned Monday to his quartz mines near Cole’s. H. Judge went to Wagner’s Springs Saturday for two weeks’ recreation. Committees Appointed. Gust Edlund returned Sunday from the railroad hospital in Sau Francisco. Hon. W M. Colvig, president of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society, has ap Rev. Wm. Clyde and wife went to pointed the following committees to make Colestin Saturday to camp several weeks. arrangements for the 24th annnal reunion Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, that organization, which will be held at Misa Ida Hargrave went to San Fran of Jacksonville on Thursday, Sept. 6, 1900. cisco Monday to study the fall millinery Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. On arrangements—A. E. Reanies, chair style«. man, Geo. E. Neuber, Alex.,0rme. Miss Linn, Jas. McDonough, H. E. Wm. E. Butler, who took the govern Cora Ankeny. Mrs. Elizabeth Kenney. ment cavalry horses to Seattle, returned “>FftUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK On Honored Dead—W. J. Ply male, home Friday. chairman, H. E Ankeny. D. Linn. On Music—Mrs. F. M. Love, chairman, Lake Couuty Stock Men in Trouble. Chas. Stanley and family of Yoncolla, Wm. H. Gore, Dr. R. T Burnett. Rumors and complaints about the Douglas county, are visiting Ashland On Decorations—Mrs. Chas. Prim, chair stealing of cattle in Warner valley, Lake relatives. man, Mrs. Theo. Cameron, JohnF. Miller. On Dinner—Miss Alice Hanley, chair county, are being brought to a head by Mrs. Frank Clute returned from Port man. Mils Josephine Ortb, Miss Issie Mc the French-Glenn Live Stock Co. land Saturday after an absence of sever Cully, Mrs. Gus Newbury, Mrs. J. c. through their attorney, Col. Chas. A. al months. Cogswell. Three different complaints Wbipp, F. R. Neil, John Orth. were placed against Edward Laird when County Judge Chas. Prim and Will L. Played Oat. he was finally bound over in the sum of Miller of Jacksonville went to Colestin Monday for a stay. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of $2000 to appear before the circuit court the body. Sinking at the pit of the stomach. charged with changing the brands and ARE YOU taking a vacation? If so, we Mrs. A. P. McErlane came out from Loss of appetite. Feverishness, Pimples or selling two or more head of cattle alleged Many low priced, imitation baiting powders are would like to send you some litera Albany Monday to visit her folks, A. Sores are all positive evidences of impure to belong to thatcomp’y. Replevin suits upon the market. These are made with alum, Radcliff and family. blood. No matter how it became so it were also filed by that company against and care should betaken to avoid them, as alum ture about “Banff Hot Springs,” is a poison, never to be taken in the food. must, be purified in order to obtain good “The Great Glacier of the Selkirks,” Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davis returned health, acker’s Blood Elixir has never N. Fine, Harry Riggs. David R. Jones, Sunday from a visit at their old home in failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic Jr., Edward Laird, Warren Laird and and the magnificent hotels there, Gazelle, Siskiyou county. poisons or any other blood diseases. It is L. D. Lirk, charging the defendants operated by the Canadian Pacific ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK. a wonderful remedy, and we sell with the unlawful possession of 175 head Mrs. Sarah Harris came over from eeriainly Railwav. Cheap Excursion Rates of cattle branded with the letter “P,” every bottle on a positive guarantee. Sisson Friday to visit Ashland and Tal and for the defacing of the brands on the made from all Pacific Coast points. HAMS VALJ j EY. The Lakeyiew Examiner says Chas. ent relatives and friends. Conductor Frater Returns. aforesaid 175 head of cattle. The cattle E Sherlock bought from Dave Elder are valued at $8000. The corporation OR, IF YOU are going East take youi Intended for last week’s issue.] Miss Eugenia Booth who has been vis Conductor James W. Frater and wife iting her aunt, Mrs. C. W. Root returned returned to Ashland Tuesday, his first asks for the return of the cattle or their Wm. Mitchell and family were in our 2300 ewes at $3 and 1800 lambs at $2 Tickets by the “Imperial Limited” The sheep are to be delivered in Drew’s home to Glendale Sunday. value, $1,000 damages, and for costs of town Friday. trip home since the accident so fateful to action. and spend a day or two at our moun Valley, on September 1. This is an im Some of the parties named in Mrs. A. Sisemireis suffering with a felon Miss Marie Cottrell went to Edge him. We clip the following from the the complaint are among the most prom tain resort?. You will benefit by it portant deal, amounting to $10,500. on her left thumb. Dr. Stanley leuced her wood Sunday to work in a store and live Roseburg Plaindealer of August 9: inent and influential stockmen in that and enj oy it. thumb Saturday which somewhat eased the It is rumored that excursions will be with her sister, Mrs. Dan Stormer. Conductor James Frater, who, as a section and whatever misunderstandings pain. run from Ashland aud southren points Victor L. Hott is here from Jackson result of a collision of two liirht en there may be among the stockmen there Apply to any Canadian Pacific Ry. Agent J. R. Morrison and family will start on to Moutague on Sept. 2, to accommodate gines near Riddle, July 20, lost his good is no likelihood of any convictions for an outing tomorrow. They expect to bring those who wish to witness the great game county. He is looking first rate consider or to some berries home with them on their re of ball between Mt. Shasta and Edge ing his recent sickness. —Eugene Guard. right arm and sustained numerous cuts theft. Opera House Block, Ashland. and bruises about the face and head, ’ turn. H. H. A bbott , Agent, O. R. Garner and wife arrived Friday was discharged from the Portland hos- i During the civil war, as well as in our wood. from Benecia, Cal., on a visit to her 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. J. L. Rowe »nd family and Mrs. A. T. Miss Cina Tyler, of the Postal Tele folks, S. H. Dunlap and family, at pital and returned to this city Tuesday,' late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of Gall and family who have been camping at having almost fully recovered from his i the most troublesome diseases the army the Bybee epriugt on Evans creek returned graph, has made several needed im Talent. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., severe injuries. Other than a vacant had to contend. In many instances it be- Sunday. provements in her office which gives it Miss Kate Lemberger, for many years coat sleeve and several small sears about chronic Vancouver, B. C. came and the old soldiers still a decided business-like appearance. As Wm. Stacy and G. Robertson went to Grants Fass Frida«. Mr. 8tacy was look this office is doing a large business Miss the efficient circuit court reporter for this his face, Jimmy looks little the worse suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor of Wind ing after his interests in that section of the Tyler intends that its appearance shall district, has resigned and gone to Port for bis terrible experience, and it seem» Ridge, Green Co., Pa., is one of these. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878— country. They returned Saturday. remarkable that he has recovered so He uses Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera land to live. indicate it —Yreka News. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. soon from hi» awful experience. All the and Diarrhoea Remedy «nd says he never Philip Luscom has a felon on his finger Mrs. W. I. Vawter and sons and Mrs. NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. J. C. Ferguson of Ashland has traded and Elem Gall wont be outdone. Heb stitches have been removed from his found anything that would give him such Roseburg, Oregon. July Sth. 190) carrying a felon around on one of hi- fin a very fine residence and seven acres of C. I. Hutchinson and daughter have arm and it hae almost completely healed quick relief. It is for sale by E. A. S her Notice is hereby given that incompliance gere. He «ays he don’t want to keep up orchard and garden in that city to Harry joined the Medford summer colony at up, while his appetite is good and he is win . with the provisions of the act of Congress the style m,uch longer. Parrish for a 320 acre ranch about ten Yaquiua Bay. enjoying perfect health. In a pleasant of June 3, 1878, entitled‘ An act for the Ei» kmnty Commissioner Mart Perry miles from Klamath Falls. Hence it is KLAMATH COUNTY. Gov. Roosevelt will campaign Oregon visit to the Plaindealer Wednesday, he sale of timber lands in the States of Califor will leave on Wednesdav night’s train for likely that Mr. Ferguson will become a in September en route to California. spoke in the highest terms of bis treat Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ■ Mai ion Hauks and wife of Klamath nia, the hospital at Portland where be will re resident of Klamath county. He is an ntory.” William A. Patrick of Ashland. □ OWE - EQTTÆJbED. main awhile for treatment. Mr. Perry has , energetic and prosperous business man, Undoubtedly Ashland will get to bear ment and care at the St. Vincent hospi Falls are at the Union creek huckleberry County of Jackson, State of Oregon, has tal, he having occupied the Elks’ com patch. been ailing for s one time and is gradually and will be an enterprising public spir the rough rider. this dav filed >u this office his sworn State Excelled. growing worse we are sorry to say. ment No — for the purchase of tbenw % Mrs. W. C. Leever and children of fortable apartments in that institution. ited citizen, and useful in pushing for N. E. Britt, of the land department se Tom Pankev went to Eagle Point Mon ward the growth of the county.—Klam Central Point spent Saturday and Sun He says that his two unfortunate com % lots 1,2 3. 4 of Sac. No. 12, in Twp. of the Southern Pacific, is in Klamath in the wreck, Fireman Cavender day with a load of wheat. Mrs. Pankey No. 38 s Range No. 5 e, and will offer proof day in Ashland the guest of her sister, panions went along on a visit on the desert. As ' ath Falls Republican. and Brakeman Aubin, are getting along county this week. to show that the land sought is more valu Mrs. Joseph Dame. they were on their way home the bits gave very well, the latter, who sustained a Talisman Lodge, No. 31, Knights of Dan Walker of Ashland has been vis able for its timber or stone than for agri wav In one ot the horses mouths. The an Pythias of Medford, has installed the M. Clemens, Geo. S. Calhoun, J. A. rupture of the muscles of one of hi» legs, iting his eons Albert and Butler Walker, cultural purposes and to establish hisclaim to said land before the Reg’ster and Re imal seeing that it was free started to run. Jennings, and R. L. Bartlett, Grants being able to get about on crutches. The the Sprague river valley stockmen. Mrs Pankev leaped from the wagon. A following officers: W. H. McGowan, Pass business men, left Sunday for an ceiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, former, who was so eeverely burned, is C. C ; Asa Fordyce, V. C. ; E. D. Elwood, | * — ------------- ------- . - — ------- j — — few feet further and Tom abandoned the C. T. Nicholson and son of Ft. Klam on Tuesday the 25tb day of September, 1900. getting along very well, yet it is thought wagon but siave.l with the strings and cir P ; J. A. Perry, M. of A. ; J. H. Butler, outing at Pelican Bay. He names as witnesses: John J. Cam ath were at Medford last week visiting. cled the team and finally got them checked K. of R. and S; Fred Luy, M_ F.; J. E. Arthur Weeks and family who have that it will be necessary to graft some Their families returned to the Fort with bers of Ashland.Oregon; John R. Lozier of A Ashland, Oregon; Elmer Patrick of Ash No damage was done except Mrs. Pankey Enyart, M. ot E.; Eugene Orr, M. of been making their headquarters at ekin over some of his -wounds before ■ . Main St. Opp. 1. O. O. F. Hall, has a bruised arm and Tom has a sprained W.; Loren Damon, I. G . ; F. M. Denton, phoenix during their two months vaca- they will heal, and never since the acci- land, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of Ashland, knee. ____________________ dent has the gritty fireman been able to Dr. H. B. Hargus, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Oregon. O. G. A. C. Hubbard was the installing tioa ie(t for Oakland, Cal., Saturday, Any and all persons claiming adversely KA-IISTTS. PAINTERS’ TOOLS, officer. speak above a whisper, hot steam or the Applegate, Fred Applegate, Miss Ora Prevented A Tragedy. Each package of Putnam Fadeless Dye severe shock having injured his vocal Griswold and the Misses Applegate have the above-described lands are requested to Timely information given Mr». George file tlieir claims in this office on or before A. O. U. W. Reporter: Bro. D. C. colors more goods than any other dye and WALL JP-A.FZEK/, GLAS. ETO. said 25th day of September, 1900. Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, saved Herrin, who has been Grand Master for C0i0rs them better too. Sold by E ugene organs; though, it is the general impres- gone to Crater lake. sion that this injury will only be tern- JnA „ n w;nita anf - - - - - - J. T. BRIDGES, B uildisg P apxm , W rapping P apers and T wixes . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, two live». A (rightful cough had long two years and has been principal field \ S herwin . Judge Willits and I. A. Duffy have porary. Mr. Frater was accompanied Register. kept her awake every night. She had worker during that time as well as the each bought valuable business lots on ’ tried many remedies and doctors hut two years before that, announced his Rev. J. B. Goddard, the converted to this city by his wife and brother Main street, having in view the erection TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878.- •teadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. determination to retire permanently actor, delivered an able address last George, of Riddle, both of whom have of large stores in the near future. King’s New Diacovery. One bottle from the work, for which there is gen- Sunday night to an appreciative au- assisted in caring for him at Portland. NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. F. W. Jennings was out from Portland wholly cured her; and »lie writes, this eral regret. Miss Barker, the past chief dience—[ Montague correspondent Yreka After a brief visit with his parents, NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Postmaster and Mrs. W. A. Frater, Mr last week visiting his wife at the home marvelous medicine aleo cured Mr. Loug of honor, of the Degree of Honor, has News, Roseburg, Oregon. July 6th, 1900 Frater and wife will return to Ashland, of E. R. Reams. He is figuring on going of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such made a remarkably good record and we h . Boivin, M. H. Howell, Dan Conner, where they had only iust commenced into the mercantile business at Klamath Notice is hereby given that iu compliance cure» are positive proof of it» power to believe Miss Stevens will continue it. with the provisions of the actol Congress VV. W. Miller and Van Welch left Mon- housekeeping a few days before Mr. Falls. cur» all throat, chest and lung troubles. of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act fortlie sale D yspepsia C am B x C ubed by using Ac- u for Klamath Hot Springs from Frater received his injuries. Only 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial Mrs. Emma Cogswell, widow of the ®f timber lands in the States of California, bottle»free at E ugkne A. S herwin ’»drug ker's Dvepepsia Tablets. One little Tablet which point they will go hunting for late F. A. Cogswell, and her two daugh Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo Story Of A Slave. will give immediate reliet or money re- deer, •tore. ________________ ters arrived from Cottage Grove last ry,” John J. Cambers of Ashland, County funded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at Jackson. State of Oregon, has this L. T. Green, whose home was near To be bound hand and foot for years by week. She will teach in the Klamath of 1 day filed in this office his sworn ❖ The arrangements for the annual union 25cts. E ugene A S hebwis . Hugo, was drowned in Rogue river, the chain» of disease is the worst form of Falls public school. statement No. 1135, for the purchase of the of the old soldiersand sailor» ot Southern August 4. He was a placer miner and slavery. George D. Williams, of Man Lang & Co. of Portland, are making and lots 1, 2, and 3 of Sec No. Oregon, Sept. 10—15, at Ashland, are arrangements W. E. Greene, formerly of Klamath n J^sw Has Returned and Has Equipped His X to start a fruit process owned a claim on Rum creek, below chester, Mich., says: “My wife has been 24, in Twp. 38 s Range No 5 e. and will ot- being perfected. Funda have been se house at Roseburg, employe Falls, who has been a civilian Old Established Gallery in Ashland With + so helpless for five years that she could fer proof to show that the land sought is J an establishment Galice. cured to insure the bucccm of the affair that will employ one hundred hands dur in the quartermaster’s department at more valuable for its timber or stone than not turn over in bed alone. After using Mrs. N. J. Faury, a woman physician which will no doubt be the most enjoy ing the fruit season. Manila, P. I., for a year, returned home for agricultural purposes, and to establish of Indian Territory, has located at Eagle two tattles of Electric Bitters she is wond to Portland last Saturday. able yet held in S.ntbern Oregon. his claim to said land before the Register erfull v improved and able to do her own Eugene. Aug. 9.—The recount of the Point for the practice of her profession. work.” Tbissupreme remedy for female I Circuit Judge H. L. Benson and bis and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. j Carbon Finish. ♦ Coinmluloners’ Court. ballots in the Judgeship contest case She is a sister of Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleep son, Arthur 8. Benson, left for Rogue Oregon, on Tuesday the ‘25th day of Sep X Photos in Water Colors. T Sinclair. tember, 1900. The following proceedings were had at was completed by the Circuit Court to lessness, melancholy, headache, backache River and Willamette valley points last Pictures in the Latest Styles. ? He names as witnesses: William A. the August term of this court, last week: day. The result is in favor of the de Mrs. E. P. Geary and children, who fainting and dizzy spells. It is a god week. The Judge will be absent only a Patrick of Ashland, Oregon; Elmer Pat Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. ♦ Monthly reports of sheriff, recorder, fendent, and increases Kincaid’s plural-1 have been visiting her mother, Mrs. send to weak, sickly, iun-down people. short time, but Arthnr will be gone a rick of Ashland, Oregon; John R, Lozier, Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. I ❖ ity from one vote to five. clerk and treasurer compared, examined McCornack, in Eugene, returned to her Cure guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by month. of Ashland, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of and approved. Ashland, Oregon. home in Portland today. — Eugene E i ' gksk A. S herwin , druggist. John Ranzau is building a dance ball Guard, Aug. 8. ; W. M. Clayton and I. E. Vining, of Any and all persons claiming adversely Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon. Annual report of county school super at his hop farm on Rogue river below the Ashland Normal School, while in the above-described lands are requested to intendent examined and approved. July 1900, Weather Summary, C. B. Williams, a member of the Med Klamath Falls gave a literary and musi tile their claims in this office on or before Report of Emil DeReboaui, hoepital town, which will soon bj completed and Following is a summary of weather ob cal entertainment at Houston’s opera said 25th dav of September, 19(0. on August 22 be will inaugurate the hop ford-Butte Creek Ditch Co., is at Medford keeper, for July, appioved. J.T. BRIDGE8. to secure pledges from the owners servations at Ashland daring month of house. They were assisted by Geo. S. Ordered that J. A. Pendleton, county season with a grand ball. Mr. Ranztu trying Register. July, reported by F U, Carter, local ob of lands tributary to the proposed ditch has 45 acres in hops which are looking Nickerson and Misses Ruth Nickerson, assessor, lie given until Monday, Oct. 1, server for the Oregon StateWeatlier Service; well and give good indications of an to the extent of 8000 acres. Laura Tharp, Mae Worden, Winifred 1900, in which to return the assessment abundant crop. Tne hop lice gave some I TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878.— Wiles, Eva, Bessie and Elsie Applegate, roll of Jackson county for 1900. B. Beach left Friday for Santa Monica, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. trouble, but the warm, drv weather and Misses Griswold. Warrant for $30 on special fund, in Cal., where he will join Mrs. Beach and eliminated the danger from that source. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, favor of county judge, ordered drawn. Picking will begin about the first of I they will go to Chicago to attend the Roseburg, Oregon, July 6ih. 1900. Ordered that the road petitioned for I grand encampment of the G. A. R. of Notice is hereby given that in compliance by A. Gusson be established and the old September and Mr. Ranzau will employ i the United States in September. with the provisions of the act of Congress road that is not on survey be abandoned about 150 pickers at that time. Hisl J. S. Judd, a Chicago capitalist, and 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘‘An act for the and vacated and that F. M. Thompson, farm is well equipped with hop houses, saie of timber lands in the States of Califor his son, Dr. Wm. Judd, first assistant dry kilns and other buildings. supervisor, be instructed to open sa d nia, Oregon, Nevada and w ashington Ter editor of the Journal of the American you have seen hundreds of your companions ritory.” Elmer Patrick of Ash'and, County Importers and Dealers in road. 8ick H eadache absolutely and perma Medical Association, are making the waste away in mill and foundry with a persistent of Jackson, State of Oregon has thisfday Ordered that a warrant be drawn in nently cured by using Mokl Tea A cough. You have seen hundreds of them die with filed in this office bis sworn statement No favor of C. Magruder for $60 in payment pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation Crater lake trip with Medford friends. that terribledisease, Consumption. You have seen - for the purchase of tbesw I4nw % and lots wives left penniless, and children thrown upon for 3000 lb. Hall'» safe upon the delivery and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, L. L. Jewell and family, Mr. and Mrs. the mercies of the cold world, because the father 1. 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. No. 14 in Twp. No 38 s work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed of the same in the vault of the court W A. Watt (from Connecticut who are coughed his life r.way. The air you breathe Range No. 5 e, and will offer proof tc show or money back. 25cts. and 50cts. E ugenb house. visiting the Jewells), Mr. and Mrs. every day is full of sharp, metallic dust, which is that the land sought is more valuable for Inhaled Into the lungs and irritates their delicate its timber or stone than lor agricultural Road Supervisors’ compensation al A. S herwin . Eclus Pollock, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe lining, in the case of glass blowers, the fierce purposes, and to establish bis claim to said It is reported that about 200 acres of Calhoun of Grants Pass are doing Crater lowed as follows: land before the Register and Receiver of J. M. Tyler .............. 60 00 1 valuable timber land, mostly belonging lake. this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday Charles E. White ... 50 00 I to government and situated between the Chauncy Carter, accompanied by the 25th day of September, 1900 Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House 28 00 i lands of Lucian Applegate aud John Misses May and Etta O'Neil, of New Charles Hamilton... He names as witnesses: John J. Cam J. F. Brown............... 24 00 I Jansen about eleven miles north of here, Pine Ceek, started for Ashland last Sat bers of -shland. Oregon; John R. Lozier E. E. 8mith ............. 84 00 i was burned over on Tuesday and urday. The young ladies go on a visit to of Ashland, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-PlatJe Fur Ordered that the appointment of Mary ' Wednesday of last week, doing a large relatives, and will be absent a few weeks. Ashland, Oregon; William A. Patrick of Ashland, Oregon. Peter as deputy county clerk and Susie amount of damage by the destruction —Lakeview Examiner, Aug. 9. niture. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. Any and all persons claiming adversely the Applegate aa deputy county re<order be i of timber.—Klamath Falls Express. above-de.-.cnbed lands are requested to file You will never find any other pilla so and the same are hereby approved. About nine attempts out of every tenon prompt and so pleasant as DeWitt’s Little tbeir claims in this office on or before said Claims were allowed as fallows: the lives qf rulers and statesmen wi thin Early Risers. E. A. S hbrwim . 25tb day of September. 1900. Salaries of county officials.......... $1137 92 the present century have failed. Queen J. T. BRIDGES. Wm. Carroll, who was engaged in the Insane person»... Register. Victoria survives eight known attempts __ _ the __ new school hou iouse, re tinning of Indigent persons. to kill her and nobody knows how many turned* to Roseburg Friday. His sis Road» and bridges TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— more undisclosed schemes for her “re Printing and blanks. moval”. Nearly every other reigning ter, Miss Grace Carroll, who has been NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Court house and jail sovereign in Europe has been under fire spending the summer in Ashland for her NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Commissioners ...».. from would-be assassins. Monarchs health, joined him at Grants Pass for Roseburg, Origin, June 25, 1900 Mean temp., 63.5; Max. temp., 102on 6th, I heat of the molten glass forces its way up the Board and washing, prisoners would seem indeed to bear brilliant tes her home. Notice is hsreb/giventiiat in conipiiar.ee iibe into the lungs where it gradually breaks Min. temp. 40, on 6th. Number of days 19 25 Justice court ............................. Contractor E. J. Armstrong finished clear, 26; partly cloudy. 4; cloudy, 1. Pre own their delicate structure, making every cold with the provisions of the act of Congress timooy to the truth of the old adage, 256 99 “Threatened men live long.” Election expenses ................... a danger to life. You can't afford to quit work of June 3,1878, entitlei “An set for the burning 300,000 brick last Tuesday even- vailing direction of wind. N. W. ing and are dailv exposed to this fatal dust and 246 00 Supervisors’ compensation.... ’ Next Monday he will put a force Mean, temp., July 19 years, 69 5; be intense heat. What you and voter friends need sale of timber Jauda in the Statei ol Cmi In Portland there are 9898 children of of men laying brick on the Miller & low normal, 13; Av. rainfall, juiv, 19 yrs., is Acker’s English Remedy. This will make your furnia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington 10 50 Sundries..................... - 1 school age who do not attend school. ” Samuel T. Monger of Ashland, Lane hotel building, and, after running 46 in; below normal .46 in. There have throat and lungs strong again. It will heal the Territory, Irritation, brace up your strength, and you need county of Jackson, state of Oregon, ba-? »2388 65 been 4 years when it has not rained in July Toral In ail etagea of Nasal Catarrh there up the first story, will commence the and 4 when the fall was more than 1 inch. never lose a day’s work. 1 have noticed that in Ibis dav filed in this office his sworn state gome mills there are no cases of Consumption. ruent No. 1117, for the purchase of the seJ4 should becleaniiness. As experience proves, brick work on the Field building — The reason is that Acker’s English Remedy is I of bee. No. W in Township No 40 S Range MARRIED, K y a Cream Balm is a cleanser, soother Lakeview Examiner. . Armstrong ‘ was Our “ruler»” are resting, but they have used by the men working there. an’d heaiev of the diseased membrane. It formerly * ’ of ------ Medford. ■ No. 3e, and will offer proof to show that not cancelled any of those hurry orders is not drying nor irritating, and does not Bold at 25c., 50c. and fl a bottle, throughout .u_ ] lanu an(j gonght suugiii is io more valuable .oli.a'..:«! i for ' wt its ild PHIPPS—BROWK-‘At JacksAnv lie, produce sneezing. Price 50 cents at drug J. Poley brought his children Wilmer, that are keeping the war supply factories ^M^SM%an6d.CIf‘fou are n<w sJri-fied the timber or stone than for agricultural pur- Aug. 7, 1900, by Judge Prim, I. D. gists or it wil1 be mailed by Ely Brothers Clara and Eva Poley over from Ft. Jones going day and night. ' druggist, poses, and to e-tablisb ins claim to said after buying, return the bottle toyo» I Phipps and Miss Clara E. Brown. 56 Warren Street, New York. Upon being Friday. Wilmer Po'ey left Sunday for land before the Register and Receiver of and get your money back. “77” Cures Hay Fever. into the nostrils it spreads over the Parkersburg, Douglas county, where h < I this office at Roseburg, Cregou, on Friday ALLEN—WYANT—In Jacksonville. placed and relief is immediate. It is aud Miss Georgia Parker, daughter of ’ rir*«r Ssonfattilior July 8, 1900, by Hon. 11. K. Hanna, ive.uorane Dr. Humphreys’ Specific “77” is al an agreeable cure. He names as witnesses: M. M. Tucker, Capt. Parker, will be married on the most an infallible remedy for Hay Fever. I circuit judg«, R. M. Allen and Miss of Ashland. Oregon; T. Mcllattan, of Ash 20:h inst. The bride spent several sum All drug stores, or sent on receipt of Alice Wyant. land, Oregon; L. L Angle, ot Ashland, mers in Ash land and is a very amiable price, 25c, Humphreys’ Medicine Co., i Oregon; D. II. Yeager, of Snow, Oregon. CJ-A. STOUTS.. lady. New Yorr. Any and all persons claiming adversely BOHN B mts th. Aiwp Bought the above described lands are requested to E xpkuzxce Is Tn« B est T eacher . U ss The prevailing lacework on beautiful Signatar» tile tbeir c!a<me in this office on or before Acker’s English Remedy in any cose of BAR RETT-In Yreka, August 9, 1900, eaid 7th day of September, 1900. coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to arm» »nd neck» enables the fair popula <d J.T. BRIDGES, to Conductor and Mrs. J. £. Barrett, give immediate relief money refunded. tion to present something like an opera oovtame on the stmt. Th. »M r«IUMs-Tbs Wwkly OrasonUa. ¡Bets, and «Xrts. BOgragg A, Synnn*. • BOB. */\böolutely Püre For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is «just as good as Royal,” either in strength, purity or wholesomeness. For Sanative Uses. Williams Block. Main Street. A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just Added to Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. R. N. NASONS PAINT! ("ANADIAN iNAUIAN /-) ojririr "PACIFIC y K . Away To the Mountains © FURNITURE Window Shades, Draperies, Carpets, Linoleum. DODGE, J. ASHLAND MILLS U C öür T päteht Y röür ^ W. J. VIRGIN & C0., PROP’S H. S. EVANS,A8HLANI>-OR PAINTING, U PAPERING. ETC. •s F. L. CAMP ....The Photographer i | THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY, i : THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Workmen Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps « A shland H ouse U N, BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. ASHLAND. OREGON. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains, The Valley Record for the News. 100.0 /