Engel Bros VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ........ ASHLAND,OREGON —o— Published Every-Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. ASHLAND, OREGON ♦ S ubscription R ates : One Year........................................... $1 75 Six Months .................................... 1 00 Three Months.................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLET RECORD. % ASHLAND, JACKSON VOL. XIII PRESSER BRICKS. J. R. Cooper went to Hornbrook Mon day. John Gainey of Medford Sundayed in Ashland. E. C. Pentland returned to Gold Hill last week. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MINING ITEMS. THE GALL’S CREEK STRIKE. Grants Pass Journal.] A wonderful discovery was made a few days ago on Galls creek five miles west of Gold Hill. About three weeks ago, H. B. Nye from Montana, took a bond on two claims on Galls Creek known as Lawrence group, agreeing to pay the sum of $600 for same after a certain numbet of months spent in prospecting. After only two weeks work running in a tunnel some 44 feet lower from where a pocket had been discovered by Lawrence, where some $177 was taken out, Mr. Nye run into a very rich vein of ore from which in one day he took out some $1600 enough to pay for claim, and $1000 besides, since then he has taken out some 40 sacks of ore, that will average $100 a sack. He also has 130 pounds of very rich specimens, which are now on exhibit at Medford that will go from $16 to $32 a pound, while the 100 pounds brought to Grants Pass and is now being milled at W. G. Wrights, the assayers, will run some $250 to $300. We have seen the ore, it is rich with free! gold all through it, and is much richer than any that has come from the Helena property at Bohemia. The rock is mostly solid, but is as a miner would term it, lousy with gold. Mr. Nye says the vein runs from 2 to 11 inches, and he estimates he still has in Bight some $10,000. Mr. Nye has just sold to H. G. Wortman, a merchant of Medford, one-half interest in the property for $9000, we understand. The property will be thoroughly opened up as soon as permanancy of the ledge is established, and a complete mil ling outfit will be put upon the property. JULY 26, 1900. Cannot si annot be better spent than by subecrib* ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you si! the news for a year. Try it 1 NO. 9. CONDUCTOR FRATER IOS ES ARM New Dry Goods & Clothing The Story of the Cui U m ion Near Riddle—-Three Men Narrowly Es cape Death. Roseburg Review, July 21.] Another serious accident occurred on the Southern Pacific railroad, about a mile this side of Riddle last evening about Attorney W. H. Parker was at Coles- seven o’clock. Conductor J. W. Frater, tin this week. ..................... PHONE NO. 205...................... of the gravel train, loses an arm, Fireman J. Percy Wells is assisting Assessor C. R. Cavender is badlj’ scalded, Brake- Pendleton in bis work. man Louie Aubin had his leg severely wrenched, and Fireman John Sutherlin Victor Holt of Eugene is ill with ty and Engineers Lucas and Stanton are phoid fever at Medford. somewhat bruised and jarred up. Mies Nora Centers arrived in the coun It 6eems that engine 1427 is employed ty Friday to visit relatives. at the gravel pit near Myrtle creek, and X"ith warm shampoos of C uticuba S oap and when the collision occured was carrying light dressings of C uticuba , purest of emol Mrs. J. B. Russell and little daughter the gravel train crew, Conductor Frater returned to Yreka Monday. lient skin cures. This treatment at once and Brakeman Aubin, to Riddle where stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and G. L. Davie of Medford went to Coles- dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, they lodge nights. The engineer, Lucas, tin Sunday to camp a week. stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the and fireman, Southerlin, made altogeth roots with energy and nourishment, and S. J. Fore returned to Coles Monday er five men on this engine, which was makes the hair grow when all else fails. from a business trip to Ashland. backing, and running at a fairly lively Sold throughout the world. P otter D. ajtd C.Cotr.* rate of speed, oblivious of any danger. Sol. Prop., Boaton. Hov to H»« BeautiM Hair,” frw District Attorney A. E. Reames was in Engine No. 1516, Engineer Stanton and town Friday on private business. No inferior or impure ingredients are Fireman Cavender, was running light Miss Virgie Woodford of Medford visit north from Grants Pass, bound for Rose ed Ashland Saturday and Sunday. burg, at a speed of probably 18 miles an used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen .»'Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, hour. In a deep, narrow cut a mile this S. R. Reeves and Chas. Hosley left for Continental Householdj Paint, and CEMETICO. ing its cost; only the most highly refined side of Riddle the two engines came to Cole’s Monday an a prospecting trip. i gether in a disasterous collision, a short Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gay were up from and healthful. curve at that place, that prevented a Central Point Saturday and Sunday. view of the track any considerable dis .FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK Royal Baking Powder imparts that tance ahi ad, bringing the two engines Mrs. J. B. Sells and twochildren went so close together before either had warn to Colestin Monday to camp a month. © peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy ing of the other’s proximity that a col J. J. Martin, the mining man, returned lision was inevitable, although Conduc to Yreka Sunday from up in the north. noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, tor Frater and Brakeman Aubin were sitting on the tender of No. 1427 on the Miss Minnie Luster left Sunday with etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is lookout for stock or other obstacles on her two nieces for their home at Forest the track. The men saw their peril and Grove. unobtainable hy the use of any other all jumped, or attempted to. except En Mrs. Geo. Shearer came over from SALE OF ALEXANDER A BENT PLACERS. gineer Stanton, as the two engines Grants Pass, July 21.—In the sale of crashed together. The tender of 1427 Dunsmuir Friday to visit Mrs. H. A. leavening agent. the Alexander & Bent placer mine, on (which was backing up) was telescoped Have you thought of the Steamer Trip Lindsey. creek, the most important min and broken loose, and the engine being across the •• Great Lakes”? It com Clif. Payne returned to Klamathon Galice ing transaction for several years has of a lighter weight than the other was bines the attractive features and benefits Alum is used in making cheap baking powders, If Monday from a visit of several days in you want to know the effect of alum upon the been made. The sale was negotiated by driven 150 yards down the track. of an ocean trip without the attendant Ashland. tender linings of the stomach, touch a piece to John R. Harvey, manager of the Old Conductor Frater was caught by the discomforts. your tongue. Vou can raise biscuit with alum County Judge Chas. Prim and A. N. Channel mine, the purchasers being Chi right arm in the wreck of the tender and baking powder, but at what a cost to health 1 Furthermore, it is less expensive thau Soliss of Jacksonville were at Colestin cago capitalists, whose names have not Fireman Frater was caught by the right been made public. The mine is situated arm in the wreck of the tender and Fire travelling by rail. this week. Rogue river, 25 miles below Grants man Cavender was held where escaping Byron Phelps, a prominent citizen of on Thn ‘‘Imperial Limited,” with first- Paes. It comprises 510 acres of pat steam badly scalded his legs, hands and Seattle is visiting his son, Carl Phelps, of DOTAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. ented land, and extends for miles neck, and bis shoulder was dislocated. class sleepers from Vancouver, and Tour Gold Hill. along an ancient channel. The water Brakeman Aubin was sitting down in ist Sleepers from Seattle every Tuesday, Mrs. Fredericks and the Bowers chil supply is taken out of the west fork of the corner of the tender and when dashed Thursday and Satuiday, connects with New Enterprise in Southern Oregon. E. B. Jennings of Table Rock, an all dren went to Colestin Friday to camp Galice creek, in a seven-mile ditch, and to the ground by the Bhock he received one of the Magnificent Steamers of round rustler, has purchased from E. for a month. Portland Telegram.] gives a pressure of 350 to 400 feet at the a gash three inches long back of bis left the C. P. Ry. at Fort William. DeRoboarn the- Union livery stables Miss Sarah A. Miles, daughter of Gen. mine. The mining season usually lasts ear and the ligaments of his right knee If you are going East we would be C. H. Markham, general freight and of Medford. Mr. Jennings was in Ash Nelson A. Miles, was on Monday’s train eight months, from November to June. were ruptured. Engineer Lucas’ feet glad (o give you some facta and informa passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, land Friday. He will put in a lot of new This mine has been well opened up by were sprained by jumping to the ground, tion regarding this trip, has juBt returned from Gold Hill, where rigs and fresh horses and keep a first class for Seattle. the present owners, the clean-up being and Fireman Sutherlin was bruised and. he found the mining industry enjoying stable. Walter Collinge came out from Port reported at $20,000 annually. The bank strained but not seriously. Engineer H. H. A bbott , Agent, an unprecedented boom. A San Fran land Saturday to assist F. L. Camps, the is 80 to 125 feet high, the gold being prin Stanton, who did not jump, sustained L. E. Hoover and Joe Scott, of Med 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. cisco company has just purchased 300 photographer. cipally in a stratum of blue gravel at* the slightest injuries of any of those in Opera House Block, Ashland. acres of land within three miles of Gold ford, are in Roseburg today and will can Horace Pelton, the stockman of Sams the bedrock, 6 to 12 feet deep. The mine the wreck. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., Hill, and has put in a demonstration vass the county selling patent rights of with pipe and giants, a I The _________ __ ___ 4 in- trainmen who ____________ were not badly Vancouver, B. C. plant which is Jo test the efficiency of Galloway’s feed boxes. This invention Valley, visited Ashland relatives Satur is well 11 equipped furnishing the ne sawmill necessary flume, jured went to work to relieve Conductor is very cheap and simple and a great day and Sunday. their dry washing process for working lumber. A good road was recently con. con* I Frater and Fireman Cavender, who were the county thereabout. Another San- saver of feed for any kind of stock.— John Olwell of Central Point, the new structed □♦rnntroi to Crow PrAw ’s, a a o distance A;=tonno »r of eight • seHoQgiy hurt The former’s wound was TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878— Franecisco concern, the John L. Farris Hoseburg Plaindealer. regent of the Agricultural college, was at miles, giving easy access to the mine. bound up by Engineer Lucas with strips NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i Company, has secured 600 acres of land Geo. A. Houck arrived in the city Corvallis last week. The “ A. & B. ” mine lias been one of the of a coat, and soon an engine came down NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. qr dredging purposes, and will at once Thursday with 1028 head of fine blooded Roseburg, Oregon. July 6th. 1900 Miss Emma Perry of Medford and R. best paying properties in southern Ore from Riddle and carried the injured man legin to place dredges in ponds dug for goats which he bought in California and and has been profitably operated to that place where Dr. Downing attend Notice is hereby given that incompliance iflem- It is the intention of both com is naw on his way home with his flock, 0, Stine of Ashland visited Colestin I gon over 20 years, with enough ground in ed them. He saw the impossibility of with the provisions of the act of Congress ían íes to spend a great deal of money, stopping here to rest and visit his broth Sunday and Monday. sight to operaie 50 years more. The saving Frater’s arm and amputated it of June 3. 1878, entitled ‘ An act for the and to push the work of development er. —Gold Hill News. of timber lands in the Stages of Califor J. B Trombley, formerly a headologist price paid is reported to be $100,000. about four inches below the shoulder. sale actively. nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ■ ot Talent but now of Sacramento, arrived A deep cut over his left eye was also C. H. Markham, of the Southern Pa in the valley Friday. ritory,” William A. Patrick of Ashland, California capitalists have become in Eugene, July 21.—A report comes from dressed. ’vof Jackson, State of Oregon, has terested in an irrigation scheme, the cific Railroad Company, is keeping the Blue River mines that the richest dis The northbound overland passed Coun this day filed in this office hiB sworn State Mrs. Mary Peter, deputy county clerk, ( covery yet made in the camp has just purpose of which is to dig a canal 50 right on with his campaign in behalf of ment No — for the purchase of the nw miles long which will irrigate thousands dairy development. Hardly a-week pass went to Portland last week to visit her been made on the World claim, by Brew through Roseburg this morning at 3 se 54 lots 1,2 3.4 of Sec. No. 12, in Twp. ’clock, and Frater, Cavender and Aubin of acres of land in the vicinity of Med es without a dairy meeting somewhere. sister, Mrs. Chas. Moore. baker & Yerington. As the report goes, o were No. 38 s Range No. 5 e, and will offer proof aboard bound for the Portland hos ford . have opened up a ledge six feet wide, pital, in charge of Dr. Houck. Mrs. to show that the land sought is more vain, Miss Hattie Oliver, who has been vis- they i Redding, Cal., July 18.—A large par The High Line Ditch Company, in as high as $1200 to the ton. Frater, wife of Postmaster Frater, got able for its timber or stone than for agri iting her mother, Mrs. R. M. Foster, re- carrying < ty of railroad surveyors said to be from which Mrs. Dekum, of Portland, is heav The ore is free milling and easily worked, aboard the train here to attend her son cultural purposes and to establish bisciaim tamed to Portland Snnday. to said land before the Register and Re ily interested, has now completed the Denver, have arrived at Anderson, near aud the discovery is considered better on the trip. On this morning’s local ceiver Miss Lena Elliott, after spending her ’ of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, survey, and will soon begin the work of here, and will run lines for a prospective than any that has hitherto been made. Engineer Lucas and Fireman Sutherlin on Tuesday tbe25tti day of September, 1900. construction. The canal will be 194 miles raod to Humbolt Bay. The surveyors vacation in Ashland, returned to The He names as witnesses: John J. Cam The big pump at Shasta river below went to Portland, and Mrs. J. W. Frater bers long, 14 feet wide at the top and 8 feet refuse to say what line they represent, Sanitarium, Portland Friday. of Ashland.Oregon; John R. Lzier of went down from Grants Pass. the electric light plant in the canyon, was wide at the bottom, and 6 feet deep. but it is said to be the Union Pacific. Mrs. Fred W. Carter and infant son Ashland. Oregon; Elmer Patrick of Ash It is the intention to use it chiefly to Portland, July 23.—The hospital re land, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of Ashland, A ckers D yspipsia T ablets are sold on a left for Portland Friday to visit her set on the foundation last Saturday, and will be ready for raising water by the port to day on those injured in the Rid Oregon. supply water to mines, and its completion positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, mother, Mrs. T. E. Godfrey. Any and all persons claiming adversoly time the ditch is completed to Montague. dle collission of Friday is as follows: will Bolve a problem that alone has re raising of the food, distress alter eating or Miss Mamie Nicholson of Medford and Tire pump is to be worked by water Mm 81. Opp. l.O.O. P.Bdl, tarded development of the mines of that any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet C. R. Cavender very seriously injured, the above-described lands are requested to immediate relief. 25cts. and 50cts. Miss Theresa Hoyt of Grants Pass went power, through means of a big ditch but doing as well as can be expected; L. file their claims in this office on or before district. Jbe water wil] come from the gives 1900. to Colestin Saturday to camp. along the river bank affording sufficient Aubin doing all right. J. W. Frater is said 25ih day of September, FJLIiTTS, TOOLS, Rogue River, and the supply will be in E ugene A. S herwin . J. T. BRIDGES, Fred Melhase’steam ran away Tuesday exhaustible. Postmaster Will Reames and family of power for operating a large motor wheel. doing well; resting more easy. Register. WJLILL ZPJLZPZEZEL, Q-JLJLS. ETO. Mr. Markham attended a meeting of near the Summers ranch and he was Gold Hill are visiting hie wife’s relatives The water is to be pumped up to a height of over 400 feet, which will afford the creamery men at Medford. There dragged about fifty yards, resulting in at Crescent City for the summer. In Lebanon, Friday night, the cloth TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 - B uilding P apebs , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTI8T8’ MATERIALS. was a large attendance, and assurance a good many bruises and a fractured rib. D. 'R Cheney, a Portland assayer, has sufficient gravity in covering the Shasta ing store of Capt. W. M. Coplan, the N0T1CE FOR PUBLICATION. was given that the creamery will be built. The team was frightened by a packmule opened an office at Ivan Humason’s new View farm north of Montague.—Yreka feed store of L. M ullit and the office of Journal. Nearly all the stock is subscribed, and and ran through several fences at the custom quartz mill at Gold Hill. Dr. Foley were destroyed by fire. Part NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, as soon as enough cows are pledged the Summers ranch, one being a barbwire Roseburg, Oregon, July 6th, 1900 of the contents were saved. Loss, $6000; Roseburg Plaindealer : Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Barber, wife of Conductor Bar Notice is hereby given that in compliance fence. Further than a broken pole, but enterpise will be started. insurance, $1500. VV. L. Dy singer, at their pleasant home with the provisions of ibe act ot Congress little damage was done to wagon, harness ber, left for San Francisco Friday. Miss near Cycling Park, have established an The contest case of O. F. Knox vs. H. of June 3,1878, entitled “An act fortlie sale Oregonian: It will probably surprise or team.—Klamath Falls Express. Alice Barber will return with her. industry which promises to be as exten» R. Kincaid for the office of county judge of timber lands in the States of California, many old residents of Oregon to learn E. G. Perham who has been mining at give and renumerative as it is unique. of Lane county, has been set for hearing Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo It bas been demonstraed by experience that the wild grape is found in abundance ry,” John J. Cambers of Ashland, County that consumption can be prevented by the El Dorado, Cal., has returned to Gold They have here one of the few pheasant- August 8th. along many of the streams in Jackson early of Jackson. State of Oregon, has this u?e of One Minute Cough Cure. This Hill to engage in contract work again. ries in existence in theUnited States, and county. The variety is very similar to is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, The case against Fletcher, the man ac day tiled in this office his sworn are raising and selling birds of the best that found in Northern New York. croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and J. H. Beeman of Gold Hill was in Port* stock. Although the existence of the cused of causing the death of Mrs. Anna statement No.— , for the purchase of the It is possible that the wild grape is found lung troubles. Cures quickly. E. A'S her land last week on a business trip and n % sw and lots 1, 2, and 3 of Sec No. enterprise is known to a comparatively C". Hatch of Forest Grove has been dis 24, in Twp. 38 s Range No 5 e, and will ol in some other parts of this state, but win . attended the A. O. U- W. grand lodge. few at home, the fact that it has wide missed. fer proof to show that the land sought is many who have been over a large portion Johnson, lately from New York, more valuable for its timber or stone than James Burns, wife and children came spread fame is proven by an order just of the state have never seen or heard of on Mr. Hu Returned and Ha, Equipped Hie t For burns, in juries, piles and skin diseases a visit to his brother-in-law, M. H. agricultural purposes, and to establish it. The wild grape is plentiful all through Burkhalter of Hornbrook, died very sud up from Josephine county Saturday to received for a pair of China pheasants to use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the for J Old Establiebed Gallery in Ashland With ♦ his claim to said land before the Register original. Counterfeits may be offered. Use the Mississippi Valley, and most of the denly last Wednesday about 4 a. m. visit her mother, Mrs. E. L. Applegate. go to East Orange, New Jersey. and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, The price paid for the full grown birds only DeWitt’s. E. A 8 h » bwin . East as far north as Northern New York, He was to have a surgical operation pre Oregon, on Tuesday the 25th day of Sep Misses Clara and Evangeline Poley average $5 per pair. They will raise and to people from that region who have formed by Dr. Gregory this evening pre left Sunday for Ft. Jones to pay a visit tember, 1900. The new 3 cent piece soon to be issued this year 50 pair. He names as witnesses; William A. feasted on wild grapes and swung in wild vious, and concluded to defer it until Wed to their brother, Wilmer Poley, the will be the size of a nickel, the size of Carbon Finish. + of Ashland, Oregon; Elmer Pat j grape vine swings, when children, it ap- nesday, but died before the time set. druggist. “We have sold many different cough the old 3 cent piece but thicker, and Patrick q. Pbotoa in Water Colors. T rick of Ashland. Oregon; John R. Lozier, prears strange why the wild grape is Dot Mr. Johnson was a highly esteemed remedies, but none has given better satis with a quarter inch hole in the center so of Ashland, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of 4* Pictures in the Latest Styles. + Each package of Putnam Fadeless Dye common on this coast. The mild climate gentleman, faction than Chamberlain ’ s, ” says Mr. and held a high position in. it can be distinguished easily by day Ashland, Oregon. J Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. + ought to be favorable to it. Probably it the East where he resided.—Yreka colors either Silk Wool or Cotton perfect Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, light or in the dark. Any and all i ersons claiming adversely q. Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. X ly at one boiling. Sold by E ugene A. N. J. “It is perfectly safe and can be re would thrive if plant»! almost anywhere Journal. the above-described lands are requested to in the state, but it does not appear to be S herwin . file their claims in this office on or before lied upon in all cases of cough, colds or A ckkb I s E nglish R emedy will stop a Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon, i indigenous except in Jackson county, said 25th day of September, 1900. BORN. Mrs. Newman Moon came over from hoarseness. Sold by E. A. S herwin . J. T. BRIDGES, and perhaps adjoining countries where cough at any time, and will cure the worst Klamathon last week to visit her sister. cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. Supt. J. D. Lee, of the Oregon peni Register. the cultivated grape flourishes. 2.1cts and 50cts. E ugene A.S herwin . Mrs. F. T. Wheeler, in Ashland, and tentiary, has filed his report in the office MAYFIELD—At The Meadows, June 5, relatives in Gold Hill. of Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar, for Isidor Caro, a prominent merchant of 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Finnis Mayfield, TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNES, 1878.- Trust those who have tried. Oakland, Or., died suddenly at St. Vin a daughter. New goods—art squares, rugs, lace the quarter ending June 1st. The report NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. cent’s hospital in Portland Monday of I suffered from catarrh of worst kind curtains, upholstering goods, parlor an<\ shows a decrease of twenty-seven during GUNN — At Central Point, July 13,1900, fTNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, last week aged 50 years. Two hours be and never hoped for cure, but Ely’s Cream extension tables at Opera House Furni the quarter, in the number of convicts. to Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gunn, a daugh U Roseburg, Oregon, July 6:h. 1900 fore his death he was brought to that city Balm seems to do even that.—Oscar Os ture Store. i ? The earnings of the prison aggregate Notice is hereby given that in compliance ter. $7197.17, and the expenditures during to undergo an operation for strangulated trom, 45 Warren Ave.. Chicago, Ill. with the provisions of the ^c| of Congress 1 suflered from catarrh: it got so bad Misses Betta and Sophia Muller, the three months, including salaries paid hernia. He was very weak when he ar-' 1 could of June 3, 187$, entitled “An act for the work; I used Ely's Cream Balm daughters of County Treasurer Max rived, and was at once taken to the hos and am not sale of timber lands in the States of Califor entirely well.—A. C. Clark, 311 Muller, returned to Jacksonville Mon were $9487.39. pital, where he expired soon afterward. I Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. nia, Oregon, Nevada and W asbingtou Ter 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. day from a visit at Oakland, Cal. A Clever Scheme. Mr. Caro was engaged in the mercantile ritory.” Elmer Patrick of Ashland, County The Balm does not irritate or cause sneez- of Jackson, State of Oregon has this (day business at Jacksonville, Ashland and . Mrs. A. B. Cavender and two daugh Several St. Louis housekeepers on bv druggists at 50 cts, or mailed The sufferer from Asthma is constantly filed in this office his sworn stater^eut Mt,. Roseburg a number of years ago, and by Ely Sold Brothers, 56 Warren St , New York. ters, who have been visiting her sister, making their spring cleaning havé the purchase of thesw t-nw U and lots Importers and Dealers in was well and favorably known in south Mrs. J. Franzen, returned home to discovered strong evidences of free- wheezing, gasping, hacking and clearing - 1, for 2, 3and 4 of Sec. N q . ¡4 in Twp. No 38 s the throat. When a storm approaches, ern Oregon. Brownsville, Linn county, Saturday. Range No. e, and will offer proof tc show taasonry among their servants. The real “summer gjrl” lasts tflroqgh when there is a cloud of dust, when that the land sought is more valuable for ‘ Of late there has been a general all the seasons. Rev F. G. Strange, of Ashland, passed W m It * Miracle; a room is being swept, its timber or stone than tor agricultural through Friday on his way to Portland. disposition on the part of the serv or when there is a bad purposes, and to establish his claim to said "The marvelous cure of Mrs. Rena J. | War makes money plentiful and men He will have another son at the Uni ants to hang up a number of large odor, breathing be and before the Register and Receiver of Stout of Consumption has created intense scarce. versity next fall. — Eugene Register. pictures in their room. On taking comes most difficult. this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tqesday excitement in Cammack, Ind.,” writes Measles, typhoid fever and small-pox 25th day of September, 1900 - Often it seems as the He these pictures down several womer Marjon Stuart, a leading of Mun , begin to make gold look cheap at Cape Mrs. S. M. Beach returned from Lake names as witnesses; John J. Cam , . druggist . though someone was cie, Iud. '.............. She only weighed 90 paunda Nome bers of A shlund, Oregon; John R. Lozier view last week accompained by her have found inscribed various bits oi clutching the of Ashland, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House when her doctor in Yorktown said she ! daughter, Mrs Follet, who goes to’ Port- information intended for succeeding sufferer by Ashland, Oregon; William A. Patrick of The boxers are not taking vacations lanflthis week for medical treatment. must soon die. Than she begun to nee cooks, nurses or girls for genera^ the throat Ashland, Oregon. I)r. King’s New Uncover? and gained 37 at their country homes nor prepairing Wiring, and Special Designs famished for Fire-Pla.ce Fur housework. In some instances the with a terri Any and all persons claiming adversely the Surveyor Jesse A. McCall and W. W. bounds in weight and was completely campaign speeches. fashionable women have been sur ’ above-desenbed lands are requested to fi e blegrasp. The cured.” It has cure«! thousands of hope- The Chicago Christian Scientists, who Peed returned to Ashland Saturday from Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. choking sen t heir claims in this office on or before said niture. leka cases, and is positively guaranteed are attempting to control the Chinese a surveying trip to Harney county, east prised to view themselves as theiç 25th day ol September, 1900. servants see them. Here are a few ol sation is al to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung dis Boxers by “absent treatment,” are act ern Oregon. C. W. Root remained in J. T. BRIDGE8, most unbear- the inscriptions found by one of the Portland. Register. eases. 5Qj. and $1.00. Trial bottles ing very prudently. a b 1 e. The women on her fine picture of “The free at E. A, S ukrwin . s drug store. Mrs. E. W. Rowell of Walden, eastern trouble some- TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, »78 - The Coreans are to move the royal Angelus:” • < lasts only a few minutes and again Cemetery away from the trolley lines. Oregon, arrived last week to visit her “Mrs. West Moreland is cranky and times W. S. U’Ren left Oregon City last Western civilisation is little respecter of mother-in-law, Mrs. Kate Howell. She NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. hangs on for many days. There is only one Saturday for Johannesburg, South persons, living or dead. was a delegate to the Degree of Honor has lots of company. You are a ‘dead safe thing to do, and that is take Acker’s NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Africa, to settle up the estate of hie grand lodge. one’ if you stay a month." Roseburg, Oregon, June 25, 1900 English Remedy for Throat and Lung Trou “Dat kid goes ter Sunday school, an’ brother, who recently died there. Notice is hereby giventuat in compliance “They use a heap of coal and kee bles. Just what this medicine accomplishes Emil Peil, blacksmith and dealer in 1 ! likes it, ” remarked the first boy sneer- Neglect is the short step so many take is shown by the following letter from Mr. N. with the provisions of the act of Congress ! \ you hustling in the winter." coal, agricultural implements, wagons, of Junes, 1878, entitled “An act for the from a cough or cold to consump’.ion. The ingly.” “The more you do, the harder she is H. Andrews, a prominent resident of Spring sale of timber lands in tlieStateiot Cali “How d’yer know?,, asked the other. buggies, etc. Bains, the lightest run early use of One Minute Cough Cure pre field, Ohio, who writes ning and strongest wagon on wheels. to please. ” fornia, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington “’Cos he calls it Sabbath school.” vents consumption. It is the only barm Latest improved buckeye mowers. Territory,” Samuel T. Songer of Ashland, leu remedy that gives immediate results “Hours are awful in this house. You “ W. 2T, Hooker <£ Co., New York : The Bible was the boat selling book of Jackson, state of Oregon, bas It cures all throat and lung troubles. are liable to get stuck most any night. ‘ 'Gentlemen .—It affords me a great pleasure oonnty OREGON. Miss Martha Cardwell arrived at Gold last year, as it usually ¡9. Krupp guns this dav in this office bis sworn state ASHLAND. Children all like it and mothers endorsa it. assure you that I have received both im ment No. filed 1117, for the purchase of the sel£ and armor-plate, Krag-Jorgensen rifles, Hill Monday after teaching a nine months They are always eating, and the men to E ugene A. biiERWis. and permanent relief from throat, of Sec. No, 10, in Township No <0 S Range and shells, anil whisky, rum and school at Pine Grove, Klamath county. don't care when they get home for I mediate It is understood, all things favorable, powde' She will remain at home until September meals, it is worse than a restau* bronchial and asthmatic troubles by using No. 3e, and wdl after proof to show that beer were among the other articles that that Lakeview will have a new banking had the beet sales—and wherever the when she will begin a niue months term rant.” Acker’s English Remedy, taken strictly ac ate land sought is more valuable for its mber or stone than for agncultnra! pur- establishment within six months. East mosu bibles went, the most of the other of school at Merrill. cording to directions. It is a blessing to “The people here can dirty more humanity.” Eises. and to establish his claim to said ern capitalists, are at the head of the I adjuncts of “civilization” were also des- Dd before the Register and Receiver of Yreka Journal : P. 0. LeMay, gener dishes than a hotel." movement, and the capital stock is to be tiued. Bold at Sc., tec. and fl a boule, throughout tlie Tnlted office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday al agent for the Dr. Barr excursion to ‘.‘If you don’t feed the dog regular States and Canada; and in England, at la. *4., 2s 34., this $060,000.—Lakeview Examiner. «e «4. If yon are not satisfied after buying, return the the 7th day of Septemb’r. 1900. Good Accommodations occur about Sept. 6th, during the Elk ’ s and put straw in his kennel etfery tot tie to your druggtat and get your money back. Your Face He names as witnesses: M. M. Tucker, Moai T ea positively cures »ick headache, carnival in that city, will soon be pre- night you are a goner.” of Aehlind. Oregon : T. McHattan, of Ash indigestion aud constipation. A doligbt- I Shows the state of your feelings and the ! uared to sell tioket9 at $10 for round trip II e authorise the above ffuaraniee. Located in Heart of City. Every girl who added her mite to W. H. HOOKER & CO., Proprieton, New York. land, Oregon; L. L Angle, of Ashlatnl, ful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of state of your health as well. Impure blood , from Montague to Portland and return. . Oregon; D. 11. Yeager, of Si:ow, Oregon. the akin, producing a pei* rfect complexion, nukes itself atparent ia a pale and sallow the information for those to follow Any and all persons eialming adversely or money retundid. 25 cts and 50 eta. completion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. Free Bus to and From all Trains, Mrs. Chas. Chandler left Monday to gave some excuse for departure. One the above described lands are requested to If yon are feeling weak aud worn out and __ ' pay a visit to her relatives at Vineta, was to be married. Another was go file their c'a ’ me in this office on or before do not have a healthy appearance ---- ISn It n cures Territory. She was tf® aecompan- sai-i 7th day of September, 1900. TOMIA, Élixir. cures * l -X. u J ^iaa I ‘ should try Acker's Blood Elixir. * A A A T. A A A A . K M W Y r- —1 0“ I «““- ing back to the farm, etc. Absorufefy^Ä4A7/V<x Pure • Williams Block. Main Street. A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just Added to Makethe Hair Grow Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. R. N. NASON’S PAINT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Ideal Holiday FURNITURE Window Shades, Draperies, -A. Carpets, * Linoleum. I* J. DODGE. ASHLAND MILLS Cmï mtemt nan U W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S Q H • CUAIUQ ASHLAND. OB tVnllO, PAINTING, U PAPERING. ETC. F. L CAMPS ....The Photographer i •• J THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY, J I i THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Asthma’s Clutch Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. A shland H ouse U N, BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR. RATES. $1.00 PER DAY. the TIs lind ÏH Haw Aiwa« B ms W ah Diood diseases where oheap Barsaparillas as Kansas City by Mrs R S An elegant stock of summer goods I and so called purifiers pnritlers fail fail ; knowing this, oareiay Barclay who who is en route to vn Chicago ¡cago to we sail every bottle on a positive guarantee, visit relatives until the cold weather sets hMve^arnved at Vaupal, Norria & I Evntys A. S hiiwin . Emtxi tauvr». in. the J. T. BRIDGES, Register. The old reliable—The Weekly Oregonian. The Valley Record for the News.