RHEUMATISM ©Isions Muscles, Shaners Nerves, stiffens Joints. : Many substantial building« are VALLEI BECOBDJ greeted at Fr-?suo. I “THE Wf . k rhe new auditorium at Grass I Valley has commenced. The People's Paper. The district fair at Napa is being held i this week. This is the first fair in that A familiv name for tbe Chicago, ASHLAND, Or.. Thursday, July 19, 1900 ■ district in five years. Is due to a& acid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of the proper Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, ----------------------------------------------------------- Kitty Turner of San Franoisco, stab- organs to carry off and keep the system clear of all morbid, effete matter. This poison known all over the Union aa the i bed and seriously wounded James Tur through the general circulation is deposited in the joints, muscles and nerv es, causing the most intense pwin Our School Exhibit In Paris. ner in a saloon during a quarrel Sunday Great Railway running the Rheumatism mav attack with such suddenness and severity as to make within a few days a healthy, I One of the most remarkable and in active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerves; or it may be slow m ! night. developing, with flight wandering pains, just_ severe enough J* make one feel uncomfortable; the ten- gome respects the most valuable of ex Emil Markenberg, the mronaut, was dency in such cases is to gronv worse, and finally become chroBfc. hibits of the United States at the Paris killed last week at ¿anta Ana, while fib» other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of proper exposition is a series of monographs making a balloon asoensien. food insufficient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to develop Traina every day and night between in early life, but more often not' until middle age or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic, published by tbe state of New York i It has been demonstraed by experience St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and describing “education in the United I that consumption can be prevented by the Chicago, “The only perfect traina in the States” in the closing year of the nine | early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This world.” Underatand: Connections are ' is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the preparations of potash teenth century. The introduction, by I croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and made with All Traneeontinental Linet, and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always prescribe, cure Rheumatism, but Professor Butler of Columbia universi ' lung troubles.’jCures quickly. E. A- S heb - aaeuring to passengers the beat eervice ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. . A remedy which builds up the general health and at the same time nds the system of the poison is ty, is printed in the current issne of WIN. known. the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism. S. S. S., made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful The Educational Review and gives a ' It is probable that a beet sugar fac perries, attacks the disease in the right way, and in the right place-the bicod-and ouickly neutralizes very striking and informing summary tory will ba established at Newberg, solvent Luxurious Coaches, poisonous xAvyvw.vw, deposits, stimulates reinforces the overworked, worn-out organs, and clears the system tlhC &CiG ttULl U1AS3VAVW» i all pvawvaavMw» . - ... and ------ —- of the contents of the two large vol Or. of all unhealthy accumulations. S. S. S. cures permanently and thoroughly, and keeps Smallpox has been discovered at Jack- Electric Lights, umes. the blood in a pure, healthy state. "> son, Amador connty. Physicians re Mr. J. O. Malley, 123 W. 15th Street, Indianapolis, Ind., for eighteen months was so terribly afflicted What will probably be most impress Steam Heat, port 29 developed cases, all excepting ■with Rheumatism he was unable to feed or dress himself. Doctors said his case was hopeless. Hehad ive for foreign students of our schools two of a mild type. tried fifty-two prescription* fliat friends had given him, without the slightest relief. ?- few B 8. S. cured him permanently, and he has never bad a rheumatic pain since. This was five yearsa0o. Of a verity equaled by no other line. will be first th^ total absence of any Wil iam Williamson, an assistant • We will send free our special book on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands See that your ticket reada via “The central control or direct Initiative and cook, either jumped or fell from the Hudyan gives one Energy. Andijan lor Men and Women of every sufferer from this torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin Vigor .vint, makes one Robust Milwaukee ” wbeu going to any poin second the enormous results that have porch of the Belleville Terrace hotel at FIFTY CENTS. and Strong. Hudyan creates a life studv and will jrivc you anv information or advice wanted, so write tliem bright, rosy complexions, be in the United Statee or Canada, Al ¿vffiy^d freely about your caSe. We make no charge whatever for this service. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. been attained by a system wholly de Los Angeles and was killed. Hu<lvan cures, never doubt cause it insures perfect activ ticket agents sell them. It. IIiKiyancuresalldisorder* centralized, in many ways crude and ity of all organs of the body. Gordon A. Wynn, 10 years old, was arising from Weak Nerves or Women who suffer with pain extremely heterogeneous. As to the drowned at Redondo Beaoh while swim Impoverished blood. Iludyan ful or irregular periods, leu- I [For rates, pamphlets or other infer IS IT RIGHT cures Nervousness, Trem corrhœa, bearing-down pains, schooling of its seventy odd millions of ming in the ocean. blings, Weakness, Dizziness, tuition, ’address, chronic inflammations and All-gone Feeling. Hudyen w. ivennedy, a pioneer of 1849, ulcerations find absolute For an Editor to Recommend Pat- citizens, the government of the United cures Sleeplessness, Despond comfort in Hudyan. It cures. J. W. CASEY, O. J. EDDY, States has not a word to say in the line died at his home in Napa recently. ency, Mental Depression. Hudyan makes rich blood, ent Medicines? Huayan cures Indigestion, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agt., promotes sound sleep, creates of definition or regulation, but it has Bloating of Stomach, Palpita Major C. W. Kyle, chief clerk of the a healthy appetite. Hudyan From Svlvan Valley News, Brevrad ‘! been from the earliest days of its ex S battlb , W ash . P ortland , O i . tion of the Heart. Pale or Sal 65c. cure» are permanent and last last assembly, has been appointed to the We are sell the very ftn N. C. low Complexions. Hudyan ing. Consult th. Great Hudyan it may be a question whether the i lstence generous to the verge of lavish- position of overseer at Folsom prison, st factory ies , lew cures Clouded Memory, Head Doctors Free. They Advise the price charged by others, and aches, Costiveness, Torpid Free. Call orWrite. Hudyan, editor of a newspaper has the right to pub ness in its gifts of means for that vice J. E. Baker, resigned. Liver. Iludyan cures Pain i» lll.Xà New 60 et». » package. 6 packages, Back, Pain in Side, Pains in York Reversible Elastic Truss, illustrated above, cut this licly recommend any of the various pro schooling. A low estimate of the value A rrive Í2.60. For sale by alt drug, Tlkll Sell Ki VLXS. D éfaut Limbs, Weak Back, Sediment ad. out and send to us with OCR SPECIAL PRICK named, prietary medicines which flood the of these gifts, mainly in land, puts it at gists, or send direct to Hadyaa state your Height, Weight, Age, how long you have been 1 in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Remedy Co., corner Stoekton, ruptured, whether rupture is large or small ; also state market, yet as a preventive of suffering 1 Dots before Eyes. Hudyan number inches around the body on a line with the we feel it a duty to say a good word for $300,000,000, while the lhnd thus grant Ellie end Mar'/et Streets, St' cures Loss of Flesh, Loss of Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver Ft 4 p. ni. rupture, say whether rupture is on right or left side, Appetite, Haggard Appear Francisco, California. and we will send either truss to you with the under Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar ed is about 135,000 square miles, or an Wortb.Cmaba. Kan Portland Of life a woman may nnd herself fading ance, Lack of Energy. standing. if it is not a perfect fit and equal to trusses that sas City, 8t Lout»,; Special retail at three times our price,you can return it and we rhoea Remedy. We have known and need area equal to that of Prussia or to that and failing. She doesn’t understand it. will return your money. this medicine in our family for twenty of the United Kingdom with Holland She goes to doctors, who treat her for 9:15 a. tu. Chicago and East. WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE eutimtal veara and have always found it reliable. this or for that, but she gets no better. When people are contemplating a trip, of trusses, including the hew $10.00 Lea Truss OQ *7C added. *» ♦hat cures almost auy ca«e, and which we sell far QAifv In many cases a dose of thia remedy Siw grows frail and pale. She can just whether on business or pleasure, they One result of this spirit of encourage ■drag about the house,” but has no Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver. Ft.| 8:40 a. ni a*». SEARS, ROEBUCK & Co. CHICACO would eave hours of suffering while a naturally want the beat service obtain Express Worth,Omaha, Kan physician is awaited. We do not be ment on the one hand and of entire pleasure in life. able so far as speed,comtort and safety sas City, St. Louis, 9 00p m. lieve in depending implicitly on anv freedom on the other has been the Matty such women ¡8 concerned. Employees of tbe Wta Via Hun Chicago and East. medicine for a cure, but we do believe have taken advant tington. consin C entral L ines are paid toaerve that if a bottle of Chamberlain’s Diar greatest possible variation in the kind age of Dr. Pierce’s the public and our trains are operated R’hVlTAJ <M>8itsU» 12>»G p i . Uxl2x2 inches rhoea Remedy were kept on band and ad and in the extent of schooling in the oner of free consult ifiEisa.eor.tn vac over I00,9v0 quotations, ao as to make clcse connection with ministered at tbe inception of an attack j iliUof ihtif'f'S. the largest, most cciuph te ar.d lowest priced Catalogna several states. The total number of 7 a. ni. Walla Walla, Lewis ation by letter , and diverging lines at all junction points. cTrtpabii.i^d. MA’rts TH£ LOWi$T WHILES Alt CXIfiACO FPCES Oh much suffering might be avoided and in j ton, -pokane, Min FVEIYTHINS including everything in ^reccrics. Dir: , D.-ju«»o<is. No- Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars Spokane pupils taught is very large. The cen have been restored tluu», C oluL.g-. Clc&tn, brjsera, Boats and ¿hors. Watches, Jc-vtt ’ ry, Bri-ika, very manv cases the presence of a physi neapolis. 8t. Paul, ß-.j < . Flyer by Dr. Tierce’s MONTHLY MAGAZINE Hartfwcre» S igac «, AgricBlUml Lnplemeati, Fural.ure, JIarscss, Endalea, on through trains. ... ■ ' ■ Duluth, Milwaukee, cian would not be required. At least this sus rates as of “school age” all be treatment to per 6 p. tn. Doggies, Ev.viftg Ssthiaes, Crockery. Or?SkiS, riantis, X d . iral 1« traaiiala, Dining Car eervice unexcelled. Meals A F amily L ibrary Fi.rnit>h!n5 Gocus, Gunx, ¿rvviTirs, Fiahirw Tackle, rkyt’r», Chicago and East. has been cur experiene during the past tween 5 and 18 years old, and the total fect health. There Goods. Ele. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay for served a la Carte. twenty years. For sale by E. A. S iieb - is 21,500,000 in round numbers. Of is no more wonder everything be buysand will prevent him from ovsrehargins vou on anything you buy ; explains just how to order, hew much the freight, In order to obtain this first-class service, WIN. _________________ these 15,000,000, or fully 70 per cent, ful medicine for O cf . ax S tkamships . 4 p. ID. express or mai? will be on anything to your town. The blj; be ok ask tbe ticket agent to sell yon a ticket 8 p. m, 12 C omplete N ovels Y early cc.xtaua near I a * *1.00« the postfure alone is 34 cents. women than Dr. There is :i vast quantity of fruit be are registered in the public or common over................. CB aTC £^ETE*CrE> Cut th<s ad. out and send to u» All sailing dates sub VWT rriLC yrrun. wit h 1& cent» ir stamp» to MANY SHORT STORIES AND ing shipped from Tulare county at the schools. The figures are impressive. Pierce’s Favorite ject to change. help pay the 34 cents postage, aad the Dig Book will be sent to you FKEK Prescription. Its PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS by mail pest pa Id, and if you don’t think it is worth 100 times the 15 cent» The Wisconsin Central Lines For S»n Francisco— present time. The E.irl Fruit company The provision of teachers and housing you send, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices of everything, say action upon the Sail every 5 davs. SO and we will immediately return your 15 ernta. $2.50 per year ; 25 cts . a copy has a large force at its packing-house in is not less so. The total number of womanly organs is and you will make direct connections WHAT THE PRESS SAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOGVE: at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and Visalia busy handling Tragedy prunes, •‘It is a monument of business information.”—Minneapolis (Minn.) NO CONTINUED STORIES at once apparent teachers is 409,193, of whom rather Tribune. . _ all points East, prunes simoni, apricots, pears and a 4 p. m. in the decrease of “A wonderful piece of work.”—Washington National Tribune every number complete in itself C olumbia R ivkk Daily “Th« Catalogue is a wonder.”—Manchester (N. H.) Union. For any further information call on any m — ■■fim inr »¿.w T«k*»!rwiww i»n ia i»rwa— Ex. Sun. Ex Sun | variety of plums. The same varieties more than two-thirds are women, while pain and the in “ Sears. Roebuck & Co. Is one of the largest houses of its kind in Í8ÍCAG0E1.ÍLSA- ticket agent, or correspond with S teamers . day. 8 p Chicago,”—Chicago Inter Ocean. j of fruit are being shipped in large qnan- the number of buildings is 242,390, of a crease of strength. “The big catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that JAS. C. POND, m, Satur It cures female total value of some $500,000,000. The could no?sib!y be sent into a district.”—Royce’s Monthly, Chicago. 1 ties from the Downing warehouse. The day 10 p. To Astoria and Way- General Pass. Agent, “Tlieircatr.logue is a vast department s:ore boiled down.’’—Atlanta Constitution. weakness and such average monthly pay of teachers is for I prices received have been very satisfac- “The catalogue is certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia.”— Chicago Epworth Herald- m. Landings. or JAS. A. CLOCK, M ilwaukek , diseases as take “A jaw should be p* s^dcimn^Hinerthevscof this catalogue in all publicschool».”—The Hon. G. A. Southtoun. I tory so far. men $46.16 and for women $38.74, away the strength V.'.-'coyid run*e th'-rcfi-ds rf t imf’srextracts, b—-' J !» «vatsatenee and rru will rcrekethe 4-pound beokby returu General Agent, W isconsin , X1L Adures>, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO, (iewJ, QNiCAQO, ILLINOIS. U. S. A. 246 Stark Street, which Is 75 per cent higher In the rural Apricot pits appear to sell well. They and beauty of W1LLEMETTE RlVER. 8« AT H ALF PñiCE. 4:30 p.in 6 a. ni. P ortland . O regon , If you vent QB to uiftke v. | are worth about $5 per ton for fuel, districts and 86 per cent higher In cities women. Ex Sun Oregon City. Newberg. Ex. 8un. your lEASlKi ui»d ür:i>! ;• Sick women are í.'I.kS'T’l í*»r the Ki'LI FI : but are being purchased for other uses than the pay received 40 years ago. day. Salem, Independence am > ci i : f of v < sin ♦ si: veins . invited to consult and Way-Landings StlOLLE-X Git rLI I-H- at from 50 to $9 per ton. They must JLTKi» li:i3S. COKH1AXCV. Dr. Pierce by letter be spread and allowed to dry, when AKlllh'Ji.UL ’ J L a kN IAS < K —, _ — OSH IX) Li all, M ARE YOU GOING EAST? The statement is made that the Dan free. AH corres / ip; •fVTiOK, state ycur hrl-h», they are ready for market. They are I v.. ig!*t end i:»**, FZate number St^’SS SPECIAL HIGH GRADE pondence private. Address Dr. R. V. 7 a. m. W illamette axd Y am 3:30 p. w ish government is about to publish an <-i luches ¿round t«Mly or hill R ivers . Mon W»d Be sure and see that your used in the production of prussic acid, TuesThur Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. limb at each letter show".«.» $38.50 STOCK SADDLE p.i Ticket readsivia cut and send to us and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. «Tv»«' _ with on; «Itc&we I commenced to use your medicine I “almond oil,” and doubtless other official account of its negotiations with by freight C. O. I>. subject to examination. • î .’CÏ si tcïËLriiüï.'wëVi: J! ’ make in a bail condition (for tight years) and and Way-Landings. __ _ gooiis „ the I things. Last year they were shipped the United States for the sale of the was ; i li.u to orde.-fr<- L>m ’ ftmr doctors treated me,” writes Mrs. Bettie YOU CAN EXAMINE IT wry frvah rubber elistir Askew, of Garysburg, Northampton Co., N. C. guarantee a peí feel fit anti I in their natural state, but this year Danish West Indies, and it is to be perfectly aatlaiactory* exactly a» represented, "They, of coarse, gave me at the time some re •Jit you do r.ot tincl it peitecii. I some packers are extracting the kernels hoped that the statement is true. The lief but H did not test long. I was some days ■F satisfactoiy and equal to re.J I An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle Leave S hake R iver . Leave c thei s re t double the price f and the equal of saddles sold everywhere at from I for shipment. impression prevails that these negotia in niybed and »me days I dragged about the Lewiston Biparia i rturr. at on* expiree and v. e v boose. I hnre r.sed five bottles of Dr. Pierce’s refund your money. Daily 3 35 a. ui. pay the freight ageni OUR PRICE, $38.50. tions were interrupted by external in Favorite Prescription and five of the ’ Golder. The new assembly hall at Pacific less the $1.00 deposit« or $87.50, and freight Riparia to Lewiston. 9 a m O'Jil SPECIAL f lllC't £ ; Daily. Medical Discovery,’ and fear vials of the ‘ Pel fluence and that but for this influence charges. grove is completed, except for a few de lets.’ Now I feel Hire a net^woman, and I want £ _• * . - thigh rtJtklag, A to », $7. 5‘- This Saddle is made on a 1554 or - TL,* I tuh-h Jcgt-ln^, C :o 1, ¿C.CJ; il-’e tails in the interior decorations, and the islands in question would long ago the world to know it.” yv^-i’X b to 1, SS.&O; te«*e sicekh.*; 16-inch Genuine Ladesma or The action oi the " Favorite Prescrip A 'X/S J A lai«» fcS-OOj heele«’«*» € ’ ♦ I' ! will be formally opened on July 8. It have passed under American control. Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... i-l.Ü'Jj Unie cap, E <*» ----- THE----- tion ” is assisted by the use of " Pleasant CAREFULLY SELECTED RAWHIDE COVERED is designed to meet the needs of the After having repeatedly signified her » garlrr »iecklsg, A ioE, ¿3.00; gar:* TREE, bound'or roll bantie, steel leather covered stirrups — ft “ ' * C V» K, at-Uel, A tc i Pellets " when the bowels are irregular. or 2-inch oxbow brass bound, as desired. Will ueud bvaad CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, I various conventions that are held in desire to transfer her West Indian pos oWaaiiiui un. X wZî; CiC.OO. CIH’TCX Eli st : •aatle unless otherwise ordered. >IUOD9, OÎÎE-TMIEU LK^c. Hjitiial «•’.art;« A’*dviu; 1. that city during the summer months, sessions to the United States Denmark MINNEAPOLIS and nuide of iî tbi*R>i;infe/v oven vit TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG rubber thread. H » hc I mm wide, lv in?*m and will be used chiefly as a convention 3 inch wide lace stirrup leathers, lVineh tie straps, OMAHA RAILWAYS. suddenly and somewhat mysteriously li iurbrii», $ü.ôO. '»Vr«tc for Surgery Ctttal-guu extra long on near side, 2-inch to buckle on offside, heavy and concert hall. It has a seating ca SEA3S. ROEBUCK & CO.. (¡Bed, CHICAGO. IL» cotton twisted Mexican o-inch front cinch, heavy cotton changed her policy and announced that Thia ia tbe belting flank cinch, connecting strap. Loop seat, seat and pacity of 2000. jockey all one piece. she did not wish to part with the is ELEGANT HAND RAISED STAMPING GREAT SHORT The law holds both maker and circulator lands. It is now stated, however, that LINE as ill us Crated. ^Weight of Ruddle about 8o pounds of a counterfeit equally guiltv. Tbe dealer she will again entertain proposals for packet! for shipment, 45 pound?. FREIGHT IS ONLY ABO LI who sells vou a dangerous counterfeit of Between f 1.00 FOR EACH 500 MILES. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve risks your life their sale to this country. An official Ou June 23, Julv 12and 20, and August 4tb, WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS ANO SADDLE DULUTH - ST. PAUL - CHICAGO tickets from Denver. Colorado Springs, to make a lit tie Jarger profit. Y’ou can not statement giving in detail the influ CATALGSUE, showing a full line ?! Cowboy and Rancher Pueblo to Chicago, 8t. Louis and interme Outfits at ths ieweti prise» ever quoted. Address, trust him. DeWitt’s is tbe only genuine And All Points East andlSoutb. diate points, and return, will be sold by gnd original Witch Hazel Salve, a well ences and considerations that caused SEARS. ROEBL ’ GK & CO. (Inc.) CHICA60, ILL. the known cure for piles and all skin diseasas. the Copenhagen government to with (Sears, Eoetuck » Vu, are th-ruu^hly reliable.— Kdltor.) Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- See that vour dealer gives you DeWitt's Qnicklv secured. OUR FEB DUE WHEN PATENT draw its original proposition to sell the tibuled Dining and SleepingfCar Salve. E. A. S hnbwin . OBTAINED. Seud model, sketch or photo. with Trains and Motto: dssonption for free report as to patentability. 48-PAC7. islands would make extremely inter The jail it Hollister was burned a HAND-BCeX FREE. Contains references and full esting reading. infcrmatioa. WRITS FOR COPY DF OUR SPECIAL few days ago and two prisoners, Beni- “ ALWAYS ON TIME ” OFFER. It is the most liberal proposition ever mr.do by mo Gomez r.ud Jose Baise, were burned a patent attorney, and EVERY Di VECTOR SHOULD READ IT befor» applying for potent. Address: A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia to death. It is supposed that they tried Have given this road a national reputa Shortest and Quickest Line the following appropriate rendering of to burn th« ■ way to liberty but the fire gave lion. All classes of passengers carried Burns ’ famous blessing: “ Some have meat TO got beyond heir control. on the ve8tibuled trains without extra and can not eat, and some have none that ST. PAUL. DULUTH- MINNEAPOLIS. CHICACO- r PATENT LAWYERS, charge. Ship your freight and travel A. E. Harrington, bookkeeper of the want it; but we have meat and we can eat. f L.rroituidt., WASHINGTON, D. C. AND ALL POINTS EAST. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked.” This over this famous line. All agents have J Evening Record of Los Angeles, and a — preparation will digest what vou eat. It tickets. WT. H. MEAD, j contestant m the Santa Monica road instantly retevels and ra-ticallv cures in General Agent, 243 Washington St., Through Palace anil Tourist Sleepers digestion and all stomach disorders. E, A race, was killed by an electric car. It —At rate of— W. C. S avagb , Portland, Oregon. Dining anil Buffet Smoking TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878.— ' is not known just how the rider got un- S herwin . Traveling F. & P. Agent, Library Cara. Regular Fare Plus $2.00 for Round Trip One der the wheels. Portland. Oregon. NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. Shipments of souvenir pears to Eng Return Limit October 31,1900. Rural free delivery service has been land have begun. NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME; SERVICE Itoseburg, Oregon. June 30. 1903 established at Haywards, Alameda SPECIAL TRAINS A disastrous grain fire has destroyed AND SCENERA VNEQCALED. THE POPULAR THROUGH Notice is hereby given that in compliance county. The length of the route is 48 nearly 2000 acres of wheat in Glenn ONE NIGHT OUT TO CHICAGO. Tick with the provisions of the act of Congress CAR LINE FROM THE w#* miles. The area covered is 50 square ets also good on regular trains. county. The damage is estimated at Tickets to points East via Portland and of June 3. 1878. entitled” An aclfor the sale miles, with two carriers serving a popu of timber lands in tbe States of California tbaUKEAT NORTHERN RY . on sale at 120,000, partially insured. ONLY DIRECT LINE FROM COLO Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, ur Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terri lation of 2200. There is a great sale of fruit-pitting tory, ” Minnie 15. Love of Medford. County RADO SPRINGS AND MANITOU GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office of Jackson, State of Oiegon has this day i Job printing at Record office. roRHE machines this year, oansed by the scar Take advantage of these cheap rates and tiled in this office her sworn statement No. TO AU POINTS Ì6S Morrison Street, city of labor. The work is not so good spend your vacation in your old homes. 1128. for tbe purchase of the lots 15, 7 and Sleeping Car Reservations may be made as hand work, but the fruit is saved. s»J4. sw% of Section No. .18, in Township SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. PORTLAND. now for any of the excursions. Write for a. C. NICHOL, General Ajete S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. No. 39. a Range No. 1 e, and will offer proof There will be a citrus fair held in Tu full information. Ml Su, PCÄTLAND. ORE. I1ENV5X. COLO. For Kates. Folders, and Full intorin* to show tiiat tbe land sought is more valu lare during the last week in November A. E. COOPER,G. A. P. D., Portland, Ore. i A. O. U. W. tion regarding Eastern Trip call on or ad I able for its timber or stone than for agri ^ djt Í c JK s . next, when that county will show what E, W. T hompson , A. G. P. A,. Topeka, Kan. cultural purposes, and to establish her claim ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66, dress J ohn S ebastian , G. P. A,, Chicago. to said land before tbe Register and Re it can do in the way of early oranges. A. B. C. DENNISTON, Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall oi this office at Roseburg, Oregon ¡very City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland ceiver second and fourth Wednesday in The drought which has so greatly in on Tuesday the 4tb day of September, lUiX) *ach re DRIfK Til ffATEB II A TirjC month. All brethren in good standing jured the wheat crop of the Dakotas has She names as witnesses: C P. Snell of ¡Medford, Oregon; Cora Snell of Medford. we cordially invited to attend. extended west into Montana, where G eo . E noli , M. W. 'Oregon; W. D. Love of Medford, Oregon; g Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates G eo . W. T refren , Recorder. ranges ami unirrigated crops have suf | Kogers of Medford, Oregon. fungi and animalculea, and neutral fered severely. - Any and all versons claiming adversely izing and correcting all acidi W. R. O. J ties it promotes a normal and The Miller & Lnx company is giving healthful oondltion in every BURNSIDE BELIEF CORPS NO. 24 one free irrigation to farmers under the said 4th day of September, 1900. part of the system. P A T |pT f] I ■ the above describeu lands are requested to Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o ’ clock p company’s canal at Los Banos who lost J. office T. BRIDGET AV | tile tbeir ciaims in this o;; : or befo-e m on the second and fourth Saturdays of eceiver their crop by rust. The land has been JACKSONVILLE, each month. — SWIMMING RINK. — replanted to corn. M rs . M alvina F erguson , Pres. OREGON. Mas. M. J. Spencsr, Sec'y. Some sales of wool have been made inclosed and covered, the same medica Administrator's Notice. in Mendocino and Sonoma counties at water, always clean, for the springs run a KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. In the county court of the state of Oregon, from 16 to 17 cents a pouud. Growers Boarding School for heavy volume— more than twelv huu Girls. REPRODUCES SAME GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights Lounty of Jackson. do not like to accept these prices, but RECORDS AS dred gallons per hour. In tbe matter of the estate of John H. Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets ever. some have been compelled to. ALL STANDARD M onday evening. Visiting Knights in good i Shepherd, deceased. TALKING FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS You may dive and swim and fiave mor* MACHINES. Notice is iierepy given that tbe under randiugarecordiallyinvited to attend. Farmers in the Orange connty peat fun than “anybody”—come out aa ‘’fine F. D. ROBBIN8, C. C. 1 signed li.as been appointed by the connty SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, lands are making preparations for a big as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven T. H. S impson . K. R. 8. , court ot Jackson county, Oregou. sitting a-, ated and happy. ' celery crop the coining season, and from Jacksonville, Oregon. j a court of probate, administrator of the Pullman all accounts the acreage will be almost estate of John 11, bhepiierd. deceased. ¡¡¡The pieaiure In ownlnga Gtraphophonelslargely IncreasedbvbelEg.bleto meke and reproduce Nice neat cottages, partly furnished, A LOCAL, All persons indebted to said estate are M yourown records. Wefurnl»» this machine with reDorderfprSi.iC'.nisklnKjt thecjieapestrecordln, double that of last year. Sleeping Cars ’ hereby or rent. For information address ths and reproducing talking machine on the market. Grap Lo phones of every description. Call or writ«. notified and requested to settle the Disease proprietor. The Washington pure food law is . same immediately, ai.d those Laving claims I COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Dept. 135. San Francisco Address, 125 Geary st. Elegant 1 VISIT DS. JORDAN’S GREAT A Climatic against said estate a ill present them to me just now being enforced with a good Located on ths Dining Cars at my re-idence in Barron, Jackson Go.. Aflbotion deal of vigor. Adulterations of olive SHATOHYf Oregon with proper vouchers attached, oil and jellies are found in the most 1051MAKRET ST., SAS KUOSM, CAL. f within -six months after the date of Die Nothing but a local HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK Tourist numerous and each conviction costs the first publication of this notice. remedy or change of The Largest Anatomical Museum in the M World. Weaknes:.es cr ar.y contracted Y SHKPHERD, we v ah lj you high climate will cure it. victim a $50 fine, besides costs. Sleeping Cars Administrator of W. lhe H. estate disease positively cared i:y the eldest A NORTH OF THE PLAZA. HADS PRl? fiáfiiXET TUilCiCK SE'í.’IMG MASHHIE by f.cQh!,uo.K^Meat<. rn.ii» of John H. Get a well - known Specialist on the Coast Est 36 years. ^7 J j . i . You ca;! examine :t at yuur nearest, areight depct and if found Sixty carloads of lemons were ship Shepherd, deceased. pliar maceutica I iK-rfc ’ Ctly natiaisefury.cxaetly a J represented, eqii?! to raacLin.s others toll i CR. JORDAN—DISEASES Or MEN d x* PAUL ns ÍX’J-OÜ, and THE GHtATFST BAKuAAN YOU Dated June I2th, 19U0. ped from San Diego in a recent week remedy, 8YPESIILIS thoroughly eradicated A ¿.lx ¡it ae » o-, p. ;. SpCCiaj offer Price $15.50 MLNNEAPOUS^ from system without the u>c of Mcrcary. V citr Frei iht *. our f - - ------------ Ely’s which was the largest quantity ever utd fre-i>ht cnn.rires. Machine weighs 120 pound?and tbefreight will TrusseB fitted by an Expert R ad 1- A shipped in the same length of time, and eal cure for Eluptcre. A quick and Y iverrigs lit cenufor eacU SCO miles, GIVE IT.THeEE MONTHS TRIAL in DULUTH I Cream Balm 7«>ur c^a houre. and we will return y<>ur»ic..A‘ any day you are not radical cure for I’ilost, ar.d X __________ is not likely to be equaled again for at Proprietor latislled. Vrr »nii dl*ere=: »redes or Sewing lUaehinesat $8.50, Ffstulse. by Dr. Jordan's special paia- & FARGO ÍI1-03, $12.00 and up, all ftiüy de bribed in our Free Sewing less methods. \ least a year. It is quickly absorb- Í4C‘i;r.r CsitrlQfur, but $15.50 fox this DROP DKKk CAB15KT BLBDACK is Conxult.'.tion fr« »»d strirtlyprivate. Trcatcenc per- A Cut tlds ad. out and secid tu us, !tC afremteit vpine ever offered by any nouae. TO SKXDNO au>KY and we will send ed. sonUv m by letter. A Awl se Cure in emy ezx V Gives relief at once. Opens and GRAND FORKS A number of fanners near Monterey uLlerr-.ken. Vnte for B ok. PMILOIOl-M V efl you this watch by express. C. O. D. 3EWÁRE IMITATIONS MAnnSACE. HAILED FREB. (A vtduab’e book V subject to exaEiiiinticn. ivu can cleanses the Na-al Passages. Allays In have engaged in mustard growing this I CROOK8TON_ •’ne'nenw,offering u::kr.uv.n Ea.ci.ines under various names, with varioutin- fur men.) Cell or write \ . ex tindi? it at your expreaa ofilee flammation lleals and protects the Mem • WMS-Sis Write «orne fritad ia thk-a^o and kam who nr? reliable sndwho are not and if found >ertoUj aatisf'ae- season, and a crop of about 80 tons is DR. JORDAN & CO., 1051 Markit St, S. F. ? brane. Restores tbe senses of Taste and ’ I 1 WINNIPEG ton, exaatiy aar*{»reaented and E>* £ h“3 cvery SOUEKSi lSFROVESesT, 8 . Xx st, K>KKY HOOD 1*015T OF EVri.’V KWH »cry way eqiui! t*» wattled emell. No Cocaine, no Mercury, no In expected in that vicinity. Mustard — ---- r. - — rr — 1 i ciude mkhisb made , rir-’- ilatarabrina advrriisedat jurious Drug Fullsize 50c, Trial size 10c. I HELENA ami was formerly an important crop 'in DKnCTS OF SOSE. ’> (3.71 to£6. tSunder such I at Druggists or by mail. be.t maker. * mis*leading description* J I BUTTE as llgia Sty!«» Ascric^« from the ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. N. Y. Monterey county, but has been neglect Style, »Mid Filled or Loti cob bu< BO YEARS' ed of late years. I. Le IriO. tk>« o ¿30«OO t»a!4 SOL* -_.i SAWED OAK CROP 8ESI CAtlHfT,»i*«.^nu-4. EXPERIENCE Filled Watrt^, ete. If —:--------- --------- .— m i One ¡TluscraUon shows machine .... MILWAUKEE” ' “PIONEER LIMITED' rXriU’ Rheumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease, A FEW INTERESTING FACTS... The snminer LIPPINCOTT’S The Best in Current Literature ¡0 GOODS ONE DOLLAR. The.... Northwestern Line! GREAT ROCK ISLAND. ROUTE H.B.WILLSON&CO —^ORLD ADEN VER«» RIO GRANDE ■RAILROAD. U ASHLAND NORTHWEST White Sulphur Springs EAST A BATHING St. Mary’s ne MEW GRAPHOPHONE NOT ACADEMY. A orthern N a AVAA R TOT. U the de- N S IMAKE YOUR OWN RECORDS CATARRH MUSEUM OF GRANT $2.45 COLD PLATED COLD’N HEAD 8L Ip THROUGH TICKETZ CHlOAtiO WASHINGTON PHÏUWELPH1A NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOOTH Through tickets to Ji fan »ltd Çhlnn. ri« T corúa* and Norttvrii I ; c r. Htaar.irleip C - ” ,2or information .time cards, map i aud ickets, call on or writ» *A. r. CHAIIVTON, Awiitant Gaserai pa»»enger Ageut. 1 0ÄTLAND, OKKGON. von find it the equel or better thanany of these watcher, par tte exprena acent Oik FKilE, <«.<& and express charges. Don't be Deceived by aatchy aJTCFiisc*ncci3 which wouldlsad vou to believe you couid get a eii.uUor fjikoo wairh for S3.15 to •3.13, when we m H tl rume wUehfor $2.45. OUR $2 45 WATCH is full is-rite Hsnt«»g prvnfOpen Faec. stem w indand ser.gnld plated, haadsoiu* b er.gravedandD<»U>hed.ln«hsHt* ahl-’h-ffra.lc and U a great traciaj wateh, movement 1« a nickel 7-Jevvi ed atom wind Amcri^win. warrautevl. ui»d c good'ti:re- keener. W.»tehea Jr*»« 93 evat« uu. guld-r’lrd u ate het •5. *5 and up, write fcrf.-ce Watch and Jewelr«Cats *orue. SEARS, RCE8UCK & CO. Inc.XCkicagg iSnn. SMbux » w. r-C»LU.— 5CU m .) LET US FIGURE JOB PRINTING. ON YOUR HERMAN Phillip : Wire: Fence MACHINE * Erects a Hog, Poultry or Stock Fence for about half the money required to build anv other kind of fence. Alachines and farm rights for salé by J. sei , muktu Imperial Limited. The fastest and finest train across thg continent. From Pacific to Atlantic without change of cars via Canadian Pacific. Call at or write H. H. Abbott 146 3rd street, Portland. Orc., and get further particulars. « « A 4 P atents _ _ ' CASTOR IA For Infant 8 and. Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A8HLAND, OREGON. *Lsítaay.x ci.. _ T rade M ar D esigns C opyrights A c - Anyone lending a »ketch and description may ouickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents •ent free. Oldest «gencyJoLBecunfWtrJ^va Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Spécial notice without charge, in the Scientific Jlmericati. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. M « year ; four months, f L Sold by »1 newsdealer*. 1 elosed - Ui-opping trom sisrht) to be used as a «.w isUle, siaaA er desk, the other open with full lenirth table and head in place for - sewing. 4 fane, drawers, latest 1,99 ekoletea Iraar. carved, paneled, em- bes-ed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer puha. rests on tour casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. >l.e«t lerse Hl<k Asm bead, positive four motion feed. Belt threading vibrating shuttle, automatic i bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension li berator,improved loooe wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress guard, bead Is bradw>a.<.|; drsorated aad orasamud aad WssUtally nlrkrl trlnmed. GUARANTEED tbe llgkt.rtraaabc. west d.raW. aad aaarMt ; .«Ueless aarktae asJo. K.sry kaon attaetairar is f«r«l.brd and our Free In struction Book tells just bowanyonecan run it and do either plain oran, kind of fancy work. A ^O-Yc&r»’ Bindlar Guaracieeig sent with every machine. i IT COSTS YOU NOTHING ^•—“*«“fce<M.«>aehl...compare Itwlth . . .... ----------------------------- ■ those your storekeeper sells at »40.90 to 3».':-. r.nd then if convinced that you aie saving to Wo 00, pay your freight agent tbe Slfi.SQ. ¡ ’i EKT: ES YOUR $!>. 50 if at any time within three month» vou Bay you are not satisfied. 0RI»R TU-DAT. , -ON T DKQAT. (Seal», ’toebuck A Co. are thoroughly reliable.-Editor.) SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. AdJress, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .--------------- -—--------------------------------- 44 a ■ ---------- Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the tpod and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency.' It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures I Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, I Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Ga8tralgla,Cramps and I all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and M. Luge site contains SK times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E> G DeWITT » G0-i Chlcog* EUUENE A.BriKKWiHi