Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1900)
■fi Rich Strike on Gall's creek. Villain Still Pursues Her. Fred A. Kelly, who was up from Gold Murder and suicide were threatened Carpets at Vaupel, Norris à Drake’s. Hill Tuesday reports a very rich strike last night by L. J. 8battnck, but neither R. O. Stine was a Medford visitor yes on Gall s creek, about a mile from the ■ threat was carried into execution. Shat- Golden Standard mine of Kubli Bros, tuck is now under arrest and will be terday. and Watson. A miner named Nye from ; placed under bonds to keep th« peace. OW becoming the new clothes are when J. C. Eubanks arrived from the Bouth Montana bonded the Lawrence ledge for The complaining witness is Mrs. J. J. Tuesday. $500 and last week struck a pocket from Wacbenbeimer. they see you in one of Hart, Schaffner which he mortared out $1600 in one af The trouble is alleged to have been D. G. Kams of Medford went to Shas | & Marx ready-tailored suits or top coats, ternoon to meet current expences. He brewing for some time and culu inate 1 ta Springs yesterday. has since taken out $5000 in specimen last evening when 8iiattack promised and you’ll have the inward satisfaction of know Assessor J. C. Pendleton was in San rock and a low estimate places the wholesale slaughter. It is said that Shat ing you wear the best that money can buy. The Francisco the past week. amonnt of ore in sight at $10,000. Sur tuck is infatuated with Mrs. Wacben Complete Lines. IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine H. S. & M. suits are guaranteed. ......... Clearance sale of summer goods at veyor J. S. Howard of the Gold Hill beimer and followed her to Portland from Up to Date Goods, Line of Fresh Clean Goods High Line Ditch visited the discoyery California. Tbe woman’s husband is in Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. and reports it likely to be one of the Alaska. According to statements made THE BEST TAILOR CAN’T BEAT W. E. Price and H. E. Piggies arrived biggest in the country. Shattuck met the woman and another NIN ING ER BLOCK from the south yesterday. ierson last night and he threatened to THE FIT, AND AT Hoi mes—Booth. NEAR DEPOT ill her and then himself. - Tom Hammersley of Gold Hill is a OUR PRICES THEY’RE AS EASY TO A very pleasant and quiet wedding Tbe ease will come np For iiivestigation policeman at Baker City. was consummated at the home of Hugh in the Police Cou>t this afternoon.—Port BUY AS HALF THE COMMONPLACE. Miss Monta Maegly of Portland is vis H. Gillette on Church street Tuesday land Telegram, July 17. THROWN-TOGETHER CLOTHING iting Jacksonville relatives. afternoon, the contracting parties being The above named parties were in Ash Mrs. Melvin Van Natta is out from Chas. M. Holmes of Ashland and Miss land recently. She ha.! him arrested for that has neither style, shape nor good workman Amy L. Booth of Grants Pass, Rev. W. larceny and then did uot appear against Portland visiting relatives. I3ST ALL BRANCHES B. Moore, pastor of the M. E. Church at him. Later he stole some articles from ship to recommend it Re Lost—Ladies ornamental comb, Medford, conducting the services. With her at Riddles. ward. Please leave at this office; a Bible pillowed directly in front and at It Saved His Leg. Mrs. W. H. Swank andC. E. Abel left the feet of the contracting parties, a HART, 80HAFFNER ft MARX. symbol emblematic of the Bacred institu Monday for Yaquina bay on a visit. P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga.. suf tion of marriage, they professed their fered for six months with a frightful run Mrs. K. K. Kubli returned to Jackson love for and faith in each other and were ning sore on Lis leg; but writes that Back- ville Sunday from a visit in Portland. I made one by the bleseing of the pastor. len’s Arnica Salve wholly cured ii in five Mrs. D. T. Lawton and children of The bride is the daughter of Hon. days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it’s U Medford are at the Yaquina bay ocean. John O. Booth of Grants Pass, one of the best salve in the world. Cure guar AL.1ÍEIV DAVIS, P. 8. Casey came up from the Gold the best known and highly respected anteed. Only 25ets. Sold by E. A. Standard mine near Jacksonville yester families in Oregon, and by her culture, S herwin . refinement and amiable character has day. Spring Street, Ashland, Ore Miss E. Corda Smith on Saturday sold an extended circle of friends. GUARANTEED OLOTHING. Fred A. Kelley, the mining man ot Mr. Holmes is a native of Monroe, her sightly and handsome home on the Gold Hill, was m Ashland Tuesday on Wis., and has been connected with the crown of the hill opposite tbe Presby business. Southern Pacific R. R. Co. for the past terian church on Main street to A. McCallen of Lakeview for $4000. Be Thos. Jones, the popular merchant of seven years as tiain dispatcher in all the sides large roomy two story house the leading and responsible points on the Hornbrook and Henley, visited Ashland system and holds many letters of recom lot is a 90x386 feet. Mr. McCallen is a yesterday. CENTRAL POINT. Will Isaacs is up from Medford. mendation showing faithful service fqy highly esteemed citizen and well-to-do Refrigerators, tents, hammocks, lawn the past twenty years, having filled im man of Lakeview and his wife and child Prof. N. A. Jacobs went to Salem on* District Attorney A. E. Reames was and camp chairs, at Opera House Furni portant positions in the operating de ren have taken up their residence in this Monday’s train. in Portland this week. ture Store. partment of our trans continental rail city. Their new home is the Capt. Thos. J Merley preached in the Baptist church I ' Conductor L. B. Hendricks and wife way lines. A man of clean habits and Smith place, which has been for years Mrs. J. S. Wentworth returned Mon last Sunday at 11 a. m . ASHLAND. Or., Thursday, July 19, 1900 left for San Erancisco today. uprightness of reputation his many before the advent of the railroad one da}' from a visit with Dunsmuir friends W. H. Bradshaw of Lake Creek tarried friends wish him and his fair bride a i of the best homes in Ashland. The lot Mies Lillie Patty of Roseburg was on anil relatives. in town Tuesday night. * long and happy life with a fulfillment of j ' will be terraced and the premises geuer- KLAMATH FALLS. today ’ s train for Sacramento. Frank E. Ankeny of Sterling has gone their ideals. Their home will be in Ash-1 ! erally improved by the new owners. Dr. E. Kircbgessner has returned from his ranch at Ft. Klamath. Mrs. Chas. Hines has undergone an to Portland to enter Armstrong’s busi land. Second and Successful Jail Break The members of the Grand Army of Thos. Baldwin of Brownsboro, was in operation at Portland for floating kidney. ness college. Deatti of Mrs. J. C. Tolman. the Republic of Southern Oregon and by Young Winslow. Central Point Wednesday. Misses Mae and Kate O’Toole of Miss Linnie Croasman arrived yester Mrs. Elizabeth Emily Tolman, wife of Northern California will hold their an Phoenix have been guests of Miss Jessie day from Sacramento to visit her parents The successful jail break and escape of W. J. dwell of Davenport, Wash., is Gen. J. C. Tolman, died at her home in nual reunion this year in Ashland, Sept. Clint during Chautauqua. Herbert Winslow Thursday afternoon paying relatives and friends a visit here. for six weeks. Ashland Monday after a serious illness 110-15th. The veterans hope to make has caused the officials to heave a sigh of An elegant stock of summer goods of about three weeks. Born—In Central Point July 13, 1900, to quite a success of this meeting and will Miss 8. P. Brooks arrived today from relief. After the attempt made last Prof. H. C. Baker and wife; a 9 lb. boy. Boston, Mass., to visit her sister, Mrs. have arrived at Vaupel, Norris & Mrs. Tolman has been ill with the get up a program attractive and popular A. F. HUNT. Tuesday that was so unexpectedly flus- J. L. THORNTON. Drake’s. WM. STORM Politics is very quiet here at preseut; all T. K. Bolton. grippe. Saturday Drs. Pickel, Parsons, to suit the times. Governor Geer and trated, young Winslow conceived a more parties several other distinguished public men seem to be satisfied with the candi Songer and Brower opened her for the Carl Wills and Hugh McKinzie went Representative Geo. Topping of Coos clever scheme that worked out to the dates expeoted to be present. The old county visited Josephine county rela to Dunsmuir yesterday to erect a resi purpose of operating, but failed to dis are satisfaction of all concerned. With an soldiers desire to have a big affair like cover anything needing an operation. Quite a number of Central Pointers are tives last week. dence for Engineer A. W. Cole. old pocket knife he sawed an iron bar in in the mountains at the different summer The funeral services took place at the that of five years ago when Mitchell and one of the windows and with the aid of resorts. Miss Merveena Kenney returned home late Ed Tinsley is up from E, A. Leeston residence at 10:30a.m. yesterday. Hermann were here and which brought a-two-by-four taken from the bric-a-brac Smith’s Gold Hill mine visiting his to Jacksonville Tuesday from a visit Rev. F. G. Strange offered a prayer and a great crowd to Ashland- H. C Hensley bas the contract of pnt- father who is ill. on the wall, pried the bar out sufficient with Miss Mabie Pelton in Ashland. a quartette composed of T. K. Bolton, Have you seen the Rayoycle, the best ly to enable him to crawl through. His ting up a large apple house for P. W. Elmer Patrick and Misses Winnie Bol and handsomest wheel made; will run Miss Etta Palmer left Monday to make Oiwell Miss Lizzie Moreland returned Sunday escape was not discovered until later in county where Bhe has her future home at McMinnville. She ton and Isa Duncan sang. The pastor 1000 miles without oiling; will run 27 News is scarce this week and the town . from Klamath coun the evening when the sheriff arrived was accompanied by Mrs. Roxana White. read from the scripture and made ap per cent lighter than any bicycle made. with his dinner. The last heard of him very dull; harvest is in full blast and every- been teaching school, propriate remarks concerning the de J i ,, .. , he was biking for California via the body busy. Misses May Phipps, Julia Fielder and ceased and the occasion. The interment Tbe easiest hill olimber made. For sam Mrs. Alex. Ross and son of Victoria, ple and prices call at Reeser’s hardware shortest route. A J. Daley of Eagle Point, soul sleeper, B. C., is visiting her brother-in-law, Etta Medynski, Medford ladies, went to was in Ashland cemetery. store. preached in the Baptist church last Sun John Ross, at Clawson. Colestin yesterday for a three weeks A joint installation of officers in the day at 3:30 p. m. Elizabeth Emily Coe was born July stay. Klamath lodge, I O. O. F. and Rebecca 24, 1829, in Mt. Sterling, Ill., and moved Religious Items, Mrs. A. B. McRae arrived yesterday Mrs. N. Stidham retimed from Glendale lodge was held Saturday evening, after last to Iowa in 1842 where she was married from Williams, Cal., to visit relatives, Mrs. J. B. Standard returned Tuesday two Saturday accompanied by her Rev. G. W. Brown will preach in the which, refreshments were served by Re daughter.«. morning from a visit at McComb, Ill., to James Clark Tolman, April 27, 1852, Presbyterian church next Sunday morn James E. Patrick and wife. Stella and Elizabeth. beccas to the members and guests. The two days later starting across the plains Congressman David B. Henderson of and with relatives in the Willamette with her husband, arriving in Yreka, ing. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. and following are the officers for the respec Mrs. Walter Damon of Ashland is here C. E. meeting at 7 p. ni. in attendence on her sick mother, Mrs. Iowa, speaker of the house, was on this valley. tive lodges: I. O. O. F.—J. B. Camp Leever. Cal., August 24, 1852. They moved to who is expected to depart this life Col. J. B. Eddy, ex-railroad commis noon ’ s south bound train in a private bell, N . G ; W. W. Hazen, V. G.; Wm. at any time. Services at the Baptist church on Sun Coos Bay the same year and returned to sioner and editor of the Forest Grove Rogue river valley in 1854. car. Terrice, Sec’v; John W. Siemens, Treas. day as follows: Sunday school at 9:45 Times, visited his brother in Ashland John Grieve, special constable, sold a Rebeccas—Mrs. Alice Goeller, N. G.; She leaves a husband, James Clark a. m., preaching at 11; subject, “The A popular excursion will leave for San Tuesday. boiler and engine at the Kelley mines on Mrs. Frances Boyd, V. G.; Miss Kate Sardine Tolman, of Ashland, and one son, John Chautauqua—With a Prelude to the Kas> Francisco to attend the semi-centennial creek last Saturday. D. Lynes I Wight, Sec’y; Mrs. Alpha Castel, Treas. was the purchaser. F. Busey, who was a member of Co. B Crittenden Tolman, of Dawson City, N. tern Question.” of California’s admission into the union W. T., three daughters, Mrs. Hattie T of this city in the Philippines, came np blowout. Miss Margaret Collier of San Francis Services at the Congregational church from California last week and visited the Blount, Mrs. ErnmaT. Helman and Miss next Sabuath are as follows: Sabbath co and Miss E. E. Foulke, 8. 8. Foulke REAL ESTATE. COLEMAN BROS, Proprietors Fireman Gust Edlund left for San veterans. Ida Tolman, and one brother, Harriso.n school at 9:45, preaching at 11 a. m. and and R. B. Mitchell of Gazelle, Cal., ar Chas E Bavard to Geo N Raff, 6 acres in Francisco today to enter the hospital for Coe, of Ashland, and two sisters, Mrs. rived here Friday and will take a few sec 14, twp 39, 1 e.$450. Wm. Spence of Rock Creek, near Peli Mary Leightqn and Mrs. Harriet Leigh 8 p. m., Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. A.11 Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra rheumatism. Dorsey McDonald accom weeks outing at Crater lake and other A cordial welcome to all. Esther Li nee to Ella H Perry; property panied him. can bay, accompanied by his daughter ton of Iowa. attractive places. in Medford. $600. Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Miss Irene, arrived Tuesday on a busi Mrs. Tolman was a highly esteemed The Sunday school and preaching serv Hon. and Mrs. W. M. Colvig of Jack Wood? to O H Wiley: lots 15, Rnfua 8. Moore and wife arrived here 16, Wallace pioneer lady and a remarkably good ice of the M- L- church Sunday will be sonville are attending the A. Q. U. W. ness trip. 17 and 18, blk 54. Medford. $700 Monday after a short trip to San Fran G W Lance to 8 H Duffield; land m sec and Degree of Honor grand lodges at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Roberts returned woman, kind, patient, tenderhearted, held lu the Chautauqua Tabernacle, cisco where they have been spending 21 twp 36, 4 w. $2500. Sunday from their trip up north. Mrs. all speak in a loving and affectionate The evening service omitted. Salem this week. their honeymoon. H Sanders to F E Duffield; 3U acres ad R. visited his folks at Yoncolla while way of her, especially those who knew J. T, Abbett, pastor. Rev. Robt. McLean, the champion Tom joining Gold HUI, $327. her best.___________ ' did Portland. Geo. Hurn and family returned from TheW, 0, T. V. will hold a union A J Daley to Geo Brown; lots 4 and 5, blk fisher—both in catching as well as in the Rogue river valley Friday after visit 1, D A E’.« add to Eagle Point, $150. Temperance meeting at Chautauqua tab- Mrs. Stewart, formerly the wife of storying—is out from Portland toying The Chautauqua Assembly- EGGS FOR HATCHING ing with relatives for a short time. TJ Kelsoe; land in sec 32. twp 35,1 w. with Rogue river trout. ernaole Sunday evening, 8 o’clock. Vis ex-Confluctar Ernest Stewart, was on The eighth annual assembly of the S. iting olergyman will epeak, W. E. Pauli yesterday's train en route to Klondike Ralph Bacon, Howard Betts and Joe $15. Otis Helman who was called here by ----- FROM A A Davis to W I) Clumpner and wife; O. C. A. closes its ten days session in of Klamath Falls will recite and Mrs. Downing of Gold Hill, arrived here Sat lot 3. Harbaugh's subdivision near Med the serious illness of Mrs. J. C. Tolman from San Francisco. Ashland Saturday evening with a grand Whiteman will sing a solo. urday on their bicycles. ford, $600. Mrs. L. L. Riley and children came up concert. The attendance has been good returns to Sawyer’s Bar today. Mrs. W Hunt to J T Downing; lot 12, blk 27, H. will remain a few weeks. The Elders at the Church of Jesus from Grants Pass yesterday and together and everything is passing off satisfactory Alex Martin jr. and wife returned from Gold Hill.$80. Christ of Latter Day Saints hold services with Mr. Riley will leave Saturday for to both the public and the management. California Saturday. BREEDER OF HIGH-CLASS POULTRY. T J Downing to C Vronian, same prop Mrs. H. K. Hanna and son Leon of the Crater lake tour. The principal epeakers that have been in Granite hall Sunday afternoon at 2:30 erty, $75. Jacksonville left for San Francisco today o ’ clock. All are earnestly invited to at heard were Dr. Thos. McClarey and Con Have mated three grand pens of Bar red P. Rocks Town of Gold HUI; to T J Downing; lots to spend the summer. Leon will spend Joseph 8. Lane of Lakeview has ac WIMER. tend. They also hold services on the » gressman Landis ef Indiana, Alton Pack 1 and 2. blk 24, Gold Hill, $80. eggs, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. 8. C. B. Leghorns cepted a position at Hotel Oregon. He some time at Pacific Grove. Joe Shirley is indisposed this week. Jos Owen to Florence Bolt, lot 13, bit 26. ard, the cartoonist and chalk talker, of same day at 8 P ni. in the Btelleview and Black Minorcas, $1.00, pr 13. Black Langsban, is a descendant of Oregon ’ s pioneer school house. B. E. Skeel, a young man formerly of Dayton, Ohio, and Chaplain W. 8, Gil 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one Most all.our farmers are engaged in har Gold Hill, $75. 8 W Speas to Mollie Speas; 3 acres ad Medford, died at Salem Tuesday of hem statesman by that name. bert. Mrs. Abigal Scott Duniway will vesting. point at Oregon State Show of being as~good as joining Medford, $1. Edw. Oldendorf, a prominent business be heard Friday afternoon. The Metro orage of the lungs, aged 22 years. The AnuQuuctnient. Address, E A.- Roseburg, Oregon. W. A. Van Goethem made a business E Lavenberg t> 8 Robbins; west >4 of iota funeral took place at Grants Pass. man of Buenos Ayres, Argentine Repub politan Jubilee Singers (colored) give trip to the Pass today. 7 and 8, blk 13, Phoenix, $50. A full line of patterns and epring lic, South America, arrived in Ashland Eliza Robbins to 8 Robbins, e of same Rev. F. G. Strange of the Presbyterian Friday to visit his mother whom he has concerts tonight and tomorrow night. styles of Ladies and Misses costumes, James Brisco, of Bybee springs, was lots. $1. church leaves tonight for Portland, Ta not seen in many years. tailor made. Inspection of this depart seen on our streets one day this week. Lucinda Adams to Alexander Chisholm, coma and his former home at Seattle on The Chautauqua chorus which has ment is invited. Close attention paid to W. Wright made a business trip to property in Ashland, $1200. Mrs. Mary Miller of Jacksonville and been in training under Prof W- J. White Dryden, Josephine county, yesterday. He A D Helman to A Chisholm; same prop a month’s vacation. He preaches in the Mrs. Newman Fisher of San Francisco man o.f Denver. Col., will give a grand the wishes of patrons. Don’t fail to see First Presbyterian church in Portland these beautiful samples and get price says the roads are very dusty. erty. $4. returned to Jacksonville Tuesday after concert Saturday evening which will before you buy. If I cannot save money W M Lynch to V A Broadbent; 160 acre* Sunday. James Owens made a business trip to in the assembly. Mrs. F. leaves close the assembly. The following are for my patrons I do rot ask for their Jacksonville one day last ween. He reports in secs 41 and 42. twp 34, 2 w, $700. Ladies wrappers, shirt waiqts, dress taking the singers: for her home in two weeks. Emma Hall to .1 H Stewart; 2 acres ad patronage. D. A lle >;, Sales Agent. business rather dull in Jacksonville. skirts and summer dress goods must be joining Medford. $650. TKK0B8. • The VVanamaker Agenoy, DePeatt H. BOIVIN, Manager. Dr. J. H. Nelson, wife and two chil closed out before fall stock begins to ar T E PoUenger to G R Lindley; lot 3, blk Jqbn Owens arrived here from California Mrs. T. K. Bolton, Prof. E. E. Wash B’ock, Ashland. dren who have been visiting her old rive. Vaupel, Norris & Drake. 28. Medford. $45 qne day last week. He will visit his family J. O Gist, W. A. Carter, ti. W- friends in Ashland left for Southern burn, Jos T Million to Bennett Million; inter here for a short time before returning to COR. MAIN AND CHURCH 8TREET Ganiard Building, Brown, Wm. Clyde. J. F. Tout. The Aslilanil Creamery. est in land near Ashland. $1. California Monday. Mr. Nelson is California. Chautauqua Personals. HASS Eq. Bennett Million to J T Million; land near Ashland, Oregon, county clerk of Yamhill county. Hon. D. S. K. Huick and wife have re ASHLAND, - - OREGON. W. Wright our teacher will begin a short Ashland. $1. Miss Anna Jeffrey was a visitor this C P-. Grubb, G W. Trefren, A. F. Eddy, home from a visit of several term here tne 30th of July and as soon as Many of the Cape liome people got Monte Briggs, Eugene Berry, Fred Neil, turned G H Andrews to B Seusy; lots 6 and 7. week. weeks in southeastern Oregon and Ash he completes that term fie will begin a blk R, R R add to Ashland, $112.50. after 'arriving. J. Harry Will Pauli. W. V. Moore. A- W. Silsby, land, Shop is now open. Geo. H. Calhoun was up jrorq Gjrants disgusted 1 Pinkston, socin having had a very pleasant vaca term at Canyonville. Douglas Co. Miss Call and see his new stock of Fine Elmer Patrick, Robt. McWilliams, Rev. B Seusv to Luxe McGinnis; same prop the railroad man of this city Maud Devore will be his assistant. tion. Mr. Buick tells us that he visited P-W- Use. erty. $600. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Nothing but First - Class has already arrived in San Francisco the Ashland creamery while iD that city, Sam Geary to P Applegate; quartz claim Miss Jennie Woodford is visiting Miss and A. G. Rockfellow has returned to SOPSANOS. Prof. M. E. Rigsby, of Utah, arrived in in Elk creek district, *50 Work turned out. and was surprised at the extent of the Watches and Clocks Repaired. our burg one day last week He tits de Seattle, Mesdames D. L. Rice. James Riley, N business done among the farmers of the T J. Kelsoe to A R Bradney; 160 acres in Lizzie High. cided to make this his future home having sec 28. twp 37, I e. $165. Clayton, Daisy Walker, Ella B. Mills, Miss Beulah Warner is at Clayton’s Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lauclilan have re H. purchased tne property formerly owLed by Halley Groat, O. D. Caldwell, Estelle vicinity. A large four horsa wagon, H Griner to W 41 Pomeroy; 160 acres in. during the session, turned from Sacramento where they at Moore, G. W. Webb. J. O. Gist, J. 8. rigged up with a double dock, was em Mrs. (’alley. The Prof, made the trip on sec 21, twp 31,2 w. $90. PICTURES! the funeral of his venerable Herndon. Misses Maude Berry, Mamie ployed in daily gathering up the milk his bike. Ella C. Smith to A McCallen; lot 2, blk Miss Zudah Owen of Medford is tak tended mother, Mrs. Margaret Lauchlan, which McWilliams, Ida Ganiere. Jennie Church from the renoues that supplied it. The PICTURE FRAMES! School closed here the 43th inst. with an 26. Ashland. $4000. ing in the entire session. took place there Saturday. The de man. Lizzie Williams. Mary Caldwell, Rose proprietor informed Mr. Buick that lie T D Conklin to GF Vose; lot 6, blk 32, eniertainmant at night. After the services Badger, Emma Russell. Jennje E Qarnum would be in Roseburg in a few days pre Rev. J. 8. McCain and wife of Medford ceased was aged 77 years. were over the boxes were sold to the high Gold Hill, $100. Ethel Stratton. Relle Anderson, Mabel pared to establish a skimming station Marv J Husted to A J Stewart; lots 15and are taking in the assembly. est bidder. The school realized $19.75 from Mrs. H. T. Coffin and daughter Mabel MOLDINGS Goodyear. Gcnfevieve Tiffany; May Tiffany, Chas. Hosley and Geo. H. Bogue, Mgrs. said sales with which to purchase seats. 16, blk 20, Medford, $600. J. C. Ferguson and family of Medford were on Tuesday’s train for Oakland, May Grainger, Gertrude Engle, Laura here if tli,e farmers wished to furnish CABINET WORK John Mugge to Crantill & Robnett; lot 3, Mr. W. H l^wis auctioned off the boxes milk. The natural conclusion is. why Miller, Iva Washburn, Lulu Briggs, Kittie stretched a camp thia week. Cal., on a visit. Mr. Coffin, who was UPHOLSTERING and he proved to be an expert auctioneer. blk 10. Central Point. $60. At Original Old Stand— Bertha McFherso'n. Leda Rice, should no,t a creamery pay in Roseburg, John Axtill to Mary A Mugge; same once superintendent of the Ashland Million. The boxes averaged 98 cents per b>x and GENERAL REPAIRING Rev. J. F. Wallace and family of Neil Hattie Silsby. if tiie Ashland institution can afford to MAIN STREET, OPPO. BEACH BLOCK, the lowest one brought 75 cents. The property as above, $10. mine, is engaged in mining in the Blue OF FURNITURE creek are among the campers. ALTOS. buy cream here aud pay freight or ex pnpils did exceedingly well and deserve Telephone No. 304. River district east of Eugene. Mesdames G. VV- NeJsou, L E. Norris, pressage upon it to that place?—Roso- An Epidemic of Diarrhoea, ■ . . much credit. II. H. Mitchell, wiie and son Harold ; WM Jeff Devenney, who is clerking in W. M. Cia.vtnu, H. F. Murdock. Misses burg Review. Mr. A Sanders, writing irom Cocoanut of Medford are among the campers. . Wiiuer, July IQ, 190Q Whybark & McIntosh’s st^re Itarjrl- Ethel Walrad, Fannie Fox, Amy Caldwell, AT THE Grove, Fla., save there has been quite an Miss Aileen Webber of Medford is 8on Gulcl),' Shasta county, 'arrived last Jessie George, Jessie Rose, Irma Patrick, Hoitl's Svlpiol, ASHLAND epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a assistant accompany^ at the assembly. week on account of the death of his sis- Frances McWilliams, Myra Abbett, Nannie UNDERTAKING PARLORS. McCallen, Inez Kitebin, Leora Hughes, Menlo V’btki iMn Mateo county, Cal. severe attack and wasenred by four doses GIVE THEM A CALL Jeff Howard has rented the Green Springs. of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar* Judge Silas J. Day and daughter and [ ter, Mrs. W. W. Walters. IIis two Fern Whiteman, L. L. Carrick, -May VVqr- Has new buildings, newly furnished lab I brothers are working in the big mine den, IrmaSilsby. Kate Ar.glÿ- |Mabè7 Jones, oratories and gymnasium. Beautiful sur Bert Davis is erecting a cottage on Sticky rhoea Remedy. He says be also recom Mrs. Mamie Dox, arrived Monday and there. Lyle Watsoq. roundings, careful supervision, home in flat mended it to others and they aav it is the returned yesterday. Besides the adult chorus of 77 voices fluences, is thoroughly equipped and of D. T. Pritchard has moved his watch Miss Cora Linn came up from Jackson W. 11. Shepherd has a new binder bought ■ best medicine they ever used. For sale by E ugene A. S herwin . of E Veil. ville Tuesday to visit relatives and [ and jewelry store from the Nininger Prof. Whiteman has trained a chorus of fers superior advantages for the care and block to the Ganiard building, three 111 children that area wonder. They trgning nt boys and young men. Ac friends during Chautauq ia. J. D. Williams was here last week run credited at the universities. Tenth year doors nearer thè depot, and is prepared will take part in the concert. Damaging Train Runaway. ning the binder. Mrs. H. G. Fairclo came up from 1 to serve the public in his new, neat and begins August 6, 1900. Send for cat Program fq» tonight as rendered by alogue. Redding, July 13.—Last night, when a Medford Friday and leaves for Horn attractive quarters. Call and examine Rev. Mr Craig was here recently on his Metropolitan Jubilee Singers: freight train bouud for Oregon, drawn by brook after the assembly. way dojvu the valley. IRAQ. HOITT, Ph. D., Principal. lis new stock of goods. ASHLAND, OREGON. OPPOSITE PLAZA. PART I. D. B. ReauiM of Medford was here Satur two engines, whs climbing the heavy Mrs. J. C. Pendleton of Table Rock Noonday ’ s Oregonian contains a goad grade above Upton, a coupling gave way, day going to the springs. Sousa and Miss Bennett of Oakland, Cal., b<D’e >hotograph of John D. dwell of Central 1. Stars and Stripes < • « • FREIGHT AND and 30 cars loaded with fruit, started 3. Greeting .Company Tom Taylor and Philander Doaier started ba k. They passed through Sisson seem been visiting the assembly. *qint who wrs recently appointed a re 3. Jubjlee BAGGAGE TRANSFER, High “ole” Time. Mr. F. H. Kersey Thursday morning to Lake county. J. W. COX, Proprietor. Mrs. W. J. Vawter, Mrs. 0. W. Palm gent of the Oregon Agricultural College ingly at the rate of 70 miles an hour. Swing Low Sweet Chariot......... Geo Shepherd went to Bald Mt . Sat Half a mile below Sisson is the Pioneer and Miss Ora Adkins came up from Red at Oorvalljs. Tne appointment is a good 4. ............................Miss Fannie Stewa Wood For Sale. with his abeep. Mr Straight is bis herder. Box Factory. Here seven of the cars ford today tQ taHe in the concerts. one, the young man being extensively 5. Fly, fly, fly... .Mr. Joe A. Hagerman A First-Class engaged in the horticultural and farm Two lads stopped here Thursday awheel broke loose and pitched oyer apembank Misses Leia Oarrick, Mae Worden. 6. My Old Kentucky Home......... ..Meal For Ice Delivered Daily in Season for refreshment. They were bound for ment. The others continued on -their Flora Wright, Mrs. H. F. Murdock and ing business. ......... Mrs. Pearl AmosIHagerman Pendleton. mad course. At Big Canyon, three miles Will Pauli of Klamath Falls are taking Anything yon want cooked Judge Alex. Sweek, a prominent Port OLIO. LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Several campers have been stopping at below Aisson, the runaway train again ths entire session. to order with promptness land lawyer and democrat visited Ash 1. Piano Solo....... Mrs. Ollie B. Tayloç the springs Walla Baldwin has been parted, some of the cars flying the track and dispatch. All Hours. land friends this week en route home Hon. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman, Mrs. 2. Metropolitan Male Quartet - ■. ‘ stopping at soda springs. and being dashed to pieces. The other ------- OF------- Gus Newbury and Miss Bernice Camer from a trip to San Francisco. At the ............................... -Ytlé.. Fun y Boys The Leonder Bro's, show passed here re half dcsen continued over a high trestle on of Jacksonville and Miss Nellie Towne recent election Judge Sweek was elected Solo. Seclected...... ............... cently going to Ashland to show. They around a loop and finally shot off the oint senator from Multnomah, Cqlum- .........Mrs. Pearl Amos-Hagerman traveled front Portland going around rails below Mott, after running 10 miles. of Phoenix arrived today for the con oia and Washington coqfitiea- He will through eastern Oregon. Tbey travel in All the timbers are in splinters. Fortu certs. 4. Base Solo. Old Sexton............. be one of the most influential members wagons. -------- o-------- nately, no trains were encountered bv .............. . ..............Thos. H. Crump T. D. Gilmore, railroad agent at of the upper branch of the Oregon legis the runaway. Upton, arrived yesterday with his wife lature. part III. Call and get my list of properties for safe Dunsmnir has ordered the tinhorn The north-bound California Express, and boy to visit his folks. They go on which includes all classes and kinds, and frateruitv and their women out of town. which left here this morning, is detained to Portland to spend his 30 days’ vaca We call attention to the advertisement 1. John Saw the Holy Number.. . at prices to satisfy anyone. .............. ..................... ;..H.' Jenkins They have been aftiicting Jackson county at Dunsmuir, and the south-bound, which tion. of the Southern Oregon State Normal Prepare Me Lord. ..................... 2 with their taalodoroua presence. School appearing in another column of My loan department is weHequipped and should go through here before noon to .................. ...................... Mr. Crump Miss Lillian Julien of Shasta Valley of this issue. The schoql reports a suc 1 can handle money for parties wishing to day, is at Sisson waiting for the track to and Miss Kate Anglon of San Quentin, cessful year, with encouraging prospects 3. Ding, Dong Bells ... Mrs. Hagerman invest, to their advantsge. be repaired. Cal., prominent teachers and well-known for the next season. Many teachers are 4. Bass Solo. (By special request) I represent some of the best Fire Insur ....... . ....................Mr. Hqgermqq There are no better pills made than De- ladies of Siskiyou county, arrived Mon taking the marmai courses, both for the ance Companies in the country and would Will's Utile Early Risers. Always prompt day to attend the Chautauqua and visit sake of the professional training, now |fi. This “Ole” Time Religion.Mr.Urump be pleased to write your property. You PAPER-HANGING friends. and certain. E. A. S hbbvis . .............. pretty generally demanded, and also as |0. Thompson’s Goodnight. Tingle. cannot afford to carry the risk yourself. 3^-You k now that what America fly whole audience. i Visitors in Ashland dating the Chautau- the best means qf preparation for secur DONE CHEAP FOR ¡THE NEXT Insure against accidents—they are al wnyw ' qua are numerous. Among those noticed ing the state papers. The Appetite of* Goat. 8IXTY DAYS. happening and the next may be to you. 1 we handle you can buy BURN I are the following: have the best and strongest company io The following Grants Pass people are Is envied by all whose Stomach and Medford—Hon. W- I Vawter and two IF. IF. EORDNEY, the world. D. T. Lawton, C. W. Palm, A. M. camped for a month on Steamboat in the Liver are ont ol order. But such should GILMORE—In Foots creek precinct, sons, reasonable. Woodtord. Will aud Hans Hockenyos, Applegate district: F W. Chausse and know that Dr. King’s New Life Pills, give Bellview. July 9,1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orton Wiley. 41. U. Lumsden, H. L. farutlv. Mrs. Chansse and H. D. Chausse a splendid appetite, Bound digestion aud or P. O. Box 86. Gilmore, a daughter. SPECIAL BARGAINS. and Miss Ida Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gilkey, I. A. Webb, Geo. Faucett, C. I Hutchinson and wife. Will and Lonis Lister, Mr. and Mrs.” Ira Tompkins. Mr. a regular b.xiily habit that insures perfvcl Warner, Ralph Woodford, Bert Miller. and Mrs. Ed. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Henry bealUi and great energy. Only 25c. at New G-room house with one acre of land Jj^Come and get our prices died . Geo Grizzle, Frank Waite and family, W. Harth, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Judson Mr. and E. A. S herwin . in a variety of fruit, one block from North Mrs. Claud Grimes, Mrs. Witherspoon. 41. Hembree and wife. Stella Dados, Vergie school house. $750.06. Ch û«m- Woodford, Gertie Wilson. Harriet (»dgers, Misses Daisy Taylor and Maggie Meade JONES—Near Oakland, July 2, 1900, Grace before buying. Odgers, Bessie Conde. Jessie aad and Messrs, Bert Barnes, Ernest Lister snd 8ix-roonj bouse on large lot with choice Nellie Mclnery vs T J Mclnery; di Charles Jones, father of G. W. Jones Bessie Wnite, Elsie Wiley, Effie Grizzle. Roy Pool. ’ fruit; good barn; Mechanic St. $750.00. vorce. of Ashland ; aged 74 years, 4 months Miss Montague, Jessie Wurman, Alinaie Grants Pass is exulting oflto* the fact Kelly & Co vs White & Jacobs : tq w- Fine house and grounds adjoining North and 15 days. Ross, H. M. Coss. Hi Filers, Moliie Barne- -nver $191. v-nTW- school grounds, for sale at • bargain; no burg, J. A Whitman and wife, Dr. J. M. that the local ice plant has shipped a cover ARMSTRONG—Sear Jacksonville, July Keene, Mrs. Root, Rev. Adolph Haber ley, carload of ice to Portland. I Mgy'DcYa Harbaugh. 1 ' va J f White j ta reasoDaale offer refused. - "L 16, 1900, Berniee Idelt, eldest daugh Rums COX, Carl Webb, Peart Webb, Mrs. Henry Huggins, traveling ageqt qf the | fecoyer Ì3332.2Q. Main 84., near Bridge. ter of jC. J. and Mipd F. Armstrong; 1. A.-Webb, Mr». E. B. Piciel, Mrs. O. W. Wh4‘- aged io years, 10 months and 7 days. Isaacs. ▲8AL1MP, 0*1. Harbaugh ’ |1784 25, OUH FRIENDS WILL TELL YOU PERSONALI AND SOCIAL. SUMMER STOCK Dry Goods..... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING Horse Shoeing a Specialty. First-Class Wagon Work. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. REMEMBE^-^ VALLEY RECORD. Ten^dollars cash trade, after June 9 th, with Sherwin, enables you to get a family picture enlarged free of cost. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Ashland, Oregon. BUY : AND SELL : GREEN FRUITS. ■S EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS ». T. PRITCHARD, Watchmaker and Jeweler. . . . ASHLAND TINNING&PLUMBINGGO. Southern Oregon Meat Co. Fresh Heats of AU Kinds and Chop House. FRUIT JARS ! Wö have ’em. Mason’s, Vacuums, Extra Tops, Rubbers. 25-Cents. __ _ Give Me a Call. House, Sign or Buggy Painting ITO «SSW OVERALLS & I Ashland Gro. Co. Record Job Department is First-Class. GEO. W. T REFREN