OUR FRIENDS WILL TELL YOU ••• OW becoming the new clothes are when they see you in one of Hart, Schaffner | A Marx ready-tailored suits or top coats, and you’ll have the inward satisfaction of know­ ing you wear the best that money can buy. H. S. A M. suits are guaranteed. M M The M THE BEST TAILOR CAN’T BEAT THE FIT, AND AT OUR PRICES THEY’RE AS EASY TO BUY AS HALF THE COMMONPLACE, THROWN-TOGETHER CLOTHING that has neither style, shape nor good workman ship to recommend it GUARANTEED olothino . VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. CENTRAL POINT. VALLEY RECORD. George Mrs. N. Stidham is visiting her sons and John Stidham of Glendale. J. W. Ingram has returned from ASHLAND. Or.. Thursday. July 12, 1906 Henley, Cal., much pleased with his Tragedy at Placer. Prof. N. A. Jacobs came up from Med­ ford Tuesday. Miss Amy Booth came up from Grants Pass yesterday. Mre. C. W. Palm is visiting the Hockenyos camp. A. D. Naylor visited the assembly yes­ terday and today. Joe McConnell and wife arrived from Grants Pass today. Rev. J. 8. McCain and E. E. Phipps were here yesterday. Hon. E. D. Foudray and wife are at­ tending the sessions. Miss Grace Morey, the cooking school teacher, arrived Monday. Mrs. J. B. Russell is over from Yreka visiting relatives during the assembly. Editor Arthur Conklin of the Oregon Mining Journal, Grants Pass, arrived to­ day. Dr. J. W. Robinson, wife and child arrived from Jacksonville today to re­ main. Miss Belle McDonald is visiting Miss Nora McClendon en route to San Fran cisco. Representative W. A. Carter of Gold Hill and Sam Morris of Rock Point ar­ rived yesterday. G. W. Blodgett, millman at the Gold Standard mine near Jacksonville, is at­ tending Chautauqua. Mrs. Geo. S. Calhoun and son and Mrs. D. McCarthy, daughter and son ar­ rived from Grants Pass yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Ray and children of Gold Hili and her sister, Mrs Olive Payne, arrived today to attend the session. Mrs. Jack Frizell and son came over from Yreka Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fox, during Chautau­ qua. Rev. G. W. Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Craig, Robt. A. Hopkins, Miss E. E. Huse, Miss Lola Collins and other Klam­ ath Falls people are attending the as­ sembly. Mrs. W. J. Whiteman, the contralto Binger of Denver, and Miss C B. Dex­ ter, the soprano singer of Oakland, Cal., have both made their debut and acquit­ ted themselves handsomely. Hon. and Mrs. D. 8. K. Buick of Rose­ burg are spending the week in Ashland, the guest of Mrs. H. Ralph. They have been visiting their son in Silver lake, Lake county. Walter Buick brought them to Ashland. Hon. Rufus Cox and Judge W. F. Crosby, Medford, and Col. A. N Soliss, Jacksonville, registered at Hotel Oregon today. They are here to drink intellect­ ual and spiritual inspiration at the feet of the saints. SAN FRANGiOCO. CAL. MI m ^ena Men, both of Vrcka. wutbwari aud play the local uiue, quarters as he travels through the coun­ try selling Dr. Ward’s remedies. He responds to the name of “Doc” quite readily. There are no better pills made than De­ Witt's tattle Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. E. A. S hebwis . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wight of Kodiak, Alaska, arrived at Seattle this week and will soon be here to visit her relatives. Mrs. Wight was formerly Miss Do^a Anderson Mr. Wight has been tne manager of the Alaska Commercial Co. at that place for many years and will move back to the states, perhaps mak­ ing their home at Seattle, Wash., where he hM iotenrti. IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine Line of Fresh Clean Goods NININGER BLOCK NEAR DEPOT WM. YEO & CO. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING IIST ALL BZRÆJSTCŒÏKS Horse Shoeing a Specialty. First-Class Wagon Work. Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. REMEMBER— Ten dollars cash trade, after June 9th, with Sherwin, enables you to get a family picture enlarged free of cost. Wooden. Religious Items, There will be service in the __ ______ Trinity Episcopal church on Sunday next at 11 a. in. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Ail are cordially invited. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints bold services in Granite Hall, Sunday afternocn, July 15th, 1900, at 2:30 o’clock. The subject of the afternoon A. F. HUNT. will be “Mormonism; Its P.ace in the World of Religions.” All are cordially invited. Father J. S. La Croix of Jacksonville will celebrate Mas3 in Holy Rosary Cath­ olic church in Ashland next Sunday at 10 o’clock. All are invited. J. L. THORNTON. WM. 8T0RM ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga., suf­ fered for six months with a frightful run­ ning sore on his leg; but writes that Buck- len’s Arnica Stive wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it’s the beet salve in the world. Cure guar­ anteed. Only 25cts. Sold by E. A. S herwin . Ashland^ Oregon. June 1900. Weather Summary, Following is a summary of weather ob­ servations at Ashland during month of June, reported by F H. Carter, local ob- serverforthe Oregon StateWeather Service; Precip ’ tion in inches. PANTS The sum of $150 in cash was raised and notes for $350 more to be paid when taken from the gate receipts were signed and the work of erecting a high board fence on the three-acre lot at the Helman natatorium will begin in a few days. The purpose is to make suitable grounds for baseball and football play­ ing and a grand stand to seat 650 people Job printing at the R ecoup office will also be erected. The sporting grounds when completed will be the MAlUtlED, finest in the interior. The Ashland baseball club were wir­ McCARTON- MOSS—Yreka, July 8, ing the Stanford University nine at 1900, by Hon. J. S. Beard, Superior 8pokane, Wash., last evening to have Judge, John Alexander McCartou and them stop off in Ashland on their return Marr A Prvce. et al. to Nellie Do.lge; lot 16 blk 14. Hold Hill. $100. Sn«an Dodge to Nellie Dodge; lot 17, blk 25. Gold Hill. $30 <» & T Co to Jessie Dodge; same property, $35. W A Carter to Eva M Newton; 10u acres in see 3. twp 36. 3 w. $400. Complete Lines. Up to Date Goods, 1st Lieutenant—I. E Vining. 2nd Lieutenant—H. 8. Evani. 1st Sergeant—Elmer Patrick. Quartermaster Sergeant—W. Y. Crowson. Sergeants—Walter Denny, Frank Grubb. S. F. Ward. Corporals—8 F. Foster. Blaine Klum, J. A. Meliza, R L. McWilliams, W. C. Faster, Privates—P. L. Andree, W. Applegate, J. F. Butler. H. Brannon, Wm. Cottrell. F. M. Combs, J. D. More, F. C. Easter, A. J. Eddy, H. Carter, C. L Galey, S.Grubb, Wm. Gowlai.d. F. M. Hendrix, G Hern­ don, H. H. High. W. F Long, E. W. Long, R. Lozier, W. Mauzey. J. Millsap, O. MiUsap A. Mills, H. Mill, Jas. D. Moore, G. W, Miller, Leon Patrick, F. Roper, A. Radcliff, W. E. " Smith, 1 1. J. ’ici) MLCWUo, Spencer, L. • wavauii Sackett. Geo Stevens, ZU. M . L. Smith. C. Taylor, H. Van Sant, G. T. Watson. Wm. Maass, H. Werth, J i i i i STOCK Dry Goods..... Clothing, Boots & Shoes Co. B of this city left on last Saturday morning's 2:40 train for Camp Geer near Salem. The encampment closes on the 15th. The following are present from Asband, including Major J. L. May: Captain—J. E. Thornton. WIMER W. H. Mowatt passed here Monday Warm days and cool nights. going out to the mountains. Everyone busy haying and cutting grain. J. Nunan of Jacksonville was stopping Joseph Wakeman spent the4th in Wimer. at Soda Springs the past week. The Chinese ask. “how is your liver.” Curtis Manning has gone to the mines to A band of 1800 goats passed here instead of “how do you do?” tor when the work. Thursday from California going to Rose liver is active the health is good. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills Joe Manifold of the O’Brien mine spent burg. for the liver and bowels. E ugene a . S her ­ the 4th in Wimer. »Valter Howard has returned from his, win . Charles Owens went to Grants Pass yes­ trip with his brother who drove a baud Mies Lucy and Aggie George attended terday on business. of horses to Canada. the Fourth in Grants Paes, returned Sat­ Ruby Williams we are sorry to state is The 4th here was quietly spent. At urday to their home at Kerby. They indisposed tn is week Songer’s soda spring quite a crowd as­ were accompanied by Miss Carrie Announcement. W. A. VanGoethem made a business sembled. Ice cream was served and a Umphlett, who will spend Borne time trip to the Pass yesterday. good time ensued. Several in buggies visiting friends in the Illinois valley— A full line of patterns and spring E. L. ('lark wears a broad smile this went to the springs above. H. Judge Courier. styles of Ladies and Misses costumes, week. Wonder wbat is the cause? and others were up. The day was tailor made. Inspection of this depart­ Salem Correspondent Eugene Guard; ment is invited. Close attention paid to Will Haymond, of Woodville was inter­ favorable, except being slightly warm. Major J. L. May, one of the most able the wishes of patrons. Don’t fail to see viewing friends here one day last week and popular officers of the Second Ore ­ Avoid all drying inhalants and use that these beautiful samples and get price J. C. Williams ir the ‘Boss” gardener. which cleanses and heals the membrane. gon, says the state has now the beet before you buy. If I cannot save money He has the finest garde», in this community. "Elv’s Cream Balm is such a remedy and National Guard in its history, and that for my patrons I do not ask for their W Wright and wife will probablv spend l cures Catarrh easily and pleasantly. Cold if a call were n\ade tomorrow the state patronage. D. A llen , Sales Agent. their vacation visiting friends in Douglas in the head vanishes quickly. Price 50 c. could furnish a regiment which would The Wanamaker Agenoy, DePeatt at druggists or by mail. even eclipse the famous “ fighting Sec ­ oounty. Catarrh caused difficulty in speaking and ond.” It is pride of manhood which Block, Ashland. Mrs Geo B. Ross, of Central Point, is 1 to a great extent loss of hearing. By the makes soldiers. Oregon ’ s sturdy visiting her mother Mrs. McCarvel here 1 use of Ely’s Cream Balm dropping of mu­ Leonder Bros, big shows are coming to this week. cus has ceased voice and hearing have sons are in the ranks. Professional Ashland for two days commencing July men and college graduates are side by Several of our voung people are afflicted 1 greatly improved —J. W. Davidson, Att’y side with day laborers in an euqal pride 16. It is a big attraction and always with colds this week. We trust they will i at Law, Monmouth, 111 draws crowds. The Oregonian of May for proficiency. recover soon. 14 says of the show: We get more than SAMS VALLEY. W. Wright has accepted the principal­ L. W. Van Horne’s house was on fire our money’s worth was the general ex­ John Dugan started his header yesterday today. Flames extinguished before de^ ship of the Canyouville school in Douglas clamation of those that attended Leon­ on the McClendon farm He will be kept partment arrived. county at $55 per m 'nth der Bros, big show in their large tents W. A. Van Goethem. our popular mer­ busy for some time it he fills his engage­ at the corner of 10th and Clay. It can DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are famous chant, ha.« ■ bran new boy at his home He ments. be safely asserted that it presents more little pills for liver and bowel troubles. says Bryan will have another extra vote Arthur Morrison of Trail was in the val­ Never gripe. E. A. S herwin . novelties and gives better satisfaction this fall. ley a few days since. He will go to Klam­ than many shows of the kind which Jas. K Meade who has been mining ath ina few days to put U m hay for James charge much larger admission prices. [ here for the past six months left for East­ ■Jordan, of whom Mr. M has a contract to Death or Mrs. Walters at Phoenix. One of the greater attractions is Prof. ern Oregon yesterday He will return this put up 300 tons at 80 cents per ton. Mrs. Lulu Devenny Walters, widow Hunt’s troupe of performing dogs that fall to mine during the winter months. Harvest cameon very rapidly this year of the late mining man, W. W. Walters, the people of Portland have ever seen. School will close here next Friday and All the grain in this section is ripe and the well known in Ashland and the adjoin­ Another great act is the flying Malverns, there will be a free entertainment given in farmers are more t '.an a wees behind their ing counties as a prospector for ten years Mrs. H. Judge returned last evening the worlds greatest three-brother-act; the evening after which there will be a box engagements in cutting. The second crop and discoverer of the Spencer mine and from San Francisco. She was accom­ also Sid Baxter, the juggling wire walker. supper The b >xes will be sold to the of alfalfa has been cut and is now ready to highest bidder and the proceeds will go put away aud is a much better crop than the Walters and Carlson copper mine panied by her son, Will Judge of San Among the other numerous performers near Coles, died at her home in Phoenix Francisco, who will remain some time can be seen aerialists, acrobats, leapers, towards purchasing seats for tbe school the first. last Friday afternoon, aged 32 years. Come one and all and assist in the good on a visit to his folks and old friends. contortionists and clowns that are fun­ Pierce Askeu. Gas and Eddy Pankey and work. The ladies especially are respect­ George The funeral took place Saturday after­ Littlefield of Roseburg have just ny. Mrs. R. M. Foster returned Monday fully requested to bring boxes and their returned from a prospecting trip on the noon, the religious services being con­ Leonder Bros, big show is an attrac­ best fellows. night from a visit with her daughters ducted by Rev. Chas. Hoxie, interment head of Cow creek. Just prospecting was all The celebration at Wimer was a decided they found. 6us Pankey and Littlefield in Phoenix cemetery. in Portland. She was accompanied by tion for grown up people as well as for children. Don’t forget the date, two success ajid every one present expressed will return to their homes at Roseb irg Mrs. Walters died from the eSects of Miss Hattie Oliver, the milliner, who themselves as having a good time. The while the other two will work through har­ drinking carbolic acid. About 2 o’clock will remain here several weeks on a day8 commencing Monday, July 16. Admission 25-50cts. program was fully carried out with the ex vest here. in the morning her young son was vacation. ceptfon of the bicycle races which failed to H. W. Corbett, tbe Portland million­ aroused from sleep by the moaning of A huge rattle snake was killed yesterday materialize K L Clark was in some way Miss Hattie Martin, for several years thrown from one of the race horses during just outside of our little village by Gus his mother and immediately apprised clerk in Lipman, Wolf & Co.’s department aire banker and a prominent republican one of the races, but fortunately was not Panker and George Littlefield. The men the neighbors who found her in bed un­ store in Portland, arrived Tuesday night candidate for United States senator has seriously hurt. The baseball game was bad camped over night and tbe next morn­ conscious. Restoratives were applied to spend a month’s vacation with Ash­ been sued bv E. E. Peterson in Mult­ hotly contested but wa« won by the h--me ing tbeir attention was called by their dog but she never regained consciousness nomah countv. Tbe complaint alleges team. Tne literary program was excellent narking at something on tbe ground »about and passed away at 4 o’clock the same land friends, the guest of her sister, Mrs. that Corbett, about August 1, 1899, did twenty feet away from tbeir bed. When A. H. Pracht. and Hon. J. B. Jones ds-erves special men­ alienate the affections of plaintiff’s wife, thev approached the spot they found tbe afternoon. tion for the oration he delivered Mrs. Capt. J. L. May, daughter Laura Inez Peterson, and bave improper re­ The lady had shown slight signs of dog bad Mr Rattler at bay. A Winchester was brought to action and the rattler was suicide. She had been in ill health for and infant son Dewey left Tuesday for lations wmhs echool year. County Judge Chas. Prim was in town Monday and committed L. G. Goodell to the asylum. Sheriff Orme and E. A. Carter took him to Salem last night. Ladies wrappers, shirt waists, dress skirts and summer dress goods must be closed out before fall stock begins to ar­ rive. Vaupel, Norris & Drake. Horace Nicholson is up and about again from the injuries sustained in the runaway accident at Medford on the 4th of July. His injuries, though serious, were not as dangerous as first reported. No bones were broken. Allen Davis’ blacksmithing ad. ap­ pears in this issue of the R ecord . The shop is located on Spring street and Mr. Dayis is assisted by Messrs. Tyson and Dunning, first class mechanics, and they are enabled to turn out the best of work. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel and daughter Leta left Monday for a visit at their old home in Clayton county, Iowa, and relatives in other points of that state. During his absence Mr. Vaupel will in­ spect the eastern factories and empori­ ums and select the fall and winter stock of goods for the two stores of Vaupel, Norris & Drake in this city. PERSONAL, COLEMAN BEOS-, Proprietors All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits Extra 1 ............ 08 57 46 2 .............. 78 64 50 Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. 3................ 81 74 67 4................ 81 61 42 84 5 ............ 65 46 6............... 87 66 45 7.... ___ 90 69 48 8 .............. 81 49 (>5 9................ 81 61 38 10............... 6>5 86 43 11 .............. 87 53 70 EGGS FOR HATCHING 88 71 12... ....... 54 13............... 52 67 83 ---- FROM----- 14....... 74 50 20 62 15............... 66 59 51 40 47 16............... 70 58 .32 F 17 .......... . . 72 47 60 18 .............. 59 71 84 Trace WEXffi BREEDER OF HIGH-CLASS POULTRY. 70 19 ............ 85 55 88 54 71 20 ............ Have mated three grand pens ofBarred P. Rock a .15 58 61 21............... 63 eggs, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. 8. C. B. Leghorn« 40 22............... 70 63 56 * and Black Minorca«, $1.00, pr 13. Black Langehan, 23............... 70 59 64 .23 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one ■r 24............ 66 75 56 .80 point at Oregon State Show of being as~good aa 50 64 25 .............. 79 the beat 26............. 82 56 69 Address, 2E- A. ZKZLdLTSZE, Roseburg, Oregon. 68 86 50 27 .............. 64 28 .............. 77 50 72 54 29............ 63 30 ............ 47 59 71 31............... ••••It Mean temp., 64.9; Max. temp, 90on7tb, Min. temp 38on9lh; Total precipitation. 2.50 inch. Total snowfall — inches; Num­ ber of days clear, 15; partly cloudy, 5; cloudy, 10; Dates of thunder storms, 12, 14. 15, 23; prevailing direction of wind, N. W. H. BOIVIN, Manager. Mean, temp , June 19 years, 62; above normal, 2 9; Av. rainfall, June. 19 years, 1 42 in; above normal 1 08 in Three Junes Ninlnger Block, COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET show a mtn. temp, as high as this month; 2 Junes show a greater rainfall. The mean, ASHLAND, Ashland, Oregon. - - OREGON.' temp, for June is 1 degree higher than the I Sept. mean, while the average rainfall is double that of Sept. Shop is now open. BUY AND SELL GREEN FRUITS. EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS D. T. PRITCHARD, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Call and see his new stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. FRUIT JARS ! We have ’em. Mason’s, Vacuums, Extra Tops, Rubbers Watches and Clocks Repaired. PICTURES! PICTURE FRAMES! MOLDINGS CABINET WORK UPHOLSTERING GENERAL REPAIRING OF FURNITURE AT THE ASHLAND UNDERTAKING PARLORS, know that what we handle you can buy reasonable. Jp^Come and get our prices before buying. • ••• Nothing but First - Class Work turned out. Southern Oregon Meat Co. Chai. Hoeley and Geo. H. Bogue, Mgrs. At Original Old Stand- li AIN STREET, OPPO. BEACH BLOCK, Telephone No. 204. Fresh Meats of All Kinds GIVE THEM A CALL. and Chop House. OPPOSITE PLAZA. ASHLAND, OREGON. J. W. COX, Proprietor. FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER. A First-Class . .Meal For 25-Cents. Anything you want cooked to order with promptness and dispatch. All Hours. Ashland Gro.Co. . . . ASHLAND TINNINGS PLUMBING CO. Give Me a Call Wood For Sale. Ice Delivered Daily in Season LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE GEO. AV. TREFREN House, Sign or Buggy Painting Call and see me when you are in need of any property of any description, either to rent or buy. I have ranches for sale in every part of Jackson county; fine land and low prices. In the County Court of Jackson county, Small acreages of fruit land near town Oregon. and land in bearing fruit, any number of In the matter of the Guardianship of acres, large or small. Loyde W. Bryant. Lola Bryant and Edna 1 have several houses to sell in tbs city; I. Bryant, minors. prices to suit the tiiuaa. Notice is Hereby given ihat qnder and by virtue of an order ot sale granted by the HOU b E8 TO KENT. PAPER-HANGING Hon. W. 8 Crowell, County Judge of Jackson county, Oregon, and dated June MONEY TO LOAN. 13,1900, the undersigned Guardian of said DONE CHEAP FOR ¡THE NEXT INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. minors will from and after the 17th day of SIXTY DAYS. August, 1900, sell at private sale for cash the Hare are a few of my bargains: described real estate in parcels, Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres W. W. FORD NEY, Oregon Citv, July 9.—August Cebhard, following subject to confirmation by the said County in fruit. 1450. a bopgrower of Wilsonville, stated today Court To wit: An undivided three fifths Bellview. Six wore tract, three acres in fruit, good that the crop was promising but that few interest in and to • ol 13 Bellview Tract- house,-barn, etc., running water, for $500. Also an undivided two-fiftbs interest in yards in bis section would be picked, if Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two the present prospect of low prices con­ and to, beginning at a point on the East small houses, $400. line ot Helman St, Ashland. Oregon, N. These are within a mile and a half of tinued. It is evident that the growers degrees, 30 min.. E. 10) feet from 8 W Ashland. will have to pay 40 cents per bbx on ac­ 25 corner of lx>t 1. blk. 29, Ashland, Oregon. Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely count of a scarcity of pickers, which Thence S. 63 degrees 46 min , E, 167 feet to W unimproved, $200. would make it unprofitable to harvest the boundary of A. I) Helman ditch; Thence Hotel property in town, for sale for H90tK crop. Uopgrowers iu that section do northerly along west bank of said ditch One hundred acres fine valley land, two- not favor pooling their crop with the 52 3-5 ft; Tteuce N, G3 degrees. 46 mm., W, miles from Medford, $4500. 142W ft. to east line of said Helman 8t ; State Hopgrowers’ Association. Call and see me tn regard to. any of th» Thence 3, 25 degrees 30 min. W, 50 feet to above, and if they do not suit, I have » Three train loads of horses represent-? the place of beg'nning large list from which you might choose F DELPHIA C. BRYANT, iug 1317 horses and 49 car loads were GEO. W. TREFREN. shipped to St. Paul from near Pendleton Dated Julv tl, 1900, Ouardian. the other day, Guardians Sale of Real Estate. Ashland, Oregon, Record Job Department is First-Class. Main Sirwt, X«w Bridge. Akhlcnfl, Oi.