Ease; tìrot VALLEY RECORD ASHLAND, OREGON Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. R a TK8 : One Year............................................. $1 75 8ix Months....................................... 1 00 Three Months.................................... 50 8UB8CBIPTION VALLEY RECOBD. VALLEY RECORD Advertising Rates Given on Application. ASHLAND, JACKSON Successful Balloon Ascension. The balloon ascension did not take place at Medford on the 4th of July on account of the wind being too strong. However, the ascention took place there Saturday morning at 11 o’clock. The balloon went up about half a mile when the auernaut cut loose and descended with his parachute lighting on a barn about the time the balloon (which had a rock tied to it) landed. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, PRESSED BRICKS. ASHLAND, OREGON JULY 12. 1900. Cannot be better spent than bv subscribe ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it! NO. 7. Jail Breaker Andrews Writes. We recieyed on Monday a letter from I a man at St. Johns, Whitman county, Washington, who signs himself Herbert Andrews, and eays that he broke jail at Klamath Falls a yearagolast June. He says he was not guilty of the charge that jailed him, which was alleged to have been in Jackson county, and that he was afraid he would not get justice if he stayed. He tells how he got out. By notching his pocket knife lie was able to use it as a saw, and thereby saw the bars until he could break one of them. He broke off a table leg and used it as a pry to break the iron bar. Then he took off his clothes so he could squeeze through, and then got out and once more breathed free air. It was about one o’clock in the morning when he broke out, and he went up to the reservation and from there to Klamath Marsh. He says he saw a Jackson county deputy sheriff hunting for him, and when he saw him he hid behind a log about thirty feet from the road. After various wander­ ings he went to the place he writes from. He requests us to publish his letter, which we do in this abbreviated form.— Klamath Falls Republican. PUaX and S weet and free from every New Dry Goods & Clothing Mrs. Celia Bachand went to Klamathon blemish is the skin, scalp, Monday. and hair preserved, purified, and W. H. Brunk took the star as chief-of- ■ beautified by police Sunday. C uticura S oap . It prevents the Miss Pearl Hibbard of Seattle is visit­ cause of pimples, ing Medford relatives. blackheads, red, rough band», dry, S. S. Pentz of Medford visited his fam­ thin, and falling ily at Dunsmuir last week. hair, and baby ..................... PHONE NO. 205...................... Miss Marie Webster came over from blemishes, viz. :the Hogue River Celebrated. clogged, irritated, Dunsmuir Friday on a visit. The people of Rogue river gathered at inflamed, or slug­ Dr. J. 8. Herndon is practicing mud- the old Geo. A. Jackson place to cele­ gish condition of the P ores . No other soap is brate the 4th of July. There were icne at Lakeview for the summer. to be compared with it for about 500 people present and all had a W. F. Dorn has returned to Central preserving, purifying, and good time. The proceedings opened by Point from a visit at Boone, Iowa. beautifying the skin, scalp, the reading of the Declaration of Inde­ hair, and bands. No other Harry Lee returned to Yreka Friday pendence by Miss Nettie Dawson, after soap is to be compared which R. O. Stine of Ashland entertained after a visit with Miss Mollie High. with it for all the pur­ the audience for an hour and a quarter poses of tbe toilet, bath, and Mrs. E. J. Payton returned Sunday nursery. Thus it combines in with a fine oration. Dinner was served from a visit with Dunsmuir relatives. O ne S oap at O ne Pities — by Bird Johnson and Neil Gage. In the namely, 25 CENTS — the best County Judge Chas. Prim was up from afternoon dancing, boat riding and other skin and complexion soap, and Jacksonville Monday on a business trip. amusements were indulged in. the best toilet soap, and best Anna Jeffrey and Miss Griffin were up baby soap in the world. . ConimiBsloaers' Court. from Talent Sunday visiting a relative. Ordered that all supervisors be al­ Miss Mary Silsby returned Saturday lowed their compensation up to July 2, from a visit in Portland and Northern 1900. jStonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, The Simon-Mitchell Quarrel Report of hospital keeper approved. points. In matter of road petition of Andrew Bud Scribner and wife left for Ft. Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. Portland, June 30.—It is given out in Grissom; ordered that Wm. Stinson. Jones Monday to work during the sum­ select political circles that the turning Fred ¡Tice and F M Centers be appoint­ mer. down of McCamant at tbe Philadelphia ed viewers with Garl T Jones surveyor, Dr. Braden returned to Gold Hill Fri­ convention was due to Mark Hanna. ’““-“■'.FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK to meet at beginning of said road Mon­ day Certainly Senator Lodge is too courteous from a business trip to San Fran ­ day, July 23,1900. a gentleman and withal too unfamiliar G W Trefren allowed $14 04 rebate on cisco. © with Oregon politics to have refused a An elegant stock of summer goods delegate taxes paid on land of R L Porter. from this state a right to the Royal Brown appointed stock inspec­ have arrived at Vaupel, Norris & floor, without such a course being dic­ tor for Jackson county, to hold Baid Drake’s. tated by a stronger man than he. office at the pleasure of the county court Dave Crosby, landlord of the Riddle The whole facts are as stated in my and to file bond in the sum of $250. House at Riddles, visited Jackson county former communication to the Chronicle In matter of Rogue river free ferry; last week. that Mark Hanna has determined to use ordered that the contract heretofore all the power of the administration to Miss Anna Pinkston leaves Berkeley, made on June 7, 1899, with John secure the election of John H. Mitchell Watkins ferryman, be renewed for one Cal., this week for her old home in to the United States senate from Oregon. Have you thought of the Steamer Trip ___ year and his bond of $500 with Thos E Tennessee, The shrewdest of politicians guess that across the “ Great Lakes ” ? It com- Nichols and J 8 Vestal be approved and Miss Emma Coleman returned to Sis­ there is a good sized contribution to the bines the attractive features and benefits same instructions heretofore given ferry­ kiyou Sunday from a visit with Mrs. C. national campaign fund by certain rail­ of au ocean trip without the attendant light, flaky, discomforts. man be continued in force. W. Root in Ashland. road influences subject to this absolute Warrants drawn on treasury for deal. biscuits, rolls, Furthermore, it is less expensive thau Melvin Stine and wife returned to month of June, 1900, $4790 25. Tiie quarrel between Simon and Han­ Warrants drawn on treasury for Yreka Saturday from a visit with her na, the statement of the latter that he travelling by rail. Makes wholesome. folks at Jacksonville. month of July, 1900, $2186.58. regarded Simon, Corbett and Oregonian The “ Imperial Limited,” with first- Bond of Alex Orme in sum of $10,000 Frank Amy and wife and Miss Effie as the trouble breeders in Oregon repub­ class Bleepers from Vancouver, and Tour­ qualities it alone. for sheriff, approved, also bond of Alex Pankey of Central Point are at Crescent lican politics, is now a matter of history. ist Sleepers from Seattle every Tuesday, Orme for tax collector in a like sum ap­ City visiting the ocean. A very close friend of former Senator Thursday and Satuiday, connecta with proved by the court. Mitchell states that the latter is opposed one of the Magnificent Steamers of 8. W. Johnston returned Sunday from Bond of Gus Newbury, county clerk, I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to any compromise with Simon. His the C. P. Ry. at Fort William. in sum of $10,000, approved, also bond a visit at Santa Ana and other South­ friends will ask for a caucus of the re­ to all others.—C. G orju , late Chef, Delmonico’s. ern California sections. of P H Dailey, school superintendent, If you are going EaBt we would be publican members of the legislature and approved.________________ Mrs. Lee Minkler went to Dietz, Sis­ will state that they went into caucus and glad to give you some facta and informa­ Edwin VV. Stratford, son of Rev. J. L. kiyou county, Sunday where he is em- abided by its decision when Simon was tion regarding this trip. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. elected. Either the Simon men will Stratford, died in Douglas county July ployed on tbe railroad. H. H. A bbott , Agent, 4 8th of measles. Miss Helen Silsby of Palo Alto, Cal., thus be forced into a caucus or justify 14G Third Street, Portland, Or. their opponents in calling them bolters. Stock Items. KLAMATH COUNTY. The traditional luck of the Oregon ap­ arrived Sunday on a visit to her father, They will caucus. Mitchell’s strong Opera House Block, Ashland. Engineer John S. Silsby. E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A'., Louis Gerlier started 300 head of beef Born—In Merrill, July 2, 1900, to Mr. pears to have left her, or surely she nev­ card will then have to be played. Han­ er would have attempted the overland Vancouver, B. C. Dr. C. W. Barr of Lebanon was in na will be forced to eliminate McBride— cattle from Brookvale stock farm last and Mrs. A. E. Austin, a daughter. route to China. town Saturday en route home from the that genial gentleman and accidental Saturday for Montague; their destina­ Dr. B. R. Freeland of Ashland is at , senator—will be told by the national TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- tion is Sacramento. This is the first lot At Oakland, last week, J. W. Jones of San Francisco excursion. NOTIUE FOR PUBLICATION. of beef cattle taken out of Klamath coun­ Hotel Euwana practicing dentistry. to get out of the way—he will Elkton, was fined $50 and costs, by Jus­ Dr. J. W. Odgers will close his office chairman 1 ty for the season of 1900. Mies Nettie Tharp has closed a success­ tice Bovingdon, for pursuing deer with in Ashland for a two weeks’ vacation be offered a choice of a dozen lucrative NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Mr. Gerber informs us that the Klam­ ful school in Poe Valley and returned to dogs in violation of the game law. positions and will yield. IJoseburg, Oregon, July 6th. 1900. beginning Saturday, July 7. ath county beef will be fully as good as Ashland. The strangest part of it all is that Notice is hereby given that in compliance New goods — art squares, rugs, lace Ben Bowers left Sunday on a business with the provisions of the act oi Congress last year. But stock raisers are not Mrs. John Perdue of Canyonville is curtains, upholstering goods, parlor and trip to Oroville, Cal. Mrs. Bowers is Hon. Charles W. Fulton, of Astoria, of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the ready to sell for at least 30 days yet, and visiting Mitchell ’ s right hand man, and a man her daughters, Mrs. J. L. Hanks extension tables at Opera House Furni­ ill with the measles in Ashland. of timber lands in the States of Ca’ifor- are counting on last years prices which who iias been twice defeated in his aspi­ sale nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ture Store. he says the market will not justify, as and Mrs. S. Stukel. Supt. G. M. Freeman of the Shorty- rations, once for congressman and once ritory,” William A. Patrick of Ashland. Charley Gardner has purchased the two-yeai olds and cows will rate at about Miss Grace A. Hughes of Arlington, Hope mine, returned Sunday from a for governor by the machinations of Countv of Jackson, State of Oregon, has Klamath Falls-Merrill mail route of W. Neb., who was elected a teacher in the visit with his family at Oregon City. $24, which is a vety good figure. Simon, urges Mitchell to accept ou this day filed in this office his sworn State- Mr Gerber also bought 1100 head of W. Hazen and took charge the first. Aashland public schools has resigned. Simon’s terms, which are tbe unani­ ment No — for the purchase of thenw (4 Thos. Reed of Jacksonville and Geo. % lots 1,2.3,4 of Sec. No. 12, in Twp. mutton sheep of Mr. Whitworth of Goose Theodore Flackue of Dairy and Miss She was elected a missionary to Japan by E. Black left Sunday on a trip to Ft. mous election of Mitchell as senator this se Lake valley at $2.85 per head.—Klam­ Margaret Sparks of Bonanza were mar­ the Baptist Church Foreign Missionary time and of Simon, in case of a republi­ No. 38 s Range‘No 5 e, and will offer proof show that the land sought is more valu­ ath Falls Express. society and will leave for her new field Jones and probably to Happy Camp. can legislature, two years hence. Ful­ to ried July 3d and celebrated together. able for its timber or stone than for agri­ of work after visiting her parents in ton, of course, would be the gubernator ­ Mrs. J. H. Kelly and two children of cultural purposes and to establish his claim Your Face Alex. Zevely of Bonanza with Rubber­ Ashland in September. Walla Walla, Walt., are visiting her ial nominee—but, if Mitchell Bhould defy to said land before the Register and Re­ neck and McKinley and Wm. Shook of Shows the state of your feelings and the and win out, Fulton would be ceiver of this oflice at Roseburg, Oregon, Emil Peil, blacksmith and dealer in sister, Mrs. L. J. Brannon in Ashland. Simon state of yur.r health as well. Impure blood Dairy with Tenino attended the Klam­ Blated for the other senatorship two on Tuesday the 25th day of September, 1900. coal, agricultural implements, wagons, Miss May Musson, who has been vis ­ makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow ath Falls 4tli of July races. He names as witnesses: John J. Cam­ buggies, etc. Bains, t|ie lightest run­ iting her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Herndon, re­ years hence.—La Grande Chronicle. complexion. Pimples and Skin Eruptions. bers of Ashland.Oregon; John R. Lozier of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bolton who have ning and strongest wagon on wheels. turned this week to her home at Victoria, It you are feeling weak and worn out and Ashland. Oregon; Elmer Patrick of Ash­ For burns, injuries, piles and skin diseases land, do not have a healthy appearance, you been on a short visit to Ashland, have Latest improved buckeye mowers. Oregon; Charles Lindsey of Ashland, B. C. use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the Oregon should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures returned home and are keeping house for . Mr. and Mrs. L. Leo Hopkins de­ Emil Peil returned Saturday from San original. Counterfeits may be ottered. U se all Dlood diseases where cheap Harsaparillns J. P. Hazen in Poe Valley. Any and all persons claiming adversely parted for San Francisco via the Francisco and Sacramento. He pur­ only DeWitt’s. E.A. S herwin . and so called purifiers fail; knowing this, the above-described lands are requested to ■ Main St. Opp. 1.0. The Nevada man who bought Mike Southern yesterday morning. On the chased another carload of buggies and 1. O. 0. O. F. K. Hall, we sell every bottle on a positive guaiantee. file their claims in this office on or before E ugene A. S herwin . Hartery’s band of cattle has started 700 way they will visit at Stockton with wagons. said 25th day of September, 1900. At the recent encampment of the In­ head for the sage brush state, the bal­ Judge and Mrs. White, parents of Mrs. J. T. BRIDGES, FAINTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS Baseball Game for $1500 Mrs. L. W. Van Horn and children diana department of the Grand Army Register. ance to remain for some time. Hopkins. In about ten days Mr. leave next week on a visit to her folks of the Republic the commander report ­ Messrs. Cal. Eubanks, Harry biggies WALL PAPER, G-L-A.S. ETG. Mr. and Mrs. John Moreland came Hopkins will sail for the Philippines to at Yaquina Bay and his folks at Kansas ed that matters were progressing fa­ TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878.- and Jack Einstein, three favorite com­ over engage in business. His wife will re­ from Ashlaud this week after their B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T win ». ARTISTS* MATERIALS. mercial men, were visiting Lakeview daughter, Miss Lizzie Moreland, who main in San Francisco for a time and City, Mo. NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. vorably ou tbe proposed Nancy Ilanks during the past week. Two weeks ago has been teaching school in Klamath then go to Cebu to join her husband— Mrs. I. Wright of Gold Hill has gone memorial, which is in the hands of the TNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Eubanks was chosen umpire in a game to Elk Horn, Wis.. accompanied by her Lakeview Examiner. J Roseburg. Oregon. July 6th, 1900 county . veterans of that state. The movement of base ball between tbe Mt. Shastas and grandson, Earl Goodspeed, who came Notice is hereby given that in compliance Miss Rose Emmitt is in the city from County Clerk Driscoll has appointed was due tc a letter received by Presi­ with the provisions of the act oi Congress Edgewoods, which was tbe most closely out for her. contested game ever plaved in the north Wm. Terrill as his deputy and sheriff Coles valley today She will leave to­ dent McKinley in 1897 from some one of June 3,1878, entitled“An act fortlie sale Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Blevens left Fri­ of timber lands in the States of California, and was won by the Mt. Shastas in a Sam Summers has appointed P. L. night for San Francisco to attend a bus­ college for two or three months. day for Tacoma to pay their daughter who had visited the grave of Nancy Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo ❖ ■core of 5 to & The result of this game Fountain his deputy. Both are former ♦ iness 4-«F++-1-4^-+W-- í -4-+++- í -++++++ tt ++-Í-+-Î-+++4-4-++++++++++ * * Fred Stockton, George Camp­ and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hauks Lincoln, at Lincoln City, in ry,” John J. Cambers of Ashland, County was a second match for $1,500 a Bide to residents of Jackson county and make of Jackson. State of Oregon, has this bell and Homer D. Angell of the U. of Faulconer, a visit. Spencer county, Iud., and had found it day filed in this cftice his sworn be played next month at Sisson. Tbe efficient officials. ♦ O., passed through Roseburg yesterday absolutely neglected, with every possi­ statement No.— , for tbe purchase of the Mt. Shastaa are negotiating with Geo. Chas. W. Prentice, nephew of Uncle Robt. Garrett, of Ashland, superin ­ enroute to Medford, going out on a gov ­ McGrath, tbe Lakeview ball player, to Collis P. Huntington, arrived Sunday on bility that tbe spot would soon be un­ n J4 sw >4 and lots 1, 2, and 3 of Sec No. t ♦ of the Ashland—Klamath Falls ernment survey.—Roseburg Review. assist them in the big money game. Me- tendent his annual summer vacation. He is em­ recognizable unless some step were 24, in Twp. 38 s Range No 5 e, and will of ♦ stage line was in the Falls last week mak­ fer proof to show that the land sought is Grath will probably accept their pro­ ing the monthly settlement. The line is “We have sold many different cougb ployed in the Sacramento car shops. • • • • taken to preserve it. The president more valuable for its timber or stone than posai.—Lakeview Examiner. remedies, but none has given better satis ­ doing a good business and giving first- Miss Carrie George, the clever Postal for agricultural purposes, and to establish Has Returned and Has Equipped His class satisfaction under his management. faction than Chamberlain’s,” says Mr. telegraph operator at Medford, has re­ sent the letter to Governor Mount, who his claim to said land before the Register * Was It a Miracle? Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, turned from a month’s visit with rela­ called a conference of the veteran or­ and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Old Established Gallery in Ashland With Noel E. Carr, a nephew of Jesse D. N. J. “It is perfectly safe and can be re­ "The marvelous cure of Mrs. Rena J. ganizations, who formed the Nancy Oregon, on Tuesday the 25th day of Sep­ Stout of Consumption has created intense Carr who came from Tennessee two lied upon in all cases of cougb, colds or tives at Chicago and Illinois towns. tember, 1900. He names as witnesses; William A. excitement in Cammack, Ind.,” writes years ago and worked on the Carr ranch, hoarseness. Sold by E. A. S herwin . Miss Mona Pritts, sister of Mrs. W. Hanks Memorial association, of which Patrick of Ashland, Oregon; Elmer Pat­ + Marion Stuart, a leading druggist of Mun­ died on the 4th at the residence of R. Governor Mount is president The H. Burns, wife of the railroad conductor, It is said that Fish Commissioner Reed returned home to Albany Sunday after Carbon Finish. rick of Ashland, Oregon- John K. Lozier, ❖ cie, Iud. “She only weighed 90 pounds Hutchinson at Tule lake. The Klamath will movement languished during the Span­ of recommend that the next legislature Ashland, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of t Photos in Water Colors. the when her doctor in Yorktown said she Falls I. O. O. F. lodge conducted a visit in Ashland of several months. ish-American war, but lately has been Ashland, Oregon. Pictures in the Latent Styles. must soon die. Then she begun to use funeral service. He was 27 years old. shorten the fishing season to two months Any and all persons claiming adversely -5- Chief Train Dispatcher G. C. Morris taken up afresh. The department com­ instead of four, as is now the law. His Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. Dr. King’s New Discovery and gained 37 reason for this is that the fish are rapid­ returned Saturday from a business and mander said that be and the governor the above-described lands are requested to ❖ Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. MINING ITEMS. + pounds in weight and was completely file their claims in this office on or before pleasure trip to Portland. Mrs. Morris ly being exterminated. cured.” It has cured thousands of hope­ said 25th day of September, 1900. The stockholders of the Gold Standard visited Lincoln City a few weeks ago, J. T. BRIDGES. The Census Enumerator for Yreka visited Medford friends in the interim. saw the county commissioners and con­ less eases, and is positively guaranteed Mining Co. held their annual meeting in Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon Register. to cure all Throat, Ch *8t and Lung dis­ Ashland, on Monday, July 2nd, at Township, has completed his job and Each package of Putnam Fadeless Dye eases. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles which the following board of directors sent report below. Yreka has nearly colors either Silk Wool or Cotton perfect­ cluded arrangements for tbe purchase TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 — ¿-4-¿-F-5-J-4"J--5-4-¿-4-+-5--5-++-{-¿"} ”{-^-l-++:-f-++4-+++++++++4-++++++++^++í.+ free at E. A. S herwin ,» drug store. were elected: P. 8. Casey, F. G. Mc- 1300 population within limit of one ly at one boiling. Sold by E ugene A. of the site. Subscriptions amounting NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. to $1,200 have been received, and this iVilliams and H. L. McWilliams. After square mile, the corporation bounds, S herwin . City Council Proceedings. and about 250 along the boundaries out- NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, the stockholders meeting adjourned the Mrs. Edmunds of Klamathon, wife of Insures tbe construction of a suitable Roseburg, Oregon, July 6ih. 1900. The usual monthly reports of city offi­ directors met and elected the following eideGreeuhorn precinct contains over 600, the machinist in the big sawmill, visited monument over the grave of Abraham Notice is hereby given that in compliance cials were received and considered. officers: H. L. McWilliams, president; Hawkinsville nearly 300 and Humbug Mrs. Sheridan Thornton Friday and Sat­ The quarterly report of the treasurer Frank Williams, vice-president; P. S. nearly 200. Yreka Township complete, > urday . She expects to move to Ashland. Lincoln’s mother. Tbe movement is with the provisions of the act of Congress June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the comprising the above named precincts showed that both the water and general Casey, secretary and treasurer. one that has been undertaken entirely of sale of timber lands in the States of Califor­ Mrs. W. B. Johnston returned Friday will probably show a population of 2500. funds were overdrawn and to meet cur­ A. Alford and son, M. L. Alford went from St. Helena, Cal., where she left by the Indiana veterans, who are proud nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter­ rent bills and tide the city over until it Neglect is tlie short step so many take her mother, Mrs. M. A. Sisemore of of the fact that the great emancipator ritory.” Elmer Patrick of Ash’and, County to Mt. Sterling near Coles Monday to should have more oi its own funds avail­ of Jackson, State of Oregon has this .’day from a cough or cold to consumption. The 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. able the mayor was authorized to nego­ prospect their quartz mine. Wm. Angle early use of One Minute Cough Cure pre Sams Valley improved in health at the spent a dozen years of his life in their filed in this office his sworn statement Nu - for thepurchaseof tbesw % nw % and lots tiate a loan of $1500, for 90 days, from and Jordan Brown also started for the vents consumption. It is the only harm­ Sanitarium. state. It is fitting that they should satne district Monday to continue the less remedy that gives immediate results. 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. No. 14 in Twp. No. 38 8 tbe bank of Ashland. Ex-Senator S. H. Holt and son Allen guard the last resting place of the wo­ 1, Range No. 5 e, and will offer proof tc show Importers and Dealers in tunnel they are driving on the rich It cures all throat and lung troubles. Mayor Colton was authorized to pur­ T. Holt leave this week for Pelican bay that the land sought is more valuable for man who gave him to the world. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. chase one half dozen waler meters to be Klondike mine. to spend a month’s vacation. Austin its timber or stone than tor agricultural E ugene A. S herwin . used as an experiment in testing amount Jacksonville, July 5.—Henry E. An­ fiurposes, and to establish his claim to said Holt finishes a term of school at that Out of 12,000 bicycles in Portland only of water used bv city patrons. and before the Register and Receiver of keny came over from the Sterling mine place Friday. this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday Councilman H. P. Holmes was chosen this morning with nine gold bricks, about one-half have paid the tax. The Mrs. Otis Helman arrived Friday from the 25th day of September, 1900 to fill the vacancy in the chairmanship oi weighing 1270 ounces. They were de­ seizure of an unlicensed wheel by a col­ He names as witnes-es: John J. Cam­ county, to visit tbe council, to act in the absence of tne posited in the Medford bank. This is lector usually creates a scene on the Sawyer’s Bar, Siskiyou county bers of * shland, Oregon; John R. Lr.zier Tolman, . who is mayor. tbe second large deposit from this sea­ street approaching a Chinese Boxer up­ her mother, Mrs. J. C. Tolmai “ I used to ' of Ashland, Oregon; Charles Lindsey of Tbe matter of a city license upon bus­ son’s work, and it will take a month yet rising. The officer gets no sympathy very ill. She was accompanied by Miss cough a great ashland, Oregon; William A. Patrick of Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House iness was discissed as a means of rais­ to complete the clean-up. The final from the crowd in the performance of Orplia Davidson. deal and spit Ashland, Oregon. his duty. ing additional revenue for the city, and clean-up is expected to be large. blood, and Any and all persons claiming adversely the Mrs. Geo. Engle and daughter, Miss my neighbors above-described lands are requested to file Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur­ upon motion a committee consisting of A ckers D yspepsia T ablets are sold on a Gertrude, returned Sunday from Mon­ Cottage Grove, July 5.—Reports have in Dayton, their claimB in this office on or before said Councilman Whitney and Huut was ap­ positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, mouth and other northern points. Miss just been received from the Helena _ Ohio, where 25th day of September, 1900. raising of the food, distress after eating or Engle graduated from the state normal pointed to investigate and report. niture. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. J. T. BRIDGES. ^“¿.91 live, said The total amount of bills audited, in­ mine, of the richest strike that has ever any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet school at Monmouth in June. among them­ Register. been made in the Bohemia district, gives immediate relief. 25cts. and 50cts. cluding official salaries, and work upon selves that I Frank Blevens, of Nipper’s saw mill, tbe water evstem and upon the streets, this is one of the lower levels of the E ugens A. S herwin . had c o n- TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 - property. The ore carries free gold in for the mouth of June, aggregated $1300. great chunks. Gold can be seen all It is reported that the Corvallis and Josephine county, is convalescing from sumption, al­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. though they Eastern railroad is getting ready to a siege with fever. He returned home through the ore. Friday after a visit with his parents, Mr. did not tell NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, east of the Cascades. The Corval­ Moil T ea positively cures sick headache. Work has already commenced on Hel­ build me so to my and Mrs. F. M. Blevins, in Ashland. Roseburg, Oregon, June 25, 1900 Indigestion and constipation. A delight­ lis Gazette eays: Hon. J. K. Weather ­ face, for fear Notice is hereby given that incompliance ful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of ena No. 2, on an extensive scale, and ford has just returned to his home in Mrs. J. Franzen returned Friday from of making me with the provisions of the act of Congress the skin, prodaeint a perfect complexion, very satisfactory results are being ac­ Albany, and it is stated that he has been despondent. of June3,1878, entitled “An act for the complished This property , from all in­ through to Eastern Oregon in the inter a visit at Portland and Willamette valley or money refunded. 25cts and 50 cts. I kept on sale cf timber lands in the States ol Cuii dications, will equal the Helena when est of the C. & E.. and that he has filed points. She was accompanied home by coughing and furnia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington her sister, Mrs. A. B. Cavender, wife of further developed. trying differ­ Territory,” Samuel T. Songer of Ashland, a map of right of-way through the the editor of the Brownsville, Linn coun­ BOllN. ent sorts of county of Jackson, state of Oregon, has The “Boxers” of Keswick having driv­ mountains. From what can be gathered ty, Times. medicines,but this cav filed in this office bis sworn state ___ BEACH—In Lakeview, July 21, 1900, to en out the Japanese, will it now be mor- from outside sources there is every Mr. and Mrs. F. Roper of Bakersfield, nothing seemed to reach my trouble until I ment No. 1117, for the purchase of tbe sej^ Mr. and Mrs. L. G Beach, a son. ; der for the combined fleets of China and reason to hope that there is a movement Cal., arrived Friday on a summer’s visit got hold of a bottle of Acker’s English of bee. No. 10, in Township No 40 S Range ASHLAND. contemplated, that, if executed, will Japan to sail up the Sacramento and ex- Remedy. I prayed for health all the time, No. 3e. and will offer proof to show that COLLINS—In Medford, June 28, 1900. . act reparation?—S. F. Bulletin. cause much satisfaction to the people of with old friends in Ashland. Mrs. and my prayers were answered as soon the land sought is more valuable for its Roper has been spending the past four to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Collins, a son. this vicinity. as I began taking this celebrated Eng­ or stone than for agricultural pur­ months with her daughter, Mrs. Carrie lish expectorant and tonic. Since niy re­ timber ‘ The little brown man is already mak­ poses. and to establish his claim to said NICHOLS—At Eagle Point, June 24,1 ing his presence felt amongst us, and A cker ' s E sglish R emedy will 3top a Roper Von Benzon, in San Francisco. covery I have told hundreds of sufferers land before the Register and Receiver of 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols, there is likely to be serious trouble cougb at any time, and will cure tbe worst from coughs, colds--and weak lungs that this office at Roseburg. Cregon, ou Friday cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. Oregon City dispatch : J. W. Berriam, a daughter. Acker's English Remedy would cure them. the 7th day of September, 1900. ahead for Uncle Sam if he is treated too 25cts. and 50cts. E ugene A. S hkbwin . superintendent of the Rogue river hatch ­ Some of them won’t try it, and it does often with Keswick courtesy. Japan is He names as witnesses: M. M. Tucker, ery. left last night to begin taking sal ­ to ine terrible when anyone deliber­ of Ashland. Oregon; T. McHattan, of Ash­ Good Accommodations roniA. not like China, an inchoate conglomera­ Cigarette smokers have been boycotted mon eggs for the season’s work. Mel- seem I ately refuses to be cured. There ought to land, OiegoD; L. L. AngD, of Ashlaud, The IM You Haw Always Boügtt tion of millions. She is a youug and i by the Chicago and Rock Island road. W. the be a law compelling consumptives to take D. H. Yeager, of Snow, Oregon. ambitious nation, with plenty of self I An order practially has been issued to tbe drum McCown, ex-deputy fish commis­ it. Even if they don’t care for their own Oregon; &Í nature Located in the Heart of the City. Any ai d all persons claiming adversely has gone to that place to assist respect, and she is likely to resent forci­ I effect that in future no c.ne shall be em- sioner, lives, the public’s welfare should be consid­ tbe above described lands are iequested to Mr. Berriam in the work. I ployed by tbe company who is addicts 1 bly any indignity done to her subjects. ered. Don't you think so too? I hope file their c aims in this office on or before Free Bus to and From all\ Trains, Suppose she were to reply by expelling ' to cigarettes, which are thus placed on a Have you seen the Raycycle, the best such a law will soon be enforced.” sail 7ih dty of September, 1900. (Signed) M rs . R ichardson . all Americans from Japan, what would par with whiskey. Vice-President and and handsomest wheel made; will run J. T. BRIDGES, I General Manager H. A. Parker ia re- I00J miles without oiling; will run 27 Sold u SSc.. BOc. and $1 a bottle, throughout the Vnited Register. i we do about it?—S. F. News Letter. and Canada ; and In England, at Is. 2d. 2». ' done at reasonable prices at the R ecord ing a force of employes which will be pie and prices call at Reeser’s hardware We authorise the above guarantee. ottos. Ws turn out only first-claxs work, j fully 20 per cent better than the average. itorv, W. S. BQVXa * CU, fttyi Wli , »▼« ftrfc ture Store. .B aking P owder Williams Block A FULL LINE of SHOES in LATEST STYLES Just Added to Stock. New Goods Constantly Arriving. R. N. NASON’S PAINT! Í ANADIAN/-) z'PACIFIC I\Y. An Ideal Holiday Trip. Absolutely Pure FURNITURE Window Shades, delicious hot muffins and crusts. hot bread These peculiar to Makes are Main Street. Draperies, Carpets, Linoleum. J. ,P. DODGE, U ASHLAND MILLS. ^RÏPÂTËrfTFLÔÜR:^ W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S Q ■ H T FVANÇ ASHLAND, OK PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC : F. L. CAMPS The Photographer : THE LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY U THE JOHN BARRETT CO. Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. Spitting Blood U A shland H ouse N, BOURGEOIS. PROPRIETOR. OREGON RATES,t$ 1.00 PER1DAY « The Valley Record for the News.